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Last March, my mother told my father and me that my grandfather would come

in April. We were very happy because my grandfather was an interesting old man

and he had not visited us since he went to Hong Kong.

On April 1 my father and I bought a lot of food from the supermarket and

bought a big bunch of flowers home. Then we did some cleaning at home. At night

when we were waiting for my grandfather, the bell rang and in came my mother.

She smiled to us and said "April fools"!



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My Day(我的一天)

I get up early at six every day. After doing some morning exercises, I read English for twenty minutes. At seven I have breakfast. After breakfast I take my schoolbag and go to school. Our class begins at eight, and we have four classes in the morning. After lunch at 12 o’clock, I take a short rest in the classroom. We have three more classes in the afternoon.After school at five , I go back home. I often help my mother do some housework. Sometimes I watch TV. After dinner, I begin to do my homework. Then I take a shower. I go to bed at nine thirty.





(1) 副词在句中可作状语,表语和定语。

He studies very hard. (作状语)

Life here is full of joy. (作定语)

When will you be back? (作表语)



时间副词通常用来表示动作的时间。常见的时间副词有:now today, tomorrow, yesterday, before, late, early, never, seldom, sometimes, often, usually, always等。例如:

He often comes to school late.

What are we going to do tomorrow?

He is never been to Beijing.


地点副词通常用来表示动作发生的地点。常见的地点副词有:here, there, inside, outside, home, upstairs, downstairs, anywhere, everywhere, nowhere, somewhere, down, up, off, on, in, out等。例如:

I met an old friend of mine on my way home.

He went upstairs.

Put down your name here.


方式副词一般都是回答“怎样的?”这类问题的,其中绝大部分都是由一个形容词加词尾-ly构成的, 有少数方式副词不带词尾-ly, 它们与形容词同形。常见的方式副词有:anxiously, badly, bravely, calmly, carefully, proudly, rapidly, suddenly, successfully, angrily, happily, slowly, warmly, well, fast, slow, quick, hard, alone, high, straight, wide等。例如:

The old man walked home slowly.

Please listen to the teacher carefully.

The birds are flying high.

He runs very fast.


程度副词多数用来修饰形容词和副词,有少数用来修饰动词或介词短语。常见的程度副词有:much, (a) little, a bit, very, so, too, enough, quite, rather, pretty, greatly, completely, nearly, almost, deeply, hardly, partly等。例如:

Her pronunciation is very good.

She sings 初中数学 quite well.

I can hardly agree with you.

5)疑问副词是用来引导特殊疑问句的副词。常见的疑问副词有:how, when, where, why等。例如:

How are you getting along with your studies?

Where were you yesterday?

Why did you do that?



Mr Smith works very hard.

She speaks English well.


He usually gets up early.

I’ve never heard him singing.

She is seldom ill.

3)程度副词一般放在所修饰的形容词和副词的前面, 但enough作副词用时,通常放在被修饰词的后面。例如:

It is a rather difficult job.

He runs very fast.

He didn’t work hard enough.


On my way home, I met my uncle.

The students there have a lot time to do their own research work.


1) very, much


She is a very nice girl

I’m feeling much better now.



Natural Disasters

In the past hundred years, there have heen frequent natural disasters, such as floods, droughts, mud-rock flows, seismic sea waves, earthquakes, windstorms and the stretching of new deserts.

The disasters have killed millions upon millions of people, destroyed countless homes, and wiped out numerous pieces of fertile land. Now more and more people become aware that those disasters have much to do with what we have done to the earth. We have cut down too many trees in the forests,we have badly polluted the environment, we have shocked our own home-planet time and again with tremendously powerful explosions of nuclear bombs. As a result, climates have become abnormal, rainwater rushes down hillsides angrily, and the underground energy goes up to revenge itself on us.

The earth is our only home-planet. It is urgent for us to stop damaging it, and to do our best to protect it and make it a lovely place suitable to live in, for we have nowhere to go and survive except where we are now.




I often go to see my grandma and grandpa during my summer vacation.They are both seventy years old and live in the country happily. Summer view of the countryside is very beautiful. I can do many interesting things there. I am used to getting up early in the morning breathing the fresh airlistening to the birds singing and enjoying the green trees red flowers and the river. I like fishing with my friends.

When night comes I sit under the tree with my grandma listening to her telling me many funny stories. And I tell her some new things happening in the city. When I have to go backI am always reluctant to go. I really feel happy living in the country.







Kates father Kate的爸爸

my mothers friend 我妈妈的朋友


Teachers Day 教师节

The boys game 男孩们的游戏


Childrens Day 儿童节

Womens Day 妇女节


Lucy and Lilys room Lucy 和Lily的房间

Kate and Jims father Kate 和Jim的爸爸


a map of China 一幅中国地图

the name of her cat 她的猫的名字

a picture of my family 我的家庭的一张照片

the door of the bedroom 卧室的门



1. be ashamed of (doing) sth 对(做)某事感到羞愧或惭愧。如:

You really ought to be ashamed of that. 你实在应该对此感到惭愧。

He was ashamed of asking [having asked]such a simple question. 他由于问了这样简单的问题而感到难为情。

He is ashamed of his failure [having failed]. 他对自己的失败感到羞惭。


I am ashamed of that. / I am ashamed of myself for that. 我对此感到羞愧。

He is ashamed of being poor. / He is ashamed of himself for being poor. 他因为穷而感到羞惭。

2. be ashamed to do sth

(1) 因感到难为情或感到差耻而不愿某事。如:

I am ashamed to say so. 这样说我不好意思。

He was too ashamed to ask for help. 他不好意思请求帮助。

(2) 对做某事而感到羞愧或惭愧。如:

You should be ashamed to tell such lies. 撒这样的谎你应该感到羞愧。

He was ashamed to have made some careless mistakes. 他因出了些很粗心的差错而感到惭愧。

注:该用法有时可换成 that 从句。如上面最后一句也可说成:

He was ashamed that he had made some careless mistakes.



正:He was ashamed of having lied.

正:He was ashamed to have lied.

正:He was ashamed that he had lied.



Good of Being a Student

Many students complain that its difficult to be a student because of the endless classes and examinations. Besides, we spend all our time in study so that we cant do what we really want to do. However, in my opinion, its good to be a student. Firstly, all we need to worry about is our study. As long as we want, we can study with our whole-heart and then play. Secondly, the pressure of a student is much less than to be a worker. After graduation, many things will change and the world seems so different from what we see in school. Finally, teachers are tolerant and patient. They are likely to teach us what we should do and what we cant do. And, if we make mistakes, teachers will help us correct them patiently. After graduation, few people would do these to us. In short, its good to be a student although we have endless homework and examinations.





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为积极响应孩子学校(介休三中)号召,近期我观看了第二十一个全国中小学生安全教育日关于《预防校园暴力共建和谐校园》的知识讲座。当下是一个信息高速发展的社会,很多影视、电视、书籍当中都含有暴力场面,很多武侠、暴力手段被包装和美化,小孩子的模仿能力很强,辨别是非的能力还不够,种种的暴力场面只是让孩子知道暴力、欣赏暴力,乃至使用暴力。 而且现在网络技术相当发达,很多暴力、血腥的游戏在网上泛滥,其画面精美逼真,学生上网就经常沉溺其中,并往往会把网络中的暴力带到现实当中。 校园暴力的存在已是不争的事实,还校园一片净土,创建良好的学习氛围,必须采取有力的措施。 去年全国校园安全事故频发,政府也采取了种种措施,加强校园周边的安全。通过讲座我们了解了校园暴力的表现,校园暴力不一定在校园内发生,放学后同学间的欺负行为也算在内。在学校里面,老师的管理对学生还具有一定的威慑力,但是往往事情是发生在校外。放学后,老师也无法顾及。在校门口附近,小吃店门口,经常上演此类情况,或被敲诈勒索。校园暴力的三种形式: 一、语言暴力。学生之间经常用污言秽语相互攻击,导致矛盾的产生。二、身体暴力。凭借身体的优势来打击比较弱的同学。三、心理暴力,指的是不断重复地采用语言或其他诡计,影响别人学生生活,造成对方精神或心理状况发生不良改变,

这其中也包括不断重复的侮辱性手机短信、网络微博。校园暴力的具体表现形式有: 1、索要财物,不给就拳脚相加,威逼利诱。初一有位男同学,向全班男生借钱,名义上是借,实际上是敲诈。 2、以大欺小,以众欺寡。我们班有几位男生,经常欺负一位小男生,如有不从,就会被揍一顿。 3、为一点小事就大打出手,并伤害他人身体。有两位同学在打球时,身体不小心接触了一下,结果打了起来,一个出鼻血,一个眼睛被打肿。 4、同学间因“义气”之争,用暴力手段争长争短,大打出手。一女生听说另外有个女生在背后说她坏话,于是就纠结了一帮人,把那女生打了一顿。 5、一方不堪长期受辱,采取以暴制暴手段报复另一方。在某种程度上,校园暴力是社会暴力的一个缩影,但是校园暴力毕竟不是社会暴力本身,二者还是有所区别的。






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刚进教室,张老师便投入了一个重磅消息——校园书吧要开放 了!同学们一下子就沸腾了。张老师选了我和周佳瑶等人一同去管理。







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人类已进入了一个崭新的世纪,不同的人有不同的幸福观。An Express Way to English (英语通)正在中学生中进行幸福观的讨论,请你根据下表的提示,用英语写一篇短文,以便向该刊投稿。

Students| Possessions| Benefits

Some |Money |Buying and doing anything

Some|Health |Enjoyment Some Wealth From parents free from work

Ι|Knowledge |For mankind



Happiness means different things to different people. For example, some students believe that if they have much money or a large number of possessions, they will be happy. They believe that they will be able to do anything they want to if they have money. Some students think that they should be in good health, and enjoy whatever they like. Many students wish to have much wealth from their parents. In this way they don’t have to work hard, and they can have everything. I don’t agree with the above points. We can’t buy many important things with money, such as health, happiness and knowledge. I value knowledge, which makes me happy, for I can do much for mankind with knowledge. Although different people value happiness differently, my “wealth” of happiness is in my study.




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When the leaves from the green turn yellow, the wind gently blow, leaves the name of the child like a yellow butterfly fly down; when the trees off the green summer, put on the golden autumn; when the rice field covered with a Zhang "gold carpet", the fall has unwittingly came to our side. When we enjoy the beautiful spring, the autumn rhythm of the ground up.

Autumn as bright as the pearls, smooth broken jade children, scattered scattered, intermittent, silent, fluttering to sway. And threw it upon the high eaves; and sprinkled it on the dead branches; and leapt to the earth;

Autumn drip on the window, thrown a slight luster, pattering, playing into a autumn march. They seem to be a group of lively and lovely children, drooping to fall on the umbrella, like walking on the umbrella. These "children" like weaving a gray mantle account, hanging between heaven and earth. I seem to see the hazy sky there is a slim girl looming, she seems shy up, put on a layer of mysterious veil. And as if a "city beautician" drive a huge sprinkler in the water, the city should be washed spotlessly.

Autumn winds, blowing away the hot summer, bring cool. Gradually, the rain is getting bigger and bigger, one of the meaningful, let you back to the past, let you miss the hometown, rather than that it is worry, it is better to say that this is a taste of beauty it

Rain is fine, a picture is so sweet, it is to celebrate the crop harvest smile, it is so that the mountains and plains of the fruit red face. "Autumn wind and rain worry about the era of early in the motherland golden autumn gone.

I love the rain, because she put the world with a mysterious clothes!



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We all have our homes, some homes may be larger, probably smaller, and some at home, some of the possible ugly, probably prettier. My family is no exception Oh! Here, let me introduce yourself! My home, although small, very small, but my family is very nice, at first glance, neat, people look very comfortable.

Come into my house, first appeared in front of you is the living room, the living room is the center of a can pull shrink, brown table, at the table, three chairs, are Mom and Dad and my chair, and that in the southwest corner of a table, that is my position. In the living room wall, there is a very old painting, the painting is a bird on a branch of the scene. Left to go from the living room, is one of our room, where we usually watch TV, play computer ...... room northwest, is one of our computer, I find information tool. N the south, there is a TV, free when you can take a look at the news. Next to the TV is my homework place, where there is a multi—functional desk, you can put down a lot of books and stationery.

Go inside this room is our bedroom, with a bed, it was my mother just a place to sleep near the bed, there are a bed, it was my dad a place to sleep, the walls in the bedroom , he has painted a picture of my childhood, very beautiful. This is my home, you must feel it nice!



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August 25 2014 Thursday Sunny

I am very happy today.

Today I have received the highest honour as I obtained full mark and finally beat Xiaoming in the English test.I have been famous for my ability of studying English and eventually I showed my true power today.Those people who are gossiping behind my back should shut up now.

After school,when I went home, I found a hundred dollar notes.Somebody must have been careless and dropped them.Since this is a deserted road,I would not bother returning the money as I had nowhere to go to.

Then,I helped a blind uncle crossing the road.

I feel that I am really delighted.




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We have lived in lida school for more than one year. i enjoy all the time here because it can bring me a lot of things such as feelings, knowledge and other things i need.

There are many trees and flowers around us. the trees are green all the year. when we sit in the classroom and look out of the windows, we can see a big tree shaking its strong arms to us. it is really wonderful.

In some ways, our thoughts are at large. perhaps it makes our brains creative. i believe that nothing can tie up my mind even it stands for authority. the free life is just like our school life.

In our school, of course, there are both success and failure. we should not be proud but modest because there are too many people much better than myself. actually, we also should muster up courage and work harder.

I like to sing:

“We are honest.

We always keep promises.

We often think a lot.

We are never afraid of anything.”

So we have our own school life different from others.

At last, it is impossible for me to resist the temptation to say: what a perfect school life i have!




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Recently, there has been a terrible virus, the coronavirus. All the news is

about the pneumonia caused by the new coronavirus, which is an acute human to

human pneumonia. The source of the virus is said to be small wild animals, such

as badgers, bats, snakes and so on. Doctors said that the new virus has a fast

and strong infectivity, can spread through breathing and contact, and the

epidemic development is particularly rapid. People are getting infected every

day all over the country.



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Today, many people, especially young people, are phone freaks. They are addicted to their mobile phones. They always spend too much time chatting or watching movies on their mobile phones. They have less time to communicate with their friends and family members. They often feel anxious without mobile phones.

Depending on mobile phones too much is a kind of illness. Its bad for health. Looking at the mobile phones too often is bad for our eyes. Playing with mobile phones is a waste of time and gets in the way of study.

Phones can help us communicate more easily and know more about whats happening around the world. If we can use them at proper time and proper situations, they can help us have a better, happier life.



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With the development of technology, today, our life is facilitated with all

kinds information sources. We can read books on the Internet, which is much

convenient than buying the books in the stores. I like to read E-books, because

there are many advantages. First, I can save a lot of money. Downloading the

E-books is for free, I can find all kinds of free sources. It is good for

students because they can save the money. Second, I can save a lot of time. Some

books are not easy to be found in the bookstore, sometimes I need to go to

several shops. But if I search the Internet, then the information is in front of

me. How fast it is.



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It is known to all that China is a great big old country, which has

profound culture. As a result, the diversity of culture makes this country

charming. There are fifty-six minorities and all of them have different

features. Many foreigners come to China and they are attracted by the diversity.

For example, the scenery is different in areas. We have green and high mountains

and amazing historical relics. What’s more, Chinese food is famous around the

world. The unity of the minorities makes our country become stronger. Every

Chinese knows that we are families and will fight for the country’s future. We

have the responsibility to keep the country peaceful.



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The new year is coming, it means that I am older, I am not the little girl any more, I must make something different from the old me. Before, I was so lazy to do the housework, when my mother asked me to do it, I would make some excuses and then ran away. Now I need to learn to take some responsibility, I should share the housework and relieve my mother’s burden. The new year gives me the new task, I must learn to broaden my vision and gain the knowledge, so that I can make some progress. I am so happy that I am older and grow up, I want to become mature and let my parents be proud of me.


