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In our daily life, we can learn something from some cases. However, from my

point of view, I think that it is essential for us to know ourselves in a right

way. People who have a full awareness of the importance to improve themselves

will discover themselves continuously. Therefore, we can say that if we want to

change ourselves, we must bravely reveal ourselves.

Every coin has two sides, and we are no exception. When we experience some

situations, we will find that there are many advantages of us. Thus, we can have

a huge sense of satisfaction. We may have a little pride, because we are happy

that we can make good use of our advantages to solve more difficult problems in

the future. However, at the same time, we also can realize that there are still

some disadvantages of us. These disadvantages will bring us different

influences. I’d like to point out that people who can bravely accept and remove

their disadvantages will gain a bright future. On the contrary, people who

choose escape or ignorance their disadvantages will indulge themselves, and they

no further progress.

Don’t indulge yourself. If we indulge ourselves, we will meet more terrible

suffering in our later life. I know that when we find our weakness, we may say

that I will never do that again, and regret doing so meaningless thing. I am

such a fool. But when we meet similar situations next time, we will still tell

ourselves that it doesn’t matter that I do it again. Then we will indulge

ourselves to expand our disadvantages. It shows that some people who have no own

principle will fail to realize their promises. When we can overcome our

laziness, we will understand that solving some problems may be not so difficult.

Therefore, we should try our best to control ourselves to pursue higher


There are no any excuses to indulge yourself. We should tell ourselves that

we are capable to overcome our weakness, though it needs much time. However, if

we succeed once, then we will be successful again. Last, we don’t indulge

ourselves. We will become more complete.

Everyone can take actions to improve themselves. Don’t indulge yourself. If

you succeed, you will acquire a huge wealth, and your life will become more





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Qingming Festival, is one of the 24 solar terms, is Chinas thousands of years of traditional festivals, I think, in each persons heart, it has a different meaning. Its origins are quite afford much food for thought.


The Qingming Festival is associated with the spring and Autumn Annals chonger. One ear, the ribs are linked together, one eye in two eyes. The civil strife, Wu and his son in exile. Who killed the prince - Wu Jin Hui Gong, more rude to him, he had to take the Huyan, fox fur, Jie et al to Qi, on the way to one of the princes due to days of eating weeds, disease, be at ones last gasp, but in the wild hills where the doctor? In order to his master, the muon push to cut a piece of thigh meat fire off the soup, broth gave Chonger, his disease.


He went to Qin, Qin Mugong help next time in the Jin Jin, after the establishment of Jin State, his meritorious official seal, someone told him that the broth is muon push meat, that he forgot to give demonstration of the muon push. So he regrets that he forgot to muon push email, but now six of the book is done, he went to please muon push an official, who knows the meson pushes in Mianshan, Wen did not forget, then went Mianshan to please him, but I could not find him.


Someone out of a bad idea: burning mountain will him out. But Jie Zitui and mother is not out, then two people holding the two old tree willow. Wen Gongs life at her mourning, ordered the muon push, to rename the Mianshan medium mountain, stipulated every year on this day the no fire, and must be inserted Liu, also named April 5th as the Qingming Festival, also known as.


In two thousand years, we the Chinese people attach great importance to this holiday, during the Ching Ming Festival this day every family does not get angry, just eat some vegetables such as green or the next day. Recently, our country had made it a statutory holiday. Give people time to worship ancestors, sweep the tombs, outing.


The Qingming Festival, marked by a tradition for thousands of years in China, shows that the Chinese people is the sense of obligation, the feelings of the Chinese people did not forget, grace.



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Another new term comes again,so i should have a study plan to promot


Firstly,i descide to finish my homework more carefully than before.And pay

more attention to the knowledge which i didnt know it clearly.

Secondly,i will do a lot of read to widen the range of my knowledge.and try

to combine thoery to practice.

Finally,i will learn to adjust, to be more positive and more helpful.

Thats what i plant to do in a new term.



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1、 鲜花祭故人,春雨现哀思。


3、 平安清明,安全第一

4、 防范没有终点、预防贵在坚持。

5、 清明祭奠先人,不忘环保消防。

6、 清明节泪花飞,祭奠香炉烟雨忙。手捧礼花献英雄,焚烧断魂燃灵堂。

7、 我邀天弓发雪箭,千丈白绫祭亡魂。

8、 清明节寄哀思,鲜花一朵告天知。

9、 森林有限要靠大家珍惜、野火无情需防患于未然。

10、 鲜花祭故人,思念之意存于心。莫把纸来焚,环保健康文明人。

11、 烧香烧纸皆陋习,文明祭祀应牢记。

12、 提倡文明祭扫,杜绝上坟烧纸。

13、 节日上坟烧纸钱,烧毁森林多危险。

14、 上坟不烧纸,植树表哀思。

15、 确保森林资源安全,摒弃上坟烧纸陋习。

16、 上坟不烧纸,植树祭亲人。

17、 谁烧山、谁坐牢。

18、 强化火源管理、严防森林火灾。

19、 为了保护生态、严防森林火灾。

20、 进入林区、防火第一。

21、 烤火导致火烧山、造成火灾蹲大牢。

22、 时时注意森林防火、人人重视森林防火。

23、 情系家祖熊似火,此火非彼火;心念林木深似海,此海非彼海!

24、 入山不带烟、野外不吸烟。

25、 管好星星火、保住片片林。

26、 烧香烧纸祭先祖,森林防火记心间。

27、 上坟烧纸放鞭炮,引发山火罪难逃。

28、 防火保森林、利国又利民。

29、 无证用火章违犯、酿成火灾要法办。

30、 火灾是森林的大敌、麻痹是事故的隐患。

31、 造林一时、防火常事。

32、 要使青山常绿、防火不可麻痹。

33、 山火无情、请君当心。

34、 一点星星火、可毁万亩林。

35、 防火就是保生态环境、毁林就是毁生态环境。

36、 加强森林防火、保护森林资源。

37、 全民护林、人人防火。

38、 天冷草枯树叶黄、护林防火放心上。

39、 林火可防、重在宣传。

40、 严格防火措施、严防意外失火。

41、 星火酿大祸祸及绿色、防患须小心心系森林。

42、 林区不能火取乐、造成火灾罪不轻。

43、 警钟长鸣抓防范、联防群管保林安。

44、 注意森林防火、给您家人幸福。

45、 上坟烧纸慎用火、别因祭祖遭横祸。

46、 执行用火审批制度、确保森林防火安全。

47、 警钟常鸣、防火护林。

48、 加强森林防火、保护生态环境。

49、 造林多辛苦、防火要自觉。

50、 林区大事、防火第一。

51、 造林护林一世、火灾毁林一时。

52、 森林植被易燃烧、野外用火须谨慎。

53、 已在林区、请勿用火。

54、 乱烧一堆火、毁掉一片林。

55、 加强森林防火工作、建设生态休闲花园。

56、 森林防火责如天、常备不懈勿懈怠。

57、 用火凭侥幸、灾祸离你近。

58、 森林防火戒严区、禁止一切野外用火。

59、 预防为主、积极消灭。

60、 炼山开足防火带、从上烧下人须在。

61、 走进森林、认识环境、进入林区、防火第一。

62、 扫墓烧纸不提倡,引发山火徒悲伤。

63、 祭祀献花多文明,杜绝山火保森林。

64、 加强预防预报措施、提高防火灭火意识。

65、 护林光荣、毁林可耻。

66、 山田年年耕、防火天天讲。

67、 进入林区、注意防火。

68、 严防森林火灾、贵在严管火源。

69、 炼山要选阴天、桔杆勿烧山边。林区杜绝烟火、严防随意用火。

70、 山火无情人有情、森林防火保山青。

71. 倡导移风易俗,共建美好家园。

72. 清明扫墓 文明祭奠

73. 追忆亲人,寄托哀思!文明祭祀,平安清明!

74. 倡导文明祭祀,传播殡葬新风。

75. 洒洒沾巾雨,披披侧帽风;花燃山色里,柳卧水声中。

76. 绿色清明,文明祭祀


78. 清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂;借问酒家何处有,牧童遥指杏花村。

79. 清明正当今月夜,风光别我苦吟身。共君今夜不须睡,未到晓钟犹是春。

80. 每思祖国金汤固;常忆英雄铁甲寒。

81. 思亲莫让烟尘扰,鲜花一束慰先人。

82. 提倡廉洁为要,反对借机敛财。提倡文明为先,反对封建迷信。

83. 清明时节泪花飞,祭奠香炉烟雨忙。手捧礼花献英雄,焚烧断魂燃灵堂。

84. 国运昌隆,英雄胆壮;金瓯无恙,烈士心安。

85. 缅怀先人鲜花祭祀,骨灰植树回归自然。

86. 文明祭祀,防火保林!

















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When it comes to success, different people have different opinions about

what makes it come true. Some people regard hard-working as an essential quality

to success while others believe being clever would lead to success. From my

point of view, I think perseverance and hard-working are indispensable for those

who want to make an achievement.

Firstly, perseverance let people step closely towards success. Most people

want to make a big difference to prove their value. People who set their goal

and keep moving would make their dream come true. However, there are some people

who set their goal but they stop at the difficulty would fail in the end. I

think the difference between success and failure is perseverance. If we have

perseverance, even if we are not clever, we will make a great difference, but if

we not, we are doomed to lose. As we all know, Edison is a great inventor in the

world. However, before he invented the bulb, he kept trying for tens of

thousands of times to find a suitable wire. Let us imagine, if he gave up at the

999th, then how he couldn’t become so successful. So, I strongly believe that

perseverance produces success.

Secondly, there is also a kind of people who are born with cleverness, I

think they are lucky. Nevertheless, if they don’t make a hard work on their way

to their goal, they, absolutely, will become loser. Whether we are gifted for

intelligent, we must be hard-working so as to success. I regard hard-working as

an efficient approach to be successful because I believe ‘pains and gains’. As

for those who do not make great efforts on work, failure follows. In old times,

there is a clever boy who can make excellent poem when he can talk. When his

father found the little child’s cleverness, he just let the child make poems to

show around while never let the boy learned anything. When the boy grew up,

people forgot him because he lost the ability to compose poems and became

ordinary as others. From this matter, we can see that only by hard-working can

we get knowledge and make a good future.

Anyway, I think perseverance and hard-working are both important in our way

to success for they enhance us and produce success.



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Mothr’s Day is a holiday whn childrn honor thir mothrs with cards, gifts and

flowrs. In many countris, such as Dnmark, Finland, Italy, Turky, Australia and

th US, popl clbrat Mothr’s Day on th scond Sunday in May whil many othr countris

of th world clbrat thir own Mothr’s day at diffrnt tims through out th yar.

On of th bst ways to clbrat Mothr’s Day is to giv your mom th day off. Lt hr

rlax with th rst of th family doing all th houswork. Usually, dad and th kids

will lt mom slp lat that morning as thy go into th kitchn to prpar hr favourit

brakfast. Nvr forgt to plac a vas with a singl flowr on th tabl bsid th food. Th

kids can pick up th flowr from th gardn or buy on from th shop. Arrang vrything

nicly bfor mom waks up. Som familis will carry th food and mom’s favourit

sctions from th nwspapr to hr bdroom so that mom can hav brakfast in bd. Prsnts

and cards from th kids can b handd to mom by thmslvs or just placd on th dining


Aftr brakfast, go anywhr mom liks to go. Shopping, swimming or going on a

picnic in th gardn. Mak a spcial Mothr’s Day dinnr or tak mom out for a grat mal

in a famous rstaurant sh lovs most.

Anyway ,lt mom njoy th whol day and fl your lov, and thn th Mothr’s Day can b

a good on. As Mothr’s Day is around th cornr, it’s tim to tak actions!



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In my family, there are only three people, my parents and I. because of my

parents’ work, they could only have one child at that time, so I don’t have any

siblings. I felt so lonely when my parents went out for their work. Now the

government changed their policy, people can have the second child. But some

people refuse because they think they can’t afford it. Despite the expense,

there are many advantages to have the second child. For one thing, the only

child can have someone company, so they won’t feel lonely on the process of

growing up. For another thing, two kids will help each other, they can share

things together. Learning to share things is a very important lesson for

children. In Chinese tradition, more kids, more better, but I think two are

perfect for the family.



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The computer is a very useful machine. It is the most important invention

in many years. People use it widely today in many ways.

Most computers have memories. People can store information in them and take

it out at any time. Computers are getting smaller and smaller, and working

faster and faster.

Computer can do many kinds of work. Now in many large factories there are

very few people. Computers do most of the work. They really help a lot.



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Nowadays, smart phone has been part of our life. We can see people lowing

down their heads and playing smart phones all the time. When people are walking

on the street, the traffic regulations are no longer their first concern. It is

so dangerous for them to keep their attention on the phone. Dutch officers

figured out a new rule to let people realize the traffic lights. On the ground,

the traffic light can be seen. What a smart idea. When people are watching smart

phones, they can see the lights, too. At the same time, we need to think about

the problem that whether our life is controlled by the technology.



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April 23 is "World Book Day" announced by the UNESCO。 This is not a long history of the festival, from 1995 began. However, it has been widely welcomed and responded in the world: held in Copenhagen, Denmark reading marathon, Canadas Toronto Festival held in Canada…

When these popular cultures such as Pop music and Hollywood movies get quite prevailing today, people have not forgotten literature, the writers and reading.

Whether Reading is a funny thing, only love reading people know.

I study for many years, however, I know the sense of reading so little . Where fun of reading comes? There are four opinions put forward in this paper.

First, Reading is the treatment of depression governance magic.Immersed in books, what partiality, what desire fame and fortune, what lack a clear round, what fuel, what life 3,000 silk trouble, they all forget about.

Second, People in Libraries are often forget the time and forget to go home, that the study is not the intrinsic happiness? Some celebrities even held overnight in the library.

Third, We often see someone reading forget thirst. India, reading knowledge is the spirit of Canadian admirable. However, the morning watching a professor at the empty plates and ask ourselves: I eat the lunch? Oh. After eating, they continue schooling. Some people forget to study cooking and was good meal blame reprimanded.

Last, Reading the fastest time flies. Joy of reading, an unconsciously Influence past, the sun has not allowed Health attraction downhill whims.



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Today is September 10. It is TeachersDay.(英语作文) Xiao Hua has been ill in bed for more than a week. Her teacher comes to her home to give her lessons after school every day. In order to show their respect, Xiao Hua and her mother decide to give the teacher a present.They make a big red flower.

When the teacher arrives, Xiao Hua presents the flower to the teacher. She fastens it to the breast of her teacher s jacket, and says "Happy Teachers Day" to her. The teacher expresses her thanks and sets down to give her lessons. Xiao Huas mother pours a glass of water for the teacher and puts a lamp on the table.



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For most people, they will choose to travel during holiday because they

want to relieve themselves from the high pressure of work. However, it happens

quite often that people often ran into traffic jams on the way to travel. Some

people think that we can relax ourselves by traveling no matter of how many

people there.

Some people would rather to stay in home than going out to travel because

they think there are too many people swarm into the scenic spots. In my point of

view, I would rather to stay indoors rather than going out to travel. Reasons

are listed below.



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Whats your favoured job after your graduation? Whats your career plan

after working in a company? Both of the questions are related with university

students seeking jobs problems. Its very tough when confront with those

questions. As a junior/senior student,I would love to say something as


A part of students are aim too high.They always want to find easy and

comfortable jobs with high salary.But, they neglect they are just undergraduates

who lack of real experience in a company. Aim too high but lack of real

experience leads them to be frustrated:they cant find their suitable jobs and

are not interested low-salary jobs. Its a real situation in our current

society. The best solution is that our undergraduates should change their minds.

The new minds is that to be capable before getting high salary.

There is also a issue should be pay attention to. Some advertisements

say:"Only men available". Thats gender discrimination which couldnt be occured

in the modern society. With the development of our society,our women s ability

are also enhancing. Some women even can do some jobs which men couldnt do well.

It not easy to solve the gender discrimination.It needs our governments help,

our government should do some propaganda about gender eq equal and make some

rules for the companies.



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It goes without saying that english plays an important role in our modern

society. english is an international language. wherever you go, you can hear

english spoken by many people.

From this point of view, it is true that english is important to our daily

life. learning english is like learning to swim or learning to play ball. our

primary trouble is that we have tackled the study of language from the wrong

end. we are like theman who thinks he can learn to swim only by reading books

about swimming. in actuality, we learn by doing. the grammatical rules are

valuable as we plunge into the language and need some assistance. in the same

way, advanced instructions about swimming are helpful as we learn something from

actual experience in the water. but reading books never makes a swimmer and

learning rules never makes a practical linguist. the regular procedure in

learning english involves listening first, to be followed by speaking. then

comes reading, and finally the writing of the language. the way you learn

english is much the same as the way you learned your own language.

First of all you must listen and then repeat and repeat until you can use

the language easily. in other words, you have to build up language habits in

english just as you build up english habits in your own language. to sum up, we

must bear in mind that nobody can learn to swim for you. nobody can learn to

play ball for you. nobody can learn english for you. its up to you. you must

learn for yourself and you will learn if you really want to and are willing to




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People often say that gold and silver are the most valuable things in the


I dont think so. In my opinion, to read books is more valuable than

anything else.

The old saying “To open a book is always helpful” clearly tells us how good

it is to read a book.

Books are our friends. They introduce us different kinds of knowledge. They

lead us down the road to success.

Books are our teachers. They teach us troth, science, literature, and

philosophy of life. Besides, they increase our knowledge, enlarge our

experience,strengthen our character and do many other things which we can not do

without them.

Books tell us what is good and what is evil. And only books can tell the

good from the bad.

Therefore to read more books is the best policy for our young students.



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just had a disease, the motherland and we still love it!武汉只是生了一场病,祖国和我们依然爱它!


so many people sticking it out, why wouldnt we try.有这么多人都在坚守,我们有什么理由不去努力。


Clean hands with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub.用肥皂或者用含酒精的洗手液洗手。


Cover nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing with tissue or flexed



where there is epidemic, fight it till it perishes.疫情就是命令,防控就是责任。


Wuhan wins, Hubei wins. If Hubei wins, the whole country



lives is of paramount importance.生命重于泰山。


to the most beautiful retrograde! This is the role of medical workers! Come



viruses but not love, because love is the best bridge.隔离病毒但不隔离爱,因为爱是最好的桥梁。


epidemic is ruthless, and I believe that spring will always




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Knowledge can be acquired from many sources. These include books, teachers

and practical experience, and each has its own advantages. The knowledge we gain

from books and formal education enables us to learn about things that we have no

opportunity to experience in daily life. We can study all the places in the

world and learn from people we will never meet in our lifetime, just by reading

about them in books. We can also develop our analytical skills and learn how to

view and interpret the world around us in different ways. Furthermore, we can

learn from the past by reading books. In this way, we won’t repeat the mistakes

of others and can build on their achievements.

Practical experience, on the other hand, can give us more useful knowledge.

It is said that one learns best by doing, and I believe that this is true,

whether one is successful or not. In fact, I think making mistakes is the best

way to learn. Moreover, if one wants to make new advances, it is necessary to

act. Innovations do not come about through reading but through experimentation.

Finally, one can apply the skills and insights gained through the study of books

to practical experience, making an already meaningful experience more

meaningful. However, unless it is applied to real experiences, book knowledge

remains theoretical and, in the end, is useless. That is why I believe that

knowledge gained from practical experience is more important than that acquired

from books.



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dear bob,

i have found a place for you to live in. the room is on fangcao street, which is only one stop distant from jianxin chinese school. you can take no.11 bus there.

it’s a small fiat with a bedroom, a bathroom and a kitchen. and it is only 25 square meters. the rent is 500 yuan every month. in the bedroom, there is a sofa, a

bed, a chair and a desk. do you like it? if not, please tell me and i will find another room for you.


li hua



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Once man did not have to think about the protection of his environment。

There were few people on the earth, and natural resources seemed to be


Today things are different。 The world has bee too crowded。 We are using up

our natural resources,and polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals。 If

we continue to do this, human life on earth will not survive。

We realize that if too many fish are taken from the sea, there will soon be

none left。 Yet,with modern fishing methods, more and more fish are caught。We

know that if too many trees are cut down, forests will disappear。 Yet, we

continue to use powerful machines to cut down more and more trees。 We see that

if rivers are polluted with waste products, we will die。 Yet, waste products


still put into rivers。

We know that if the population continues to rise at the present rate, in a

few years, there wont be enough food。What can we do to solve these


If we eat more vegetables and less meat, there will be more food available。

Land for crops feeds five times more people than land where animals are


Our natural resources will last longer if we learn to recycie them。

The world population will not rise so quickly if people use modern methods

of birth control。

Finally, if we educate people to think about the problems we shall have a

better and cleaner planet in the future。



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Every year, my school holds sports meeting in about October, I am very

exciting about it, I can watch the wonderful game and don’t have class. My

school’s sports meeting lasts three days, the class is suspended, all the

students go to the play ground to watch the game. As an audience, I am so

nervous and yell out “come on” to my classmate, watching they get to the final

line, I am so proud of them. The part I like most is relay race, that is so

exciting, all the students yell loudly, the athletes chase one by one, nobody

can be sure who is the champion until the last minute. Sports meeting bring me

so many beautiful memories.



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There are big and small back, there are sad and reluctant. What moved me

most is the back of the angels in white in 2020.


The new year is coming In the past, the Spring Festival was full of bustle,

streets and alleys were full of people, supermarkets and vegetable farms were

even more crowded, people could hear peoples laughter in every corner.


Novel coronavirus came to our side light of heart from care and the

carefree holiday.


The novel coronavirus is named after a crown. He was like a proud and

ignorant king who locked people in his home and could not go out.


The wind knows the grass, the waves show the hero. Grandpa Zhong Nanshan

led the medical team to study drugs, and Grandma Li Lanjuan also made a great

contribution to the epidemic. If one side is in trouble, support from all sides.

Countless medical staff rushed to Wuhan from all directions to support when they

heard the news.


Whenever I see angels in white wearing 7 thick protective clothing in the

news, I want to say to them: Thank you, youve worked hard! In the airtight

protective clothing, the doctors are sweating profusely. They have little rest

time because they have to fight against the clock to take the patients life

back from death.


I hope the war will be over as soon as possible. Angels in white, you work

