四年级英语作文my day(实用19篇)

环保是是一个亘古不变的话题,因为对于环境的保护已经成为了全球关注的话题。下面是小编为大家搜集整理出来的有关于四年级英语作文my day,希望可以帮助到大家!





关于my day 英语

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Busy can make the person often then, it was as if all busy people

infection, also can let you in a hurry and forget things.

The red sun is very busy, busy warm; The teacher is the most busy, busy

teaching students; Flowers are very busy, busy fruit to eat.

Students also is very busy! Some busy with writing homework, some busy

playing video games, watch TV and eat breakfast; Parents are very busy, busy at

school, like my cram school teacher; Cabinet as a big belly, can put a lot of

books, also let a person everyDayopened and closed, is really busy!

Unexpectedly, the stairs is also very busy, every day to let everybody walked up

and down, up and down. The rooster is very busy, like my mother, wake me up

every day.

I am busy doing the housework, school, endorsement, and remediation of,

because and cram school has a lot of things to write, finish will help to do the

housework, my load was so tired. I think that my mood is messy, and I dont like

to be busy. Busy like hell, can make the person feels inside out.



篇1:介绍感恩节英语作文Thanksgiving Day

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Every year on the fourth ThursDayof November is Thanksgiving Day. It’s a festival for American and Canadian with the purpose of thanks for harvest. While canadians celebrate on the second Monday of October. I have a penfriend in America. He wrote to me his Thanksgiving Day last year. He told me that it was a time for family reunion. Families would come back home to celebrate the festival together. Most of the time it was his mother who prepared the dinner. Turkey is must for the festival. It looks like huge chicken. His mother also made pumpkin pie and many other delicious food for them. After the dinner, they talked with each other with the old thing or the future plan. He said sometimes they would invite some friends to share the happiness of Thanksgiving Day. In a word, he had a great time on Thanksgiving Day.



篇2:关于my day 英语

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l am a pupil,l usually get up at six o‘clock.Then l wash my hands and my

face,clean my teeth. My mother has cooked A meal by seven o’clock. After having

my breakfast,l must go to school. We do morning exercises at ten o‘clock. we

close school at half past eleven. We have luch at home. At two, we begin our

classes again. We all finish our lessons at half past four. We have to leave our

school. This is myDay.


篇3:关于my day 英语

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Im a boy, and Im a pupil. I go to school from MonDayto Friday. I have no

class on Saturdays and Sunday. I often get up at six oclock. I go to school at

seven oclock. I have four lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon. I go

home at five. I do my homework at home.


篇4:关于my day 英语

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My name is QinLongying .I’m a student, I have a busyDayevery day. I get

up at 7:00 and get dressed at 7:15 in the moring. Then I have breakfast. I go to

school at 7:30 and I get to school at 8:00. At 8:30 we have our classes. Every

day we six classes. After school I go home. I do my homeworkat 6:30. I go to bed

at 8:30 in the evening. This is my day. What about you?


篇5:关于my day 英语

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ToDayis Sunday.I get up early.Because I play sports.I wear my T-shirt and

my skirt.Then I go to the playground to play ping-pong with Lucy.We are

happy.After that,we eat breakfast .I like drinking milk but she likes drinking

juice.At 10:00,I play the piano.Then I eat lunch at 2:30. I will go to school to

study English. After that,I will go home and eat dinner.Then I will go to


This is my day. Do you like it?


篇6:关于my day 英语

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I had a wonderful holiDayat spring festival.I went to the park with my

friends.We met at eight oclock at the school gate.We went to the park by

bike.It was a beautiful day.We sat under a big tree and chated with each

other.We took about some movies and some fun things.We had lunch there.We ate

hamburgers and some drinks,but I know they are not healthy and not good for

us.Then we played some games.

We were all fell tired,but we were very happy!It was great fun!



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Hello! Im Lily. I study in HongdaSchool. It is in Zhejiang. It is divided

into primary school, middle school and high school. So, it is very big. And it

is beautiful, too. Here there are many teaching building and many dormitory

building. We often learn in the teaching building. And there are many trees,

flowers and grass. Look, this is the playground. We often run in it. I love my




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I have a beautifulSchool. There are many buildings in my school, such as

teaching buildings, library, dormitory buildings and so on. My classroom is

bright, which can hold about sixty students. Our library is very big. It has

four floors and is full of books. In my spare time, I often read books in it.

What’s more, the playground in my school is surrounded by various flowers and I

like playing games with my friends on the playground.

I love my school and I will study hard. Do you like it? Welcome to my




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I am studying in a middleSchoolnow, my school is near my home. I love my

school, I can learn a lot in my school. The teachers teach me knowledge about

math, Chinese and others things about life, these are important to me, I become

mature. I make many friends here, the first day I come to this school, I get to

know my deskmate, in a few days, I get to know my classmate, now I have a lot of

friends, I feel so happy. In my school, the equipment is modern and we can use

the newly invented resource. The environment of my school is also beautiful, the

trees are tall, the grass is green. I love my school so much.



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I study in the No.1 PrimarySchool. Its one of the best primary schools in

my city. There are four buildings in campus.Two of them are teaching buildings.

The other two are library and gym. The teaching buildings are huge and the

classroom is large and bright. There are plenty of books in the library. I like

reading books in the library. After class, students like playing in the gym.

It’s a popular place after class. Besides, our teachers are great. They care

much about students. I am happy to study in my school.



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Before I came to middleSchool, I felt so excited about the new life, and I

had prepared for it for the whole summer vacation. The moment I stepped in the

school, it surprised me. The green trees and colorful flowers are around the

school. Sometimes I felt like walking in the park. There is a big playground.

When all the students get together, it is very lively. When the sports meeting

comes, there will be all kinds of competitions, and all the students fight for

their classes. The sound of cheering for the teams can be heard around the

school. I like to walk around school after class, which makes me feel eased.



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When summer comes, there are two things I’d like to do most. The first is to go swimming and the second is to eat ice cream. Ice cream is my favorite food, It can make me feel cool and drives away my hotness. The flavor of strawberry always attracts me. I know I can’t eat it too much and have to control myself.



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My father is a nice person, everybody speaks highly of him, but he is very stubborn sometimes. One day, my father find a wallet on the ground, then he asks someone who has lost it. The man answers to my father and he is so thankful to my father. So he wants to give some money to return my father, but my father insists not to accept it. At last, the man has to give up.



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I always want to change my hairstyle, because I want to look as my idols image, but i dons have the courage to do it. At last, my friend gives me the courage, she tells me that I should try and not to have regret at the young age. I agree, I am so happy about my new hairstyle, it brings me the new mood. Trying the new things is good.


篇15:有关四年级英语作文My Weekend

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Last saturday, I was very happy. On saturday, I got up at seven oclock. After breakfast, I did my homwwork, It was a little difficult. Then I played computer games,It was very interesting, so I liked they very much.In the eveing ,I visit my friend--Hans,he was very friendly to me,I love him. I was veryhappy,I think you did too.



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老师是我们班的英语老师,从三年级开始学英语,她就教我们了。她一个人教好几个班,很辛苦,但每次见到她,她的脸上总带着微笑,给人一种和蔼可亲的感觉。杨老师英语说得流利,上课气氛活跃 ,批改作业又对又快,我们都很喜欢她。

记得有一次写一号本作业,我写得很认真,又让妈妈来回帮我检查了几遍,觉得胸有成竹,没有什么错了,于是第二天满怀信心地把作业本交给了杨老师。只见杨老师拿着红笔,一行一个勾,中间几乎 没有什么停顿,我想:杨老师改作业可真快呀!这时,杨老师突然停住了笔,我想:哎呀,是不是什么地方有错了,但不会呀,我和妈妈昨天明明查了好几遍,不应该有错呀!只见杨老师在一个单词上 画了一个圈,然后把本子递给我说:”嗯,不错,只错了一个,有进步!“我拿回本子,然后对着书一看,哎呀,两个字母颠倒了,真错了,杨老师的”火眼金睛“可真厉害!

还有一次,周三下午放学后,因我的《评价手册》没写完,被杨老师叫到了办公室,我找了一个位置坐下来继续写,杨老师在一旁批改作业,办公桌上堆了满满高高的作业本,我不禁赞叹,杨老师的工 作量可真大呀!于是我更加认真地写起来,不想给她添麻烦。当我把本子交上去,还有一题不小心写错了,杨老师就耐心、仔细地给我讲解,一会儿我就全懂了。




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我的英语老师中等个子,不胖也不瘦,她长着一双明亮的大眼睛,好像会说话似的。当你做了不应该做的事时,她就会用责备的眼神盯你好一会,知道你低下头来承认错误为止;当你做了令她高兴的好 事时,她便用含笑的眼睛足足看你两分钟,好像是在欣赏一件什么宝贝似的。

她对我们的学习,要求很严厉:课文要背熟,句子要会写,单词要记牢。有一次,有位同学单词不过关,老师让他练会,可是他直到放学也没练。于是放学后老师就陪着他练,知道练会为止。就这样 不是我们班的每一个同学成绩落后。

一次,英语老师布置了一个非常非常多的作业:M1—M10的单词一词8个,放学前必交!而当时已是第六节课!同学们赶紧奋笔疾书,写啊——为了节省时间,同学们看了一眼单词后,默记下来,然后快 速地写八遍。终于,大家都交上了作业。这时大家发现:默写的单词都记下来了!原来这是老师让我们背住单词的方法!

可有时,他还会闹出一些小笑话。有一次,老师给我们讲练习册,本来是要讲第一单元和第二单元的,可是她刚讲完第一单元就把练习册给收了。同学们七嘴八舌地说:“老师,第二单元还没讲呢! ”“对呀!”“对呀!”老师这才恍然大悟:“快!快把练习册传下去!”我们都笑个不停。




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他很年轻,23岁。他的名字非常潇洒——邴超。长着一头棕色的长发。一双葡萄似会说话水灵灵的大眼睛。一张樱桃嘴,一双灵巧的手。一身打扮非常漂亮,像动画片中我们我们喜欢的花仙子,可以用 美不胜收来形容。

我还记得他给我们上的第一节课时的样子。“大家好!我叫邴超,以后大家叫我miss邴就可以了”她那清脆的声音让我更喜欢她了。还记得一次,他给我们上课就觉得跟玩差不多,不仅风趣幽默,还让 我们学得更快更好。他让我们学会本节课的知识。用金太阳动画式来教我们,还给我门看了他在美国时的照片并讲解给我们听,大家都听入迷了。就连我们班最不爱听讲的小凡这节课都听的入神了。

Miss邴还利用自己休息的时间来给我补习英语。因此我从心里感激他。我以后上课一定要好好学习,老这么辛苦的给我补习,又时很忙都不能给我补又是在我补习时她都忙得不可开交还有他有时身体不 舒服还坚持给我补课,我千万不能把英语给落下了所以我要用好成绩来回报老师对我的关爱!我真想在这对您说声:“谢谢您!Miss邴!您辛苦了!我爱您miss邴!你对我付出了这么多,我到现在还没 有回报您,真是对不起了!还有我真想有一个这样的好姐姐。




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铃!铃!铃!上课铃响了,一个看上去只有24岁的美女从教室门走向讲台,她戴着一幅眼镜,用她清翠的口声向我们做了个自我介绍,接着,就叫我们一个个的自我介绍,但是因为我们人多,又没 有到齐,所以这个想法没有实现,没办法她只能一个个的点名了。嗯!停了一下,那个名字不就是父母的姓吗?一个小子应答上:“老师真聪明”。真的哦,她在上面偷笑呢。

记得最好的一段就是她说了一句我班的班主任人蛮好的,话刚落我们班上的那个未成年就说是:“嗯 ,是的咯,老师要不要我帮你拉去,这么好的人你可别错过吖?”还有就是我们班里的那个帅哥 ,年龄是大了点,虽然人长得不怎么,但没法,他的名字是叫帅哥,隔壁的那个黑哥说老师他可是有BABY的人了。在上学哪来的BABY咯,老师应到,不信是嘛,等过年带给你看看,你可要给个大红包哟 。说着说着也不知道她讲到哪了,反正一节课都是蛮搞笑的。
