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端午节英文作文300字 - 开学吧









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Today, it is our traditional Chinese festival - the Dragon Boat Festival. On this day, all families have different customs: eating zongzi, hanging leaf, white sugar... Today, I went to my grandmothers house to eat the cake tube with my mother.

At noon, we saw a lot of people sitting together, surrounded by a circle, very lively. The adults are talking about all kinds of events and children are playing. The dining table is full of all kinds of delicacies. There are bright yellow fried onions with brilliant colors and fried noodles with fine and gorgeous salted vegetables, and fat and tender meat... It is a table of dazzling "manhanquanxi".

I saw my mother put a fresh cake skin flawless and perfect for food in the upper crust a layer of thin and long spicy noodles, in order not to break the dough. Then put on your own love of food, eel, fat, egg...... Then, roll up the pie crust and roll it into the shape of a barrel. Finally, a simple and tasty cake canister was done. I am greedy slobber DC three thousand feet, regardless of the consequence, wolf, Dakoutaikou eat up, soon after it disappeared

This "Manhanquanxi" let me eat like a little fat, very satisfied!




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From small to large, I have a lot of wishes. What I want most now is that the world will be peace.

Though our Chinese children live in a peaceful area, I know that the world is not peaceful, some places are still in war, and many children are still suffering from the war. Whenever I saw the war on TV, the scene of blood splashing all over the earth was stained with red and clear river. When I saw children running around and homeless everywhere during the war, I cant see it. At this moment, I wish the world to peace! Why those invaders cant give up the greedy desire? Why cant they just for the sake of the future of the children and stop the war? The relentless war swept away their homes, looted their relatives, also swept away their future.

How I hope the world will be able to peace! By that time, everyone has extended the hand of friendship, and everyone is equal and free. No aggressor growl, nor angry rebel, nor callous bombing of the war, everywhere is full of sweet singing of children, how much better to the world! Overweeningly ambitious invaders, as long as you learn to give up, give up ambition and greed, there will be no war in the world, become full of happy world!

I hope my wish will come true.



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I Like Sunny Days

I really like sunny days. My mood is very good on sunny days because the sun is shining and I can see the beautiful sky. On days when the weather is not good, I would have to stay outside, and it can become boring. However if it is sunny I can enjoy the outdoors. It is good weather for jogging, taking a walk, or riding a bike. It is even better if there is a breeze, because then it is cool so it is more pleasant to be outside. Popsicles and ice creams are very good snacks for warm, sunny days. The coldness helps me cool down and feel good. I like to play games with my friends outside. We like jumping rope, playing volleyball and badminton. If the sun is very bright, sometimes it is hard to see if the sunlight is reflected into my eyes. It would be useful to have sunglasses to block the sunlight. It feels good to sweat because of exercise, because I know I am becoming healthier.



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We all wish (hope) to be happy, so we should take good care of our


Health is the best treasure (which) a man can possess。 Money can do many

things, but it cannot buy happiness。 However, so long as man has good health, he

can enjoy the pleasures of human life。

In order to insure good health we must pay attention to three things。 They

are-nourishing food, fresh air and proper exercise。






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The two day is the Dragon Boat Festival, every year at home to pack zongzi. Look at the adults busy, I was really anxious. Today I am determined to learn to study zongzi.

Ready to do a good job, I like to learn my mother took out two pieces of one large and one small leaves, as the mother of the way break out of a corner, and then in the corner tube folded on a good soak in glutinous rice, stuffed a big fat pork, and glutinous rice covered over the. I began to be a bit complacent, thinking: the simple bag of dumplings can not hold the smart me. But when I put leaves cover the glutinous rice, like a naughty child does not listen to my words, one after another to have jumped out and wrapped around the leak out from side to side. Make me confused, anxious like ants on a hot pan round, but fortunately for my mom "rescue", put some rice off a bit, I was relieved, re Zongye wrap.

I had a little frustration, and finally to the last step of tie rope. To bind up only delicious rice dumplings, so I took the rope, put the dumplings tied round and round, it will be delivered to my mother. At this time I realized that the zongzi was a work of the door, and it was very difficult to wrap it up.



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I have a very happy family.There are four people in my family--my parents ,my younger brother and I.My fathther is working in another city,so he is always very busy.As a famous saying goes :" There is always an able woman behind a successful man .",my mother is a housewife.She can cook very dilicious food and she is often busy with some houseworks.Sometimes,brother and I help her tidy the house,but of course,we couldnt tidy as clean as her.

I love my parents as well as my family.I hope we can be happy forever!



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It is known to all that today the environment has been badly polluted.

Though many action have been taken to protect our environment, it still has a

long way to go. Two years ago, I went to middle school, and the first moment I

saw the environment, I found that trees were very small, and many workers were

busy planting trees. Now, when I looked around our school, the trees were taller

than people and they grew so fast. People always talk about planting trees but

less of them can take action. If they plant trees immediately, then there would

be more green scenery. Protecting the environment is not just words. We should

take action right now.



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Do as you would be done by. 推己及人。

Do business, but be not a slave to it. 要做事,但不要做事务的奴隶。

Dog does not eat dog. 物不伤其类。

Dogs that bark at a distance bite not at hand. 远处叫得凶的狗,不会近身来咬人。

Dogs that run after many hares kill none. 多谋寡成。

Dogs wag their tails not so much in love to you as your bread. 狗摇尾巴,爱的是面包。

Doing is better than saying. 行胜于言。

Do in Rome as the Romans do. 入乡随俗。

Do not all you can, spend not all you have; believe not all you hear; and tell not all youknow. 不要为所能为,不要花尽所有,不要全信所闻,不要言尽所知。

Do not cut down the tree that gives you shade. 不要忘恩负义。

Do not despise your enemy. 万勿轻敌。

Do not give a dog bread every time he wags his tail. 不要有求必应。

Do not praise a day before sunset. 切勿褒贬过早。

Do not run too fast after gain. 不要见利就拼命追。

He sits no sure that sits too high. 高处不胜寒。

He that respects not is not respected. 欲受人敬,要先敬人。

So said, so done. 说到做到。言出必行。

Haste makes waste. 忙乱易错。欲速则不达。

Better be envied than pitied. 宁被人妒,不受人怜。

Although the sun shine, leave not your cloak at home. 未雨绸缪。

So the world wags. 这就是人生

One can not be in two places at once. 一心不可二用。

No weal without woe. 福兮祸所伏, 祸兮福所倚。

Little chips light great fires. 星星之火,可以燎原。

We never know the worth of water till the well is dry. 井干方知水珍贵

Less is more. 简单就是美

A blessing in disguise. 因祸得福

Love me, love my dog.爱屋及乌

Every dog has his day. 凡人皆有得意日

Sharpening your axe will not delay your job of cutting wood.


Seeing is believing.眼见为实

Well begun is half done.好的开端是成功的一半

Time flies never to be recalled. 光阴一去不复返

When in Rome, do as Roman do.入乡随俗

Kill two birds with one stone.一箭双雕

East or west, home is best.  走东串西,还是家里好

Equal pay for equal work.同工同酬

Put the cart before the horse. 本末倒置

Pride goes before a fall. 骄兵必败

Reading makes a full man.   读书使人完善

Knowledge is power.  知识就是力量

Failure is the mother of success.  失败是成攻之母

Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧

All roads lead to Roma.  条条大道通罗马

Dont judge a person by the clothes he wears.  不能以貌取人

Like knows like. 惺惺相惜。

It is a poor mouse that has only one hole. 狡兔三窟。

Dreams are lies. 梦不足信。

Do not teach fish to swim. 不要班门弄斧。

A light heart live long. 心情开朗寿命长。不恼不愁,活到白头。

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 日吃苹果一只,身体健康不求医。

Poverty is stranger to industry. 勤劳之人不受穷。

Easy come, easy go. 易得易失。

Eat at pleasure, drink with measure. 随意吃饭,适度饮酒。

Eat ones cake and have it. 又要马儿好,又要马儿不吃草。

Eat to live, but not live to eat. 吃饭是为了生存,但生存不是为了吃饭。

Eat to please thyself, but dress to please others. 吃是使自己受用,穿是使别人受用。

Education begins a gentleman, conversation completes him. 人的教养始于教育,成于社交。

Education has for its object the formation of character. 教育的目的在于培养品德。

Elbow grease gives the best polish. 只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针。

Empty vessels make the greatest sound. 空桶响声大。

Enough is as good as a feast. 知足常乐。

Envy assails the noblest, the winds howl around the highest peak. 高位遭人妒,高峰招风吹。

Equivocation is first cousin to a lie. 支支吾吾,其言必诈。

Errors, like straws, upon the surface flow; he who would search for pearls must dive below. 错误像稻草,漂浮在水面。欲觅珍珠者,须往水下潜。

Facts are stubborn things. 事实是不容改变的东西。

Failure is the mother of success. 失败是成功之母。

Faint heart never wins fair lady.

Fair and softly go far in a day. 谦和稳重,前程远大。

Fair faces need no paint. 貌美毋须修饰。

Faith will move mountains. 精诚所至,金石为开。

Fall sick and you will see who is your friend and who is not. 困难见友情。

False friends are worse than open enemies. 明枪易躲,暗箭难防。

False tongue will hardly speak truth. 虚伪者不肯说真话。

False with one can be false with two. 对一个人虚伪,也会对两个人虚伪。

Fame is a magnifying glass. 名誉是放大镜。

Fame like a river is narrowest at its source and broadest afar off. 名誉像条河,源头最狭窄,远处最宽阔。



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States have a home, you can have a home, you have me, I wish my dear parents happy National Day! Health!


Went to the National Day holiday in the country to celebrate this day, I hope you happy as Xi, always happy. Happy National Day!


Just off the beautiful Chang E, ushered in the birthday of the motherland. I take this opportunity goes to you my heartfelt blessing: I wish you all the best and every success! ! !


Girls like flowers, and more broad-minded inclusion, in order to open up new possibilities and awaken the sleepy mountain, the river changed its appearance. This is a beautiful motherland is where my growth.


Lost, very missed. In this long National Day holiday, often recalled coexistence years. Time to find some locations, bring blessings to a very experience! 字串7


Full Ying Guo, Woods Hongye dance autumn wind. The entire country is behind Qi, and the home-Sheng everything. This grand festival will bring you everlasting lucky! 字串1


Autumn years, the harvest season, I wish the most sincere smile with you, deeply wishes you happy National Day, cause brilliant TOUCH DOWN! ! !


National Day, the National Day, celebrating the country. The birthday wish you good mood every day happy, eternal happiness!


In this season of heavy fragrance, pleasant day across the country, there is a feeling worried about is, there is a miss is thinking. Sincerely wish you a happy National Day. 字串7


National Day when you do not want to give too much, just to give you 50 million: 10 million to be happy, healthy 10 million, 10 million should be safe, happy to 10 million, 10 million MO forget me!





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With the last breath of my soul I’ll be blessing you. 在我灵魂最后的呼吸中我祝福你。

You’re always there for me.当我需要你时你永远在那里。

You know my loneliness is only kept for you, my sweet songs are only sung for you.你可知我百年的孤寂只为你一人守侯,千夜的恋歌只为你一人而唱。

When love is not madness, it is not love.如果爱不疯狂就不是爱了。

When every love comes to the end, if u look back, u will find flowers and sorrows, but it’s always beautiful.不是把对方留在自己身边才叫爱,能放手让所爱的人离开,也是爱的一种。

what a loveiy world it well be with you away.没有了你.这个世界多么寂寞。

We cease loving ourselves if no one loves us.如果没有人爱我们,我们也就不会再爱自己了。

To see a world in a grain of sand. And a heaven in a wild flower.从一粒沙子看到一个世界,从一朵野花看到一个天堂。

this valentine is for the girl who stole my heart.这份情人节礼物,是送给那位偷去我的心的女孩。

There will always be people who’ll hurt you, so you need to continue trusting,just be careful.生活中总会有伤害你的人,所以你仍然需要继续相信别人,只是小心些而已。



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In the traditional view, a woman needs to sacrifice a lot when she marries.

For example, she has to quit the job and give birth to a baby, which makes her

look older and not that beautiful anymore. But in the modern society, the new

moms change peoples idea. A lot of mothers look still young and beautiful. They

have done some work to keep the body shape and take regular exercise, no matter

how busy they are. I admire these woman, some even make her career so well. They

find the balance between family and work, which makes them charming all the

time. The hot moms deserve the girls to learn from them.



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In winter, tea tree is winter snow cover a layer of white jacket, said: "in winter, its very nice of you, thank you for giving me the jacket, let me warm, let people be able to drink good tea, if not you, people will not drink to drink tea is so good, I will not so warm. Thank you again." In the winter, said a need to go away.

I got up in the morning and went to the window to open the window! Its snowing!" I eat breakfast at a friends house to call them out and snowball fights. I called my sister and three children in the neighborhood with snowball fights. Hit the time when thinking about two things: first, the snow in the winter let us play, two will not be injured. We are happy to play.

Winter, let the world is full of white. Winter, let us play happily. In winter, let us think of a word: "suddenly, such as spring night, the trees of pear blossoms! In winter, many crops have a white cotton padded jacket. In winter, let the world is clear. We love winter. Winter is beautiful!



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1、Happy birthday. May gladness fill your every hour on this special day.


2、Warm wishes on your birthday. I send along my love and affection for you as well as a small gift. Take care!


3、Affectionate birthday greetings. Birthday means a new beginning and a new chance to take hold on life.


4、 Its time to celebrate your birthday. Happy birthday to an attractive and intellectual girl.


5、 Many happy returns of this special day. All our best wishes go to you on your birthday.


6、 We hope that you enjoy this special day and your birthday grows happier by the minute!


7、 I want to tell you on this special day that Im very glad, time hasnt changed our friendship any. Hoping your birthday is great.


8、 Wishing you a birthday that is among your very best. I hope that all the years ahead will be as happy as you have been in the past.


9、 Congratulations on your birthday. May the coming year be filled with happiness and success.


10、May every special happiness fill this day for you and may the year bring all the best things you are looking forward to.


11、 Congratulations and warmest wishes for your birthday and every day.


12、Time flies. Today comes your birthday. The best of all good things for this special day and all the many more to come. Many happy returns!




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20 March 2016

Dear Sir,

I was very interested in your advertisement in todays edition of The

Evening Post and I should like to apply to be a member of the Amazon Expedition


I am twenty-three years old and have an honors degree in Botany from Bath

University. Since leaving university I have been working in a research

laboratory but my contract comes to an end in six weeks. I would particularly

like to join the expedition for the opportunity it would give me to study the

plant life of the area.

I enjoy several outdoor activities including rowing and rock climbing and I

consider myself to be both fit and healthy enough to undertake such an


If you would like me to attend an interview, I would be able to come at any

time convenient to you, (J1) my employers have agreed to give me time off for

the purpose. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Lily Ma



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If ask me who my favorite teacher is, I will no doubt answer you that Miss Hou is my favorite teacher. She is an English teacher, she is kind to everyone, she is not like other teachers who are so strict to students. As Miss Hou is so popular among students, students learn English with high enthusiasm, that is what they return to her. Miss Hou is a good teacher.


I remember the first time I see Miss Hou, she walks in class, and then talks with students about small things. She doesn’t talk about English in the first class, everyone feels Miss Hou is so amiable, we like her so much. Miss Hou is good at teaching us, she explain the question very patiently, when we understand, she will be move to the next topic, Miss Hou is a good teacher.




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1, hope is the seed of happiness, and you are a drop of water, the seed watering, let my heart full of hope, in the sun shining, grow into fruit. The sun is your smile, and the fruit is my happiness. I love you, hope you happy all your life

2, in the new year, mom and dad hope Tingting put the past those bad habits, do not let the morning call aunt, go home at night to work well, bags, homework learn to their own finishing, not absent-minded, believe another year older Tingting can do better come on! Mom

3, children, you know, there is no one should be given, take for granted. So we should be grateful, you should learn to love and righteousness, understand the treasure and thanksgiving. Think about the big world, how many people are there for you? Everything is grateful, will live more happy. No need for earth shattering, just need a greeting from your heart, a call, a trace of emotion. Enough.

4, love is for their children to grow tired white silk hair, mother is afraid of children worry and white lies, love is the warmth of love in the world, maternal love is the world the most holy love. Wish mother health, maternal love without borders!

5, tomorrow, this is a beautiful and brilliant, reflects the colorful words. May your tomorrow be infinitely beautiful, infinite, brilliant and charming!

6, eighteen years old sky, freedom, vast, imagine, want you to fly freely, do not want you to have the world, only wish you have a piece of your own blue sky.

7, to have ideals, ideals is not fantasy, not delusions, it is through their own efforts to achieve the real dream. There is an ideal power, has the goal, will not be wasted!

8, thank the bright moon lit up the night sky, thanks to Chaoyang sunrise dawn, thank parents for my life, thanks to my friends with my growth, let us cherish a grateful heart to live, happy Thanksgiving day!

9, you are a lively, lovely children, love listening to the teacher telling stories, in class, can concentrate on listening, mathematical ability to improve than before, to communicate with the teacher happy, but also actively help teachers tidy up the corner toys. Going to primary school, if you can manage yourself, can get along well with children, believe you will be better!

10, three days to fight on seven points, sinking heart, maintaining the status quo.

11, I hope that Hans own thing to do, to complete their homework independently, listen attentively to the class, get rid of careless and careless problems, get along with the students happy, become a happy child! Mom

12, Tianjin volume: good man is a mirror of women, so that women do not lose innocence, more wisdom. A good woman is a mans mirror, so that men are confident, more successful. Good parents are the mirror of children, let children grow up healthily. Know the ethics of human relations.

13, the first half of the pupils Mao Ya grew up a lot, also achieved good results under the guidance of a teacher, good. You are not a perfect child. Your parents just want you to live and study happily and spend your childhood happily.

14, wish you in this short learning time, obtain the skill tenacious largeness of mind; like horse racing, over one and a Gaolan; let life sail on, towards the sea waves surging.

15, Zhezhe hope you good interest in learning training in the next semester, have a good habit, to make progress in study!

16, you are a lovely little friend, be clever and sensible. You can listen carefully in class, and raise your hand to answer questions. You have a wide range of knowledge, and you draw great pictures! Your imagination is so rich! And this semester you become particularly sensible, can eat their own meals, folded their own quilt, but also actively help teachers do what they can. Going to primary school, the teacher hope you continue to work hard, strive for greater progress.

17, baby, you are Gods gift to us, I hope that even in 20 years, 30 years and 60 years, when you see this letter to your message when mom and Dad, mom and dad can still feel the love you can still be sure to know, you have always been a mom and dad proud.

18, people must grow up in setbacks, in the failure of gradually understand, the road ahead will be more difficult, waiting for their own will be a variety of difficulties and setbacks, if you want to not be knocked down by them, it is only to overthrow them.

19, Chi Yang, our baby, you are the only one of the masterpieces of our life, your name contains us for your Yanyinqipan: ambition is the boundless sea

20, I hope that Xu Shijie has made new progress in the new semester, respect teachers, love students, listen carefully in class, can speak actively.

21, hope the new semester, in the teachers hard cultivation, Yin Maojia in all aspects can be better! More excellent!

22, the child, eighteen years old means that you are adult, means you have the responsibility and the right to independence. It means youre entering a new starting point in your life.......

23, growing up, listening to the teachings of my father; when I left my hometown, I listened to my fathers blessing; when I was sad, I listened to my fathers worried words; somehow, my father had been worrying about it. Fathers Day is coming, dont forget to bless father, happy holidays!




























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My father is a handsome man .

He has short black hair and big eyes.hes very smart.My dad is very fun.He likes playing basketball.My father also likes listening to music and watching TV. he works very hard.My father thinks healthy food is good for our health.

So we eat apples every day. We dont eat French fries. We often eat vegetables,fruits and fish.he loves me.



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To: Mr. John Smith, General Manager

From: George Chen, Accounting Department

Date: January 22, 2003

Subject: Application for annual leave

Dear Mr. Smith,

I would like to apply for an annual leave from January 25th to 31st.

As you may know the Spring Festival is falling on February 1st this year. Its the most important holiday in China and offers the best occasion for family reunion. However, over the past 3 years I missed the reunions due to tight work schedule. Now that I have wrapped up my work for this year, I would like to go back to my hometown to pay filial piety to my parents and help my sole brother prepare his wedding on January 28th.

Its indeed double happiness for my family that I would like to be part of. Coupled with the official holidays for the Spring Festival, I will have two weeks off which will definitely gear me up for better work in the new year. Im looking forward to your kind answer.

Best regards,

George Chen



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Yesterday, I took the final exam of this term. I worked hard to prepare for it, but I was still nervous. I was afraid that I couldn’t do it well. I had three exams, Chinese, math and English. In the morning, it was the Chinese. It was not so difficult for me that I was sure I could be good in it. Then, it was math in the afternoon. It’s the part I was afraid of most. Not surprised, I met some troubles in math exam. But I still hope they wouldn’t be serious. I am good at English, so I didn’t worry about it. I knew I can do well in it. In short, the final exam was not so hard for me and I am quite sure the scores will be perfect.

