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Several years ago,from joyo,I bought the book "the kite runner" which ranked first on best sellers volume.First reading the book,I was totally moved and even cried for the sad story.This year,I knew it has been adapted into a movie.After seeing the movie,I read again this book and gained some new views.

The novel begins a story about two boys.Amir is born in a rich family.Hassan is his servant as well as close friend.They both lose mother from birth and grow up like brothers.Hassan is very loyal to Amiar,but Amiar sells him.Many years later,Amir has settled down in America for years and established a family,but Hassan died for protecting Amirs luxury house in Afghanistan and leave an orphan.Accidentally,Amir gets to know a big secret and decides to atone for his crime that hound around him from childhood.

Reading it again,most of my original views has changed.

At the first place,I have a feeling of being cheated by the writer.The novel first attracted me before because it set its plot in a special environment---Afghanistan which even I often got news about from TV and newspaper,I knew the country utterly ignorant except wars and terrorism.So I wanted to understand more about the calamitous country.However,I am disappointed by the novel which just use a special background environment to tell a so-called travel of human nature .The theme of the novel should be atonement if it was taken off flowery coat.Bad gay like Amir and and good gay like Hassan,adding some the present best sellers polular elements like bastard,forming the main contents. In fact,the kite runner impressed me deeply and it just depends on sensational words.Besides,what makes me most dislike is that the writer,an Afghan-American,contorted some political elements for American advantages.The history background only make the affair of Russia invading and Taliban dictators go into particulars,but not mention Americas ignominious role in this politics.Why Taliban dictators are so unruly?Why Russia invaded Afghanistan in 1979?Why Afghan people still live in poor condition nowadays?America,a main actor is disposed of in this novel.

At the second place,the characters all serve to a tacky theme-atonement and birth secrects.When the birth secrects are exposed,the atonement travel begins.When the atonement finishes,the story finishes.

I even feel I am wrapped around the American medias little finger.Many celebrities and book concerns writed good comments,which helped it ranke first on sales volume for several times and made readers think it must get widely praised and then bought it without doubt finally.

Though I think the disadvantages are more than advatages,compared with the back atonement part,I like the front part that describes the pure friendship and innocent childhood between two boys.The description about the culture of kite in Afghanistan is excellent.

As a first book of the writer,it is resonable that the novel has some deficiencies.I hope his next and next works can more and more perfect.




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Mark Twains short story of "one million pounds" is a very good work. The article on the "money is everything," "money is omnipotent," the idea of a satire, to expose the ugly face of capitalist society.

"One million pounds" is about a poor, honest man, that is, the *** of this story has received a pair of brothers, the letter sent to him inside one million pounds. The brothers had made a bet, gambling, if a poor, honest people who come knocking on the door received the one million pounds, he will be what kind of results? Brother that he would starve to death because he could not prove that the money was his own, will be subject to other peoples doubts, and even the banks do not let him save money. His younger brother that he would lead a very good, and therefore they have the brothers of one million pounds will be loaned to check the poorest people, and spent 30 days abroad. Did not expect that during this period of time, people have the rare fortune suddenly rich, has tried to cozy up to him, from the free food, buy clothes, free accommodation, like a beggar, like to please him, and continue to improve his social status until the exception of the highest outdoor Wang Duke on! Not only that, he also has been a good wife and 30,000 pounds of bank interest, and finally from two brothers got a very good job. Lived a very, very happy life.

See here, I am so envious of the "lucky" ***, but at the same time I would like to: people reason to curry favor with him, not just because when people value money too it? Worship of money is shameful and should not be reaping more! Money is not omnipotent, the world than money, there are many more important things ... ...






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Today, I went to the bookstore, took a bottle of mineral water to three layer directly, picked up a book to read with relish, suddenly, hand touched a book named "Sophies world", Im very interested in its name, then pick it up.

Story say is a 14-year-old girl Sophie discovered a letter when I come home in one day, the only brief three words: "who are you?" Envelope clearly written "three alfalfa road, Sophie", did not write the senders name above, also didnt stamp, this mysterious messenger Sophie fell into a meditation. In this way, in some mysterious mentor, under the guidance of Sophie began to think about, from ancient Greece to Kant, from kierkegaard to Freud, you master the fundamental problem thinking. At the same time, Sophie constantly hear from some of the unusual, the world like a mystery in her eyes. Sophie girl born savvy and nurture knowledge, attempt to unravel the mystery, however, the truth of the matter is far more weird than what she thought, more extraordinary.

"Sophies world, is not only the wisdom of the world, is also a dream world. It will awaken everyone heart to the praise of life and the ultimate meaning of life care and curiosity. World for us, it is the combination of many unknown mystery, is speculation, one end life all dont know what happened and the beginning, only free to live every day, is the life.






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一、 激发兴趣,活跃气氛,吸引注意力

一节好课不是老师一味的讲,学生一味的听,而应是有静有动,动静相结合的,小学设管内的天性是好动的,要让他们端端正正的坐着听四十分钟,是很难办到的。即使做到了也收不到良好的教学效果。同时还可能压抑了他们的个性,影响了他们的学习兴趣,此外,心理研究表明,小学生的注意力稳定性较差。最好的也只能保持30分钟,况且长时的有意注意容易使人感到枯燥乏味,投入程度也不会高,如果在教学中结合教师的讲解,适当地安排一些游戏,为孩子们提供一个动的舞台,把他们的思维和身体从疲劳、紧张中解放出来,使他们涣散的注意被吸引过来,在轻松愉快的气氛中完成学习任务。例如,在学习人身体部位名称时,刚开始学生们觉得新鲜,兴趣很浓,热情还很高,但随着单词加多,听讲和读的时间加长,他们感到很疲乏,觉得没意思了,注意力也不能很好地集中了。这时,我适时地加入了“听口令,做动作”的游戏,一听说要做游戏,孩子们立刻变得活跃起来,注意力又集中了,在随后“touch your head” “stamp your feet” “wave your arm”的口令中,他们一会摸头,一会跺脚,一会挥胳膊,忙得不亦乐乎,最终在笑声中记住了个部位的名称。

二、 创设情景,加深记忆

一种语言习惯的习得,必须是在一定的语言背景和情景中完成,这些仅靠课文中提供的情景对话是远远不够的。那些对话是别人的,学生只是一个扮演者和朗读者,因为没有心灵的感受和理解,许多人不能很好地融入其中。游戏就弥补了之不足。它不仅为学生提供了情境,语境,还让学生们真正地成为“主人公”亲身经历资:料;来/源,于GZU521学:习;网 http://Gzu521。COm,这对他们的记忆又是一大帮助,如果为了记忆只是一味地重复练习,他们就只能是机械地记忆,而这种记忆是很难保持的,但如果将所学的内容安排在他们积极从事着的活动中去,成为活动的直接对象,这样,因为是他们亲自感受体验,直接参与了的,记忆效果受识记时的情绪状态的影响。情绪状态较佳时对记忆作用明显。这一研究结果提示我们,在教学时,应该重视情境,愉快地教学,这又如何做到呢?游戏便为我们提供了一条捷径。在教学中开展多种多样轻松幽默的游戏,使他们在笑声中学会英语。

三、 训练口语,发展思维




四、 培养情感,发展能力





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Having read the book Sister Carrie written by Theodore Dreiser,a very complicate feeling struck me,for the society,the people in America in the late 19th century.We can see clearly about the decadent and hypocritical moral principles of the bourgeois.They pursue only position,authority and money.Pleasure is their honest companion.

The society was developing rapidly and the people"s living standards were also improving.Yes,the prosperity appeared.But on the other hand,the gap between the poor and the rich was strengthened.While some people were playing and drinking,the other people were working,even begging.Behind the happiness,hiding much misery.Facing all of these,I am confused whether I should happy about the development of the society or I should sad about the cruel.

But I know I will give much sympathy to all of these people,no matter they rich or poor.I am sorry that the rich have lost their good morality,their sympathy and I think they are blank in their spiritThe poor,of course,are busy all the day for supporting themselves and their family,no time enjoying the life.All of them are the sacrifices of the society.

In this book,,only Sister Carrie can present us all of these.At first,she was poor.She had to work hard,but only made ends meet.She admired the pleasure, quick to understand the keener pleasures of life, ambitious to gain in material things.You know, Of an intermediate balance, under the circumstances, there is no possibility. The city has its cunning wiles, no less than the infinitely smaller and more human tempterTheir beauty, like music, too often relaxes, then wakens, then perverts the simpler human perceptions.Then, not only did Carrie feel the drag of desire for all which was new and pleasing in apparel for women, but she noticed too, with a touch at the heart, the fine ladies who elbowed and ignored her, brushing past in utter disregard of her presence. She realized in a dim way how meant for women, and she longed for dress and beauty with a whole heart.Her craving for pleasure was so b that it was the one stay of her nature.

She would speak for that when silent on all else.As a result,she left her sister,following Chas.H.Drouet,a salesman.So she has the beautiful room,has the satisfied dress and so on.For a pereid of time,she was happy and satisfied.But drived by the desire,Sister Carrie wants more. In Carrie-as in how many of our wordings do they not?

instinct and reason, desire and understanding, were at war for the mastery. She followed whither her craving led. She was as yet more drawn than she drew.When she went to the theatre with Drouet that spectacle pleased her immensely. The color and grace of it caught her eye. She had vain imaginings about place. and power, about faroff lands and magnificent people. When it was over, the clatter of coaches and the throng of fine ladies made her stare. CARRIE WAS AN APT STUDENT of fortune’s ways-of for Time’s superficialities. Seeing a thing, she would immediately set to inquiring how she would look, properly rated to it.

Be it known that this is not fine feeling, it is Not wisdom. The greatest minds are not so afflicted; and On the contrary, the lowest order of mind is not so disturbed. Fine clothes to her were a vast persuasion; they spoke tenderly and Jesuitical for themselves. When she came within earshot of their pleading,desire in her bent a willing ear. The voice of the socalled inanimate!If we can say,then she falls in love with Hurstwood,maybe pursuits something in spirit which cannot get from Drouet who seeks the enjoy all day and only cares about himself.With the developing of the story,we can see Carrie going through some difficulties,eloping with Hurstwood.But at last,in New York,Carrie became an actress by chance and turned out to be one of New York"s most popular actresses.Nevertheless,she was not quite happy but felt lonely and void.To the result,I am thinking,maybe this is inevitable.This is the fate in that society.

In the novel,too much gave me a deeply impression,especially the enormous change of Hurstwood.From the manager of a saloon to a beggary,Hurstwood had stolen money from the safe in order to elope with Carrie,but finally committed suicide.What is the reason,who is wrong.Perhaps nobody knows,we cannot say Carrie or his families leading to this.Maybe this is the so-called destiny.But still seems to some deceiving ourselves.

Let us have a look at the other people,the families of the Hurstwood,his wife and daughter,only love the vanity and seek the pleasure.They are cold and selfish.We cannot find the happiness that belongs to a family,Hurstwood cannot feel the warmAnother person,Drouet, He loved fine clothes, good eating, and particularly the company and acquaintanceship of successful men.He has vanity and ambition. He might suffer the least rudimentary twinge of conscience in whatever he did, and in just so far he was evil and sinning.He also loves women. Drouet had a habit, characteristic of his kind, of looking after stylishly dressed or pretty women on the street and remarking upon them. He had just enough of the feminine love of dress to be a good judge-not of intellect, but of clothes.

He saw how they set their little feet, how they carried their chins, with what grace ands sinuosity they swung their bodies. A dainty, self-conscious swaying of the hips by a woman was to him as alluring as the glint of red wine to a toper. He would turn and follow the disappearing vision with his eyes. he would thrill as a child with the unhindered passion that was in him. He loves the thing that women love in themselves, grace. At this their own shrine, he Knelt with them, an ardent devotee.He lost the higher dreame.

No matter the result of these people is good or bad,I will feel sorry for them.They are the sacrifices of the society.We cannot only regard these as the destiny.Something else has led these.Of course, we also cannot say it is the fault of the developmental society.Maybe what we can do is keep ourselves with our best.



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"Hamlet " of Shakespear is a classical representative work. This book certainly does not have the big difference in the superficial plot with the historical fable,spoke or the Danish prince the story which revenged for the father,in which fills the rank smell of blood violence and dies.Just like the dramatis personae Horatio said:" you may hear to to rape massacre,the unusual repair behavior,the dark center decision,accidental slaughter,borrows the hand murder , as well as falls into suicide result."

Windingly elects the plot,tightly centers on the revenge to launch. Hamlet Wittenberg hurries back the home in a hurry from Germany,is attends his fathers funeral,enables him to accept,he not catches up with fathers funeral,actually witnessed the mother and the Uncle Claudius wedding ceremony, this had caused Hamm the Wright suspicion at the heart,added night above meets in the royal palace castle with fathers ghost, the ghost sorrow sued, this pile atrocity was Uncle Hamlet the behavior,and wanted him to revenge for the father.To this, he started the difficult revenge course,launched the life and death contest with Claudius.Finally,sent out sword the revenge to Claudius

Hamlet is a man with contradictory,he had many chances to kill Claudius,but he hesitated,which reflects the religious thought poisons.



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During winter vacation I read "gullivers travels", the book read the interesting and thrilling story, as if really put me into the world of what gullivers travels.

The protagonist of the book gulliver is a people who love to travel, he is eager to travel around the world, almost every corner of the world. Perhaps his fearless spirit, let us also revealed to the peculiar four countries.

Make me the deepest impression is "Lilliput and brobdingnag". The made of pu, although residents are generally the size of the palm of your hand, but they are very diligent and intelligent. Gulliver made a number of force for the country, and finally by the court in impeachment, was forced to leave the country. From a certain Angle it reflected the at that time the British government is dim, and so on. In brobdingnag, gulliver and look up human small dwarf point of view, to satirize some human of some bad habits.

In the hui HSS Ma Guozhong, gulliver met with kindness, honesty and friendship virtue hui HSS horse. In the language of hui HSS countries did not "lie" and "deceit" this word, they dont know what is "suspect", what is a "no confidence", in their country everything is true, transparent, is a place where peoples pursuit and yearning. Here, you dont need to consider others speak of true and false, because they dont know what is lying. I want to go to the better place! I hope we can in our social efforts of generations, be like hui from country society!

The novel really paint a picture of gulliver travel, at the same time, let me see the bright side of society and the dark side.








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"Notre Dame de Paris" is the famous 19th century French writer Victor Hugos masterpiece. 15th century novel about the bizarre life of Paris, compared with the way the author depicts a group of distinctive character of a lively, very artistic appeal of the characters to disputes between the complicated contradictions and tragic fate of a rich complex analysis of the human world.

First of all the images is a group of Gypsy girl Esmeralda and Qiaozhong more people Kaxi Mo. 16-year-old Esmeralda beauty, pure good and Nenggeshanwu, but in society at that time, such as a flower of life is extremely conservative in the decadent forces of destruction of the church under a pity to Yunmie. 20-year-old Ka Ximo more appearance Qichou very serious disability so that he came to the world it was the first family, and then the whole community is abandoned. But the ugly appearance, he has a beautiful purity of the soul, and his innocence doped slightest impurity love guarding Esmeralda, trying to make her away from all harm. Can be a powerful social prejudice and the forces of evil before, the power of the individual is insignificant, the intrepid Kaxi Mo, the last and only choice Xunqing outcome of this tragedy. The two entangled with the main character has a tragic background, appearance on the great contrast can not hide their total innocence of the kind-hearted nature, such perfection in their nature to the United States and the shining, the other characters in the novel are exposed despicable Nature.

Notre Dame also Frola Fu Zhujiao in love with the beautiful Esmeralda, but he and Kaxi Mo has a number of poles apart from love, Fu Luoluo the sacred cloak of religious halo, Daomaoanran, because of heart Conflict can not become distorted until the soul, full of evil to destroy the ultimate destruction of the Esmeralda, also destroying their own. Hugos attitude to Beitianminren profound analysis of the figures this dark twisted soul. The other two characteristics figures, only one is a gorgeous appearance, but a pack of rotten heart of the Fu Bisi Rang captain - a rough, shallow, the Playboy, he played extremely bad means of a Chiqing love Ismaila Of the other person is Georgia Lang ancient poet Lapo Wolfowitz, a Gouqietousheng the cracks in the guy, in order to survive can be abandoned love and abandon the dignity and abandon the responsibility of the authors of these two figures about the same despicable and full of sarcasm.

This novel not only from the humanitarian community to expose the dark at the time of the essence, tell us a lot more profound truth of life: First of all, a persons appearance does not decide everything. Heart than appearance before playing a more important role. People can not chase looks over the United States, the soul of our life is pure and sincere need to have. Similarly, a person must also measure the intrinsic quality of his departure, not Yimaoquren. Because of the ugly appearance, it may be hidden in a fiery pure soul; handsome beautiful face, may also buried the Wochuo disgraceful, despicable distortion of peoples minds. This is, in the novel who has been alive to do the example. Their results, but also to our warning. Secondly, people living in the world, there must be a positive life ideals, goals, not yielding to Langdang abandoned, at any time, should have human dignity, to clear its mandate. Can not indulge themselves were the responsibility of the dirty soul. Finally, we learn to cherish the feelings between people: family, friendship, love…… respect for everyone around, and so do not let these wonderful life after the passing away of the bright spots regret. These, in the story who are showing us a thought-provoking negative tragic consequences.

Finally, Hugo on the scene Xiabi qualities momentum, the figures describing the delicate place, sophisticated analogy, the best description of the details of the capture, gave novel grace, and the other people reading and cheered. These practices can also learn from our usual in writing, so that the articles more!



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"Float", is my favorite book. Like Scarlett is brave and strong, like the quick Ruite decisive, an hand in a velvet glove like Melanie.


Scarlett for the people, my feeling is contradictory, is hate but had to admire her. She is a very individual character, the two men love her lifetime, but she did not know one. If you know her Ainslie, that she would not love him; if she understood Rhett, she would not lose him. She had been longing, she just kept pursuing his dream of the prince ashley. She is his love of the characteristics that there Ainslie, she just did a gorgeous clothes, so put on Ainslie, and then fell in love with him. The truth is, she just loved that dress.


For her, I have to admire, admire her strong, admire her dedication to the land, to admire her down before in that environment education to work in the field, regardless of the world to admire her remarks and start his own business. She lives a few soul, she is a mother. His mother is a very capable, gentle typical lady, she is the most admirable people. However, in order to save the mother was infected typhoid, died. Another, is her most loved for over ten years and Ashley. She can stand up in the face of adversity, there is a big part of the reason is that ashley. She was exceptionally dedicated to him. Another, is Melanie. In the many years of struggling together, Melanie has become an indispensable part of her life..




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Written in the first chapter of the book Pride and Prejudice is an extraordinary sentence of which even a person who has had only a brief look upon the book will not fail to receive a deep impression-It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. In terms of Sherlock Holmes, we’d better alter the sentence into “It is a fact universally accepted by readers throughout the world that an excellent book in possession of our famous detective Sherlock Holmes is undoubtedly a masterpiece of all times.” Perhaps this is one of the most obvious explanations for the unrivaled popularity of “Holmes series” in the field of detective stories. Overwhelmed by the recommendations provided by my friends, I decided to take a look on this Sherlock Holmes and the Duke’s Son originally published by Oxford University Press.

As a whole, this book is about a case concerning the Duke’s missing son. Arthur, the Duke’s son, was found out in a certain morning to have disappeared, accompanied with which was also the disappearance of the German teacher. The school master Dr. Huxtable then turned to the famous detective of the time Sherlock Holmes for help. Realizing how tough and important the case is, Holmes immediately made up his mind to accept the case and followed Dr. Huxtable back to Mackleton by train. Having formed a rough idea about the whole matter, Holmes probed into the case immediately and had a careful investigation of the entire area shortly after the arrival, during the process of which he discovered the body of the German teacher Heidegger. Finally, primarily due to his prominent ability as a detective, he managed to unravel the mystery and obtained the twelve thousand pounds promised by the Duke.

Having once started reading this fiction, I was completely immersed in the mysterious story presented by the book. As the saying goes, “Well begun, half done”. At the beginning of the story, just like many other detective stories, the author gives us a brief description of the condition by the words of a client. However, unlike other ones, this story first delineates the client’s strange behavior at length to indicate the severity of the incident in order to attract the readers to continue reading it. As is known to all, vivid depiction is essential to detective stories since it can help the readers understand each figure’s characteristics and visualize the scenes, thus making the story more authentic and attractive. Therefore, trying to present a “real world” to his readership, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, author of the original “Holmes series”, has skillfully arranged the plots of the whole story from the perspective of Dr. Watson, a character not so specialized in discovering the truth hidden behind the enigmatic happenings as Holmes but so loyal to Sherlock Homes as a friend that he always accompanies Holmes wherever he goes. In this way, he elaborately depicted every scene and character in the book, Apart from the special start, the ending of the whole story, being dramatic but reasonable, is certainly an outstanding one. After all, except the author himself, who knows that the Duke’s seemingly ordinary secretary is in fact the Duke’s bastard? In addition, who knows that the Duke actually has already been acquainted with the whole thing before Holmes solves this complicated problem? Yet, surprising as it is, this ending seems so natural that it fits all the plots of the story perfectly well. While enjoying this wonderful story, I could do nothing but admire the wonderful design of this masterpiece as well as the author’s gorgeous writing skill. Closing my eyes, I can even “see” the story happening just like watching a film. Not until then did I understand why the Japanese cartoon film Detective Conan used this “Conan” as the name of its hero.

As far as I am concerned, nothing is more admirable and surprising in the hero Sherlock Homes than his profound knowledge which has certainly assisted him a lot when he was studying the case. Take the bicycle tyres for instance, Holmes actually is capable of recognizing 42 different varieties of bicycle tyres. What’s more, according to his other stories, Holmes has studied different kinds of newspapers, cigarettes, people’s footprints and other special things as well. Therefore, he seems to have the mastery of anything relevant to the cases he deals with. Except for his illimitable knowledge, Holmes also specializes in arranging the facts in order and then finding the fact leading him to a great discovery or even the truth itself. From his speaking “Every mystery has an answer”, we can readily shape the impression of a man with great intelligence and inflexible will. In this case, after getting rid of unrelated facts, Sherlock Homes eventually grasped the clue and discovered the amazing fact.

Needless to say, as a world-renowned masterpiece, Sherlock Holmes and the Duke’s Son has attracted and is still charming numerous readers from all corners of the world and people from all walks of life. The “Holmes series” has already set up a standard against which all the following detective fictions are measured. Sherlock Holmes, beyond all doubt, has become a name firmly rooted in people’s memories. Although Dr. Watson’s closing The Case Book of Sherlock Holmes in 1927 was a great pity to the readers, the discontinuance of the entire “Holmes series” may have actually added to the legendary stature of Sherlock Holmes.




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then man treat GREat event in ones life with punishing, Demonstrate different attitudes to the love question of the marriage of young girl of the family origin of middle class of villages and towns, Thus reflected authors oneselfs marriage view: It is wrong to get married for the property, money and position; Get married and does not consider that above-mentioned factors are unwise too .

So, she objects to getting married for money , objecting to regarding the marriage as a trifling matter . She emphasizes the importance of the ideal marriage , and regard men and womens emotion as the foundation stone which concludes the ideal marriage.

the woman protagonist in the book Elizabeth comes from the little landlords family, reaches the west to have deep love for for the rich and powerful people sons and younger brothers. Reach the disparity of ignoring family status and wealth of the west, propose to her, but is refused. Elizabeths misunderstanding and prejudice to him are a reason, but a main one is the arrogance that she dislikes him.

Reach the thes of the west in fact status the reflections of difference, exist this kind arrogant, Not having common thoughts and feelings between he and Elizabeth, the marriage that can not have lofty ideals . Elizabeth watches conducting oneself in society and a series of behavior of reaching the west personally afterwards, See he change the proud conceited expressions of passing by, dispel misunderstanding and prejudice to him, Thus concluded the happy marriage with him.




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Duckling , once again to the cygnet when one was young what experience sobs, feel sincere being glad to marvelous change of ugly duckling , just start a loving heart to self ugly child but feel to the ugly duckling mother. Ugly duckling in culture is bitten by the duck , the group is pecked at by chicken, that woman servant person the poultry farm is kept watch on kicks, suffer hardships within winter. But, he had better been thinking of a heart being thankful all the time: Oh, thank God! I be so ugly as to even hunting dog not have bitten me! ; And, he is to be full of hope"s all the time: I go up to think that I still go to the extensive world well . I need to fly to them , fly to these elitist bird ! Behind reason why , setback having suffered innumerable time in him, he finally has become a swan from ugly duckling: But he is that are one clumsy no longer, Oxford gray"s , the duck both ugly and make people dislike that, be one swan ! Thereupon, I have known: Face the setback that self suffers, we ought to have a heart being thankful to thank parents having given birth to us , thank nature giving us the chance existing down; We ought to all the time be full of hope that we need to firmly believe that the setback is temporary , the road is circuitous , future is bright, always have the bright spring day a sheet of to belong to us! Be considerate, I think of: We face the people who suffers reverses in course of , are still anybody disregarding the colleague who is us , our student,we do not ought to go to bite ugly duckling like the duck , not ought to go to peck ugly duckling like chicken , not ought to go and kick ugly duckling, but be to ought to believe in like the poultry farm woman servant people , he also will be as so young , so good looking  as self one day!


After reading the ugly duckling this article, I know the can"t judge a book by its cover, can"t laugh at others.

Although some people childhood long ugly, but her good heart, wisdom, and can grow up to be a beautiful white swan. Some people childhood long quite beautiful, like a princess, but her heart malice, love to laugh at other people, wait until a day, she will be a friend also have no, the longer the ugly, childhood white swan will also become the ugly duckling.

The appearance of beauty and ugliness is only a small part of life.

I think that although this article of the ugly duckling no faith, but it is still very b, it knows that long very ugly, it know friends don"t like it, but it does not want to: since I long that ugly, since the friends all don"t like me, I live in the world still have what use! If I were in the article the ugly duckling, those little duck, the dog and the cat to laugh at me, I will say unto them : although I am ugly, but I"m good heart, a b, there will always be those who like me.

We want to XiangWenZhang backwater of learning, no matter what others say, you have to be b, don"t give up, we also a reason to know a man"s tenth lies not in the physical appearance, beautiful truth in having a pure mind.



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Despite I’ve not in my childhood yet, I still prefer reading fairy-tale stories. The tales, which accompany with me in my old days, often make me think of some precious experience and sensation which only belong to children. This summer I’ve review this kind of tale, which was published in 1940. It’s the world-famous fairy-tale by the French author, Antoine de St-Exupery, The Little Prince.

As many other fairy-tales, the outline of The Little Prince is not very complex. “I”, the narrator of the story, is a pilot whose plane has something wrong and lands in the Sahara. In this occasion, the pilot makes the acquaintance of the little prince, a little boy from another planet, the Asteroid B612. The little prince has escaped from his tiny planet, because he has some quarrel with a rose, which grows on his planet. In that case he left his own planet and took an exploration at some neighbor asteroids.

On his all-alone journey, the little prince meets different kinds of people, which includes a king, a conceited man, a tippler, a businessman, a lamplighter and a geographer. From these people he gets a conclusion that the grown-ups are very odd. Following the instruction of the geographer, he descends in the Sahara, on the earth.

Traveling on the earth, the little prince, who sees a garden of five-thousand roses, is overcome with astonishment and sadness, as he considers his rose is unique in the universe before. At that time a fox appears. The fox, who tell the little prince about the meaning of the word “tame”, becomes his new friend. At the time to say farewell, the fox makes him know that his rose is unique because she is his rose and tamed by him. From that the little prince begins to treasure friendship and be responsible to his rose.

At the anniversary day of his descent of the earth, rejecting the pilot’s advice, he goes back to his own planet by bite of a snake. “It’s too far. I can not carry this body with me. It’s too heavy.” he said. He tells his friend, the pilot, he must be responsible for his rose, so he has to go back. At the end the author doesn’t tell us the ending directly. Maybe it’s more significant for us to imagine, and for more, think over.

One of the important characters is the rose. Growing on the planet, she is very beautiful, but her coquetry and vanity suffer the little prince a lot. In spite of they love each other, he soon becomes unhappy. On the time of his departure, he just knows she certainly loves him. The character of the little prince actually represents the children, and their native thoughts and deeds. On the contrary, the inhabitants on the other planets, such as the king, the businessman and the conceited man, they also reflect the defects in the grown-up’s world. The real theme of this fairy-tale with a little sadness, I guess, is the consequence of pure love and friendship in our lives, but not others “matters of consequence” of the grown-ups.



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Little Women

Before I read this book, I had watched a cartoon movie made by Japan. So I have a strong interest on it.

It all begins in the dead of winter; The Christmas Season. The coldest one of all, were the war has made fuel for heating very scarce. While her husband is off at war, Marmee is left alone to raise their four daughters: Jo, Meg, Beth, and Amy.

On Christmas Eve, Marmee has just arrived home from passing out food to the less fortunate with a letter from her husband, the girls father. The all gather together around the fire to read the letter. Afterwards, the girls are teary eyed. Marmee kisses them and they are off to bed.

Jo is longing to become a writer. So, every night she stays up late writing the script for soap operas. As morning comes she is the last one awake. The table is set, and food prepared for their Christmas feast.

As dusk falls, the girls are all up in the attic acting out Jos play, which she reads from the local (fake) newspaper. As they are performing, their rich, next-door neighbors grandson watches from the window.

The 2 oldest girls: Jo and Meg, get ready to attend the Christmas Ball. While Jo is curling Megs hair, there is a strange smell to the air. Amy screams, Megs hair is being singed. They continue digging through the old clothes bin for a pair of white gloves.

One of the prominent themes in Little Women is the coming of age or maturation of the girls. During the course of the novel we see them grow in many ways -- physically, intellectually, and especially emotionally. One question which readers must ask themselves is whether the views the characters have on the coming of age process are shared by Alcott. If they arent, what are Alcotts views and how do they differ from those of the women in her story?

It is interesting to examine the last half of Chapter 20, "Confidential." Jo addresses the maturation issue as she speaks with Marmee of the situation between Meg and Mr. Brooke. The possible love between these two represents one of the very important aspects in coming of age for a teenage girl. Jo treats this natural process as if it were some sort of disease, however. Jo cannot understand why Meg would want to stop behaving "like a sensible creature" (p.202), and refers to love as "such nonsense."



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The first time I saw the title of the film, the Joy Luck Club, I thought that it would be a film filed with joy, luck and happiness. However, out of my expectation, in the film, I saw many unpleasant thingsconflicts, hardship, disappointment, sorrow, hurt, torture etc. Of course there were some moving parts, and fortunately, it was a happy ending. Anyway, I enjoyed it very much. It made me have a penetrating thinking.

The Joy Luck Club tells about the conflicts between Chinese immigrant mothers and their American-raised daughters and their struggling to understand each other. The film shows us these topics: the misunderstanding of love between the mothers and the daughters, the clash between the generations and cultures, and the struggle for the women to fight for equity. Now I am going to show you my understanding of them, emphasizing on the first topic.

In many cases, we and those we love are easy to hurt each other because of the misunderstanding of love, the conflicts in generations and culture background, or unconsciousness.

Take Jingmei and her mother Suyuan as an example. When Suyuan demands the little Jingmei to play piano, Jingmei shouts to her mother, You can’t make me! Even Jingmei cried that she wish she isn’t Suyuan’s daughter and Suyuan isn’t her mother, and that she wishes she were the dead like the babies Suyuan abandoned in China. The sad expression on Suyuan’s face indicates that she is hurt deeply by her daughter’s innocent words.

This reminds me of my similar experience. Once I hurt my mother as Jingmei did. I didn’t mean to hurt her, but those wounding words just slip out of my mouth unconsciously. Often, we hate that why our parents don’t know my feelings, why they like to make us be something and totally unaware that what their children are. While the parents don’t know why all their sacrifices to the children can’t be paid off, even incite hatred. Actually, this is the generation gap that causes the misunderstanding. We don’t know the hardship our parents underwent before. They can’t understand what we are thinking. So misunderstandings appear.

Maybe as a child, Jingmei cannot comprehend what her remarks mean to Suyuan, and just want to show her grudge. But another main reason is the different backgrounds of Suyuan and Jingmei bare. Chinese parents always like to put all their hopes on the next generation for they are the generation full with hardship and pain. All they do just want the children to be better, but they ignore that whether their children can accept or not, not along a child born in America, influenced by the American’s individual freedom and knowing little about Chinese culture. The generation gap and culture conflict cause the misunderstanding of the mother and the daughter.

The other example is Waverly and her mother Lindo. Waverly tries her best to please Lindo in everything. Whether her mother approves or not becomes the master of all her choice. Even Waverly marries a Chinese man because Lindo likes Chinese, while she doesn’t love. Waverly doesn’t understand why Lindo disapprove or criticize whatever she has done. On the other side, Lindo thinks that her daughter is ashamed of her, which is her continual internal injury after Waverly’s winning that chess contest, when Waverly shouted to Lindo if Lindo wanted to show off, won the chest by herself. Every time, Lindo’s disagreement with or indifference to Waverly directly results from the thought that Waverly feels it shameful to be her daughter. Both of them deeply love each other, but in the meantime, they hostile and hurt one another. This is the way them get along with each other. Fortunately, they clear up their misunderstandings and discover themselves by communicating.

I am deeply moved by this scene:

Waverly Jong says to Lindo, sobbing,, You don"t know, you don"t know the power you have over me. One word from you, one look, and I"m four years old again, crying myself to sleep, because nothing I do can ever, ever please you. And after a short period of silence, Lindo smiles to Waverly with tears in her eyes, Now, you make me happy. Then they laugh heartily, teary-eyed with happiness.

Seeing the old Lindo bursts out laughing, like a child, and Waverly laughs joyfully, I sincerely feel delighted for them. Love needs communicating, understanding, and tolerance, which is what I learn from them.

Along with above mentioned, the struggle for the women to fight for equity is also brought to the surface. For instance, Ying-ying encourages her daughter Lena to escape an unhappy marriage, not repeating the same mistakes she made in her first marriage. And An-mei tells her daughter Rose to learn to shout at the unfair fate, and express her own will because Rose has lost herself in her marriage. These two cases reveal that the women begin to release themselves from the restrains of being oppressed by the men and the old-fashioned thoughts as well as some Chinese traditional characters. Eventually, the women find their true value and win their own happiness.

View from the whole film, the title, the Joy Luck Club may just be the old generation’s hope of better life for the next generation. On the whole, this is a movie made specifically for women. It is worth our appreciation.



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The protagonist in the secret garden called Marie a mediocre appearance. Irascibility。 Everyone tired of the little girl, but her life is very unfortunate, in a plague, the plague killed by mom and Dad, Marie only one person, therefore, Marie became a lonely and helpless orphans.

Finally, by her uncle shelter, Marie found in a large hall, there is a secret of the abandoned garden, even find the door to. Marie had no intention of unwittingly digging the key of the garden out of the earth and finding the hidden door in the secret garden. The capricious little girl fell in love with the garden and met many good friends. They were playing and playing in the garden, watching all kinds of grass grow out of the ground, just like what was enchanted. A garden full of roses, gentian, delphinium, and bell like the lily of the valley; animal; foxes, squirrels, crow and Robin red breast. Everything thrived in the sun, and Marie and her companions removed all the unpleasant bad things and grew into beautiful girls and strong young men. They owe all this to the magic of nature.

Listen to the melody of nature in the childrens story, like layers of clouds, find your own secret garden, everyone has a secret garden, the garden with many beautiful flowers in full bloom, the flowers bloom in the depths of your heart, waiting for you to see light suddenly, until you see these wonderful Secret Garden, you will find that nature is full of fun like a garden colorful. Nature is taking the love in our heart, bathed in the brilliant sunshine, let us enjoy the magical world of nature with touching tears, and set foot on the clouds, watching the beauty of the rainbow.



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Fortress besieged is indeed a good book, read it every time I will have a new feeling, a good book does make me in the busy work, study and life there is a piece of leisure time, let oneself alleviate fatigue, make the person be free on the mind.

Great what great? Because, you is kneeling to see their, you kneeling, others naturally tall than you, because you just want to when a draw is not a creator, so the author stood in a certain height, overlooking the life openly revealed the weakness of human nature, the authenticity of life, and lived to tear apart and show, give a person with deep shock and enlightenment ideas.

As a student, marriage is not I should go to the topic of discussion. Fortress besieged is telling us what is the real life. Everyone from the day began to pursue his sensible think the ideal love, when it comes to getting the and are looking for an ideal marriage for love, but few people really do it all. In fact, life has taught us a rule: marriage is random! Marriage is like a siege, some people want to go in, inside people want to come out! When love is eroded by years, become a part of life, the love has been sublimated to the family.






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A few days ago, I finished reading "Robinson Crusoe" this brilliant novel, the image of a tall, always emerge in front of my eyes, he is brave explorer, navigator Robinson. He by tenacious perseverance, the spirit of never give up, to realize their dream of sailing. In particular, his spirit of never give up inspired me deeply

"Robinson Crusoe", is the main content; A little boy named Robinsons fascination with navigation very, he especially fond of adventure. Opposition from parents, but Robinson in left home at the age of 19, he started his career of navigation. But his fantasy and vision of navigation was washed away by the storm, he met the beach. Lucky is, however, he was huge waves sent to a deserted island. From then on, oneself start work self-reliance, Robinson created a piece of his own heaven and earth.

I have to admit that his weak and incompetent. From born to back schoolbag, parents, school laid for us in the way of growth. I feel at ease in the flat avenue passed year after year, no one. In fact, I dont chew the bitterness of life, I was in the sugar water bubble. In the happiness, however I didnt realize can eat satisfied wear warm, back schoolbag go to school, every day to accept the love of people, attention is a kind of great happiness.

After watching "Robinson Crusoe" this book, let me with emotion. We need to have that Robinson of the spirit of hard struggle. Learning about everything he didnt give up his spirit. Our study also is same, have to believe in yourself have the ability to learn every subject well, so that in the learning process will have a dynamic constantly prompted us forward. At the same time, must also do a good job in every thing done to extract.

"Robinson Crusoe", showed me the confidence, Robinson self-reliance, self-esteem, self-improvement, never satisfied, unwilling mediocre spirit; Tell me: Robinson on their own honesty, kindness, wisdom and perseverance, to create, to develop. His spirit is worth us to learn. Also time to inspire me forward.








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The Old Man and the Sea is one of Hemingways most enduring works and may very well become one of the true classics of this generation. It played a great part in his winning the Pulizer Prize in 1953 and the 1954 Novel Prize for Literature and confirmed his power and presence in the literary world. Hemingway is also one of my favorite writers. Besides The Old Man And the Sea, I have read some of his other works, such as The Sun Also Rises, A Farewell to Arms and The Snow of Kilimanijaro. But The Old Man and the Sea is the one that left the deepest impression on me.

I first read this book when I was in my fifteens. And now I remember it just as well as if I had read it yesterday.


On summer vacation of this year, I studied in novel " old man and sea " of Hemingway , famous writer of U.S.A. ,. I admire the old fishermans will in the novel very much, he lets me understand that a person must have unremitting spirit, could succeed . What the novel is described is an old fisherman almost the sixty years old, when go to sea and fish alone once, have angled to a big fish, but can not draw. After tough fisherman and fish have socialized for a few days, just find this is a big Malins fish which exceeds several times of ones own fishing boat, though know perfectly well that it is very difficult to win , does not give up yet. Because big Malin fish fishlike smell of wound attract odd herds of shark vie for the food again later, but the old man is still unwilling to give up like this, stress the tight encirclement finally , take the large fish back to fishing port , let other fishmen admire it endlessly. The old fisherman thinks that as I read ": It is really too close from here to coast, perhaps there are bigger fish in the farther place ……" When,admire very much because this old fisherman in the persons, because play not for some fishing he already at this moment I, but he is not satisfied with the existing state of affairs , but advance towards greater goal. Seeing us again, meet some little difficulties at ordinary times , all of us complain bitterly. We are the future of the motherland, should be as ambitious as this old man, go to pursue well , greater goal. Read as me " big Malin fish is it enclose light fishing boat move about , is it get mast to twine cable fast to begin, old man right hand hold steel fork high , jump out in a flash , affording to try ones best above water in it, a sound of wail has finished the life of the loud fish, it floats on the surface of water silently ……"When,the I one heart is too fall like pieces of stone not big. I admire that kind of fearing of the old man at all , unremitting spirit very much, though know rivals strength is very strong , but he has not shrunk back at all , meets the difficulty. Just because there is this kind of spirit, the old fisherman has obtained the victory of the trial of strength of this life and death. We should study the old fishermans spirit too in life, do the thing and is not afraid of the difficulty , could achieve success . Read big blood offensive smell of fish smell one shark , fall over each other to visit to vie for the food, left hand of old man pull a muscle just, he can only use right hand, can weapon attacked to used for defend oneself with stick , mouth of swordfish that catch everything, and has driven away this herd of shark finally. But big meat of fish take into big half already, but old man criticize ones own left hand " when the work this when have a rest " humorously also, I am subdued by old mans optimistic spirit too. In life, some losses are unavoidable, we should treat the optimistic attitude , cant worry about petty gain or loss . Finally, the novel sees with a teenager that old fisherman has 18 feet of big long Malins fish totally in the tolerance , the ones that have described this fish are enormous again, prove that old fishermans difficulty overcome is big, than ordinary. Old fishermans spirit that makes great efforts to struggle fearless of danger and difficulty that the novel has been extolled, we should be like him too, can t be satisfied with the current situation , should be positive upwards, it should be unremitting to do anything, it must not give up halfway to meeting difficulty should meet the difficulty. Only in this way, we could obtain greater success and victory .








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