描写春雨的英语作文范文通用2篇 作文【汇总20篇】

每天都写,如果可能的话,每天写几次。你写得多了,也就写得好了。学如何写作和其他的学问道理是一样的,熟能生巧。写写你自己,写写博客,向出版社投稿。只是写,全情投入地写,练得越多,你的写作水平就提升得越快。这里给大家分享一些关于描写春雨的英语作文范文通用2篇 作文作文,供大家参考。






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This morning, I woke up to find a grey day? As if the night, the mother said, "get up yuan! Its snowing". I jumped with a carp DaTing, cheerful I like feet standing on a cloud of happiness.

So I couldnt help but enjoyed snow, the snowflakes flying sky as hundreds of thousands of children are playing chase being naughty. As numerous small angel is upon the earth. And like white small white flowers are dancing in the graceful dance, some light snow flower to fall to the ground, on the roof as cover with a layer of blanket, some snow as is an exciting race, they all are scrambling to, not to be outdone, with one, like a horse horses out of the starting line, pleasing, and admiration. Some snow like sweet green, then fell on the leaves, the leaves also put on the winter clothing, some snow like brown, fell on the house, make a person, as it were, all kinds of wowing wwe.

I cant wait to go on my way to school, cold light snow flower as fly into my eyes, listen to cool, make the person feels a deep chill, I use both hands to live light snow flower, but to my hands into the water as the eyes of glittering and translucent get rid of, and as a priceless treasure. Unknowingly came to the school, the students are staring at the window of the snow, is really fascinating. Is our involuntary think window, so spectacular. I like snow.







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Autumn is the harvest season, the field, full of a farmer harvest the peaceful scene, look, the fruit over there bent the waist, the baby in the jungle happy singing, the farmer uncle In the field of food, not bustling.

This is the harvest, there is indeed desolate, leaves falling, fell on the road in the country, fell on the field, fell in every corner of the world. Deciduous leaves are not bad things, it means that the tree will give birth to new leaves, and this is a start, leaves it is so long fall, fall again, a burst of autumn wind blowing, I feel very cool, autumn , The summer heat is frozen, people also put on a coat, know is not called, as if everything has been applied magic, no vitality.

God will not be unfair to the fall, so in the fall for the earth to add a bright color - chrysanthemum. During the National Day, in the park, the streets are filled with chrysanthemums everywhere, colorful chrysanthemums in the sun against the background is graceful, for the autumn to add some vitality.

The fall as a start, the fall is wonderful.



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Sarah Liang Liang1 Mrs Fu

College Writing 123

November 5, 2014

My family portrait

Are you seeing that picture of my familyThe sun was shining brightly! My parents sat together in sofa. My mother hugged my brother, and I stood beside on my father. We were smile sweetly to the camera. All we us look like very happy although we were a poor family at that time.

My mother is not tall, not short but slim. She has a round face, two big eyes, a small nose and small mouth. She’s beautiful. She is forty-three years old, but she looks so young! She is my dear friends .

You must feel very strange to my father because he having full-white hairs, just look like a old man. My parent’s relationship is old husband and young wife. He is older than my mother 20 years. He can as my grandfather at his age.

You can see that my father wear a long sleeve shirt and look like a gracious man to camera. In my daily life, he is a bad-tempered man. He looks up to boy and down on girl. So he is very strict to me because I am a girl. He takes particular care for my brother. Well , his finger is long and thin. He often uses finger to tooth my ears as I was a child , wow!

Liang 2

My father has a bad habit that he likes smoking very much. I hate it. See, the house is full of smoke. I know it bad for his health as well as my mother, brother and mine. We advise him to give up smoking. I’m sure he will follow my advice some day.

My father like to reading newspapers after meals. He also likes reading in his spare time. He told me reading little by little. I like books, because they help me in many ways.

I ever upset that my father having white hairs before I enter to college as I would always compared him to my friend’s young father. You know, I rebelled when I was in high school. Well, I am very respecting him now. I am having the feelings of important to my family. I love my parents and brother. They are plays an important roles in my whole life.

Such is my family, I am proud of having such a good family!



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1) 二三月间,微风轻轻地吹拂着,毛毛细雨从天上洒落下来。

2) 雨点像断了线的珠子,一滴一串地掉在雨水汇成的水洼上面。春雨纷纷,染绿了山,染绿了水,染绿了石板小路。

3) 高空中云集,嬉戏而下,咿咿呀呀,欢蹦乱跳地扑进大地母亲的怀抱。

4) 三月的雨像无数只小手,打在林叶的琴键上,奏出了一曲春天的赞歌。

5) 春雨绵绵,像花针,如细丝,密密的斜织着。

6) 调皮的雨点儿像谁扔下来的钢珠一样砸在河面上,溅起高高的水花;粗大的雨点打在人家的窗户上,咚咚作响。

7) 好雨知时节,当春乃发生。随风潜入夜,润物细无声。

8) 春雨像绢丝一样,又轻又细,好像是一种湿漉漉的烟雾,没有形状,也不出响声,轻柔地滋润着大地。

9) 当雨点落到池水中的时候,雨点就在水面上画出了一个一个的音符。这些音符是雨点在水面上击出的圈。

10) 天际边滚来了团团乌云,一瞬间倾盆大雨,从天而降。

11) 如丝的小雨从空中降落,雨点是那样小,雨帘是那样密,给群山披上了蝉翼般的白纱。

12) 毛毛细雨,悄悄无声地飘落着,像是无数蚕娘吐出的银丝。千万条细丝,荡漾在半空中,迷迷漫漫的轻纱,披上了黑油油田野。

13) 一声春雷,那贵如油的春雨也淅淅沥沥地落了下来,漫山遍野笼罩在轻纱样的雨雾里,清新,水润,如画一般的美丽。

14) 你听!雨掉在屋面上“嘀塔嘀嗒”,就像奏着打击乐。雨下到水塘里“丁丁丁”地唱起来,水面上还溅起一朵朵小水花,又似水花姑娘在轻盈地舞蹈。

15) 春雨清晨,几阵隐隐的春雷过后,下起了人春以来的第一场雨。微明的天空中慢慢垂下了一条条雨丝。层层的雨云遮住了东升的太阳。

16) 泛滥的江河漫出红尘,滑落在荒凉的高原上,顺着水的灵性向下滚动,穿过音乐的眸子,化为滴滴春雨。

17) 几场潇潇的春雨,山青了,水绿了,山下那汩汩流动的一条溪水,愈发湍急秀丽起来。绵绵春雨把大地染绿了,软软春风把河水熨暖了。

18) 天山上的雨是寻常的,一下就是两三天,像牛毛,像绣花针,像细丝,密密地斜织着,给她穿了一身绿如染碧似锦的新装。

19) 春雨如丝,细雨蒙蒙。在这让我如痴如醉的景象中,我仿佛也变成了一滴雨。这时,我富有感情的朗诵了那首脍炙人口的诗篇:“好雨知时节,当春乃发生。随风潜入夜,润物细无声。”

20) 春雷一声,春雨降临了,淅淅沥沥地下着,雨丝如烟似粉。河边的垂柳田野里的麦苗刚刚绽开的花儿,在水雾碎雨中轻轻摇。

21) 雨一直在下,教室里老师讲课的声音柔柔的在空气中迷散开来,静静沉淀着脱缰的思绪,我知道我非诗人,这个季节的萧瑟还无法让我生出那些美好的遐想,可我却愿意在这个春天里,和大自然做伴,在这绵长的细雨里去感悟春的情怀。

22) “好雨知时节,当春乃发生,随风潜入夜,润物细无声”。古往今来,有多少文人墨客在雨中寄情,又有多少人赞美春回雨临!因它的到来,往往是人们渴望已久的期盼。它又仿佛一位美丽轻盈的仙女,在这特定的轮回中滋润着大地,把绿色播洒世间,它也在人之心中纷飞着希望与春意。

23) 原来是她,这个清晨的主人公,那细丝般的雨,化作了无数纤细的手指。以万物为器,以天地为声,正在上演交响曲,这天籁之音。雨儿落在绿叶上,“啪啪,啪啪。”雨儿落在水洼里,“嗒嗒,嗒嗒。”雨儿落在我的伞上,“乒乒,乓乓。”给这静谧的早晨增添了无限活力。万物感恩春雨,回报她的,是一片生机。春雨,大自然中的天使,在一片生机之后,又去其他地方忙碌了。

24) 春雨唤醒了万物。酣睡了一冬的麦苗舒展了自己的身体。英姿焕发地呼吸着春天的气息,吮吸着这来自不易的甘霖。河边的杨柳在微风在摇摆着,这是他们欢迎春雨的动作,他们高兴地露出了鲜嫩的春芽。小小的迎春花经过春雨的淋洗,更是一枝独秀,黄的耀眼。

25) 大街上,湿漉漉的马路,像一条闪闪发光的河。街上的人们撑着的花花绿绿的伞,仿佛是浮在水面上的点点花瓣。偶尔过往的车辆,就像水波里穿梭的小船。大街上行人熙熙攘攘,不是还传出孩子们看见春雨时爽朗的笑声。

26) 这些天,阴霾笼罩下的江南,虽然天气不是很冷,但淅淅沥沥的春雨不紧不慢地从空中飘落下来,让那禁锢已久的心灵,在这个春天来临之际慢慢潮湿起来。一会儿是风,一会儿又是雨,不一会的时间,滨江花园就笼罩在烟雨朦胧之中。在刚刚泛起一层绿色的柏树倒柳上,轻轻地披上了一层白色的雾挂,又仿佛裹了一层薄薄的轻纱,远远的望去,煞是好看。

27) 雨声里,园中的每一片树叶,每一丛草,每一把泥土,都变成了奇妙无比的琴键,飘飘洒洒的雨丝,是无数轻捷柔软的手指,弹奏出一首有一首优雅的小曲,每一个音符都带着幻想的色彩。树上的小鸟躲在树叶下叽叽喳喳地叫,好像在说:“真凉快,真爽!”一棵棵树贪婪地吮吸着春天的甘露,如果你仔细地听,还能听见咕咚咕咚喝水的声音。

28) 早晨,我还在睡觉,春雨就像调皮的小孩,来不及等春姑娘召唤他们,就哗啦啦地冲了下来,似乎在说,快点,快点,花儿们正等着我们给她们洗澡呢!不一会儿,他们就给大树花儿小草小树,洗了个凉快澡,而且,还让大树喝了个饱。

29) 雨声,如早晨的和风吹过小草的欢畅,如月夜的微风轻抚荷塘,有节奏,有强弱,时慢时快,你不妨侧耳倾听,是轻风轻抚垂柳的低吟。远处不时传来燕子的欢叫,它们斜身穿过雨帘,此时你闭着眼做一个深呼吸,好惬意,好清新,空气中似乎有各种花香,有青草的香味,其中还夹杂着春雨浸润泥土的欢悦。

30) 白天,雨敲击着过往的车辆。雨巷,女人手持的靓伞,撑起了一个花花绿绿的世界。子夜,满街的风景渐渐隐匿,慢慢还原了一个宁静的时空。风串起金属窗檐上的雨声,好象敲打着连绵不绝的音乐,粘连着淡淡的灯光薄薄的轻烟,很难用词来填写如此美妙的意境。



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I have a good friend.She name is Amy.She is 12 years old.She has two big eyes and a small nose.She is friendly and helpful.She always smile.She likes swimming and English.She is a top student.

We have a good time every day.She has a great eye,great God,curved eyebrows like the crescent of heaven,very straight nose,red lips,wearing a tall,pony-tailed,it is beautiful.She loves to laugh and helpful,always bringing joy to others,and we all loved her.



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Open the door, overnight, the outside world was a brush of the autumn wind dyed a golden sea.

First appear in front of my eyes is the leaves on the trees all turn yellow, the leaves were almost the whole ground. The big apple tree and red, like a chubby little boy playfully jumps down from the tree. The pieces of gold leaf is like only butterflies swirl to fall down.

The early autumn of guangdong is not very cold, a pair of brothers cant wait to wear it ran out in their jacket shorts, they take the leaves are playing a game of picking up the leaves. With one, being loud and disorderly, barks and jumping and running with joy. A row of geese flew in from the north to the south, while arranged in "people" word, for a moment in the word "one", they couldnt help to look at the cute little brother.

Listen, the fields are harvested from the song, they bring in the harvest sweet sweet wheat, sorghum, corn, soybeans,... Melodious song sing out the joy of harvest.

A beautiful picture of autumn? I love this colorful season, autumn fruit harvest season, a booming season.









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Another summer, the wind becomes warmer and warmer, village pond also dont have a summer flavor.

And I came to the pond, is a piece of red and white cross lotus, green lotus leaves a piece next to a more set off the beauty of the lotus. Like chopsticks and bowls, the tacit understanding. All of a sudden, lotus leaf slightly shaking, close to a look, turned out to be the fish who can move back and forth under the lotus leaf. On the surface of the lotus also couldnt help shaking with lotus leaf "swan dance", see, lotus petals how charming, delicate and bright petals in front of me shaking, like a beautiful fairy, wearing a pink and white dress, lovely fish and lotus in dance together, pool of willow is littered with beautiful long hair. The wind gently blowing, lotus pose more charming, more beautiful willow branches, and fish swimming more cheerful. The beauty of the scene makes me reluctant to go, but I want to eat dinner!

After supper, I again came to the pond for two years, the shore lit the lamp, the wind became much more cool. Suddenly heard a "cicada" tree singing this song: "know - -" dont know, this bug "know" what? The pond at night, always so quiet, no beautiful lotus pond moonlight, lotus also cant see clearly. But zen call and frogs left in the quiet.

You listen to, the pond at night is so beautiful!

Summer has a beautiful pond, pond also have a beautiful summer!



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iss Hou is my English teacher, she is 28, we all like her. My English is really bad at first, I am afraid of having Miss Hou’s class, when she finds this, she doesn’t blame me, she tells me that the only way I can learn English well is to fall in love with English, she asks me to watch English movie, it works. Miss Hou is my favorite teacher.



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Changes in My Hometown

My hometown used to be a backward place, because it was deep in the mountains, where there were no nice buildings and the roads were so narrow and dirty. People lived a poor life.


While in recent years, with the development of society, my hometown has been greatly changed. Now the roads are getting much wider. There are many different cars and buses running on the roads. Trees and flowers are planted on the two sides of the roads. They can provide us with oxygen and fight against the pollutants. So the sky becomes cleaner and brighter. Whats more, you can see many modern and beautiful buildings everywhere, and the living conditions are improving. People are enjoying a comfortable life now.



Great changes have taken place in my hometown for recent years.big department stores and factories are everywhere. Different kinds of cars and buses are running in the big streets.with the development of the society,The life of the us is greatly improved.

I used to live in a small house and small houese surround the whole city. the qaulity of our life is very low,people were always worried that they would have no money for using or they can not get what they like. we could seldom see any foreign tourists.

But now, with the support of the government . My hometown has developed quickly and has changed a lot.people are living in a rich and high quality society,almost each person has a car,the transportation is convinient,meanwhile. more and more high buildings are being built which brings our hometown a new look. many wonderful places have been opened up that attracts many tourists.

Also,the people in my hometown are getting busier, everywhere you can see peoples footprints.


In recent years, my hometown has changed greatly, because of new road and railway has been built. Previously, my hometown was closed to the outside world. Several years ago, the government paid much money on changing the basic equipment of my hometown. Building new roads is the biggest project. It took about half a year to build the new road. After finish, people have more methods to make money. And we have more communication with other places, which is a good way to develop ourselves. About two years latter, the railway was built. After that, there have been more and more changes happened in my hometown. Now, my hometown has developed into a big and rich town. People live a happy life.




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The summer is coming. I like summer very much.

In summer days, I can do a lot of things, such as swimming, eating ice cream, drinking cold water. Besides, the summer holiday is my favorite time.

I don’t have to go to school in holidays, so I can play with my friends. I can travel with my parents, too.

I want to go many places, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Xiamen and so on. This is why I love summer.



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In the wonderful kingdom of birds, there are all kinds of birds, some are plump, some are small and delicate, some birds even talk to the scholars! Among them, my favorite is the beautiful peacock.

In the zoo, the peacock like a big star, watch a lot of a lot of it, because every time the tail, its sparkling tails just like the colorful fan, pleasing, and enjoy them.

Tell you, in fact, the peacock is to protect themselves, when it met the enemy and had no time to escape, then open your tail, rustle, like eyes, decorative pattern is moved, the enemy to see the "monster" many eyes also dare not move forward.

On one occasion, my mother took me to the zoo, I immediately ran to the outside of the peacocks cage, waiting for it to the tail, because the weather is too hot, I involuntarily to bright little handkerchief to wipe the sweat, the peacock saw small handkerchief, unfolds in a minute. Surprised and surprised, I asked my mother, "why did the peacock open the screen when he saw a small handkerchief?" Mother touched my head, smiled and said, "its better than your handkerchief!" When I heard her, I waved my handkerchief at once, and the peacock danced. How interesting!

I like the peacock, its beautiful feathers and graceful dancing have been deeply impressed in my heart.








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We have a good English teacher。His name is Bruce。 He comes from Britain, about forty years old。 He is tall and thin。 Wearing a pair of glasses makes him more gentlemen。He is strict with us。 He often makes full preparations for his class and corrects our homework carefully。 His teaching style is very unique, because he is used to encouraging all of us to think by ourselves and study on our own。 The relationship between Bruce and us is harmonious。 He is so kind and friendly that every student likes him and respects him deeply。 Our teacher is so excellent that we all love him very much。

我们有一个很好的英语老师,他的名字叫Bmce。他来自英国,大约40岁。他是一个又高又瘦的人,戴着一副眼镜,这使他显得更有绅士风度。 他总是严格要求我们。他经常认真备课,认真为我们批改作业。他的教学风格很是与众不同,这是由于他总是习惯鼓励学生努力思考,并且培养我们的自学能力。我们之间的关系很融洽。他对人和蔼可亲,所以深受我们的爱戴和尊敬。 我们的老师很出色,我们都很喜欢他。



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In the autumn garden, all kinds of flowers are hoping to smile in their most beautiful season of the year, leaving the best impression.

Autumn garden is very lively. White pear flowers exudes a touch of fragrance, as if really let people feel the sweet autumn, taste the fruit of autumn; dandelion in the autumn when the wind is the most lovable. Sometimes, it will catch you "hide", will take advantage of you do not pay attention, floating on your head, face, and sometimes accompany you to "walk" it! Dandelion also has a feature is: it in the morning and The evening is green, noon is golden, why is this?

Later, I learned a text, the title is "golden grass", read, I know, the original, dandelion petals open, is golden, when closed, is green. When the first chrysanthemum was just open in the autumn, we told us: "Autumn is about to leave, the winter is coming soon," but the colorful chrysanthemums are not afraid of the cold winter, they seem to stand on the grass in the garden to protect Garden "patron saint", so that the garden has become another fascinating world.

Autumn trees and grass is also very compelling, and some books are full of fruit, and some grass is still like spring they just germination so beautiful, so green, how beautiful ah!

I like the fall, like the garden of autumn, autumn garden like the pictures of the four seasons!



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In our country, when we go to middle school, we must attend to the military training. Most students are afraid of it, because the training often happens in hot summer. In summer days, the weather is too hot to stand. But students have to stay outside all the day. In addition, the training is very hard. Students have to learn to be a solder. They have to obey many rules that they don’t have to in daily life. And the trainer is very strict to students. They do like our teachers who care us patiently. However, military training is a good way to train students’ strong will power. It’s useful to the life of students. Therefore, it’s necessary to student.





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Autumn is beautiful and charming. She did not spring so colorful, there is no summer as a sun like fire, but not as cold as winter. But she is a mature season, the joy of the season.

Autumn to the days of high clouds, autumn, pleasant scenery.

Autumn came to the field, far from looking, a golden, like a golden sea, a burst of breeze blowing, the field of rice set off layers of rice waves, like the waves on the sea in the roll. Nearly, corn cob stand upright. And her childs corn cob laughed and opened his mouth. Revealing the golden teeth, as if to say: "Thank you, fall".

Autumn came to the orchard, the tree was covered with heavy fruit. The red apple is covered with branches, like a small red lantern, reveals the joy of autumn; golden pears like a golden bell, waves of wind blowing as if in the tree Dangdang ring.

Autumn is joyful and autumn is intoxicated. Do you see the bright smile of the farmers uncle, the cordial words are not the joy of harvest? I think: I should also in this beautiful autumn harvest a labor outcome - good learning, every day up. Achieve excellent results.



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In this world, there are a lot of people, who like to pursue the fame and fortune, and spend money like a magnificent villa, enjoying prosperity and wealth. But there is a person, is very different with these people, they do not want to enjoy the wealth, they work hard every day quietly pay, no return, because the world has them, so we can be so perfect.

Among these people, the cleaner is the best example. Some of the sweep road cleaner, for fear of the vehicle is too much, so I have to early in the morning, just open your sleep, street sweeping the floor, and they work very dangerous, because they are likely to be of the car a hit, died. Personnel and a clean, also often wander in the line of death, at any time may cross the line of death, this kind of cleaner, is responsible for cleaning up underground ditch, we absolutely do not think that sweeps the floor under the ditch, just swept the dirt out, actually these cleaning staff, must face the test of death, because they may at any time step into deep does not see the bottom concave hole, is more terrible, they may die because of biogas, so sweeping down the ditch, is also a very dangerous job. Among all the cleaners, building glass, is one of the most dangerous, because the cleaners, may be a pendant, hell, because usually is to brush a few floors of the glass, so dont fell dead, also was frightened to death, so building glass cleaners, is a very dangerous job, a forbidding place.

Although these people do not attract attention, but their credit, but higher than the sky, the sea is still deep, and their labor and resentment spirit, more straight us study.
