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The term is coming to an end. The Spring Festival is coming. I am very excited. I have already planned how to use the Spring Festival. Now the Spring Festival, which is looking forward to it, is coming. Oh, I must be full and meaningful.

First of all, you have to buy a couplet ahead of time, put a few doors into the home, and let the home spill over the festival. Of course, fireworks and firecrackers are essential, and I particularly like the magnificent landscape of the rain when the fireworks fly into the sky. Dumpling is one of the indispensable food during the Spring Festival, mom made dumplings, very fresh, I must lead a person to endless aftertastes tongtongkuaikuai, meal, snack.

Next, you have to go to the family and friends home for a new year. A door, I want to "uncle, aunt long short" to call them, then mom and dad bought a gift for them, hee hee, relatives will entertain us warmly served delicious snacks, put candy, and I love the most is that Hunan tea bud, with sesame ramming. As long as the boiling water bubble, wow, aroma, make people unable to hide greeds, appetite.

Then eat dinner, mom do the dinner on New Years Eve can be said to be "a", the whole family sitting together, taste the delicious food, talking and laughing, enjoyable. The love is to see once a year the Spring Festival Gala, which shows rich and colorful, comic sketches, songs, wonderful performances, give a person to enjoy.

In the middle of my new years new year plan, my mother called me to write the homework. Hey, I love the spring festival you come soon.




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Waking up on New Year, everybody dresses up. First they extend greetings to

their parents. Then each child will get money as a New Year gift, wrapped up in

red paper. People in northern China will eat jiaozi, or dumplings, for

breakfast, as they think "jiaozi" in sound means "bidding farewell to the old

and ushering in the new". Also, the shape of the dumpling is like gold ingot

from ancient China. So people eat them and wish for money and treasure.

Southern Chinese eat niangao (New Year cake made of glutinous rice flour)

on this occasion, because as a homophone, niangao means "higher and higher, one

year after another." The first five days after the Spring Festival are a good

time for relatives, friends, and classmates as well as colleagues to exchange

greetings, gifts and chat leisurely.

China has 56 ethnic groups. Minorities celebrate their Spring Festival

almost the same day as the Han people, and they have different customs.



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盼星星,盼月亮,终于要临近新年了,我欣喜若狂,在将要临近新年的时候,下了一场大雪,我兴奋极了,突然,我想到一个好主意,做一个雪人来庆祝一下春节的到来,主意一出,便的到了小伙伴们的赞同, 于是我和几个小伙伴来一起堆雪人。我和小伙伴们先滚了一个小雪球来做雪人的头,再滚一个大雪球来做雪人的身子,让几个小伙伴去拿三个纽扣,一个大的两个小的,再拿一把扫把,最后准备一条围 巾和一根胡萝卜。

用大纽扣做这个小雪人的嘴巴,两个小纽扣做这个雪人的眼睛,再拿一条围巾围在雪人的脖子上,把两把扫帚放在小雪人的左右。这样一个惟妙惟肖的小雪人就做好了,看着这个既可爱又滑稽的小雪 人,我高兴地笑了,这个小雪人既是我们的劳动成果,又是新年给我们的礼物,我和小伙伴们怎么能不高兴呢,他是代表冬去春来的象征。

第二件事情那就是在新年的夜晚放孔明灯。到了大年初一的晚上,我和爸爸一起放孔明灯,爸爸拿起一根蜡烛放在泡沫上,随后我们全家人都许了个愿,我的愿望是开开心心过这个年,随后我和爸爸 一起把这个带着我们全家人愿望的孔明灯放上了天空,真希望这些愿望能够实现,天上有许多孔明灯,远远望去,真的像熊熊烈火。





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在阵阵爆竹声中,我们迎来了春节,家家户户喜气洋洋,挂上红红的灯笼。正月初一 ,一个最快乐的日子。








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The Lunar New Year is now popularly known as the Spring Festival because it starts from the Begining of Spring . Its origin is too old to be traced. Several explanations are hanging around. All agree, however, that the word Nian, which in modern Chinese solely means year , was originally the name of a monster beast that started to prey on people the night before the beginning of a new year.

One legend goes that the beast Nian had a very big mouth that would swallow a great many people with one bite. People were very scared. One day, an old man came to their rescue, offering to subdue Nian. To Nian he said, I hear say that you are very capable, but can you swallow the other beasts of prey on earth instead of people who are by no means of your worthy opponents? So, it did swallow many of the beasts of prey on earth that also harassed people and their domestic animals from time to time.

After that, the old man disappeared riding the beast Nian. He turned out to be an immortal god. Now that Nian is gone and other beasts of prey are also scared into forests, people begin to enjoy their peaceful life. Before the old man left, he had told people to put up red paper decorations on their windows and doors at each year s end to scare away Nian in case it sneaked back again, because red is the color the beast feared the most.

From then on, the tradition of observing the conquest of Nian is carried on from generation to generation. The term Guo Nian , which may mean Survive the Nian becomes today Celebrate the Year as the word guo in Chinese having both the meaning of pass-over and observe . The custom of putting up red paper and firing fire-crackers to scare away Nian should it have a chance to run loose is still around. However, people today have long forgotten why they are doing all this, except that they feel the color and the sound add to the excitement of the celebratio



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Our motherland has a long history, many traditional festivals, and some unique folk customs. But my favorite traditional festival is the Spring Festival. Chinese New Years eve, the Spring Festival also arrived, the New Year began.

On New Years eve, it was very lively, and every family was making New Years dishes, and the smell of the wine was everywhere. Men and women, old and young, were wearing new clothes, and a red and red couplet was affixed to the door. On New Years eve, the lights are on all night. People who do things outside will have to come home for a reunion dinner unless they have to. This night, apart from very small children, no one is going to sleep at the same time. The scene of the Spring Festival was different from that of New Years eve: the shops were boarded, and the last nights firecrackers were piled up in front of the door, and the whole city was resting. The men went to visit their relatives and friends before noon. The women received guests at home. Outside the city, many temples hold temple fairs. Vendors sell tea, food and toys outside the temple. Children especially love to go to the temple fair, so that they can have a chance to go outside the city to see the wild scenery, can ride a donkey, and also can buy New Years unique toys. The temple fair has horse racing and camel racing. These contests are not for the first who is second, but for the good posture and skill of the horse, camel and rider in front of the audience. The sky is full of colors. Will put every year before the fireworks began, every family put their most beautiful fireworks in the sky, fireworks bursting in the black night sky, a than a bright, the sky seems to be holding a beauty contest.

How beautiful! All the people stopped at that moment, only to hear the exclamations of the fireworks, the adults faces showed the innocence of the smile, and began to recall their happy childhood. At the same time, we all quietly made a wish: I hope this year I can be admitted to a high school with a good result! New Year, new beginning. I hope that all the students in the sixth grade will work together to create their own future with a good grade.






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今天是初一,我去了洪湖,一同去的还有妈妈。我们上了车,一边观赏风景,一边等待快点儿到洪湖。只用了一个半小时的时间,便到了洪湖。 “啊?这就是洪湖?”我小声嘀咕。不假,这洪湖还真挺像乡下的:有鸭、有鸡、有鹅。 来洪湖的路上,可让我们笑得合不拢嘴。 当车快到达目的地时,有一只顽皮的鸡挡在马路上,还叫得欢呢!我们按了一下喇叭,那鸡先惊慌地跳了一下,然后,用正面对着我们。我们吓坏了,认为它要跳到车上来。但鸡没有那样做,只是对着我们愤怒地叫了一声,最后落荒而逃。我们愣住了,随后又爆笑起来。过了一会儿,嗬,一个接一个,欺负我们呢!?你猜我们又遇到什么了?鸡?不—对!猪?不—对!你肯定猜不着,是一大群回家的鸭子!这鸭子大概有四五十只,排成了一个列队,一个接一个回家,就像小学生排队放学那样。它们是那么安静、有序、整齐,没有一只逃跑,即使没有人。其中有一只是鸭子头领,其它的跟在它后面,安安静静的走着,没有那一只叫喊。它们走起路来一甩一甩的,屁股有节奏地跟着身体左一下右一下,那样子既有趣又可爱,还稍带俏皮。我们又按了一下喇叭,想示意它们快点儿。没想到它们听到喇叭声后,并没有慌了阵脚,反而自顾自地走,可见它们的世界是多么安静!我们看得入了神,仿佛着了魔似的。我们等它们都回家后,车子才又缓缓地开动起来。 好不容易到了洪湖,却又发现洪湖像乡下,大失所望。但过了一会儿,我又冷笑起来,我身上有擦炮,想耍耍那些“笨鸡”——炸鸡。但我又怕真把鸡炸去天堂了,便犹豫不决。终于,我鼓足勇气划了一根丢在鸡面前。“上当了!上当了!”我高兴地拍手——有鸡认为那是爆竹的残渣,丢给它玩儿的,竟然去啄那个已经被我点着了的擦炮!冒烟了,那鸡嘴已经挨上了,“砰——砰——砰——”,我一看,呀,一只鸡也没有,我不相信,等那鸡儿们又出来了以后,我又快速地点燃了一根,找准时机,丢在了一只鸡脚旁。冒烟了,“砰砰砰!”,我再看,天啊,鸡真那么聪明!?鸡啊鸡,你也太聪明了吧! 天色渐渐暗淡下来,晚上来了!晚风吹着我们的脸,凉飕飕的。我们告辞后,又花了一个小时回家。 今天,我好开心,虽说有鸡鸭,但也让我增长了不少知识。看来,有些知识也是来源于生活的呀!



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Spring Festival is the most solemn festival, spent the day the Chinese people rejoice together, although custom is different, but the joy is still rippling in everyones heart. According to the custom of our hometown, the beginning of the Spring Festival is around the twelfth month 20, a month, 20, every family began to prepare for New Years day, the children also put off.

Happy to play with friends, parents are busy in busy outside, all the prosperity of a busy year.

How time flies, suddenly arrived quickly when it gets dark. Moms cooking in our home but the best, so definitely want to taste her hearty dinner for us! Faced a table of delicious food, we are a large family sitting at the table, everyone is permeated with a happy smile on their faces, I really feel the taste of the "life is sweeter than honey"!

On New Years eve night, we are a group of friends, holding firecrackers, under the guidance of adults devolved firecrackers, blew up in the sky, a rainbow flower drill out, like a rainbow, colorful; And like a fairy flowers, give people happy, its beautiful! Put the firecrackers mom and dad and I went to see the Spring Festival party. Every lights, very lively.

The next day, the day not bright, mother urged me to hurry up, I got up, grandma and grandpa, dad and mum are up. Mother put wrapped dumplings yesterday, in the dish, we eat the steamed stuffed bun talking and laughing. Soon, it is day, most people wear new clothes to visit friends and relatives to elder happy New Year. Our house is not exceptional also, my parents and I all put on new clothes, appear more handsome dad, mom become more young and beautiful! "Will beep PaPa", the ringing of firecrackers welcomed on the first day, I and the daddy, mother go to relatives happy New Year. Walking, we came to grandmas house. Dad a grandma to me like knelt down to old woman kowtow, but was stopped by a grandma! "Well, what do you say you ke head! To eat melon seeds, a smoke!" "No no, I dont smoke!" . Thanks to the old womans house, we went to the aunt home, uncle happy New Year! Soon we finally finished thanks!   Blink at the beginning of the eight, the Spring Festival is over, everyone went back to the normal track, the work of the work, the school to go to school. A New Year begins, people are heading for a new life, new goals and efforts.



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With the bursts of firecrackers. The celebration of the Spring Festival comes at last.

However, at the same time, people play a lot of waste. According to the survey, the waste of the Spring Festival is 10 times as much as usual (non holiday). These figures are really to be counted, and you can imagine how amazing it is. So, at the same time, we do not forget to save.

The waste of food is especially serious during the Spring Festival. The new year, we have to prepare enough things in the supermarket to buy special purchases for the Spring Festival, convenient to move home; there are people who work units, friends. The source of special purchases for the Spring Festival not put, the home refrigerator, but on the outside. But just a few days later, the weather is getting warmer. The thing broke out immediately, couldnt eat it, and had to throw it away. There are also years of night meal, in order to be rich, all families have bought a lot of things, but they can eat very little, and finally there is a lot of surplus. “ more than &rdquo in years; a good omen, but the remaining things, but in the case of no one, were poured into the ditch or the roadside. New years festival is the peak of consumption. At this time for the Spring Festival shopping, eat and drink, do special purchases for the Spring Festival can. However, do not forget to save in the consumption, to eliminate waste.

In addition to the waste of food, the waste of the new year is very serious. In our lives, there is often a waste of electricity. As far as our family is concerned, thirty nights in the big year, the lanterns are hung up on my house, all night, and how much electricity is consumed. Also, in order to have a good sign, on the thirty night houses are the lights lit, night lights, electricity consumption as can be imagined how much.

There is a lot of waste in the Spring Festival. For example, gifts are given during the Spring Festival, which also presents the waste of gift packaging. Some units send gifts to employees in the new year, and everything is covered with beautiful packaging. It is too big to take home, but when the packing is removed, the original thing is much smaller. These packages are about half of the space, and most of them are new, so its a bit wasteful. Many shopping malls, supermarkets can see, many for the gift of people in the selection of those exquisite gift boxes. There is only two bottles of wine in a box that looks like the size of a normal TV screen. A lot of gifts are packed in layer after layer, so people dont know what it is inside. Its even doubted that the box is worth more than the inside. During the Spring Festival, the packing box is the most important time. It did cause a lot of waste of paper and plastic.

“ save the resources, start from me. ” to eliminate waste, the key is to start from yourself, start from small things, start from now!



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Chinese New Year


Chinese New Year is coming and my family is very busy. Its because Chinese New Year is very special and important. We must prepare many special things to get ready for this festival.


First, will make a big New Year meal.


Second, we will make “Good-luck wishes.”




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Life is full of hope, I am most looking forward to the Spring Festival. As the growth of the age, the reason why I look forward to the Spring Festival is also changed.

When I was babble, looking forward to the Spring Festival because the Spring Festival in many adults to visit, they will be praised me when they saw me grow very cute, let my heart fruity.

After kindergarten, I begin to love to play. So I look forward to the Spring Festival is to play with friends. We set off firecrackers, clay, hide and seek, wreaths...

In elementary school, I know that money can buy, buy books, stationery, buy groceries, you can also save with university, this is the reason why I look forward to the Spring Festival.

Now, I enjoy the beautiful scenery. Looking forward to the Spring Festival reason again in the Spring Festival, the spring is coming. Spring is a green world, a world full of. Flowers, warbler dancing butterflies fly, grass spring peach bright, this is the characteristics of the spring. Spring breeze blowing, it was the angel of voice, with all sorts of color of paint, dye red the gills of the peach blossom, white pear flower face, stained from the winter jasmine pigtails. It also blew the cx, green branches, blue sky, blowing and a smile on the surface of the lake. Float to the spring rain, it is a thread in the hands of a voice, a glimmer, embroidered with a piece of green. Schools of thought contend, flowers, birds, the beautiful spring, snow and ice melt. The ancients said, "people in the picture", it is exactly.



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Look forward to it! Look forward to the Spring Festival, wait! Wait until the first night of the year. Maybe you will ask: look forward to the first day? Thirty big year is fun! Thats because mom promised to take me to the riverside road at the first night to see the lights.

At the first night, I put on my roller skates and went on my way to the riverside road with my mothers escort. As soon as I arrived at my destination, I saw the fireworks in the sky and the lights on both sides of the Yellow River. It was like the two dragons coming to the world, which brought us a colorful spring festival.

Imperceptibly, I and my mother has come to the riverside road, far from Zhongshan bridge radiation with a charming color, garden type arches were mounted on a shape to the lights on both sides of the Yellow River, there are also countless lights contrast, much of the look, the entire Zhongshan bridge as a dragon lying on top of the Yellow River, enjoying Lanzhou the two sides of the Yellow River charming night.

At the close, the road on both sides of the trees are covered with colored lights, but also kept changing color, every street lamp has hung red lanterns greatly and Chinese knot, as a whole road is very bright, red, green and blue many lanterns, this street has become rainbow Street was resplendent with variegated coloration.

In this beautiful light, we soon came to the Zhongshan bridge, hey! This bridge has become particularly attractive today, the whole bridge covered with big red lanterns, let this majestic Zhongshan bridge adds a strong festive atmosphere. The Yellow River is more enchanting because of the Zhongshan bridge, and the bridge is even more magnificent because of the the Yellow Rivers backing.

Although it was very late, my mother and I did not want to leave this beautiful riverside road, the spectacular Zhongshan bridge. I want to keep looking at this beautiful night! This is one of my happiest things. I would like to dress our riverside road more beautifully every day.



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I had a great time in the Spring Festival this year. I put on my new clothes, got the age money, ate the reunion dinner, saw the Spring Festival evening, played the colorful fireworks...

Since I went to buy fireworks, I was looking forward to the thirty of the year. Finally, we were looking forward to the eve of the new years Eve. After the dinner, I could not wait to take the fireworks and mother to the downstairs. All of a sudden, a loud noise made me jump. It turned out that the uncle in the next door was putting fireworks. In a moment, the sound of firecrackers came in and out. "Its beautiful!" the colorful fireworks broke the sky and illuminated the earth. All kinds of fireworks in the sky for shine!

I quickly picked up the fireworks and ignited the "revolving gun", and I saw it shot a golden flame. When the flame was blown out, I began to put the "rocket". My mother lit the fuse, all of a sudden, 25, with the continuous sound to fly in the sky, the beautiful flowers blooming in the air. Dad came, he lit the "The heavenly maids scatter blossoms". The lead was squeaking, but it didnt happen for a long time. I crept forward to explore it. My mother pulled me: "dont go! Its dangerous." Mothers words havent finished, rubs the fireworks fly on the sky, startled me. "Close!" I fear the murmured. The fireworks exploded in the air, and really scattered like countless fairies of flowers in the sky like fairies. In the twinkling of an eye, small petals turned into a small parachute and landed in the air, which was beautiful.

This day is the happiest day of my Spring Festival.

Although the fireworks are good, the beauty and lack of beauty is to make the environment of our city affected.



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