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Chapter one:self-introduction


名字和年龄:My name is peter, I am six years old.

兴趣:My hobby is playing basketball.

个性:I am a talkative person.

My name is peter. I am six years old. I am from Taiwan. Many people ask me about my Chinese name because they think the meaning of it is very interesting. But I hope my friends can remember my English name rather than my Chinese one. My hobby is playing basketball. I usually play it with my friends after school, and I believe playing basketball will bring me good health. I am a talkative person. It is very difficult for me to keep quiet. Now I am studying in English, so I hope everyone can speak English to me. Otherwise I will feel very bad if I keep quiet.




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Everyone has their own most admired, maybe he is a musician, perhaps a military family may be rare gifts and bold strategy, a person close to you...... The person I admire most is a strategist in the Eastern Han Dynasty - Zhu Geliang.

Zhu Geliang is clever and resourceful and always answers calmly whenever danger comes.

I remember once, Liu Bei in the fight against the Wei army, sent Zhu Geliang, Wei Yan led the 300 thousand army stationed in yangping. One day, Wei Yan led the 250 thousand army to fight against Cao Cao, leaving only a million people in the second. Just 250 thousand people led by Jima Ya against the Malay Hinata, Wei Yan and Sima Yi staggered road. When Zhu Geliang knew that Sima Yi was coming, he sent the frightened soldiers back to the gate and opened the gate. Only a few old men were cleaning in the street. Sima Yi knew that Zhu Geliang is very calm, he suspected an ambush, he goes away.

It can be seen from Zhu Geliangs, I must learn him properly!








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高考英语满分作文,介绍自己的基本情况5年高考英语满分作文的基本信息_·ISBN:7802088275 9787802088276·条形码:9787802088276·版,欢迎来到/六年级作文栏目,本文为大家带来《介绍自己情况英语作文》,希望能帮助到你。





一、 试卷基本结构分析






第一部分 听力














从上表可以看出,2013年试卷阅读理解选材广泛。文章涉及健康习惯调查、如何确保有足够的生活用水慈善基金会、网络的发展让人们忽视了现实中交往、探戈舞的介绍等话题, 题型设计多样 ,细节理解题、推理判断题考查较多,兼顾对主旨大意、句意推测题的考查,试题整体难度适中。




任务型读写题与2012年相比,难度相当,内容是关于幸福,学生读起来较为轻松,题目设置有梯度,答题要求简练和规范。涉及词语释义、同意替换、归纳演绎、细节理解等。 近几年安徽卷任务型读写所选文章以说明文为主,内容贴近现代社会生活。2013年此题的难度与往年持平。这就要求考生在阅读理解的基础上,对文中所提供的信息的有效信息进行筛选、整合和综合概括,并根据表格的形式,把加工后的信息准确、有序地完成与短文有关的表格,这一题型共10题,每个空格只能填一个词。其特点是任务型阅读属于综合能力考查题,考查的能力有:(1)捕捉信息能力,属基础题,快速获取信息的能力;在这十个空中,捕捉信息题要占一半。(2)组织信息能力,属活用题,考查学生组织信息和表叙信息以及对文中的有效信息进行筛选、整合和综合概括的能力。(3)概括信息能力,属概括题,要求学生在获取相关信息后,根据表格相关要求,对所获取的信息进行二次加工,这主要考查学生综合运用语言的能力。





































简而言之,评讲试卷必须结合试卷的特点和学生的实际情况,切不可草率行事。 怎样才能有效的评讲英语试卷呢?



第三、根据学生的成绩和分析情况,再次分析试卷,并做好学生的错误统计。在分析学生成绩后,及时的看学生答题的错误率,从中找出学生的典型错题。错误率较高的题目,就是要评讲的重点部位。这部分题目,既是学生应该关注的,也是教师应该详细评讲的。在统计错误率后,教师应该耐心的查阅典型错题,分析学生答错的原因,反思自己教学上的不足。对于,教师很难作分析的题目,要及时与学生进行交流,然后再确定学生做错的根源。 第四、认真耐心的评讲试卷。在试卷发给学生之后,教师可以安排学生自主讨论和简单分析自己的试卷。教师最好要提示学生如何讨论和分析。例如,要求学生发现自己的错题,并尽力分析出错题的知识类别:是宾语从句还是动词不定式,还是动名词或是其他的。








This evening there was a broadcast of an exciting football match on TV. It was between Chinese team and the team of the United Arab Emirates. I am a loyal football fan and I had expected the match for a long time, so after class I hurried home. But on the way, I found a little boy crying. He lost his way. Considering his parents must be very worried, I

immediately decided to send him home. Seeing their son back, the boys parents showed their gratitude. They also invited me to stay for supper. But thinking of the football match, I refused them politely. When I got home, it was very late. Therefore, I missed the match,However, I felt very happy because I helped other people. Although my mother asked why ! came back so late, I said nothing.Perhaps this will become my own secret.

10月10日 星期六 晴

今天晚上电视播放了一场令人兴奋的足球比赛。这场比赛是在中国队和阿联酋队之间展开的。我是一个忠实的足球迷,而且我盼望这场比赛很长时间了,所以放学后我就匆忙往家赶。但是在路上我发现一个小男孩在哭。他迷路了。考虑到他的父母一定很担心,我立刻决定送他回家。看到他们的儿子回来,小孩妁父母感激之情溢于言表。他们留我吃晚饭,但想着足球比赛我婉言拒绝了。 我到家时已经很晚了,因此我错过了比赛。然而我很高兴因为我帮助了他人。


Oct. 10 Saturday Fine

There was an exciting football match on TV this evening. It was played between China and the United Arab Emirates. As a loyal football fan, I had expected the match for a long time, so after class I hurried home. But on the way, I saw a little boy crying. He told me that he lost his way. Maybe his parents were worrying about him. Thinking of this, I decided to send him home. It was a long way. It took us much time to reach his home.Seeing their son, the boys parents were very grateful and asked me to stay for supper. I refused politely because I still wanted to watch the match.

But when I arrived home, it was so late that the match had been over.What a pity! However, I was very happy all the same because I helped others. I told nobody about it. It was just my secret.

10月10日 星期六 晴







在英语课堂上,你喜欢你的老师授课时只用英语,还是英语、汉语兼用?某英语杂志社就此话题邀请中学生发表看法。请围绕“How do you prefer your English classes to be taught?In English only,or in both English and Chinese?”这个问题,参考所给要点,选择一种授课形式,写一篇英语短文。









注意:1.词数 100~120,短文开头已给出(不计词数)。

2.参考词汇:atmosphere 氛围

I prefer my English classes to be taught in...


I prefer my English classes to be taught in both English and Chinese, whose advantage is that it is easy for us to understand what the teacher talks about. The teacher first teaches the class in English, and then she explains those that are hard to understand to us so that we get a better knowing of the passage. That will be good for us.

However, teaching the class in two languages will make the English atmosphere not so strong. Some students who wish to be taught in English will be disappointed.

Except for the disadvantage, I think it is really good to hear two languages in classes. It can make us more familiar with the foreign culture.





好词1.advantage n.优点2.be familiar with,对某人熟悉3. atmosphere n.气氛高考英语满分作文,介绍自己的基本情况

1. I prefer my English classes to be taught in both English and Chinese, whose advantage is that it is easy for us to understand what the teacher talks about.


2. Some students who wish to be taught in English will be disappointed.


I prefer my English classes to be taught only in English because it is helpful for us to improve the ability of speaking and listening in a very short time. I have strong interest in English study and foreign culture, so I’d like to be totally immersed in the atmosphere of English so that I can quickly make progress. That’s why I prefer total English. However, since we are all English beginners, it’s really hard to understand all that the teacher says. Sometimes we need Chinese explanation. So my viewpoint is that we are taught not only in English but also using Chinese as a minor way to explain things that are hard to understand.



应背好词:1. immerse v.沉浸2. explanation n.解释3. make progress 取得进步

应背好句:1. I have strong interest in English study and foreign culture, so Id like to be totally immersed in the atmosphere of English so that I can quickly make progress.高考英语满分作文,介绍自己的基本情况

2. So my viewpoint is that we are taught not only in English but using Chinese as a minor way to explain things that are hard to understand.( 表语从句)






3、希望全校同学从我做起,节约水资源。 2

参考词汇:干旱drought 注意:词数不少于60。

From the news we know that there is a severe drought in southwest China now. Most places we hope that all of us can realize the


假设你是晨光中学的学生会主席李华。学生会将举办每年一度的英语演讲比赛,本年度的主题为“The English Novel I Like Best”。作为组织者,你将在演讲比赛开幕时发言,请你根据以下提示用英语写一篇发言稿。(2009·天津)

1. 说明比赛的意义,如提高英语听说能力,养成读书的习惯等;

2. 说明比赛的注意事项,如每人演讲不超过5分钟,语言流利,发音准确等;

3. 预祝比赛圆满成功。

注意: 1. 词数:不少于100词;2. 可适当加入细节,以使行文连贯。


Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome to this year’s English speech competition. In order to improve the abilities of both English speaking and listening, we continue to hold the English speech competition. I believe it will be of great help to form the good habit of reading, too.

There are some important points every speaker should be aware of. Please listen to me carefully. First of all, the speech must be finished within five minutes. Second, you should speak fluent English. At last, everyone should pronounce correctly. We expect to hear the fluent expression and standard pronunciation.

Finally, I’d like to wish the competition a great success and I hope every competitor can


perform at your best!

Thank you!


①In order to improve the abilities of both English speaking and listening, we continue to hold the English speech competition.

②I believe it will be of great help to form the good habit of reading...

③...I’d like to wish the competition a great success and I hope every competitor can perform at your best!



l 表示赞成。 l 提出你喜欢的栏目。 l 简要说明理由。

注意: 1. 词数100左右。 2. 新的开头和结尾已为你写好。

3. 适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 4. 参考栏目:栏目—column

Dear Mr. Green,

I am very excited to learn that we are going to start a magazine together. That sounds great! And I definitely agree with you on that.

Some of the columns which you mentioned in the letter are really my cup of tea. Say, “culture express” gives us a better understanding of the world. Since people from different parts of the world have different values, it’s necessary to learn from each other. This will offer a wonderful chance. Apart from that, “blurt out” is pretty good for Chinese students to learn English idioms and improve oral English. Last but not least, “entertainment” is so cool! The popular singers, actors and celebrities are so catchy and attractive that you absolutely can’t miss it! Teenagers are just fond of the trendy things.

Well, I can’t list more. I really can’t wait to read that magazine!

Yours faithfully,


Li Hua


这是一篇满分作文。仔细分析了这篇文章,写的的确是好,很地道的美式英语,一些词语的大胆使用,这么地道标准的英语,可不是一朝一夕所能写出来的。比如说:my cup of tea, apart from that, oral English, last but not least, celebrities, catchy和trendy的大胆运用,list, cant wait to 简直是perfect! 况且文章中没有一个错误,不管是书写还是语法。



注意:1.词数:150左右 2.标题、开头已经写好,不计入词数。3. 要自拟结论。 参考词汇:故宫the Palace Museum; 颐和园the Summer Palace

Should Yuanmingyuan Be Rebuilt?

Recently my classmates had a discussion about whether it should be rebuilt or not.

Supporters of rebuilding the garden say only by doing so can we see the original sight of the garden, which reflects the Chinese civilization(文明). And it will be another place of interest for tourists. If partly rebuilt, it will provide a comparison and help us remember the


高考英语满分作文 一次受表扬的经历


高考英语满分作文 一次受表扬的经历

July 17th Fine

This morning, on my way to school, I was riding when I heard a call for help. A little girl was calling for help in the river nearby. I immediately got off my bike, took off my clothes and jumped into the river. At last the girl was saved, After sending the girl back home, I hurried to school. But I was still late for class. Not knowing the reason, the teacher criticized me.

However, in the afternoon the girls parents came to my school and thanked me for having saved their daughter. Soon the story spread all over the school. TherefOre, the teacher knew why I was late this morning and he apologized to me. The headmaster also praised me and called on all the students to learn from me.

7月17日 晴



July 17th Fine

Today I did a thing that was well worth doing although I was misunderstood at the beginning.

This morning on my way to school, I was riding when I heard a call for help. A girl fell into the river! I got off my bike, took off my clothes and jumped into the river. After a few minutes struggle, I finally saved the girl, I informed the girls parents and then hurried to school. But I was still late for class. Not knowing the reason, the teacher criticized me.

In the afternoon, the girls parents came to my school and thanked me for having saved their daughter. After the teacher learned the whole thing,he made an apology to me. And the headmaster praised me and also called on all the students to learn from me. I felt very proud.

7月17日 晴






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My hometown Nanchang City , capital of Jiangxi province, southeastern China. An old walled city on the right bank of the Gan River, it was founded in 201 BC. In AD 959 it became the capital of the Southern Tang dynasty. At the end of the Mongol period it was a battleground between the founder of the Ming dynasty and local warlords. In the early 16th century a rebellion was launched against the Ming regime. Nanchang suffered severely during the Taiping Rebellion (1850 – 64). In 1927 it was the site of revolutionary activities of the Chinese Communist Party. Since 1949 it has become industrialized; its products include textiles, milled rice, and automotive parts.



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Good afternoon, Everyone! I am XX. And I am 23 years old. My previous job was a Front Office Supervisor. During the three years when I was working, I also majored Tourism and Hotel Management in the local radio broadcasting and television college. I like this job very much and I like to deal with different guests every day. I hope I can have this chance to one of the members in this hotel. Thank you so much to share my brief introductions.




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My hometown is Guangdong Maoming which lies in the south coast of China. I study in Shiyan High school and I’m in grade 2.Our campus is very beautiful and there are much charming view.

I study hard every day and I wish to go abroad for further education.I have some hobbies such as basketball,tennis,swimming and so on.I like making friends with others.



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Hello,Im XX.Im a girl.Im 13 years old.I live in China.I can speak Chinese and a little Endlish.I like singing and dance.I can play ping pong.I like English.Because I think I can learn lots of from it.My favourite color is blue.I like to eat noodles best.My email is 12345678@qq.com.My telephone number is 3456789.We can be good friends.




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I like rabbits, I like their long ears, red mouth, and furry fur.

My family has a little white rabbit. That was the birthday gift my mother gave me last year. It is small, it seems like a stranger. It has long ears, ruby eyes, its whole body is a white color, from a distance to see, like a group of white clouds. Very lovable. Bunny likes to eat carrots and cabbage. Whenever I bring something to eat it, he is very happy. Sometimes even jump up. Mother said it was a very human rabbit.

Bunny likes to turn around in the cage, and sometimes when we open the cage, the little rabbit will cheerfully jump out from the cage, and then in my home for a travel trip. We occasionally take the little bunny to breathe fresh air outside. In the trees under the cool air, there will be many children ran to see this little rabbit, but also give it food, see that everyone is particularly like him.

This rabbit is very cute. In winter it will bounce, to rest near the stove. Put your hands on its fur, both warm and comfortable. We travel will not forget to bring it, and sometimes we will give it to the next door aunt, to help us under the care. Now this rabbit and we have become very good friends. We will certainly protect it. I hope it will give birth to a bunch of more lovely rabbits, so it will not be alone.

Small animals are human friends, we should protect them.



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The Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional festivity for both the Han and minority nationalities. The custom of worshipping the moon can be traced back as far as the ancient Xia and Shang Dynasties . In the Zhou Dynasty, people hold ceremonies to greet winter and worship the moon whenever the Mid-Autumn Festival sets in. It becomes very prevalent in the Tang Dynasty that people enjoy and worship the full moon. In the Southern Song Dynasty , however, people send round moon cakes to their relatives as gifts in expression of their best wishes of family reunion. When it becomes dark, they look up at the full silver moon or go sightseeing on lakes to celebrate the festival. Since the Ming and Qing Dynasties , the custom of Mid-Autumn Festival celebration becomes unprecedented popular. Together with the celebration there appear some special customs in different parts of the country, such as burning incense, planting Mid-Autumn trees, lighting lanterns on towers and fire dragon dances. However, the custom of playing under the moon is not so popular as it used to be nowadays, but it is not less popular to enjoy the bright silver moon. Whenever the festival sets in, people will look up at the full silver moon, drinking wine to celebrate their happy life or thinking of their relatives and friends far from home, and extending all of their best wishes to them.



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ChengDu is a wonderful place located in Sichuan province.This city is well decorated and designed which attrects lots of tourists every year.

Chengdu has large amounts of tourist spots such as Wangjiang Park,Dujiang Dam and so on.Such spots are all easy to get and they dont cost much.Whatmore ,with the rapidly developing economy,Chengdu has become an international metropolis.

Why not come to this amazing city to get a rest and have a look of these beautiful sceneries.Just cherish this hardly-get chance.Dont hestitate.



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初中英语作文 自我介绍






I study Chinese、English、maths and History and some other subject at school.I study hard. My favorite subject is English.I often find chance to practice English.China has joined WTO and Beijing will host the 2008 Olympics,English is more and more important .I will study hard and be dedicate to my homeland.






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The schools campus activities are rich and colorful, learn to sing folk songs, learning folk dancing, the squadron will show --- in this one activity, I love the most is the May 31st meeting of the group in the water cube, the harvest and the feeling of campus activities.

At about 5 that day, we came to the Olympic swimming pool, the National Swimming Center (Water Cube). After all, the team will begin. The first chorus singing songs, and is the first grade student initiation ceremony. The representatives of the first grade students went to the stage in an energetic manner, and presented the garlands to 55 minority students, accompanied by the team song, and the minority nationality classmates wore a red scarf for the first grade students. After the ceremony, the minority students met with us to greet each other. "I am the Dong nationality, my name is Huang training Festival.". "Minority partners do self introduction, and simply introduce their own nation." After listening to them, I was surprised.

I didnt even hear about so many ethnic groups. Let alone understand their customs. I should learn more and have more knowledge. Several ethnic minority partners also performed a show for us, including a unique style of dance, a lot of distinctive songs, and so on. This time I really know the minority people, they have their own custom, unique singing and dancing. Though I cant understand the dialect in the song, I still feel it has an unknown and special beauty. Though I dont know the dance, I still feel the dance is very graceful. I deeply comprehend the colorful national culture and the profound and profound national culture. The performance was over, then, all the students of our present for minority students Oh performed 5 of this folk dance. The dance was very beautiful, and the students of the minority nationalities jumped with us. For a time, we all merged into the dance. With the beautiful songs, the team will end this time. In order to celebrate Childrens Day, we also watched the drama Beijing legend.

I like this national activity, it makes me know a lot of knowledge, and it has brought me a lot of joy.



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Good morning, glad to be here for this interview.

Let me introduce myself first. My name is LiShuai, and my English name is MONO Chen. Ive finished my undergraduate education in ZhongShan University, Majoring in Electronic Science and Technology.

I am an open-minded and smart boy/girl with broad interests, like playing basketball, reading, especially in engineering such as software programming, website designing as well as hardware designing. I designed two websites in the past four years: one is the website of our school, and the other one is the website of the Doctor Forum China 2007. Furthermore, I am interested in C plus plus programming language and have written some application programs. My supervisor says I did an excellent job in the graduate project last July about Image Process. In addition, I have also finished some projects about embedded system by using MCU when I was a junior.

Broad interest does not make me perfect in each specific area due to the insufficient knowledge and practice, so I think further study is definitely important for me to realize self-value.

The major I expected is IC design. I found that integrated circuits plays a more and more important role in modern society. For example, with the recognition by the government, the domestic integrated circuits industry is growing rapidly and that may provide a great amount of chances for us.

I plan to focus my research in this field in the graduate time. And I hope I can have a systematic view of micro electronics and IC design technology and making a solid foundation for future profession after three years study here.

Ok, thank you very much



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Datong is a city with a long history. As early as Palaeolithic age, there were ancient people living in this area. During the Warring States Period (476 BC - 221 BC), Datong region belonged to the Yanmen County of Zhao Kingdom. After Qin (221BC - 206 BC) unified the whole of China, the Great Wall was built west of Datong City. Datong got the name Pingcheng County that means peaceful city in Chinese because of years of harsh battle with the Hun. During the Northern and Southern Dynasties (420-589), Pingcheng was settled as the capital of Northern Wei Kingdom for 96 years and became ruinds at the year 526. After a long term of recovering, it became an important strategic county during Sui (581-618), Tang (618-907) and Five Dynasties (907-979). Liao Dynasty (916-1125) made Datong the auxiliary capital in 1044 and Jin (Kin) (1115-1234) retained it as a big city comprised of seven counties and three towns. During the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368), Datong belonged to Zhongshu Province and had become a ’grandiose and beautiful city’ according to the description of the Italian traveler Marco Polo. In Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), Datong belonged to Shanxi Province and became Datong County during the domination of Republic of China. Datong was invaded by Japanese army in 1937 and became the capital of the so-called Northern Shanxi Self-Government. Finally in 1949, Datong was peacefully liberated.




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Chinese students celebrate their birthdays in different ways. But the stn way is to have fun by drinking, singing and dancing. On the birthday, one usually receives nice gifts and good wishes frofriends and parents. Sotis, parents will prepare a special dinner or a cake to show th(eir love for their children. Since birthday celebration is one of the iortant activities in ones life. It can be done in re aningful ways. For exale, we can buy so flowers or cook a delicious al for our thers on that day. In this way, we exprethanks to our parents in return for their love



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My hometown Nanchang, capital of Jiangxi Province, stands on the eastern bank of the Gan River. An ancient city, its origins lie in the Han Dynasty over 2,000 years ago. In the late 1920s Carl Crow described it as a conservative town, surrounded by a high wall which had remained impenetrable even the Taipings, protected by the city god---the Universal Lord of Happiness; although Crow’s book came out in a fifth and thoroughly revised edition in 1933 there is no reference to the uprising or the activities in the soviets.

Modern Nanchang is a pleasant and prosperous city with a growing industry, places for recreation, and many historical sites connected with the Nanchang Uprising. Historical sites include the Plum Fairy Temple, which dates bark to the western Han Dynasty, and the Hundred Flower Islet, which is in the Bayi Park and dates back to the Song Dynasty.



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Britain is a rich and varied, with international and multi-cultural society, to welcome students from all over the world come here to learn and to value their contributions.

Britain is a tolerant, democratic society, where different political views and beliefs are respected. You will find many people wearing and eating habits and you do not have their own different major cities around the world have sales of snack food, meat from an Islamic shop, the Islamic meat from the shop. Asia to sell fruit and rice kind of Jewish food store to store, everything.

In different towns and cities, the year has a variety of activities to celebrate the worlds major religious festivals and activities, for example, in the city of Leicester at the Stradivari outside the Indian sub-section is the most spectacular Festival of Lights.

Britain itself from England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, they have different characteristics and personality.

Britain from all over the world to accept immigrants and refugees has a long history, many people have been here for permanent settlement. London may be the largest gathering of minority British city, other cities also have a large number of minority residents.

All the worlds major religions are British. Mosques, Sikh temples, synagogues, churches and India Fodou together with a variety of Christian churches (Anglican and Roman Catholic from the Protestant and Orthodox) co-exist.

This diversity means that you will come to Britain is easy to integrate into Britains multi-ethnic society. You will also come from different religious and ethnic groups and people contacts, enhance understanding of different cultures.











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Dear Rick,

How is everything going? I had a five-day trip to London last week. I would like to express my gratitude for your hospitality and kindness when I was in London.

Knowing that you take a great fancy to Chinese culture, especially the Dragon Boat Festival, I would love to introduce it to you. The Dragon Boat Festival, one of the most traditional festivals in China, falls on the May 5th in the lunar calendar. People celebrate this festival in memory of Qu Yuan, who was a Chinese poet. Besides, people in China will also hold a variety of activities to honor him, such as dragon boat racing、eating zongzi and so on.

Welcome to China.You will have an unforgettable experience if you come to China before this festival.

Best wishes.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua











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Today is Sunday.Its sunny today.I go to the zoo with my mother.I can see many animals.There are tigers,lions,pandas,snakes and many more.Look!The pandas are over there.Theyre from China.Look at the baby panda!Its climbing trees. How cute it is!I love pandas.

Next,we go to see the lions.The lions are so strong.Their mouths are too big.The tigers ae next to them.They are from Asia.They are yellow.At last,we go to see the monkeys.Some are climbing moutains,some are eating bananas.THeyre so much fun!

I see many animals at the zoo and Im so happy today!



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good morning, my name XX, it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview, i would like to answer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a good performance today, eventually enroll in this prestigious university in september. now i will introduce myself briefly,i am XX years old,born in XX province ,and i am curruently a senior student at beijing XX university.my major isXX.and i will receive my bachelor degree after my graduation in june.in the past 4 years,i spend most of my time on study,i have passed CET4/6 with a ease. and i have acquired basic knowledge of packaging and publishing both in theory and in practice.

Besides, i have attend several packaging exhibition hold in Beijing, this is our advantage study here, i have taken a tour to some big factory and company. through these i have a deeply understanding of domestic packaging industry. compared to developed countries such as us, unfortunately, although we have made extraordinary progress since 1978,our packaging industry are still underdeveloped, mess, unstable, the situation of employees in this field are awkard. but i have full confidence in a bright future if only our economy can keep the growth pace still. i guess you maybe interested in the reason itch to law, and what is my plan during graduate study life, i would like to tell you that pursue law is one of my lifelong goal,i like my major packaging and i wont give up,if i can pursue my master degree here i will combine law with my former education. i will work hard in thesefields ,patent ,trademark, copyright, on the base of my years study in department of p&p, my character? i cannot describe it well, but i know i am optimistic and confident. sometimes i prefer to stay alone, reading, listening to music, but i am not lonely, i like to chat with my classmates, almost talk everything ,

My favorite pastime is valleyball,playing cards or surf online. through college life,i learn how to balance beetween study and entertainment. by the way, i was a actor of our amazing drama club. i had a few glorious memory on stage. that is my pride.




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My favourite animal is fish. Because they are very interesting. There are many kinds of fish. They are liveing in water very free. They are very colorful, some fish are red, some fish are white, and some fish are gold... So I like them very much !!!!

我最喜欢的动物是鱼。因为他们是非常有趣的。鱼的种类非常多。他们是在水中自由自在的生活。他们是五颜六色的,一些鱼是红色的,一些鱼是白色的,一些鱼是黄金色的……我非常喜欢它们! ! ! !
