描写春雨的英语作文范文通用2篇 作文经典20篇

每天都写,如果可能的话,每天写几次。你写得多了,也就写得好了。学如何写作和其他的学问道理是一样的,熟能生巧。写写你自己,写写博客,向出版社投稿。只是写,全情投入地写,练得越多,你的写作水平就提升得越快。这里给大家分享一些关于描写春雨的英语作文范文通用2篇 作文作文,供大家参考。






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Cats are very cute animals,they are very special as well.

It has pointy ears, round eyes,little claws,and short but soft fur.Cats like eating fish and mice.They like to keep themselves clean, they do that by licking their fur.Also they are nocturnal animals, they sleep in the daytime and do most of their movements at night.

We should love cat, because cats are our friends,too.





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1) 春天的雨仍在这么密密匝匝、不紧不慢地下着。这如针尖,似牛毛般的雨丝从空中飘落下来,仿佛给天地间罩上了一层透明的薄纱,让一切都显得朦朦胧胧,好像置身于一个如梦如幻的童话世界里。

2) 下雨了,地面上的雨水洒向了河里,雨水打在河面上泛起了一圈圈涟漪,大树吮吸着雨中的营养,一滴滴晶莹剔透的雨珠从花瓣上留下来,农民伯伯连忙在地上播种,田地经过雨水的灌溉后,长出了小花,小草,稻谷也长好了,春天的雨淅沥沥给大地带来了喜悦。

3) 春天的雨,春天的精华,不言回报的默默付出着。春天的雨明白四月已在梦中呼唤她好多次了,于是她来了,这一来就把春意盎然、勃勃生机留在了四月的大地,这种默默无闻的精神植得我们学习!

4) 枝条下还挂着一颗颗晶莹透亮的露珠,摇摇欲坠,杨柳在春天的雨的滋润下长得更茁壮了;花儿经过春天的雨的沐浴,穿上了五彩斑斓的衣裙,簇拥在一起,仰起了稚气的脸儿,露出迷人的笑颜;小草在春天的雨的滋润下,扬起绿色的脸观察着这奇妙的世界。看,那是呢喃的紫燕,在春天的雨中寻找着它该拥有的家。

5) 我最喜欢春天,因为她是最有情韵的季节。春天的雨温婉细腻,似琴声美妙舒缓;带着云的祝福,风的希冀,带着对大地的眷恋,缓缓地飘落,把珍藏在心间的欢乐吐成遍地的新绿。微风裹着泥土温香的气息从窗外袭来,欢乐地跳动着绿的深情,浓浓的思念。此刻,雨的脚步,带来些许温婉、罗曼的诗意。

6) 春天的雨娇柔缠绵,像妈妈抚摸孩子一样轻轻的,生怕孩子喊痛。春天的雨下得是那么的温柔、贴心。这时候让我不禁想起冰心写的《春水》中写下“母亲啊,你是荷叶/我是红莲/心中的雨点来了/除了你,谁是我在无遮拦天空下的阴蔽?”

7) 几场潇潇的春天的雨,山青了,水绿了,山下那汩汩流动的一条溪水,愈发湍急秀丽起来。绵绵春天的雨把大地染绿了,软软春风把河水熨暖了。瞧,又下起雨来了。雨像绢丝一样,又轻又细,听不见淅淅的响声,也感觉不到鱼浇的淋漓。只觉得好像这是一种湿漉漉的烟雾,轻轻滋润着大地和人心。在春天的雨的滋润下,麦苗长得更翠绿,菜花儿开得更金黄。在一条纵横交错的田沟里,春水淙淙地淌着。扬树,柳树在春天的雨中舒展着枝叶,贪婪地吮吸着甜甜的雨水。

8) 春天的雨是世界的“烟花”,因为她的到来,我们脱掉了厚厚的棉袄;因为她的到来,我们感到温暖;因为她的到来,我们不再感到疲劳。

9) 春天的雨好细啊!细的像牛毛,细的像银丝,仿佛风一吹就能吹断似地,不一会,人家屋顶上全笼罩着一层白烟。伸出手想去接,根本就接不到雨滴,只有凉凉地感觉从指尖直潜入心脾,给人一种痒痒的,清爽的,惬意的感觉,真是春天的雨随风潜入心呀。

10) 春天的雨后,小草挺直了腰,更绿了,绿得直逼你的眼。路边的茶花经过了一番梳洗打扮,亭亭玉立的站立着,小鸟站在电线杆上,就像一个音符,唱着春天的赞歌。雨后的露珠从树叶上滑落下来,映出一道道五彩的霞光。还有许多小朋友,在草地上欢快的奔跑,放着一只只五颜六色的风筝。从他们的嘴中传一阵阵愉快的欢笑声。

11) 走到阳台打开玻璃窗,仰入眼帘的是哪无边的丝雨,哦,下雨了。一场及时的春天的雨。喜出望外地看着这柔情的春天的雨,象连绵不断的丝绸一样,从天而降。不由得自吟起哪首脍炙人口的唐诗“好雨知时节,当春乃发生,随风潜入夜,润物细无声。”春天的雨带来了我万千的思绪……

12) 俗话说得好,春天的雨贵如油,一场严冬过后,庄稼是多么盼望春天的雨的到来呀!此时的春天的雨像滴滴甘露,滋润着大地。瞧,蒙蒙细雨正淅淅沥沥地下着,那沙沙沙,沙沙沙的声音,像种子发出新芽,如小草抽出嫩叶,又似竹笋冲出地面。

13) 当雨点落到池水中的时候,雨点就在水面上画出了一个一个的音符。这些音符是雨点在水面上击出的圈。

14) 雨丝很细,很绵,像春天时空飘浮的柳絮,像无数蚕娘吐出的银丝,像人工纺出的轻纱,丝丝缕缕缠绵不断。

15) 大街之上,来来往往的行人,早已脱下了深色的冬装,换上了合体艳丽的春装。走进潇潇春天的雨里,清凉的雨丝随风飘洒在脸上,就有了些许融融的暖意,人们脸上泛着喜悦的光彩。历经整整一个冬季的萧瑟,人们翘首以待的春天的雨在大自然的恩赐下温暖地降临了人间。

16) 雨声,如早晨的和风吹过小草的欢畅,如月夜的微风轻抚荷塘,有节奏,有强弱,时慢时快,你不妨侧耳倾听,是轻风轻抚垂柳的低吟。远处不时传来燕子的欢叫,它们斜身穿过雨帘,此时你闭着眼做一个深呼吸,好惬意,好清新,空气中似乎有各种花香,有青草的香味,其中还夹杂着春天的雨浸润泥土的欢悦。

17) 玩皮的小孩在雨中蹦来蹦去的,高兴的象乐开了花似的。上班族急急忙忙随着春天的雨的脚步声,实施着新一年的计划。老板和经理们在春天的雨中思考着最新的赚钱方案。庄稼人则盼着这一场春天的雨能在新的一年给他们带来好运,带来一个风调雨顺的丰收年份。

18) “好雨知时节,当春乃发生,随风潜入夜,润物细无声”。古往今来,有多少文人墨客在雨中寄情,又有多少人赞美春回雨临!因它的到来,往往是人们渴望已久的期盼。它又仿佛一位美丽轻盈的仙女,在这特定的轮回中滋润着大地,把绿色的播洒世间,它也在人之心中纷飞着希望与春意。

19) 小雨调皮地落在它们身上。哈,好一件珠纱衣!风娃娃也是那么顽皮,不住地吹着雨丝到处奔走,落在树上,落在小草上,落在我的脸上。

20) 你轻盈的舞步,在翠绿的叶面上跳跃;你袅娜的身姿正如那只红色蜻蜓,用腹部贴着水面,低低的飞。你用潮湿的情感滋润了大地的生命!大地用温暖的身体捂热了你冰凉的心!

21) 春天的雨像是天空中掉下的水帘,摆动的绸带,美极了。

22) 滴滴春天的雨像一根根线似的落了下来,不时还会发出吧嗒吧嗒的声音。

23) 雨丝细细的,像绣花针,断断续续直插在地里,又好像无数串珍珠从天撒下来。近处的青枝绿叶,显得青翠欲滴,远处的房屋树木,在茫雨帘中,都似轻烟笼罩。大地荡漾着清新的泥土气息,清爽宜人。

24) 春天的雨漫漫地洒下,像无数细针一样的落下来,洒在每个角落里。我望着窗外的蒙蒙的细丝,看着那里的无数的没有尽头的山峰,如痴如醉,被那里的雨中的美景所陶醉了!

25) 春天的雨像一串串断了线珍珠,雨点轻轻的落在了花朵上,花儿舒心的笑了。

26) 在春天的雨的滋润下,小草痛痛快快地洗了个澡,变得更绿了。

27) 春天的雨淅淅沥沥,落在人们的心坎上。一位农民老汉站在雨中,晶莹的雨水滴在他花白的头发上。他望着田野里的麦苗吮吸着春天的甘露,脸上笑开了花,仿佛在说:“春天的雨贵如油啊!”春天的雨淅淅沥沥,你是春姑娘的使者,你伴随着春一起来到大地上,滋润嫩绿的麦苗,拥抱淙淙的小溪,散发着泥土的芳香,给大地带来一片生机。

28) 雨,滴在柳树上,柳树抽出了翠绿欲滴的新枝;雨,滴在花苞上,花苞绽放出最美丽的花瓣;雨,滴在泥土上,泥土里长出了一碧千里的草。

29) 春天的雨不同于夏雨的倾盆;不同于秋雨的沉闷,更不同于冬雨的冰冷。春天的雨如丝、如雾、如烟、如潮。透过春天的雨,世间万物如同写意画一般,淡淡地,蒙蒙地,若隐若现。

30) 高空中云集,嬉戏而下,咿咿呀呀,欢蹦乱跳地扑进大地母亲的怀抱。

31) 春天的雨像是一位慈祥的母亲,用双手轻拂着大地,柔柔的,惬意极了。

32) 春天的雨清晨,几阵隐隐的春雷过后,下起了人春以来的第一场雨。微明的天空中慢慢垂下了一条条雨丝。层层的雨云遮住了东升的太阳。

33) 雨滴儿像颗颗珍珠,一把把洒在河面上,平静的水面泛起粼粼的涟漪。机灵的鱼儿跃出水面,仿佛要去吮吸那晶莹的水珠。

34) 你总经受过春天的雨的抚摸吧?当细雨抚过面庞,当雨丝划过眼帘,当春天的雨浇遍桃红柳绿,当春天的雨湿透青青麦苗,你总能感受到些什么吧!

35) 一出门,一阵清凉的春风就迎面扑来,带着些泥土芳草味,带着些潮湿清新的气息,令人全身舒畅,头脑清醒了。经过一夜雨的洗礼,雨中的一切事物仿佛都脱胎换骨,焕然一新。远近的高楼静静的挺立着,湿漉漉的,树叶绿的发亮,小草也青的逼眼,好像被钻石水晶装饰。

36) “下雨了!”一位同学喊着。只见窗外下着蒙蒙细雨,滴滴的小雨点好像演奏着一支舞曲。我不禁被窗外的世界所诱惑。天空在不知疲倦地下着雨,朦胧的雨雾把校园轻轻地裹上了一层薄衣。雨如万条银丝似的从天而降,它轻轻地打开了窗户,为它挂上了晶莹的珠帘。

37) 雨姑娘是一个腼腆的少女,朦胧之中还带着一丝青涩。要不,她为什么害羞不敢露面呢?可能你会问,她怎么下雨呢?告诉你吧,她一哭,雨就下来了,雨其实是她的眼泪哩!

38) 雨确实不大,滴滴答答的,不像是在下雨,倒像是在下雾,眼前的世界被封锁在密如珠网的雨丝中。往远处看去,街道、楼房、行人,都只剩下了一个有些模糊的轮廊。天上又是几阵闷雷响过,雨水好像被催促似的,大了一阵。可是,不一会儿,又小了下来。



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Winter is cold. Let’s play the snowball and make snowman. The snowman is big . I like to play snowball. I am on the snow. The snow is cold. I have a scarf and coat. So I am not cold. I like the Christmas. Because I can see santa clus in Christmas . Christmas tree is beautiful. The presents are on the Christmas tree. I like winter. Do you like winter?




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True friends always come to you when their help is in need.They try their best to help you without thinking what they can get from it. This invariably wins them love and respect from otbers, for they devote themselves to the happiness of others.

Up to the time of my writing this article, Aero has been helping me with my selecting the courses with great effort. He is a friendly and zealous guy. I think he has been liked by others since long ago because of his characteristics. He is always brisk,enthusiastic, energetic and he is smiling no matter when or where you see him. However, I like him for some other reason.It seems that between us there is a special way to communicate and its not the usual way through which we communicate such as words and gestures. He has always been a friend of mine be cause I like the way he acts and lives and the way we communicate.

One morning a week ago, he came to me and asked if he could be of help. Actually I had been worrying about my course of this semester for days since I hadnt got any English courses yet! Still I was totally caught off guard by Aeros offer though he had always been kind. I thought it was my own business and it had never occurred to me that some other individual would offer to help with my selecting the courses. So I declined his kindness.  The very next day, I got a cough and it later turned out to be a four-day high fever. In those days, I was extremely weak and lay in bed all day long and hardly had any strength even to eat. I lost the power to keep an eye on the possible vacancies of the English courses ever since I got a high fever. I began to regret declining Aeros offer. Just at that moment, Aero called,asking about my health and told me to have a good rest, saying that he would shoulder the responsibility of selecting my English courses for me. Now I am writing this article as the homework of this writing course and Id like to re emphasize that it is all due to my friends effort that I have finally made it.

I was really grateful to him when he called and offered to help and it is hard to express my gratitude with words.  All I want to say about it is that at that moment, I realized that he had offered to help not because it made him feel he was important but because he meant business. Hes a man of integrity. I am proud of having such a friend.



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2. 春雨漫漫地洒下,像无数细针一样的落下来,洒在每个角落里。我望着窗外的蒙蒙的细丝,看着那里的无数的没有尽头的山峰,如痴如醉,被那里的雨中的美景所陶醉了!

3. 春雨朦朦地下起来了,夹着丝丝缕缕的春风。春雨细细的,密密的,灰蒙蒙的,远处的山峦、大树、房屋,朦朦胧胧,就像浸在一片薄雾中。春雨,似雾非雾,似线非线,似有形又无形……从远处眺望,朦朦的春雨好似漂浮在半空的丝绸,近看,春雨宛如是天女撒下的花瓣,滴落在地上、树上、房屋上,沙沙沙的飘落在绿茸茸的草地上,干渴了一冬天的大地张开绿色的大嘴,贪婪的吮吸着甜润的雨水。

4. 春雨淅淅沥沥,如牛毛,如花针,如春姑娘那柔柔的发丝……雨雾弥漫,雨珠儿串成一个大珠帘,如烟如云地笼罩了一切;春雨绵绵,洒在树叶上,沙沙沙,又像蚕宝宝在吞食桑叶……春雨又像万条银丝,飘落在屋檐上,屋檐落下一排水滴,像美丽的珠帘。春雨如甘露,无声无息地飘向大地,滋润着含苞欲放的花蕾。

5. 春雨像绢丝一般,又轻又细,听不见淅淅沥沥的响声,也感不到雨浇的淋漓,只觉得好似湿漉漉的烟雾,没有形状,不出响声,轻柔地滋润着大地和人们的心里……

6. 慢慢的,慢慢的,雨越下越大,渐渐地成了弥漫在空中的水帘,万物都看不清楚了,人就像漂浮在白色的世界里一样。雨水争先恐后地投进大地母亲的怀抱。春雨落到草地上,为草籽提供充足的水分,好让它早点为世界增添一片新绿;春雨落到田野里,麦苗贪婪地吮吸着这甘甜的乳汁;春雨落到花朵上,花儿显得格外娇艳……雨水冲刷着大地,冲走污垢,留下一片光洁,一片亮丽。

7. 树叶上,花瓣上都有一颗颗晶莹剔透的小水珠,凑近看时,水珠仿佛把天地融合在了一起,大地更绿了,天更蓝了,阳光照在小水珠上,水珠一闪一闪的,像一颗小星星……春雨落到哪里,哪里便充满了生机,真是“好雨知时节,当春乃发生。 随风潜入夜,润物细无声。”

8. 透过玻璃窗,可以看到雨儿淅淅沥沥地落在对面的房顶上,随后又变成了一滴滴闪亮的雨珠顺着瓦片迅速落下,宛如断了线的珠子。莫非春姑娘下凡时撒在人间的?还是天上的仙女不小心丢了心爱的珍珠项链……万物复苏了,它们被雨洗得一尘不染,显得格外漂亮。

9. 我出神地看着,雨淅淅沥沥地下着。你看,雨还会变魔术呢:一会儿像牛毛,一会儿像蚕丝,一会儿又像断了线的珠子……这雨像落叶一样轻,像针尖儿一样细,一串串, 一串串,轻轻落在街上,落在人门心中。雨声里,园中的每一片树叶,每一丛草,每一把泥土,都变成了奇妙无比的琴键,飘飘洒洒的雨丝,是无数轻捷柔软的手指,弹奏出一首有一首优雅的小曲,每一个音符都带着幻想的色彩。

10. 我迫不及待地冲到雨中,发现春雨如绢丝一样,又轻又细。听不见淅淅的响声,也感觉不到雨浇的淋漓。只觉得这好像是湿漉漉的烟雾,轻轻地滋润着大地和人心。

11. 春雨,染红了桃花,漂白了柳絮,描青了山峰,绘绿了秧畦.没想到,春光,竟会这样的饱满,这样的烂漫,它似乎把一冬天蕴藏的情绪,都尽情的释放出来了。

12. 春雨,是美妙的交响乐,随着春风落在雨栅上,只听得“啪……啪!”的响声;落在石头上,唱起了“啪嗒……啪嗒!”的歌;落在屋檐上,发出“咚…………咚!”的乐器声,这些声音聚在一起,连贝多芬和李斯特听了都赞不绝口,都会称春雨是他们的老师,是大自然伟大的音乐家。

13. 春雨静静地下着,伴随着暖暖的春风驱走了严冬的残痕给春姑娘披上了盛装,给人们带来了希望。

14. 春雨来到草地上,春雨如同画家般,将一丛丛小草染青了,把一棵棵树涂绿了,一朵朵花儿点红了,草地上一片繁荣的景象,可春雨似乎意犹未尽,摇身一变,成为了设计师,将一颗颗晶莹透亮的珍珠镶嵌在那些含苞初绽的花朵上,花儿在春风中摇曳,轻摆,仿佛少女的轻歌曼舞,空气中还弥漫着沁人心肺的甜香,真令人心情豁然开朗啊!

15. 细雨如丝,透过一条条的银线,看到远处的山、水、树……朦朦胧胧的,就像害羞的少女披上了银色的面纱。她带着甜甜的微笑来到人们的身边。那挺拔的绿树,嫩嫩的小草,娇艳的花朵,都尽情的享受这春雨的滋润。雨珠晶莹剔透,被雨水打落的花瓣像一叶叶扁舟,轻盈的在水中飘荡。

16. 下雨了,地面上的雨水洒向了河里,雨水打在河面上泛起了一圈圈涟漪,大树吮吸着雨中的营养,一滴滴晶莹剔透的雨珠从花瓣上留下来,农民伯伯连忙在地上播种,田地经过雨水的灌溉后,长出了小花,小草,稻谷也长好了,春雨淅沥沥给大地带来了喜悦。

17. 下雨了,空气十分凉爽,农民伯伯看着菜成熟了,十分开心,还有的人们,打着伞,在雨中散步,春雨淅沥沥给人们带来了喜悦。

18. 下雨了,一滴滴雨珠从天而降,雨水在屋顶上打转,又从屋檐落下来,大地妈妈吮吸着春雨,小草和花儿挺直了腰,春雨淅沥沥给大地带来了喜悦。

19. 一出门,一阵清凉的春风就迎面扑来,带着些泥土芳草味,带着些潮湿清新的气息,令人全身舒畅,头脑清醒了。经过一夜雨的洗礼,雨中的一切事物仿佛都脱胎换骨,焕然一新。远近的高楼静静的挺立着,湿漉漉的,树叶绿的发亮,小草也青的逼眼,好像被钻石水晶装饰。

20. 春雨不同于夏雨的倾盆;不同于秋雨的沉闷,更不同于冬雨的冰冷。春雨如丝、如雾、如烟、如潮。透过春雨,世间万物如同写意画一般,淡淡地,蒙蒙地,若隐若现。

21. 春雨好闹啊!小鸟们唧唧喳喳地从树梢飞到屋檐,再从屋檐吵吵闹闹的飞到电线杆上,你说我嚷互相传递着春雨带给它们的喜悦。小树们也随着微风,伸展着腰肢,舞动着嫩黄的、翠绿的裙衫,翩翩起舞,旁边的柳树也甩动着长长的秀发,唱着“哗哗”的歌儿,互相倾诉这春雨带给它们的欢快和喜悦!

22. 春雨好细啊!细的像牛毛,细的像银丝,仿佛风一吹就能吹断似地,不一会,人家屋顶上全笼罩着一层白烟。伸出手想去接,根本就接不到雨滴,只有凉凉地感觉从指尖直潜入心脾,给人一种痒痒的,清爽的,惬意的感觉,真是春雨随风潜入心呀。

23. 春雨缓缓飘落下来,如缕如丝地飘落到大地上。哦!那是春姑娘匆匆洒落的汗滴。它悄悄地湿润着肥沃的泥土,轻轻地唤醒那沉睡的草娃娃。小草苏醒了,舒展着身子,钻出了地皮儿,染绿了大地。春雨像一只温暖的手,慈母般的抚摸着草娃娃,大地更绿了,绿得生机勃勃。




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My family has a small rabbit, looks very cute. It is white, snow in the winter when it is like a pile of white snow, it is also a long head on the long ears. The best look, or it is the fiery red eyes, like two red ruby ruby.

Every day after school, I went to the fields to pull it to eat or to the market to buy carrots to eat it, whenever I put the tender green grass in front of it, it first smell with the nose, and then look at me, and finally, It is assured to chew up, it is like eating, really lovable!

Later, I put the white rabbit into the "its room". After a while, I came to the white rabbit did not sleep, did not expect, white rabbit lying in the nest motionless, I thought it was dead, to be afraid to call my mother, my mother came over and looked and said: "Really fuss, little white rabbit is sleeping." Suddenly, my face becomes red and thought, I thought: I must learn the basic knowledge of rabbits.

The personality of the white rabbit is gentle. Start, I and it is also a little strange, but not a few days, then I became a good friend. Usually, I often train it to understand what I said, now the white rabbit to me can understand a lot of words.

Little rabbit gave my life a lot of joy, I really like it!



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In my mind, often one or two things in the hearts of lingering, so I can not suppress ... ...

Thats my fourth grade. A dawn, I and my cousin riding a bike came to the beach to enjoy the breath of the sea that very fresh air. I happened to find a crab crawling on the beach and sharing the sun with us. I let the cousin and I walk over to see.

We stared at the crabs, and they did not seem to find us, they shook its sharp "knives" and walked around. The cousin told me that the crabs were "doing morning exercise". I am amazed, and they will "do morning exercise". My heart had a thought, I carefully squat, hand a catch. The result was escaped by the hateful guy. I thought: good I copied you! Cousin can not stand still, but also came to help. In our concerted efforts, the guys have been caught by us.

It has been two years after this matter, but it has been branded in my heart.



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My grandmother is a kind-heart granny who is popular among my neighbors.

She takes a walk outside every day, so she is familiar with many people. She is so experienced in looking after babies, so some young mothers who have problems would like to ask her for help. My grandmother is always ready to help them. My grandmother loves me very much.

She takes care of me since I was a little baby. I have always been taking care of by her, so that I don’t have to worry my life at all. I am so happy to have such a great granny. Now, she is getting old and I want to be the one who can look after her.



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Rabbit mammals Lagomorpha, herbivorous invertebrates, mammals. Head a little like a rat ear according to different varieties, large and small, upper lip middle division, is a typical three petal mouths, adorable. The rabbit who is gentle, lovable, is a popular animal. The tail is short and upturned, forelimb is shorter than the hind legs, be good at jumping, running very fast. Pet rabbits like sticky, hare afraid. Color is generally white, grey, withered grass, brown red, black and color.




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We went to Yulong mountain this weekend. There were six persons in our group. We gathered together at our school gate at 8:00 on Saturday. We started to climb the mountain at 8:30 and get to the top at 10:00 am. We had lunch at the top of the mountain. After lunch, we arranged some free activities , such as singing, dancing and game playing. We returned at 5:00 pm. In order to have a good time, every member of our group prepared necessities by themself, such as tent, sleeping bag, coat, water, food, and so on. What a happy day!



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Another summer, the wind becomes warmer and warmer, village pond also dont have a summer flavor.

And I came to the pond, is a piece of red and white cross lotus, green lotus leaves a piece next to a more set off the beauty of the lotus. Like chopsticks and bowls, the tacit understanding. All of a sudden, lotus leaf slightly shaking, close to a look, turned out to be the fish who can move back and forth under the lotus leaf. On the surface of the lotus also couldnt help shaking with lotus leaf "swan dance", see, lotus petals how charming, delicate and bright petals in front of me shaking, like a beautiful fairy, wearing a pink and white dress, lovely fish and lotus in dance together, pool of willow is littered with beautiful long hair. The wind gently blowing, lotus pose more charming, more beautiful willow branches, and fish swimming more cheerful. The beauty of the scene makes me reluctant to go, but I want to eat dinner!

After supper, I again came to the pond for two years, the shore lit the lamp, the wind became much more cool. Suddenly heard a "cicada" tree singing this song: "know - -" dont know, this bug "know" what? The pond at night, always so quiet, no beautiful lotus pond moonlight, lotus also cant see clearly. But zen call and frogs left in the quiet.

You listen to, the pond at night is so beautiful!

Summer has a beautiful pond, pond also have a beautiful summer!



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Animal world in my eyes, is so fascinating, that emotional mixed with the mysterious and curious, the same I have raised the goldfish. Although they have not been with me so far, but gave me the mind left a fun memory.

Goldfish is a wild crucian carp, it has a lot of color on the surface of the fish, swimming in the water, sparkling, it is the color of the tail color colorful, the body is very smooth, the head is very flat, especially the eyes convex, I keep the goldfish very lively, very cute, very naughty, they are in my feeding time, swim, like a group of children, scrambling to grab fruit like, in my careful care, the fish in the fish Clear water in the life, the sun shining goldfish, warm, and I grew up with my fish. Goldfish is a very delicate animal, careless care, it will make it sick. It is a very hard thing to keep them, and I have been careful to take care of them, not only when they are fed, but they can not get too much. Goldfish is very timid, the fish in the water there are some fluctuations, they will immediately fled around, turn in the calm, you put your fingertips gently on the water, the fish will swim over, with their small Mouth sucking, your heart will be a kind of itchy feeling, you can not help but shrink back, but you will go aftertaste, you will want to do that fun again action.

One day, goldfish really die, do not know how, and perhaps I was not careful, perhaps they are too greedy, of course, more important is the weather changes so that they have become a farewell to me. I looked at the empty fish tank, and my heart was very sad. In fact, the world I live like a goldfish world, I have been living in the care of their parents, the superior life so that we partial eclipse, wayward and squeamish, really one day, we left their parents, lost the kind of favor, we It will not be like goldfish as no helpless, can not survive, right?



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Who is the first to bring the greetings of the grandfather? Who put the crops gently call? Who is the earth put on a set of golden "fall"? Oh! It is it is gentle and light wind.

Autumn, you are a young child - lively and lovely. In the morning, you are like a child, walked into the gentle pace of thousands of households, wake up sleeping people, you gently leaned close to their ears, quietly said: "The up, the autumn is coming!" When people Opened the sleepy eyes, hazy, to meet him was so gorgeous bright autumn! Autumn is so naughty, but also so full of childlike.

Autumn, you are a little girl - naive, childish. Look, you just arrived in the woods, green foliage issued a "rustling" sound, accompanied by the birds singing, loudly asked: "Wind, the wind, you do what?" You replied: "partners We have brought you new clothes. "The trees are happy to put on the gifts you gave them, all of a sudden, the leaves are put on the golden" new clothes ", one by one you look at me, I hope you, Before the push after the crowded, trouble into a group. A few naughty simply leave the mother, in the earth aunts laughter, leisurely into her arms ... ... in this warm, you put a smile to complete the new mission.

Autumn, you are a girl - gentle, quiet. Look, you are singing silver bell-like song, came to the most popular autumn of the most interesting place - farm field. You are coming up with their anticipation. Walking is so light, soothing. Rice blooming smile, quietly accept your touch, happily ups and downs with the wind, like rolling the Melaleuca waves; where the sorghum, anxiously waiting, you like a group of hot fire, or how can the Sorghum dyed golden light? Timid corn doll tightly wrapped in the small was, hear the outside clamor, but also curiously stuck his head, listen to your song ... ... At this time, you have crossed the field, to the distance The Step by step autumn, step by step harvest, you will be dedicated to the earth, you will be heavy harvest into the heart of the farmers, drunk red farmhouse smile.

Autumn, you are a elders - kind and serene. You are wearing a red coat, floating on the hillside, will become a piece of maple leaves into golden red. Yuanwang, frost leaves such as drunk, like a red sea, and glow in one; near look, such as raging flames in the burning, this red red, gives a kind of unsatisfactory warmth. I follow the footprints of the autumn wind, went to the hillside, revel in the maple leaves fly. Face the autumn wind, I cried out, want to pull out all the hearts of passion ... ...

Autumn, you bring a charming autumn; bring the harvest fruit; bring the red of everything. I love you, love you rough, bold temperament, but also love you gentle, graceful temperament, love you quietly dedication of the spirit! Obsessed with you! My autumn wind.




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Today, my mother took me to a friend to see him keep a puppy. Its a small face on a long pair of slippery black eyes, wearing a black and bright black "sweater", the body is only a small rabbit-like size, jumping, very cute!

After dinner, I am happy to play with the puppy. We have to play awkward, it suddenly after the legs stumbled up, scared me a big jump. Thought: "Even I will not stand upright, it is easy to upside down, really not simple!" Just when I was surprised, just listen to "brush" to it a bit of joy. "Wow thiophene it will be inverted pee, or the first time I see it!" I exclaimed! Suddenly feel the body is not right, touched his pants, how is the wet? It is the urine it is scattered in my pants On the. I can be angry, and shouted: "This time you see you small, do not understand the matter on the spare you, if the next time, do not blame me regardless of polite!" I saw the dog put his legs, Gone, really arrogant!

For a while to go, I really could not bear it!



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Spring Festival is the most important festival in China .It‘s to celebrate the lunar calendar ’s new year .In the evening before the Spring Festival ,families get together and have a big meal .In many places people like to set off firecrackers .Dumplings are the most traditional food .Children like the festival very much ,because they can have delicious food and wear new clothes .They can also get some money from their parents. This money is given to children for good luck . People put New Year scrolls on the wall for good fortune .

The Spring Festival lasts about 15 days long .People visit relatives and friends with the words “Have all your wishes ”。 People enjoy the Spring Festival ,during this time they can have a good rest .





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Through the ages, the earth mother milk with sweet nurtured a countless generations. The original she was the XiaoBei decorated lovely. But, now human to its own interests, tortured her eyes out. There is only one earth; And the earth is facing serious environmental crisis. "Saving the earth" has become the worlds strongest voice. The deterioration of the environment around, I feel heartache, I think: as the future successors of teenagers, if dont understand the gravity of the environmental problems, ignoring the laws and regulations concerning environmental protection, not to strengthen environmental protection consciousness, our lives will be destroyed in his hands, and god will make serious punishment for us.

Therefore I determined to start from me good care environment, protect our homes, the survival of a environmental protection guard. In just the past year, I actively participate in school activities for planting trees, leading us six (2) squadron of the class cadre created the "green angel" plant green armor, encourage players green groups on campus adoption a young trees, use after school time for it to dress for its towering trees, grow and lay the foundation. In the school organization "let the earth vibrant" signature activity, I solemnly in signing their names above, and wrote his determination and expectations for environmental protection, the vision of the future. I actively participate in school in the world environment day, serious prize held consulting, collect got all kinds of material, to make social investigation, writing about environmental management idea articles, I often go to school organization environmental lecture, watch the footage of environmental protection, actively contributing to environmental protection knowledge interlocution survey, fill in every item questions.

I participated in the "red scarf plant green protect green team" website construction, in the above picture released a lot of environmental protection and environmental protection knowledge, as well as about environmental protection all aspects of legal knowledge in environmental protection in China, developing tendency, the situation of environmental protection in countries around the world; Every month I have used the Internet, newspapers, find some latest different projects and plate "environmental information" to tell everybody; Also making some XuanChuanBan regularly to promote environmental protection knowledge and life in environmental sense. Improve everyones environmental protection consciousness; Calls for students from different aspects to love his home, start from around things, and for the environment around dedicated an own strength!

I actively mobilize people around him come according to law, protect and construction human common is also the only home, in order to promote the sustainable development of economy and society for human civilization to make the contribution. I also jointly sponsored students and "raise a potted flower, adopted a tree, sparing the every piece of green space, let us surrounded by green" and "with a small plastic bags dont use foam lunch box and disposable chopsticks, let us from white pollution" initiative. Let us down convenience bag, took food basket, let us common to a wonderful green tomorrow, to glory, the bright future!






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Last year,my friend gave me a little dog. I was fond of him very much. I liked to play with him after school and he liked to follow me wherever I went. I was very glad that I had a “body guard”。

Last winter I was very busy with my lessons and came home very late every day.However,no matter how late I went home,my dog used to stand at a comer near my school waiting for me. When I passed there,he barked two or three times then ran towards me. It seemed that he was calling me.

My dog not only,took good care of me,but also was respoasible at home. When strangers came to my house,he barked at them but not hurt them. What a lovely dog he is!






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Winter is a beautiful season. It’s often snow in many countrys. And the outside is white. We often play with the snow, and make the snowman.

In the winter, the days are shorter. And the nights are longer. It’s often dark very earl.

I like white, so I like winter. What a lovely winter!



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Hot summer girl just left, gentle autumn girl walked on the footsteps of light, quietly came to earth.

The autumn girl dressed in a golden dress. She came softly on the grass. Although the autumn girls footsteps light, for fear of moving the grass sweet dream. However, the autumn girl left, the grass is not as tender as spring, nor as quiet as the summer, but showing a faint yellow goose.

Where did the autumn girl go? Oh! It was the original to the big tree, and it was like a piece of golden sea. Autumn leaves swept, leaves have fallen, some like butterflies dancing, and some like the Yellow Eagle wings fly, and some like the actors in the ballet. The ground is full of leaves, would like to put a layer of thick carpet.

The orchard of the harvest scene. Look, the apple that is covered with branches, head down, blush, how shy little girl! There is that piece of mature pomegranate red face, grinned, as if to tell jokes? The Look at the distant hawthorn, red like a round of flames of the flames, the peoples heart to burn up.

Walking in the country on the road, full of mature crops. In front of a golden corn, golden grain broke the coat of corn cobs.

Autumn girl quietly quietly to the big map on the brilliant colors, to the hard-working people to bring the joy of harvest!
