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Get up early today is very hot, hot feeling uncomfortable. Breakfast mother

let me accompany her to go shopping and I didnt go. Because it is too hot, move

feeling on the finger to sweat.

The city library to read a book this afternoon. Because the library have

air conditioning can blow, but also more than books at home too. Conveniently

checked total solar eclipse was visible material.






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《考拉小巫的英语学习日记——写给为梦想而奋斗的人》是在班级的书 架上,不过那时赶到马上放寒假,学校里事物多,一直到放假在家中才开始有幸读一下。书中讲诉的是作者从一个英语菜鸟到高阶,从懒孩子到勤孩子、从中国环境到美国家庭的巨大转变,告诉我们即便你不出身名校、不天资聪颖,奋斗和坚持依然可以将你引向成功。这不仅仅是一本英语学习日记,更是一本作者在彷徨、无助、动摇时的人生感悟,是关于奋斗、坚持和梦想的故事,读完此书,让我们热血沸腾,激励着我们去为理想奋斗、拼搏,即使我们迷茫在人生中的大海中,也能超越自己劈波斩浪。考拉小巫的故事就是一个选择和坚持的故事,就像托福名师无老师所说:“人生中常常面临选择,而更常遇到的则是选择过后的迷茫与自我怀疑。就好像进入一间密室,只有从黑暗和碰壁中坚持下来的人,才有机会开启通向光明的大门。” 我佩服考拉小巫的勇气,选择之后坚持到底,虽有过彷徨、迷茫、无助,甚至自我怀疑,但那孤注一掷的风格,坚持到底的毅力,生命不止、奋斗不息的精神,帮助她一路披荆斩棘,冲向梦想开花的地方。这样的女子,值得拥有一切美好的事物!

看了考拉小巫的故事,我觉得要想成功,需要有值得你奋斗的梦想,有孤注 一掷的勇气和奋斗到底的坚持。翻上书本,我问自己,你的梦想是什么?你准备好为你的梦想奋斗了吗?你有勇气放弃一切,有勇气面对“密室”中的灰暗和碰壁吗?你有坚持到底奋斗不息的毅力吗? 的确,并不是每个人都能做到这些。每个人都有梦想,但最终实现者确凤毛 麟角,因为命运之神总是眷顾那些坚持到最后的人。或许我做不到像考拉小巫那些拼,那样孤注一掷。但她的生活态度和想法对 我来说很有启发。

书中的“傻子哲学”很有意思:为什么傻子能成功,是因为傻子很傻,他不 管自己是不是能做成,也不管别人怎么笑话他,也不管遇到多少困难,他只是一个人傻头傻脑地一直做。而聪明人很聪明,他总是会考虑自己目前的目标对不对, 会不会有更好的办法,能不能抄捷径省时间。最后,聪明人选了一条路又一条路, 每条路都刚走了一点点就又换,所以,他总是在离起点不远的地方徘徊。而傻子却在一条路上一直走,虽然他速度慢,但他一直都在坚持。最后,傻子比聪明人先到达了终点。”其实傻子的哲学不复杂,就两个字“坚持”。 生活中有很多这样的聪明人,这样的人真的很搞笑,事情没做之前,总担心 这害怕那,担心会失败,你把时间花在无谓的担心上,根本都还没做,当然不可能成功,有时候我们需要点傻子精神,一根筋到底。从考拉小巫身上我学到了坚持,更让我感动的是她的拼劲,那股子年轻人的 朝气蓬勃,似乎有挥霍不完的青春。而反思我们这一代的年轻人,身上还有多少锐意进取、干劲十足、青春无敌的精气神,渐渐得变得喜欢随大流、甘于平庸安逸生活、不愿冒尖。

做一个像考拉小巫一样勇敢的人,为自己的梦想而拼! 这是书中最让我感动的一幕:十二月里天气越来越冷,楼道里也很冷,但是我每天都把板凳从自习室里搬出来,坐在楼道的走廊里,把电脑架腿上,一边计时连口语题,一边给自己录音。说一道录一道,录完以后认真听,不满意了就重录,每道题都是录到自己完全满意的地步才继续下一题。当时我一直在矫正牙齿,满嘴上下都戴着布满细铁丝的牙套。由于练口语的缘故,嘴唇和舌头总是被无数次划破,一被冷风吹就特别疼,吃饭的时候也很困难,经常饿肚子:我觉得这世上最宝贵的事物莫过于不畏艰险的坚持不懈的做一件事。方言茫茫人海,有几人能做到,我想这就是为人们存在的价值,作为我们精神上的领袖,“要从失败中汲 取教训,那就是:你贪玩儿,可以,但是要记住,贪玩儿是要付出代价的。你想要得到一样东西,必然要放弃另外一样东西。老天爷是公平的,他不可能让你什么都得到。当你贪玩儿的时候,别人都在奋斗,所谓逆水行舟,不进则退。老天爷给了人生两种味道:苦与甜。如果你选择前半生吃苦,那么就可以后半生享乐。 但如果你选择前半生享乐,那么就只能做好后半辈子吃苦的准备了。”我在书中 看到这段话,对我感悟颇深。我感悟的并非是字里行间的意思,而是对世事的无奈,这句话我们何尝不懂呢,但做到的又有几人,每当看到那些中年人为自己少年虚度光阴后后悔,我想经历过苦中苦,才能彻头彻底的明白,但又有什么用呢, 过去的不在回来,留下的只有悔意。我想到那时的我们也会一样来悔恨自己,可一切为之已晚。然后就将希望寄托在下一代,可悲的是,一代一代亦是如此,实在让人可笑又无奈。这,就是大学了吗?

接下来,我该做什么?我到底为什么要上大学?大学 是什么?大学这四年我到底该怎么度过?这一切的选择到底对吗?人生又是什 么?人生的意义何在?我这辈子到底要做什么?到底该做什么?和我的朋友们 比起来,我之前为什么失败了?我到底错在哪里?只因我学习不够刻苦吗?如果是的话,人,又是为了什么而学习?为了什么而奋斗?为了什么而坚持?为了什么而活着?我想这些问题是我们最应该们也是最迫切去弄明白的。封面的那句“写给为梦想而奋斗的人”深深的激励着我,成功无捷径,需要 我们在梦想的征程中勇敢、坚持、不顾一切 。同志们,革命尚未成功,同志仍 需努力。




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With the development of the internet and the popularization of computers, shopping on the internet has become a commonplace in our life. here consumers can buy almost everything they need.

Shopping on the internet has a lot of advantages, of which the most important is perhaps its convenience. people dont have to waste a lot of their energy and precious time to go from one shop to another to choose the commodities they like. this is especially desirable to the old, the sick and the busy people who cannot go to the shops in person. the goods come in all shapes, sizes and colors on the internet. all they need to do is to sit in front of their computers and click the mouses. the commodities they order will be delivered to them promptly.

However, shopping on the internet also has its disadvantages. the first disadvantage is that the consumers cant see the goods or try them on personally. sometimes, the real goods may not be the same as what they have seen on the computer. the second disadvantage is that some shops on the internet are not registered. they will never deliver anything to you after they get the money from you. once cheated, you will find that you have nowhere to go to complain.




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Monday, August 2nd, Sunny

It was sunny and hot today. I got up early at half past six. I read English and then had breakfast. I helped my mother washed the dishes. Then I did my homework and cleaned my room. I went shopping with my mother in the afternoon. Then I played table tennis with my friends. In the evening I watched TV and read a book. I really had a busy and interesting day.



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How time flies! A week has passed before I noticed it. Thinking back at the things that happened during last week, I found the life here full of happiness and interests.

I can still remember the first day of the summer camp. I came to my bedchamber by myself. When I opened the door, I saw a girl with short hair sitting in a chair with a book in her hand. She must be a quiet girl who liked reading, I thought to myself at the time. As soon as we said hello to each other, another girl came in with a big noise. Her name was Rose. She was so outgoing and humor that both Cherry and I wouldn’t help laughing immediately. Then we studied and had meals together, and became good friends.

I can’t forget the day we spent together, I will remember these pressure seconds forever no matter how far we will be part in the future.




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Happy winter vacation arrived, in order to be able to live a happy and meaningful winter vacation. This time, I plan to do my homework first. Finish 10 pages of "winter vacation" every day, and also arrange a diary to practice the piano for an hour.


I have finished my homework, I was finally able to this "bookworm" mad kenshu! I love eating soft Xuan wrote "fun math blog", in this book to the mathematical knowledge of the unexpected, enjoy playing happy middle school. I know Liu Yibo, seven years old, who is very naughty and cute. From the braid elder sister wrote "at that age is very small", I feel the joy and sorrow of her childhood. I know the wonderful story of Pipiru remote control teacher. Its good to be crazy about books!


In the year 28, I returned to my hometown, Mashan. Now I can be crazy, crazy, crazy, and crazy. My grandma gave me to eat delicious chicken, yellow, green, tender vegetables...... The drink is sweet, Shuangwai Orange Juice. All kinds of delicacies that are full of color and fragrance. Look at these delicious, I really want to eat into a big fat, eating, Im a "General belly" looking for friends to play. We put the Rockets in the sand, just listen to "squeak" sound, rocket like an arrow into the sky, a "bang" explosion! I saw a few pieces slowly from the sky fall down. Then we put the most powerful color of this, I lit it into the paper tube, paper tube was bombed out. You see, how happy I am!


Hey hey, such a winter vacation is really happy ah!



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Tree and Ax

Ilike to tell you a story today ,it is Tree and Ax:A woodman came into a

forest to ask the trees to give him a handle for Ax.It seemed so modest a

request that the principal tree at once agreed to it,and it was settled among

them that the plain,homely Ash should finish what was wanted.No sooner had the

woodman fitted the staff to his purpose,than he began laying about him on all

side.Felling the whole matter too late,whishpered to the Cedar:“the fist

concession has lost all;if we has not a sacrificed our humble neighbor,we might

have yet stood for ages ourselves”The story was a satire on ungrateful

people,and it also shows us that giving alms to the enemy is cruelty to







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今天,我的英语成绩得了Very good,好开心好高兴。



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July 6 20XX

It was the first day of our summer holiday. All of us were very happy. Why? Because we have one months to do things we love to do. We are free.Although we have some homework. But we can finish them in several days. And the rest time we can make good use of. My god! We have been very tired after hard studying. In winter holidays, I want to have full sleepand eat good food in order to replenish myself. Last but not the least, I will have a good rest.



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Tomorrow is Christmas day, today is Christmas Eve.

We began to dress up the Christmas tree at night, have a lot of gift

packages, and a snowman, and bells and so on, it’s beautiful. We had a Christmas

party at home. A party with my host, and performances. My sister and me a lot of

toys are blouses sit, waiting for the host performance report shows. Sister and

I together singing, dancing, poems and mother singing performance, dad would

listen, we’re having a good time.



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How time flies! our new term start and a lot of classmates long time no see, we are all very happy, for our meet again, for our changed.

our teacher told us, we should to hard study in this term, and no matter how worse you are ever, new term, new start.

I think all of us have grew up more or less. we need to get along well with each other, and we need improve to each other!






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What a fine day today !I’m very happy in this fine day 。 Beaucse today I don’t have to do my homework and I can play with my good friends 。There is lots of snow now ,so we make a sonw man 。That’s really intersting 。We play with snow to about 6:30 。Of couse I must go home now。 What a fan day !翻译:多么好的天气阿!在这样的好天气里我十分高兴,因为这天我不用写作业,并且能够和朋友们出去玩。那里此刻有很多雪,所以我们堆了一个雪人。那真的很搞笑。我们玩雪,一向到晚上6:30。当然此刻我务必回家了。 多么搞笑的一天啊!



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When I got home, it was very dark. Why? There is no electric. Every year in Beijing, there is lack of electric to supply. Because there are a lot of factories.

And it is very cold in winter. So the government decided: supply electric to resident and the factories must stop working. My house is in the manufacturing district. I was unlucky. It was very cold. So my father use the electric making machine to make electric. Oh! What a unlucky winter!



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I had a good time last weekend. On Sunday morning, I stayed at home and did

my homework. The homework wasn’t difficult. After that, I played volleyball with

my friends. It was tired, but very exciting. In the afternoon, I cooked dinner

for my parents. It was a little difficult, I think. After dinner, I went to swim

in the river. I can swim very well. I had a relaxing weekend..



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I was depressed because couldnt understand an English book after I bought

it. could understand nothing. I thought maybe I should study English hard and

only by this could I learn a lot of knowledge and understand English aw well as

communicate with others in English. I told myself, just go.



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Do you know what a snowman is? Let us a make!

First, we make a big ball of snow. Then we make another is smaller than the first snowball.

Now we make another very small snowball. We put it on top. Let us make a face on the snowman. Carrot is his nose. Some little

rockets for his mouth and eyes. Two sticks for his arms.This hat are on the top for his hat.

Ok!The snowman is wonderful.






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In the morning, we see a new friend. Although I don’t know his name, I meet him. And I think this boy looks like Edison. He is handsome. Later we make up some short plays and my group also show our play. Our story talks about a magician helping some fishes. And we got No.1.

In the afternoon, we play a game. It is so much fun!

Although the class is still boring, I think, in our life, we still can find some happiness!

Nice mood! Nice weather! Nice day!

[A Nice day九年级暑假英语日记



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This morning, the sky is cloudless, spring。 My friends and I went to the

park flying a kite, flying a kite in the park so many people, some is small

swallow; some birds; there is I most like the phoenix。 The sky was a riot of

colours, like a blossoming be riotous with colour clouds really beautiful ah! We

play happy!




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I got up early this morning. I cleaned my room. I opened the window and

aired the room. I picked up the paper and swept the floor. Then I made the



I played computer games. We had lunch at 12:00. We had fish for lunch.


After lunch we went to the park. In the evening I did my homework. We had

delicious food for supper.


I was very happy today.

