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Summer sister quietly gone, the autumn girl came in a hurry, she did not pay attention to you, the autumn door opened.

Pear baby and persimmon baby one by one to fill the big orchard; purple Yingying grape lady special beauty, she is in the purple (white) The face painted with a layer of sparkling powder, from a distance, like a string of purple pearls, looks very attractive; chubby pomegranate looks very cute, he will give the autumn girl what? Did not expect, Mr. pomegranate actually gave the autumn girl a bag of red pearls, flashing, lit the whole large orchard.

Watching the park is really lively! Colorful chrysanthemum contests, white like snow, yellow tournament gold, pink like Xia ... ... colorful, beautiful! Her posture is also very moving: some Minato together, like a few Good sister in the whisper; some lowered his head, like a shy little girl ... ... is really graceful! Golden yellow sweet-scented osmanthus exudes a refreshing fragrance, really "Osmanthus bloom, fragrant floating ten miles" ah!

The woods, a piece of leaves fall, like a butterfly in the forest flying, there are red, yellow, green, and purple ... ... very beautiful ... field, the golden rice laughter Bent over, people feel shines.

This is my eyes beautiful autumn scenery, let us enjoy this charming scenery together!




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The weather in winter is a set of all the phenomena in a given atmosphere at a given time. It also includes interactions with the hydrosphere.它同样包括水圈的相互作用。

The term usually refers to the activity of these phenomena over short periods (hours or days), as opposed to the term climate, which refers to the average atmospheric conditions over longer periods of time. When used without qualification, weather" is understood to be the weather of Earth. 如果没有限定的条件,人们对于气候的理解就是地球的天气。



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New Years Day is one of important days for many people in the word during the year。Most people spend the New YearsDay in hotels。January 1st is considered as the New Years Day。most companies,shops,school,and government offices are closed during that time。People prepare for New Years Dayfrom late December。

Firt,people spend a few days to clean their houses completely。Some families then put up some new painting from November to be sent in January。The New Years meal is also prepcnared from the end of December。During the New Years Day,people usually do not cook and relax at home。 On New Years Eve,it is common to have a bag dinner with family members or friends at home or in hotels and hear bells which informs us of the coming New Year。

On New Years Day,people fiest greet each other。 Some people wear new coats and visit temples to pray for happiness and health theoughout the New Year。Children are busy with getting the gifts from their parents and relatives。



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My school is so beautiful that i cannot think of leaving there for less a day. The lofty trees, colorful flowers and the charming attract me a lot. When i first went there, i was amazed by its wonderful atmospherem peaceful and warm. Everyday, my teacher teaches me a lot of knowledge from different aspects such as Chinese, Math,and English. It benefits me a lot. And there are my schoolmates. We play together everyday, making plenty of fun. When we meet trouble on study, we always get together in a group. Talking about the quickest way to solve the problem, we strengthen our relationship. We become better friends. At the same time, we practice our minds.



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Autumn to the days of high clouds, cool breeze, orchard fruitful, faction of the harvest scene.

Look in the orchard that only a huge apple covered with branches, bending the branches, like hide and seek children exposed smile. I eat one, sweet and fragrant, really delicious. I looked at the scene, eating this apple, can not help but "poem" a: "tree apple orchard and large, red color like a child face; gently smell the smell of spicy, eat mouth sweet Jinjin!

The north of the apple forest is the vineyard. "Crystal" grape crystal translucent, like a crystal carved out like. "Red Earth" grape red with purple, like a string of red pearls hanging in the tree. And that "beauty refers to" grapes, the skin is very thin, like a touch on the broken like.

There is a large pomegranate tree on the west side of the vineyard. This is just a pomegranate like a "smiling" small doll, as if to say: "My belly big and big, which filled with small baby; everyone together to taste, teeth sweet out light. I could not stand the temptation of it, picked a, cut open the skin, took out into the mouth of a bite, red juice has been sweet to the heart, refreshing.

After tasting the pomegranate, we came to the persimmon garden. Persimmon flat, orange, like a small lantern.

The fruitful dressing up the beautiful orchard, it is indulge in pleasures without stop. This charming school of autumn, even look at a glance, also called you enchanted.



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Of the four seasons,I love Spring best.In Spring,the weather gets warmer and everything begins to grow rapily.If we go to the countryside on a sunny day in Spring,W‘ll find tree turning green and flowers blooming.Besides mypersonal interests,I think the most in portant reason.

Why I like Spring is that Spring signifies hope and progress.It assures us a promising season of summer and also the most iportant havvest seaso-autum.I love Sprig.



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我的同桌叫胡正午,他的脸蛋是椭园形的,象个哈密市;他的眼睛乌黑乌黑的,象墨水瓶;他的头发一根根的,象公园里的一排排白杨树。3. 我的同学叫岳高,脸园园的象小灯笼,头大大的象只大皮球,嘴扁扁地象月牙。4.文章摘要:本文章的主要内容是关于同学外貌描写片段,欢迎您来阅读并提出宝贵意见! 一个男同学的外貌〗特别是那双带长睫毛的眼睛,更使他增添了几分稚气。他有爱眨眼的习惯,一天到晚眼睛眨个不停。他一急起来眼睛就眨得更厉害了。〖一个女同学的外貌〗她很瘦小,长着一对月牙似的小眼睛,嘴巴旁有颗米粒大小的黑痣。她正阅读着一本厚厚的书,那双眼睛盯在书页上,就像蜜蜂吮吸着花蜜,显得那么专注。 人物外貌描写他是我的一个朋友,一张苹果脸,两边的脸颊胖呼呼的,细皮嫩肉,摸上去滑滑的,上面长着几缕乌黑的头发,前面留了几条卷发,眉毛粗粗的呈“八字”。一双水汪汪而又明亮的眼睛镶嵌在上面,上下两排眼睫毛向上翘。上面长着挺拔的鼻子。他还有一张大嘴,两边嘴唇红扑扑的,里边透出两排洁白的牙齿。脸的两边是对招风耳。从远处看,觉得他挺有活力的,其实他并不爱运动。 吕口口是我的好同桌,他长得象我家套间房子;嘴巴象我家的铁门;眼睛象空的窗子;两个孔的鼻子呢?象安在我家厨房的排气扇5. 我的同桌是彭莎莎,她脸蛋瘦瘦的象萝卜;头发长长的象蒜苗;嘴巴小小的象鲫鱼;笑起来有两个小酒窝,象土豆6. 我的同桌叫陈康,他的头上是长得海带似的头发;他的脸上长着鱿鱼长的鼻子;他的额头下面长着大闸蟹似的眼睛;他的睫毛长又长,象龙虾的长爪子7. 我的同学叫李乙,他有一张胖胖的脸,很象脸盆;头发浓浓的卷卷的象洗碗的钢丝刷子;鼻子钩着象个倒扣着的小汤勺;他喜欢吐舌头,吐出来又卷进去真象菜铲子8. 我的同桌叫马琳,她圆圆的脸象红苹果;大大的眼睛象黑葡萄;高高的鼻子象根小香蕉;张开时嘴巴象个大梨子;那舌头呢红红的扁扁的象块压扁了的干柿子,还常常带了芒果一样的笑容9. 我的同桌叫牛妞。短短的头发一排排地站着,象在做操的的小朋友;两只眼睛闪啊闪象有人在里面打蓝球;牙齿排着队挨得很紧,好象我们排着整齐的队伍到老师那里去背书10我的同桌叫杨谷,他长得可好看了。眼睛有牛眼那么大;眉毛有马鞭子那么长;鼻子隆起来比骆驼背还高;嘴巴张起来象狮子口;吓巴尖尖的象山羊的下巴。(1)长得不是很漂亮,却也不丑。大家觉得她很像猴子,於是,送她一个「猴王」的绰号。这个绰号,虽然不怎麼好听,但是她还是非常乐意的接受,光靠这一点,就不难了解,她算位为好好小姐了!(2)乌黑发亮的头发,扎成两个小辫子,耳朵被两个小辫子遮掩了一部分,柳叶一样的眉毛下镶嵌着一对明亮的大眼睛,鼻子有点扁,薄薄的嘴唇里藏着两排整齐的牙齿,脸上常常挂着笑容,嘻嘻——呵呵——哈哈——下课总能听到她的笑声。她就是高睿。 (3)齐洪武长的比较猥琐,代个大眼镜,长个大脑瓜子,同学就管他叫齐大脑袋、齐大虎(在东北话里,虎是缺心眼儿的意思)。他有胡子不刮,用翦子铰,也不怕铰着肉,找不着翦子,就用小夹子一根根往下夹,他每夹一根,我就觉着自己脸上一紧(4)孙超浓眉大眼,炯炯有神,他那高高的鼻梁上架着一副三百五十度眼镜,在(改为“再”)加上那又尖又长的下巴颏,显得十分可爱。



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It is New Year s Day. The weather is sunny but cold. Lucy s family are all at home . Lucy is talking to Scott on the phone. Her father is playing basketball outside. Her mother is busy cooking. Her sister, ,Mary , is watching TV, and her brother ,

Jeff, is playing computer games. They are all having a good time.



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"Woof, woof, woof" hear what voice you will know that I am like this animal. You may ask, why the dog called lele? I come to you: "lele is one of the neighbors dog, because always come to my house, I will regard it as their own the dog. Hes always, very active, very happy every day, so I told him to do le le!"

Lele is a fox small dogs, the aspect of color are all white, no other color is a little. Although dogs are color blind, but I dont think he is color-blind. Round discerning eyes, he is a little cockroach in one meter, which it can see clearly. For example: "that Im eating bread, suddenly saw a cockroach ran out from under the cabinet, on the rest of the lele a saw a cockroach, immediately blunt come over, put it in the foot pads, he at the top of the cockroaches in lele also, with its sharp claws grasp cockroach to bits."

Lele like others to touch it. When I touch it head, two ears hang down, eyes closed, seems to be enjoying. As long as it a angry, keep call, you can touch it, like magic, lele mood immediately to calm down, dont angry.

Lele didnt eat rice, he will always follow you, with a miserable eyes looking at you, you dont have to give him to eat it up. Until you give him to eat, he cant follow you. Do you like had in its sleep, eat dog food to him.

Lele sleep appearance, also is varied. Just sleep time is bipod and approach, head on top. Who the time on all over the body. Is asleep after fall. Sleep is the body sideways.








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Everybody watches the winter haze weather, the fog haze harm is bigger, there are several city already in it, so we should strengthen the environmental management efforts, no longer let haze weather.

Must have a lot of people know the cause of the haze, fog, fog and haze, of course, is made of, fog is the main cause of a large number of small water droplets or ice crystals suspended in the ground the air system, composed of aerosols is a product of condensed water in the air near the ground layer. Fog is mainly will reduce visibility, can cause traffic hidden trouble, but not harm to people.

Haze is made up of the dust in the air, harmful material such as sulfuric acid, nitric acid, it can make the atmospheric turbidity, blurry vision and leads to reduced visibility, and can cause great harm to human body. So fog and haze two brothers together, this irrelevant to unprecedented damage caused by the atmosphere, some citys air quality has come to the point where moderate pollution, some cities has reached high levels of pollution, more terrible.

The dangers of smog is quite large, it will for highway, railway, aviation, power supply system, affect crop growth. Also easy to cause the spread of infectious diseases and a variety of diseases. Harm to peoples health. And can lead to air pollutants is not easy to spread, enhanced the toxicity of harmful substances, serious, may also cause smog. And can cause great harm to people, especially a great influence on the respiratory system. It is reported that this winter respiratory disease increased than last winter % % 30-40. This is what a staggering, worthy of our thought. So the prevention and treatment of haze weather is urgently needed.

Our precautions should be in place, in haze weather, we should stop morning exercise and outdoor activities. This just isnt good enough, I think this is the main reason of the bad weather in automobile exhaust emissions and industrial emissions, so the country should policy instructions as soon as possible to manage and control the harmful gas emissions, more tree and grass planting, purify our environment. I think, if everyone is mobilized, haze weather should flew away.

In a word, I hope you can take action, a variety of grass flowers, how to protect the environment, for our future generations to build a green, natural environment.









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In my growth experience, there are many lovely little stars in the treasure chest. Wow, that one is not only cute, but also not bright, because it is the most unforgettable thing in my memory.

That morning, a wisp of sunlight slanted through the window to my bed, I just open our eyes, the mother smiled and said to me: "baby, today is your birthday! You love what birthday gift!" we excitedly said: "we want a small animal."

Its almost noon, mom and dad came back, smiling at us, we were very curious and asked: "Mom, a gift?" Mom with a finger, you can do that in my father, my sister and I saw my father for a while, did not see what gift, my sister suddenly shouted: "what is behind the father?" my father would not let me see, Dad turned it around the circle, the father smiled with us to turn around, not to us, then my mother said: "you dont make both treasure, give them." "Good, good," Dad promised to put the box to us, my sister and I saw a white paper box, paper box is filled with a lid, do not see what I think it really is what animal, he asked: "sister box will not be a rabbit. Sister?" said: "no, that is a small cat," then we hurried to open the box, a look at the original cat not be startled at, that is a lovely white dog! Haha, we are delighted, I shouted: "what a beautiful dog ah, it. Many white ah, we call it white!" sister praised: "yes, this name is really right," and then we are going to have white, have fun.

Now it has become a member of our family. Thank you, mom and Dad, for the birthday present. It has always been my memory, and I can not forget it.



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I have a dog, it is lovely, it is called Mimi. Every time I go home from school, Mimi always cruising around me, I will go to the kitchen to get a piece of meat to it, it lay on the floor to eat. My legs and then jump to bark "Wang "called, so I picked up Mimi, it is the opportunity to lick my hand, making me laugh.

I like Mimi, like puppies.





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Fresh and natural garden, I heard the autumn girl crept to come. "Really refreshing!" Said this sentence and it is my own - chrysanthemum. "Oh, Im dreaming of being a chrysanthemum, it s a dream come true.

I was too busy to meet my new friends. Hello, fancy roses, in your side I will always see you elegant and elegant lining. Hello, slim cold blue, see you I understand the meaning of Chunlan Qiuju. Hello, Guizi fragrance of the sweet-scented osmanthus, I will always smell the kind of Gui Fu Lan Xins fragrance, people indulge in pleasures; Hello, beautiful posture Phalaenopsis, you were assessed on the blue queen must be very proud of it Do not take it lightly. Hello, budding hibiscus flowers, you can I am under the eyes of the province of flowers, you are still still being a small green leaf cicadas tortured, strong point. Hello, gorgeous colorful camellia, see you, I really believe that your flower language is really good - cute. Hello, arrogant extraordinary cosmos, you disdain the appearance of the hidden mystery. Hello, wonderful immortal cyclamen, your appearance of private fairy guest dazzling and far to the meaning, far to see, even if the thriving is also novel. I will be in these simple flowers to learn that people should learn the blue and blue and other reasons.

When the fall is about to pass, I met a new friend - Cai Ye grass. In this piece of golden ocean only her half purple half green leaves particularly eye-catching, so I particularly appreciate this in all occasions will see her color leaves, appreciate her tenacious vitality, appreciate her that was endured Insect bites strong ...

Know the end of autumn, that day seems to be particularly quiet, the flowers in the garden are prepared for the zero, they are well enjoy the last day. I close my eyes, vaguely can see the leaves are still leisurely floating down, it seems that the minds of the leaves fall out of the scene. A burst of cold wind pierced my body, I can not help but hit a chills. I looked at the sky, I saw the sky blue and blue, from time to time a white spot looming. Is it snowing, is she coming to bring us back to heaven? Sure enough, the rain did not like my hope, but mercilessly took away our lives. Snow tells us the next fall you will be as happy as this fall, the next year must grow better.

I secretly thought: there will be a few autumn for us happy? One is enough.



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My father is a policeman. He is tall and strong. He looks very cool in the black police uniform. He works in the police station and he is very busy every day. He likes helping people. So he often goes everywhere by his motor cycle. When he sees the people in the trouble, he will try his best to help the people. He is a good policeman. And many people like him very much, too. They often say: Mr Li, you are a good policeman. We like you very much. But my father always has a point: Helping people is his duty.

My father likes reading books very much. Because he thinks: A good book is a good friend. So he reads books after work every day. Sometimes he plays games with me. We are very happy. I like him very much, because my father is not only my father, but also my good friend.

This is my father. He is a good father. I like my father very much! My dear friends, do you have a good father, too?



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Waking up on New Year, everybody dresses up. First they extend greetings to their parents.

Then each child will get money as a New Year gift, wrapped up in red paper. People in northern China will eat jiaozi, or dumplings, for breakfast, as they think "jiaozi" in sound means "bidding farewell to the old and ushering in the new". Also, the shape of the dumpling is like gold ingot from ancient China.

So people eat them and wish for money and treasure.

Southern Chinese eat niangao (New Year cake made of glutinous rice flour) on this occasion, because as a homophone, niangao means "higher and higher, one year after another." The first five days after the Spring Festival are a good time for relatives, friends, and classmates as well as colleagues to exchange greetings, gifts and chat leisurely.

China has 56 ethnic groups. Minorities celebrate their Spring Festival almost the same day as the Han people, and they have different customs.




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We all know a story similar to this: Two Men and a Bear. In the forest, when a bear attacked them, the thinner man quickly climbed up to the top of a tree and forgot his promise to the fatter guy, who could not climb the tree, about helping each other when in danger. Luckily, the fatter man saved himself. The fatter mat was very disappointed, and when they got together again, he said to the thinner man, "You are not my real friend. Only a friend in need is a friend indeed". This is a very familiar story. It illustrates to us what a friend should be like. It is, however, just a story.

I would like to tell you something about myself, my true feel-ings. When I was in Senior One, I had great difficulty in learning science subjects. I was unable to understand the teacher and 1 could not do the exercises or the homework. I believed that I was stupid and could not learn anything. The sky was gray and the grass was yellow those days. Everything was a mess in my brain. My classmate, a good student, whom I only considered as one of the classmates before, came to me with a smile. She told me that if I needed help, she would like to help me. As she was also very busy with her studies,I asked myself, "Could she help me? "Sev-eral days later, I knew the answer. Yes, she could. She did as much as she could. She made time every day to help me solve the problems and showed me many good ways to study science. Her patience and earnest nature touched me deeply. I worked very hard and my progress was reflected in my examination result. I appreciated her help very much and wanted to thank her. When I looked ather, once again she smiled at me with an encouraging and congratulatory look. At that moment I understood that a true friend should be like this.

Nowadays, it seems that there are many ways of expressing friendship. Our lives are generally better. People now have more time to consider and be more concerned about their lives. Money, which is considered by many to be of prime importance, makes it difficult to find true friendship. Is friendship only greeting each other on meeting? Is friendship only drinking and eating together? Is friendship only lending money to each other? No, a friend Should be a person you trust and understand. A friend should be a person who tastes happiness and bitterness with you. A friend should be a person who can give you confidence and encouragement.

Though everything has changed, and friendship has scores of definitions, I still believe, and I will believe forever that "A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed".







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Ive been to a lot of beautiful places, but in my mind, the most important thing in my mind is the Forbidden City.

The Forbidden City is a place where the ancient emperor of China can live. The imperial palace has: temple of heaven, echo wall, emperors study and so on many beautiful places. There are colorful flowers in the temple of heaven, very beautiful. The flowers and grasses and the famous flowers and plants are all numerous and numerous, very beautiful, far from looking like a colorful flower in the open. Like a fairyland on earth. The temple of heaven is not a famous artist.

The echo wall is a miracle of acoustics, which is a masterpiece of ancient craftsman. The wall tiles of the echo wall are not as strong as others. It is specially made in shandong linqing place. The slurry brick is exquisite, and the sound of the metal sound, commonly known as the gold brick. If you shout in the echo wall, the echo will be strong.

Its better to see if you have the chance, and believe that it will make you feel better.



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A man of small stature, he was only five feet, six inches at the most, and he was somewhat overweight even in his prime. His Italian heritage was evidenced by his dark hair, olive complexion, and strong nose. A neatly trimmed moustache adorned his upper lip. In young years, a cigar frequently protruded from under the dark moustache. Clear blue eyes contrasted nicely with his olive tone.

There was a kindness in those eyes, and they always showed his every emotion. Making him so easy to read.An easygoing manner acted like a magnet for him, attracting the love and respect of everyone he cameJn contact with, During World War II, his compassionate nature was utilized as a nurse in the Navy and in the Marines. Scars on his back were proof of his heroism. He never really spoke much about the war, but he only would tell his favorite story of how he delivered a baby in all that turmoil He married during his stint in the service, and soon a son and a daughter would also share his love. Both of them having dark hair, olive skin, and blue eyes. everyone said how they were "the spitting image" of him, Oh, how he beamed at that statement. He worked very hard at being a good husband and father. Years passed, and he became a grandfather who was affectionately called "papa." His grandchildren adored him and were his constant companions.

Going to McDonalds became a weekly outing for them. Bout, alas, the heart that had always given too much Jove grew weaker and weaker. After two heart attacks and a triple by-pass, his loving heart stopped, and he breathed forth his soul into the arms of God. At his funeral mass, the priest spoke of how his success was not stored in banks but in that hearts of those who loved him. From this perspective, he was a most-successfu man and truly died a millionaire. This profile of Bob La Coy is very accurate. I know because he was my Joying father.




去麦当劳成为他们每周的郊游。一回,唉,这都太虚弱的心啊。两次心脏病发作和三次旁路后,他慈爱的心脏停了下来,他把灵魂吹进了上帝的怀抱。在他的葬礼弥撒上,牧师讲述了他的成功不是藏在银行里,而是在那些爱他的人心中。从这个角度来看,他是一个很成功的人,真的死了一个百万富翁。Bob La Coy的这个轮廓非常准确。我知道,因为他是我喜欢的父亲。



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