






全文共 1969 字

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Today is weekend, I had finished my homework see mother was cooking, he said to mother: "mom, I help you cook a meal, do you?" Mother confused to ask me: "can you?" I said to mother: "you stop worrying! The bag to me!" Mother said: "ok! Let you give it a try!" In the mothers care and guidance, I first put the steamed rice. And then start preparing food, open the refrigerator, wow! Is I like to eat vegetables, there are eggs, tomatoes, beans, peppers, garlic moss, potato, cabbage, onion, etc. So I just took the eggs from the refrigerator, a potato, a tree green onion, pepper, first of all, I cut the onion in half and half and half egg fry, and potatoes, and chili peppers. Second, the potatoes peeled, cut. Finally, open the eggs, stir in a bowl. Set aside. Rice steamed well at this moment, watching the glittering and translucent get rid of big grain of rice, white fragrant, watch it and you want to eat a bite. Began to stir fry, below I first poured oil into the wok, such as oil hot, put the chopped onion and eggs in the pan, stirring, for a while, such as egg yellow, put some salt, spices, monosodium glutamate, flipped through, out of the pot. The next dish, deliver, looking at fresh color, taste salty, sweet and tasty, just right. The food on the table, looked at his hands to make food, smell the aroma of the food, looking at the smile on the face, the whole family I happy smiled. This weekend, I deeply understand the parents hard, later I certainly can do more things for the parents, let parents happy! I am more happy!







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Having read the New Years plan last year, it is good, but it did not solve my most important issue. During this time of vacation, I have been thinking about what is the problem I need to solve most and how to solve it. Pondering for a period of time, I found that physical health and mental health are the most basic and most important two aspects. Although you have always insisted on exercising, your physical fitness still needs to be improved. The legacy of childhood left me having a lot of trouble, but the current consequences are still within my limits. If you do not take advantage of university graduation before correction, the future work and marriage will encounter greater trouble.



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1、 每天的四个“1小时保障”











1、 不参加语文、数学的培优,不请家教,相关课程自己独立完成。

2、 语文课程计划





3、 数学课程计划查看.




4、 英语课程计划






1、 随父母至少省内出去旅游一次,争取省外旅游去一次;

2、 至少去乡下亲戚家2次,体验生活,其中爷爷家族亲戚去一次,外公家族亲戚去一次;

3、 每天保障一小时的户外活动或运动,散步、溜冰、找小朋友玩等,要注意安全;

4、 每两天至少帮家里做一件家务事(10分钟以上),洗衣服、择菜、简单做饭等;

5、 一个人尝试独立在家呆1-2天;邀请同学或者小朋友在家玩若干次,并独立招待;

6、 每周玩电脑2小时左右,重点加强打字能力的提高;

7、 尝试掌管家里经济和家务安排1-2天,当1-2天家长;

8、 其他:根据具体情况,灵活安排。



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Jenny had a busy weekend . Last Saturday morning, she did her homework and practiced speaking English at home . She watched TV and played tennis on Saturday afternoon. That night, she went to the movies. On Sunday morning , she cleaned her room and went to the beach. . On Sunday afternoon, she visited her friends and went shopping .She had a party last night.

What a busy but happy weekend she had!




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Anew year has come. In order to have a fruitful year, I make a plan for it.Firstly, I must study hard as much as possible. After all, study is the most importantfor me. Secondly, I will take more exercises. I always got illness last year.Therefore, I must be healthy this year. Thirdly, I want to learn swim thisyear. I like swimming very much, because I think it’s cool. I hope I can do it.Finally, I hope happiness is fully filled my home in the new year.



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图表类型:table; chart; diagram; graph; column chart; pie graph

描述:show; describe; illustrate; can be seen from; clear; apparent; reveal; represent

内容:figure; statistic; number; percentage; proportion


一般:have 10%; at 10%;over 10%

最高(低)点:peaked; reached a peak/high(point);bottomed out; reached the bottom

变化:recover 略有回升; increase; jump; rise/rose; climb;decrease; fall/fell; drop; decline; reduce fluctuate

浮动,摇摆不定:remained steady/stable; stay the same; little/hardly any /no change

变化程度:sudden/suddenly 突然的,意外的

rapid/rapidly 迅速的,飞快的,险峻的

dramatic/dramatically 戏剧性的,生动的

significant/significantly 有意义的,重大的,重要的

sharp/sharply 锐利的,明显的,急剧的

steep/steeply 急剧升降的

steady/steadily 稳固的,坚定不移的

gradual/gradually 渐进的,逐渐的

slow/slowly 缓慢的,不活跃的


stable/stably 稳定的

表示范围:from…to… between…and… for …to …多长时间直到

表示程度:almost adv. 几乎,差不多

nearly adv. 几乎,密切地

approximately adv. 近似的,大约

about adv. 附近, 大约,转向,左右,周围

just over 刚超过

over adv. 结束,越过,从头到尾

exactly adv. 正确地,严密地

precisely adv. 正好 精确地;清晰地

比例:20 percent 20%

one in three 1/3

one out of every four 1/4


significant changes 图中一些较大变化

noticeable trend 明显趋势

during the same period 在同一时期

grow/grew 增长

distribute 分布,区别

unequally 不相等地

pronounced 明显的

average 平均

no doubt 无疑地

corresponding adj. 相应的,通讯的

represent vt. 阐述,表现

overall 总体上讲

except 除外

in the case of adv. 在…的情况下

in contrast 相反,大不相同

in conclusion adv. 最后,总之

in comparison 相比之下

inversely adv. 相反地,倒转地

in general 通常,大体上,一般而言

rang from excessive adj. 过多的,过分的,额外

lower v.降低,跌落

elapse vi.(时间)过去,消逝

category n.种类

government policy 政府政策

market forces 市场规率

measure n. 尺寸,方法,措施 v.估量,调节

forecast n. 先见,预见 v. 预测


上升:increase rise ascend core surge go up climb mount level up

下降: decrease fall drop descend decline reduce lessen level down

平稳:stable steady remain/maintain/keep/be the same as/similar to

波动:fluctuate fluctuation rise and falls up and down

占:occupy take up account for gain

而:while however whereas on the other hand actually/in fact

相比:by contract on the contrary likewise compared with

最高点:the highest the top the summit the peak the most

最低点:bottom less least rock bottom

平均:mean average

趋势:tendency trend inclination


达到顶峰: mount to

在***中占***:***gain the percentage of***

有一个稳定的过程:a stable period can be seen




1. 要认真解读图标,切勿疏漏重要数据信息和细节提示,不必每个数据都涉及,但重要数据必须提到。

2. 对图表中的内容分析、数据说明一定要简明扼要,尽量使用简单句,因为复杂的句式往往起不到清


3. 结论性的表达要从图表信息分析或数据归纳而来,这样才能使得语言有说服力,切忌主观判断,



1. Here are the results of my survey.

2. According to the graph, we can find…

3. The chart reflects several trends.

4. We can find many important changes in…

5. From the diagram, we know that...



1. 对于上升趋势的描述:

a. 可以使用的动词或动词词组:

to increase

to go up

to rise

to grow

to jump

to leap

to soar

to shoot

to pick up

b. 可以使用的名词:

an increase

a growth

a jump

a soar

an upward trend

2. 对于上升到某个位置的描述:

a. 1. a. 中的动词+to+具体数据。

b. 1. a. 中的动词+to+the peak of+具体数据。

c. 1. a. 中的动词+reaching the peak of +具体数据。

d. 1. a. 中的动词+reaching + 具体数据。

e. to peak at + 具体数据

f. to climb to + 具体数据

3. 对于上升的程度的描述:

a. 1. a. 中的动词+by + 具体数据。

b. 1. a. 中的动词+副词。


1. 对于下降趋势的描述:

a. 可以使用的动词或动词词组:

to fall

to decrease

to go down

to slide

to collapse

to decline

to drop

b. 可以使用的名词:

a collapse

a decrease

a fall

a decline

a drop

2. 对于下降到某个位置的描述:

a. 1. a. 中的动词+to+具体数据。

b. 1. a. 中的动词+to+the bottom of+具体数据。

c. 1. a. 中的动词+reaching the bottom of +具体数据。

d. 1. a. 中的动词+reaching + 具体数据。

3. 对于下降程度的描述:

a. 1. a. 中的动词+by + 具体数据。

b. 1. a. 中的动词+副词。(见



to hardly change

to have little change

to keep steady

to level off

to remain constant

to stay the same


1. 程度较大:











2. 程度较小:











at the start of ……

by the end of ……

over ……

at the end of ……

throughout ……

时间"s + 具体数据


1. 先上升后下降的句型:

…… increased slowly during…… and …… but fell sharply in ……。

A steady fall in …… during …… and …… followed the sharp increase in ……。

2. 先下降后上升的句型:

…… fell before …… began to make a recovery ……

…… continue the recovery, climbing to ……

…… dropped during …… but increased again in ……

…… fell and then pick up during ……

…… collapsed before rising to ……at the end of ……

3. 起伏波动的句型:

…… fluctuated sharply all through ……

4. 波动不大的句型:

…… hardly changed through the period between ……and ……





…… % the …… is/has/have/are ……

…… accounts for ……% of the total

…… takes up ……% in the whole chart


1. 表示相似的句型 (实例) :

Both share prices rose sharply in January.

Neither company has made a profit yet.

Like X, Y fell in June.

X rose just as sharply as Y.

2. 表示差异的句型(实例):

X fell sharply whereas/while Y remained steady.

X fell quickly compared to Y.

Unlike Y, X rose by 10%.

X rose far more dramatically than Y.

3. 表示倍数的句型:

the …… doubled/tripled in …… compared with those in ……

4. 客观比较的句型:

…… is …… in contrast to ……


1. 表示不足的词或词组:

up to





2. 表示超过的词或词组:


more than

just over

3. 表示大约的词:




篇6:高三年级英语作文:A Boom in Adult Education

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Every Tuesday and Friday evening sees Miss Li,my neighbor and a secretary in a company rush home after a hard day’s work,gulp down her meals and then hurry out to catch the bus for her English class. Miss Li’s case is not unique,and now more and more city adults spend their leisure time trying to improve themselves at school or college.

There are a number of reasons for people to go back for their education. Some people,like Miss Li,are doing it to acquire another degree or diploma to impress the society. To them more knowledge,or rather,more credentials means more opportunities for better jobs and quicker promotion.

Other people,especially those who are laid off or out of employment go to vocational school to prepare to return to the job market. They are eager for new skills so that they can be qualified for the jobs in retail trade,administration,education and other service categories to which they are strange because most of them were blue-collar workers in the factory.

There are also people who come to take such courses as Chinese traditional medicine,painting,calligraphy and photography. As their working weeks decline people begin to have time to fulfill their old dream of their heart’s desire.

Out of necessity or out of interest,people go back to school for the common goal——to improve themselves,and this boom in adult education,in turn,helps to raise the intellectual standard of the whole country.



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the winter holidawe are looking forward to idrawing near. the past holidaybrought me manwonderful memories. in 2008 the snow in nanjing waquite heavcovering the whole world with a white sheet. seeing the beautiful view mfriendand i went out to plawith snow happily. we had a snowball fight made several snowmen and took manbeautiful photos. the experience iso fantastic that i can never forget about it.

thiyear it haalso snowed. seeing the view of snow i want to take some photoawell. besidei can chat on-line with mfriends. if i had the chance i would also take part in some social activitiewithin mability. last but not least i would have to make good preparationfor the college entrance examinationwhich to a large degree will determine the future of mlife.

in thiwinter holidai hope i can enjomholidatime with good relaxationand preparationfor the following exams. finalli hope i can make the best of the remaining time and go to mideal university.



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Chinese people usually have two word or three word names: the family name, a middle name and the last name.中国人的名字通常由两个字或三个字组成:姓,中间名和最后名。

Family names always come tirst.For example, my full name is Bai Junwei.Bai is my family name. Junwei is my given name.But some Chinese people dont have the middle name. For example, a man called Zhou Jian. Zhou is his family name,and Jian is his given name.姓要放在第一位。例如:我的全名叫白君伟。白是我的姓,君伟是我的名。但有些中国人没有中间的名,例如:一个人叫周健,周是他的姓,健是他的名。

People often use Mr. , Mrs. , or Miss before their family names, but never before.their given names.So you can say "Mr. Zhou", but you could never say "Mr.Jian".人们经常在他姓的后面使用先生、夫人、小姐,但此种说法从不在名字后面使用。所以你能说“周先生”,而不能说“健先生”。

Chinese names are different from English names.In England, the last name is the family name. The first and the middle name is tile given name.For example,there is a man called Jim Henry Brown. Brown is his family name. Jim Henry is his given name.Another difference between~ E.nglish and Chinese names is that in China, the younger peoples names shouldnt be the same as the elders in the family.For example, my grandpas name is Guo Dong, so i cant be called Guo Dong again.This shows that we respect the old people.中国人的名字与英国人的名字不同。在英国,最后一个字是姓,第一个和第二个是名字。例如:有个人叫Jim HenryBrown,Brown是他的姓,JimHenry是他的名字。英文和中文名字的另一个不同之处是:在中国,年轻人一般不能取和老人一样的名字。例如:我的外公叫郭冬,而我不能再叫郭冬,这是对老人的尊重。

In the family, people usually call me Weiwei for short. This is because it is shorter and easier than Bai Junwei, and it also they love me.In one word, Chinese names are quite different from English names.在家里,大人通常简称我伟伟,这是因为这比白君伟短并且容易叫,也显示出了他们对我的疼爱之情。总之,中国人的姓名表示法与英国人不同。



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My summer holiday began on july.8,i plan to go to travel in my summer holiday.i will travel to zhangjiajie.i will go there by train.i will travel with my mother and my father and other friends.i will travel for five days.i also plan to do my homework in my summer holiday.i think i will have a good time.



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My travel plans are many, I tell you my favorite travel plan, is go to huang shan to play. First I by cable car to light top, on their way to see the beautiful scenery.

When I top down from the light is not choose by cable car, but choose to walk down the mountain. Because in the way I can enjoy the beautiful scenery, and streams than who run fast. Though very tired, but I can enjoy the beautiful scenery.



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Christmas is one of the most important celebrations of the year for the western countries. it falls on the twenty- fifth of december and has the same importance as chinese new year to people with english backgrounds. the celebration is for the birth of jesus christ, who is the son of god in christianity. now days christmas is no longer only celebrated by the christians, but by most people from all over the world.

On the twenty- fourth of december everyone gets excited for it’s the day before christmas which is called christmas eve. the children are usually sent to bed early and are warned that “santa claus will only come and give you a present if you be good.” the younger kids actually believe that santa will come down the chimney on the sleigh that’s pulled by his reindeers. food like short bread and beer are prepared for santa when he comes, however most times parents just eat them. some children put socks and sacks up for the holding of the presents (that their parents put in).

Rise and shine on christmas morning! the children are always the first ones to wake up, some even do at four. present wrappers everywhere! they look into their presents with a big smile on their face and oh dear….i hope no one’s disappointed. i feel sorry for anyone that got pink underwear. children play while dinner is prepared by the adults. the christmas dinner are usually eaten together by relatives. the tradition of christmas pudding and roosters are usually eaten with deserts afterwards. the rest of the day is usually games and fun before the good days all come to an end.

I wish everyone a merry christmas and a happy new year!



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Travelis a very good means of broadening a persons perspective. It makes you come into contact with different cultures, meet people of different colors and go through peculiar rites and ceremonies. Travelling much, you will not only enrich your knowledge and experiences, but also be aware of the vastness of nature.

Travel may also relieve person of boredom and gloom. Travel brings you enjoyment and attraction. It gives you a pleasant experience, which will disperse your boredom and make you forget whatever annoys you. Travel broadens your mind and leaves you good memories. Later, you may go over these memories and enjoy your past experiences, thus keeping a fresh and sunny mind.

The fields his study, nature was his book.

Travelers can choose different modes of transportation which have advantages and disadvantages. Airplanes are the fastest but also the most expensive. Buses and trains are less expensive, but they soon make you feel cramped and uncomfortable. Ships provide you with comfort unless you get seasick. Most people can afford traveling by bicycle, which, although slow, can limber up your muscles and get you closer to nature.



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After a semester busy learning, we finally ushered in the summer vacation. In order to have a meaningful summer vacation, I especially ahead of the summer vacation plans, hope I can complete according to the plan.

My summer vacation plan is mainly divided into three parts. The first part is: finish the summer vacation homework. Before summer vacation homework because I have no plan, every time is close to the school before hurriedly catch up on my homework. Plan in this summer vacation I all do for an hour every morning and afternoon summer vacation homework, I believe the efforts of the two hours a day will make me high quality finish the homework during the summer vacation. The second part is: learn to swim. Can see other children in the pool before free swimming, I very envy, also learned last year, but he did not insist on, no society. This years summer vacation, Im going to night ok and dad go to swimming pool to swim, let my dad taught me, I also want to serious efforts to study. The third part is to help my mother do housework. Already in the sixth grade, but I also seldom help mother do the housework, every time the holiday at home are bustling about mother, I just play. This summer vacation, I help my mother do one thing must be at least once a day, reduce the burden of the mother.

With the above detailed plan, I determined to: must complete according to the plan, change your procrastination is lazy, let oneself have a meaningful summer vacation.






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This afternoon, when my mother looked at my figure, I called me to go to sports and go to the company club to play badminton. Today is Sunday, all of the people have a holiday, everyone squeezed into the court to play. Strangely, only two badminton courts were crowded. Table tennis table no one, waiting for badminton people still full of it! People who play badminton do not want to go, we have to go to the tennis court to play. The area of the tennis court is too big.

Its hard to wait for a player to play. I didnt play badminton in these days. So playing badminton is greatly reduced. How can I catch the ball? I didnt even go out to serve when I served. Its unfortunate. Among the countless people, I play badminton is the worst, I play badminton even my mother can not play. I said to myself, "how did you practice so bad these days, not even your mother? Your badminton skills are really bad." But in a moment, my playing technique was back and the ball was slowly catching. After a while, I made progress, but I felt more and more feathered, and I felt tired and tired. So I looked for a chair and sat down for a rest. She was not happy to see him, and he had to call me up, and he called me again. How many people, I looked very dishonored under the masses. I had to say to him, "I really dont want to play the boring and expensive badminton anymore. How you call it makes me look very pale under the masses."

I began to play badminton, it will be a double play, I cant catch the ball I met is very fierce, so the back of the uncle to help me to come, so I can relax, because I just hit those special in front of very light ball, these and I still have a two there are no catch. But we also won a lot of points, finally, because the opponents ability to cooperate is not good and cause them to lose. This is the first time I have been so happy. After we finished the ball, we went to the next clubhouse for dinner. Today, playing basketball is really cool, but I cant play here every day because its too far away from home. Homework is endless. If we move to a new home, we can play here every day (my new home is very close to the stadium).



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I have a lovely little dog named Dion. He looks pretty with short legs, big ears and short tail. He is my good friend and he is also easy to take care of. I walk him at least twice a day, feed him and spend time with him. He also gives his love to me in return. He is always there to lick me and lie on me. I like playing with him. I think he can tell when I am happy, sad, angry or touble. Sometimes he can be noisy and run around the room.

In a word, he is not only my dog, but also my friend.






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A long winter vacation has in the past, is a beautiful spring. Against the first ray of sunshine in the morning, we are back on the beautiful campus, began the journey of a new semester.

Journey in the past, whether you have that laughter, owns a sunshine, it has become the eternal memory, coupled with a lock will it closed up! Before us everything is new, you see it? New life is being speared out. Because of the cruelty of reality, we will incarnate as a knight, erase the chest trauma, take our weapons and ready to go, the aim of the new semester: are you sure?

Maybe your goal is admitted to their ideal junior high school, maybe your goal is to catch up a classmate, the target can be different, but absolutely can not live without, more important is to have a goal, we must to action, go all out, that there is no need to take paper shua shua large wiped a few times, but in your mind must have a goal, a full set of plan, no goal is not the end, an end point, its own all dont know where is the person, will be how to finish the journey, of course it is not plain sailing all the way,

So first of all, have a class, Im listening, dont do little affectations, chatting with classmates, to strive for the teacher in the classroom, all knowledge digestion; For problems to fools, humbly ask teachers and classmates.

Next, want to complete all homework assigned by the teacher carefully, do meticulous. The assignments classroom is complete; Assignments and homework on time independently.

Third, must complete the language lesson in advance before class. For your words, idioms, will need to recognize it in the dictionary, to understand the meaning; Learn to give the text segment, with the shortest language to write each section of each paragraph, then summarize the central idea of the text; After class, for each lesson, you first try to do; For the text and the class topic dont understand and wont do, to put it in a book strike down or down, took the issue to listening in class the next day, still can ask the teacher in class.

Fourth, to take advantage of Sundays and holidays, and continue to take part in the Olympic math, English, read more books, constantly enrich their own knowledge. To find time, more work.

To sum up, in the new semester I will work harder, strive for is to get good grades in every subject, when a all aspects are very good students.











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"People are so bad! "One morning, the small fish said to the duck. "Human is the bag, food and not eating food are thrown into the river, the river is polluted! "Little ducks Tu Vin Unionmaw:" it is not garbage River, walk a few steps? Why people go to a few steps, you throw rubbish into the river. "The little duck said, there is a faint voice:" people, they in the human, in the river to wash clothes, take a shower. All of my friends, I was poisoned! "Fish and ducks looked a faint sound, the original is a small tadpole. Fish said: "human is uncivilized, we go to another planet we can. Tofu vegetables salted meat. Chopsticks are ready, so is the soup.


So, on the earth without fish, duck, tadpoles. We must Protect environment!


篇19:初三年级英语作文:Save water

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Water is very important for us. We must drink water everyday. We can’t live without water. Water is everywhere around us. At home, we use water to wash clothes, to wash dishes, to cook rice, to clean the flat, to have showers, to make drinks, to clean our teeth, to have a bath and so on. At work, people use water to put out fires, to grow vegetables, to make things in factories and so on. We also can swim in the sea. Water is important for us, isn’t it?

A poem:

Water has no taste at all.

Water has no color.

Water’s in the waterfall.

The pump.

The tap.

The well.

Water is everywhere around us.

Water is in the rain.

In the stream.

In the pond.

And in the river.

And in the sea again.

There isn’t much water on the earth. we must to save it. It is not inexhaustible.

It is very valuable.



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Time to also hurried to also in a hurry, and in a twinkling of an eye in 2016, today is the second day of this year. All start from the beginning, depart from here.

Say the scenery around it first of all, those trees they have experienced a year old, at the moment they are animated show their most beautiful side. The leaves green, is so simple. Looking from a distance, they are so spirit, as if they have understood what each one is a picture of a happy appearance, I know, is the arrival of the New Year, they are a way to welcome the New Year.

That put the flowers in the ribbon that belongs to his own, a shake, seem to be in the singing, dancing in that it happened, they know that in it was not long before theyre leaving, to leave this world, but they are not terrible, thats nothing, they are still in that do their job, some still out of fragrant incense, let a person feel a kind of kuang more.

The grass was more great, at this time, they are a lot of life left the world, yes, but they leave the next generation, continue to add the color for us. Make them beautiful foil to our.

Every one so we have a new idea, the idea is that we desire, because in our world, we wish everyone has a different, so we are in 2016, we will use their own way to complete.

Of course when we to finish our task, will encounter this or that kind of difficulty, in that the first thing we should keep a good state of mind.

In order to our goal, and efforts, and fuel.







