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Go to an Academy

Date:Sun.,Mar.12     Waether:Cloudy

I do badly in math.

So I decided to go to the ABC academy.

I took an extracurricular lesson in math there.

It was hard for me to follow the lesson.

I wish I could do well in math.


日期:3月12日    星期日    天气:多云










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Today is a great day, my aunt and I are going to visit my aunts house.

When I came to my aunts house, I was so excited that I jumped up and down in the room. When he was tired, he sat down on the sofa. After a while I stood up and went to the south house to watch TV.

At noon, I went to dinner with my aunt. But there was no food in the house, so we had to go out to eat. After dinner, the weather was too hot, so my aunt and I could only stay under the shed.

Luckily, there were three puppies in the shed, or I would be bored to death. One of the dogs is called a pea, a dog is called a little black, and a dog is called fluffy. I like wool most: MAO MAO is a little chow chow, and gentle and lovely; When you go to bed, curl up and look like a little furry ball from a distance.

Before long, the sun was not so hot that my aunt and I were reluctant to leave the lovely shed.



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Sat. , Feb. 6 Fine later cloudy

A book exhibition

Dropped in at National Library to see the National Book Exhibition which will close today. Suprised at the fact that so many kinds of books are published in our country. Thought the childrens books with many pages of colorful illustrations were made very nicely. Bought a copy of the Chinese version of English and American Short Stories at a 20 per cent discount. Am going to read this through in this good season for reading.





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The day after yesterday I received 2000 yuan from my relatives as my pocket

money.I was so happy but my father and mother said that I should give a half to

them and the rest would be my pocket money in one year.“what!” I shouted.



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夏夜扑流萤今年暑假,我又回到了魂牵梦绕的故乡。那是一个埋藏着无穷乐趣的地方。 一天下午,天上忽然下起了雨。我和表弟表妹们一起欢呼:“噢!太好了!只要傍晚雨停下来,晚上的萤火虫就数不胜数啦!”

正如我们所期盼的,雨果然在傍晚时分停了,我们欢喜而又焦急地等待着夜幕的降临。 终于,天完全黑下来,我们正迫不及待地冲出大门,却被大阿姨叫住了。我本以为一向严肃的大阿姨又要跟我们唠叨半天了,可这次,她却递给我们两把扇子,说:“萤火虫一般是借风发光的,你们用扇子扇,就会让它们一直发光,这样就容易捉到了。”

我们谢过大阿姨,急切地冲进夜幕笼罩的原野。真美啊!朗朗的夜空中万里无云,看得见明晃晃的月亮和亮晶晶的星星;月光下,一切显得那么静谧和空灵。我们发现了一个草丛,便一头钻了进去,眼前的景象令我们吃惊——一只只萤火虫象一颗颗闪闪的星星,眨着小眼睛,在青葱的小草间翩翩起舞,把整个草丛都照亮了——简直就是一个童话般的小世界。 突然,表妹发现了一只最亮、最独特的萤火虫——它闪着绿莹莹的光,身边围着许多萤火虫。我想,它应该是这里的国王吧!我用手把“国王”和它和臣民们分开,表弟表妹紧紧跟住它,用扇子使劲地扇,它果然持续地发光。我心中暗想:扇子果然管用,难怪古人也要“轻罗小扇扑流萤”了。我一边想着,一边仔细瞄准,用力一拍,

“国王”落了下来。它一边挣扎,一边发出求救信号。不一会儿,许多萤火虫围到它身边,希望可以帮助它。表弟表妹见了,立刻扑上去一通乱打,萤火虫纷纷落下。我们高兴地把它们拾起,装入精心准备的盒子里。 那天晚上,闪闪的萤火虫的光,照亮了我一夜的梦境。



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The end of the summer, should have a good rest! But my mother is very busy。

As the daughter of course I want to help my mother to do some。 Early in the

morning I got up, washed the dishes, sweep the floor, cooking and so on, at

noon, I tired, lying on the bed, fan fan, more fortable。




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八月十七日,我去了我的姥爷家,我在我姥爷家可开心了,又学又玩的 ,晚上还出去散步,生活真的是太惬意了。太美好了!





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Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it. Nothing is easy if you

don’t try your best.

We often hear people say, “Never give up.” A person who believes in these

words will keep trying to pursue his goal no matter how many times he fails. In

my opinion, the quality of determination to succeed is an important one to have.

Therefore, I believe that we should never give up.

One reason is that if we give up easily, we will achieve nothing. It is not

unusual for us to fail in our first attempt at something new, so we should not

feel discouraged. Besides, if we always give up when fail happens, we will can

not develop new skills. Finally, we should never give up because as we work to

reach our goals, we develop confidence, and this confidence can help us succeed

in other areas of our lives.

Probably the greatest example of persistence is Abraham Lincoln. Born into

poverty, Lincoln was faced with defeat throughout his life. He lost eight

elections, twice failed in business and suffered a nervous breakdown. He could

have quit many times - but he didnt and because he didnt quit, he became one

of the greatest presidents in the history of America.

Lincoln was a champion For the reason that ---he ,never gave up.

In short, no matter you succeed or not, you can learn something, no matter

what we learn will help us to become more confident. If we give up, we have no

chance to make our dreams come true, if we keep trying, there is always a

chance, that we will succeed one day. Thank you very much!









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In the black sky, I saw that a few stars were like shy girls, looking down

at the land. Among the stars, the moon was there. On her round face, there was a

mild smile. The pure moonlight covered the land with a silver gray silk skirt.

It landed on my bed quietly.



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what! The summer vacation goes by so fast, fifty days will pass in a blink

of an eye. During this summer vacation, I spent most of the time playing

basketball. Sometimes I go swimming with my friends. Sometimes play with small

cards. If I was alone, I would ride a bicycle for a ride around, or watch TV, or

go online to find a classmate I miss, chatting, bickering, and solving the pain

of missing. There are many, many programs to play, but my favorite is still

playing basketball.

During this summer vacation, my mother signed me up for a basketball class,

so that I could keep fit and keep my body in good shape. At the same time, I

also want to find my own fun and hobbies. Make this summer a little more


When I first started learning, I could not learn the basic skills given by

the coach. Even sometimes the coach has already taught me hands-on, and I still

dont understand. Just when I lost my confidence and was about to give up, the

coach came to me and said, "It doesnt matter, whoever learns skills will not go

through a little setback and will be smooth sailing? Who has an amazing talent,

one step to the sky? Dont you rely on the accumulation of bit by bit to make

the same movement well? As long as there is perseverance, the iron pillar will

be ground into a needle!"

After listening to what the coach said, I was at a loss. Begin to practice

hard: I practice pitching on the court while the coach calls everyone to rest.

The coach said that when school was over, I practiced three-step layups on the

court and didnt leave until my family came to tell me. I also often share my

experience with my classmates...

As the saying goes, hard work pays off, and my hard work is not in vain -

now, my basketball skills have improved by leaps and bounds, and I dont only

know a little bit like before. And my physique has also improved, I wont run

out of breath after running 400 meters like before - playing basketball is happy

and healthy!

This summer vacation is happy and fulfilling, and I look forward to the

next summer vacation coming soon!



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I can’t undertand them. I want to have bread. My grand father took a bike to Qu Tang. Because in our village there is no ‘bread house’. Qu Tang is far from our village. Now I grow up. I understand them when I think of this things. I will cry I can’t use words to say I love them. I love my family! 班主任评语:Excellent! Whenever you write with your heart and soul and pour your emotions, Mum, I has only a sister and I without brothers. But I think I have the best parents in the world. They are very friendly to me. I live in a good family. My grand parents loves me, so we must value every minute. We have to do something significant. In the afternoon, they finished their lunch and walked by us with the smile on their faces. Nick seemed so different from how he looked in the class. I guess that is the power of love. Hope they will enjoy everyday when they get together. So romantic! I expect that Nick will tell his love story to us. 王飒 Cheer Up! Life is full of ups and downs. Success always comes along with failure. Suffering from the boring cold, but I’m sixteen years old now. I must be independent. So, they will give the best parts of the meat to me. When I was a child, welcome to ask me. As our headteacher you are kind and happy. Thank you for everything you’ve done for us. But I have some queations. How do you thingk of our book and what shall we do with it? That’s all I ghink. I really have nothing to write. If you give us some suggestion it’ll be really kind of you, I felt very sad. You are not young nay more. Sometimes you look very haggard. I know that’s because you give too much. You always concerned with my school record。

healthy and a lot of other things. My school record always made you very sad. That’s my falt. I’m sorry. Mum, because no matter how hot the weather is, we couldn’t help rushing to the cafeteria. It always brought us coolness. The food was so-so, I disobeied your desire, may giving up will get a rest. 高级302班 张敏喆(节选) All right, our American teacher is father who is an associate proferssor of English from central college give us a lesson. He told us something about higher education in the USA. I think it will be useful for our future. On the other side. I felt uncomfortable today. Perhaps it’s a small regret for such a wonderful day. But I think tomorrow still will be rosy. , 高级303班 朱冰 Dear mother: I miss you very much。

too. When they buy meat。

I don’t know what’s what and I’m very stubborn. Sometimes。

the chinese teacher taught us some English songs. I like the song which is called ”seasons in the sun” very much. We all lost ourselves in the beautiful voice. Today our theme is youth. After the teacher spoke. I suddenly understand that maybe being young is our advantage, though it’s a piece of cake for me long long ago. I have never lose faith in my ability of studying English even though I fails now and them. But now I do because my diaries hold no promise. I don’t know what I keep diaries for. I can’t come with any conclusions. Maybe success prows out of struggle to overcome difficulties. Cheer up, after that I think you know my signature very well. If there is something you have trouble to understand, I couldn’t wash my clothes clean. It is too hard for me. I felt it is too troublesome and toilsome。

we still keep on studying English hard. Today。

my brain remains empty. I even don’t know how to start of a simple diary, but the home-cooking is much delicious. When we almost finished eating, it will be the most beautiful work in the world! 高级301班 吕凉 After morning’s class, Mum. I have left you for four days. Maybe it is really a short time. But I feel it is too long. I found that I couldn’t do a lot of things without you. For example, This afternoon。

you are too labbrious. You must have a good rest. I come of my ago now. I will correct my mistakes. You can rest assured! Mum, I wish you good health and happy. I love you! Mum! 龚晗茜 The hot sun is like our enthusiasm, I suddenly saw a familiar face——our foreign teacher Nick. A girl was sitting beside him. They were talking over lunch. I at once told my friends Sandy and Jenny about it. We were so excited. I slowed my speed of eating to wait for that girl. At the moment。

which made you very angry. Now, we play a game called ‘Family Tree’. This game is very interesting. I’m very interested in it. Our teacher’s family is very large. She has many brothers and sisters. But I am unlucky, I regret it. When I see some white hair in your head,。

[love my family暑假英语日记



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on March 2,2008 today is a two-day weekend, I at home write the work, coughs! Todays wind good comfortable, I just liked returned the spring, although the spring has not had! The warm wind, lets my mood be very happy, I am writing the work, is very at heart happy! must take a test tomorrow, I must review well, certainly must take a high score to repay the parents and teacher!



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Can Money Buy Happiness?

Can money buy happiness? Different people have different opinions. Some

think yes, while others hold the opposite.

It is true that with enough money one can buy all the things one wants, and

live a life of comfort and security. However, it is equally true that lack of

money causes great distress. It is a common view that "money is the root of all

evil." The pursuit of money drives many people to cheat and steal. In some

places there is nothing that cannot be bought with money, resulting in corrupt

societies where everybody is miserable.

So, money does not necessarily mean happiness. It all depends on how it is

used. If we make honest and sensible use of money, it can be a stepping-stone to

happiness l Although money cannot buy happiness, it can make happiness possible

if it is employed sensibly.







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My New Deskmate

My new deskmate is a boy of sixteen. His name is Zhang Gao. He is 1.8

meters tall. His strongly-built body and sun-tanned skin make him look like a

sportsman. He has two big dark eyes under a pair of thick eyebows. It seems that

they are always smiling at you. Compared with my yellow hair, his hair is black

and thick. He speaks a little bit fast but very clearly. However, he likes to

gesture from time to time while hes talking. He has a dream of becoming a famous

actor one day. I believe his dream will come true because of his handsome face

and well-developed figure.




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There are four seasons in the year .my favorite season is summer .because i

can go to the beach to swimming.i can have sunbath on the beach. i can wear

beautiful dress , i can go to the store to buy some ice creams. i can calling my

friends go to outside!summer is a fun season !I like summer very much!




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Holiday nearly comes to the ead now. I am very happy because I have already

finished my homework. I also helped my mother with some housework this summer

holiday. I believe I have grown up now and should know what I should be in the

future. I will try harder to study well and be a good person.




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Save the Wild Animals

Many wild animals are facing the danger of extinction, because the environment that they are living in has changed greatly. For example, with the developmet of cities, the using of insecticide and serious pollution, their living areas have become narrowcr and narrower. Many of the wild animals, now are confronted with food crisis. At the same time, man is killing off species just for getting their fur, skin, horns, teeth and meat.

In order to protect our resources of ecology, people should realize that the loss of any species is at least the loss of source of knowledge and a source of natural beauty. There fore, measures of the following should be taken: pollution standards are made to keepdown poisons; killing off certain rare species is prohibited; national parks should be set up as wild life, reserves.

Only if we human beings take some drastic measures can wild animals be preserved.


许多野生动物正面临绝种的危险,因为它们生活的环境发生了极大的变化。譬 如,随着城市的发展,杀虫剂的使用和严重的污染,野生动物的生活区域变得越来越狭小。许多野生动物目前正面临着食物方面的危机。同时,为了获取野生动物的毛、皮、角、牙齿和肉,人类正在屠杀野生动物。





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Date:Mon. April 24 Weather:Nice.

We took a quiz in English class today.The

teacher gave us five questions.They were difficult.I could answer four of

them.Ill study harder and answer all the questions next time.






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I have a beautiful hometown. It’s in Huzhou. There are many spaciality in my hometown: ginkgo and so on. My hometown’s economy is very good. There are many factory in my hometown and my hometown’s condition is nice. There are many garden in it and they are very beautiful and big. I am very pride of my hometown. I love my hometown. I will build hometown preferable.

