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Every year on May 15, is the international day for the family. In 1993, the United Nations general assembly resolution (A/RES / 47/237) announced in memory of the day, it reflects the international community about the importance of family. The international day provides an opportunity to promote awareness about family problems, increase the social, economic and demographic impact on family.

The United Nations international family day inspired a series of activities, raise awareness including family day across the country. In many countries, has a stake in that day aims to emphasize on family and significance in the field of all kinds of opportunities. Activities include workshops and meeting on the theme, radio and TV programs, newspapers, monographs and literature and art show.

2015 international family day celebration activities to promote family gender equality and childrens rights, and emphasized through fair family law framework and a variety of programs intervention to prevent domestic violence.






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March 8th, uh, its womens day. Ive been thinking about giving my mother a present. Its almost time for school. I should buy her a practical point later.

Mom came to pick me up after school, just passing Li Feng, take her mother to go shopping Thats a good idea. I told her, and agreed, and we went in.

after a while, we came to Watsons, just mother thirsty, want to buy water, I had an idea, told her I came to buy water. a bottle of water, plus a gift, is within twenty yuan. I turned round the counter, looking for it. Mom was surprised and asked me, "where are you doing?"" I quickly disguised: "nothing, Im looking at what else?"......" I almost said I missed it, so I quickly made up my account and gave water to my mother. "Mom, wait for me first."." With that, I quickly looked around.

"This, no!". Well, its a bit too expensive......" The ten yuan in my hand was squeezed out of sweat. "This!" at a counter, I saw a very useful mobile phone bag. The price is ten yuan, I took it from the shelf, repeated, well: white FENBO (partial powder) at the bottom, seemingly smooth waterproof shell, soft lining, OK, on it. I gave ten yuan to the cashier, and the cashier returned me 0.5 yuan because of the discount.

Holding the mobile phone bag, I walked out of the shop and came to my mother. I handed her the mobile phone bag and said, "Mom, this is a gift for you. Happy womens day."!" Mother mischievously blinked: "thank you!"!" I smiled and asked her to open it. Mom was glad to put her cell phone in, and then she took me shopping.

Until the evening, my mother was very happy, I think, I am also very happy.



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掌权日 每年的1月4日,是瑞士某些地区的“妇女掌权日”,在为期4天的节日中,家里大小事务全由妇女说了算,男人统统“闭幕”。

求爱日 每逢闰2月29日这天,是英国旧俗中的“妇女求爱日”。这一天,妇女可以摆脱世俗的清规戒律,大胆向意中人或未拿定主意的情人示意。西班牙的“女市长节”,也在2月份。当日,由女性主持市政公务,发号施令,男人如违抗,就会被公众群起攻之。

少女节 3月3日是日本的“少女节”,又称“姑娘节”,是全国性的节日。日本人认为,这时正值红桃报春,是女性美的象征,所以也叫“桃花节”。

妈妈节 4月,在尼泊尔有一个历时3天的妇女节,来自各地的妇女,披着红色“纱笼”,成群结队地涌向首都加德满都的帕苏帕蒂庙。她们在吃饱了由丈夫烹煮的美食后,便在神像前大唱赞歌。在印度,这个月有一个“妈妈节”。这一天,已为人母者穿上彩色缤纷的“纱笼”,带上各种首饰,显得风姿绰约。这日也是一年中她们最受尊重的一天。

母亲节 5月的第二个星期日,是美国、加拿大和欧洲一些国家的母亲节,其主要内容是尊敬母亲。这一天,美国的家庭成员要按习惯佩戴石竹花,做一些使母亲高兴的事。5月29日,是中非的“妈妈节”、母亲要带着孩子参加游行。5月的第三个星期日,是西班牙的“百女节”,订了婚还未过门的少女们持花登高,互相祝福。

太太节 8月23日至9月15日,是德国汉堡的“太太节”。由妇女组成的演艺团体,专演一些宣传男女平等的戏,以示庆祝。8月12日,则是泰国的“母亲节”。

狂欢节 10月10日至15日,是德国莱茵地区的“妇女狂欢节”。在此期间,妇女“大自由”。男人们不得查探妇女活动的内容,违者会被抓问罪。10月17日,是非洲马拉维共和国的妇女节,这一天有全国性庆典,男人在当天要对妻子呵护有加,侍侯周到。

休息日 12月31日到第二天中午,是希腊的“主妇休息日”。这天,妇女在家里什么也不干,一切家务全由男人承担。




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Throughout my life, I’ve been inspired by the courage, success and determination of so many women - friends, family and colleagues.

International Women’s Day is a chance for all of us to shout loudly and together in support of greater equality, wherever it’s needed. And, since 2014, the Coalition has been focused on making Britain a fairer society: where everyone – no matter what their gender, background or circumstances, can succeed.

This includes introducing shared parental leave. So, from April next year, mothers who want to return to work early after having a baby can and their partners will be able to use their remaining leave and pay. We’re improving access to affordable, high-quality childcare to help those families most feeling the squeeze.

And we’re also changing the pension system so that it is fairer for women, and have introduced a tax cut that’s helping put money back in the pockets of millions of women. In addition, we’re working to get more women into the boardroom, and encouraging all those female entrepreneurs with a good idea to start their own companies.

More widely, we are working across the world to ensure more women and girls have greater choice and control over their own lives. We’re helping to get more young girls into school, fighting to banish horrific practices such as female genital mutilation and working to improve women’s access to justice.

I’m determined to keep going further - both in my own party and in government.

That’s my commitment for this International Women’s Day and beyond. Together, we can make a difference – locally, nationally and globally – ensuring everyone has an equal shot at the happy, healthy and successful life that they want.



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活动以最美的相守为主题,分为三个篇章:“回望·相互照亮”、 “守望·情怀共长”、 和“展望·携手梦想”,全体星韵人一路相守、一路欢笑、一路收获。


随后在第二篇章“守望·情怀共长”, 学校隆重表彰了星韵学校2015年度“十佳”女教师和“三好”教师。用青春铸就星韵辉煌的优秀教师在主席台前留下了会心的微笑,更吹响了迈向新征程的嘹亮号角。




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国际劳动节又称“五一国际劳动节”、“国际示威游行日”,是世界上大多数国家的劳动节。定在每年的五月一日。它是全世界劳动人民共同拥有的节日。1889年7月,由恩格斯领导的第二国际在巴黎举行代表大会。会议通过决议,规定1890年5月1日国际劳动者举行游行,并决定把5月1日这一天定为国际劳动节。中央人民政府政务院于1949年12月作出决定,将5月1日确定为劳动节,全国放假一天。 1989年后,国务院基本上每5年表彰一次全国劳动模范和先进工作者,每次表彰3000人左右。

International Labor Day is also called "International WorkersDay", "International Day", is the most countries in the worlds labor day. On May 1st of each year. It is common to have holiday of working people throughout the world. In 1889 July, led by Engels, the second International Congress held in Paris. The meeting passed a resolution, provisions of the May 1, 1890 international workers marched, and decided on May 1st this day as the international labor day. The Central Peoples Government in 1949 December decision, choose May 1st as labor day, a national holiday. After 1989, the State Council basically once every 5 years in recognition of the national model workers and advanced workers, about 3000 people each in recognition.


International Labor Day is also called "International WorkersDay", "International Day", is the most countries in the worlds labor day. On May 1st of each year. It is common to have holiday of working people throughout the world.



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The May Day holiday, my mom and dad back to the countryside. We drove out of the bustling city, have been going home along a country road.

A glance through the window and the countryside is very beautiful! Blue sky, white cloud, a flock of birds flying in the sky. The field is a piece of green everywhere, from a distance, like the sea of green.

Then I said, "look, dad, the field with many Onions ah." "Silly child, that is the difference," dad said with a smile. I saw on the wheat grow a lot of battles, like a needle. I also saw the field one after another big cauliflower, grow in vain, quietly lying on the green "blanket", like a mother hold in the hand of the lovely baby. "Them into a piece, vibrant, a breeze blowing, I also smelled a light faint scent.






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March 8th is our countrys womens day. On this day, all the women can take half a day off. Today is the 38 womens day in 20XX. In the afternoon, I just got out of school and looked at the time. ah, my mother will be back soon. What should I give to my mother? after thinking about it for a long time, I didnt think of anything better. I have to consult my grandfather. Grandpa thought about it and said, "usually your mother cooks.". Otherwise, youre preparing dinner for mom today."

Say, do it, I rush into the kitchen and take out the meat, tofu and green vegetables from the fridge. First, I wash the vegetables clean. I washed it three times, and every leaf was washed clean. Then I asked my grandfather to cut the tofu and meat for me. The ingredients for the stir fry are ready.

The first step is to fire. I put the hot pot, pour in olive oil. The oil is cooked, add vegetables, add a little seasoning, stir up. When the vegetables have been cooked, I put them on the plate. Take a bite. Mmm, its refreshing and delicious. It tastes just right.

Now Im going to prepare the next course: stir fried bean curd with meat. The first is oil, I cut a piece of tofu good carefully placed in the pan. Wait until every piece of tofu into golden color, like gold like, which shows the fried tofu. Then, I will stir the meat into the pot and stir fry. at the same time, also add the ingredients into a pot. at this time, a tempting smell. The food was finally cooked.

I put the two dishes on the table, just put down the dishes, the doorbell rang, and my mother came back. I took my mother to the table at once. Mother looked at the two plates of delicious food on the table and kept clapping. I took my mothers hand and said to her, "Mom, youve been working hard. Happy womens Day!"!" Mothers face was permeated with a happy smile



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If I were a volunteer, I want to make a messenger of peace, think I dont see the sufferings of the war brings to people, the war destroyed a happy family, let them their families, look, the children are suffering from the pain of the war there, that we can as happy living here? Therefore, I want to make a messenger of peace, I want to call upon the humans of the world together to prevent war, in peace, let the days ahead, we can to live and work in peace and contentment, happy life!

If I were a volunteer, I want to help the disabled, because they cant like we are ordinary people, comfortable life, no-account cannot alive like us more. So, I want to help the disabled, when free, I can chat with them, with their share of happiness in life, with their share of the ordinary people at ease, have the money, I give them back to buy some books, and can enrich their lives, so that life is not monotonous tasteless.


假如我是志愿者,我要帮助残疾人,因为他们不能像我们平凡人这样无悠无虑、轻松 自在的生活,更不能像我们这样活蹦乱跳。因此,我要帮助残疾人,有空时,我会和他们聊天,跟他们一起分享生活中的快乐,跟他们分享平凡人的轻松自在,有钱时,我回买几本书送给他们,可以充实他们的生活,这样生活就不会单调无味了。



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The world because of had the woman, but appears particularly beautiful! The regards are only the short several lines, is actually a thick true meaning! Wishes the March Eighth to be joyful, is forever young attractively!


Will not have the sun, the flowers not to open; Has not liked then not having happiness; Does not have the woman also not to love; Without the mother, also will not have the poet, also will not have the hero. The International Working Women‘s Day is joyful!


What is arrogant? Cow! What is modest? Installs! What is diligent and thrifty? Digs out! What is Fengxian? Silly! What is intelligent? Blows! What beautiful woman? You! The beautiful woman holiday is joyful!


As soon as delivers you to tie the rose, flirts to express one’s ideas depends upon it. Delivers you a peach blossom, a change in one‘s fortune from bad to good depends entirely on it. Delivers you a pallid to gather, hundred years good and count on it. After delivering you bowl of jellied bean curd to finish eating, laughed. March Eighth joyful。


1000 roses give you, wants you to love itself well; 1000 paper cranes give you, lets the worry be far away from you! 1000 ascendents give you, lets the good luck revolve you! The International Working Women’s Day is joyful!


Is also the March Eighth, delivers you ten catties iron. Boils the pot nutrition soup, makes up the calcium the blood tonic. Puts a new years vacation again, the wages gives in the same old way. What question also has, looks for green jade prostitute


The wife, today is March Eighth International Working Women‘s Day, is your great holiday! At this moment, I must give you thousands of injunctions with to send regards that this is most valuable “poor”!


My shoulder is not very perhaps broad, but covers the wind and rain sufficiently for you; My arm is not very perhaps powerful, but can also support blue sky for you. The International Working Women’s Day is joyful!


The International Working Women‘s Day delivers you the feminine keeping in good health law: 1 happy, facing me when long hangs the smiling face; 2 careful, completes matter which every I confessed; 3 intimate, forever places me first. Has remembered?


The world because of feminine birth, appears particularly beautiful! Is only small regards, is actually a thick true meaning! The International Working Women’s Day is joyful!



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Our house has a beautiful angel mommy no wings. Today is international nurses day, at the start of your morning I found my mother had to work to.

To the mothers hospital to see a statue before, mom told me it was the founder of the nurse Florence Nightingale, and told me about her story, because she saved the lives of many people, very great, people like her very much, so I gave her a beautiful name - lantern. Mother is very like to nurse the work, she saving lives very hard every day. Her job is related to the patients life, one thousand dozen wrong needle or hair wrong medicine will be dead. So my mother every day work is conscientious and also often work overtime to very late, exhaustion of body and mind back to home.

I think mothers day the first kiss, a mothers love is second to none. Tomorrow is mothers day, I wish mom in during the holiday is so happy!






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1912, the International Council of Nurses will Nightingales birth - May 12 as the International Hu Shijie, designed to encourage the majority of nursing care to inherit and carry forward the glorious tradition of the cause, "love, patience, careful, responsible Heart "treat every patient, good care. Initially called "Hospital Day", also known as "Nightingale," in China, known as the "International Hu Shijie." In this day and vigorously promote care and encourage nurses to learn life-saving humanitarian spirit, all countries in the world has become an event of the nursing profession. This year is the 95 anniversary of the International Hu Shijie.

"5.12" international Hu Shijie nurses is the common festivals around the world, is to commemorate the founder of modern nursing ---- British nurse Florence Nightingale (also known as the "lantern President") and the establishment of the .





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2009年6月26日,在西班牙塞维利亚召开的第33届世界遗产委员会会议上,审议通过了中国申报的五台山为世界文化遗产项目。 五台山位于中国山西省忻州市,此次申报的内容包括从公元4世纪到19世纪(北魏、唐、宋、元、明、清)的佛教建筑及独特的圣山环境景观,反映了各个时期建筑艺术和技术的杰出成就和特点,悠久的佛教文化传统,以及人与自然的和谐统一。

June 26 is international day of the international anti-drug day. On June 12 to 26, 1987, the United Nations held in Vienna in 138 countries of more than 3000 delegates attend the problem of drug abuse and illicit trafficking ministerial conference. The meeting proposed "love life, not drugs" slogan. Delegates agreed to June 26 each year as "international day", in order to attract the world attention to the problem of drug, called on people around the world to solve the problem of drug together at the same time.

On June 26, 1945, is the United Nations charter signing 51 countries, including China, representatives of San Francisco in the United States signed the charter of the United Nations. These signatories to become founder members of the United Nations. In October 24, the United Nations charter formal effect, this day as the United Nations day.

On June 26, 1946, Chiang kai-shek flagrantly tear up the armistice agreement and agreement, the Chinese peoples political consultative conference in 220000 troops from xinyang, roshan, the guangshan, huang, four direction attacked in zhongyuan liberated areas all-out civil war broke out. I zhongyuan military forces of more than 50000 people in the varyag immortals and led by fighting success breakthrough in July 3 road, liberation war began.

June 26, 1994, "lead into the qin" project in gansu province run-through of the main canal. "Lead into the qin" project is the gansu and qinghai provinces at the junction of the chase of the river, from the day I wish heaven temple Tibetan autonomous county, gansu province in the mountains, water diversion to 60 kilometers to the east of lanzhou city qin chuan. "Lead into the qin" project is "five-year" key project in our country, the investment of 1.57 billion yuan. The Chinas largest water diversion project construction difficulty, total length of 86.95 kilometers, the tunnel with the railway singleline tunnel quite unexpectedly took 75 kilometers, is the "underground river".

June 26, 1998, the exclusive economic zone and continental shelf of the Peoples Republic of China law formally implemented.

On June 26, 2000, the British day announced the six countries work sketches of the human genome has been plotted. China is to finish the work in the sketch drawing work only in developing countries. This put forward by scientists in the United States, and in October 1990, officially launched the human genome project, through international cooperation, with 15 years to build detailed maps of the human genome, the genetic and physical map, identify all human deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) sequence, positioning about 100000 genes, separation and identification of these genes and decoding. The implementation of the program will provide the basis for the diagnosis of human diseases and the prevention and control, to bring immeasurable change medicine industry, will promote the life science, information science, and the development of a batch of new and high technology industries.

June 26, 2009, held in seville, Spains 33rd annual meeting of the world heritage committee, reviewed and adopted the China wutai mountain for world cultural heritage projects to declare. Wutai mountain is located in xinzhou city, Shanxi Province, China, the content of the declaration from the 4th century AD to the 19th century, northern wei, tang, song, yuan, Ming and qing) of the buddhist architecture and unique holy mountain landscape, reflects the architectural art and technology in different historical periods, the outstanding achievements and characteristics of the long tradition of buddhist culture, and the harmony of man and nature.
