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See! It is naughty and mischievous Xionghui Zhou Tiejun leaves in the snowball fight? Is not because Zhou Xionghui secretly attacked Ye Tiejun? You threw me flash, you lost my hide in the snow war actually began to pull the curtain. You see, Zhou Xionghui picked up a snowball and threw it, and Ye Tiejun took one, and hit the other. Zhou Xionghui a look, an opponent into a two, quickly escape. But he slipped and fell on the ground like a watermelon. He felt pain in the ass just stand up, leaves have been blocked in the presence of iron. Look at his left, Reggie, a member of the general is really in a dilemma! See Zhou Xionghui cornered, had to surrender. Ye Tiejun see, learn the Confederate leader Yuan Shao of the Three Kingdoms period said: I want to play Ye Tiejun, no way!

The little girls on the side of the war had just stopped there. You look at the little girl in the snowman. Their first two snowball pile the snowmans body, and later with some leaves ah briquettes ah to the blood by the eyes and mouth, a lovely snowman is done.

Happiness in the snow is endless, listen to the laughter spread far ah!




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I remember it like yesterday.We were all waiting patiently for my father to come home from the race track.He promised me and my sister that if he won,he would take us all to Rye Playland.

The minutes felt like hours.It was the longest hour of my life.Then finally we heard the car door shut.Me and my sister ran to the front door anxiously waiting for the news.He opened the door and walked in.We tried to read the expression on his face but of course he was looking down while taking his sneakers off.

The suspense was killing us.Then he looked up.No words were spoken between us and our father.He just gave us a blank stare.I didnt know what to think.I was scared to ask because I was so worried of the response.



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I have a good weekend. On Saturday morning ,I do my homework. After lunch, I go shopping with my mother. At about five o’clock, I go to play basketball with my friend. On Sunday, I watch a football game on TV. I often help my mother do housework. I watch TV with my parents in the evening. Then I go to bed at nine o’clock. I’m very happy on weekends.



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How time flies!My colorful junior middle school life is coming to an end. I’m glad to tell you something about my school life.

When I was six years old, I started school. Since I became a student, I have been studying very hard. My parents are quite proud of me.

Now, I study at Wucun Middle School, which is not only modern but also beautiful. The teachers in my school are so kind and hardworking that I love them very much. All the teachers regard us students as their own children. Also they are strict with us and strict in their work. I am getting along very well with my classmates. Whenever we have difficulties in our study, we help each other. I have many interests such as dancing, singing, reading books and playing sports, and I especially enjoy basketball, which makes me smarter and helps me learn faster and better. So I’ve improved my life in this way.

My school life is full of happiness and fun. Although we have some new challenges every day, I’ll try my best to meet them.








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My teacher gave me an assignment "experience life" last week. I had been thinking how to finish it because I had never done any thing by myself before.

Mother was out today. It was a good chance to complete the assignment. Seeing the barrel was empty, I decided to fetch water from the well.

I took the empty barrel and went towards the well outside the yard. It snowed yesterday, so the alley was very slippery. A layer of thickice was frozen on the platform of the well. I was frightened by the sight, but I gathered my courage to walk towards it.

The alley was so slippery that I walked with difficultly. Suddenly, I slipped and fell down, water in the barrel totally poured down on the ground. I stepped on the platform carefully. After standing steadily and squatting down slowly, I hooked the barrel at the end of the rope and put the rope down slowly. I made an effort to drag the barrel up after it was filled with water. I was very careful because it was easy to slip and fall. Then, I carried the barrel of water and returned to my house. My figners were frozen stiff. I realized my effort was in vain. I hated myself.

I failed to finish the assignment but I did experience life through a trifle which seemed easy but difficult to do well. Such was my first experience of life.



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I plan to go to travel alone this summer vacation. I have traveled several times, but gone with my family or friends, never did it alone. I want to do it once, so I can train myself to be stronger and more confident. I told my parents about my plan, they supported me very much, and they thought it is a good opportunity to help me grow up. They also told me many tips of traveling and prepared the package for me. I am grateful that my parents understand me and respect my decision. I won’t let them down.




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The earth is our home, the mother of mankind, the cradle of life, had been tortured by the human was scarred. It is selfless to provide us with natural resources. So, protecting the earth is our bounden duty and responsibility. Low carbon life, is our mother is the best way to return to the earth.

On one occasion, Im writing an article. But I think did not come up with a good story. A copy of the original manuscript paper be I tore up to only a few pages, at this moment, mom finds out, she reminded me: "my daughter, how do you develop such a bad habit of waste? Dont you know the paper is made of trees? If everyone is a waste of a piece of paper, and the countrys 1.3 billion people means destroying the forest, the earth is fragile, we must carefully protect the earth, we humans can live on the earth!" Listen to the mother, I feel so ashamed. Save resources, we should start from these trivial things around: save water, save electricity...

Since learned last lesson, I would never waste paper. And "good ability to learn a low-carbon life" : the water that clean out rice can be used to water the flowers, not only make more lush flowers and plants, also can save resources; Dish washing water can be used to mop the floor or flush the toilet... Believe that everyone heard a word: if humans do not add abstemious waste of water resources, so the last drop of water in the world, will be the tear of human beings. Someone once did, as long as we are the Chinese save a drop of water, and that the country can save 45 tons of water. How amazing number! Associated with the motherland of the Yangtze river and the Yellow River, are made of a trickle of water together?

Blue sky, white clouds, the mountains green trees and red flowers, birds singing, the fish in the water freely roam. What a harmony between man and nature landscape. Isnt that what people aspire to, look forward to? From this moment, protect the earth, low carbon life. Let our homes more beautiful, more green!







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我家附近有几棵挺拔的树。在这些挺拔的树中,有一棵树最为奇特:繁茂的树叶、龙一般的身子,能站能做,好似座位,又因为这颗树的样子,我把它当作了火车。在树的最前头,有像龙一样的犄角,还有一个座位,正好可以站得下一个驾驶员。在我们几个小伙伴当中,我们谁都想当驾驶员,一问到谁要当驾驶员时,我们总是把手举得高高的,嘴里还喊着我我我,所以,每当我们遇到这样的情况时,我们总是以猜拳这种方法来选驾驶员。被选到的人手舞足蹈,没被选到的只能在一旁叹气了。火车要开始行驶了,我们各自都选好了座位,驾驶员摇一摇那龙一般的犄角,并喊着:火车现在要开始行驶了。每到一个站,驾驶员就大喊:某某站到了,要下车的乘客请收拾好你的随身物品下车。 当每个人都下了车时,我们就会再以猜拳的方式来选出驾驶员。就这样,我们每个人都过了把当驾驶员的隐。





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童年是我一生中最完美的时光,每当我想起童年时所经历的趣事,我就像在梦幻里游览着五彩缤纷的世界一般。 Childhood is the perfect time in my life. Whenever I think of the interesting things I experienced in my childhood, I am like a colorful world in a dream.










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There are two people watching outside the window. The first man can only see the rubbish, because he is a pessimist. He always complains about his life, as he always regards that God is not equal to him. While facing difficulties, hes always frightened. Therefore he often loses his chances to win. Reminding his old days, hes very regretful. Once his father had placed him at the entrance of the road and told him to be careful while choosing his life. But he has chosen the wrong way. Now he gets nothing from his journey but remorse and errors. He dares not to see his father in the haven. He often cries bitterly but in vain. No wonder he is a penniless failure.


However, the second man is different from the first. Through the window, he can see the beautiful stars. As an optimist, he always smiles to everything. While facing difficulties, he still keeps a sense of humor. He can defeat all the setbacks and stumbling blocks by his great determination. And he often finds his life so colorful and interesting as he overcomes all the difficulties. Whats more, hes very strong and powerful. Although life is very difficult outside, he still makes a great effort to overcome all the troubles. Hes very brave and confident. Hes so brave, brave enough to face the present life. Hes so confident, confident enough to challenge himself. Hes very easy-going and kind-hearted. He always helps others when they are in trouble. Thats why he always owns a good fame.


From the story, we know the fact that the second man has set a good example to us, so we must follow his good example.




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童年,是一个非常美好的时光,每个人都会经历很多非常有趣的事情。我的童年最有趣的事,就是在哈尔滨打雪圈儿。 Childhood is a very beautiful time, and everyone will experience many very interesting things.The most interesting thing in my childhood is to play snow circles in Harbin.







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经过一个小时的旅程,我终于来到了他家,舅妈和大舅舅都出来迎接我,我自然很高兴,这时,我仔细看才发现躲在舅妈身后还有一个和我一般大的女孩,在后来的谈话中,我知道了她叫阿娇。阿娇长着一张秀气的脸庞,短短的头发 大大的眼睛,高高的鼻子,樱桃似的小嘴,是个很开朗的女孩,我们一下子就混熟了。一开始,她教我捉知了,可我不会爬树,于是她便耐心的教我,可我就是掌握不了技巧,她怕我受伤,就爬上数一只只捉下来给我,我们把知了一只只串在树枝上,然后放在火堆里烤,香喷喷的,让我大饱口服。


每个人都有一个童年,而童年趣事也就像海边那各色各样的贝壳,在海水的陪伴下闪闪发光,散发着五颜六色的光彩,数都数不完.而如今我的手上还握着那一颗最闪光的贝壳,那也正是我最难忘的一件童年趣事. 记得小时侯,我家院子里种着一棵和我出生时一起种的桔树,我经常拿小刀在树干上刻了个记号,天天去测量自己是否长高.看着一条条横线,我真盼望快快长高.有一天,我忽然发现自己比那记号矮了。天啊!难道我倒着长了?我心里害怕极了,连忙跑去问妈妈:"妈妈,为什么别的小伙伴都长高了,我怎么变矮了?

"妈妈忙放下身边的活,把我放在椅子上问:"为什么这么说啊!"我忙跳下椅子,拉住妈妈的手,把她拉到院子里指着说:"我天天用小刀在树上刻我的身高,可是我今天来刻却在以前刻的横线下面了."我边说边在树上指出那两条横线.妈妈听了我的话,又看了看树,沉默了两分钟后就莫名其妙的大笑起来,笑得都直不起腰来,眼泪都出来,拍了拍傻呆呆看着她的我的头说:"傻瓜,不是你矮了,是树高了,以后可别做这种傻事喽。”我恍然大悟,原来不是我矮了,而是树高了.之后我又高高兴兴去找小鸡玩耍,真不知道自己又会对小鸡干出什么傻事....... 哈哈!有趣吧!我的童年就是这样,傻事趣事一箩筐.像给雪娃娃洗澡,剃眉毛……

也正是那么多趣事,傻事组成那七彩的童年,欢乐的童年,令人留恋的童年。虽然这段金色时光正慢慢离我远去,我已不那么傻,我相信童年趣事一定会成为我人生中最美的回忆. “哈哈…...”随着银铃般清脆的声音,使我想起了童年的生活。那时的我是幼稚的,是可爱的,是活泼的,同时做的事也是幼稚的。在众多群星中,挑一颗明亮的星星,它使我记忆犹新。 记的小时候,村里的大人们都称我是一个无法无天的小淘气鬼。做的事情足以让你笑的前俯后仰。 再过几天就要过端午节了,家里人一会儿做饭,一会儿扫地,一会儿准备包棕 子的材料,忙的气都喘不过来了。




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I was born in a small county which is poor. Therefore, there were no beautiful clothes or many toys. Before I went to school at six, I only played with my peers nearby. It was such a wonderful period that I would never forget. We always made our toys independently, which cost no money at all. Sometimes, parents would help making toys as well. We could play from morning to night until parents told us to go home for dinner. However, as a rural child, I must help my parents doing farm work in the busy season, such as planting and harvesting. Besides, my mother is a teacher. Therefore, she began to teach me to read and count when I was three, so I had to spend some time I study. Now, remembering it, I feel much happy rather than upset.





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When I was six years old, I began to go to school. The first school (which) I attended was a primary school. There were many subjects (which were taught in the school, such as Chinese, arithmetic, history, geography, drawing and so forth. Since I was (became) a student, I studied very hard. My parents were quite proud of me.

After I had studied there for three years, I entered a junior high school. When I was twelve years old, I became a student of a senior high school. I still studied very hard. Except on sick leave I was never absent from class. Everybody looked upon me as a model student.






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My winter holiday is very dull. I stay at home for most of time. sometimes I visit my friends and play basketball with them. sometimes we go shopping.

One day, we go to the kfc. We have hamburgers, chicken coke and french fries. We have sore throats. We go home and have a rest. then we feel better. We go and play computer games! how mad we are!

This is the only thing i can talk about in the holiday.



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Nowadays ,many people are talking about lowcarbon living. I think each and every one of us is responsible for the greenhouse gases we emit in our daily actions and choices. Therefore, combating climate change is going to take the combined efforts of everyone on the planet.

2010 World Expo was held in Shanghai. Shanghai Expo theme is "Better City, Better Life." As a student, we should do something about environmental protection. For example, plant trees, save water and less your car.

Protect Our Environment It is important to beal with the rubbish in cities. Our world was colorful,beautiful and full of life. But these years, people have built many factories along rivers. Many trees have been cut down. Many animals have lost their homes. Factories causepollution. Rivers become polluted. As a student, you should do every things in your everyday life to protect them. First, stop wasting more water. Second, throw waste things into different dustbins. For example, waste paper should be throw into paper recyclable bins. Third, stop cutting down trees.Instead, plant more. Fourth, pick up garbage inthe park or on the road when we are free. Last, call on more and more people to pay attention to contrlling pollution.






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Hello! I am Yulan, a sunshine girl! I’m a student in ClaTwo Grade Seven. My school lifeis so wonderful! Classes begin at 8:10 a.m. I have four classes in the morning and three classes in thafternoon. My favorite subject is math, because it ’s easy and interesting!

Do you like math,can you tell me? I usually have lunch at school, then, I have rest. After school, I often climb hills with my classmates on the playground. It,’s my favorite outdoor activities I like it very much! What do you think?

My schoool life is busy and fantastic. First, we have four classes in the morning and three in the afternoon. We have to get to school before 7:30 because we have a morning class. Second, I like my school life because teachers and my classmates are friendly and helpful.

We also have lots of after-school activies. Third, our school environment is very beautiful, the teachers all can make their lesson interesting and instructive. So I like my school life very much.



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My new college life is going to start, so i cannot help feeling excited. How many times i have dreamed my beautiful and meaningful university life!

When my new life begin, i think the first thing i should do is to focus on my study. i will try my best to learn as many subjects as possible. besides, i think i will take part in some school activities to improve my comprehensive ability, such as communication ability and so on. At the same time, i am supposed to join some student unions or clubs to make my life colorful.

I know there are many differences between high schools and universities, so i will change my study habits. in high schools, it is the times of teachers forcing students to study, but in universities, we should arrange all the things by ourselves, so i will study by myself. i will make study plans such as time scheduel or something like that by myself.

of course, i will practice myself to be more independent. independence is a rather crutial ability for future development, so if there are any problems, i will do my best to solve it personally, and wont ask someone at first as before.

This is what i arrange for my new life, and hope it will start soon. i am ready for it!
