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"Father and son" is a humorous cartoon. I have read the book three times.

When I first read the book, my mother heard the laughter coming from the study room. Indeed, the book is very interesting, and father and son often make jokes. For example, "sunset map": his father is a bald. One day, father read a newspaper on the sofa. The son called his companion, and showed him half the bald head of his sofa as a sunset, drawing on the sofa, and adding a picture frame. The father suddenly turned, and the setting sun had eyebrows, eyes, whiskers, ears. Father humor, simple, kind and playful, son smart, naive, cute and naughty, these two characters are very popular with everyone.

The second time I read this book, I felt the deep affection between father and son. One of the comic stories goes like this: the father and his son go to the seaside for a holiday. The son found a lot of pebbles on the beach and threw stones into the sea until he could not find any stones. Father saw, in the evening, pushing the car, over and over to the seaside to transport stones. The second day, the son found a pile of stones piled on the beach, very happy. My father was pleased to see it. I carefully observed fifth cartoons, found his father for his son to transport a pebble, sweat a lot. My father did everything for his son, and his son loved his father. He also made me cry.

When I read the book third times, I went abroad to combine the preface to know that E O Plauen created the father and son in the dark age when the Nazi fascist ruled germany. This warm, touching the cartoons was in the years of turmoil of creation, he is really a positive and optimistic person, is a person who is very loving son. He is a good painter concerned. He did not like some people in order to save life and property and surrender to the Nazis, he boldly created anti Nazi cartoons. But such a master of humour was mercilessly killed by the evil fascist. I think, while we praise the father and the son, we should praise their Creator, egypt. Austria. Rauen.

I read three times "father and son", and every time there was a new discovery. I hope I read every good book.





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Thoughts given by Sherlock Holmes and the Duke’s Son

Written in the first chapter of the book Pride and Prejudice is an extraordinary sentence of which even a person who has had only a brief look upon the book will not fail to receive a deep impression-It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. In terms of Sherlock Holmes, we’d better alter the sentence into “It is a fact universally accepted by readers throughout the world that an excellent book in possession of our famous detective Sherlock Holmes is undoubtedly a masterpiece of all times.” Perhaps this is one of the most obvious explanations for the unrivaled popularity of “Holmes series” in the field of detective stories. Overwhelmed by the recommendations provided by my friends, I decided to take a look on this Sherlock Holmes and the Duke’s Son originally published by Oxford University Press.

As a whole, this book is about a case concerning the Duke’s missing son. Arthur, the Duke’s son, was found out in a certain morning to have disappeared, accompanied with which was also the disappearance of the German teacher. The school master Dr. Huxtable then turned to the famous detective of the time Sherlock Holmes for help. Realizing how tough and important the case is, Holmes immediately made up his mind to accept the case and followed Dr. Huxtable back to Mackleton by train. Having formed a rough idea about the wholle matter, Holmes probed into the case immediately and had a careful investigation of the entire area shortly after the arrival, during the process of which he discovered the body of the German teacher Heidegger. Finally, primarily due to his prominent ability as a detective, he managed to unravel the mystery and obtained the twelve thousand pounds promised by the Duke.

Having once started reading this fiction, I was completely immersed in the mysterious story presented by the book. As the saying goes, “Well begun, half done”. At the beginning of the story, just like many other detective stories, the author gives us a brief description of the condition by the words of a client. However, unlike other ones, this story first delineates the client’s strange behavior at length to indicate the severity of the incident in order to attract the readers to continue reading it. As is known to all, vivid depiction is essential to detective stories since it can help the readers understand each figure’s characteristics and visualize the scenes, thus making the story more authentic and attractive. Therefore, trying to present a “real world” to his readership, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, author of the original “Holmes series”, has skillfully arranged the plots of the whole story from the perspective of Dr. Watson, a character not so specialized in discovering the truth hidden behind the enigmatic happenings as Holmes but so loyal to Sherlock Homes as a friend that he always accompanies Holmes wherever he goes. In this way, he elaborately depicted every scene and character in the book, Apart from the special start, the ending of the whole story, being dramatic but reasonable, is certainly an outstanding one. After all, except the author himself, who knows that the Duke’s seemingly ordinary secretary is in fact the Duke’s bastard? In addition, who knows that the Duke actually has already been acquainted with the whole thing before Holmes solves this complicated problem? Yet, surprising as it is, this ending seems so natural that it fits all the plots of the story perfectly well. While enjoying this wonderful story, I could do nothing but admire the wonderful design of this masterpiece as well as the author’s gorgeous writing skill. Closing my eyes, I can even “see” the story happening just like watching a film. Not until then did I understand why the Japanese cartoon film Detective Conan used this “Conan” as the name of its hero.

As far as I am concerned, nothing is more admirable and surprising in the hero Sherlock Homes than his profound knowledge which has certainly assisted him a lot when he was studying the case. Take the bicycle tyres for instance, Holmes actually is capable of recognizing 42 different varieties of bicycle tyres. What’s more, according to his other stories, Holmes has studied different kinds of newspapers, cigarettes, people’s footprints and other special things as well. Therefore, he seems to have the mastery of anything relevant to the cases he deals with. Except for his illimitable knowledge, Holmes also specializes in arranging the facts in order and then finding the fact leading him to a GREat discovery or even the truth itself. From his speaking “Every mystery has an answer”, we can readily shape the impression of a man with great intelligence and inflexible will. In this case, after getting rid of unrelated facts, Sherlock Homes eventually grasped the clue and discovered the amazing fact.



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Everyone is the god of his own. If you have succumbed to yourself, then who can be your savior all through the world? ---Form The Shawshank Redemption

The story begins with the trial of a young banker called Andy, who victimized by circumstantial evidence and be put into the Shawshank prison. Ellis and many other prisoners had been in the prison for so many years that they had accustomed to this kind of life. Even they did not want to go out. It’s not only because they can’t, but also that they lived here for years without hope. You see, they lived just in the small prison living a boring life, it’s a gray world where nobody knows what their dream was, what their hope was.

However, as the old man said: Some birds arent meant to be caged, but most birds will choose to stand it. Though they tried too many times, they never finished it, so they gave up. Nonetheless, Andy tried. He has the smart brain, the never fading persistent, as well as the most important

thing----hope. With a small hammer to dig through the tunnel to drainage pipe, and then climb over the drainage pipe outside to the river, Andy succeed in escaping the constraint

The scene impressed me most is when Andy got out of jail, he extended his arms in front of him in the heavy rain as if he were welcoming the fresh air and the freedom. At that moment, I saw the confidence win the darkness, bright light dazzles the eyes in the dark blue sky. Under the light, I could feel my recreant heart being shivering as his voice said: “Remember, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and no good thing ever dies!”

It’s obvious that hope is a good thing. Whatever difficulty it is, we can’t lose the hope. Hope is enduring. Why we study? Because of the hope. We don’t hope us to be the man who nobody knows, so we go ahead for the dream. That it is , hope is worthy to be kept on the way to realize our dreams.









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I was experiencing the feeling of paradox after reading the book. I felt my eyes wet when I read his stories, about how Mr. Jobs was able to overcome the challenges in life. These are challenges that I, you, and a lot of us will never encountered, but I understand how it must feel to be in the middle of the situations, and how it must feel being hopeless. This understanding has led me to the being moved by Steve Jobs’s bra一veness and persistence. The power of his dream had proved beyond anything, illness, unfairness and death. He continued to love his career even after being diagnosed cancer, and used his power and strengths to change the world by changing how all of us see it.

He was a nerd, a crazy man, a paranoid, but there was no evidence that would show him not being one of the greatest man in human history. Even though people found themselves tired working with Mr. Jobs (he was such a paranoid), they loved him, as he could bring the novelty to this world and make a difference. To the great man who changed the world with mac and ipod, to the hero of the electronic industry, to Steve Jobs, you will always be my hero.



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它主要描写了在美国反奴隶战争中,女主角思嘉由富家千金因战争而转变为女强人的故事。 你感受过吗?从养尊处优、娇生惯养、人见人爱的大千金一夜之间变得家破人亡,成为一个飘荡在战火之中,没人疼、没人爱的落难户。内心深处,怎能不痛苦?怎能不酸楚?她哭过、她怨过、她也沉沦过。可,她当泪痕干时,勇敢地选择了精彩地、优雅地活着,还记得,那是一场残酷地战争,每天人们可读之物就是战场上士兵们的伤亡统计表;每天的生活就是在田间没日没夜地耕耘。在那时,悲伤是个黑洞,吞噬了无数人;在那时,眼泪像黄河泛滥,淹没了无数人……她是悲哀的,但因她的坚强,她变得精明!

曾有一个轰动全国的残疾人——张海迪。上帝甚至没有给予她一个完整的躯体,她的双腿残疾,只能在轮椅上度日。她很悲观,甚至自卑到自杀。可最终,她鼓起勇气活了下去!她开始相信,选择坚强是正确的。最终,她拥有了光明! 没错,生活中有无数人每天以泪洗面。可是,要相信,泪水中的坚强,最终一定会给你带来光明! 世界无法因你一人而改变。可是,你可以改变自己!是的,她选择了坚强,她找回了勇气!因为,她始终相信,太阳的每一缕光辉因她而洒下!她什么时候不曾遇到困难?父亲的去世、艾希礼的离去、塔拉的税务、瑞德的出走……可是,她始终相信,只要自己能从泪水中站起,胜利属于自己!

也是因为她的坚强,塔拉得以重建,她也不用再为吃喝发愁。有人说,她是个可恶的投机商。可那又如何?艰苦的生活,让她为了在夹缝中存活而不得不改变!你又可曾知道,她卸下坚强的铠甲后,有多少无奈要她用那纤瘦的肩膀,去担? After all ,tomprrow is the aother day! 如她在结尾时说的一样,明天又是新的一天,让我们一起选择坚强!



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Jane eyre is a long time ago I see the book.Recently watched it again, to say the book makes me feel most is Jane sensitivity when the poor, the tenacity of her when she was young.

When I saw her in her aunt treat her vicious words as well as her aunt three childrens behavior, see Jane bullied by a few of them, my eyes was a acid, heart some pain.After ask again: "if I were Jane I can insist on? I can grow up you dont like Jane to cynical?"I dont believe me.Because I have such a good environment since childhood.Since the childhood is in mom and dad grandpas grandmother grew up under the baby.From had no bitter and tired.Later, with the help of a good maid, she went to that school.In the condition of hard school, Jane assiduous study, she also learn very quickly.No complaining, just feel a little relief, is because in the pain of her aunts house is the life of the day made her feel good instead.

I saw Jane twice in the day of school, always put down the book quietly thinking: Jane she really very fierce!After the unfair life, in such a difficult environment, she can still maintain the state of mind.Like before all misfortune is the test of god for her, after the exam, she to grow, her mind more beautiful, not become distorted.Perhaps this is Janes strong reflect ~ if her fragile then she will become unproductive, pessimistic people.

After to her silently away.She resolutely left Edward rochester.But Jane is at the time of Edward the distress went back to his side, take care of her, to accompany him.Here, Janes love for Edward let I was moved.







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这篇文章讽刺了那些以貌取人、见钱眼开的人。这些人见对方有钱,就甘愿为对方服务,而对于对方虚实,一概不问。他们这类人为金钱服务,信奉 “金钱万能”。这种人若变多,就会助长“金钱万能”这种社会风气的形成,金钱会异化成为人们的唯一动力。当前我们身边社会,也有这种习气的存在。从大处说,去年曾有某造纸工厂排污不达标一次用120万元买断全年的罚款,从小处说,找人办事送礼成风也是这种习气的体现。因此,我们不能信奉“金钱万能”,而且凡遇到事情,应该从本质着眼,看清事物的真相,而不应只看表面,不应盲从。



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The Little Princess is written by Frances hodgson Burnett, who was born in Manchester in England in 1849. In order to support her family she had began to write since she was 18. Then she was famous for the best selling book Little Lord Fauntleroy. She wrote about 50 novels and stories.

The representative ones are the secret garden, little princess, little Prince and so on. She was good at writing fiction and children"s stories. Her books often show sentimental, romantic color, plus full of childlike plots and the nature of light and warmth, which makes her works not only popular among the children but also the adults.

The Little Princess is just like the modern Cinderella. Sara Crewe, the protagonist of the novel was a little girl but acted as an adult and she loved telling stories to others. When she was 11, her dad sent her to a girls’ boarding school because of his father’s business. At first, Sara lived like a real princess and she was loved by everyone. She could get whatever she want because her father was rich. But on her birthday party, she got a bad news about her father was dead. From that moment, Sara’s life was totally changed. She didn"t understand why the teachers and students treat her so bad. She had to work 16 hours a day. She began to taste the hardships of life with no money. Sara and her partner Becky lived together and they helped each other, support each other. There’s an old saying, when one door shuts, another opens. So, after a long time, she met her father’s partner who was searching for her for years because her father found a gold ore and earned lots of money. Then she lived with this kind man and Becky became her exclusive maid.

When I finished reading the book, I feel inspire. What impressed me most are Sara’s kindness and the spirit of brave. When facing difficult, she is still very optimistic and is kind to everyone. She always has a b will and never gives up. I think whenever I face difficult I will think of Sara, then I will feel inspire and overcome it bravely.



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Helen. Keller is the 20th century American famous blind deaf female writer, she has a tragic fate, but she was admitted to Harvard University with a strong will, become the worlds first complete university education of the blind the deaf. She is full of imagination in the future, though he is disabled, but she didnt feel inferior, but even harder to learn, strong to face difficulties in life, finally realized his dream.

"If give me three days light" the book deeply touched me, in life there are many like Helen. Keller handicap but dont give up life, dont give up learning finally become a useful person, but there are normal, live in happiness, but I dont cherish, is back in trouble, dont work hard finally accomplish nothing.

Now we are learning condition is how good, has a pair of bright eyes, a pair of sensitive ear, a capacious and bright classroom, had a very good teacher, but there are always some people dont cherish, waste every day.

This book to tell us, when we are in trouble, dont be hard hit, be brave to face, dont lose heart, because of a temporary setbacks should be through their own efforts to overcome difficulties, achieve their ideal.







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总而言之,这套教材给我们留下了许多知识,是我们受益匪浅。 典范英语读后感范文二







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The Old Man and the Sea is one of Hemingways most enduring works and may very well become one of the true classics of this generation. It played a great part in his winning the Pulizer Prize in 1953 and the 1954 Novel Prize for Literature and confirmed his power and presence in the literary world. Hemingway is also one of my favorite writers. Besides The Old Man And the Sea, I have read some of his other works, such as The Sun Also Rises, A Farewell to Arms and The Snow of Kilimanijaro. But The Old Man and the Sea is the one that left the deepest impression on me.

I first read this book when I was in my fifteens. And now I remember it just as well as if I had read it yesterday.

On summer vacation of this year, I studied in novel " old man and sea " of Hemingway , famous writer of U.S.A. ,. I admire the old fishermans will in the novel very much, he lets me understand that a person must have unremitting spirit, could succeed . What the novel is described is an old fisherman almost the sixty years old, when go to sea and fish alone once, have angled to a big fish, but can not draw. After tough fisherman and fish have socialized for a few days, just find this is a big Malins fish which exceeds several times of ones own fishing boat, though know perfectly well that it is very difficult to win , does not give up yet. Because big Malin fish fishlike smell of wound attract odd herds of shark vie for the food again later, but the old man is still unwilling to give up like this, stress the tight encirclement finally , take the large fish back to fishing port , let other fishmen admire it endlessly. The old fisherman thinks that as I read ": It is really too close from here to coast, perhaps there are bigger fish in the farther place ……" When,admire very much because this old fisherman in the persons, because play not for some fishing he already at this moment I, but he is not satisfied with the existing state of affairs , but advance towards greater goal. Seeing us again, meet some little difficulties at ordinary times , all of us complain bitterly. We are the future of the motherland, should be as ambitious as this old man, go to pursue well , greater goal. Read as me " big Malin fish is it enclose light fishing boat move about , is it get mast to twine cable fast to begin, old man right hand hold steel fork high , jump out in a flash , affording to try ones best above water in it, a sound of wail has finished the life of the loud fish, it floats on the surface of water silently ……"When,the I one heart is too fall like pieces of stone not big. I admire that kind of fearing of the old man at all , unremitting spirit very much, though know rivals strength is very strong , but he has not shrunk back at all , meets the difficulty. Just because there is this kind of spirit, the old fisherman has obtained the victory of the trial of strength of this life and death. We should study the old fishermans spirit too in life, do the thing and is not afraid of the difficulty , could achieve success . Read big blood offensive smell of fish smell one shark , fall over each other to visit to vie for the food, left hand of old man pull a muscle just, he can only use right hand, can weapon attacked to used for defend oneself with stick , mouth of swordfish that catch everything, and has driven away this herd of shark finally. But big meat of fish take into big half already, but old man criticize ones own left hand " when the work this when have a rest " humorously also, I am subdued by old mans optimistic spirit too. In life, some losses are unavoidable, we should treat the optimistic attitude , cant worry about petty gain or loss . Finally, the novel sees with a teenager that old fisherman has 18 feet of big long Malins fish totally in the tolerance , the ones that have described this fish are enormous again, prove that old fishermans difficulty overcome is big, than ordinary. Old fishermans spirit that makes great efforts to struggle fearless of danger and difficulty that the novel has been extolled, we should be like him too, can t be satisfied with the current situation , should be positive upwards, it should be unremitting to do anything, it must not give up halfway to meeting difficulty should meet the difficulty. Only in this way, we could obtain greater success and victory .



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Oliver Twist is written by Charles Dickens.

Charles Dickens is one of the greatest writers in the England. He was born in a poor family but later he became famous and rich. The famous novel --A Tale of Two Cities is written by him too.

This novel shows us the cruelty and crime of London. Oliver Twist the hero is a poor orphan. He lived in a life filled with taunts. Nobody loved him. With visions of his future he decided to go to London. He thought a new life was coming but he was wrong a group of thieves were waiting for him.

The author created a group of bad men.

Fagin an old man with a horribly ugly face and red hair was the head of those thieves. He tried to make Oliver be a criminal.

Bill Sikes was a cruel and evil man in the group. He had a bad temper.

Monks Oliver’s brother did bad things to hurt Oliver. He wanted to get the legacies left by his father alone. He paid Fagin to trap Oliver into a life of crime. In fact they were all afraid of being put into prison and being hanged. They can’t live happily.

Nancy a poor girl loved a bad man. She had to help Bill Sikes perpetrate because she loved him. She had to be loyal to the criminal group because she loved him. Actually she was kind. She helped Oliver at the risk of her life. If she hadn’t fell in love with Sikes she would have a happy ending.

The author showed these ugly things to us he described an ugly world. But there are more kind people in the novel.

Mr. Brownlow an old friend of Oliver’s father took good care of Oliver.

Mrs. Maylie Harry Maylie’s mother saved Oliver of his life.

Miss Rose is the aunt of Oliver in fact.

They all protect Oliver from hurt.

Oliver was unlucky to meet so many evil people but he was luckier to get help from so many kind people.

In the end of the novel all the evil people were punished. Oliver got what he should get. Rose married Harry Maylie and they lived happily. All the kind people have a happy ending.

Righteousness can always beat evil. I think this is what the author wants to tell. Although there are many ugly things in the world we must believe that righteousness can always beat evil.

We must store kindness even though we are in ugly situation. One is poor if he doesn’t have kindness. One is rich if he has kindness. So please store your kindness in your mind.

What’s more the novel also tells us to be brave. Oliver was brave enough to overcome all the problems he had met. No matter how difficult the problem is we can’t give up we must try our best to solve it.

From Oliver Twist I have learnt a lot .It’s really a good novel.



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Bunyan once in his book named Pilgrim’s Process described a place named ‘Vanity Fair’ where all kinds of vanity are sold, such as houses, lands, honors, preferments, titles,lusts, pleasures and delights of all sorts. As a matter of fact, we are living in such place today. We gradually become the participants of this fair and loyal followers of these hollow things. Espencially our modern grils’ changing view toward marriage, money and social status. They believe that they could easily live a life like a grand lady without making any efforts if they marry a wealthy man. As female college students, how to stick to our own belief and aviod being assimilated by the complex society, Thackeray’s novel Vanity Fair could give us a good instruction. Through the Rebacca’s attitude towards money, social status and marriage, I realize what is most important thing for a female.

Thackeray described the life of ruling classes of England in the early decades of the 19th century, and attacked the social relationship of bourgeois world by satirizing the individuals in the different strata of the upper society. Rebacca(becky) Sharp is a classic example of the money-grubbing instinct. Her only aspiration in life is to gain wealth and position by any means. Thackeray does not regard Rebacca as an exception. Everyone wishes to gain something in the Vanity Fair and acts almost in the same manner as Rebacca.

As an orphan, Rebacca’s birth can easily win our tears. It is an undenible fact that she is quite an ambitious and clever girl. As far as I am concerned, she could easily live a decent life with her own hand. However, because of the society and the innate deficits in her characteristics, she becomes very sophisticate and even tried to suduce her best friend’s brother so that she could win her place in the upper society and other’s admiration. However, for the people in the upper class, Rebacca’s humble birth cuold never be erased even though she married a rich man. In other’s eye, she was just a coquette who was quite good at suducing rich men. Why not use your own hand to create a bright future and win others’ true respect instead of relying on the man’s shoulder.

Rebacca liveed in a society which is ruled by money, everyone was crazy about money, Rebacca was no exception. She held the dream of living a life of a grand lady, wearing luxurious clothes and shining dimonds. In order to realize her dream, she used all kinds of immoral means to win the love of rich men. Finally, she got married with Rawdon Crawley, a good man who will inherit a large sum of money from her ant. However, the old lady refused because Crawley married Rebacca---a woman of low social status. Rebacca and her husband live a quite luxurious life in Pairs even though they could not make the both ends meet. Finally, Mr.Crawley was put in to prison because of heavy debets, while Rebacca started searching for another rich man who can pay for her luxurious bills. Rebacca betrayed her soul in the process of pursuiting money and gradually forgot the meaning of love.

Marriage is a holy thing in everyone’s life, but if you regard marriage as a good method of gaining money and improving your social status, you will suffer a lot from it. Although you live a decent life and gain other’s admiration,you may never be ture happy because you never know what is love and responsibilty. Rebacca’s marriage is a good example. She took a quite easy attitude towords marriage. Her marriage was just a method which helped her get in to the upper class and live a rich life. Ther is no wonder that she was so cruel to her husband and flirted with another rich man when her husband was in the prison. Here I want to mention another female----Amelia, a girl of simple mind. In Rebacca’s mind she was a fool. At first, she held the same view as Rebacca. Her husband’s death in the war made her become a sorrowful widow. Till one day Rebacca told her that her husband once asked Rebaccato run with him. Amelia was angry and married a man who has taken care of her for several years uncomplainly. Amelia is not a cold hearted women, although her dream of being a grand lady had vanished,but she experienced a life of being truly loved. While for Rebacca, she will forever lived in the Vanity Fair and never has the chance to experience this kind of love. In my eye , Amelia is wiser than her.

Rebacca is a tragic female during that period. Although this novel ended with a happy ending--- Rebacca got marriad with Amelia’s brother and inherited a large sum of money, liveed a grand lady’s life ---who dare to say that Rebacca will stop betraying her soul and keep away from Vanity Fair? I would like to give an advice to her and to the grils in our modern society: please keep always from Vanity, and take a correct attitude towards money, social status and marriage. Money is not every in our life. The improvement of our social status needs our own efforts instead of relying on others. Mrriage is a holly thing in our girls’ life, which requires our responsibility and loyalty. Or we will forever live in a hollow world and the dream of vanity will finally destory us.



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Recently, I have read a very interesting book, the Adventures of Tom Sawyer。 And the companion volume is the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn。 This book described an American boy, Tom Sawyer’s fantastic adventure。 The author of this novel is one of my favorite writers, Mark Twain, who was honored as the literary giant and was good at writing satirical novels。 The reason that I enjoy Mark Twain’s composition is that he always brought me into a funny world by using very simple description but perfect writing skills and attractive story structures。 Nevertheless, when I finished reading his words, I would think some deeper and serious things that he wanted to convey to us。 The style of Mark Twain’s composition is humorous but actually very sharp, which exposed the weakness and the hypocrite of human nature and expressed his desiring for a perfect and ideal world。

You don"t know about me if you haven"t read a book called the Adventures of Tom Sawyer。 Mr。 Mark Twain wrote the book and most of it is true。 The heroin of this novel, Tom Sawyer, was a brave and active boy。 But he got tired of his family, his school as well as the church。 He was not satisfied with a hidebound life but dreamed of a free and venturesome life。 This naughty but clever boy lost his parents since child。 Thus he lived with his aunt who loved him very much。 He always escaped from school, and played various games with his friends。 He even fell in love with a girl and tried again and again to win her favor。 One day, Tom and his friend Huck came across a murdering。 An Indian Joe killed a doctor because of disagreement and imputed it to another partner Porter。 The two young boys were extremely frightened and decided to keep the secret。 But actually Tom was anxious all the time。 After that, Tom had conflict with the girl, he leaved at home with Huck angrily and started their adventure。 People in the town thought that they had died。 When they held funeral for these boys, Tom and his friends appeared。 Since then, Tom became hero in school, and reconciled with that girl。 Soon, the court was about to judge that murder case。 When everyone considered Porter as the murderer, Tom bravely exposed the true murderer Joe。 But unfortunately, Joe ran away, so Tom was trapped into enormous anxiety。 Once time, Tom met a partner of Joe in a haunted house。 He heard that they would go to find treasure。 Several days later, Tom went to a picnic with his friends。 But he and the girl Becky got lost in a cave。 They had suffered from hunger, thirsty, darkness and coldness for days in that cave。 Worse still, they found that Indian Joe also in that cave。 This time, all the town folk believed that they must have die。 Especially Tom’ aunt and Thatcher were in deep sorrow。 Beyond people’ expectation, Tom and Becky found the way, and was sent to their home by others。 And because of this accident, the cave was sealed。 When Tom heard that, he told the judge that Joe was still stay at that cave。 When the judge fetched someone to check it, Joe had died in the cave。 Then, Tom and Huck got into that cave again, and found the treasure that Joe and his partner were finding。 Tom got a happy ending, he became a rich man and was popular in his town。

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is a clear reflection of the child"s life is full of Children"s novels。 I have to say that clever Tom reminded me of my childhood。 We always lost something as we grow up and gradually got lost in our life。 A child would not tell lies to other, a child would speak out their feelings without hesitation, a child would care too much about other’s opinions, and a child would bravely do what they wanted。 Likewise, in that time, people were pretty reserve, and they did not dare to tell their own ideas, neither fight against the tradition。 But Tom was brave。 He challenged the tradition。 He never restricted himself into school or homework like other child, he loved adventure and different challenges instead。 He exposed the true murderer even though he might be dangerous。 So the author Mark Twain designed a good ending for Tom。

It was Mark Twain’s humor that attracted me most。 But there was not only humor, people who read his books would learn something serious。 He told us: tell the truth forever, such of words you need not record you to once say somewhat。 Someone said that Mark Twain gave pleasurereal intellectual enjoyment to millions, and his work will continue to give such pleasure to millions yet to come。 His humor was American, but he was nearly as much appreciated by Englishmen and people of other countries as by his own countrymen。 He has made an enduring part of American literature。

In a word, I gained much from this fantastic novel, and learned a lot from Tom Sawyer。 And I believe that these harvests will have great effects on my whole life。



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Every girl can be a princess, even though she lives in a low attic, even though she is in shabby clothes, even though she is not beautiful, nevertheless, she can be a real princess at heart.

A Little Princess is a touching novel written by Frances Hodgson Burnett—a famous novelist and dramatist. It obviously contains lots of fancied plots, but the parts it talks about creating miracles, can really reach the bottom of my heart. The book can bring me into a world that is more than reality while reading it. The extraordinary story makes me ponder a lot and gives me a deep impression that every girl can be a princess.

In my opinion, it is impossible for every rich girl to act like a well-behaved princess, but Sara, the heroine of the novel, did it! She was an imaginative little girl who had such intelligent small face and such perfect manners. Sara was a very nice girl who had a gentle, appreciative ways of saying, such as “If you please” “Thank you” which was very charming. So, not only her teachers and classmates liked her, but also her servants liked her. There was a time when Sara became a poor and pitiful servant insulted by the snobbish headmaster of the school. In spite of this, she had never complained to anyone about the horrible suffering she had endured. Sara was confident, brave, optimistic and kind-hearted just like before and she had never given up her enthusiasm of life. No matter when, Sara acted like a princess, and on account of this, she had accomplished a GREat deal of miracles over and over again.

After reading this outstanding book, I was shocked by Sara, a little girl who suffered such unimaginable pain and tortures, but still had an opposite attitude towards life. What impresses me most is that Sara put on her act of being a princess when she wore thin bottom shoes, wading in the street of London. From my point of view, her spirit of being so strong-minded when she was in hard times is worth admiring.

Truly, every girl is a princess coming into common life. The “princess” I mean is not a princess living in the palace and being regarded as the apple of everyone’s eye. As the matter of fact, the “princess” is at heart. I am in the belief that every ordinary girl in the world can be a princess. The way for a girl to be a princess is quite simple. Just suppose! You can suppose yourself to be a princess, and go about your business confidently without caring how the others would treat you. If you want to have more resemblance to a princess, be more kind and try your best to help the people in need. The most important thing you are supposed to do is that to feel like a real princess at any occasion, particularly when you are involved with enormous melancholy. Do not feel the conditions you faced are extremely wretched and attempt to get rid of the feeling of hopelessness and uneasiness. The less you look like a princess, the more you need to feel like a princess at heart.

Every girl can be a princess if she can do all I mentioned, no matter she is rich, beautiful or not. To speak truthfully, I cannot do as well as Sara. However, I will exert myself on being a princess mentally.

Do not feel depressed any more, to be a well-thought-of princess like Sara. You can do it, because Every Girl Can Be A princess.










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Read the O. Henry "the last leaf", I was deeply touched. Came down with pneumonia Johncy girl ivy leaf on the wall outside the window as his own life. Look at pieces of falling leaves, she couldnt help but pessimism and despair, she felt that the last one fall, she also want to go to. Old painter Mr Behrman is also suffering from pneumonia in the last leaf fell down in the evening, laid it on the wall in the rain for Johncy painted the last leaf, he died.

Johncy collapse because of her illness, and even pessimistic to the life on the leaves. She thought that the last leaf fall, she is free. Treat life, optimistic and pessimistic people will make a different choice: optimists in time will be facing death to life full of hope, brave fight for their own life and death; While pessimistic person, even with a healthy body, because the bad state of mind you are blasted the vigorous life.

In the story, Mr Behrman painted the ivy leaf, not just a leaf, it is not just a picture, it is the symbol of people unremitting pursuit of hope, also reflects the Mr Behrman, kind heart. It gives Johncy living courage and hope, and to heal her pneumonia.

In this life and death struggle, Johncy because Mr Behrman that a leaf, the great spiritual power, set up the confidence, to overcome the disease and brave to fight the disease, withered life finally erupt again. In fact, everyone will encounter difficulties and setbacks, the key is to see if you have confidence, can be brave to face it, overcome it.

In life, in the face of difficulties, in the face of challenges, just keep the optimistic positive attitude, brave to challenge, even if failure, there will be no regret. Lets paint in his heart that a piece of falling leaves, not positive in the face of life.

读过欧-亨利的《最后一片叶子》之后,我深深地被感动了。患 了 肺炎Johncy姑娘把窗外墙上的常春藤叶子当作自己的生命。看着叶子一片片飘落,她不禁悲观而又绝望,她觉得那最后一片掉下来,她也要去了。同样是身患肺炎的老画家Behrman先生在那片仅剩的叶子落下去的晚上,顶风冒雨在墙上为Johncy画上了最后一片叶子,便与世长辞。







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Recently,I have just finished reading a famous novel written by Margaret mitchellGone with the Wind,which is one of the most popular works among American novels.It took the auther about 10 years to finish this great novel,the only novel in her life.

The story happened during the Civil War eve.Scarlett O"Hara,a 16-year-old girl,who was living in Tala manor in Georgia,was loving her neighbor Ashley Wilkes.However,after the war have broken out, Ashley Wilkes married his yonger cousin Melanie. Scarlett was so angry that she decided to marry a man she didn’t really love---- Charles Hamilton.Not long after that, Charles Hamilton joined the Army and died of illness in the war.So Scarlett had to act as a widow.Afterwards,at a donating dance party,Scarlett is acquainted with a captain named Rhett Butler. Then the flames of war approached Atlanta.Everyone was busy leaving away from the war.Scarlett managed to escape from Atlanta with the help of captain Rhett.Having come back to Tala manor,Scarlett made up her mind to rally her homeland at any cost when she saw that the former manor had been ruined.Later,her second husband died in the fight,she was a widow again.Durling that time, Rhett had been loving Scarlett sincerely and warmly.Seeing that Rhett could help her rally the manor,Scarlett married him.Although Rhett had similar characteristic attracting her,Scarlett still loved Ashley.Later,their only daughter died accidently,Rhett left Scarlett sorrowly.And then Scarlett realized that Rhett was the only one who could fall in love with her.

The novel takes the US Civil War as the background.It takes Scarlett’s individual activity as the thread.The book show us a tragic love story .A couple who could have a perfect future,but finnally go in opposite direction.As a matter of fact,their charactristics have decided their tragic result inevitably.We feel sorry about the end because we are looking forward to a perfect end,just like Scarlett and Rhett.In fact,ferfect is always a excessive damand.

I affirm Rhett.He brings excitement to Scarlett’s life and encourages her impulse to change and succeed.Like Scarlett,he goes after what he wants and refuses to take ‘no’ for an answer.He is humorous,intelligent and cynical with a hint of treason.He is really a respectable man.I think he finnally left because of love .Otherwise,he couldn’t have gone without hesitation.

Ashley Wilkes is the foil to Rhett’s dark, realistic opportunism.If there was no Civil War,he is surely a nobility of grace and charm.But history cannot be changed.He bocame a victim of the war.His era was gone with the defeat of the war.At the same time,we cannot deny the fact that he had a chear understanding about reality,which just contribute to his tragedy.

In this book,what I appreciate most is not Melanie’skindness or Rheet’s dedication and patience,but Scarlett’s courage to throw her long-standing morality and tradition whe faced with diffiiculties.At the beginning of the war,she didn’t care about this.In her world are endless dinner parties and dance parties.In her body are her father’s brave Irish blood and her mother’s noble French pure blood.She had a vast farm as her home.She had hundreds of slaves.This is Scarlett.,a member of noblity,proud and different.However,the war changed everything.Her mother died of illness.Her father become silent and the farm was nearly deserted.Even food became a big problem.All the pressure was put on Scarlett’s shoulder.She must feed a family of 9 people in it.What a big difference of level.If all this happened to someone else,he or she may choose to escape.On the contrary,Scarlett choose to face the change of life bravely.How can we not admire her courage of to change herself.Life is like a mountain.The road can’t be completely smooth.When we fall down from the peak,we may get hert ,we may get disappointed,we may feel despair.But if you want to survive,you must stand up to face it.

It is obvious that 《Gone with the wind》 is really a good book,even if a long time has passed away,it is still suitable for today’s society.It is of great importance to change ourselves,change our value even our thoughts when our life chages.

On the other hand,I think there is no real perfect in the world.Everybody has his shortcomings.It is necessary for us to learn to forgive others’ faults.If we keep good-tempered,Ibelieve there will be more comedy and less tragedy.



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"In order to property, money and position and the marriage is wrong; the marriage does not consider the above factors also stupid." This sentence can come to this book.

One distinctive characters in "her" lifelike; Clever sensible Elizabeth, sincerity, persistence, darcy, gentle tolerant Jane, frivolous superficial Lydia, no mind, Mrs Bennett relatively ineffective Mr Bennett, selfish snobbish miss bingley, mighty lady Catherine, boring Collins, and so on. Among them, admirable, sympathetic, or a smile. In addition, the dialogue between the characters in the novel is also a feature of the novel. Elizabeth witty words, Mr Bennett its sarcasm to him, for the khans rhetoric, Collins rap wording, which make readers view. Do you know of who "she" is? "She" is the author -- Jane Austen.

The book was welcomed by generations of readers, and love. "Pride and prejudice", published in 1813, a love story is novel, the novel of the communist party of China involves four marriage, but each have each characteristic.

In a word, no matter from content and Austins novel narrative techniques, "pride and prejudice" is a classic.




