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My school life is very common. I get up at six o’clock every morningfrom Monday to Friday. And the I would go running with my classmates, as our head teacher says health is themost important thing. After running I have to do morning exercises on theplayground. Then I can have breakfast. Having breakfast, I need to have morningreading. Oh, I almost forget that all of the students have to do some cleaningbefore breakfast. There come the various classes. Then noon comes. Havinglunch, I will go to sleep. I often read twenty minutes before I fall asleep. I haveclass in the afternoon. And I still have classes at night. It’s boring, right? ButI have got used to it and enjoy myself at school.




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Childhood is like a colorful book, childhood is like a beautiful painting. Childhood was interesting, once those things, scenes, still deeply imprinted in my mind...

Summer comes, the weather is very hot, the sun baked the earth like a furnace. I desperately shaking with big fan, said to himself: "if there is something to eat, cold that it would be great!" At this moment, I saw my father was holding a large watermelon eating with relish. I ran over and said to him: "dad, I want to eat, I want to eat!" Dad and I cant, so we have to give me to eat. A: wow! This is delicious. Ice ice cool, cool! All of a sudden, because I eat too fast, accidentally swallowed a -. I wiped to wipe your mouth, anxiously asked my father: "after eating - what can I do for you?" Father said humorously: "thats not good, not long after, the head will grow a big watermelon." Ah? No, not that I do not want the disfigured!

Every day I fear, afraid to head up a big watermelon to one of these days. I more think more afraid of, dare not to eat too much food and water every day, as usual, a hungry have to find something to eat, just like a cat, because I am afraid that I will eat too much food is in the water the seed, fertilizer, seeds will quickly "thriving", soon will grow to a big watermelon. Sometimes, I will look in the mirror, touch the head, exactly have long out a big watermelon.

A few days later, mom and dad finally unbearable, looked at me very abnormal, curiously ask me: "yue yue, how are you these days? Only eat half bowl of rice, every time ask you why, you ask ten nine dont answer, is not comfortable?" Ill have to account. Say that finish, they burst out laughing. Smile enough is enough, I asked them: "you not only have no sympathy for me, instead of laughing at me!" So, mom and dad told me that it doesnt work that way, is make me play.

Childhood, is how good, ever do foolish thing is how funny, lots of fun is still in my heart, laughter still echoed in my ear...








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We will never forget our freshman year at college. In general it is a time filled with anticipation, some anxiety, and wonderful discoveries.

College is much different than high school. You may decide to commute from your home to a local campus. Without doubt, the most dramatic freshman year is for those living away from home. What can we expect as we head off into the wonderful world of higher education?

The first thing I notice is the workload. It is heavier and more intense than I ever experienced before. The major challenges of college work are large volume of reading, short deadlines, and “endless” writing. A related effect that can be brought on by the workload is doubt, frustration, and loneliness if possible.

On some of those long, seemingly endless nights of studying and writing, it will be very natural for me to long for fine old days. Hang in there. These down periods will pass.

I have made a lot of new friends. I am sure college friendships will be among the most satisfying and long-term in my life. Its always exciting to discover how wonderfully diverse college relationships can be.

I am enjoying my newfound freedom. Stay up until dawn talking about my ideals and ambitions with my dorms regular bull session buddies. Sleep in until the afternoon on a light class day. Explore the local town or suburbs with one or two of my new friends.

I even start to think about my future. Going to college is as much about finding out who am I as it is about getting the degree.



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Impressions of the holiday is always filled with unforgettable memories, happiness is always filled with memorable impression in the holiday to enrich feelings, impressions of the holiday is always filled with more satisfying, dribs and drabs, carefree, happy! Every time as long as the holiday comes, Ill put all the troubles, depressed mood, all rushed to the toilet, the heart of the crazy fun, completely to charge a big heart, enjoy the vacation short happy time!

Which makes me to hainan island is the most memorable in the year summer vacation, "play" jellyfish in just five days, let our whole family to play joy, these! Hainan island of jellyfish are avirulent without electricity; Can for people to touch, they are like little jelly and attractive appearance, really makes me remember, never forget!

Work more and more in recent years, the family, the holiday life into countless zi tasteless, miserable life, can only at home, enjoying them that years of dribs and drabs, originally happy vacation, becomes monotonous and boring of waiting, imagine, after all, in the heart still went up in smoke.

"Vacation" is a kind of mind, can let me enjoy the vacation life of that kind of happiness, meet the happy feeling.







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别喜欢玩沙.只要一看到沙滩,就赶紧脱掉小鞋冲向它的怀抱.在沙滩上爬来爬去,快乐得大喊大叫.沙滩我和小伙伴们的手中,一会儿变洞穴,一会儿变小山,一会儿又变成一座大城堡……玩得可有趣了.但是我每次都把自己搞得像一个小泥猴似的.妈妈用了各种方法叫我别弄脏衣服,可是我就是不听,有时一听到妈妈叫我,我就吟道:“危楼高百尺……”逗得妈妈又好气又好笑.有时玩到天快黑时,妈妈叫我回家,我当“耳边风”.妈妈不得不用竹条儿吓唬我:“宁子,再不回家,就打你的小屁股!”只要妈妈一举起竹条儿,我就连忙抱住妈妈说:“别打!别打!好妈妈,我回家就是!”说完我趁妈妈不注意,偷偷地抓起两把沙子塞进裤带里…… 读二年级时,暑假里有一天,我和爸爸妈妈去乡下外婆家.快到中午了,我发现门旁的大黄狗伸出长长的舌头直喘气,我问爸爸:“它为什么伸着舌头呢?”爸爸说:“狗身上没有汗腺,伸舌头是为了散热.”中午吃饭时,我吃了一碗面条,热得满头大汗,就把舌头伸得长长的.外婆问:“宁子,你在干什么呀?”我说:“我在散热.”逗得全家人哈哈大笑.还有一次作文课上,老师要求同学们写一篇关于自己爱吃的食品,并特别强调内容要扣题.我搜肠刮肚地想了半天,终于做成一篇〈蛋炒饭〉:吃蛋炒饭是我所喜欢的.我年年都要吃蛋炒饭,月月都要吃蛋炒饭,天天都要吃蛋炒饭,而且早餐也吃蛋炒饭,晚餐还吃蛋炒饭,我时时刻刻都想吃蛋炒饭…….老师写在我作文后面的评语是:当心撑破肚皮…… 童年的趣事还有许许多多,它是多么值得我回忆啊!



















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童年是美好的,童年是丰富多彩的,童年有我们最美好的回忆。小时候时的天真、幼稚和可爱,还会时时浮现出来。 童年是我们人生的开始,在我第一次踏进校门的时候,我知道,这就点亮了我人生中第一盏明灯。还记得在我入学的第一天,妈妈把我带进校园,当妈妈离开时,我的心中就感到孤独、寂寞,因为那是我第一次离开家长,自己独自一人学习、生活。校园生活使我学会了自强、自立,学校生活还使我学会了与别人交往,我拥有了许许多多的好朋友,我与他们一起十分快乐。 记得小时候,我经常叫父母提着我的手,让爸爸妈妈站在楼梯旁边,我呢,就在楼梯中间的滑梯中依靠着爸爸妈妈的力量快乐地飞着……孩子他妈,你慢点!小心一点!别毛手毛脚的,伤到孩子怎么办啊?……知道了,你还不是?……而我呢,就在旁边快乐地笑着。直到现在,我看见那里的滑梯,会不知不觉地鼻子一酸,哭了。我有一天回家时,跟同学们聊起自己的幸福童年,脑海中想起了滑梯,便会热泪盈眶,同学们问我:”怎么了?”我才说:哦,没事,只是风沙太大了”。可是,那天的风很小很小,似乎老天不给我面子,不让我撒谎呢! 在我童年的生活是多姿多彩的,它就像美丽的彩虹,散发着属于它的赤橙黄绿青蓝紫的七彩光芒。我们就像一粒小小的种子,在老师、家长的精心培育下,慢慢的长成一棵参天大树。我们就像是含苞欲放的花朵,美丽的世界等待着我们去扮靓…… 我的童年,我忘不了你啊。



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In the survival of our planet, there are lovely animals bring us laughter, has plants the smell, heady mist. But in recent years, the human is relentlessly destroy the natural ecological environment.

The recent rise in global temperatures, penguins and polar bears are being destroyed, become the direct climate refugees. Dressed in a black "tails" penguins have to tow, a large number of large Numbers of immigrants. Simple and honest lovely polar bears because cant find the food cold and hunger, tummy "loud gurgling" straight. Charming scenery of the maldives is a good place for leisure vacation, every year thousands of tourists come to sightseeing. But in the near future, there will be inundated by the Antarctic melting glaciers. Residents of the panic, some even abandoned the upbringing of their homeland, migrate.

Also dont understand the people of low carbon life consciousness soon! For humans, animals and nature in harmony forever. Each one of us should be low carbon environmental small guards, start from the self, from small start bit by bit, with a grateful heart, to build our beautiful earth.






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童年像一阵风,童年像一朵朵美丽的鲜花,童年先一个万花筒,每个人的童年都有笑声、快乐、悲伤、有眼泪我也不看例外,童年也是一朵朵变化多彩的云。 Childhood is like a gust of gust, childhood like a beautiful flower, a kaleidoscope first in childhood, everyones childhood has laughter, happiness, sadness, tears.No exception, childhood is also a colorful cloud.









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童年是无忧无虑的,就像整天嬉戏的浪娃娃;童年是五彩缤纷的,就像海边漂亮的贝壳;童年是有趣的,就像每天玩耍的小鱼。 Childhood is carefree, just like the waves that play all day; childhood is colorful, just like beautiful shells by the sea; childhood is interesting, then it is interesting, thenLike a small fish playing every day.







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I try to do a good job, in order to round my college dream, perhaps the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. With the day of the end of the college entrance examination, in the days of countless expectations, the dream was eventually broken, the heart was broken, the world seemed to be suffocated.

But, life has to continue, I can not give up the dream of childhood, I still have a lot of wish can not be realized. I know that everything may start again, as long as I have the courage to face life.

In the limitless longings and reverie, college life began. Time is always slipping away from behind you, slipping from your feet, flying through your vision... Unwittingly, the life of the university is almost a year! I remember when I first entered university, I often walked alone in a big campus and looked at a strange face. My heart was so lonely. At that instant, I felt so small. However, I am still so confident of myself, in fact, sometimes people are really helpless, and that is the only motive for me to cheer up.

Many times, love the memories of that intense and full of high school life, then it seems that we have not grown up, the childhood heart do not seem to disappear, remember that failed the exam because stubborn grin. Want to cry but the girl smiled at me; remember that smile to see people love, cocked his head the boy asked me questions; think of...... Everything is so clear and clear. When we are living in the moment, we do not feel that we are happy, looking back at the road that we have passed, the rest is only regrettable! At this time I think of a very ordinary word, "lose only to know how to cherish" must be the true meaning of life.

I do not want to let myself live in yesterday, because there is no hope yesterday, only memories. As I have taken too much attention to yesterday, today has slipped away silently, tomorrow unwittingly arrived, what I own is more and more belonging to yesterday. I dont want to let my tomorrow regret for today.

After entering the University, learning is no longer so nervous, it seems that there is more time and space to be dominated by yourself, as long as you have enough passion to invest. Gradually, I feel that I am growing up in an invisible way. I am strong and independent. Time elders are always so amazing. Under his guidance, I find the sky that belongs to me. Life is no longer empty, no longer monotonous, no solitude... In the study, you never come up, because he is very clear, life is not sympathy for the weak, not motivated people shouldnt have today, even if life gives me so much. Every time I failed due to an attempt, not inferiority, not to complain about life there are too many twists and turns, the sea waves roll if lost, lost forceful desert; if Kuangwu Feisha lost, lost spectacular. Life is also the same, living too vulgar, life is lost the original charm. In life, I have known many friends. I have always believed that meeting people in the vast sea is a way to know each other and become friends. Everyones heart is not the same color, everyone has a different world in the heart, because of this, and sometimes not with friends. Because of the misunderstanding of friends quietly tears, once because of the emergence of a generation gap with their parents a loud cry or be sad, because...... Maybe this is youth. When you are young, you can laugh and make trouble. This is the special treatment that youth gives us. If you no longer have strong physique, vigorous energy and unlimited potential, you will no longer be young.

Most of the time, love a person sit and think a lot of things, want to far away things, as if not to the point of reverie. Occasionally a stiff giggle, no scruple of laughter, occasional tears, crying... Perhaps, I have not grown up before I have entered the University, the heart of the childlike innocence is still in. In fact, how I wish I didnt grow up, because that way I dont have to bear more responsibilities, there will be no more troubles and pressures, I believe in myself and be an angel of happiness. Use your own smile to melt the cold around, to illuminate the darkness around it. But I believe that when I experienced that day exposed to wind and rain, the day when I stumbled and fell again, the day when I flew through the sky, I have grown up, I will be very proud to tell the world: "grow up!"

In fact, living is happiness, even if your life is spent in failure. For a living, you can see the mountains are green, the sea is blue, the snow is white; as alive, can understand life like onions, as long as you own a piece of it, there is always one will let you tears.

When I understand all of this, it seems a lot easier. I no longer need to carry too much. I can live more naturally and live well in my own way, for all the people I love and those who love me. There is a never exhausted spring in the world, there is a deep sense of love will never die out.

To be grateful to my parents...

To be grateful to friends...

Be grateful to life...

I am so happy!
















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Depending on personal experience, personality type and emotional concern, we find that some people hold the idea of living in the country, while others prefer living in the city. In my opinion, I prefer the city life, though it has advantages and disadvantages.

First of all, city life is very colorful. City is the center of the surrounding area. So, it is also the most booming place having the best things. There are many great things and wonderful activities in the city, while there isn’t in the country. For example, there are KFC, wonderful shopping mall, delicious food from various places, dancing club, different kinds of activities and so on. We can also learn the culture from all the countries. Despite city life is so wonderful, it still has many disadvantages. Nowadays, with the improvement of people’s living standard, people have more cars and more people come to city, and then the city becomes more and more crowd. As a result, traffic jam emerges, which makes great inconvenience for people to go out. What’s worse, the air pollution becomes serious day by day, which is bad for people’s health.

To sum up, every coin has two sides. Living in the city also has good side and bad aspect. Whether like living in city or not depends on individual thinking. As myself, I like living in city though I know the disadvantage of living in city.



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My school life colorful. On Monday, we have a language lesson, we like this class. On Tuesday, we have a P.E. class, we can match each other. On Wednesday, we have an English class, our favorite is the English class! Thursday and Friday are eat beef, school of beef is delicious!



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I often go to see my grandma and grandpa during my summer vacation.They areboth seventy years old and live in the country happily. Summer view of thecountryside is very beautiful. I can do many interesting things there. I am used to getting up early in the morning breathing the fresh airlistening to the birds singing and enjoying the green trees red flowers and the river. I like fishing with my friends. When night comes I sit under the tree with my grandma listening to her telling me many funny stories. And I tell her some new things happening in the city. When I have to go backI am always reluctant to go. I really feel happy living in the country.




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If I had my life to live over...I would have talked less and listened more.

I would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet was strained and the sofa faded.

I would have taken the time to listen to my grandfather ramble about his youth.

I would never have insisted the car windows be rolled up onasummer day because my hair had just been teased and sprayed.

I would have burned the pink candle sculpted like a rose before it melted in storage.

I would have sat on the lawn with my children and not worried about grass stains.

I would have cried and laughed less while watching television-and more while watching life.

I would have gone to bed when I was sick instead of pretendingtheearth would go into a holding patter if I were not there fortheday.

I would never have bought anything just because it was practical,would not show soil or was guaranteed to last a lifetime.

There would have been more I love yous ... more Im sorrys...but mostly, given another shots at life, I would seize every minute... look at it and really see it...live it...and never give it back.



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Last sunday. I and my father, mother, grandparents, brother went to changbaishan by bus. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired,it began to rain,My West Lake silk umbrella missed,. Dad said to me,“zhaixiaowei, don’t do anything halfway.”at last,So I insisted reached the top, the top of the scenery so beautiful.We were flying kites, I was thirsty, my mother bought me a bottle of water, .finally we went home.finally,Since then, Ive kept the umbrella。i was very happy。



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With the development of science and technology,our lives have changed a lot in the past century。

Many things that wouldn’t happen before have come into reality now。Therefore,our lives will change as well in the future。

Our pace of live will greatly speed up,because we will help many machines to finish our work。Many things can be done autonomously。Therefore,people will have more time for fun。People can travel the outer space freely。

Space shuttle can bring people to planets far from the earth。Besides,our environment will be much better than now,because some effective measures are taken to protect the environment。Earth is still a beautiful home for human。







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Time, can really fast, I cant catch the fast. Twinkling of an eye, this two months of summer vacation, draw to a close, I dont know what to say. Sitting in front of the computer, dull, total want to indulge in his own weaving dreams, do not want to wake up. Time the old man, anyway, I put the summer vacation time all away from me.

Really, quick opening, want to say something, but I dont know where to start. This summer vacation, the raising of the third summer vacation. My friends asked me, how things this summer vacation. I answered: I, not very happy, they asked: why, yes, why, why, perhaps because of mother promised me to hangzhou line, did not go into, perhaps because the deadlock good friends relationship, maybe its my wayward didnt cram school. Too many reasons, too many stories.

Summer vacation, not happy, now, is hate me, I know the grade, but I was not a good preview course in grade 3, really, at this moment, good regret. I know, regret is useless, so, I see, this summer vacation again how unhappy, but always in time you angry, slip regret, not grasp you.

Good refueling ah, in the third, study hard!

Summer vacation is over. All the wind scattered, start a new life!



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I live with my parents and my grandmother. My grandmother is a kind elderly people. She likes talking and she always tells me stories of hers, my father’s and mine. She is full filled with memories. She told me that I was quiet and docile when I was little. My parents went to work all day, and my grandmother took care of me and my cousin. After she fed me, I sat and played myself. She didn’t have to worry much about me. I almost made no troubles. But my cousin was not. He never sat well or ate his food tactfully. My grandmother had to always keep an eye on him to prevent making troubles. But, there was one thing drove her crazy. That was I didn’t like going to school. When I was at the school age, my parents sent me to school. But I cried every morning when I arrived at school. They had to comfort me for a long time to bring me into classroom. After two or three months later, the situation became good. I like my grandmother sharing the stories with me. It makes me warm and beloved.


My dad bought a computer when I was five years old. I could draw pictures and listen to music on it. But once, the computer was down suddenly. My dad told me that it might be attacked by computer virus.

I was so scared that I asked dad anxiously, "Did it get a flu? Did it need some medicine?" But dad laughed and said smilingly, "Dont be silly, son. No medicine can cure a computer virus. Its a problem of program." I didnt understand what my dad said at that time. But I made up my mind to study hard and to be a computer expert in the future.


i’d like to tell you something about my childhood. when i was six years old, i was a lovely girl!

one day, my father saw some fish in the river, so he asked me, “why can fish only live in water?” i thought about it, then i gave him the answer, “because there are some cats on the bank.” my father laughed when he heard that. then he said, “you are smart!” i was happy to hear that.zw.yjbys.com

maybe you will say, “it’s a funny answer.” now, i think, it is very interesting. and now i am smart. my parents love me very much. i am so happy to have that childhood.



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I want to grow up as soon as possible. When I grow up, I can do many things

that I can’t now. However, at the same time, I am afraid. I don’t know what my

future life would be. Look around myself, some people are busy working for

having enough food to eat and live better; some are achieving every goal that

they make; some may live in the poor situation. I don’t know what kind of life I

would have in the future. But I know that everyone’s life is in their hands. So

I will try my best to work hard for a better future life.



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After entering college, we found, to our surprise, that differences between high school life and college life are great. In high school, we always depended on our parents and teachers to solve all kinds of difficult problems. At college, however, we have to rely exclusively on ourselves. Whats more, we have to learn how to get along with our classmates and roommates.

Four years at college is an important yet very short period of time in our life. So it is always expected that we adapt to this life as quickly as possible. But it is a pity that not everyone can do so immediately. Here are some suggestions.

First, get familiar with the main buildings on the campus. Spend one or two hours by yourself or with your classmates to go around the campus so that you can know the location of such important places as the library, the dining room, the post office, the clinic and classrooms. Next, try to be independent. Learn to do such things as making sound decisions on how to spend your time, how to spend your money etc, and washing clothes on your own. Furthermore, form good study habits. Talk with your classmates and learn from their good habits. Finally, try to take part in all kinds of activities to get out of your solitude and get on well with your classmates.
