描写春雨的英语作文范文通用2篇 作文(汇总20篇)

每天都写,如果可能的话,每天写几次。你写得多了,也就写得好了。学如何写作和其他的学问道理是一样的,熟能生巧。写写你自己,写写博客,向出版社投稿。只是写,全情投入地写,练得越多,你的写作水平就提升得越快。这里给大家分享一些关于描写春雨的英语作文范文通用2篇 作文作文,供大家参考。






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Autumn really beautiful autumn girl wearing a golden dress, sitting uncle breeze of the car came to the Xia Gonggong side, it said: "Xia Gonggong you tired, Ill take your class!"

At this time, there is a row of geese in the sky is about to fly to the south of the winter! Dayan leader led his team members for a while arranged in a "person" word, while arranged in a "one" word, while lined up a "big". They fly and say, "Dear Southern friends, we come back to see you!"

In the field, the red sorghum is like a burning torch. A piece of field covered with mature rice, a tree of rice together to become a golden "ocean". The wind blowing, as if in front of rolling the golden waves.

Orchard, Apple smiled red face; Huang Chengcheng pear, like a yellow bells; ripe persimmon in the tree you squeeze me touch, scrambling to let people pick it!

Maple forest, maple leaves are more beautiful than those who dance, the wind blowing them began to dancing, jump out of the joy of autumn!

Autumn is really beautiful, I like this golden, lovely season!




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Under the snow all day yesterday, my mother and I got up early today, because I dont want to miss a good chance to see snow.

Snowy morning, snow mountains, great! Like a wonderful hand painter painted a beautiful picture. Path has been covered with a layer of long white carpet, so pure, so crystal clear, look really dont have the heart to put his foot on; The grass on both sides of the road has been out of sight, because the lawn covered by a thick layer of the quilt; Small trees compose full of honeysuckle, furry, thick, than the original big pine is more beautiful, would like to open full of pear flower, was "like night of spring breeze comes suddenly, thousand trees critics, pear flower open"!

My mother and I breathe the fresh air, enjoy the nature gives grace. We heartily in this beautiful world of the snowball fights, a snowman, although I flushed with manual, but my heart happy!

Because have school, so we had to leave. Bye beautiful lawn, pine trees, the beauty of nature!







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杏花春雨:初春杏花遍地 细雨润泽的景象。



雨井烟垣:比喻荒凉 冷落的景象。





淅淅沥沥:象声词,形容轻微的风雨声 落叶声等。


和风细雨: 温和的风和细小的雨。本指自然现象;现多指用和缓的态度和方式处理问题。



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Ive been to a lot of beautiful places, but in my mind, the most important thing in my mind is the Forbidden City.

The Forbidden City is a place where the ancient emperor of China can live. The imperial palace has: temple of heaven, echo wall, emperors study and so on many beautiful places. There are colorful flowers in the temple of heaven, very beautiful. The flowers and grasses and the famous flowers and plants are all numerous and numerous, very beautiful, far from looking like a colorful flower in the open. Like a fairyland on earth. The temple of heaven is not a famous artist.

The echo wall is a miracle of acoustics, which is a masterpiece of ancient craftsman. The wall tiles of the echo wall are not as strong as others. It is specially made in shandong linqing place. The slurry brick is exquisite, and the sound of the metal sound, commonly known as the gold brick. If you shout in the echo wall, the echo will be strong.

Its better to see if you have the chance, and believe that it will make you feel better.



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New Years Day is one of important days for many people in the world during the year. Most people spend the New Years Day in hotels. January 1st is considered as the New Years Day. Most companies, shops, school, and government offices are closed during that time. People prepare for New Years Day from late December. First, people spend a few days to clean their houses completely. Some families then put up some new painting from November to be sent in January. The New Years meal is also prepared from the end of December. During the New Years Day, people usually do not cook and relax at home. On New Years Eve, it is common to have a bag dinner with family members or friends at home or in hotels and hear bells which informs us of the coming New Year. On New Years Day, people greet each other. Some people wear new coats and visit temples to pray for happiness and health through out the New Year. Children are busy with getting the gifts from their parents and relatives.




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Fall to the grandmothers original quiet orchard all of a sudden lively up, and some picking fruit, and some filled with fruit basket to the outside, and some of the fruit has been clean to eat up. I greet a small partner on the same month and more treasure like adults with a large scissors and bamboo basket rushed into the orchard, with adults to pick fruit.

The first thing that catches the eye or the big and small apples, red, green, they grow under the cultivation of the autumn girl, they are more beautiful in the sunshine to see, that red seductive appearance, Greedy people have a direct saliva, bite the mouth that is full of sweet apples, lubricated delicious, really comfortable!

On the other side of the orchard, the tall persimmon tree shook the branches of the red persimmon waving toward us warmly, from afar, like a small lantern hanging on the branches, is simply unparalleled, Bite a bit, sweet, people praise.

Picking the fruit, we sat under the tree to rest, a piece of leaves falling from the tree down, as a color only butterfly in the air dancing, I immediately pick up, thinking: "I must pick up a few pieces of the most Beautiful leaves brought back to do bookmarks, Yue Ying quickly took out the book and tape, picked up a few leaves, and soon, a "rabbit eat radish" paste painting is completed, how beautiful! Treasure sitting in the newspaper On the idea of how to use their own pen to describe the "autumn orchard."

I love autumn, but more love this fall orchard.



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My classmates called Zhu Qi, she very, very beautiful, she has two-large eyes, she was very quiet, very shy, she likes listening to music, singing, dancing, her good academic performance, are my best friend .


I have a classmate and he is also my good friend.He is very tall and handsome. He has short and black hair. They make him more active. He has a round face, a small nose, two big eyes. Though other studebts dont think he is handsome,he is so lovely in my heart. Because he always helps me with my English and Chinese. He is so kind-hearted.I hope we are good friends for ever.


I have a new classmate, whose name is Jane. She is one of my good friends now.

Jane is a pretty girl with a round face, twinkling eyes and rosy cheeks. Her long hair lies back in curls from her delicate ears. Jane wears glasses and is usually dressed in plain colors.

Jane is a book addict and never spends a day without reading. The books she reads range from classical poems to modern novels. She also loves singing and dancing. Her marvelous voice and appealing dance make her one of the most popular girls in our school.

Apart from her striking looks and wide range of hobbies, Jane has an outstanding performance at her studies. She is ambitious and aggressive. She aims really high. And we all believe that she is always a pride for her family, friends and teachers.



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1. 踏上青石板,听着深沉的钟声,在烟雨的季节里走过那长长的街巷。不曾想过有红纸伞的飘过,只愿看那青苔遍满的墙根与光滑闪亮的石阶泛青的面庞。望一望天空,铅色的的大幕摇摇欲坠,风乍起吹落了雨滴,在一阵嘀嗒的节拍中古城该是怎样的宁静。凸起的屋檐,垂下的瓦当,让雨滴汇成一股清流从面前飘落。隔雨看雨,不知是雨的清洌刺激了久封的神经,还是那石墙天然的明丽,一切都变得纯净,这一切便有如远古的意蕴缠绵的让人不忍心望断。

2. 你瞧,菜园边上,刚绿的竹,一片片、一丛丛,湿漉漉,绿泱泱;河岸旁,杨柳绽开绿芽,鹅黄嫩绿,煞是可爱;桃花园里,含苞的桃蕾在烟雨中如霞如霓,惹人生联想:它们点缀春天,孕育生机,显示出了蓬勃的生命活力。不是么?春雨是大自然的助产士,让江南分娩出一个生机勃勃的世界。

3. 迷蒙的雨汽遮住了我们的视线,只听见“滴滴答答”或者“沙沙沙”的声音,闻到一缕缕清新湿润的香味。湖岸边,如烟的柳丝,在清风细雨中微微地扭动着柔软的腰肢,任凭雨水的沐浴,任凭水珠流从她的身上滑下来,任凭春雨把世间最美好的琼浆涌遍她的全身。此时,没有晓月,没有残风,有生命复苏的蠕动和世间万物的复苏,还有幼小的生命在春雨的摇篮里露出的幸福笑容。是的,我们都在享受着无以比拟的自然气息——春雨的味道。

4. 蒙蒙的细雨向大地飞洒着,潇洒自如。它轻如牛毛,细如花针,软软的,腻腻的,亮晶晶的,让人难以琢磨。

5. 江南的三月,细雨绵绵。午后不知什么时候又飘起毛毛细雨,喜欢在这样的细雨中漫步,让肌肤感受柔雨的清新和细腻。细雨的丝丝清新和丝丝缠绵让我感觉到自然,纯真和透明。喜欢在这样细雨的日子独倚窗前静赏风卷雨绵。潇潇洒洒如一幅雅致飘逸的画卷。朦胧依旧,思绪飘飞。

6. 江南的春雨总是那么的惹人,那么的悄悄然。偷偷地在没有人感知的夜里默默地落下。不知不觉已经在这里生活了快两年了,但却还是不了解她的脾气,但是有一点我是很肯定的,那就是迷人的姿态,还有那颗最最真诚的心。春雨绵绵,爱在江南。

7. 处于岛屿的近港,遥望晴日咫尺的彼岸,此刻已被烟雨蒙上了一层水帘,让人仿佛置身于太平洋的小岛之中,四处是一望无际的银白。

8. 初春的细雨,总是带着一份朦胧的妖娆,烟雾缭绕,似梦似幻,似真似假,似月似花,空气中时而夹杂几股幽香,悠然沁鼻,让人心旷神怡,随风轻落几抹翩红,嫋嫋娜娜,美的飘然。这春雨不紧不慢,疏密相间,是否轻柔似母亲之手,缠绵似微风飘逸,轻抚浸润着山山水水?天色微明,雨露如轻歌曼舞的姑娘在花草叶面跳舞,阳光出来一照,露珠变为蒸汽,若仙女一般轻烟缭绕升向天空。山也清秀,水也丰盈,人更显得精神。

9. 在烟雨朦胧中美丽的往事如丁香花絮飘飞,如约而来的是你的容颜和悄然呢喃。往事像一卷卷陈旧的黑白胶片,在我面前慢慢舒展开来。依旧是细雨绵绵的季节,我和你从生命的两端,在某个中点,悄然而遇,而后又交叉而过。花开花谢,往事如烟。心灵深处却还是馨香一片,心情依旧因你芬芳。

10. 在万籁俱寂的夜晚,“沙沙沙”的春雨唤醒了大地:小草儿贪婪地吮吸着雨露,茁壮成长;花儿迎风摇晃,含苞欲放;长满毛毛狗似的新叶的柳树,借着皎洁如水的月光,迎着酥油般的细雨,长袖当歌,婆婴起舞,宛如亭亭玉立的窈窕淑女在轻舞团扇……此情此景,不正是“随风潜入夜,润物细无声”的真实写照吗

11. 雨丝轻轻地坠落“鱼戏莲叶间”的小荷塘,溅起朵朵透亮的小水花,在翠色欲滴的荷叶上蹦跳着、滚动着。稍不留意,“叮当”一声,滚落到了“床底下”,惊得鱼儿们四处逃散,而它却捂着肚皮,乐不可支。文静的小水珠可颇有一番小家碧玉的淑女形象,它虽没有玛瑙珍珠昂贵珍稀,却也温文儒雅。它安静地躺在荷叶上,从不招惹风姐姐,安分、守己。

12. 雨就要停了,可是仍然可以听到水珠在树叶上跳舞雨打芭蕉的声音,青石板上不时溅起几朵美妙的水花,轻灵,清灵,而又不失快乐。湖面上的雾气慢慢退去,山色空演雨亦奇,视线中的一切都刚洗了一个澡,显得越发清亮,越发神奇,越发妩媚而多情。湖上的那座卧坡桥在淡淡的雾气的氤氲下,颇有些婀娜,让人对刚才的雨中美景回味无穷。

13. 雨渐渐小了些,雨点的步子也慢了,懒散散的样子。可是,仍然在天空中飘着,落着,也许是凌乱的,也许是有序的。凭栏望去,水天一色,物我合一。湖面不时会跳出几条鱼儿,他们早就与春雨有个约会,已经溶为一体了。雨不再是雨,鱼不再是鱼,他们都是大自然的精灵,雨儿滋润着万物,鱼儿则是雨儿村庄的主人。

14. 有了春雨,山水相毗,天地相吻。在大自然的造化中,春雨不再形单影只,她给世间万物带来了新鲜的气息。这气息就是人们眷恋的而久违了的春风。春风领着春雨,春雨乘着春风,结伴而来,绿了山峦,漾了湖水,唤醒了大地,滋润了草木。而这一切都在不经意间,此时无声胜有声,好一个氤氲而静美的春雨。

15. 也许,不曾想过在烟雨迷蒙的日子里走向江南,去采撷渴望已久的稻色与花香,也不知道脚步怎样踏上脑海中多次出现过的石板桥,怎样看着乌蓬渐渐消失在河的尽头。江南梦的追念只在这如雨的季节里描绘那份憧憬。梅子红透杏花满枝,曾想携手一起走过飞落的浅红,追逐那深沉的浪漫,却不想遇到了纷乱的世间凄凉。

16. 杏花落尽,只留下淡黄的记忆,浸润着江南的温柔。当一切都还在迷惘中,春雨似翩跹的舞者携来如丝的缠绵。望断江南,好似萌生的梦境,万里青色朦胧在如丝的缠绵中,恰似乌托邦的青纯,又似桃源的平静。风吹不尽,只有淡淡的迷乱摇曳起荷塘的绿盖触动着远处飘渺的村落,迎来不曾有过的仙境般的梦幻。嘀嗒的春雨落尽天云的酝酿敲击着苍茫的大地,似捶打着泛起的薄沙般轻柔。江南带来杏花雨的惆怅,带来春雨的哀伤。

17. 杏花,太脆弱,春雨少了几分绝世之美,可江南不但美于外表,而且美于内涵,杏花摇曳中,是座静谧在春雨中的文化历史古城。就像这样一位女子:娇艳的皮肤,曼妙的舞姿,动人的歌喉,婀娜的身材,抚着恬静赋有雅致的琴,弈着似人生如歌梦的棋,写着秀美不失霸气的书,描着巧夺天工,栩栩如生,独具匠心的画,好一个江南美女!江南便是这样,柔美而强劲,羞涩又放纵,美得如痴如醉。

18. 细雨霏霏,朦胧中仿佛看到淡紫色的丁香花在雨中轻轻摇曳,细雨在丁香丛中淅淅吟咏,如烟似雾,凄婉净美。雨雾在紫色的丁香花上聚凝莹露,清亮如玉。缄结不开的丁香雨愁,缄结不开的如水情怀。晶莹的眼泪悄然滑落,思绪如丁香花雨一样纷纷扬扬飘向远方。些许怅然,一廉幽梦随着绵绵雨丝泻进心里,泛起一串串涟漪。

19. 细细望去,荷花洁白如玉,荷叶绿得鲜亮,熠熠生辉。一阵微风吹来,河面荡起阵阵闪亮的波浪,雨珠儿像无数快乐的小音符,唱着欢乐的歌儿,手拉着手,欣赏着美丽的雨景。














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All of us like our physics teacher, Miss Gao. When our class master asked for leave, Miss Gao took his place. Although her family name is Gao一in Chinese it means tall-shes really shorter than all the other teachers. But we have never paid attention to her height,instead we are always interested in her lessons. She is strict with us so we have made great progress in physics. Now our class master has come back, but we still regard Miss Gao as our second class master.



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Last weekend,I saw some monkeys in the zoo.I like them very much.They are very interesting and very clever.There are an old monkey in the tree.Many other monkeys like to follow it.Sometimes they climbed up the tree ,and sometimes they play in the ground.But they look very happy.Oh,sometimes they talk to each other.Oh,look.they are play games there.They are like the children.I like the monkeys.theyre my good friends.



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The imperial palace, also known as the Forbidden City, is the imperial palace of the Ming and qing dynasties, which is the largest and most complete ancient architectural complex in China. I especially want to know the architecture of ancient palaces and the living environment of ancient emperors.

One weekend in the golden autumn, the sun is shining and the autumn wind is crisp. My mother and I went to visit the Palace Museum in the center of the city. I was very happy.

Enter the gate of the Forbidden City, "wow! Its so big here!" I couldnt help it. The mother said, "the most spectacular is still in the back!" We first visited the architectural model of the imperial palace and its construction. I know that the imperial palace covers an area of over 720,000 square meters, with more than 9,000 rooms, all wooden structures, and all the wooden structures have no nails. The palace is the blue and white stone base, the tall roof, the yellow glazed tile, the pattern of the dragon everywhere, and decorated with the brilliant color of the golden wall. I observed all the palaces, and found that the palaces were lined up along the north-south axis, and spread out to the sides, to the north and south, and to the right and left. I told mom, I found mother listen to nod a smile, said: "the central axis not only in the Forbidden City, and nanda YongDingMen, north to the drum tower, almost throughout the whole city. Its magnificent, well-planned and spectacular.

We have been visiting the taihe temple from the imperial garden. What a breathtaking view! In the Forbidden City, the most striking is the "three halls" : the hall of supreme harmony, the hall of harmony, the hall of protection and the temple. They are all built on the 8-meter-high base of the white jade, which looks like the qiong yuyu in the myth. The first hall of supreme harmony was the most magnificent building. People called it the "throne room". It was the place where the emperor held the grand ceremony. It is 28 meters high, 63 meters, 35 meters north and south, and a large pillar with a diameter of 1 meter. Among them, six large pillars, one meter in diameter around the throne, are flat dragon pillars of leached gold. The throne is located at the base of the two meters high in the temple, with the graceful crane and the top of the furnace, followed by a carefully carved screen. The whole hall is decorated with golden walls, which are both majestic and magnificent. The hall of neutralization was the place where the emperor went to the hall of supreme harmony to take a rest and exercise etiquette. Baohe and the temple are the place where the emperor gives banquet to the king of the foreign land every New Year. This is just the palace buildings, and house decoration is numerous, the rarities of the mother said: "these treasures is only part of it, when Chiang kai-shek fled to Taiwan carried away many treasure palace, there are some loss in a foreign country". I feel sorry for the loss of these treasures. When will these lost treasures return to the embrace of the motherland? I am looking forward to the reunion of Taiwan and mainland as soon as possible.

The visit of the Forbidden City made me linger. The Palace Museum is an unparalleled masterpiece. It is a miracle. Our five thousand years of Chinese culture are profound and profound, and we should be proud and proud to have built such a magnificent palace for the ancients. At the same time, we also have the responsibility to protect these cultural relics from destruction, so that the five thousand years of splendid civilization of the motherland will be handed down.



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Winter, we first think of the word is nothing more than "cold" "cold" "ruthless." And the winter morning?

In the eyes of everyone in the winter is a ruthless ice woman. Her words and deeds are always with a burst of bitter wind from the wind.

I opened the curtains this morning. Greet me is not biting the cold wind, but a ray of warm sunshine. The winter morning is the freshest. Suck into the cool silk, but today there are some sweet it. The sun shines on my face. I think this time the winter morning is more like a sunny boy.

Winter, I love you do not lightly expressed in the warmth of love; I love you more selfless dedication of the spirit of Lei Feng.

You are burdened with the world complaining about you, complaining about your cold; complaining about your ruthlessness. And you are quietly bear. How can they know your cold for the warmth of the spring of next year; for the coming year the fragrance of flowers; for the coming year the green grass; for the next years wheat harvest. Who can understand you?

The appearance of cold, heart hot you year after year, day after day, never complain.

When the spring is more warm; when the flowers are more fragrant; when the grass is more green; when the wheat harvest better. When people are busy praising the spring, you laughed and you said, "The four seasons are the rules of nature.

Looking at you back to the back, I cried ...



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Winter is a beautiful season. It’s often snow in many countrys. And the outside is white. We often play with the snow, and make the snowman.

In the winter, the days are shorter. And the nights are longer. It’s often dark very earl.

I like white, so I like winter. What a lovely winter!



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In my growth experience, there are many lovely little stars in the treasure chest. Wow, that one is not only cute, but also not bright, because it is the most unforgettable thing in my memory.

That morning, a wisp of sunlight slanted through the window to my bed, I just open our eyes, the mother smiled and said to me: "baby, today is your birthday! You love what birthday gift!" we excitedly said: "we want a small animal."

Its almost noon, mom and dad came back, smiling at us, we were very curious and asked: "Mom, a gift?" Mom with a finger, you can do that in my father, my sister and I saw my father for a while, did not see what gift, my sister suddenly shouted: "what is behind the father?" my father would not let me see, Dad turned it around the circle, the father smiled with us to turn around, not to us, then my mother said: "you dont make both treasure, give them." "Good, good," Dad promised to put the box to us, my sister and I saw a white paper box, paper box is filled with a lid, do not see what I think it really is what animal, he asked: "sister box will not be a rabbit. Sister?" said: "no, that is a small cat," then we hurried to open the box, a look at the original cat not be startled at, that is a lovely white dog! Haha, we are delighted, I shouted: "what a beautiful dog ah, it. Many white ah, we call it white!" sister praised: "yes, this name is really right," and then we are going to have white, have fun.

Now it has become a member of our family. Thank you, mom and Dad, for the birthday present. It has always been my memory, and I can not forget it.



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My grandmother is sixty—two years old。 She is healthy so that she walks around often。 In the morning, she goes to buy food in the market early。 There are several old grannies going with her。

In their opinion, it’s a kind of exercise, because walking is important to their health。

Besides, my grandmother is very active and easygoing。 She makes many friends near my home, from her peer to the little babies。

She always laughs and makes others happy。 I think my grandmother is so lovely that I want to stay with her。



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True friends dont have to contact every day, when youre depressed, find someone to vent when first thought the man, when you have good things to share right away the first person to think of...

True friend after a long and you will have to talk about, even if two people together there is no words dont feel embarrassed!

True friend he will understand your temper, your habits, in front of him you dont need to disguise, you can blunt he lost his temper, he can understand you.

He will make you happy when you sad, he will follow you when you are happy happy together, two people occasionally because a little things that conflict, but the contradiction will be more stable after your feelings.

A true friend is the person you care about When you most care about people hurt themselves, that kind of mood... So, dont think so much, my friend dont care how many, there are several bosom friend is enough...



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Winter morning really beautiful ah!

The sun also feel a bit cold, holding a white scarf around his neck, the earth also paved a layer of milky white veil. Distant trees, houses are showing a touch of shadow, like the painter with light ink outlines the lines. The whole earth are shrouded in the thick white fog, nothing can not see. Eyes only white vast fog, wet fog, cool foggy fog.

I took my school bag toward the school, the streets from time to time someone rush to and from. At first, you can only hear their footsteps, and then to see their blurred silhouette close to see their face, the fog gave them a clever place in the make-up, their black hair dyed silver, their Eyelashes sparkling crystal beads.

Came to school, the campus everywhere misty, as if to the school covered with a layer of silver and white veil, really "do not know the true colors" mystery. I put down my bag and finished my homework. "Ding zero" - morning time to go, the students have returned to their seats, concentrate on reading the book. Suddenly, the campus book sound Lang Lang. Into the classroom, like into the rain after the bamboo forest, a green tree to drop the spring bamboo in the rain under the moisture of the first to fear to grow seedlings.

"Ding zero" is a crisp ringtones - morning time to run. We arranged a neat team as usual to the playground running. We are wearing neat school uniforms, like a long dragon dance in the playground. In the sound of music, we run in a consistent manner. I can not help but exclaimed: This is really a world of hope!

The winter morning is full of life, full of hope, how can not let people love it?
