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Today I saw an article called "everybody comes to the bend". The message is that the students will work together to protect the schools environmental health.

The environmental health of our school is not good enough. Although many students love the school very much, every day you can see many students in earnest service for schools, some pick up the garbage in the trash on the ground, some active hand at the broom sweeping the floor, and take the initiative to clean the blackboard......

But also some students could have done better in cleaning, including me, sometimes very throw rubbish casually, confetti, some classmates clearly see the floor with paper scraps, but them as invisible, this is not "ownership" of the spirit, also greatly affect the appearance of the school. Hope the students to act, "everyone to curved waist" activities, all be the master of the school, everyone starts from me, for us to make our campus environment clean and beautiful. Let people study in high quality environment so that they can get good grades.







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我们都生活在同一个地球纸上,低碳生活,让我们造就一个美好的家园。 We all live on the same earth paper, low -carbon life, let us create a beautiful home.










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Environmental protection is our era is full of controversy, but it is very important to protect the environment, how we can do environmental protection, how the most environmentally friendly, how to calculate the environmental protection, in the following, we will know.

Environmental protection refers to environmental protection. Environmental protection refers to the human beings to solve the real or potential problems, to coordinate the relationship between human and environment, to protect the sustainable development of economic society and take the action of the general term.

Now, in our life, the most serious environmental problems is the soil has been destroyed, climate change and energy waste. According to the reference news reported that the 110 countries can reduce the degree of arable land. In Africa, Asia and Latin America, the bare land has become vulnerable due to the disappearance of forest vegetation, the excessive exploitation of arable land and over grazing of pastures. The earth mother has become sallow and emaciated, please take good care of our mother earth. Some experts predicted that in the near future sea level will rise, many islands will be submerged.

How do we stop it? In fact, the protection of the environment is not as difficult as it is, as long as we start from the minor matter, will make the earth a new, for example: more use of environmental protection bags, as far as possible to avoid using plastic bags; as far as possible to take the bus, as much as possible to reduce vehicle emissions; usually more than walking, riding a bicycle, exercise and protect the environment...... In addition and many, many, as long as we start from the minor matter, every a little makes a mickle, will let the escheat of the earth before the appearance.

Let us fight for the future of the earth!









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We had a sports meeting last Friday. All of the students took an active part in it. Our class did very well in the sports meeting. The boys won the boys 400 metres, and the girls won the girls 200 metres.

I joined in the sports meeting, too. In the long jump, I won the second prize. But unluckily, I was the last one in the high jump.

Though the sports meeting has been over, Ill always remember the spirit of Faster, Higher and Stronger .



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people have been living on the earth for thousands of years.humanactivity influences the earth. some people believe that theearth isbeing harmed by human activity. others feel that humanactivitymakes the earth a better place to live. in my opinion, theearth isbeing damaged by human activity. there are manystatementssupporting my opinion.

human activity has damaged natural environment and almostexaustednatural resources. modern industry needs more and moreresources,including minerals, fuels and water. so we confront ofthe seriousproblems such as the lack of fuels and water.ecological balance isdamaged because factories occupy many placeswhere animals andplants live. more and more buildings areconstructed and forestsbecome less and less. if we cannotrecognize these problems andsolve them soon, we would finally losethe environment suitable forour living.an other serious problem is the green-house effect.humanactivity decreases forests and increases the usage of fuels sothatthe gas of carbon dioxide is output more and more and there arenotenough plants to absorb it. the green-house effect is moreobviousand more sensible these years. due to the effect, icebergsin thesouth polar and north polar melt and the sea level becomeshigherthan before. i am worried about the cities nearby the sea andhopescientists find an effective method to eliminate thegreen-houseeffect.

although we have advanced machines and our life seemsmorecomfortable than before, we have less chances to approachnaturesand less spaces to act. the cities become bigger and if wewant tohave a picnic with our friends, we have to drive a longdistance tofind a natural place. in fact, the spaces of humanactivity arebeing damaged by the skyscrapers and factories.from the above statements, we can conclude that humanactivitybrings the earth many damages. fortunately people haverecognizedthe point and i believe that the earth will become abetter placeto live with our ceaseless efforts.



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现在的社会都讲究一个词——环保。可又有谁真正地理解过这个词语或真正地去做过呢?我认为光说不做假把式的人有很多,而实际做了的人却寥寥无几。之所以我会这么认为,是因为我亲眼目睹的一件事,让我对环保的印象逐渐模糊了起来。 The current society pays attention to a word -environmental protection.But who has really understood this word or really did it? I think there are many people who do n’t do fakes, but few people actually do.The reason why I think so is because of my own eyes, which has gradually blurred my impression of environmental protection.







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With the development of our society, energy in the world bees more and more

limited, so it is quite important for us to save energy and to protect our

environment。 As a student, there are a lot of methods we can do to save energy

at home。 For example, first, we can turn off the light as well as other

appliances when we are not using them。 Second, recycle the waste water, paper

and other waste so that we can reuse them。 Whats more, it is suggested to use

public transportation more instead of private cars.

Above all, everyone can make a great contribution to our environment。 I

hope I can learn more to develop new and clear energy, like energy from the wind

and solar.



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1、绿色锐减,吞噬绿色的,正是人类自己,是人类发展模式中那种对自然资源的掠夺性、破坏性开采。人类对绿色的无尽索取仍在威胁着生态平衡,破坏 着生态的结构。据保守统计,全世界每年有XX万公顷森林横遭盲目砍伐,这是5700个昆明市的面积啊。这已经造成了全球性的“温室效应”,与之相连,全世 界每年有近5万个物种濒临灭绝,有近2700万公顷的农田蒙受沙漠化之灾,就连海底也日趋沙漠化,就不必再说那令我们痛心的去年在华夏大地发生长江、松嫩 大灾了吧,也不必说我省的泥石流,山体滑坡了吧。如此盲目的行动如果得不到有效的制止和改变,势必爆发可怕的生态危机,而一旦它的爆发起出了人类控制的极 限,其后果不堪想象。那时,我们都会明白,最后一片落叶将带走人类的命运,也决不是危言耸听。


3、“两个黄鹂鸣翠柳,一行白鹭上青天。窗含西岭千秋雪,门泊东吴万里船。”这是唐代大诗人杜甫为我们描绘的一幅大自然与人和谐相处的画卷,这 幅画卷是多么美好,多么令人神往!可是,如今在很多地方别说白鹭,就连麻雀的踪影都难以寻觅!听父辈们说,十年前在乡下,麻雀以田地为家,以庄稼为伍,虽 然它们也有吃稻谷的劣迹,但它们为消灭四害功不可灭。不知何时,人们急功近利,为提高单位面积产量,大量施用农药灭害虫,结果无辜的麻雀身受其害,死的 死,逃的逃,从此就很难寻到麻雀的踪影!昔日那种人与鸟共处,鸟声啾啾的的美好景象成为一种记忆!取而代之的是寂寥的田野,及使用农药后带来的种种后遗 症!


5、我们要节约每一度电。随手关灯,合理使用空调,寻找节电小常识,并尝试着去实践。积极使用太阳能、风力发电、潮汐发电等清洁能源。我们要节约每一张 纸。要做到作业纸双面使用,多用手帕,少用纸巾。假如我们每人每天节约一张纸,全国一年可以节约4745亿张纸,一年可以少砍伐158。1666万棵树。 从这个意义上来说,节约用纸,也就是制造森林。


7、环境,则是我们人类赖以生存的重要条件。环境优美,人们生活起来就会心旷神怡;环境和谐,人们 生活起来就会精神舒畅;环境高雅,人们生活起来就会心胸开阔。因此,奥林匹克运动会环境,无疑是作文的热点;关注环境,关注奥林匹克运动会,对于提高我们 写作素养,无疑是十分重要的。

8、其实,真的说不清是从哪一天开始,纯净辽阔的大海里产生了星球史上最早的生命精结——绿藻群带;其实,真的说不清是从哪一天开始,奔腾不止的黄河 岸边出现了现代人铭记的祖先——蓝田人类;其实,真不说清是从哪一天开始,大地欣然地托起了普罗米修斯窃取的火种,从而宣告了文明初始而完整的诞生;其 实,真的说不清是从哪一天开始,人类不仅征服了自然,而且开始学会向自然索取曾饱受天灾的赔偿——资源潜能。





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A kind of little car may someday take the place of todays big ones. If people drive such cars in the future, there will be less pollution in the air. There will be more space for parking in cities.

The streets will be less crowded. And driving will be safer as these little cars can go only 65 km per hour.

The future cars will be fine for getting round a city, but they will not be useful for long trips. Little cars will go 200km, before needing to stop for more gas. If big carsare still used along with the small ones, two sets of roads will be needed in the future.

Some roads will be used for the big fast cars and other roads will be needed for the slow and small ones. Its said that three such little cars fit in the space now needed for o Summer is the second season in the year.

In the Northern Hemisphere, summer goes from June to August.

Summer is the hottest season in the year. Sometimes, the temperature reaches40°C.

Many people can not stand such hot weather. So they always stay indoors. At night, people would go out for a walk. Swimming is the most popular sport in summer. It brings cool to people.ne car the usual size.



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My station in university campus inch territory, breathes and feels a here freshness. The university life like this started. The life four years time already the picture got down certainly has run the line, you along this path endless long journey, the university time will say regarding me will be fresh, the biography first time was far away the hometown, trod studies the road. I to the university life am fuzzy, after investigates many times, everybody is two characters ----- is bored to the university life feeling, perhaps has that a reason! Three years high school life is such intense stimulates. Recollected also a little is afraid, facing high schools intense sprint, diligently was admitted to a school dream of the university, everybody is the like this struggle, assaults the dream. At the present, steps into the university campus, studies the life has had the bored feeling.



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Through observation, I found that plastic bags on peoples harm and pollution is very large。 People often use plastic bags: mother to buy food and plastic bags; to shopping malls with plastic bags; in the restaurant to eat rice is also packaged with plastic bags to take home; even I buy stationery also with plastic bags。 People do not know what they do to the environment caused by pollution, their own body caused any harm。 Such as: people often put useless plastic bags thrown into the garbage, plastic bags in the rubbish will be smelly, so that the pollution of the air。 People also throw plastic bags anywhere, a wind, plastic bags flying in the sky, the branches also see the tree is a plastic bag, and even the river there are plastic bags。 This plastic bag in addition to pollution of the air, but also polluted our water resources。

We should raise peoples awareness, tell us the neighbors and friends and family together to beautify our environment。 On the road to see the plastic bag quickly picked up, immediately took it to the garbage disposal。 We want to start from my use less plastic bags, so that my mother every day to buy food or shopping when they first take their own bags, this is not very environmentally friendly? Or can use their own holding things as far as possible by hand, no plastic bags。

As the saying goes: "to protect the environment, everyone is responsible" We have to protect the home environment out of a force。





Green, is the true nature of life, is the intentional and unintentional destruction of the day by day to reduce the disappearance, and take it that is pollution, is rubbish。 Our mother — the earth! She was originally fenghuangmao, but she was old, sick, wounded: human beings, wake up! Let us protect our mother, let her return to the young bar!

How can we protect the environment? First of all, we must establish a sense of protection, to establish peoples civilized fashion, to eliminate the phenomenon of littering, which is followed by one, then the second is what? Is rubbish。 Speaking of garbage, then we pay attention to the more of the。 1, we set the attention of garbage health。 Garbage, we have to use a garbage bag to wrap up and keep the sanitation environment。 2, garbage to be classified。 In the classification process, we should put the waste paper。 plastic。 Waste bottles cans and other renewable resources can be recycled, can not be recycled into the garbage poke, but never allowed to throw the old battery, you must put the battery into the recycling station, so that the recycling staff to deal with the third With or without plastic bags, disposable lunch boxes of these white pollution, these aspects are introduced how to protect the environment, the following let me introduce how to save resources! 1, saving water, in the use of faucet in the process, we To keep the faucet away from any drop of water。 Some people will think, is not a drop of water? What can be worth a fuss? But you have not thought that Chinas fresh water this year, a sharp reduction, do not cherish, the last drop may be your tears! So please be sure to cherish this drop of water! 2, cherish every grain of rice。 I think we all hear who knows the plate of Chinese food, grain are hard this sentence it! A grain of rice, a drop of sweat, some children can also develop a snack, do not eat bad habits, so not only a waste of food, Also harmful to the body, is not it tasteless? So, you should correct this bad problem as soon as possible。

In addition, we have to carry out and participate in the city, the town of some environmental activities, consciously to the masses to promote some knowledge of the ring, but also the use of some waste to produce a variety of small production。 In addition, you can also in March 12 to carry out tree planting activities, continue to add green to their homes。

People only ah! Only let the green to restore the original beauty, can we let our mothers on behalf of the reproduction, enduring。 Let us work together to create a happy and happy world!


I came to my neighbor to find my friends Huan and dream, there are Tao, told them that we went to pick up garbage it。 They are very happy。 Huan said: "No tools how do we pick up trash?" I brought four plastic bags, give you one one one。 The following are the same as the "

The following are the same as the "

Environmental team opened, we unit action, I came to my backyard, found a bamboo paper in a bamboo, then bent down to pick up the group of paper into the plastic bag。 Continue to move forward and found a group of paper, which must be I usually do not pay attention to throw, was the wind blowing to the bamboo forest。 I regret, I am a class of labor in the class, in charge of my class in the dry area health inspection work, some students littering hated, did not think he actually 。。。 。。。 today I can personally pick up their own garbage heart finally A little comfort! I secretly remind myself: Juan, you have to remember, do not repeat this kind of ridiculous stupid! The following are the same as the "

The following are the same as the "

I keep patience to pick up the rubbish。 After more than 20 minutes, garbage pick up light, and we came to the collection of places, I saw, everyones hands are full of a plastic bag, really "rewarding" "Even if we clean up the garbage on the ground, but the garbage in the river can not stop, and get rid of there will be。" Huanfan said, Tao took the stubble, said: "If we make a billboard with wood, "Well get the attention of the people," he said。 "Well get the board and write it on the top。" Please do not forget to throw the rubbish! "" Protect everyone from the environment! " 。。。 we wrote a total of five pieces of wood, we were put them on the river the most prominent place, the task is completed, we are happy to go home。 The following are the same as the "

The following are the same as the "

Whenever I see the garbage on the ground I will be filled with emotion: to protect the environment, everyone is responsible! But the most critical thing is to arouse peoples awareness of environmental protection。 Now our government, most of the citizens have a certain sense of environmental protection, but also pay attention to protecting the environment, but the destruction of the environment behavior is still repeated in some people。 Hope that we can start from me, from small things to start to develop good health habits, do not throw litter, see the garbage can bend around pick up pick up, then, our environment will be more beautiful!



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Sunrise at Sea

Ba Jin

I would often get up early to watch the sunrise when it was not yet quiet light and all was quiet except for the droning of the ship engine.

The sky was pale with a bluish blue. Soon a streak of pink dawn broke over the horizon,expanding gradually and becoming brighter and brighter. Knowing that the sun was about to rise, I had my eyes fixed on the distant edge of the sea.

As expected, the sun soon appeared revealing half of its face, which was very red but not bright It kept rising laboriously bit by bit as if weighted down with a heavy burden on its back until,after breaking through the rosy clouds;it completely emerged from the sea aglow with a lovely red. Then,before I knew it, the dark red orb began to shine blazingly, dazzling my eyes until they stung and all of a sudden lighting up the surrounding cloud.

Sometimes,hidden by the clouds, the sun nonetheless shed its rays straight onto the sea water, making it difficult for me to distinguish between the sky and the sea because what I saw in front of me was nothing but a wide expanse of brilliant light.

Sometimes, with thick layers of dark clouds hanging in the sky, the sun was hardly visible to the naked eye. But its radiance managed to show through the dark clouds to edge them with golden lace. Then, after gradually breaking through the tight encirclement, it came into full view and even dyed the dark clouds purple or scarlet. At the moment, apart from the sun,the clouds and the seawater, I too was luminous.

Wasnt that a marvelous spectacle?



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The trickle of water was crystal clear, accompanied by the sound of the "ding dong" of the spring. The undulating mountain stands erect, majestic and overwhelming; The green trees, towering above the tops of the mountains, are not afraid to be afraid; The wild flowers, which are in the top of the mountain, are full of beauty and beauty, and the fresh flowers are pleasing to the soul. But that was all have become memories, is facing a murky water, batteries, plastic bags have polluted the land, industrial waste gas, automobile exhaust pollution the air, trees and flowers are hard to meet again, only can see is just a weak looking trees flowers and plants, all everything has disappeared, the earth on a red alert. The presidents of all countries have been together for three days and three nights... "The whole people moved to the moon," they were consulted, and they issued such an order. According to the scientists observed earth damage is too severe, human will not far from the end of the world, if you dont leave the earth, mankind had to count the days such as dead. The present moon, which has been constructed by human ancestors and modern humans, has been transformed.

The lush woods, the crystal clear water, the blue sky, and the various shapes of flowers and animals. "Wow! This is like a new earth, and it brings us back to the old days." people dont sigh. Yes, the moon has now and once the earth is almost the same as the air around the moon, the moons gravity, and thick atmosphere around the moon, everything seemed to go back to the once upon a time, people are living down here... "Wow! There are so many trees here! ", "wow! There are so many rivers here!" Greed once again led the human hand into the abyss...

For a long time, the moon returned to the earth and the earth was devastated, and everything on the moon was dead. All the pollution to the moon, the atmosphere became thin almost close to zero, tragedy staged again, once upon a certain day a diameter of 40 kilometers meteorite broke into the moon, because the moons atmosphere is too thin, almost no resistance, is this meteorite is easy to break into the moon, because there is almost no resistance, meteorite impact force is very big, hit ground surface cracked a big hole, the hot, liquid mass of molten rock from cracks in shock... Facing death of that a moment, human beings finally wake up, but the wake up, now is just unable to struggle, ridiculous human this time really redeemed himself again. The world has been destroyed, mankind has perished.



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