描写春雨的英语作文范文通用2篇 作文【实用20篇】

每天都写,如果可能的话,每天写几次。你写得多了,也就写得好了。学如何写作和其他的学问道理是一样的,熟能生巧。写写你自己,写写博客,向出版社投稿。只是写,全情投入地写,练得越多,你的写作水平就提升得越快。这里给大家分享一些关于描写春雨的英语作文范文通用2篇 作文作文,供大家参考。






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Autumn girl walked the pace of light, came to the garden.

Distant, that row of red maple forest, like a red elf in the golden ocean to play. Pick up a maple leaf, its shape like our palm.

Autumn girl out of the maple forest, and came to the flower beds. There is a cluster of string of red, they are neatly arranged team. Like a little dwarf wearing a small red cap, the Little Red Riding Hood off, taste, taste sweet.

The most striking is the chrysanthemum, chrysanthemum varieties are many: white crystal chrysanthemum, golden back red, pineal chrysanthemum, marigold. Big like a ball, a small flower like a beautiful flower bed. They are red like fire, white snow, pink like Xia. My favorite is pineal chrysanthemum, its flower like a small hedgehog rolled into a ball, petals like a small umbrella.

Ah autumn garden really beautiful ah!



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I have a loving kitten around me. I liked it, my mom and dad liked it too.

Its head flat, a pair of sharp and flexible big eyes, will shine at night, even a small mouse can not escape its vision. There is a sweet mouth, his mouth has four small teeth, a smile will be exposed. Mouth and a beard, used to measure the size of the hole. I gave it a name called "yellow".

One day, I just returned to the door, yellow heard the sound of the door, immediately went to me where I clamor "meow meow" to call, as if to say: "little master, you finally come back, I really want You oh. "When I do not do business, when doing something else,

It is in the "meow meow" barking, as if to remind me to seriously do homework. My kittens brought me a lot of happiness, my good friend, I love my kitten.



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In summer, the sun baked the earth, the roadside grass almost burning, heat in the air, I cant breathe. There is no trace of wind, willow lowered her head, roadside Canna almost withered, but the lovely blue flowers standing, his thin waist branches, with flowers, it is open as early as Hongmei -- to outshine others!


Finally, blowing a fresh wind, the cicadas in the tree and singing cheerful songs, a lake on a piece of light, as if covered with silver armor, small fish and hurried out of the water, enjoying the cool wind is a willow, swinging his long branch hair, to feel the wind charm......


The wind blew a few stopped, everything returned to calm, I was walking barefoot on a lake at the foot of a bridge, felt hot, I see it here, after sun exposure, already was as hot as fire.


It was a really hot summer!



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My favourite animal is the panda,is our"national treasure",bacause pandas nive,lovable and lively,it was very likr it.panda is an ancient animal,is a zoologist called "living fossile " long ago there were many pandas in china,panda bamoo living area has large flowers,dead,threatening the survival of giant pandas.The whole world is extremely concerned about the rare giant panda rescue and transfer work.due to the destruction of the natural balance,climate warming,fewer and fewer panda.Panda is one of endangered animals,now only found in China,Sichuan,Shaanxi,Gansu,people began to conserve this endangered species.Today,the number of pandas has increased,but there is still a long way to go.Care for animals,is to protect human,we should be animals as mans best friend,to care,to protect them.Protection of animals is a duty of each person,let us work together to protect the giant pandas,giving them a good home.



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2. 春雨漫漫地洒下,像无数细针一样的落下来,洒在每个角落里。我望着窗外的蒙蒙的细丝,看着那里的无数的没有尽头的山峰,如痴如醉,被那里的雨中的美景所陶醉了!

3. 春雨朦朦地下起来了,夹着丝丝缕缕的春风。春雨细细的,密密的,灰蒙蒙的,远处的山峦、大树、房屋,朦朦胧胧,就像浸在一片薄雾中。春雨,似雾非雾,似线非线,似有形又无形……从远处眺望,朦朦的春雨好似漂浮在半空的丝绸,近看,春雨宛如是天女撒下的花瓣,滴落在地上、树上、房屋上,沙沙沙的飘落在绿茸茸的草地上,干渴了一冬天的大地张开绿色的大嘴,贪婪的吮吸着甜润的雨水。

4. 春雨淅淅沥沥,如牛毛,如花针,如春姑娘那柔柔的发丝……雨雾弥漫,雨珠儿串成一个大珠帘,如烟如云地笼罩了一切;春雨绵绵,洒在树叶上,沙沙沙,又像蚕宝宝在吞食桑叶……春雨又像万条银丝,飘落在屋檐上,屋檐落下一排水滴,像美丽的珠帘。春雨如甘露,无声无息地飘向大地,滋润着含苞欲放的花蕾。

5. 春雨像绢丝一般,又轻又细,听不见淅淅沥沥的响声,也感不到雨浇的淋漓,只觉得好似湿漉漉的烟雾,没有形状,不出响声,轻柔地滋润着大地和人们的心里……

6. 慢慢的,慢慢的,雨越下越大,渐渐地成了弥漫在空中的水帘,万物都看不清楚了,人就像漂浮在白色的世界里一样。雨水争先恐后地投进大地母亲的怀抱。春雨落到草地上,为草籽提供充足的水分,好让它早点为世界增添一片新绿;春雨落到田野里,麦苗贪婪地吮吸着这甘甜的乳汁;春雨落到花朵上,花儿显得格外娇艳……雨水冲刷着大地,冲走污垢,留下一片光洁,一片亮丽。

7. 树叶上,花瓣上都有一颗颗晶莹剔透的小水珠,凑近看时,水珠仿佛把天地融合在了一起,大地更绿了,天更蓝了,阳光照在小水珠上,水珠一闪一闪的,像一颗小星星……春雨落到哪里,哪里便充满了生机,真是“好雨知时节,当春乃发生。 随风潜入夜,润物细无声。”

8. 透过玻璃窗,可以看到雨儿淅淅沥沥地落在对面的房顶上,随后又变成了一滴滴闪亮的雨珠顺着瓦片迅速落下,宛如断了线的珠子。莫非春姑娘下凡时撒在人间的?还是天上的仙女不小心丢了心爱的珍珠项链……万物复苏了,它们被雨洗得一尘不染,显得格外漂亮。

9. 我出神地看着,雨淅淅沥沥地下着。你看,雨还会变魔术呢:一会儿像牛毛,一会儿像蚕丝,一会儿又像断了线的珠子……这雨像落叶一样轻,像针尖儿一样细,一串串, 一串串,轻轻落在街上,落在人门心中。雨声里,园中的每一片树叶,每一丛草,每一把泥土,都变成了奇妙无比的琴键,飘飘洒洒的雨丝,是无数轻捷柔软的手指,弹奏出一首有一首优雅的小曲,每一个音符都带着幻想的色彩。

10. 我迫不及待地冲到雨中,发现春雨如绢丝一样,又轻又细。听不见淅淅的响声,也感觉不到雨浇的淋漓。只觉得这好像是湿漉漉的烟雾,轻轻地滋润着大地和人心。

11. 春雨,染红了桃花,漂白了柳絮,描青了山峰,绘绿了秧畦.没想到,春光,竟会这样的饱满,这样的烂漫,它似乎把一冬天蕴藏的情绪,都尽情的释放出来了。

12. 春雨,是美妙的交响乐,随着春风落在雨栅上,只听得“啪……啪!”的响声;落在石头上,唱起了“啪嗒……啪嗒!”的歌;落在屋檐上,发出“咚…………咚!”的乐器声,这些声音聚在一起,连贝多芬和李斯特听了都赞不绝口,都会称春雨是他们的老师,是大自然伟大的音乐家。

13. 春雨静静地下着,伴随着暖暖的春风驱走了严冬的残痕给春姑娘披上了盛装,给人们带来了希望。

14. 春雨来到草地上,春雨如同画家般,将一丛丛小草染青了,把一棵棵树涂绿了,一朵朵花儿点红了,草地上一片繁荣的景象,可春雨似乎意犹未尽,摇身一变,成为了设计师,将一颗颗晶莹透亮的珍珠镶嵌在那些含苞初绽的花朵上,花儿在春风中摇曳,轻摆,仿佛少女的轻歌曼舞,空气中还弥漫着沁人心肺的甜香,真令人心情豁然开朗啊!

15. 细雨如丝,透过一条条的银线,看到远处的山、水、树……朦朦胧胧的,就像害羞的少女披上了银色的面纱。她带着甜甜的微笑来到人们的身边。那挺拔的绿树,嫩嫩的小草,娇艳的花朵,都尽情的享受这春雨的滋润。雨珠晶莹剔透,被雨水打落的花瓣像一叶叶扁舟,轻盈的在水中飘荡。

16. 下雨了,地面上的雨水洒向了河里,雨水打在河面上泛起了一圈圈涟漪,大树吮吸着雨中的营养,一滴滴晶莹剔透的雨珠从花瓣上留下来,农民伯伯连忙在地上播种,田地经过雨水的灌溉后,长出了小花,小草,稻谷也长好了,春雨淅沥沥给大地带来了喜悦。

17. 下雨了,空气十分凉爽,农民伯伯看着菜成熟了,十分开心,还有的人们,打着伞,在雨中散步,春雨淅沥沥给人们带来了喜悦。

18. 下雨了,一滴滴雨珠从天而降,雨水在屋顶上打转,又从屋檐落下来,大地妈妈吮吸着春雨,小草和花儿挺直了腰,春雨淅沥沥给大地带来了喜悦。

19. 一出门,一阵清凉的春风就迎面扑来,带着些泥土芳草味,带着些潮湿清新的气息,令人全身舒畅,头脑清醒了。经过一夜雨的洗礼,雨中的一切事物仿佛都脱胎换骨,焕然一新。远近的高楼静静的挺立着,湿漉漉的,树叶绿的发亮,小草也青的逼眼,好像被钻石水晶装饰。

20. 春雨不同于夏雨的倾盆;不同于秋雨的沉闷,更不同于冬雨的冰冷。春雨如丝、如雾、如烟、如潮。透过春雨,世间万物如同写意画一般,淡淡地,蒙蒙地,若隐若现。

21. 春雨好闹啊!小鸟们唧唧喳喳地从树梢飞到屋檐,再从屋檐吵吵闹闹的飞到电线杆上,你说我嚷互相传递着春雨带给它们的喜悦。小树们也随着微风,伸展着腰肢,舞动着嫩黄的、翠绿的裙衫,翩翩起舞,旁边的柳树也甩动着长长的秀发,唱着“哗哗”的歌儿,互相倾诉这春雨带给它们的欢快和喜悦!

22. 春雨好细啊!细的像牛毛,细的像银丝,仿佛风一吹就能吹断似地,不一会,人家屋顶上全笼罩着一层白烟。伸出手想去接,根本就接不到雨滴,只有凉凉地感觉从指尖直潜入心脾,给人一种痒痒的,清爽的,惬意的感觉,真是春雨随风潜入心呀。

23. 春雨缓缓飘落下来,如缕如丝地飘落到大地上。哦!那是春姑娘匆匆洒落的汗滴。它悄悄地湿润着肥沃的泥土,轻轻地唤醒那沉睡的草娃娃。小草苏醒了,舒展着身子,钻出了地皮儿,染绿了大地。春雨像一只温暖的手,慈母般的抚摸着草娃娃,大地更绿了,绿得生机勃勃。




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Birds dont fly high up in the sky. The air is too thin.

It is hard for birds to breathe in thin air. Thin air doesnt hold them up.

Birds fly near the ground so that they can see where they are. The birds look for places they know. Then they do not get lost. Some birds fly so low over the ocean that the waves often hide them. Many birds fly a long distance in the spring and autumn.






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My family has a smart, sensitive kitten, my grandmother gave me, I called it Cong Cong.

Cong Maos hair is black, the hair on the limbs is yellow, long beard, sensitive ears, as well as a pair of pearl-like bright eyes, very lovable.

Cat and mouse is a matter of course, Cong Cong found the mouse, the pounce up, with the front jaws to seize the mouse, hold down the fixed, then eat the mouse.

My family Cong Cong is a clever cat, but also a small lazy cat, sometimes just a good cat, and sometimes only greedy cat ... ...

I put it in my arms, like holding a piece of cotton as soft, really comfortable. It was so cute that he was sleeping in my hands motionless.

I really like this kitten. Its my playmate, its my pet.



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The autumn girl walked around and painted a pair of beautiful paintings.

Field, rice rice seems to be a white, wrapped in leather, as if the mother, tightly holding the child. We see the cotton, a round of cotton, colorful, some are red, some are white, there is a blue ... ... also saw a few strings of sorghum, they hold the torch, seems to say: "fall to the farmer uncle Come pick me! "

Orchard, apple tree like a soldier, standing on the grass. Pear tree carrying a "little lantern", lit white light, really nice ah!

Garden, morning glory blowing small speaker "toot, beep!" Really nice. We are looking forward to a flash in the pan, the night to the epiphyllum open, we exclaimed: "Epiphyllum is really nice!" I saw, really deserved reputation. Epiphyllum seems to be a beautiful angel, wearing a white dress.

In the fall, how can we not take a kite?

We go to the kite, a person holding the kite by hand, another person in the distance, say "let go", kite flew up immediately, jumping in the clouds dance. White clouds drifted, sprinkle a burst of warm exhort: "kite, I hope you can fly to the vast boundless universe." We see the kite flying in the air, very happy!

Fall, I want to praise you, you give us a beautiful harvest season for mankind!



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Spring Festival is the most important festival in China .

In the evening before the Spring Festival ,families get together and have a big meal .In many places people like to set off firecrackers .

Dumplings are the most traditional food .Children like the festival very much ,because they can have delicious food and wear new clothes .

They can also get some money from their parents.This money is given to children for good luck .People put New Year scrolls on the wall for good fortune.



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In the vast ocean live many creatures with great intellectual and physical capacities. Dolphin is one of those great creatures, whose capacities to think and move at an astounding rate puzzle those who study their behaviors, Dolphins possess something that makes them different from all the other sea creatures. It is not strength or speed but the size of their brains. Dolphins brain is almost the same size as that found in the human head. They live for a ling time.

Dolphinsbabies are born in the water. They can grow up to three and a half meters long.

Dolopins use sound to help them find their way, look for their food and talk with each other. Sound is just like their eyes and mouths.



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Lily, common name for the Liliaceae, a plant family numbering several thousand species of as many as 300 genera, widely distributed over the earth and particularly abundant in warm temperate and tropical regions. Most species are perennial herbs characterized by bulbs (or other forms of enlarged underground stem) from which grow erect clusters of narrow, grasslike leaves or leafy stems.

A few are woody and some are small trees. Evolutionally, the lily family is probably the basic monocotyledonous stock, its ancestors having given rise to the majority of contemporary monocots, e.g., the orchids, the palms, the iris and amaryllis families, and possibly also the grasses.

The relationships between plants of the modern lily family are not always clear, and some botanists subdivide the Liliaceae into several families or, if they take a broader view of the family, include some groups such as the Agave and Amaryllis families.



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I have a puppy in my house. It has a pair of round yo eyes, two lips, and a flexible little nose. It is white, especially the abdomen, like a dog put on a white clothes. I love it very much.

It walked up to head high, but also step by step, really like a man of grace. It is always used to urinate the hind legs against a tree, but also head down, as if very shy. Sprinkled out immediately to leave, as if afraid of being known to others. Look at it naughty look, funny.

It is very timid, if you just take the palm of your hand, it scared immediately into the bed. But it is so brave, do not say that met the kitten and chicks, is the case of bad people it dare to fight a bucket, the reason why it became the protection of our family "Peoples Liberation Army."

Puppy it is a lot of amateur, the new things can be interested after, it is often in my painting, staring eyes, but also mimic the action of the painting, that amused me laughed.

I like my dog, every day after school I have to play with it play, it brought me a lot of fun.



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In everyone’s life, most people have some experience and career which are affected by someone. It is difficult for you to forget them and what they affected you because they have taught you something of importance in your life, also it changed your life. It is difficult for me to forget that my older sister who is 4-year older than me has taught me something which were important in my life.

It is fortunate thing for me that I have two sisters, and they are all my loved ones. When I was child, I was jealous of another children who have older brother. When they got some trouble with other another children who has no older brother, they let their older brother to help them and they always got win even though they were wrong. This thought was ridiculous when I recognized that having an older sister is wonderful thing for me especially when I was youth.

In my memory, my older sister was a pretty and not tall girl when she was in high school, and she had two long braids. She got a job when she just graduated for senior high school because my mother’s health was not in good situation and she though that she should earn some money to reduce my parents afford. I was in junior high school when she got her job. I was clever and excellent student when I was in elementary school. But when I was in junior high school, everything was totally changed, I was also clever but I could not get good grade, I was confused and disappointment. My sister advised me to change my study method. She told me that you should not think that finishing your homework is only one thing you need to do after school. You are in high school now, you need to study your textbook more and think about some question more. In order to help me to do it effectively, she studied with me and explained some question for me after her work.




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Lijiang city is among rivers and mountains. northeast are Mt Elephant,Mt Golden Rainbow,and in the northwest is Mt Lion,and the city links them up .The mountains enclose the Lijiang valley in which stands the Lijiang city. The city was named Dayan,because it shapes like an ink stone,and“yan" has the same pronunciation of and can mean“ink stone”in Chinese. The valley surrounds the ancient city with the verdure of crops and vegetation in solemn silence;its villages scattered all about are ;its lakes are clear and deep peaceful,quiet,and at ease.Near around the city are over a dozen tourist resorts of the region,the province,or the state,among which Jade Dragon Snow Mountain and Jinsha River are the most glorious.


Classical Naxi music is described as the“living musical fossil" because of its long history. More surprisingly,the Dongba script is the worlds only living hieroglyphics still in use. More than 20 000 volumes of ancient books in Dongba writing,rare and valuable documents,are now collected by libraries in China as well as some European and American countries.




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The little egret is a delicate poetry.

Pigment, gestures, everything is appropriate.

The White crane is too large, too stiff, pink Ibis or grey heron, also think big, and too unusual.

However, egrets are because its common, and oblivion its beauty.

The snow-white body hair, it s a streamlined structure, the iron color growing, cyans feet, one of the increasing by one of reducing too long, too short branch, one of the suspicion of swells and white Diane come at the expense of one of the suspicion of the dark.

In clear water when there is a field only two standing fishing, the entire field has become a site of embedded in the glass box. The size of the field as Egret design seems to people from all walks of the mirror box.

Sunny in the morning, saw it alone at the apex of the tree stand, it seems as if it is not stable, yet it is. This is the other birds difficult performance hobby. People say that it is within our grasp whistle, it really is in sight whistle? twilight sky rare low-flying egret is a rural life in favor. It was clear to visualize, and have a life.

Some people might feel beauty, Egret cant sing. However, egrets are not of itself is a very beautiful songs?-no, the reason the song too.

The little egret is a poem, a charm in the heart of prose poems.
