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It was sunny that day. Our parents were out, so there were only my brother and me at home. We were bored. So we decided to go boating. We played happily. But when we went to the middle of the river, the weather changed. It rained suddenly. We didn t bring umbrella and our boat was bamboo raft. As the rain was more and heavier, we were afraid to sink in the river. We tried our best to make our boat in shore. But our bamboo raft had more water on it. I was afraid to die. My brother was also very anxious. At that time, my mother came and she pulled us back to the ground. It was thrilling.





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Today is your day to relax and let us take care of you. Happy Mothers Day.


We will try to make this your best Mothers Day ever.


On this day we honor you, dear mother.


Where would we be without you, mom?


On this day we all sit back and think about how much our mothers do for us.


Ive tried many times to tell you, but Ill say it again: I love you mother.


Though it is hard to tell you sometimes, I do love you dearly, mom.


We will try to make this your best Mother’s Day ever.



There are little things that I should have said and done to show my gratitude, but it is appreciated what you do.


I dont take the time to tell you this often, but I love you, mom.


Sometimes I cry and make you sigh, but you know that I love you so.


To mother on Mothers Day: Thank you for all of the wonderful things that you h ave done for me.


Today is your day to relax and let us take care of you. Happy Mother’s Day.


On this day we honor you, dear mother.





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导语:团结就是力量Unity is strength. 下面是小编为大家整理的适用英文作文的英语谚语,欢迎大家阅读欣赏!

1.糖衣炮弹sugar-coated bullets

2.天有不测风云Anything unexpected may happen. a bolt from the blue

3.团结就是力量Unity is strength.

4.“跳进黄河洗不清”eve if one jumped into the Yellow River, one can not wash oneself clean--theres nothing one can do to clear ones name

5.歪风邪气unhealthy practices and evil phenomena

6.物以类聚,人以群分Birds of a feather flock together.

7.往事如风The past has vanished (from memory) like wind.; What in past, is pas

8.望子成龙hold high hopes for ones child

9.屋漏又逢连阴雨Misfortunes never come singly. When it rains it pours.

10.文韬武略military expertise; military strategy

11.唯利是图draw water to ones mill

12.无源之水,无本之木water without a source, and a tree wiithout roots

13.无中生有make create something out of nothing

14.无风不起浪There are no waves without wind. Theres no smoke without fire. 85.徇私枉法bend the law for the benefit of relatives or friends

16.新官上任三把火a new broom sweeps clean

17.虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后Modesty helps one go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind.

18. 蓄势而发accumulate strength for a take-off

19.心想事成May all your wish come true

20.心照不宣have a tacit understanding; give tacit consent; tacit understanding 91.先入为主First impressions are firmly entrenched.

22.先下手为强catch the ball before the bound

23.像热锅上的蚂蚁like an ant on a hot pan

24.现身说法warn people by taking oneself as an example

25.息事宁人pour oil on troubled waters

26.喜忧参半mingled hope and fear

27.循序渐进step by step

28.一路平安,一路顺风speed somebody on their way; speed the parting guest

29.严以律己,宽以待人be strict with oneself and lenient towards others


31.有情人终成眷属Jack shall have Jill, all shall be well.

32.有钱能使鬼推磨Money makes the mare go. Money talks.

33. 有识之士people of vision

34.有勇无谋use brawn rather than brain

35.有缘千里来相会Separated as we are thousands of miles apart, we come together as if by predestination.

36.与时俱进advance with times

37.以人为本people oriented; people foremost

38.因材施教teach students according to their aptitude

39.欲穷千里目,更上一层楼to ascend another storey to see a thousand miles further; Ascend further, were you to look farther; Would eye embrace a thousand miles? Go up, one flight. a land of milk and honey

40.欲速则不达Haste does not bring success.



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Dear Miss Liang,

I am writing to thank you for your hard work for me. With your help, I make

great progress in my study. A year ago, my study was bad and I didn’t want to

learn, but you never give me up. You told me that I was clever. As long as I

work hard, I would be great. In this year, you cared much about my study and

helped me a lot. When I made mistakes, you always pointed them out and helped me

to correct. Now, my study is much better than before, and I want to express my

gratitude to you. Hope you everything goes well.

Sincerely yours,






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This Thursday is Thanksgiving Day. The writer O’Henry called it the one day that is purely American. Thanksgiving is not a religious holiday. But it has ritual meaning. Some Americans attend religious services on the day before Thanksgiving or on Thanksgiving morning. Others travel long distances to be with their families. They have a large dinner which is the main part of the celebration. For many Americans, Thanksgiving is the only time when all members of the family gather. The holiday is a time of family reunion. Thanksgiving week is generally one of the busiest travel times of the year. However, experts say this year probably will be different. On September 11th, thousands of people died when terrorists hijacked airplanes that struck buildings in Washington D.C. and New York City. Many people now say they are worried about flying on a plane. Travel experts say almost 6 percent fewer people will make long trips this Thanksgiving compared with last year. Many Americans who usually visit family and friends by plane are driving shorter distances instead this week. Some mental health experts say the attacks have frightened people. They say people feel safer and happier close to home. More than any other holiday, Thanksgiving is a celebration of family and home. Many people say that this year they are especially thankful for their families and friends and the good things in their lives. On Thanksgiving, people enjoy a long day of cooking, eating and talking. The traditional meal almost always includes the turkey with a bread mixture cooked inside. Other traditional Thanksgiving food served with turkey are sweet potatoes, cranberries and pumpkin pie. Stores are said to sell more food at Thanksgiving than at any other time of the year, and many people eat more food at Thanksgiving than at any other time of the year. Over the years, Americans have added new traditions to their Thanksgiving celebration. For example, a number off professional and university football games are played on Thanksgiving Day. Some of the games are broadcast on national television.



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Hi, Good afternoon everyone :

My name is *** .And I am from No.*** Overseas Chinese Middle School of *** .It is really a great honor to have this opportunity for an interview . I would like to answer whatever u raise , and I hope I can make a good performance today .Now let me introduce myself briefly .

I am *** years old . I graduated from “*** University”in *** . And then I got a higher degree in“ *** university ” in *** . I have worked for *** years since I graduated from the university .And I have been a headteacher for *** years .

Being a teacher is tired but excited . Having taught for so many years , I think I am experienced in teaching field . I have ever got much honor in teaching , but still I think I need a new environment to challenge myself .

I am open—minded , quickly thoughs and skillful in searching for information on internet . I can operate computer well . In my spare time, I have broad interests .Such as reading ,surfing the internet ,enjoying music ,writing some articles on my blog and even chatting with foreign friends online if possible .

I always believe working hard can bring us more opportunities . To be the best one is a little bit hard. But “Trying All My Best ” always can cheer me up .To succeed or fail is not the only thing . Its in how we face and invaluate ourselves .This is the chance we take , and this is what weve worked for all our lives . Shining like a shooting star at night , and always smile at life .Weve got to give it all . Someday when we turn back for what the footprint we have left , time will record the victory in our heart . So “ Try All My Best ” --- this is the motto of mine .

Ok !So much .Thank you !




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Good morning, everyone! I am glad to be here to introduce myself. 各位早上好,很高兴在这里介绍自己。 Although this is my first time to introduce myself in English, but I believe that I can make a good

performance . and hope that through this simple introduction, you can

remember my name ,remember my face and i believe that we will become friends in no distant future。 虽然这是我第一次用这种方式介绍自己,但是我相信我会有个良好的表现。希望通过这 个简单的介绍,更多的人们能认识我,记住我的样子。也同样相信我们不久有机会会成为朋 友。 My name is TB and I am 24 years old, born in HEBEI province. I graduated from QinGdao University. My major is Hotel Managerment. I spend most of my time on study and I’ve acquired basic knowledge of my major. It is my long cherished dream to be an manager in hotel and I am eager to get an opportunity to fully play my ability. 我叫 tb,24 岁。河北人。毕业于青岛岛大学。所学的专业是旅游管理。上学期间努力 学习专业知识,现在我同样希望能有机会实现我做酒店管理的愿望,充分发挥自己的专业能 力。 In addition to the above-mentioned , in my spare time I like playing badminton, listening to pop music and surfing the Internet. Playing badminton can exercise my body, let me have more perseverance. Listen to music can make me relax, make me more confident. Internet can eich my knowledge, so that I have more experience. 除了上面说到的,在我的业余时间,我喜欢打羽毛球, 听流行音乐和上网冲浪。打羽毛球可以锻炼我的身体,让我有更多的毅力。听音乐可以让我 放松,让我更有信心。互联网可以丰富我的知识,扩充更多的知识。 ok .Thats a little about myself,thank you 好,那就是关于我的简单介绍。谢谢。



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“民以食为天”。食品安全(fd safet)指食品无毒、无害,符合应当有的营养要求,对人体健康不造成任何急性、亚急性或者慢性危害。“瘦肉精”事件尘埃未落,“染色馒头”“回炉面包”“牛肉膏”又接踵而来……近期食品安全恶性事件频频出现,监管到底缺失在哪儿?我们还能吃什么?食品安全成为老百姓关心的一个热点问题。请你以普通百姓的身份,给某报社写一稿件,说明这一现象,并提出你的建议。


1) 食品安全问题屡见报道;

2) 分析上述问题产生的原因;

3) 提出应对的措施。





4) 开头以为你写出,不计入总词数。



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American culture, in a sense, is an extension of European culture, because the language of the Americans, demographic composition and her spirit of the foundation are from Europe. On the other hand, American culture with Europe, because European immigrants in the North American continent to drive away after taking the Indians, in a barren wilderness land to create a stunning is the splendid civilization. Therefore, in the United States talk about cultural practices and social propriety, it is necessary to take account of the same culture of Europe and the United States, but also pay attention to both of the opposite sex. Cultural practices is a wide scope and complexity of the topic, people involved in social life and relations In all aspects.

Of tolerance.

The United States is a country of immigrants, the ancestors from around the world. People emigrated to the United States, not only in the location to move on, but also in their country and customs of the council to a new place of residence. As miscellaneous, people their differences very obvious because the differences are very common, people do not particularly pay attention to unity. In time, the cultural practices of the Americans formed a higher level of tolerance (tolerance), the different cultures and different appraisals on tolerance, an acceptable attitude. At this point, the U.S. society feasible than the custom of other countries in the world more broadly.

From a political perspective, this tolerance of performance in the pursuit of freedom and the right to freedom of maintenance. From the religious that it reflected in the harmonious coexistence of different faiths. From the viewpoint of life, and it appeared in different communities, different ethnic communities live in peace. In a nutshell, in the United States, each person can basically arbitrary choice of different ideas, beliefs, traditions and customs and way of life; people can also keep a considerable extent, their customs and instrument. For example, Jews can celebrate their religious festivals, and Christians are to their Christmas and Easter. For example, again, the United States by Chinese in Chinatown Chinese live and work; the same token, the Vietnamese immigrants in their "little Saigon" according to Vietnams way of doing business and engaged in various activities.

Americans of tolerance, in addition to the above United States is a country that factors other than immigration, and the frequent movement of the Americans. As everyone knows, the history of the United States in the development of an important part of her history of the development of the western region. At that time, the United States Blazers or hiking, horseback or car, from east to west, from north to south, wherever there are opportunities, there Jiuwang resettlement. The frequent migration and continuous replacement of the Habitat so that people will always be in the "mobile", and the occasional different facing the phenomenon of tolerance and more easily accepted. Moreover, the current migration also can help people expand the field of vision, known more widely know, the different practices with sympathy, understanding, and gradually formed diversity rather than uniformity of the openness of the concept.

As the Americans tolerant of stronger, so very few Americans to impose its will on other people, with China Confucius "by the others do not want to, not to impose on" the very Guxun like. For example, a husband may be a Republican, but he must not support the Democratic Party forced his wife to change political stance. Similarly, perhaps the mother is a Catholic, but she must not have forced her into a Muslim convert son to change religion. In their daily lives and habits of business in normal times, this spirit of tolerance is a common occurrence, commonplace.



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Dear Miss Brown,

I am writing to express my sincere thanks to you for caring me in the last

two years. During the days of being your student, I learn a lot. Firstly, your

serious attitude towards teaching and our students moves me too much. You

inspire and push me to work harder and harder. Secondly, I fall in love with

English under the influence of you. As a student of science and engineering,

I’ve been thinking that English does no good to me, but you help me to find the

fabulous glamour of English that leads me to know a totally different world and

develop a different way of thinking. Finally, your continuous encouragement

supports me a lot when I meet challenges or difficulties. You said that

everything to the last will certainly become a good thing, if it is not, not yet

to the last. Every time, remembering your words, I am so inspired to keep


Above all, I want to say thank you again and please accept my sincere

appreciation. Best wishes for you.







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Keeping a diary in English does a great deal of good to my English study. Keeping a diary can help you review all the English knowledge you have learned. For example, you must know the correct spelling of each word needed in the diary; you must use the phrases correctly and choose the suitable sentence patterns, meanwhile, it is also necessary to use you knowledge of grammar in a correct way.Keeping a diary can help you not only to console your knowledge of English, but to form the habit of thinking in English. Practice makes perfect. By and by, your English writing will be greatly improved.




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在The Right Word at the Right Time的“序言”中,编者对词语选用的重要性作了一个很好的比喻:“Using the right word at the right time is rather like wearing appropriate clothing for the occasion:

it is a courtesy to others,and a favor to yourself-a matter of presenting yourself well in the eyes of the world."








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1. 我认为秋天是一年中最美的季节。

I think autumn is the most beautiful season in a year.

2. 秋天时叶子变黄。

The leaves turn yellow in autumn.

3. 在秋天的晚上,我感到一丝凉意。

I feel a little cool in the autumnal night.

4. 秋天里树木都是光秃秃的。

The trees were naked during autumn.

5. 今天的天气已露出了一丝秋天的气息。

There is a breath of autumn in the air today.

6. 九月的天气确实像秋天了。

The weather in September was positively autumnal.

7. 我喜欢收集秋天赤褐色的叶子。

I like to collect russet autumn leaves.

8. 我们欣赏着秋天里新英格兰树林的瑰丽色彩。

We are enjoying the resplendent colors of the New England woods in the autumn.


Wake up to drink ,people feel the middle of the night, moving wind over a lotus leaf pond


Life is so si-mp-le, such as the autumn, such as fallen leaves.


In autumn, some emotions, such as fallen leaves as they decline, some have lingering shadow, only in the virtual network is indistinct in the familiar names. It withered on the decline,ashes are also good, regardleof the feelings of like how the leaves like a tree in full bloom and how to decline. I was standing on the flow of time, laughing, even if the sky flying leaves, eventually covering the lives of desolation.


That is an oil painting of a landscape in spring.



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A mother said,"My son is always on the phone, sleeping,out with his friends,or in his room He never has time to talk to me."






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good morning everyone!

im nickole. im 24. i graduated from hunan normal universaty on shuda campus. my major is english education. after graduation, i have worked for one year in li yang听kids engish. my students are between 5 and 12 years old.

im outgoing and open-minded. in my spare time, i have broad interests. such as reading, surfing the internet, listening to music and even chatting with foreign friends online if possible. i like children very much. i think children are active, innocent and pure. with them, i feel very relaxed, plesant and younger. therefore, i learned a lot from my one year working experence.

teaching children english is very interested but it is also challeging. because children are always active, even sometimes very naughty. so teachers need a lot of patience to deal with children. the most important that i have learned from my one year teacing experence is that a teacher should have the kind of听the mind that always wants to go on learning. teaching is a job at which one will never be perfet. if i have the chance, i will try my best to be a good primary english teacher.



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If you want to ask me why we should study English, my answer will be simple and clear. Now let me enumerate the reasons one by one in the following.In the first place, English has become an international language. If you know English, you van make a trip round the world without being misunderstood.In the second place, most valuable books, newspapers and magazines are written in English. If you wish (hope) to get knowledge, you must learn English.




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December 27th, 2009

Dear Mr Pan:

It has been a long time since I wrote the last letter. Nowdays, people write letters less and less, instead, they make a call or send a SMS. However, it is still a good way for us to communicate with each other by sending a letter.

Its my honour to get the chance to write to you. "Approachable" is my first impression of you, because you always keeps smiling. Students may fear the teachers that are serious both in and out of class. Smile makes a teacher popular with his students, you are a teacher of this very kind.

You always arrive at the classroom ahead of any of the students, from which we could imply that you are a diligent man with regular habit. Before the class, you like to talk to us, at this very time, you are more a friend than a teacher. To be honest, I was surprised in the first class when I learned a teacher at your age could speak English in such a fluent way.(I didnt mean you are old, youre young at heart.) Moreover, you know well how to keep your class attractive. Youve got such an active mind that you can keep talking during the whole class without a pause. I always appreciated your ideas and enjoyed listening to you. In your class, I learned not only the writing skills but also the presentation skills as well as much knowledge of other areas. Thanks for your excellent teaching.

Ive got some suggestions for you. It seems that we students have got few chances to participate in discussion during the class time. Most of the time, we are listening. Seldom did we express our own ideas. I suggest that teachers should interact with students more frequently in the class. Besides, Id like to practice writing more, so would you please leave us more assignments?

Happy new year.

With every good wish.

Yours sincerely Dali Wang




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Dear Miss Jiang,

I am writing to share my ideas about our English class. Now, our main

material in the class is the textbook, which is reasonable. But I think we can

get some other resources, such as English magazines, songs, movies and so on. We

can learn the basic knowledge from out textbook, and get some more from other

materials. In addition, those materials are more authentic and practical, which

will be useful to our learning. Besides, by doing so, we can get more fun from

learning and develop our interest to English. Please take good consideration of

my advice. Thank you!

Sincerely yours






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Basketball 篮球

Volleyball 排球

Baseball 棒球

Badminton 羽毛球

Tennis 网球

Table tennis 乒乓球

Softball 垒球

Golf 高尔夫球

Billiards 台球

Jogging 慢跑

Swim 游泳

High jump 跳高

Mountain climbing 爬山

Singing 唱歌

Dance 跳舞

Setting-up exercise 健身操

Yoga 瑜伽

Wushu 武术

Judo 柔道
