关于我的老师的英语作文通用两篇 作文【最新20篇】

告别,总是人生中的必然进行曲。以下是小编整理的关于我的老师的英语作文通用两篇 作文范文,希望对你有帮助。






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If ask me who my favorite teacher is, I will no doubt answer you that Miss Hou is my favorite teacher. She is an English teacher, she is kind to everyone, she is not like other teachers who are so strict to students.

As Miss Hou is so popular among students, students learn English with high enthusiasm, that is what they return to her.

Miss Hou is a good teacher.




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Our new English teacher of this term is called Miss Li who is about 25 years old.She is very thin and about average height.She has a pair of big eyes which will narrowed into lines when she smiles though.

As much different as our other teachers did before,her first class began with a game.Shes so funny and humorous that the whole class was amused.Everyone of my classmates tooke part in the game initiatively and actively.We easily learned the words and how to use them in oral English while playing.

Unlike other teachers,she never blame and look down upon us bad students.She always makes us to think with our mind about the mistakes we made and encourages us to correct them .

Miss Li is the best teacher ive ever met.I love my new English teacher.







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My English teacher is a young lady. Her name is Kate. She looks beautiful. Her English is very good. She teaches us many things, and she likes to introduce foreign countries to us. She works very hard, because she likes teaching. I like her spoken English. She has good pronunciation and writing. All of my classmates like her.


She was born for teaching and does a great jib. In her class, she can get her students involved in learning and doing exercises. They are attracted by the topics she gives and this makes her class lively. As a result, most students like to be in her class.

Li Xin is a good teacher not only because she has a good way of teaching, but also because she loves her students and never spoil them. She is kind and considerate, and is ready to help her students who meet with difficulties.

My teacher, Li Xin, is not only our good teacher, but also our best friend. We all like her and will remember her forever.








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Dear Mr. Cao


This new year, I have read a lot of books about the new year, and the book

that impresses me most is Spring Festival.

The author of Spring Festival is an Chengna. A long time ago, there was a

monster named "Nian". It had two sharp horns and covered with plum red scales.

Bigger than an elephant, fiercer than a tiger. It looks terrible. Every new

years Eve, "Nian" will come to the village to eat people. One year "Nian" came

again, and a young man said, "its better to fight with it than to let it eat!"

The young people nearby picked up the weapons on the ground and attacked Nian

one after another. Unfortunately, they were not the opponents of Nian, so they

were all eaten by Nian.

Since then, "Nian" has become more fierce, so every new years Eve people

will hide in caves. Another year, new years Eve arrived, just as people were

packing up, there was an old man begging. The old man asked people for food, but

people were very busy and had no time to pay attention to him. Suddenly, an old

woman gave him some food and advised him to go up the mountain to hide. But he

did not hurry to eat the food his wife gave him. The old woman advised him to

run for his life, but he said, "I have a way to get rid of Nian. She thought he

was talking crazy, so I had to leave him. In the middle of the night, Nian broke

into the village. She found a big red paper on her door, lit a candle in the

room, and burned a torch in the yard. "Year" carefully came to the door, and

suddenly came the "crackling" sound in the courtyard. Then an old man in red

came out laughing. "Nian" was so scared that he ran out of the village. The

original "year" most afraid of red, fire and explosion sound!

The next day, the people who took refuge were very surprised to see that

the village was safe and sound! The old woman suddenly realized that the

villagers talked about the old mans promise. People flocked to their wives and

in laws house. They saw red paper pasted in front of the door, and a pile of

unburned bamboo in the courtyard was still "popping" and several red candles in

the room were still flashing. In fact, the old man is to help people mirror out

"Nian" immortals.

Since then, every new years Eve, every family pastes couplets to set off

firecrackers, and every household has bright lights to keep the new year. People

call this traditional festival the Spring Festival.

After reading this book, I realized that the old beggar turned out to be a

fairy. I was so moved that the "year" was formed in this way. Now we also call

it "Spring Festival". I think this book is very popular. I have learned a lot

from it. I really want more foreigners to know and understand the true meaning

of the traditional Chinese festival "Spring Festival". thank you!


The work went well

Your student: Huang Ziming



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For every student, meeting a good teacher is very important, it will change their lives. I am so lucky that I met a good teacher and she opened the new chapter of my life. I will never forget the things she taught me.

对于每一个学生来说, 遇到一个好老师是非常重要的,它将改变他们的生活。我很幸运,我遇到了一个好老师,她打开了我人生的新篇章。我永远不会忘记她教给我的东西。

When I was in high school, I felt so bored about the English class, because I did not understand it. Miss Li was my English teacher, she found my attitude to her class. One day, when the class was over, she asked me to her office. She did not blame me for sleeping in her class, instead, she smiled and asked me the opinion about her class. I said her class was a little boring and I thought she would be angry. Miss Li smiled and agreed with me. She asked me to give some opinion. I was so surprised that she was so kind. Miss Li improved her class and I became very active.


Though I enter the college, I will never forget Miss Li’s class and the things she taught me. She respects me and makes me important. I am so thankful to her.




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我的英语老师My English Teacher

Mr. He is my Englishteacher. He is a tall and thin young man. His English is very good and we likehim talking. Besides, he can sing many English songs. We learn some simple onesfrom him. He graduated from a famous university of our country. He always tellshis stories in school. They are very interesting. I want to grow up soon and bea college student.



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My favorite teacher is Miss Huang.She is a beautiful lady.She has two big eyes,a high nose and a small red mouth.There is always a smile on her face.

Miss Huang likes singing and collecting posters.She is good at playing the piano.In the evening,she always sits in front of the piano and plays nice music.She is good at dancing,too.Sometimes she teaches us dancing.

Miss Huang likes dogs very much because the dog is very friendly and cute.Her favorite color is blue.Because blue is the color of the sky and the sea.

This is my favorite teacher.Our classmates all like her very much.







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“哒,哒,哒……”一阵急促而又有力的高跟鞋声音伴随着清脆的上课铃声传入我们的耳中。“Good morning my class。”这是我家大大每天必说的一句话,音调从“Good”开始上扬,突出强调“my”,又从“my”开始音调逐渐下缓,这抑扬顿挫的声音,仿佛在很严肃地告诉我们,“来,我的同学们,令人期待的英语课到了,赶快把心收收,认真学习精神粮食吧。”轻快的语气来提醒着我们。这句话对于我来说,则是一整天的“兴奋剂”。虽然我曾多次模仿,但从未超越过。





作业也不甘落后。大大的作业布置真的无话可说,又多又难,但对于我这个英语渣渣来说,我就是很喜欢写英语作业,可能是因为大大订正作业的方式也很独特吧。大大的课堂上,每一道题都是由同学们来解说的,大大就好像是一位leader,慢慢的,小心翼翼地引领着我们去深入那些简单的,有点难的,变态难的那些题目。对于成绩好的同学却没有发挥好,大大会说:“这次做的不好哦,下次要继续努力。”而对于那些有一点点进步的同学,大大则会说:“Terrific”、“Good job”、“Well done”等。但是无论我们做得有多差,只要我们用心,只要我们相比之前有进步,都会受到大大的鼓励。我喜欢写英语作业,应该就是因为这个吧。

大大的课堂氛围也很奇妙。在大大的课堂上,都是吵吵闹闹的,欢声笑语的。在教授新知识时,大大会让同学读课文,然而总有那么几个调皮捣蛋的小朋友读不通顺,这时大大就会说:“好吧,背下来吧。”全班坏笑;听写时,当大大询问我们有没有准备好时,我们都异口同声地说:“没有”,而大大反而笑着说:“一群口是心非的家伙”,全班大笑;布置作业时,大大说:“来,让我们来做几道小题。”结果唰唰唰,原来是几张纸呀,全班苦笑;在订正作业时,“来,某某同学you do。”在发现某同学的单词错误得很离谱时“来,这个单词50遍”全班也是哄堂大笑……但是快乐的时光总是短暂的,英语课堂转瞬即逝。

大大在课下也是十分独特的。就像“Good morning my class”一样“请那些勤奋的小伙伴们到办公室来一趟”也是课后必说的一句话。一听这句话,以我为代表的英语渣渣们就会十分自觉地抱起额外的作业,接成一条小小火车,跟着“火车头”驶向目的地。大大的记忆力尤其好,她可以记得住每个被特别关注的同学最近的学习情况、作业质量。“某某,最近怎么上课没有之前专注啦。”“咦,你今天的作业质量没有之前的好,怎么回事?”对于额外补充作业的小伙伴们:“你做的这几篇有没有什么不懂的呀?”“咦,你错误有点小多唉。”“嗯,不错,有进步,继续下去肯定会有进步的,加油。”……我在心底暗念:这是我见过的所有老师中“小灶”开的最好的一个。俗话说:“笨鸟先飞”,所以我喜欢提前去找大大,因此,我也比别人有更多的“福利”,一颗糖、几粒枣、若干小零食……在我的英语学习过程中,大大如影随形,无处不在。




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Dear teacher x


The new year is coming. First of all, Id like to give you a new years

greeting: I wish you good health and all the best!

In the past semester, you have worked hard for us. We all thank you!

Teacher, you have made a lot of sweat for us. Today Im here to talk to you.

You are a good teacher who cares about students. I remember that in the

last semester, a classmate in my class had a fever. When the news reached your

ears, you took him to the clinic. Not only that, but also to him.

You are more nervous than us near the final exam, so we often have an extra

class after school to make up for it. Some students complain that the teacher

should not leave us, but you dont care what they say. Help the students who

dont understand from time to time and teach them solutions so that they can

understand. We will ask you for advice when we encounter problems that we cant,

and you will explain them to us patiently.

Here, I sincerely say: "teacher, you work hard!"

Ah! Dear teacher, you give your wisdom with love. I salute you silently

from my heart. There are poems to prove it

Ode to the gardener

Teacher, you are the beacon of learning sea,

We are sailing boats.

Three feet platform,

a poor but honest person.

You burn with passion,

We have built the students splendid achievements.

My alma mater is the cradle of dreams,

The teacher is the hand that weaves the cradle.

Teacher, you have worked hard,

You work hard and gain hope.

Hello, teacher,

You are the most romantic.

How well is the poem "sneaking into the night with the wind, moistening

things silently". Teacher, arent you just like the spring rain in poetry?

Working in obscurity, you have cultivated generations of pillars, but you dont

ask for any return. Teacher, arent you just like the hard gardener? After hard

work, you finally smell the fragrance of peach and plum. "When the silkworms

die, the silk will be exhausted, and the wax torch will become gray and the

tears will dry." this is your true portrayal; addition, subtraction,

multiplication and division can not count as your contribution; poems and songs

can not praise your admiration. Teacher, let me say to you again: "hard


I wish you:

Good health, happy holidays!

Your students



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All of us like our physics teacher, Miss Gao。When our class master asked for leave, Miss Gao took his place。 Although her family name is Gao -- in Chinese it means tall -- she~s really

shorter than all the other teachers。But we have never paid attention to her height, instead we are always interested in her lessons。 She is strict with us so we have made GREat proGREss in physics。 Now our class master has come back, but we still regard Miss Gao as our second class master。



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Dear Miss Jiang,

I am writing to share my ideas about our English class. Now, our main material in the class is the textbook, which is reasonable. But I think we can get some other resources, such as English magazines, songs, movies and so on. We can learn the basic knowledge from out textbook, and get some more from other materials. In addition, those materials are more authentic and practical, which will be useful to our learning. Besides, by doing so, we can get more fun from learning and develop our interest to English. Please take good consideration of my advice. Thank you!

Sincerely yours,




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The teacher who taught me when I was in the primary school is the teacher that I admire most . He was very friendly and kind-hearted person. No matter what trouble you were in he would always give you his hand. He was very patient with his students. I remember one thing very clearly. Once I made a big mistake. I thought he would be very angry with me. But to my surprise, he gave me a gentle persuasion and encouraged me with his smile. He was very famous for his teaching in the education scope and awarded many times because of his excellent performance. You know childhood is quite important for the growth of a child. The influence he imposed on me will keep me company through my whole life.

So I will admire him forever.



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"the teacher like a candle, burn yourself out to give light to others." This sentence to describe our teacher in charge teacher liu fitting. Dont forget the original seed ya-nan liu teacher for me.

Although my grades in the class is counting backwards, but liu never gave up on me.

Due to my personal reason, fourth grade last semester language final grade is not ideal, back to school that day, I came to the classroom with uneasy heart, waiting for the teachers criticism, I think liu will certainly be swept over me scold a meal, but to my surprise, the teacher did not criticize me, still a prize for the former hair in my hands. I think: the teacher is in with the special form of silent she encouraged me, wanted to cling to the teacher cry a, but I still bear the heart excited, quivering accepted the prize.

Parents in the afternoon after the meeting, the teacher and her mother to discuss how to improve my winter vacation in language, after coming home, mom told me she and the plans of the teacher, is let me every other day using the Internet to the teacher read an article, this is liu would have considered good plan. Mother said: "never seen so a responsible teacher, she can sacrifice blessedly to some vacation time to help me to learn." The most to my surprise, the teacher gave me a book. I am a poor, the teacher also still like me? Cant let the teacher disappointment, I want to try to overcome their own shortcomings, to learn the language!



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Dear Editor,

I’m a builder. When other builders and I laid a foundation of a building,

we dug out some ancient cultural relics.

At that time, some people suggested we sell them so that we could get some

money. But I didn’t agree with them because I think these cultural relics are

our country’s wealth.

As Chinese people, we should protect them. So I told the other builders we

shouldn’t sell them, because cultural relics represent a country’s culture and

history. Besides, we should donate these culture relics to our country in case

they might be sold abroad secretly. We shouldn’t lose them.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua
