描写春雨的英语作文范文通用2篇 作文【优秀20篇】

每天都写,如果可能的话,每天写几次。你写得多了,也就写得好了。学如何写作和其他的学问道理是一样的,熟能生巧。写写你自己,写写博客,向出版社投稿。只是写,全情投入地写,练得越多,你的写作水平就提升得越快。这里给大家分享一些关于描写春雨的英语作文范文通用2篇 作文作文,供大家参考。






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When we are in our classroom after 8:30 in the morning,we should not keep the lights on to avoid wasting electricity since there is enough light in the classroom.And if it is cloudy and rainy and lights are on,we should turn off the lights after school.Another thing we can do is to protect the forest which is reducing.We should use both sides of paper and we should not use paper cups and disposable chopsticks which are made of trees.

All these are the things we can do every day to make our environment better. As long as we insist on doing so,our environment will become better and better.




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Autumn girl walked the pace of light, came to the garden.

Distant, that row of red maple forest, like a red elf in the golden ocean to play. Pick up a maple leaf, its shape like our palm.

Autumn girl out of the maple forest, and came to the flower beds. There is a cluster of string of red, they are neatly arranged team. Like a little dwarf wearing a small red cap, the Little Red Riding Hood off, taste, taste sweet.

The most striking is the chrysanthemum, chrysanthemum varieties are many: white crystal chrysanthemum, golden back red, pineal chrysanthemum, marigold. Big like a ball, a small flower like a beautiful flower bed. They are red like fire, white snow, pink like Xia. My favorite is pineal chrysanthemum, its flower like a small hedgehog rolled into a ball, petals like a small umbrella.

Ah autumn garden really beautiful ah!



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3. 春雨是生命之水。几番春雨,万物萌发生长。

4. 树木、花草吮吸着春雨水,如醉酒似的。

5. 春雨的低呢,如同红花绿叶间燕子的啾鸣

6. 春雨的味道清甜可口,夹杂着万物的灵气

7. 春雨,是绿的,是生命用希望点燃的绿色

8. 春雨落到草叶上,好像在与草叶呢喃细语。

9. 春雨绵绵像花针如细丝密密的斜织着。

10. 春雨通常下得不大,春雨如丝,没有春雨无法播种,雨成了大地眷恋的对象,也成了人们的渴望,成了农民播种的必需品,也就成了农民喜爱的水源。

11. 春天是有些冷的。春雨的来临,带着冰凉,落在地上,落在田野里,落在山坡上,大地一片灰蒙蒙的,一望无际。

12. 春雨迈着细碎的步子来临,土地里的生命感知到了,便不顾一切的焕发出新绿,如初生的婴儿睁开朦胧的眼睛,在雨中欣喜的探寻着一切。

13. 春雨迈着细碎的步子来临,土地里的生命感知到了,便不顾一切的焕发出新绿,如初生的婴儿睁开朦胧的眼睛,在雨中欣喜的探寻着一切。

14. 春季的雨也不都是这样温柔,早春的倒春寒有时会夹杂着雪,将冬的寒冷和春的暖意交织在一起,留一地泥泞后才离开。

15. 雨点越来越密集的砸下来,好像整个地球都在雨点的冲击下颤抖。天色越来越暗,天地已被雨柱连为一体,成为混沌的土色。风卷雨雾翻滚,真是“风如拔山怒,雨如决河倾”。

16. 春雨落在树林里,唰唰唰,树叶被春雨洗得碧玉如洗;春雨落在竹林里,嘻嘻嘻,竹子被洗得谦恭不已;春雨落在池塘里,哗哗哗,溅起一池水花。

17. 春雨温柔地吻着屋檐、吻着窗花、吻着厚实的大地、吻着大地上的万物。

18. 听着春雨的天籁,三月不知肉味;枕着春雨声入眠,馨香萦绕着甜美的梦。

19. 绵连的青山覆盖着凤尾竹,绿色绵延,春雨濛濛

20. 春雨是春天的精灵。故乡的水田已注满春水

21. 春水催萌了沉睡的莲藕。刚抽出水面的枝儿尖尖的,它是蜻蜓的驿站

22. 黄灿灿的油菜花、紫红的苜蓿花、雪白的蒿子花、还有着海洋深蓝的不知名的花。没有春雨这个精灵,就没有春天的姹紫嫣红,也没有春天的万物生长。

23. 春雨被春风吹散,如湖面的晨雾;春雨如少女飘逸的长发、如牛毛、如绣花针。

24. 春雨击打在铝棚上,滴滴哒哒;春雨击打在枝枝叶叶上,唰唰唰;春雨击打在大地上,咕咕咚咚;春雨击打在川谷里,汇聚成跳跃的山涧。

25. 春雨水扯天扯地,积雨云在连绵的山脊上跑,山峰与云交媾,雨是它们快乐后的孩子。

26. 老树的枝叶一团团地压着枝头;幼树呆萌萌地伸展着枝条;花儿有颜色无神采;小草把头垂到泥土里

27. 春雨的声音,往往是在雷公电母的呼唤下珊珊而来,时而如轻纱抚面,几缕和风做伴,在耳边低喃

28. 春天的雨声总是那么悄然无声的,“随风潜入夜,润物细无声”,淅淅沥沥的,似乎怕惊醒在春梦中酣睡的万事万物

29. 春雨是一个调皮的小孩子,春雨是一个变化无常的小姑娘,春雨是一个万能的魔术师

30. 春雨落到阳台上的瓷砖上的声音,好似清脆悦耳的笑声

31. 是雨,是奏的雨,只有春雨这位神奇的演奏家,才能演奏出如此动听的音乐。

32. 大概是天上的仙女不小心打翻了酒杯,杯中的琼汁玉液便直泻人间,成为了一场甘霖。

33. 晶莹剔透钻石般的雨滴在叶儿尖旋转着跳下的轻响,那是春雨在浅吟清唱。

34. 三月的雨像无数只小手,打在林叶的琴键上,奏出了一曲春天的赞歌。

35. 春雨像绢丝一样,又轻又细,好像是一种湿漉漉的烟雾,没有形状,也不出响声,轻柔地滋润着大地。

36. 春雨精心的浇灌着大地,于是,柳树绿了,桃花开了,小鸟欢唱了,万物在春风的吹抚下醒来了

37. 在春雨的滋润下生长了,正如古诗所颂:天街小雨润如酥,草色遥看近却无。

38. 雨点像断了线的珠子,一滴一串地掉在雨水汇成的水洼上面。

39. 如丝的小雨从空中降落,雨点是那样小,雨帘是那样密,给群山披上了蝉翼般的白纱。

40. 春雨潇潇地下着,树木干枯的枝条朦朦胧胧有了一层淡绿的色彩,雨水顺着树尖滴下来,变成了一串串水灵灵的音符。

41. 春雨洗去了冬日的残迹万物在春风的吹抚下醒来了在春雨的滋润下生长了。

42. 春雨是从天上来泥泞是从地上来我是从春雨的乐曲呼唤中来春雨精心的浇灌着大地于是柳树绿了桃花开了小鸟欢唱了万物在春风的吹抚下醒来了在春雨的滋润下生长了正如古诗所颂

43. 春雨来到草地上春雨如同画家般将一丛丛小草染青了把一棵棵树涂绿了一朵朵花儿点红了草地上一片繁荣

44. 雨朦朦地下起来了夹着丝丝缕缕的春风。春雨细细的密密的灰蒙蒙的远处的山峦大树房屋朦朦胧胧就像浸在一片薄雾中。

45. 大树吮吸着春雨中的营养。一滴滴晶莹剔透的雨珠从花瓣上留下来。

46. 春雨潇潇地下着树木干枯的枝条朦朦胧胧有了一层淡绿的色彩雨水顺着树尖滴下来变成了一串串水灵灵的音符。

47. 春雨淅淅沥沥如牛毛如花针如春姑娘那柔柔的发丝

48. 春雨绵绵洒在树叶上沙沙沙又像蚕宝宝在吞食桑叶……春雨又像万条银丝飘落在屋檐上屋檐落下一排水滴像美丽的珠帘。

49. 春雨如甘露无声无息地飘向大地滋润着含苞欲放的花蕾。

50. 春雨静静地下着伴随着暖暖的春风驱走了严冬的残痕给春姑娘披上了盛装给人们带来了希望。





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I have a puppy in my family. I like it very much. Its black eyes like two black stones, its fur is white like a bed blankets, its four legs like small pillars four hairy, its tail swinging, seemed to be waving to you welcome.


Because I called Tinker Bell, so my mother wanted to name him little Ding Dong, but I do not agree, I called him, because I think it every day.


It is very naughty, when we go out to eat, it is always the old trouble, trouble, it jumped on the sofa mess, and also newspapers, napkins torn all over the floor. When I came back, I saw the mess on the ground. I was so angry that I ignored it. He realized he had made a mistake and threw himself on my knee as if to shed tears and said, "Lord, forgive me."!" I forgave it when I saw it so pathetic.


My puppy is so cute and naughty!



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15、树叶上,花瓣上都有一颗颗晶莹剔透的小水珠,凑近看时,水珠仿佛把天地融合在了一起,大地更绿了,天更蓝了,阳光照在小水珠上,水珠一闪一闪的,像一颗小星星……春雨落到哪里,哪里便充满了生机,真是“好雨知时节,当春乃发生。 随风潜入夜,润物细无声。”


17、我出神地看着,雨淅淅沥沥地下着。你看,雨还会变魔术呢:一会儿像牛毛,一会儿像蚕丝,一会儿又像断了线的珠子……这雨像落叶一样轻,像针尖儿一样细,一串串, 一串串,轻轻落在街上,落在人门心中。雨声里,园中的每一片树叶,每一丛草,每一把泥土,都变成了奇妙无比的琴键,飘飘洒洒的雨丝,是无数轻捷柔软的手指,弹奏出一首有一首优雅的小曲,每一个音符都带着幻想的色彩。













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Although my hometown is in the middle of the countryside, but there elegant environment, ma of farmland, green, relaxed and happy making a person!

Walk on the path of the field, breathing the fresh air, the grass is green and luxuriant., at the foot of the flowers smile. This beautiful scene, let me nervous mood ease up.

Come to my house along the quiet and tastefully laid out and the path. Sitting in a small yard, the first thing you encounter is a few lush poplar tree. They are tall, like a guard to protect our home, thank you, lovely poplar. Through the gap of poplar and is layered terraces, green seedlings are thriving, the farmer uncle of the field are weeding them sweating in the hot sun. To the autumn harvest, they are hard-working, I silently raised an admiration of love.

Yard was clear the left side of the lotus pond, lotus leaves with a blooming lotus flower, lotus leaf strips under small fish in the chase; Hiding in the lotus lotus seed, how to pick a flower! "Little Eva hold boat, white lotus back. Dont understand Tibetan, duckweed open." Bai juyis "pool" emerge in my mind. How I want to do a small bai juyis Eva, to enjoy the lotus pond in boundless fragrance.

Garden on the right side is the kitchen, the kitchen has a thick bamboo forest. Cicadas do not know where, only to hear "see, see" a cry.

Looked up at the sky cbsi, look down at yard before the clear brook, to listen to the song of the birds cry, is really "people in the middle", home feels good!









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This morning the outside under the large snowflakes, I just woke up from sleep, suddenly heard someone outside shouting: “ snow, snow. &rdquo, my brother and I hurried out of the door, and the ground was white. The cotton snow fell on the ground, as if we had worn a white cotton padded coat on the ground.

We together make a snowman, snowball, snowball … … playing awfully. Im so happy today!



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I got out of the door, can not help but take a breath after the rain, the air is so fresh. I saw the blooming plum blossom last week was scared to fall down.

Flower beds, a piece of dead leaves fell above the rain sink into a bowl of bowl of spring water. Walking in the Indus Road, a piece of Indus leaves stacked on the ground, the north wind blowing, they like a group of naughty cute little bikes went to the road, the north wind blowing into my clothes in the cool. Several chrysanthemums on campus add some vitality to our campus. The pines in our plot endure the breeze of the winter wind, it still stands on the earth, the leaves are still as green as before.

However, the most people can be at home can be the first to feel the breath of winter, winter fog is really changing, and some like snow-covered Changbai Mountain, and some like red leaves like Fragrant Hills. Fog at the foot of the floating, people seem to be able to cloud on the ground, leisurely like, this fog is really white ah! White like a white gauze satin, but also just under the snow, so clean, so moist.

Although the winter is very cold, but how much I want to let the winter come, so I can win the snow battle!

I love the winter morning, beautiful and quiet morning.



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The Great Wall

The Great Wall building has a long history, vast engazuowenng magnificent, is the worlds rare miracle. The Great Wall is the four corners of the world, stretching in our great motherland vast land. It looks like a great dragon, surmounts lofty hills, through the vast grassland, across the vast desert, towards the vast sea. According to historical records, more than 20 states and feudal dynasty built the Great Wall, if constructs each time the Great Wall together, about 100000 miles above. The length of the Great Wall that was built by The Qin, Han, and Ming 3 Dynasty was more than 10 kilo miles. Now our country Xinjiang, Gansu, Ningxia, Shaanxi, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Hebei, Beijing, Tianjin, Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Henan, Shandong, Hubei, Hunan and other province, city, autonomous regions have the ancient the Great Wall, peak fire platform remains. Of which only the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region the Great Wall amounted to more than 3.

The Ming Dynasty in the" outside" beyond the Great Wall, also built" inside" and" three" the Great Wall the Great Wall. " Neiguan" the Great Wall in the Northern Qi Dynasty had built for the foundation, from Inner Mongolia and Shanxi at the junction of west east “Pianguan”, the Yanmenguan, flat various pass into Hebei, and then turned to the northeast, Fangshan, Changping, the source

of all counties, to pass, and then by the North and East, Huairou to the four customs, and" outside" is connected to the Great Wall, Zijingguan as the center, generally in a north-south direction. " Three" the Great Wall in many places and" inside" the Great Wall, some places two cities are separated by only tens of in. In addition, but also to build a large number of" repeated walls". Yanmenguan area" repeated walls “to have 24 much!

The Great Wall is the working people in ancient China created the miracle. Beginning with QinShihuang, constructs the Great Wall always is a big project. According to the record, QinShihuang used the million of labors to build the Great Wall, occupy countrywide population 1 / 20! There were no machinery, in addition to earth, carrying bricks can use donkeys, goats can climb the cattle, all labor and all must rely on manpower, work environment and high mountains and lofty hills, cliff. Can imagine, no large crowds on hard work, is unable to complete the great project.

The great wall of the engazuowenng quantity, according to rough estimates, only constructs take the Ming Dynasty as an example, if its masoy, earth is used to build a thickness of 1 meter, 5 meters high walls, circled the earth for over a week. If used for paving a 5 meters wide, 35 cm thick road, it could circle the earth three or four

weeks. If all dynasties built a total of 50 thousand kilometers calculation, then this wall can rotate around the earth several weeks, this road, around the earth in thirty or forty weeks.

“Because of the terrain, with risks for plug" is the construction of the Great Wall is an important experience, in the age of QinShihuang had it down, Sima Qian writes it to" historical records". Later each dynasty build the Great Wall are in accordance with the principle of. Who built Guan Cheng pass are the right and wrong choice between two mountains canyons, or river turning point. Or flat contacts pass through, so as to control is important, and may save the manpower and materials, to achieve “If one man guards the pass, ten thousand are unable to get through. Ten thousand cannot force it," effect. Built a castle or Beacon Tower is selected in the" appeared to place" for building a wall, is the full use of the terrain, such as Juyongguan, the Great Wall in Badaling are built along the mountain ridge, some lots from the lateral walls look very steep, we receive" inside is smooth, easily defensible ." effect of. In the territory of Liaoning, Liaodong town of Ming Dynasty the Great Wall has called a precipitous wall, wall of the hill, is the use of vertical cliff, precipice slightly to split cutting you will become the Great Wall. Some places

completely using the cliffs, rivers and lakes as a natural barrier, it can be called art beats nature. The

Great Wall, as a great project, become the Chinese nation is a valuable heritage.

长城修筑的历史悠久,工程雄伟浩大,是世界少有的奇迹。长城东西南北交错,绵延伏于我们伟大祖国辽阔的土地上。它好像一条巨龙,翻越巍巍群山,穿过茫茫草原,跨过浩瀚的沙漠,奔向苍茫的大海。根据历史文献记载,有20多个诸侯国家和封建王朝修筑过长城,若把各个时代修筑的长城加起来,大约有10万里以上。其中秦、汉、明3个朝代所修长城的长度都超过了1万里。现在我国新疆、 甘肃、 宁夏、 陕西、 内蒙古、 山西、河北、北京、 天津、 辽宁、 吉林、 黑龙江、河南、山东、湖北、湖南等省、市、自治区都有古长城、峰火台的遗迹。其中仅内蒙古自治区的长城就达3万多里。





叫山险墙、劈山墙的,就是利用悬崖陡壁,稍微把崖壁劈削一下就成为长城 了。还有一些地方完全利用危崖绝壁、江河湖泊作为天然屏障,真可以说是巧夺天工了.长城,作为一顶伟大的工程,成为中华民族的一份宝贵遗产。



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Autumn came, the fruit of the orchard was ripe.

You see, apple red, and big and round, like a small bowls of light. Pear Huang Chengcheng, like a small gourd, covered with branches, the number is also countless. Grapes, purple, light green, a string of water Lingling, looks very good. They are floating fragrance, looked really lovable.

Listen, the orchard came out of the noisy voice, oh, the original is a few children in the orchard picking fruit! Bull is a Hercules, he picked a basket of apples ready to send them to uncle aunt home. Do not look at the point is a little point, she can not be willing to fall behind someone else, she climbed the ladder, picked a big round and round apples, shouted: "I picked a biggest apple!" Show it, Brought up an apple, on the baskets, everyone applauded for her.

There are a few small hedgehogs also came to the orchard join in the fun, as long as they can be filled with a roll and return.

Autumn orchard really lively ah! I love the fall of the orchard!



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I loveSummer! In summer, the tree is very green, the flower is very beautiful, the river is very limpidity, the grass is very verdant. I like enjoy the summer!

In summer, I like swimming, it’s interesting. I can wear pretty dress and Tshirt, I like eating icecreams, too. I don’t like winter because I must wear sweater, I can’t eat ice creams.



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导语:春天的草那么绿,春天的花那么红,春天的天那么蓝! 下面是yjbys作文网小编为您收集整理的作文,希望对您有所帮助。


When the stream to play the piano, when the primrose, sing the spring, when the warm spring breeze, I will know that business is full of spring had come.

Connect force to pull out the grass is sleeping underground, wake the flowers hidden in the underground. The jujube tree in the yard is like just connect to wake up from a dream, it woke up, the body bare, still hang a few dead leaves! Can a few days later, body and filled with green, tender leaves. It wag of branches, please the bird to be a guest, a shake the branches, with voice "hello."

Willow trees by the river began to take new branches, long out of the green leaves, like handfuls of a sword, and like a few equals. It reminds me of a colourful depiction of the poetry of willow: jasper makeup into a tree height, ten thousand lop green silk sash. Know who thin leaf cut out, breeze like scissors. Colorful flowers make a colorful painting, bright red, white jiao, the beauty of yellow, pink tender, around the spring in the air. The geese flew back from the south, while arranged in the "people" glyph, for a while in the "big family" shape, for a while in the "one" glyph.

I like the white winter, I like fruitful autumn, I like hot summer, but I prefer the colorful spring!






In a year the four seasons, I like the beautiful spring, sister because when spring comes, the nature is beautiful.

Green LiuShao, when the spring breeze blows the green grass blowing, blowing is wrinkly to knit the river water, blowing drum the buds of plants. In the winter, the willow like a dying old man, dying, waiting for the final death, but at this time, saves the life of the willow spring elder sister come back, he lifted his head to willow, like a gentleman, the protection of the lake is good, not to let the human throw garbage in the lake. Spring elder sister the day really, lively, naughty to catch the birds, the birds are chirping in the same tree in concert. Suddenly, a bird flew away, I followed it, but this only birds are being naughty mouth pecked the basketball goal in our school on the net, like death, together with the basketball net fight until the last possible moment.

In the spring, spring sister put myself on a beautiful make-up, help the grass and flowers a makeup, make flowers more bright, more sweet, spray a little perfume.

Connect through the whole nature, through our red scarf, let it blowing in the wind, blowing the trees and flowers, let them become more beautiful, green trees and red flowers.

I love this charming and beautiful lovely spring.








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Autumn is a golden season and a bumper season. Autumn, the crops are all mature, and everywhere is a Huang Cancan, people can not help but want to sing a song, sing the joy of harvest.

However, in recent days, the weather was cold, not cloudy, is the downpour, it is cool and warm, the hearts can not help but add a bit sad.

Today s rain is really big, like a row of soybeans from heaven. This rain is also very anxious, low-lying place instantly become a Wang Yang. Occasional vehicles through, from time to time will provoke a blossoming flowers. The pedestrians on the road were hugging by the umbrella; the vehicle horned the horn from time to time, fearing the pedestrian. People standing high to see this scene, all feel like a boat like a boat in the river in general.

The rain is too fast to go, and the sky is sunny for a while.

I opened the window, fresh air from the nose, even the trees next to the road feel more than just the spirit. Autumn rain, although brought the slightest chill, but also people memorable.



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Autumn wind, there is a box of colorful crayons. Look, he painted the leaves yellow, yellow leaves drift floating, drifting away the red sun.

The wind of autumn brings the smell of sweet smell. Pear is fragrant, apples sweet, this sweet smell of smell, brought the peasant uncles laughter.

The wind of autumn has a golden flute. It tells everyone, quickly prepared for the winter it! Small frogs quickly dig holes, ready to sleep on the United States and the United States a big sleep. Rows of geese row of good team, catch up with the clouds, go to the south.

The wind of the autumn came hastily from afar and rushed to the distance.



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There is a saying, A girl changes fast in physical appearance from childhood to adulthood . I just had my eighteen years birthday. It s certain that I have grown much more beautiful now. My biggest change is not the appearance but in mind. I have become much more mature. I don t always think about going out to play instead of focusing my attention on study. I start considering my future. I try my best not to quarel with my parents as I know what they do is for me. I know I should filial my parents. What s more, I don t bully my younger sister and brother any more. I have changed a lot, because I have grown up.

俗话说, 女大十八变 。我刚刚过完我的十八岁生日。我肯定是变得更美了。我最大的改变不是在外貌上而是在思想上。我变得更加的成熟。我不再总是想着去玩而是把注意力放在学习上。我开始思考我的未来。我尽量不和父母吵架,因为我知道他们所做的都是为了我。我懂得了要孝顺父母。更重要的是,我不再欺负我的弟弟和妹妹了。我变了很多,因为我已经长大了。




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As the saying goes: a autumn rain, ten autumn rain wear cotton. You see, this morning, all the people outside the name of the colorful umbrella, wearing thick clothes, in the rain in a hurry to shuttle.

It s time to fall and it s cold when it s raining. To wear some thick clothes. Unlike the summer, when the rain is cool and cool outside.

The first rain in autumn is elegant. It does not play flash, do not thunder, just quietly sprinkle to the earth, really "Run things fine silent" ah!

I heard the smell of the earth, and heard the sound of the trees, and heard their words: ah! More sweet rain ah! I have not drunk for a long time, so thirsty! This time, I want more Drink some!

I saw one by one on the road is moving the "mushrooms", is color. This is the people holding a large umbrella, to do their own dry things.

This rain has been from the morning, in the middle, never stopped, it has been down to the evening, or did not stop, when it stopped?

The air was sober, the plants were tender and beautiful, and the road was covered with silver, and silver was shining and beautiful!

Feel the beauty of nature, enjoy the softness of nature!



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The little egret is a delicate poetry.

Pigment, gestures, everything is appropriate.

The White crane is too large, too stiff, pink Ibis or grey heron, also think big, and too unusual.

However, egrets are because its common, and oblivion its beauty.

The snow-white body hair, it s a streamlined structure, the iron color growing, cyans feet, one of the increasing by one of reducing too long, too short branch, one of the suspicion of swells and white Diane come at the expense of one of the suspicion of the dark.

In clear water when there is a field only two standing fishing, the entire field has become a site of embedded in the glass box. The size of the field as Egret design seems to people from all walks of the mirror box.

Sunny in the morning, saw it alone at the apex of the tree stand, it seems as if it is not stable, yet it is. This is the other birds difficult performance hobby. People say that it is within our grasp whistle, it really is in sight whistle? twilight sky rare low-flying egret is a rural life in favor. It was clear to visualize, and have a life.

Some people might feel beauty, Egret cant sing. However, egrets are not of itself is a very beautiful songs?-no, the reason the song too.

The little egret is a poem, a charm in the heart of prose poems.



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No one is perfect in the world, like me, often forget east west. So sometimes, I want to be a perfect person, but, everyone has flaws, so this is a difficult to achieve, but the inherent my material will be useful, so in the future I will become a useful person.

Everyone has shortcomings and advantages, and my advantage is that there are many friends; The disadvantage is that cry point is very low. For me, he shortcomings like a gecko, at any time with in my side, really clingy, suddenly appear, every day to hurt me in front of everyone shambolic, and because of the shortcomings, only to hurt me more and more small bile, dont dare to show in front of everyone. So, in order to overcome the shortcomings, I will self hypnosis, thinking: believe in yourself is great! And will be more and more great! Actually, I really good... , only occasionally make a mistake, but I prefer my strengths are, I also believe that these advantages make life become colorful wonderful!

I think confidence is very important to man, a man without confidence, his life was full of fear, his life is relying on their own to overcome obstacles, to become a happy and confident people.

I hope my faults can be quickly fixed, let oneself become more confident, dont be afraid. If you dont light head, it is good to do more to strengthen the training of the brain, as long as we are more than somewhere toward the positive thought, must be from a dislocated into a high-profile diamond, sending out light!


每个人都有缺点和优点,而我的优点是有许多朋友; 缺点是哭点很低。对我而言,缺点就像缠人的壁虎,随时跟在我的身边,可真缠人,每天都突然冒出来,害我在大家面前出糗,而且就是因为缺点,才害我越来越胆 小,不太敢在大家面前表演。所以,为了要克服缺点,我会自我催眠,心里想:相信自己超级棒!并且会越来越棒!其实,我真的很棒……,只不过偶尔会出错,但 是我还是喜欢我的优点,也相信这些优点让我的生活变得缤纷美妙!


