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Presently, a new lifestyle called low carbon life is spreading every corner of our country. The concepts of low carbon are low energy and no waste. It is such a significant project that I can’t wait to present my ideas on how to promote it.

On the first place, a no-car day is supposed to set up every week in our school. Because cars not only cause serious air pollution but also waste energy. On no-car day, neither students nor teachers are allowed to drive to school. Meanwhile, just walk, jump, cycle or run. Use our legs and enjoy the fun.

On the second place, we had best not use plastic bags any more. No one can stand the “white pollution”. So, it is wise to use bags which can be reused again and again.

Finally, one thing that we should keep in mind: every big thing comes from the subtle. Therefore, as students, we ought to turn out the lights the moment we leave, turn off the tap in time, and reuse our textbook and so on.

All in all, it weighs greatly for all of us to put the low carbon lifestyle into practice. Just set our mind to these: no-car day, no plastic bags, and no waste. Let’s do it now.









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低碳生活Low-carbon Lifestyle

Withthe spread of the consciousness of environmental protection, the word“low-carbon” has been very popular in life. We can find it in many aspects,such as low-carbon products, low-carbon consumption, and low-carbon travel andso on. Generally speaking, more and more people are advocating “low-carbon”lifestyle.


Asimplied in the name, “low-carbon” lifestyle is a kind of new pattern of lifestylewhich aims to lowering the carbon dioxide emission in living as much aspossible. For example, some office workers are not proud of driving privatecars from work to home any more but pride themselves on riding or taking public transportation. In addition, they advocate recycling water and saving energyas much as they can.


Ascollege students, we also make some contribution in our daily life to reducethe emission of the carbon dioxide. For example, switch off the light whenleaving and save water. In addition, we should use our knowledge and action toarouse others’ concern about the importance of lowering emission of carbondioxide and lead them to lead a “low-carbon” life.




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There’s no doubt that it’s always been a pretty hard timeduring the training.

Last afternoon,our group stopped beside the threatre andbegan to exercise.A moment later,I could barely concentrate and my body wasshaking fiercely.We were asked to stand straightly and properly.I tried hard tohold on my pace,but then my brain started to go blank.Ninty percent of my sightwas covered by some sorts of shadows as if they’were starve devils,eating up mymind.With the help of my teachers,those annoying shadows graudually fadedaway.Then it just left me endless guilty and shame.I just wanna go home.

Time was slippery as an eel,the sky wentdark.Eventually,our class teacher taught us the true meaning of thetraining.Not until this moment,did I suddenly realized that I should havecarried on longer.The training is a different form of lesson,showing us how todeal with troubles as well as issues,how to obey orders accurately and whatresistance truly is.

At the moment,a well-known saying just hit in mythoughts—Keep calm,and carry on.








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living in a city has both advantages and disadvantages. it is often easier to find work. there are always many choices of public transport. besides, there are a lot of interesting things to do and places to see. you can eat in good restaurants, visit museums, go to cinemas and go to parks whenever you want to relax. however, living in a city is often very expensive. you must find a well-paid job, otherwise, you will not be able to afford the things you will do. whats more, the city is always crowded, noisy and dirty. it is very difficult to find a good place where people can enjoy peace and fresh air as in the countryside.



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In the weekend, I like to go shopping with my mother. We buy a lot of things, I choose all kinds of snacks, such as candy, milk, sometimes my mother protects me buying too much candy, she says it will do harm to my health. Though I am not happy, I accept it. Going shopping with my mother makes me so happy.



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26.大闹,却忘记了父母的担心 ……

27. 还没来得及跟童年说再见,我们就已被推上了青春的的列车;还没享受够爸妈的“怀抱”,却不得不尝试着独自奔向远方。我们是一群青春少年,我们带着童年的天真,学者中年的老成,抒写只有我们自己才能破译心声的密码。

28. 童年是纯白的百合,美丽,清秀又不失典雅;童年是一朵朵白云,承载着希望与欢乐;童年是一朵含苞未放的花骨朵,虽然没有绽放但以开始成长;默默的回首童年我笑了。

29. 炊烟香烟,人间与非。童年岁月,爱看炊烟。夕阳西下,家家户户,炊烟袅袅,接云连天。静坐默对,如痴如醉。日月轮回,岁月静好。

30. 遥远的童年,忽然就雀跃着向我走来。思念,就像这郁郁苔藓,蔓延开来。那些孩提的质朴与纯真,早已被岁月的苔藓覆盖,轻轻一翻,总有一种潮湿,柔软了回忆。把一切伤痛丢在这里吧,随苔藓一起荣枯,我亦温暖如此刻阳光。

31. 童年活的那样快乐,为了谁呢?为了还青春的父母,我是父母心中的太阳,心中的月亮,是高山是河流,是父母的一切,父母的笑脸,就是因为有人们而绽放,也许是为父母而活着,那时候不知道童年一天天在变,并不知道父母还能苍老。

32. 心累了,好像坐上时光穿梭机,让我回到童年时代,穿过村前幽幽的竹林小径,趟过村后清澈的小溪流,爬上当年与小伙伴们嬉戏的小山坡,看红的,白的,紫的,粉的山稔花儿,漫遍山野。

33. 当童年的记忆,一步步变的模糊与遥远,当心头的感觉,一点点变的无奈和麻木,当我们站立在这车水马龙的街头,心头也会浮起一丝孤寂与凄凉。环顾四周,你是否感到了无助与温情,你是否感觉到不远处,有些人,你非常熟悉,这些人,就是与你一生相伴,一路走来的朋友,这其中有一个清瘦的身影,那就是我。

34. 光阴啊,请你慢一些,再慢一些,让我回到童年,再穿上温暖美丽的绣花鞋,再穿上妈妈织的新毛衣。我最珍贵的童年记忆,轻轻触摸那些回忆,心中有莲开的温润,用婉约唯美的文字把这段时光定格在记忆的茶香中。

35. 为了谁活着,我不知道?但我知道,童年的我很快乐,没有忧愁,没有烦恼,伴随着春天的花开,映红了父母的笑脸,少年的我感到那样的愉快,伴随着习习的凉风,憧憬着父母的希望。

36. 如果善良的情感没有在童年形成,那么无论什么时候你也培养不出这种感情来。因为人的这种真挚的感情的形成,是与最初接触的、最重要的真理的理解,以及对祖国的语言最细腻之处的体验和感受联系在一起的。

37. 童年的味道,记忆的馨香,浓浓的爱意,它在我的记忆中永远都不会老去,失落时给我温暖,孤独时令我思念,那是岁月里散发着爱的心香,停留在记忆里,在时光的河岸里安详。

38. 人的一生要经历童年、少年、青年、中年、晚年的漫长历程,每个人都会遭遇到很多人生的挫折、失败与磨难,无数次的跌倒过,又无数次的爬起来,在这个充满着酸甜苦辣的人生历练中,体味了人生百味,体会着生命的强大与美好。

39. 童年是一首歌,一首欢快活泼的歌,永远唱响在我的心头;童年是一篇故事,一篇感动的故事,永远令我回味;童年是一本书,一本百看不厌的书,永远珍藏在内心深处;童年是一汪糊,一汪清澈浅明的湖,永远荡样在记忆的源头。

40. 童年原是一生最美妙的阶段,那时的孩子是一朵花,也是一颗果子,是一片朦朦胧胧的聪明,一种永远不息的活动,一股强烈的欲望。

41. 童年啊童年,是五颜六色的白纸,从未留下劈荆斩棘的足迹;童年啊童年,是蹦蹦跳跳的春天,从未勤恳的播种过。青春啊青春,是绚丽至极的雪中梅,从未磨剑试锋芒;青春啊青春,是追风逐浪的白帆,从未经历狂波巨澜的洗礼。过去如烟亦似影,待我今朝拉弓射满月。

42. 童年时代,天真的我,还是那么的莽莽撞撞,一点儿也不懂,就像一只无忧无虑的小鸟。现在,长大了,不像曾经,这时,我才恍然大悟,但是,时间已经流逝,像针尖上的一滴水珠流进大海,我的青春留在时间里,一晃什么也没有。我不禁泪潸潸了。

43. 童年的秋天是金色的,在麦田里欢乐的捉着蚂蚱;少年的秋天是黄色的,褪去了亮色,背着厚书包走过麦田;到了大学,秋天只成了笔下描写的,似乎光鲜的景色。

44. 要是童年的日子能重新回来,那我一定不再浪费光阴,我要把每分每秒都用来读书。——泰戈尔

45. 如果不是童年留下了难以抹灭的阴影,亲情的残酷让你充满了极度的恐惧和疑惑,就不会有如此的惊世之言:生命是一袭华美的衣袍,上面爬满了虱子。如果不是乱世中那一场烟花般刻苦铭心的爱情,一定不会感叹:人生在世,没有一样感情不是千疮百孔的。如果不是这样的经历,会不会拥有另一番人生。

46. 回忆是一座青山,童年的时光散落在那片松涛层层,枫叶似火的山坡,荡漾在那片荞麦如雪,菜花金黄的梯土;起伏在弯弯山道随风摇曳的草尖。这么多年过去,冉冉的炊烟,黄昏的牧归,田陇的荷锄,是否还藏着单纯的笑容,浅浅的感动。

47. 人生不过几十年,似水一样流淌。走过了幼稚天真的童年,经历了朝气烂漫的少年,跨越了激进狂热的青年,迈进了淡然平静的中年。回过头来,看看所走过的时起时伏、时宽时窄、风雨兼程的人生路,不禁让人百感交集,感慨万千。



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Last weekend, On Saturday morning I got up at 6;30. After breakfast I did my homework at home.

In the afternoon , I played football with my friends on our playgroud. In the evening I watched TV with my parents at home.

On Sunday morning I went to visit my grandparents with my mother. In the afternoon I went to go fishing with my grandpa. We had a good time . I went back home with my mother in the evening. What a wonderfu weekend !



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Today, my brother went to school in Jinan and my father brought me up. Dad wanted me to feel the life of the University. We came to Shandong Normal University, and that was the fathers alma mater. The entrance is very blocked, because today is the date of new arrival, so there are so many vehicles that we cant go in very easily. Once we enter the mountains, we have many big sisters and big brothers, holding the brands of their colleges to welcome the arrival of new students. The first picture was the statue of Chairman Mao. An air of teaching building, a clean lawn. There are tall laboratory buildings, libraries, and hundreds of thousands of books, books, books, books, books, books, books, and books. It is a sea of knowledge. My father said so, I want to go in and see, but dad said that there must be a card to go in to see, but I had to imagine in it.

Every time I go to a place, I will ask my father what it is for. My father introduced me like a tour guide, and I listened carefully. Dad told me that he was in college at that time. I think college life is really meaningful. We came to the dormitory imperceptibly brother, I look dumbfounded, the corridor inside the dark, than I imagined. My father was busy explaining to me that I knew the house was a few decades old, so it was so old. Let me have a bad feeling about college life. I said, "I cant test this school in the future, and the environment is too bad." But I listen to my father that the learning atmosphere of this school is still very strong, everyone can learn. I want to grow up quickly and get into the dream college life earlier.



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What is "low carbon life"? With this question, I came to the Shaoxing science and Technology Museum, which displays many illustrations of "low carbon life" picture, in fact, the so-called "low carbon life" is to reduce carbon emissions, to choose a healthy life, we each ball people should start from the conservation of resources.


First, from the conservation of electricity to start, power will consume a lot of energy, like we are burning coal to generate electricity, it will pollute the environment. So usually the refrigerator storage of food less, run out of time after pull out the electrical socket, the home of the incandescent, replaced with energy-saving lamps etc..


Secondly, when we travel to drive less, take the bus or riding a bicycle, which can greatly reduce carbon dioxide emissions. To protect the environment, reduce haze, can be more effective to prevent global warming, polar melting glaciers, rising levels of higher.


Finally, we need to save water, wash to use less detergent, reduce the pollution of water, living water to do water use, such as washing water can be used to flush the toilet, washing water can be used to water the flowers.


To make a long story short, "there are a lot of low carbon life", use less disposable bowls and chopsticks, use environmental protection bags instead of plastic bags to replace the paper towel, handkerchief.


There is only one earth, we need to work together to take care of, to low carbon, to make the world more brilliant.



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★ 范文

I think healthy habits are very important for us.

All of us want to be healthy. First, we should get enough sleep during the night. We can go to bed early and get up early. Staying up late is bad for our health. Second, we must have the right kinds of food. We should eat more fruit and vegetables and less meat. We should drink a lot of water. We should have healthy eating habits. Third, we should do more exercise to build up our bodies. Finally, we should wash hands before meals and brush our teeth twice a day. If we don’t feel well, we should go to see the doctor at once.



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No classical work could pervade every cubic centimeter of air with such cultural fragrance but she.

No judicious sage could merge various elements as a magnificent poem but she.

No green tree could consist of vivid cells arousing every hearts anxiety for being young forever but she.

She is my university Fudan University.

The first time I entered the campus as a freshman, I was deeply attracted by her cultural atmosphere and historical connotation. Fudan is a graceful lady who is accustomed to serenity but meanwhile each action of hers outpours her innermost tern perament. Apparently it is worth every effort to probe into her world for the sake of both physical and mental enrichment. Her humanistic spirit inspires me to care for everything around, even the most trivial one.

On the other hand, catching up with the times, Fudan is modern and smart. You see, the many age-old buildings here are actually great libraries and labs. Scientific and technological developrnent is easily smelt in the air,because she never lags behind the world.

Fabulously, such a historical and scientific school is far more than an operational mechanism. Her everlasting youth and vigor beam through every corner of the campus and the young in school vivify every piece of concrete and wood here. What makes me happy and strong is that it perpetuates me with unfading energy. And it is definitely beneficial for me to be granted enthusi。



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It was the first day of our summer holiday. All of us were very happy. Why? Because we have one month to do things we love to do. We are free. Although we have some homework. But we can finish them in several days. And the rest time we can make good use of. My god! We have been very tired after hard studying. In winter holidays, I want to have full sleep and eat good food in order to replenish myself. Last but not the least; I will have a good rest.




This July, I graduated from primary school. I was enrolled to a good middle school. Therefore, I had a happy and leisure summer holiday. In the middle of July, I attended to a summer camp. It’s about English. There were twenty five students in the camp. We all like English very much. Together, we studied and played. There were many activities, team work or single performance. We tried our best to put ourselves into this big family. Most of the time, we talked to each other in English. If we really don’t know how to express in English, we could ask for help. Our teachers were so great that they could help us a lot. They were so active that make us acted as they did. I am happy to attend this activity.




i often go to see my grandma grandpa during my summer vacation.they are both seventy years old live in the country happily. summer view of the countryside is very beautiful. i can do many interesting things there. i am used to getting up early in the morning, breathing the fresh air,listening to the birds singing, enjoying the green trees, red flowers the river. i like fishing with my friends. when night comes, i sit under the tree with my grandma, listening to her telling me many funny stories. and i tell her some new things happening in the city. when i have to go back,i am always reluctant to go. i really feel happy living in the country.



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Every day I will come to my house downstairs garden that buy vegetables, every time to buy food I will carry a green bag, and I buy food is the most fresh, the most nutrition, without any pesticide of vegetables.

After buying vegetables, I will go home to cook cooking. I hold accuse the electric meal bao in the home is from solar power, so that use of low cost, no pollution to the environment, to adapt to the sustainable development; High reliability, and does not need complex auxiliary system. I started cooking. My family is from downstairs stream into electric frying pans hydro power, its low cost, no pollution, can be continuous regeneration. Can strong effect. Water dissolving force is big, has great ability of ionization, can make the water soluble substances in the body exist in dissolved, and the attitude of the electrolyte ions, help active chemical reactions in the human body, increase the vigour. After dinner, I go to do my homework.

My home is the LED desk lamp, it can be environmental protection and energy saving can save 80% of the electricity; More comfortable visibility, provides a more uniform light and clear images; Long life; Easy to use security. Homework, Im ready to go outside to play for a while.

I rode my bike and looking at the flowers outside, very beautiful flowers, colorful; Grass, grass, cui lust flow. His heart alacrity. My bike is very good, he is very environmental protection, no pollution, can let us save Labour, save money. In the look at the car outside, energy consumption; The tail car cause air pollution, global warming; Go out by car, reduces the chance people walking exercise, affect the body health. Say to say, wed like to keep the car bicycle, drive a car. I went to bed after I exercise the body.

My bed is very warm, it is because we use heat to keep the bed warm. He covers an area of small; Dont need to do central heating time saving manpower; Thermal efficiency is higher, the heat utilization rate of hot water is several times. Very practical. In my warm bed asleep slowly, slowly fall asleep. This is my low carbon life, my home!








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After passing the 2012 College Entrance Examination, I find my name in the enrolling list ofNanjingAuditUniversitywhich many young people dream of。 As a boy of 18, I am happy to go to such a famous university, so that I want to make my life colorful and fruitful in university。 Heres my plan for university life。




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Summer the sun baked the earth at jolly, then think of the first word is "nobody". At this point about how we hope to have a bowl of chill water in the body. Its not, parents took me to go with Li Xinyue the pearl spring water world to play.

Everything is not so easy, however, as soon as we get there in the sun baked a period of time. Ok no sweet without sweat, I put on swimsuit, set the swimming laps, bare feet run into the swimming pool. After a while, to my favorite show, "tsunami", at this moment, how much I was ecstatic swimming I pulled her mothers hand, and all things that damned wave will be against me, I was not easy for a few steps forward, its easy to push me to step back N.



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My School Life

My life the most unforgettable is my primary school. Because I do not have to early to go to school every day。 Need not very tired. And also very early from school in the afternoon. Work is very less. Knowledge is also simple. My primary school life is so colorful.



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My School Life

Hello! I’m a student from Class 10, Grade 7. Let me tell you something about my school life. It’s very intersting.

Classes begin at 7:50 am. I have five classes in the morning. In the afternoon, I have three classes. We study many subjects. They are English, art, history, biology and some other subjects. My favorite subject is English. It’s easy and interesting. I like P.E. and music, too. Our P.E. teacher is very funny. But I don’t like history at all. I think it’s difficult and boring.

After school, I like playing soccer on the playground with my classmates. Sometimes I go swimming. Every Tuesday and Thursday, I go to the library.

I like my school life a lot.

