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we are supposed to expresour gratitude to otheron thanksgiving day. however, we should feel gratitude everday.

god hatwo dwellings, one in heaven, and the other in a meek and thankful heart. be grateful to otheria wato show your love. in our daillife, we often receive help from our parents, friends, colleagueand strangers. perhapit ia little thing, pick up the pen you drop, lift a heavbox for you or offer you a seat in the bus. we should be thankful to them for whatever thehave done. the more love you give, the more love you receive.




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Today, when I awaked up, I found the air-conditioner didn’t work. I used the control, but it still didn’t work. I knew the air-conditioner was in trouble. I went downstairs. My father told me two air-conditioner and two netputer had been broken. Because my father used electric making machine to make electric, so the voltage was not stable. It led to the trouble. Oh! Whenever the government will let the factory use electric? If it lasts longer, I will be crazy!!



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She’s Got Blank Space Again

Taylor Swift, one of the most popular female singers around the world, was broke up with her boyfriend again. It is known to all that this talented girl always gets inspiration to write songs from her relationships. All of these songs will become the hit songs. The fans play the jokes that they can hear the new song soon. As the media always reported Taylor had many relationships, she wrote a song called Blank Space to fight back. The song ranked No.1 in the most powerful music chart. In the song, she described that the girl had a long list of ex-boyfriends, while when she got broke up, there would be a blank space for the next boy. It sounds like her real life, but Taylor tell people’s the boys treat the relationship like a love game and don’t take it seriously.




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July 5th Monday cloudy

Today I came back from a place named “he chuan”, it’s a good place. There has some nice view like chang jiang river. I came there in two days ago. Our aunt is here. We had a good time in there. But I also write English dairy too. Because of the wrong computer, the message didn’t here. I wish myself to live more better tomorrow.

July 6th Tuesday cloudy;

Ah ha, when I get up, it was time for lunch. But I really have a lot of work to do, I must write words and English dairy, then learned “Li yang” English, and then …… .

Oh, my god, if I do it in the afternoon, I will ready to dead. So I wrote words, and now I’m writing my English dairy. Wish I could finish these works today. Bye!

July 9th Friday sunny

How happy I am. Yesterday I finished all the work very quick, so I have a lot of time to do myself. Sometimes finish work early is a good thing, we can have more interests to do the next work. Because of this, I write English dairy eight in the morning. But I wrote it in the evening in the pass day. Everyone, if you can finish the work quickly, not lazy, just try your best.

July 12th Monday sunny

How tired am I! I went back from chongqing three hours ago. In the city I nearly lost the way. Thanks for the hot heart man and woman. They help us to find the way. Oh, don’t think so badly, I’m fine. Because of my hard, my homepage is more beautiful than before, I’m very happy to see it. I love make homepage, if you love it, please let me know, we can take hours talking about homepage. Thank you.

July 14th Wednesday rainy

Yesterday I came to the center of Chongqing with my mother. We came to a place named “toward the air door”. I think many people know it. The night view is so beautiful that we all don’t want to back to home. I have a photo here. In the nine, we had to go back home. I didn’t wash my face before I went to bed, I’m too tired.

July 16th Friday rainy

This holiday is my best busy holiday for I am learning English, computer and word and I fall in the weekend exam. Many times I want to take today off, but my mother said to me:“go on, you must belive that you can do it.” So I have to try. Now my English is better than 2months ago. I must thanks my mother, she is good for me. Practices makes perfect.

July 21th Wednesday rainy

Good morning everyone, I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is that I have a home page: ; how happy am I. The bad news is the computer game cd-rom is wrong. I can’t play computer game these days. It’s the worse for me. Welcome to my homepage and I wish whom could give me a right cd-rom(you are in sleep).hen hen……

July 22th Thursday sunn

Today I came to the city of Bishan,its a beautiful city.Its the shoes centre of western china. I think many people know it. It developed very quickly these years.More and more people move in it. Im pleased to be a Bishan people.

July 26th Monday sunny .

Hello, everyone! I’m so pleased to tell you: I have finished my web today.. It took me more than two days to do. I have a English pen friend now. I want to get pen friend more. So welcome write to me. My E-mail is: I’m so tired when I wrote this message, I must go to bed quickly. Good bye.5t

July 28th Wednesday rain

I will go to school few days later. I’m afraid that I can’t get used to the school life because I true very hate school. I don’t think there has a good school in my home. We have zero English teachers from USA and we have zero good computer ..May be many students can’t agree with me. But they will agree if they can see a really good school. do you agree with me?

July 31th Saturday rainy

Every day or every time many people was failed in something. They usually said that it was bad lucky. But the teacher of “Liyang” said:” you should do a little more then you will won.” Remember this word. Then don’t be shy, just try. If some laugh at you, you can say go yourself. If you can do it, that means you are a strong man.

August 1st Sunday sunny

Today I’m very tried for I made my homepage from 10:00 yesterday to 5:00 today. Seven hours nearly let me dead. But I’m pleased to see my homepage has been changed more and more beautiful and full with web. So I will keep doing tomorrow,, I can’t do this night, I’m ready to go to bed. Goodbye, every friend. See you tomorrow.

August 3ed Tuesday sunny

I want to kill my brother named kewang because every time and every day he makes me very tried. If yesterday he hut you, tomorrow he will heart you. He is a silly man, he went to bed at 9:00,then he woke up at 6:00 and then he shouted very loudly to makes me up. But I went to bed at 4:00 morning for my home web. I really want to kill him.




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When girls get together, they like gossip. They always talk about the topic of beauty. They will discuss who is the most beautiful girl in school or they will compare the girls and see who is more charming. As the young people, they usually judge people from appearance. The definition of beauty of course is the one who is thinner and has the pretty face. When they ask me which one is more attractive, then I will look at them for a while, because I want to perceive their personality. My view on beauty is not only from appearance as I think most girls have the pretty faces, but also from the inside, only the quality that differentiates them. The pretty faces will fade away anyway, only the quality that helps people to keep charming. So we need to cultivate the good quality.




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初一一班 一班一班 坚强勇敢 努力拼搏 奋勇争先

初一二班 希望希望 团结坚强 英姿飒爽 梦想飞扬

初一三班 三班三班 气势非凡 乘风破浪 勇往直前

初一四班 我爱十九 我爱七四 团结奋进 永不放弃

初一五班 五班五班 智勇双全 团结互助 勇夺桂冠

初一六班 六班六班 非同一般 齐心协力 勇争第一

初一七班 严肃活泼 奋勇拼搏 团结争先 荣誉如山

初一八班 七八七八 精神焕发 强身健体 状态最佳

初一九班 七九七九 勇于追求 同心携手 力争上游

初一十班 十班十班 唯有我先 奋力拼搏 勇往直前

初二一班 超越自我 勇于拼搏 青春无畏 追梦无悔

初二二班 追逐梦想 放飞希望 金色季节 再放光芒

初二三班 超越自己 永不放弃

初二四班 努力拼搏 追求梦想 同心同德 再创辉煌

初二五班 绿色学校 全面发展 精英五班 勇往直前

初二六班 六班六班 非同一般 团结一心 勇往直前

初二七班 凌云赛场 斗志昂扬 赛出风格 更高更强

初二八班 凌云赛场 斗志昂扬 赛出风格 更高更强

初二九班 凌云赛场 斗志昂扬 赛出风格 更高更强

初二十班 凌云赛场 斗志昂扬 赛出风格 更高更强

初二十一班 凌云赛场 斗志昂扬 赛出风格 更高更强

初三一班 山中猛虎 水中蛟龙 初三一班 卧虎藏龙

初三二班 努力拼搏 为校争光 同心同德 再创辉煌

初三三班 扬帆把舵 奋勇拼搏 看我三班 气势磅礴

初三四班 文明四班 鳌头独占 和-谐你我 勇争桂冠

初三五班 努力学习 奋发图强 志存高远 行者无疆

初三六班 初三六班 勇往直前 顽强拼搏 超越极限

初三七班 九七九七 永不言弃 九七九七 勇创第一

初三八班 风起云涌 日出东方 唯有八班 再创辉煌

初三九班 同心同德 努力拼搏 为梦飞翔 再创辉煌

初三十班 飞跃梦想 敢拼敢闯 乘风破浪 奋勇激昂

高一一班 二0一0 百炮争鸣 一班扬帆 傲立冰川

高一二班 十九雄风 争荣立功 二班精英 谁与争锋

高一三班 一三一三 跃马平川 横扫赛场 誓夺桂冠

高一四班 激-情飞扬 气宇轩昂 同心协力 共创辉煌

高一五班 青春无限 挑战极限 高一五班 绝不一般

高一六班 奥运精神 永驻我心 青春无悔 激-情无限

高一七班 一七一七 迸发活力 扬帆百舵 勇争第一

高一八班 毅然决然 团结勇敢 昂首阔步 勇往直前

高一九班 奋勇拼搏 超越自我 一九一九 勇争一流

高一十班 青春如火 奋勇拼搏 高一十班 必得桂冠

高二一班 飞跃长空 勇攀高峰 齐心协力 一班称雄

高二二班 团结拼搏 勇创佳绩 超越梦想 永不言弃

高二三班 雄鹰展翅 振臂飞翔 团结拼搏 共创辉煌

高二四班 二四精神 无所畏惧 挥洒青春 永不言弃

高二五班 高二五班 奋勇争先 永不退缩 向前向前

高二六班 意气风发 斗志昂扬 高二六班 展翅飞翔

高二七班 文安天下 武定江山 得才兼备 智勇双全

高二八班 扬帆把舵 奋勇拼搏 二八二八 蓄势待发

高二九班 群雄竞技 各领风骚 唯我九班 独占鳌头

高二十班 高二十班 冲锋在前 为了明日 凤舞九天



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When students go into college, they need to join in the group, because there is no way for them to live alone. They have new classmates and roommates. How to fit in the group is the main problem for them to solve. A successful student can handle it well.

To fit in the group, the students must have the collective consciousness. As most students are only child in the family, so they don’t know how to get along well with their roommates. They always notice themselves and ignore others’ feelings. But as they live in a dormitory, they need to realize these. Only in this way can make everybody live in a harmonious environment.

To fit in a group, students also need to be honest. As many students live in a common surrounding, it is easy to have conflict, because different cultures happen among students from different regions. Then it is important to be honest and try to talk about the problem, or the conflict will bigger.

It is a big lesson for students to learn get along with others. The one who handles well are trend to be get successfully easily.



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Recently, we have made a survey of the people on physical training. Only 35 percent of the people surveyed have taken part in physical activities.

Over half of the people say they haven’t got enough time to take exercises. 34.9 percent of them complain they don’t have places where they can relax themselves and that there are not enough training facilities, while another 12.9 percent of the people feel that they live too far away from the training centers. Some of them even don’t know how to train.

For lack of physical training, many people are not in good health. People should realize the importance of it, and measures should be taken to provide people with training facilities.






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A famous ping-pong player Zhang Yining is a famous Chinese ping-pong player.She was born in Beijing on the fifth of October,1982.She is 1.68 meters tall.She started to play ping-pong when she was six years old.In 1991,she joined the Beijing table tennis team.When she was 11 years old,she joined the national table tennis team.At the age of 16,she became a ping-pong champion.In 2004 she took part in the 28th Olympic Games in Athens and won two gold medals.And she won two gold medals at the 48th World Table Tennis Championship in 2005.



相关标签: 学习Study 坚持Insist 运动sports 比赛Match 目标Target



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Since I go to middle school, I have to learn many subjects. Though I am not

the best student in class, but I won’t give up. I always tell myself to work

hard, because if I want to compete with other students, I need to make great

effort. People are easy to deny themselves when they face difficulty. If they

fail one time, then they will doubt the effort they have made. Actually, we are

not studying in vain. What we learn will be a great help to improve ourselves.

The thing we learn decides what kinds of person we are. So don’t deny yourself,

as you will see the value you have stored before in the future.



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27th, September of every year is World Tourism Day.

Of course, it is to advocate people to travel often.

Nowadays, as people’s living standard improve, the number and frequency of people to travel is also increasing. Why? I think it may because of the advantage of travel. First of all, travel can make people relaxed. In today’s competitive society, everyone is under great stress.

They may be crazy if they are in that situation in the long term. Going travel, leaving all the troubles behind for a period of time, people will have a good rest and then fight again. Secondly, travel can broaden people’s vision.

People can learn more through what they see and hear.

This knowledge is good for them. Last but not least, travel can enlarge people’s social circle, because they can make new friends on the way of their trip. In conclusion, travel has so many advantages. It is no wonder that there is a World Tourism Day to encourage everyone to go travel.









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The Lunar New Year

The Lunar New Year occasion to the Chinese people. It lasts about the first four days of the year, during which people do not work except for the workers on duty. Students do not go to school, and shops are closed.

Several days before the new year, people begin to prepare. Farmers kill pigs, sheep, cocks and hens. City dwellers buy meat fish and vegetables. Houses are cleaned; couplets are posted on the doors. Colourful lanterns are hung at the gate.

On the eve of the new year, each family has its members gatherd together and eats a family reunion dinner. After the meal they watch TV until the clock strickes twelve. Then every family sets off long strings of small firecrackers and other fireworks to welcome the new year. On the first day of the new year, almost everyone is dressed in his or her best. Whenpeople meet on the way, they say to each other "Happy New Year". Friends and relatives pay new year calls and gives presents to each other. Children indulge themselves in games.







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My Family

My name is Li Hua. I am from a workers family. There are six people in my

family. They are my grandfather, my grandmother, my father, my mother, my sister

and I.

Every member in my family works for his or her own trade①. My grandfather

and grandmother are peasants. They do farm work every day in my hometown. My

father is a senior engineer. He is now working in Africa, helping to build a

power station. My mother is a teacher. She teaches English in a middle school.

My sister, five years older than I, is a doctor in the Peoples Hospital of our

county. She loves her work and does it well. I am a middle school student. And I

am going to take this years college entrance examination. I wish that I could

be enrolled② by a famous university.

That is my family. All the members in my family live in harmony③. We love

each other devotedly.



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形成性评价(Formative Assessment)是美国评价学专家斯克里芬在1967年在其所著的《评论方法论》里提出来的。所谓的形成性评价是相对于传统的终结性评价(Summative Assessment)而言的,指的是对学生日常学习过程中的表现、所取得的成绩及所反映出来的情感、态度和策略方面的发展做出的评价,这种评价是通过对学生学习的整个过程持续观察、记录和反思之后得出来的。










课堂观察是教学行为和技巧的基本方式。根据Genesee and Upshur(2001:79)的观点,教师在观察的基础上,可以评估学生已掌握和未掌握的内容。换言之,教师应该评估促进或阻碍学生学习的策略。与此同时,教师还可评估一些特定的教学策略的有效性,确定学生们欣赏哪些课堂活动和形式。课堂观察有助于教师更好地了解课程设计和学生需求的契合度。通过正式或非正式的观察,教师可掌握大多数学生对于教学安排的可接受程度,根据学生的需求改进或调整教学安排等,以提升教学效果。

“questionnaires and interviews can all be thought of as conversations between students and teachers”(Genesee and Upshur,2001:136)。如上所述,问卷调查和访谈都可被看作教师和学生间的对话,访谈和问卷调查是相似的,但决定使用访谈或者问卷调查可依据不同的教学目的。无论是哪种方式,都是老师和学生之间相对正式的会谈,这非常有利于老师对他的教学效果进行评估,诊断学生在英语学习遇到的困难,为学生寻找合适的解决问题,获得良好的学习策略和学习得到更多的进步。访谈和问卷调查设计应该根据学生的个人需求并符合教学目标。


学生档案是一个综合各项评估功能于一体的评估工具。它可以记录学生的成长、课堂变化且兼顾多种需要。如今,众多评价工具只把学生作为评价的对象,而评估的责任和任务的则落到了教师身上。但事实上,几乎没有一种评价工具能很好地管理学生活动并对其课堂行为负责。相比之下, 建立学生档案,需要学生亲力亲为;本着自我负责的原则,他们要更好地自我监督和控制,同时,在建档案的过程中,学生可以见证自己的进步与成长,增强学习的自信,提高学习的效果。



“形成性评价源于诊断性测试。与终结性评价相比,形成性评价通过教学过程中多方面的评价发现问题,解决问题,强调过程性、目标性和学生学习的主动性。” (魏薇,2005) 鉴于终结性评价在口语测试评分中的片面性和主观性,大学英语口语表达能力的培养还是受到了这种终结性评价的制约。在大学英语口语教学中,形成性评价最重要的任务的是帮助教师监控学生英语口语的学习过程,提高学生的英语口语学习。如能将形成性评价的理论引入大学英语口语课堂教学与测试中,建立大学英语口语课程与形成性评价相结合的评估模式,则会推动大学英语口语教学和测试的改革进程。



而形成性评价尤其注重过程教学,这种评价将教学过程分成了诸多阶段,学生可在每个不同的阶段就自己的学习态度、发音、语言运用的准确性、流利程度以及课堂活动参与的积极性进行横向的同学互评和纵向的自我比较。一方面,横向比较可以找到彼此间的差距,互相帮助已达到各方面的提升;另一方面,学生可在整理学习档案的过程中,纵向比较自己前后阶段的学习情况,时刻了解自己在每个阶段的学习状况,在教师和同学的辅助下,运用不同的学习方法和策略,逐项提高自己的口语能力。 另外,教师在学生进行评价的过程中,可真实地参与并记录学生在各方面的真实水平。







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The Ten-minute Break Between Classes Time seems to be so limited for us Senior Three students. As a result, more and more students try to study from early morning till late afternoon, even during the ten-minute breaks. In my view, taking a ten minute break between classes is equally important. Otherwise, we will feel exhausted both physically and mentally,During the ten minute break, we are supposed to do something really relaxing, we need is to have a rest, instead of getting more tired. Besides, studying during the break doesn ’ t necessarily mean that you will achieve more. So doing nothing tiring in that short period is of greater significance. As far as my ten-minute breaks are concerned, sometimes I take some simple exercise, such as having a walk with my classmates, or just a free chat to refresh myself. When the next class begins, I feel energetic again.



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On the afternoon of November 18, we had the opening ceremony of the Fourth Dongzhou Middle School Sports Festival. Each class gave a wonderful performance. The next day, we had an exciting sports meeting. Many players were in it. All the others just watched them. Some were busy writing articles about it. The boys and girls 1500 metres races were the most exciting games. The relay races were exciting, too. Everyone cheered for the competitions. They did their best. When they scored for their own class, everyone was so excited that they jumped to their feet. The sports meeting didn’t end until four in the afternoon. We were tired but we were so happy.





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proud of yourself; when you fail, never give up. Please smile to face your life. If you do this, you will find the sky more blue; the sea more green….. Your life will become better and better!

One day my grandmother and I went to the park, it began to rain when we got there. Some people were disappointed, but my grandmother smiled: "it is good to rain, it will water the field, and the crops will grow better. I think so. If we can change our mind to see the things, we will discover all things are beautiful. In everyones life, the mood is very important. It can encourage unsuccessful people not to lose heart, to make sad people feel better. At last I want to say, if you enjoy life, you will be happy forever.



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Along with the time development accessing the net already turned the extremely universal matter. No matter is adult or the child so long as mentioning the computer all think of internet. But accessing the internet is advantageous but also has shortcoming.

I knew very many people access the net mainly is for playing games which is very bad for the study. Therefore some people believed the elementary and middle school students lack the self-control.

Butthere are many people approving to accessing internet why? Because internet can provide to the people very helps. First the network looks like a library we can look up very many materials easilyand it is quicker than the speed of consulting books; Next we may read a richer news on-line; In addition accessing the net also has other functions for example E-mail telephoning on the net and so on.

Actually accessing the net has its profit and the shortcoming place. We use it to open to expand the field of vision the study knowledge but must certainly grasp the discretion.随着时间的发展,接入网已经变成了极为普遍的问题。不管是大人还是孩子,只要一提电脑,都想到互联网。但是,上网是有利的,但也有缺点。

网络的好与坏高中英语作文 我知道很多人上网,主要是玩游戏,这对学习是很不好的。因此,有人认为,中小学生缺乏自我控制能力。





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The New Year, new weather. Out of their homes, families are decorated; Street, beaming everywhere, laughter. The breath of spring flowers reflected the joy of thepeople in the face.

New Years eve firecrackers rang a hanging outside and another hung, thunderbolt barak ring; Inside the home, everyone was laughing, lively!

In these days, in the morning, people usually watch TV, play computer, only a few people in the homework. In the afternoon, a lot of people in Chen yi square to play, I also went to, Im going to fly a kite. First of all, I put the kite on the ground, thewind blows I started to run... But, I tried many times without success. Chen yi squareand merry-go-round, small train, plane, pirate ship, and a rolling chair, my brother and I played a lot of, can be fun. In the evening, everyone out fireworks, my sister and I are no exception. Lets play with the color fireworks, its appearance is a red and green cross, when lit, start is red, slowly becomes green, can be fun! We also play a lot of fireworks, among them, there is a call "auspicious colorful rain" fireworks, lit up, there will be many "rain" fly to heaven. On one occasion, I put thetwo "auspicious colorful rain" light stick together, fly higher!

Looking at the sky of fireworks, listening to the scratching of firecrackers everywhere, the Spring Festival, is really busy!



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Youth Day (青年节) in the Peoples Republic of China is on May 4. It was established in December 1949 by the Government Administration Council to commemorate the beginning of the May Fourth Movement in 1919. This day is known as …

May Fourth Movement

Chinese intellectual revolution and sociopolitical reform movement (1917 – 21)。 In 1915 young intellectuals inspired by Chen Duxiu began agitating for the reform and strengthening of Chinese society through acceptance of Western science, democracy, and schools of thought, one objective being to make China strong enough to resist Western imperialism. On May 4, 1919, reformist zeal found focus in a protest by Beijings students against the Versailles Peace Conferences decision to transfer former German concessions in China to Japan. After more than a month of demonstrations, strikes, and boycotts of Japanese goods, the government gave way and refused to sign the peace treaty with Germany. The movement spurred the successful reorganization of the Nationalist Party and gave birth to the Chinese Communist Party. See also Treaty of Versailles.
