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We became friends by accident. One day Jack was playing basketball on the playground. Amazed at how skillful he was, I made up my mind to play as well as him. I was grateful when he agreed to teach me. Every time when I wanted to give up halfway, it was Jack who encouraged me. Gradually, I mastered the skills and became confident enough to challenge the best players in our school.


It happened on a Friday when I was seated in a crowded bus, heading for my school. It was just at that moment that an elderly lady with her little grandson stepped onto the bus. Immediately, I offered my seat to them without hesitation. The elderly lady expressed her great appreciation to me and we enjoyed a pleasant short trip together.


Being a 15-year-old middle school student and feeling my parents have done so much to me, I have been considering what I can do for them to show my gratitude. Last Sunday, when my parents went out shopping, I decided to take this opportunity to do something helpful for our family. Not only did I clean the bowls and cookers, but I put all the messy things away. Tired and sweaty, I was about to open the door to throw rubbish when my parents showed up at the door. They were amazed to see what I had done and praised me. From then on, I determined to work harder to do more for my family.






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难忘的一次经历作文 浙江省杭州市余杭区信达外国语学校402班 俞晓鹏 “卖报!卖报!”哈哈,我们402班的同学们正在妇保医院举行一次“卖报”活动。 我和我的好朋友张莫凡是一对很好的搭档。走进大门,我们首先来到了楼上的等候厅。走着走着,我遇到了一位阿姨,便向她走去,心里有些小小的胆怯,但还是鼓足了勇气对阿姨说:“阿姨,买份报纸吧!”阿姨笑了笑,问道:“是今天的还是昨天的报纸啊?多少钱呢?”我说:“昨天的,五元钱一份。”还没等阿姨说话,忽然,周锐半路杀了出来,他对阿姨快嘴快舌地说:“阿姨,阿姨,我有今天的报纸,只要一元钱!”阿姨便买了他的报纸。我心里那个生气啊!生意就这么被他抢去了,是因为什么呢?难道是太贵了,还是因为是昨天的报纸呢?我想了一下,决定降价卖。我就不相信我的报纸卖不出去! 到了楼下,我问了几位阿姨,她们都摇摇头,一一回绝,我立刻垂头丧气了,真不想卖了,但是我不能半途而废啊!终于,我遇到了一位叔叔,就像看到了光明,连忙走上前去对他说:“叔叔叔叔,买一份报纸吧!”叔叔热情地说:“好的,多少钱啊?你们是不是在举办什么活动啊?”我笑着回答:“一元钱。”接着又吞吞吐吐地说:“是呀,我们班组织了一次卖报活动。”叔叔点了点头,付了钱就坐下来看报了。我心想:耶,终于赚到钱咯! 时间很快过去了,我终于卖出了好几份报纸。我的搭档张莫凡也已经有了收获。 我印象最深刻的是一位长得很高大的叔叔。为什么印象深刻呢?是因为我给他报纸的时候,叔叔给了我十元钱,当我找钱的时候却发现只有八元零钱了。但叔叔却说:“没关系没关系。”就这样,我用两元钱卖出了一份报纸。



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我拼命地挣扎,心中有一百个不愿意 ,嘴里喊着:“不去,不去呀……”但是,我爸爸容不得我细想,拉着我往前游去。其实也没什么大不了的嘛!我鼓起勇气,抱着试一试的心理,心想,难得来一次,没准还真能学会游泳了呢!






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An Unforgettable Holiday

I am 'always busy with my lessons。What I have to do everyday is nothing but study。

Luckily, last summer my family went to my uncle's farm。We enjoyed a really interesting holiday。 During the holiday, I didn't have to get up early, nor did I need to finish many exercises。 I rode the horse in the fields。 I milked the cows on the farm。 To my GREat joy, my uncle invited me to go fishing。 Life on the farm is quite different from that at school。 I want to go back to spend my summer holiday again。




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I still remember the first day I went to the zoo. When I was only five years old, my mother took me there. I was pleased to see so many real animals at the same time. They seemed so lovely and active. I spent a nice day. But on my way home, I began to feel sorry for them. They were taken away from their parents and friends and also far away from the nature. They must have felt lonely, I thought. Every day, the only thing they could do was to sit there and wait for food.




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The Memory About College Entrance Exam

The college entrance exam is a big exam for students, they have learned so many years for the purpose of entering the college. For most person, they have the very deep impression about the big exam, it has changes so many people’s destinies. I had taken part in the exam, I remember it clearly, the situation just like happened yesterday. I studied so hard, in those days that were nearing the exam, all the students focus their attention on the study, we fought together. The paper and the books were piled up our desks, when I entered the classroom, I hardly could see my classmates’ heads. Though it was the tough days for us, we felt happy, because we fought for our future, we believe what we do will bring us a promising future. These memories will linger on my mind forever.





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I was born on May 19,xxx.Every birthday receive presents such as toys,candy ang books from my parents and friends.But this birthday is different.

Onthe morning of my fourteenth birthday, I got up earlier than usual to make breakfast for my parents. I wanted to give them a surprise. this is the first time I have got up earlier than my parents and made breakfast for them.And I will never forget their smiling faces when tey saw what Idid for them.



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Today is Monday. I got up at 6:30 a.m.. Then I washed my face and ate breakfast. Milk, bread, egg and porridge are my favorites. My mother always getsup early and cooks for me. This morning, I drank a cup of milk and ate bread and an egg.After breakfast, I went to school at 7:00.School started at 7:50 and I usually get there at 7:30. I had English, history, math and geography in the morning. I liked English very much, because my English teacher is very nice.After school in the morning, I went home at 11:30. Then I ate lunch and then had a short rest.I went to school at 14:00.In the afternoon, I had four classes: music, biology, and two periods ofChinese. I liked Chinese, too, because Chinese is our national language and its very beautiful.After school, I went home for dinner. After dinner,I spent half and an hour inmy homework. Then I watched TV and played computer games.



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An Unforgettable Day

August 5 was a special day. It was my eighteenth birthday, on the way to become an adult. I didn’t go out with my relatives as usual, I went to Zhejiang Daily Newspaper Building to experience how an editor of Zhejiang Online Website worked. In the morning, we visited many offices, chatted with Wang Zhidong, the former CEO of Sina, and we tried to edit a report and send it to the Internet. We also had a debate about whether kids’being on-line was good. I stood on the positive side. That was, we should get on-line, to learn, to relax, to shop, to play, to make friends, and to name just a few. We took some pictures to accept as a souvenir. We had lunch there and watched movies afterwards. Spiderman II was truly realistic. We were fascinated by the cool actions, scared by the ugly beast,and encouraged by the brave hero. Then we saw part of Detective Conan, a Japanese cartoon film. In the afternoon, we took a bus to a building where the governors worked to interview a grandpa, who used to work for the young generation.

He is kind, and healthy, though he is over eighty. He loves working, especially working for the youth. He feels more energetic as he talks with kids. At last, he asked us to sing a song for him. We sent a boy on behalf of us all to sing a happy song. He didn’t disappoint us, making everyone present laugh for a while. When the interview ended, we headed back to the newspaper office.The leader handed each of us a diploma and the photos we took that morning. Good time passed quickly. We said good-bye to each other, and then we parted. Yeah, we’ve become friends though we haven’t known each other very long.

In a word, that was a meaningful enjoyable day. I really had great fun.



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Today is "51" Labor Day, I want a meaningful thing. Because usually when I saw my mother always work back pain, so I want to pass this Labor Day, the mother share some things, alleviate some of the burden. So I thought of a good idea: do a clean-up at home.

First of all, I began to scrub the windows and doors. I carefully, conscientiously the house from start to finish, top to bottom with a rag to wipe it again, the rag caked with dust. Oh, my tired, I was sweating profusely, out of breath. But I thought: "clean-up have been very hard, but if I can not hold at all, it is not just doing it too vain things to stay the course?." Although I did not wash wash clean than the mother, but I also very happy today because I helped my mother did a hard thing.

When I finished all of the living, I looked again at home, and clean-up before the big difference is simply ah!

After this clean-up, I not only know: "If paid, will be fruitful." I also understand the "persevering" This sentence means.








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“ 走,我带你去一个好地方。”妈妈神神秘秘地说。等我问她去什么地方时,她却缄口不言。终于到了地方,妈妈却失望地说:“唉!还没有人。”


只见一个爷爷表情沉重地拿着副楹联往黑板上挂,不对,是白板。上面已经有一行字——沉痛悼念中国楹联协会孟繁锦会长。哦,原来是一副挽联。只见上面写道:“噩耗惊闻,江河垂泪,联 坛痛逝擎旗手;孟公永在,德艺流芳,文苑长歌播火人。”一旁的几位爷爷奶奶看了连连点头称赞。


“旸旸,你来了。”一个亲切的声音响起来,我定睛一看,原来是刚才那个挂楹联的爷爷,他是我们院里的邻居,正是他介绍妈妈参加了油田的楹联协会。今天没想到会赶上纪念孟会长的特殊活 动。

大家都展示了寄托哀思的楹联,我却对墙上的对联产生了兴趣:怎么有这么长这么霸气的对联?我小声读了起——八万里腾龙 剑挥师扬名环宇 团队捷报频传,三十年驰马横空出世逐鹿神州 建赫赫功勋 独占。哎,上五年级了,我居然这么多字不认识。

“读错了,上下联读反了。”妈妈小声说。“你怎么知道读反了?那几个字念什么?”我不服气地问。“对联是上仄下平,那几个字吗我也不认识。”“哈哈!妈妈居然也不认识。”“那是繁体 字,又是隶书。”妈妈小声嘟囔道。

那这几个到底是什么字呢?我心里充满了疑惑,一直到楹联展示结束,我才问了写那副楹联的爷爷,原来是“三十年驰马横空出世逐鹿神州建赫赫功勋鳌头独占,八万里腾龙亮剑挥师扬名环宇 凭堂堂团队捷报频传。”

接下来是介绍挽联写作要点。没想到老师刚举完例子就引来一片质疑声,“上联的‘悠然’怎么能对下联的‘简练’”“对呀,这里词性不对。”后面的课老师又举了他获奖的作品,结果连妈 妈也产生了质疑。整个课堂成了讨论会。连我也“亲身下河知深浅,亲口尝梨知酸甜”。

等到活动结束我准备和妈妈离开的时候,却没想到那位刚才给我讲对联的爷爷竟然来到我们面前,夸我勤学善问。他可是在全国楹联比赛中获得金奖的一位。其实我只是为了和妈妈较劲才问的, 听了他的表扬我心里又惭愧又高兴。




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Spring Festival is the most important festival in China .It is to celebrate the lunar calendar ‘s new year .In the evening before the Spring Festival ,families get together and have a big meal .In many places people like to set off firecrackers .Dumplings are the most traditional food .Children like the festival very much ,because they can have delicious food and wear new clothes .They can also get some money from their parents. This money is given to children for good luck . People put New Year scrolls on the wall for good fortune . The Spring Festival lasts about 15 days long .People visit relatives and friends with the words “Have all your wishes ”. People enjoy the Spring Festival ,during this time they can have a good rest .



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one of my happiest experiences is celebrating christmas in college.

since im in college, chances are high that there are other foreign students who have no family to celebrate with. So i gathered my friends, classmates and other Christmas-celebrators together and enjoyed the day. i also invited my local friends to join us. It is a great way to share your culture with each other. we hanged beautiful Christmas ornaments from dorm windows. we picked up some large poster board and markers at the bookstore and made signs that read, for example, “Just Say Merry Christmas!” we also taped one sign to dorm windows facing out for everyone to see. as for the celebration at night, everybody showed their talent. some were good at singing. some preferred to dance. i shared my jokes with foreign friends. the effect was good that it aroused a big laugh. but the more interesting thing i found was that some of my classmates didnt give their responses, for they didnt understand it at all.

this is an really unforgetable christmas to me. we all had a big fun on that day.




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Time flies, sun and the moon. Blink of an eye, I have become a fifth grade students, the thought of three years ago and my sister went to Shanhaiguan to Shanhaiguan happy ocean park to play, my heart was particularly happy.

When we got there early, we saw the sea of people there. I can not wait to go there, there are three areas where there. The first is the entertainment area, where there are fountain square, diving pool, combination slide, pirate castle, surfing ... ... the second on the embassy district, where there are white whale, dolphin, sea lions, seals Museum, shark museum, Turtle hall, sea dog hall, mermaid hall ... ...

The most memorable thing is to steal the performance, the staff first come up with a circle hanging on a pole, after the dolphin from the circle inside drilled out. Dolphins can also be the top of the ball, the staff hand the ball hanging in high places, and then dolphins on the hard jumping up from the top of the ball up. Dolphins can also use the mouth of a circle of nuisance up.

A pick up a look, we have played for a day, we reluctantly left Le Island. Although the time has passed for a long time, but I am this memorable thing or memorable.



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突然我发现桌边摆着一碗药炖排骨汤,隐身于叠叠考卷的它太不显眼,准备比赛的专心一志遮掩了它的香气和热烟,但此时,想要休息的心让它再次出现于我面 前,捧起瓷碗,剩下的些许余温温暖了我的掌心,浅浅尝了一口,浓烈无法消褪的中药味和排骨的鲜美肉汤融合在一块儿,甘美中却带着丝丝苦味。

我禁不住的开始流下眼泪,从初时泪珠到最后毫不阻拦的溃堤。想起为了语文竞赛,付出的心力和汗水,整整四年,每天一大早来到学校就往图书馆报到,和桌上 永远等待你的字音字形考卷报到,从手臂蔓延到肩胛的痠痛不叫痛,被老师狠狠学弟妹前数落不叫苦,比赛前一天四小时以上的集训不叫累……即使有难以突破的瓶颈,我也总是安慰自己,撑过去就是你的了!

但因为比赛,我缺席了四年来几乎每一个早自习,也未曾参与班上在各项运动竞技和团体活动的练习,再加上不时的公假,在同学们眼中,我是个用特权换取荣耀 的人。当导师比赛前给予我一句加油,背后得承受十句奚落;当我抱回冠军将前往下个更高等级的殿堂挑战,是更多冷嘲热讽。我一直假装没听到,用更多的试题麻痺自己,好像躲在字音字形包覆的透明世界里就能不被受伤害,但,真的好痛、好苦、好累。

再喝下一口汤,伴着眼泪滑进嘴里,又咸又苦,让已经温凉的汤缓缓顺流而下,却比刚才更能感觉到苦后散发的甘和排骨香气。这是外婆心疼本就身子弱的我,还 得参加这么多比赛,尤其是在这冬天。握着我一直冰凉的手,外婆说要给我补身子。自那时起,每个星期都会有一大锅熬煮整天的药炖排骨或鸡汤。喝着喝着,原本渐歇的泪水又再度涌上,但这次却洋溢了幸福,或许就像那碗汤吧,即使苦涩,却蕴含了包裹住的甜美和爱。原来,我一直不孤单。




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I was so excited that night. When you do your homework, you have to go to the light meeting. Mom had no choice but to take me. There are lanterns, rabbit lights, monkey lights, chicken lights, and lotus lanterns... They shine in the moonlight, and my eyes are dazzled. The streets were decorated with lights and decorated. By the way, there are not only all kinds of colorful lights, but also colorful neon lights.

Shopping arcade etc.service, brand stores to attract a lot of customers, the store down the street a wide variety of goods, uncle have to wear a suit, the aunt wear jewelry, and kids love to eat ice-sugar gourd and pearl milk tea. People came to the street in high spirits to watch the night scenes.

I seemed to enter the world of man and lamp.



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