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1. 你母亲是个农村妇女,50多岁,没上过学,但懂得年轻人掌握知识的重要性,她很关心你的学习情况;

2. 你的母亲为了让你有的时间学习,总是竭尽全力来照顾你。一次,当你听说母亲病重,回家看她时,她正带病坚持为你做新衣,你激动得热泪盈眶;

3. 你母亲就是这样一位妇女,善良、勤劳,永远值得你尊敬和爱戴。

My mother is a village woman, who is already in her fifties. She had very little school education, but she knows that knowledge is of great importance to young people. She often asks me how I get along with my studies and encourages me to study hard.

My mother takes good care of me and does everything she can for me, so that I can spend more time on my study.

Once she was badly ill and had stayed in bed for several days. When I got home to see her at night, I found the light was still on and mother was sitting in bed, making new clothes for me ! I was so deeply moved that tears came to my eyes.

Such is my mother, a kind and hard-working woman. I’ll respect and love her forever.





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初三英语作文:That Day

I am now a student of Dongzhou Middle School, but I still remember that day when I was in a primary school.

That day, the weather was so bad. When school was over, it began to rain. All of us looked very worried, so our teacher let us go home at once.

When I went out of the school gate, I saw my father standing there. I went to him at once. My father had a raincoat, because hed just had a meeting and he went to school as soon as the meeting finished, so he had no time to return home. When he saw me, he took his raincoat off and gave it to me. I didnt want to receive it. He looked at me and said, “Take it.” I had to put on the raincoat, but my heart was not still. I cried, and I couldnt let myself stop. Since that day, I knew my father loved me. Oh, I cant forget that day all my life.

初三英语作文:The Sea

What do you know about the sea? Some people know about it, but others dont. The sea looks beautiful on a fine sunny day, but when theres a strong wind, its very rough. What else do you know about it?

Of course, the sea is very big. In the world, there is more sea than land. Do you know Hainan Island? Its really very nice. We can see beaches, trees and the sea. We can swim and visit a lot of beautiful places.

When you swim in the sea, you feel that the water is salty.

At last, I tell you about the Dead Sea. Fish cant live in it, because its dangerous. This sea is too salty.

The sea is nice, but sometimes its not good.

初三英语作文:Lucky or Not?

When I was a small child, I usually thought it was a good luck to be sick in bed. You see, when you are ill, you can stay home. There is no need to finish so much homework. Your parents will take care of you. Besides there is always something good to eat. Isnt it enjoyable to eat so much nice food?

A week ago, I was really in hospital. It was painful for me to stay in bed for several days. I couldnt get up. I couldnt even move. I didnt want to eat anything though there was a lot before me. I missed my classmates and teachers so much that I was anxious to get back to meet my friends. I was also worried about my final examination.

Now I have grown up. I have changed my mind.

初三英语作文:A Sunset

The sunset is very beautiful and lovely. Its scene is as wonderful as a sunrise but it is even more beautiful to watch it in the country than in the city.

When the sun begins to set behind the mountains, its long rays light up the green fields. The clouds in the sky also begin to glow with a golden light, and the mountains are really colourful.

When the sun begins to set behind the mountain, it looks like a red ball. Its light fills the sky and changes the colour of the clouds from gold to red. When the sun is gone altogether behind the mountain, the clouds turn grey and the mountains become black.

Then you cannot help admiring the wonder of nature.

初三英语作文:After the Exam

Scores are undoubtedly important for students. So today when I saw the score, 96,on my Chinese test paper, my happiness was beyond words. I believed that mum would also be very happy and perhaps she would reward me.

As soon as I got home, I raised the test paper before mum and said proudly, "Mum, look at my score!" Out of my expectation,Mum said calmly, "Good, but I hope you can find out the reason why four points were taken away." Hearing the words, I stood in amazement at first. Then I understood Mum’s words and nodded with all my strength.

Then Iunderstood that the most important thing that we get from examinations is not whether we have got high scores but whether we know what we have grasped and what we haven’t.

初三英语作文:Spring in Our School

Spring comes at last. Everything begins to grow. The trees turn green, and the flowers come out. On the playground, in the fields, on each side of the road, the young grass grows everywhere.

Spring also arrives in our school. Come and see, behind our teaching building, there are some small pear trees covered with white flowers; on both sides of it, there are some other flowers smiling at you, Some are yellow, some are red. In our school garden, more flowers are there. All kinds of flowers of many colours can be seen.

Look, there are some Kites flying in the sky. The spring wind is blowing. The sun is shining brightly. Some boys are playing games in the sun, Listen, a group of girls are singing "Where’s spring?" It sounds like the singing of lark birds. All these make me think that spring is here, spring is there, and spring is just in our school. Fhe boys and the girls are all like flowers in spring.

What a beautiful season! }tow lovely the children are!

[关于初三英语作文:That Day



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2、阅读下列材料,材料引起你什么感悟或思考?围绕材料按照要求拟写作文。 一群麻雀站在枝头上,看见天空飞过的大雁,排成整整齐齐的长队,羡慕极了。一只麻雀提议:“让我们也来排队飞行好吗?” “好!好!”大家一致同意。 说干就干,他们都飞起来了。可是有的飞得高,有的飞得低;有的飞得快,有的飞得慢。排来排去,总排不成队。乱了一阵以后,他们纷纷歇落在枝头上,叽叽喳喳地讨论起来:“我们为什么排不好队?”[来源:学科网] 一只麻雀说:“排队得有一个队长来指挥才行。” 大家说:“对,对!要有一个队长来指挥。” 于是你要做队长,他也要做队长,又乱哄哄地吵了起来,争执不下。结果,大家商定,由一只年纪最大的麻雀来做队长。 队长发令了:“一二三,起飞!”大家都争先恐后地飞向天空。仍旧乱糟糟的,有的飞得快,有的飞得慢;有的飞得高,有的飞得低,排不成队。队长急了,批评那只飞得太快的麻雀:“听指挥,飞得慢一点!”那只被批评的麻雀不服气,大家朝东飞,他故意往西飞。队长批评那只飞得太低的麻雀:“跟上,飞得高一点!”那只被批评的麻雀不高兴,掉转头飞回家去了。有的麻雀嚷太吃力,有的麻雀嚷肚子饿了??结果一哄而散,各自飞走了。 只剩下那只当队长的麻雀,愣头愣脑地在想:“为什么麻雀排不好队?” 要求:选好角度,确定立意,明确文体(诗歌除外),自拟标题;不要脱离材料内容及含意的范围作文;不要套作,不得抄袭;书写规范,正确使用标点符号.























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期 末 考 试1月28日,我们进行了三年级期末考试,我被分到了二(3)班教室。考前老师说:“会做的题绝不失分,不会的细心思考,争取得分,另外注意书写工整,卷面整洁!”发卷子时我已经胸有成竹,只是在问自己:“我可以考双百分吗?”监考老师一说开始,我就“沙沙”地写起来,一看题目都难不倒我,一块石头总算落了地。最后写到了作文,写一篇自己去过的地方,心想:这次作文真简单,以前我们又练过,于是我一气哈成。我还是把我写的《盟城是个好地方》像火车运货一样运了过来。可是不知是哪个“坏蛋”把车箱捣了个窟窿,把我文章中的一些比喻和拟人描写生动的句子给“偷”走了。现在我承认考试是有点粗心了,竟然把语句修饰这茬儿给忘了,结果作文扣了2分。作文写完了,我发现卷子反面的字体没有正面写得好,还检查出“xuàn”写成了“xuàng”,我马上改掉了。考完回到自己教室,我看见同学们脸上一个个都露出了灿烂的花朵,都认为自己能考一百分。成绩一出来,我看见语文九十六分,数学一百分。一提到数学,我就满脸开花,一提到语文,我就有些不高兴了。这次考试,我对语文不太满意。但是,我不能灰心,只要我三年级下学期学得扎实,平时多积累优美词语,加强我的课外阅读与写作,最后,考试再细心一点儿,就可以考二百分了。



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Study is the necessary process that everyone need to experience. And then exam will follow. To obtain a good score, review is inevitable. Almost everyone wants to find the best review method. But there is no best review method, but there is the most suitable way. Different people will find different methods for them to do review. For example, some students should study in group, while some should study alone. When recite things, some need to write it down, some need to speak loudly, and some just need to read it. Different methods just depend on different people. Don’t compare with others; just find the most suitable one for yourself.




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I have a beautiful house. my parents and i live in our house now. it is near the lake. we all like our house. we are very happy.

our house is not very big, but i think it is very good. look! here is the door. it is open. let us go and visit our house.

welcome to our house. there are three bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a large sitting room in our house. let us look at my small room first. there is a bookcase in my room. there are many books in the bookcase. on the right of the bookcase, there is a bed. there is a doll and some clothes on the bed. there are a lot of posters on the wall. near the bookcase, there is a desk. i study at it every day. on the desk, there is a computer. i often play computer games on it. there are two lamps and a clock in my small room, too.

look at our parents’ room, there is a tv and a sofa. there is a big bed in it, too. there are lots of pictures and two lamps on the wall.

then look at our sitting room, there is a tv and two sofas in it. there are two tables and chairs in the sitting room, too.

we like our house very much. do you like it?



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What can I do for the 2010 Shanghai World Expo?

We all know that the Expo 2010 will be held in Shanghai. Being citizens of Shanghai, we fell proud and responsible. It is said there will be 7,000 visitors from different countries coming to Shanghai. What can I do for the Expo 2010 at that time?

There is no doubt that I will be a volunteer to give services to the Expo 2010. I am good at English and I can communicate fluently with foreign guests. I must study English even harder so that I can introduce to them in English the rapid development of Shanghai and I can also help them. I can make them feel at home in Shanghai, such as showing them the way to their hotels or to the places of interest in Shanghai.

In a word, I will keep in mind the theme of the Expo 2010 “Better City, Better Life” and do my best for the great festival.



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My Entrance Examination

For going on with my further studies, I took the entrance examination in a Senior Middle School last week。 I still remember there were more than three hundred candidates taking part in this examination。 For the first day, in the morning, Chinese was easy。 We were required to write a composition of 250 words on "My Home Life", and give definitions and illustrations to twenty phrases。 In the afterno on, we took an English examination。 There were dictation, sentence formation, and analysis for oral English。 In the oral examination, I was questioned about my home life, my experience in the junior middle school and my future prospects。

On the second day, we were examined on history and geography in the morning and physics and chemistry in the afternoon。






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On Cultivating the Sense of Gratitude

On college campuses across the nation, there is a noticeable phenomenon that we cannot afford to ignore: far too many young college students lack the sense of gratitude, one of the countless traditional virtues of this ancient land with a splendid civilization spanning over 5,000 years. These young adults were not and are not aware of the huge importance of expressing gratitude to those who once helped them, from teachers to parents and so forth。

Personally, I deem that the root cause of students without a graceful heart is that they receive an education not valuing the moral sphere. I strongly believe that joint efforts from folks across society are the final remedy for this social headache. As young university students of the new era, we should make our own contributions to this cause. Imagine a world without the sense of gratitude. This kind of world is doomed to failure. Simply put, we should join our hands to heighten our awareness of fostering a graceful heart. Only in this way can we build our society into a harmonious one. My fellow students, I beg you to act from now on。




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The proper ways for students to relax I am the monitor of class 3 grade3 in No. 22 Middle School. Recently I have made a survey of the students in my class on ways to relax after class. Of the 60 students at my class, 31 boys and 29 girls, 30 students like watching TV, 12 students like playing computer game, 8 students kike listening to music. And only 5 students like to do exercise. But my class have 5 students do not have time to relax. I think there are different relax way for different people. But I think listening to music is the best relaxing way for students. Because It can help my grade.




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记叙文是记人叙事的文章,它主要是用于说明事件的时间、背景、起因、过程及结果,即我们通常所说的五个" W "( what, who, when, where, why )和一个" H "( how )。记叙文的重点在于"述说"和"描写",因此一篇好的记叙文要叙述条理清楚,描写生动形象。下面就谈谈英语记叙文的特点和写好记叙文的基本要领。


1. 叙述的人称


The other day, I was driving along the street. Suddenly, a car lost its control and ran directly towards me fast. I was so frightened that I quickly turned to the left side. But it was too late. The car hit my bike and I fell off it.


Little Tom was going to school with an umbrella, for it was raining hard. On the way, he saw an old woman walking in the rain with nothing to cover. Tom went up to the old woman and wanted to share the umbrella with her, but he was too short. What could he do? Then he had a good idea.

2. 动词的时态


3. 叙述的顺序


4. 叙述的过渡


In my summer holidays, I did a lot of things. Apart form doing my homework, reading an English novel, watching TV and doing some housework, I went on a trip to Qingdao. It is really a beautiful city. There are many places of interest to see. But what impressed me most was the sunrise.

The next morning I got up early. I was very happy because it was a fine day. By the time I got to the beach, the clouds on the horizon were turning red. In a little while, a small part of the sun was gradually appearing. The sun was very red, not shining. It rose slowly. At last it broke through the red clouds and jumped above the sea, just like a deep-red ball. At the same time the clouds and the sea water became red and bright.

What a moving and unforgettable scene!

5. 叙述与对话


I was in the kitchen, and I was cooking something. Suddenly I heard a loud noise from the front. I thought maybe someone was knocking the door. I asked who it was but I heard no reply. After a while I saw my cat running across the parlor. I realized it was the cat. I felt released.


I was in the kitchen cooking something. "Crash!" a loud noise came from the front. Thinking someone was knocking at the door, I asked, "Who?" No reply. After a while, I saw my cat running across the parlor. "Its you." I said, quite released.


1. 头绪分明,脉络清楚

写好记叙文,首先要头绪分明,脉络清楚,明确文章要求写什么。要对所写的事件或人物进行分析,弄清事件发生、发展一直到结束的整个过程,然后再收集选取素材。这些素材都应该跟上述五个" W "和一个" H "有关。尽管不是每篇记叙文里都必须包括这些" W "和" H ",但动笔之前,围绕五个" W "和" H "进行构思是必不可少的。

2. 突出中心,详略得当


One night a man came to our house and told me, "There is a family with eight children. They have not eaten for days." I took some food with me and went.

When I finally came to that family, I saw the faces of those little children disfigured (破坏外貌) by hunger. There was no sorrow or sadness in their faces, just the deep pain of hunger.

I gave the rice to the mother. She divided the rice in two, and went out, carrying half the rice. When she came back, I asked her, "Where did you go?" she gave me this simple answer, "To my neighbors - they are hungry also!"

3. 用活语言,准确生动



One day Xiaoqiang was wandering away. He was soon lost among people and traffic. He could not find the way back home and started crying. Just then, two young students who were passing by found him standing alone in front of a shop and crying. They went up to Xiaoqiang and asked him what had happened. Xiaoqiang told them how he got lost and where he lived. The two students decided to take him home. Mother was pleased to see Xiaoqiang come back safe and sound. She invited the two students into the house and gave them some money, but they didnt take it. She served them with tea but they left.


The other day, five-year-old Xiaoqiang left home alone and wandered happily in the street. After some time, he felt hungry so he wanted to go back home. But he found he was lost among the crowded people and heavy traffic. When he could not find the way home, he started and crying. Just then, two young students who were passing by from school found him sanding crying in front of a shop. They immediately went up to him.

"Little boy, why are you standing here crying?" they asked.

"I want Mom, I go home." said the boy, still crying.

"Dont worry, well send you home."

And they spent the next two hours looking for the boys house. With the help of a policeman, they finally found it.

When the worried mother saw her son come back safe and sound, she was so thankful and she invited the students into her house. Gratefully, she offered them some money, saying it was a way to express her thanks, but the young students firmly refused it and left without even a cup of tea.



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I was born in an ordinary family, but the love my parents gave me made me

feel that I was the happiest girl in the world. Before I went to middle school,

my parents decided to let me live in the hometown, where I spent the good time.

I was surrounded by green trees and clean water. Every day, I would play funny

games with my friends. When I went to middle school, I left hometown and moved

to the city to live with my parents. I needed to focus my attention to study.

Every night, my father would check my homework and if I had questions, he would

help me to solve them. My mother always made delicious dessert for us. When I

finished homework, we ate them together and talked happily. I had the good time

of my childhood.
