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There are so many moving things in life. In the heart of my memory, what touches is like beads, countless. Now, let me choose one of the bright ones for you to listen to.

It was last winter vacation, and our family went back to their hometown for the new year.

One day, when we went shopping in the street, I suddenly saw a lot of people standing next to a big tree, which aroused my curiosity. I took advantage of my mother still shopping, and quickly went to find the tree, and finally found. I squeezed into the crowd, to see this scene shocked me, a woman with a little girl about 5 years old, still standing next to a piece of wood, board says: my daughter had leukemia, hope that good people can offer some love. At this time, I felt a little touched, but I heard people whispering, "it must be a lie. In this way, there are so many lies. Dont fall for it."......." I looked at the womans eyes, as if to say: "good hearted people, please give us some money."!"

The time is late, the time when the women were ready to go, there is a robust and strong young man walked out, he touched the little girls head, smiled and said: "what a lovely little girl! How much disease?" he said, from his pocket out of several hundred dollars, said: "I had only so much, you take your daughter to eat some food to eat only the spirit." The woman cried and shouted, "thank you, you are so kind."." The young man moved all of us. Everyone came up with some money. My nose was sour and I gave her some money.

At that time, that young mans move, let my heart warm, everyone to extend the hand of charity, society is much more harmonious, I will never forget this kind hearted person.








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One evening several years ago,I went to a concert with my friend.When we got to the concert I suddenly found I lost my ticket on the way.I was walking backwards to see to see if I could found it in the street,there the ticket was no way to be found.I felt very sad and started crying.Then a guy saw me and asked me what went wrong.I told him about the lost ticket.He then put his hand in his pocket and pulled out his own ticket and gave it to me,and said “you can have mine,because I’ve seen the concert.” I was so touched and before I could react,he hurried away and disappeared.I wish I could find this guy and say thank you to him.



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In my memory of the river, there are many things I have forgotten. But, when I think of that touching scene, can not help but shed tears.

Remember that thing happened in the summer day, my mother took me to pay electricity. At this time, a blind grandmother also came there, she leaned on a crutch step by step toward the counter. She trembled from the body to work out a small cloth, slowly open, gently handed the staff, said: "I want to install a street lamp at the door." "Installed lights, but you." The staff know this Is a blind man. "Yes, I am, there is no need to install any street lights, but when I sit in the house, I often hear the sound of walking around the night walker, so I want to install a street lamp at the door." Staff stunned The. "Comrade, this is all my savings, you see enough!" Everything around the behavior of the grandmother was touched, and even the air seems to solidify. When the staff recovered, the blind grandmother had left on crutches. Look at the grandmother away from the figure, my eyes filled with tears.

Although the blind grandmother can not see the natural light, but have full of sunshine. She turned this sun into a street lamp, illuminating our hearts, so that passers-by no longer dark, so that the world forever bright! How awesome it is!

Let us like the blind old grandmother, with their own care, to light up around the heart of each lamp it!







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One day, after we got home from the kindergarten, my mother went into the bedroom and stayed in bed. I didnt know what had happened. I sat beside her and wanted to cry. My mother said to me, "It doesnt matter, mum has only a stomachache. I will be all right after a while." Although mother said so, I found tears in her eyes because of pain. At that time I knew adults also got ill and cried. I decided I would take care of my mother from then on.

Like many children, I had a happy childhood under the care and love of my parents. My mother took me to the kindergarten and home every day. thought mother was so kind and healthy that she would never get sick..com

But one day, my father went to the kindergarten to get me back. I asked, "Why doesnt my mother come?""She is sick, and she is in hospital. "said Father. I felt sad and frightened. Then I began to cry. "Dont cry or mother would worry. You should be a good child." I seemed to understand my mother was too tired. I made up my mind I would look after my mother from then on.



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今天,是三.八妇女节,是妈妈的节日。 老师说:“妈妈为你们操劳,你们要为自己的妈妈洗一次脚……”老师说完,一种莫名的感觉笼罩在我心头,使我压抑。为妈妈洗脚,真不好意思!







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这时,大雨中出现一个熟悉的身影。哦, 仔细一看是妈妈!只见大雨毫无禁忌地洒在妈妈的身上。妈妈急忙向教室走来。
























令我感动的一件事 今年我已经上小学五年级了,在过去的日子里发生过许许多多的事情,像天上的繁星,数都数不清。有许多事我已经记忆模糊了,唯独有一件事让我难以忘怀并且十分感动。有一天,我回家在客厅里做作业,忽然听见外面阵阵鸣叫声。起先我并没怎么在意,可是那叫声越来越焦虑,越来越急切,客厅里似乎也有了鸟叫声。我起身一瞧,发现屋檐上有一只老麻雀盘旋着、尖叫着。客厅里一只羽翼未丰的小麻雀,一边低鸣着一边拼命的拍打着翅膀,想从窗户飞出去可怎么也飞不上去。四目相对时,我从它的眼神里看到了惊恐无助,我心里为之一颤!哦,原来是老麻雀在教小麻雀学飞时小麻雀不小心掉了下来,于是我决定帮帮这只可怜的小麻雀。






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There are a lot of things happing around us every day, every year. But there must be one thing we have never forget in our life. Now let me share a story between a stranger and me with you.


One day, I just got on a crowded bus back home after school. A woman behind me pushed me hard forward,and shouted loudly," Go, Go, Go inside. Dont stand at the dood. It is so crowded." I was so angry and thought she was a bored woman. But I went inside. After a while, the moman went up to me and said in a low voice," someone put his hand into your bag. I really wanted to help you. I checked my bag and all the things were inside. I felt so ashamed that I only said," I am so sorry, but thank you."

一天,我刚刚登上一辆拥挤的公交车在放学后。一个在我后面的女士用力的向前推我并且对我大叫,“往里走呀,往里走呀,别站门口,门口那么多人。”我非常生气并且想这个女的真烦人。不过我还是往里去了。 过了一会儿,那个女的来到我面前用很低的声音对我说,刚才有个人把手伸到了你的包里。我真的想帮助你。我检查了我的包所有的东西都在里面。 我感到十分羞愧以致于我只是对她说,“真的很对不起,谢谢你啊!”

I even didnt know the womans name. But this thing will be left in my mind forever. I know sometimes someone did a little thing, maybe it is nothing to her, but for another one, it means a lot.




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In our side, often happen moving things, Jiaoren memorable, the following talk about this thing is my personal experience.

It was a winter afternoon, the gloomy sky under the goose feather snow, the north wind whirring blowing, as if to swallow people. Due to go to the Forbes English class go anxious, only a set of pieces of warm coat to go out, walking on the road cold shaking. At this time, a big sister came to see my way, quickly put her cotton to wear on me, suddenly, my body about feeling warm, tears could not help flowing down: "Big sister, thank you Give me my coat how do you? "" Do not control me, you, you go to class it. "Big sisters voice a little trembling. I did not think, all of a sudden around her sisters waist to increase her warmth, so we chat side walk.

To the school, I get off my clothes to her sister, she told me not urgent, she is also Forbes English class students, I hold her tightly, the cotton stuffed in her hands and ran.

Two hours of English class finished, I hurry to find the sister, can be found for a long time did not find, then I realized that the sister sent me a good lie.

Until now, I have been remembered that the warmth of my big sister, she let me in the cold to enjoy the warmth of the truth.









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The annual Spring Festival has come again, far away in the field of people who are home to reunion, adults Zhang Luo, the child shouting: "Happy New Year!

But I have such a thing around: fortitude brother is Huanggang Normal College Department of biology sophomore students, in order to earn some money to pay tuition, give up the opportunity to reunite with his family, began a month of work-study program.

His specific task is to clean the teaching building before and after the health and guard the door. He kept the principle, can not enter the school vehicles, personnel are not allowed to enter the school, when there is no car, he was in the guard room review homework.

So nearly a month, he finally with the labor in exchange for 600 yuan of remuneration, plus he usually do the money to make up the family, and finally cobble together the tuition.

His hard, hardworking spirit deeply touched me. I think about it. My mother bought me a new dress for the New Year, I also clamored to buy this to buy that, when we thirty years and the whole family reunion, there are a lot like hard brother like hard-working, hard people, more insist on the job Uncle aunt, how great are they!

This thing until today, but also continue to inspire me to learn, every day up.



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Time is like water flowing in general, a lot of the passed days with the memory has disappeared, and fade. But one thing, let me remember, deeply touched-that a depth of a mothers love.

That morning I was just about to go to school, back schoolbag mother handed me an umbrella, said: "jingjing, the weather forecast today have rain, or take your umbrella with you." I looked up at the sky, the clear sky, how can it rains? I threw out the door to run away and disappear, an umbrella.

While at noon of time, suddenly school, thunder and lightning flash storm under a rush. The rain gear with the students went home, others have been parents picked up. My father taught school in the field, never coming home at noon. Just right, mom this few days a high fever under drip. I dont think someone will come to meet me. I sit in the classroom, again nasty and hungry, was looking out the window of the heavy rain, hua hua straight I couldnt help crying.

At this time, the heavy rain in appeared a familiar figure. Oh, mom!!!! Gale heavy rain seems to be swallowed up the mother like. Mom struggled hard to me about.

"Jingjing, come here, wear a raincoat." Mother, talking and take off on the raincoat over my body. At this time, it was raining harder and harder. My mothers hair, on the face, body all under the rain thoroughly. Looking at the "rat" like mom, looked at her the pale face, I cant help but cry up......










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In my memory of the Yellow River, there have been many things, there are emotions, so my childhood is full of fun, but one thing I can not forget a long time ... ...

The sky has been dark, rolling clouds from the horizon overwhelming roll over, suddenly began to pour down the rain, Leigong like angry, lightning pay. That day, I just play classes, after school, I see other students are continually greeted by the parents sent the umbrella, only I stood alone at the door, waiting for mine quiet. When I hesitated, suddenly saw a familiar back to my eyes - mother. This is really timely ah!

Mother holding umbrella, although there is an umbrella, but because the rain is too large, so the body was wet, my mother dragged the busy body, walked a heavy footsteps, step by step came to me, I suddenly touched, Eyes and wandering this tears, immediately rushed to hold the mother, "Mom, I love you." I hugged my mother wet the body, let me feel the cold mother, my mother sneeze, I marching a heavy pace Go home, because the umbrella is very small, so can only hold a person, my mother and I squeeze together, my mother often tilted the umbrella, I saw my mother had dry the shoulders wet, this knowledge of a small Action, but always deep in my mind. I once again cried, once again clinging to my mother, from the bottom of my heart, I love you.

Home, mother in the room busy eating cold medicine, the father said: "You are all right!" Mom swallowed and said: "As long as the child do not get sick, we are relieved." Finished, and hit a yawn , I was moved to tears. The original mother is for me and was wet, this is maternal love ah!

This thing makes me quite feel, is my memory of the most moving thing, let me know the great maternal love!



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There are many touches in my mind, and they are like a string of seaside shells. But one thing made me most touched. To mention that thing, I also remember the new worry.

It was a winter evening, my mother and I went home by bus, when the car, I was too anxious, accidentally touched the seat, draw a hole, the blood Chung out, which can be anxious mother, Her side with a piece of paper to my wound tightly covered, while the driver uncle will drive open quickly, but my head of the blood constantly exudation, my mother sad, and immediately get off to find the clinic, I Go away, my mother on the back of the body, the day the weather was cold, cold biting, my mother wrapped her coat to me tightly, somehow, the clinic closed, ah, my mother even took me Ran a few miles to the hospital. Along the way, the wind is more fierce, the north wind whistling, the wind caught the snow kept us ... ... finally arrived at the hospital, I saw my mother busy, she was looking for a doctor, while queuing up, see me The wound was wound on the head, she was relieved. Home, mother tired down on the bed, then tell the truth, I cried, was my mothers selfless love touched.

what! How great is maternal love, how great is it? I want to be from the heart cry:

"Mom, I love you!"

One of the things that made me touched English

In my colorful time, there are many happy, sad, happy, grievances ... ... which I am most touched by this matter.

Just a few years ago, we had a flood in the village, and many houses were drowned. Fortunately, our family has just moved to a safer place. That day, when I went out to see the water, I saw a lot of people on the roof. I think it should be flooded into the house, and had to climb to the house.

Suddenly the heavy rain, suddenly the right side of a few boats in the distance to the house to go to the other side, "Peoples Liberation Army, Peoples Liberation Army" I said, they have saved, after a while, all people were saved to a safe place.

Rain for a while, suddenly came a few times "help, help", I look at the distance to see a person to catch a tree is a violent collision of water, at any time there will be life-threatening. Uncle of the PLA quickly sit on the assault boat to open to that person, approaching there, the water has been flooded to the mans mouth, when the PLA uncle took him there must be too late. Suddenly the Uncle of the Peoples Liberation Army uncle, regardless of their safety jumped into the water, struggling to swim that person around the man, when the assault boat arrived, that person was rescued.

This thing really touched me ah!
