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Today, I see a super cute little rabbit, I heard just full moon!

Its ears are gray, high erected on the forehead. Its hair is gray and white, the back of a cluster of brown hair, it is particularly personality. Its mouth is three mouth, eat something to not sloppy. The most characteristic of the number of its eyes: the other rabbits have had "pink eye", and this rabbit is inlaid with two "black gem" it! This rabbit seems to have no sleep last night, long dark circles like , And it seems like a beautiful lady dressed in eye shadow looks very funny!

The rabbit is very gentle, and some shy, it put it out, it hides in a corner shy to graze; we put it around, it is panic, scared everywhere scurry; it grazing when the mouth fast To chew the leaves, "rabbit expert" item to Lin also learn the story of the rabbit to eat it!

We put some grass on the ground, it has been put in the rabbit nest, but it does not eat, was "rabbit expert" care into the.

The rabbit has been quietly watching us, and then in the nest in the spin, and finally the ass toward us!

This rabbit where the mother to go? Rabbit who even put it and bunny apart, the bunny really poor!




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The Spring Festival is the first traditional festival of the Chinese people in one year. It marks the end of the old year and the new year has begun. The annual evening meal is one of the important activities of the Spring Festival, and the Chinese peoples families attach great importance to the dinner. At the beginning of the first two of the month, I went to my grandmothers house with my mom and dad to have dinner.

Today, there are a lot of people, grandmas home is very busy, the year is super strong. My aunt, uncle, and my father are talking about a hot day. They eat melon seeds, while talking off the reel. Cousin and sister in sister-in-law in the room amused baby happy, looking at the babys smiling face, they do not mention how happy. And both of me and my cousins were "unscrupulous". Three of us sat cross legged on the sofa, leisurely play cut the rope on the iPad, occasionally heard bursts of laughter.

After a while, grandma kindly led us into the room and gave us a red envelope with "horse" printed. We received the red envelope and smiled, thanks, grandma.

There are 5 minutes to 6. Uncle arranges us to each seat on the table, and my 2 cousins around her. Start with a pre - meal dessert "vegetable salad" and open the stomach. We have to take three chowhound a spoon to scoop a spoon Salad salad, not for a while, almost finished. The aunt laughed and said, "eat slowly, everyone and you snatch." At this time, the second dish "years of fish" came up. The flavor of the sauce is full, the taste of the soy sauce is right, and the onion is added to it. The dish does not mention how beautiful it is. The fish is over, and the next is "boiled shrimps". This dish is sweet and delicious, with a bowl of vinegar, make people unable to hide greeds. Later on a lot of good food, are a delicacy, today is really fantastic.

In the evening, after dinner. We have continued are scattered, and my mom and dad and grandma reluctant to part also had to say "goodbye", today is a day to play indescribably happy, and the family is a happy thing.



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一表人才 风度翩翩 大腹便便 膀大腰园 披头散发

虎背熊腰 衣冠楚楚 相貌堂堂 眉清目秀 容光焕发

美如冠玉 冰清玉洁 明眸皓齿 沉鱼落雁 道貌岸然

面红耳赤 面有菜色 蓬头垢面 蓬头历齿 鸠形鹄面

铜筋铁骨 肠肥脑满 瘦骨如柴 大腹便便 仪表堂堂

玉树临风 鹤发童颜 闭月羞花 冰肌玉骨 才子佳人

沉鱼落雁 城北徐公 齿白红 愁眉啼妆 出水芙蓉

绰约多姿 淡妆浓抹 二八佳人 傅粉何郎 姑射神人

秀色可餐 国色天香 粉白黛黑 靡颜腻理 傅粉施朱

文质彬彬 威风凛凛 老态龙钟 虎背熊腰 如花似玉

容光焕发 落落大方 骨瘦如柴 大腹便便 面黄肌瘦

其貌不扬 蓬头垢面 弱不禁风 闭月羞花 沉鱼落雁

出水芙蓉 明眸皓齿 美如冠玉 倾国倾城 国色天香

鹤发童颜 眉清目秀 和蔼可亲 心慈面善 张牙舞爪

愁眉苦脸 冰清玉洁 雍容华贵 文质彬彬 威风凛凛

婀娜多姿 衣冠楚楚 亭亭玉立 雾鬓风鬟 鹤发童颜

鹤发鸡皮 短小精悍 面黄肌瘦 面如土色 面红耳赤

面有菜色 蓬头垢面 囚首垢面 蓬头历齿 鸠形鹄面

铜筋铁骨 肠肥脑满 骨瘦如柴 药店飞龙 大腹便便

闭月羞花 沉鱼落雁 出水芙蓉 明眸皓齿 美如冠玉

倾国倾城 国色天香 鹤发童颜 眉清目秀 和蔼可亲

心慈面善 张牙舞爪 愁眉苦脸 冰清玉洁 雍容华贵

老态龙钟 虎背熊腰 如花似玉 容光焕发 落落大方

骨瘦如柴 大腹便便 面黄肌瘦 其貌不扬 蓬头垢面

弱不禁风 眉清目秀 容光焕发 美如冠玉 出水芙蓉

冰肌玉骨 冰清玉洁 明眸皓齿 靡颜腻理 闭月羞花

沉鱼落雁 道貌岸然 秀色可餐 国色天香 粉白黛黑

傅粉施朱 婀娜多姿 衣冠楚楚 亭亭玉立 雾鬓风鬟

鹤发童颜 鹤发鸡皮 短小精悍 面黄肌瘦 面如土色

国色天香 国色天姿 花容月貌 环肥燕瘦 娇小玲珑

绝代佳人 梨花带雨 林下风气 眉目如画 眉清目秀

美如冠玉 靡颜腻理 明眸皓齿 千娇百媚 倾城倾国

螓首蛾眉 如花似玉 双瞳剪水 亭亭玉立 我见犹怜

仙姿佚貌 小家碧玉 秀外惠中 夭桃秾李 一表非凡

一表人才 一笑千金 仪态万方 月里嫦娥 稚齿婑媠

掷果潘安 朱唇皓齿 肠肥脑满 丑态百出 怪模怪样

尖嘴猴腮 面目可憎 蓬头历齿 漆身吞炭 其貌不扬

穷形尽相 三分像人 七分像鬼 头童齿豁 獐头鼠目

鸱目虎吻 蜂目豺声 凶相毕露 张牙舞爪 眉清目秀

容光焕发 美如冠玉 出水芙蓉 冰肌玉骨 冰清玉洁

明眸皓齿 靡颜腻理 闭月羞花 沉鱼落雁 道貌岸然

秀色可餐 国色天香 粉白黛黑 傅粉施朱 婀娜多姿

衣冠楚楚 亭亭玉立 雾鬓风鬟 鹤发童颜 鹤发鸡皮

短小精悍 面黄肌瘦 面如土色 面红耳赤 面有菜色

蓬头垢面 蓬头历齿 鸠形鹄面 铜筋铁骨

小家碧玉 秀外惠中 夭桃秾李 一表非凡

一表人才 一笑千金 仪态万方 月里嫦娥

稚齿婑媠 掷果潘安 朱唇皓齿 肠肥脑满

丑态百出 怪模怪样 尖嘴猴腮 面目可憎

蓬头历齿 漆身吞炭 其貌不扬 穷形尽相

三分像人 七分像鬼 头童齿豁 獐头鼠目

鸱目虎吻 蜂目豺声 凶相毕露 张牙舞爪

一表人才 风度翩翩 大腹便便 膀大腰园

披头散发 虎背熊腰 衣冠楚楚 相貌堂堂

眉清目秀 容光焕发 美如冠玉 冰清玉洁

二八佳人 傅粉何郎 姑射神人 国色天香

国色天姿 花容月貌 环肥燕瘦 娇小玲珑

绝代佳人 梨花带雨 林下风气 眉目如画

眉清目秀 美如冠玉 靡颜腻理 明眸皓齿

千娇百媚 倾城倾国 螓首蛾眉 如花似玉

双瞳剪水 亭亭玉立 我见犹怜 仙姿佚貌

明眸皓齿 沉鱼落雁 道貌岸然 秀色可餐

国色天香 粉白黛黑 靡颜腻理 傅粉施朱

婀娜多姿 衣冠楚楚 亭亭玉立 雾鬓风鬟

鹤发童颜 鹤发鸡皮 短小精悍 面黄肌瘦

面如土色 面红耳赤 面有菜色 蓬头垢面

囚首垢面 蓬头历齿 鸠形鹄面 铜筋铁骨

肠肥脑满 骨瘦如柴 药店飞龙 大腹便便

闭月羞花 沉鱼落雁 出水芙蓉 明眸皓齿

美如冠玉 倾国倾城 国色天香 鹤发童颜

眉清目秀 和蔼可亲 心慈面善 张牙舞爪

愁眉苦脸 冰清玉洁 雍容华贵 文质彬彬

威风凛凛 老态龙钟 虎背熊腰 如花似玉

冰肌玉骨 冰清玉洁 明眸皓齿 靡颜腻理

闭月羞花 沉鱼落雁 道貌岸然 秀色可餐

国色天香 粉白黛黑 傅粉施朱 婀娜多姿

衣冠楚楚 亭亭玉立 雾鬓风鬟 鹤发童颜

鹤发鸡皮 短小精悍 面黄肌瘦 面如土色

面红耳赤 面有菜色 蓬头垢面 蓬头历齿

鸠形鹄面 铜筋铁骨 肠肥脑满 瘦骨如柴

肠肥脑满 瘦骨如柴 大腹便便 仪表堂堂

玉树临风 鹤发童颜 闭月羞花 冰肌玉骨

才子佳人 沉鱼落雁 城北徐公 齿白唇红

愁眉啼妆 出水芙蓉 绰约多姿 淡妆浓抹



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He has a crew cut. His inch-long hair looks stubborn but not to the extent of being messy. He has very dense and black eye-brows, below which are his skeptic eyes. Though his eyelids are a little bit puffed--probably because the lack of sleep,they cannot soften the fury in his blood-shot eyes.

Disgust and anger towards the cannibalistic society has driven the man into a zealous warrior. The most distinctive feature of the fiery old man is his mustache. It is so thick, so bushy, but at the same time adds personal charm to him. Though he is not tall and not particularly good-looking, there is a mysterious presence about him that attracts countless ambitious and brave young people to him.




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My name is Simon. Im 24 years old now. Im from Changsha University. I major in English, because I have the gift for language study.


In my opinion, English is well-known all around the world. If I can speak excellent English, I could travel to everywhere in the world without language barriers. Now I can speak English like an American. Most of my classmates always envy my oral English.


I like traveling very much. Through traveling, I can widen my perspective and know more about our world. Now I have been to so many cities, such as Guangzhou, Zhuhai, and Zhongshan. These cities are nice, clean and modern.


I think Im easy-going and hard-working. When Im at work, I always try my best to do everything well. I never let others do anything that I can do, and I never put off todays work to tomorrow. When you have difficulties, I’m eager to give you a hand if Im able to. I hope I can be your best friend.

我很随和也很勤奋。工作时,我总会尽我最大的努力把一切事情办好。 我不会让别人来替我做我能做的事情,我从来不会把今天的工作留到明天。当你有困难时,如果可以的话我很愿意帮忙。我希望我能成为你最好的朋友。




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Hello,this is Li Chunfei.I graduated from Xian siyuan University and majored in accounting.Its a pleasure to meet you.Be patient with me,Im a little bit nervous.

I was once a poor student of English, and it was my biggest headache and trouble maker.

I got sick and tired of learning boring grammar rules and lifeless words. But through hard work

in practicing speaking English and breaking away from the traditional grammar games, I found myself a totally different and exciting new world.Id like toshare my learning techniques with my students of future and be their friend.

Education has always been the most important thing in my life,and English is in my free/spare time.(English is my favorite subject.)So educating young people is

the most important thing I do with my life!Lets work together to lift the English education of China to a higher level.We can do it.

Thank you for your valuable time.




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good morning,my dear teachers,my dear professors.i am very glad to be here for your interview.my name is song yonghao,i am 22 years old .i come from luoyang,a very beautiful aicent city.my undergratuade period will be accomplished in changan university in july ,2004;and now,i am tryingmy best for obtaininga key to tongji university.

generally speaking ,i am a hard working student especially do the thingi am interested in. i will try my best to finish it no matter how difficult it is. when i was sophomore, i found web design very interesting, so i learned it very hard . to weaver a homepage for myself, i stayed with my pesonel computer for half a month.,and i am the first one in my class who own his homepage. forthermore,i am a person with great perserverence. during the days preparing for the first examination,i insist on running every day, no matter what the weather was like.andjust owning to this,i could concentrate on my study and succeeded in the end. well ,in my spare time ,i like basketball, tennis and chinese chess. also english is my favorate.i often go to english cornerto practise my oral english onevery thursday,and write compositions to improve my witten ability .but i know my english is not good enough ,i will continue studying. ok, that is all,thankyou for your attention



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England is a nation in northwest Europe and the largest and most populous constituent country of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Its inhabitants account for more than 83% of the total population of the United Kingdom, whilst the mainland territory of England occupies most of the southern two-thirds of the island of Great Britain and shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west. Elsewhere, it is bordered by the North Sea, Irish Sea, Atlantic Ocean, and English Channel.

England was formed as a country during the 10th century and takes its name from the Angles — one of a number of Germanic tribes who settled in the territory during the 5th and 6th centuries. The capital city of England is London, which is the largest city in the British Isles, capital of the United Kingdom and one of the worlds Global Cities.

England ranks as one of the most influential and far-reaching centres of cultural development in the world;it is the place of origin of both the English language and the Church of England, was the historic centre of the British Empire, and the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution.

The Kingdom of England was an independent state until 1 May 1707, when the Acts of Union resulted in a political union with the Kingdom of Scotland to create the Kingdom of Great Britain.

Englands National Day is St Georges Day (Saint George being the patron saint), and it is celebrated annually on 23 April.









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My mom and dad may not be the best, but love me; my mom and dad may not be the best, but in my heart is the most beautiful of the most handsome. Because one thing makes me know my mom and dad is the best. Do not lose someone elses mom and dad.

I remember when I was four years old, I came back from the kindergarten, finished homework on the outside and the children play games ----- turn. I called my mother bought me a product of orange Shuang, is a glass bottle to do, I and the children turn when the halo, it fell to the ground, the glass bottle to scratch my face, out of a lot of blood Well, left a deep mark, when I touch my face, I am very sad, Mom and Dad also tears.

Blink of an eye I was twelve years old, on the sixth grade.

Now I read the sixth grade, see my mother and dad for my little early test is good, busy busy busy, almost every day I will flow a tear, my mother sitting on the sofa, I saw my mothers white hair and more; to the father of tea Daddy has lost a lot. See my mom and dad so worried about me, I have no reason not to learn, I have no reason in such a good environment do not seriously study, I have no reason not to listen to my mothers father. Mom and Dad do not have to worry about me, why do they worry about me, because I do not listen, do not study hard. So I went to junior high school, I must change their own, I want to become obedient, good learning good boy. Mom and Dad often say where it does not matter, as long as the attitude, hard to learn, so good test a good high school, so I should attitude to positive, good learning.

Mom and Dad, so I am in junior high school, and I will become more sensible, I want for you, for me, for my grandfather grandmother, good study. Will not let you worry.



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One of the worlds most ancient and historically important trade routes,the Silk Road conjures up exotic images of camel caravans,windswept deserts,and such legendary figures as Genghis Khan and Marco Polo.Extending as far as the Indian kingdoms in the west,to present-day Xian in China in the east,the Silk Road was already a crossroads of Asia by the third century B.C.





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The Yellow Mountain is one of the most famous mountains in China. It lies in the south of Anhui. Every year thousands of Chinese and foreigners pay a visit there. It s not far from here. It takes you about three hours to get there by bus. You can also go there by train or by plane. While you are climbing the mountain, you can enjoy the sea of clouds, wondrous pines and unique rocks around you. In the early morning when the sun rises, the sky looks very beautiful. It s really a nice place to visit.





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美国是世界上最发达的国家,对于美国,你的了解有多少?下面,是小编为你整理的有关介绍美国的英语作文,希望对你有帮助! 有关介绍美国的英语作文篇1

Based on historical documents, modern survey and statistics, as well as the result of predecessor studies, the trend and main process of forest dynamics are recognized. The forest area and forest coverage rates for each province of China from 1700 to 1949 are es- timated backward by every 50 years. Linking the result with modern National Forest Inventory data, the spatial-temporal dynamics of Chinese forest in recent 300 years (AD 1700–1998) is quantitatively analyzed. The study shows that in recent 300 years, the forest area in current territory of China has declined by 0.95×108 hm2 (or 9.2% of the coverage rate) in total, with a trend of decrease and recovery. Before the 1960s, there was a trend of accelerated de- scending. The forest area was reduced by 1.66×108 hm2 (or 17% of the coverage rate) in 260 years. While after the 1960s, there has been a rapid increase. The forest area increased by 0.7×108 hm2 (or 8% of the coverage rate) in 40 years. The study also shows that there is a significant spatial difference in the dynamics of forest. The amplitudes of increasing and de- creasing in western China are both smaller than the ones in eastern China. During the rapid declining period from 1700 to 1949, the most serious decrease appeared in the Northeast, the Southwest and the Southeast, where the coverage rate in most provinces dropped over 20%. In Heilongjiang Province, the coverage rate dropped by 50%. In Jilin Province, it dropped by 36%. In Sichuan Province and Chongqing Municipality, it dropped by 42%. In Yunnan Prov- ince, it dropped by 35%. During the recovery period 1949–1998, the western provinces, mu- nicipality and autonomous regions, including Ningxia, Gansu, Inner Mongolia, Si- chuan–Chongqing, Yunnan, Tibet, Xinjiang and Qinghai, etc, the increase rates are all below 5%, while the eastern provinces, municipality and autonomous regions (except Heilongjiang, Hubei, Jiangsu–Shanghai) have achieved an increase over 5%, among which the Guang- dong–Hainan, Guangxi, Anhui, Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei, Shandong, Henan, Zhejiang, and Fu- jian have an increase over 10%. 有关介绍美国的英语作文篇2

A history of long and effortless success can be a dreadful handicap,but,if properly handled,it may become a driving force.When the United States entered just such a glowing period after the end of the Second World War,it had a market eight times larger than any competitor ,giving its industries unparalleled economies of scale.Its scientists were the worlds best,its workers the most skilled.American and Americans were prosperous beyongd the dreams of the Europeans and Asians whose economeics the war had destroyed.

It was inevitable that this primacy should have narrowed as other countries grew richer.Just as inevitably,the retreat from predominace proved painful.By the mid 1980s Americans had found themselves at a losss over their fading industrial competitiveness.Some huge American industries,such as consumer electronics,hand shrunk or vanished in the face of foreign competitiong.By 1987 there was only one American television maker left,Zenith.(Now there is none :Zenith was bought by SouthKoreasLGElectronics in July.)Foreign made cars and textiles were sweeeping into the domestic market.Americas machine-tool industry was on the ropes.For a while it looked as though the makeing of semiconductors,whidh America had invented and which sat at the heart of the new computer age,was going to be the next caualty.

All of this caused a crisis of confidenc.Americans stopped taking prosperity ofr granted .They began to believe that their way of doing business was failing,and that their incomes would therefore shourtly begin to fall as well .The mind -1980s brought one inquiry after another into the causes ofAmericas in dustrial decline.Thir sometimes sensational findings were filled with warnings about the growing competitiong from overseas.

How things have changed!I1995 the United States can look back on five years of solid growth while Japan has been struggling.Few Americans attribute this Self doubt has yielded to blind pride.American industry has changed its structure ,has gone on a diet ,has learnt to be more quik witted,according to Richard Cavanagh,executive dean of Harvards Kennedy School of Government.It makes me proud to be an American just to see how our businesses are improving theirproductivity,says Stephen Moore of the Cato Institute ,a think tank in Washington,DC,And William Sahlman of the Harvard Business School believes that people will look back on this perido as a golden age of business management in the United States.




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My dad is a good senior engineer, he has a round face, high nose on wearing a myopic glasses, I look like him, the two of us together like a pair Die printed out of the same.

Dad worked every morning and evening, and worked so hard. He likes to smoke, drink cola and play computer, but I think smoking is not good for my father, because it will affect his health, as to play the computer, he played a computer game like drilling into the computer like, what forgot The. But one thing is worth learning, and sometimes he late get off work, can not keep up with listening to the stock market class, it will call my mother to help him to record, and so on to return home to study the stock from the study, I admire the father of this both the family and learn Spirit, he often said that the world is changing every day progress, we have to continue to learn advanced things to keep up with the pace of the times. My mother also educated me to learn my father this studious spirit.

In fact, everyone has advantages and disadvantages, but the parents of our love is selfless. Whenever I do not know where to learn to ask my father, he always took the trouble to help me answer. If I still do not understand, my father will again and again patience to explain to me, until I understand so far, finally my father paid in exchange for me one after another good results. When my father was doing well, I always told me not to be proud and to work hard. He often said, "- praise for two minutes, do not be proud!

I know that everyone in the eyes of the father are not the same, but my father in my heart is always the most perfect!



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Hello, my name is Leo. Im from. Zhengxin school. As you can see I have a round face and the big eyes. I like music very much. In my spare time, I like take some reading and go shopping.

It can make me feel happy. I like chatting with others, because it can help me to know this world. I have lots of friends. All the things in the world are colorful. I love peace and I take proud of my motherland. Thank you!

您好,我的名字叫力欧,我来自正心学校,正如你看到的一样 ,我的脸很圆,眼睛也很大,我喜欢音乐。




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it was a sun day of the summer holiday. the weather was hot. my little brother and i decided to go to the resrvoir to swim by bike. it took us half an hour when we got there, many people were swimming. the we dived into the water……

about an hour later, suddenly somebody called: “help! help!” we were surprised to see a boy struggling in the deep water. as quickly as possible. we swam towards him and pulled him to the shore. he lost his consciousness. we sent him to the nearest hospital at once luckily, he was saved.

in the end, we were worn out, but felt happy. that day was meaningful. we did a good deed!



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My Sister goes to Taipei First Municipal Girls High School and is in her second year there. This is the best girl high school in the city, and My sister is a very good student. My sister likes Sports. And now she is a member of the school track team. The regular schoolwork and the sports keep my sister very busy and yet very happy. She hopes to be able to go to college when she graduates. She enjoys English which they have nine sessions of one hours class every week she hopes to major in English in the future. Usually she goes to school at six in the morning and in the afternoon she comes home at six, too. After dinner she usually studies until ten oclock or so and then goes to bed. On Saturday afternoons she spends her time at the school track. I think I have a very good sister; she also likes to smile often.



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My name is Yin Xiaomeng. A heard this name, whether you are in a long not big mean? Yes, in the eyes of parents, I will never grow up, Jing Jing is my nickname, opened the dictionary to check the "Jing" word, means womens talent. Sorry, the name is really a bit sorry, actually I was poor. I also I have a pen name - snow Rao. Is chairman MAO, "patio spring snow", according to the word in the poem, I think it is a beautiful name.

Im sixteen years old this year. Sixteen of the youth, should be happy, more should be a happy girl of sixteen, and I was the opposite. I want to be in my character doomed youth shed tears. I often cry. No wonder my mother said I like sentimental Lin daiyu. However, I also like such a character, she makes me to love literature, and was appreciated by his teacher. I especially love literature, especially the prose and poetry. I often think of your happiness and sorrow into small poetry and prose in one after another.

Four and a half years old started kindergarten, I was six years old preschool, the primary school at the age of eight. In elementary school, my motto is: tuition than the somebody else to pay less, scores more not inferior to others! So, my grades have been top class. My mother has been regarded as her hope, her pride. I grew up in this piece of it about. Probably because my arrogant, gradually, my grades slipped to medium. The more severe, grade 3 grade than was once a poor. But my family and my teacher didnt give up. They think Ill catch up.

There are few now, about my story. I think, in a few years to write my autobiography will be more wonderful.



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good morning !

it is really my honor to have this opportunity for an interview,i hope i can make a good performance today. im confident that i can succeed. now i will introduce myself briefly i am 26 years old,born in shandong province .

i was graduated from qingdao university. my major is electronic.and i got my bachelor degree after my graduation in the year of XX.

i spend most of my time on study,i have passed cet4/6 . and i have acquired basic knowledge of my major during my school time.

in july XX, i began work for a small private company as a technical support engineer in qingdao city.because im capable of more responsibilities, so i decided to change my job.

and in august XX,i left qingdao to beijing and worked for a foreign enterprise as a automation software test engineer.because i want to change my working environment, id like to find a job which is more challenging. morover motorola is a global company, so i feel i can gain the most from working in this kind of company ennvironment. that is the reason why i come here to compete for this position.

i think im a good team player and im a person of great honesty to others. also i am able to work under great pressure.




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李清照的词体现了她感悟力的纤敏丰富,而她的诗则表达了她对于政治、民族、国家的看法,和关心国事、不让须眉的精神气魄。可以说,她的词之所以具有一般婉约词所缺乏的骨力,并非偶然,而是她性格刚烈、大胆的体现,诗只是更明确地抒写了词人性情的这一面。较之一般的士大夫文人,李清照对朝廷政策、天下苍生的关怀,对政局的预见,都有自·己的怀抱和主张。如《浯溪中兴颂碑诗和张文潜韵二首》,借唐代的安史之乱,托古讽今,突破张文潜诗的思想,对北宋末期政治的腐 败、最高统治者的荒淫昏聩,作了深刻犀利的批判。“生当作人杰,死亦为鬼雄”,极有力地抨击了贪生怕死的南宋统治者在金兵追击下的逃跑主义,偏安于江南、不顾民生愿望的软弱无能。她的诗直指社会现实,以傲昂正气充盈其间,写得激昂慷慨,带有愤郁之气。







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Hello! My name is Chen Danqing.  My English name is Joy.  Im 14 years old.  Im a happy girl.  I have a happy family.  My father and my mother are both office workers.  Theyre busy.  But at weekends, they always cook nice food for me.  Im happy in the family.  I love my parents and they love me very much.

Im a student at Dongzhou Middle School.  It is very big and beautiful.  There are many classroom buildings and office buildings.  Besides the buildings, there is a big playground.  After school, there are lots of boys playing basketball on it.  I think they are happy.  There are a lot of flowers and trees in my school.  They are beautiful.  I like my school.  In my school, I have many friends.  All my friends are polite and helpful.  My friends are all nice to me.  They can make me happy.  So I like playing with them.

My hobbies are listening to music and reading.  I like pop music very much.  I dislike sports because Im not strong.  Its hard for me.

I have a happy family, a beautiful school and many nice friends.  I enjoy every day.
