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Do as you would be done by. 推己及人。

Do business, but be not a slave to it. 要做事,但不要做事务的奴隶。

Dog does not eat dog. 物不伤其类。

Dogs that bark at a distance bite not at hand. 远处叫得凶的狗,不会近身来咬人。

Dogs that run after many hares kill none. 多谋寡成。

Dogs wag their tails not so much in love to you as your bread. 狗摇尾巴,爱的是面包。

Doing is better than saying. 行胜于言。

Do in Rome as the Romans do. 入乡随俗。

Do not all you can, spend not all you have; believe not all you hear; and tell not all youknow. 不要为所能为,不要花尽所有,不要全信所闻,不要言尽所知。

Do not cut down the tree that gives you shade. 不要忘恩负义。

Do not despise your enemy. 万勿轻敌。

Do not give a dog bread every time he wags his tail. 不要有求必应。

Do not praise a day before sunset. 切勿褒贬过早。

Do not run too fast after gain. 不要见利就拼命追。

He sits no sure that sits too high. 高处不胜寒。

He that respects not is not respected. 欲受人敬,要先敬人。

So said, so done. 说到做到。言出必行。

Haste makes waste. 忙乱易错。欲速则不达。

Better be envied than pitied. 宁被人妒,不受人怜。

Although the sun shine, leave not your cloak at home. 未雨绸缪。

So the world wags. 这就是人生

One can not be in two places at once. 一心不可二用。

No weal without woe. 福兮祸所伏, 祸兮福所倚。

Little chips light great fires. 星星之火,可以燎原。

We never know the worth of water till the well is dry. 井干方知水珍贵

Less is more. 简单就是美

A blessing in disguise. 因祸得福

Love me, love my dog.爱屋及乌

Every dog has his day. 凡人皆有得意日

Sharpening your axe will not delay your job of cutting wood.


Seeing is believing.眼见为实

Well begun is half done.好的开端是成功的一半

Time flies never to be recalled. 光阴一去不复返

When in Rome, do as Roman do.入乡随俗

Kill two birds with one stone.一箭双雕

East or west, home is best.  走东串西,还是家里好

Equal pay for equal work.同工同酬

Put the cart before the horse. 本末倒置

Pride goes before a fall. 骄兵必败

Reading makes a full man.   读书使人完善

Knowledge is power.  知识就是力量

Failure is the mother of success.  失败是成攻之母

Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧

All roads lead to Roma.  条条大道通罗马

Dont judge a person by the clothes he wears.  不能以貌取人

Like knows like. 惺惺相惜。

It is a poor mouse that has only one hole. 狡兔三窟。

Dreams are lies. 梦不足信。

Do not teach fish to swim. 不要班门弄斧。

A light heart live long. 心情开朗寿命长。不恼不愁,活到白头。

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 日吃苹果一只,身体健康不求医。

Poverty is stranger to industry. 勤劳之人不受穷。

Easy come, easy go. 易得易失。

Eat at pleasure, drink with measure. 随意吃饭,适度饮酒。

Eat ones cake and have it. 又要马儿好,又要马儿不吃草。

Eat to live, but not live to eat. 吃饭是为了生存,但生存不是为了吃饭。

Eat to please thyself, but dress to please others. 吃是使自己受用,穿是使别人受用。

Education begins a gentleman, conversation completes him. 人的教养始于教育,成于社交。

Education has for its object the formation of character. 教育的目的在于培养品德。

Elbow grease gives the best polish. 只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针。

Empty vessels make the greatest sound. 空桶响声大。

Enough is as good as a feast. 知足常乐。

Envy assails the noblest, the winds howl around the highest peak. 高位遭人妒,高峰招风吹。

Equivocation is first cousin to a lie. 支支吾吾,其言必诈。

Errors, like straws, upon the surface flow; he who would search for pearls must dive below. 错误像稻草,漂浮在水面。欲觅珍珠者,须往水下潜。

Facts are stubborn things. 事实是不容改变的东西。

Failure is the mother of success. 失败是成功之母。

Faint heart never wins fair lady.

Fair and softly go far in a day. 谦和稳重,前程远大。

Fair faces need no paint. 貌美毋须修饰。

Faith will move mountains. 精诚所至,金石为开。

Fall sick and you will see who is your friend and who is not. 困难见友情。

False friends are worse than open enemies. 明枪易躲,暗箭难防。

False tongue will hardly speak truth. 虚伪者不肯说真话。

False with one can be false with two. 对一个人虚伪,也会对两个人虚伪。

Fame is a magnifying glass. 名誉是放大镜。

Fame like a river is narrowest at its source and broadest afar off. 名誉像条河,源头最狭窄,远处最宽阔。




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A good beginning makes a good ending.善始善终。

You never know what you can till you try. 是驴子是马,拉出来遛遛。

You may know by a handful the whole sack. 由一斑可知全貌。

So the world wags.这就是人生。

So said, so done.说到做到。言出必行。

One today is worth two tomorrows.一个今天胜似两个明天。

One can not be in two places at once.一心不可二用。

Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.无热情成就不了伟业。

Lifeless, faultless.只有死人才不犯错误。

It’s never too late to mend.过而能改,善莫大焉;亡羊补牢,犹未晚也。

If a thing is worth doing it is worth doing well.如果事情值得做,就值得做好。

He that respects not is not respected.欲受人敬,要先敬人。

He sits no sure that sits too high.高处不胜寒。

Haste makes waste.忙乱易错。欲速则不达。

From small beginning come great things.伟大始于渺小。

Better be envied than pitied.宁被人妒,不受人怜。

Although the sun shine, leave not your cloak at home.未雨绸缪。

Actions speak louder than words.行动比语言更响亮。

A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难中的朋友才是真正的朋友。

A blessing in disguise. 因祸得福。



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My favorite Sports is basketball. It looks so cool in TV that I was crazy

about those basketball stars ever since I was little.

Basketball requires speed, height and skills. I run, jump, switch, and try

to hit! All parts of my body are exercised in this sport. I feel that I’m like

wind flying in the playground for my goal, which makes me feel so GREat!

Basketball needs quick reaction and decision. When chance comes, it may

disappear in the next second. I should keep an eye watching as an eagle, decide

and judge quickly as a leopard, and run for it as a wolf.

Further more, basketball is a sports more than just exercising, It needs

team work. No one can play himself. A team should work together. So I learn to

cooperate with others in this game. I should understand what my teammate doing

and what he needs me to do for him. On the other side, I should learn to show my

teammate what I need. At the same time, I need to keep an eye on the whole game,

knowing how is the situation of our team and how is the other team. It involved

more cooperation and strategy.

I played basketball more for about 5 years now. I make many good friends

throught this sports. It is proud to win honor for my team and my school. Also I

enjoy all games with my friends. Basketball will be my best friends in the

future and my best memory about school life.



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I love my family, in this world full of love, there is a happy family of three, my father, mother and i..

My father works in the Bureau of culture. He is competent, he can fix it, he will invent small inventions, and he can cook very well. Mother works in the hospital, very hard-working, every day cleaning the house clean.

My family lives in the Jinta area, 120 square meters, Sanshierting house, the living room is green, people feel very fresh, my bedroom is pink, feel very warm, mom and dads bedroom is light purple, the feeling is very beautiful.

Although my family is not so rich, but every day I live a dull and happy day. I love my family and love my father and mother more.



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Gulangyu — A fairyland in the world

Gulangyu is a small island of Xiamen. It’s like a garden on the water. Cars and buses are not allowed to drive there, which makes the island so quiet that music played on the piano and violin can be heard.

Here the sky and the sea clearly meet on the horizon. When standing at the top of the Sunshine Rock, you can see much of the landscape of Xiamen, and when standing at its foot, you can gaze at the beautiful garden that surrounds it.

Gulangyu produces bananas, coconuts, sugar cane and so on. The people here, warm, simple and hardworking, are making every effort to make the island more beautiful and they hope to welcome more visitors in the future.

Such is Gulangyu, a beautiful and inviting island, where a warm welcome awaits.



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A father like a cup of coffee, if you dont linger on, cant find the "sugar", and "bitter" away. A father in the eyes, the gentle and strong father in busy and vigorous figure, it is the love, responsibility, love of wisdom.

Remember the last time: Im in the pavilion in the park, because of too excited, one not careful, fell and hurt my foot. At home, I saw dad, tears just kept falling. Dad saw and asked with concern: "whats up? Whats wrong with?" I cried, pointing to the foot, father for iodine and cotton swabs, side to help me stop bleeding disinfection, side to comfort me: "be strong! Not tears wont pain!" Then, my father gave me a story about "hua mu LAN army". Heard daddy such comfort me, encouraged me, tears from the eyes down again. This is not the pain of the tears, but was moved to tears!



★★父亲节英文日记带翻译 ★★

★ 父亲节写给爸爸的一封信 ★

★★ 父亲节感恩日记500字 ★★

★★ 父亲节英文日记范文 ★★



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1.   《Cannot help falling in love》——Elvis Presley:猫王的老歌,歌词并不重要,轻松而充满爱意的旋律已经表达了一切。优美的旋律用在浪漫的氛围中最合适不过,作为进场的音乐背景很别致。

2.   《Always you》——Sophie Zelmain:以这样的音乐迎接新娘的出场,浪漫感十足。

3.   《Little drummer boy》——Charlotte Church:女歌手宛如天籁的悠扬旋律,高贵而典雅,适合用于说话时的背景音乐。

4.   《Nothing can change my love》——歌词意境悠扬,副歌部分精彩,裁剪出来,将更能表现出饱满的情绪。

5.   《Love never end》——Sweety:在温馨浪漫的环境下,这样的出场音乐,使新娘就像天使来到人间。

6.   《Truly madly deeply》——Savage garden:适合年轻而时髦的婚礼,可以用作播放FLASH等环节的背景音乐。

7.   《A twist of marley》——还原派对婚礼的本色,让来宾不再拘谨,畅所欲言,尽情舞动。

8.   《Air on the G string》——耳熟能详的经典歌曲,庄重不失优雅,若《婚礼进行曲》听腻了,不妨考虑这首音乐。、《This I promise you》——舒缓而优美的旋律,沙哑的男生,充满磁性,告诉你,我为你一生承诺。虽然是流行音乐,如果能有屏幕同时打出歌词,效果会更好,或者用在正式仪式前播放两人婚纱照的时分。

9.   《I will always love you》——Whitney Houston:该曲一开始即是高潮,可以直接运用在交换戒指或者亲吻新娘之时,震撼力十足。

10.   《BELLE》——Jack Johnson:用在新郎表白时的背景音乐,能营造出一种复古又低调的感觉。

11.   《Save the best to last》——Vanessa Williams:煽情的音乐,让你怀着一颗感恩的心,配合音乐的节奏,缓缓导出你的感谢之情。

12.   《Cannot help fall in love》——Elvis Presley:表白心迹最适宜的曲目,用作说话时的背景音乐不错。

13.   《Amelie from Montmartre》——Boyzone:比较适合时髦又活泼的新人,充分表达出年轻的活力。

14.   《Everyday I loved you》——Boyzone:大男孩的歌声,还带着一点腼腆,可以用作表白时的背景。

15.   《Perfect moment》——Martin McCutcheon:最完美的时刻,成就人生的完美,适合用在表白与亲吻的时候用。



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Dear Mr. Brown,

Much to my regret,I was unable to keep my engagement to meet you at the

park gate. I fear you are displeased at my failing to keep my promise, but I

trust you will forgive me. Let me explain. My mother suddenly fell sick early

yesterday morning, and I had to send her to hospital.

I shall be gladif you will kindly write and tell me when and where we may

meet again. I hope to see you soon.


Li Ming



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Everyone has a list of destinations they promise themselves to visit during their lifetime. People travel for endless reasons, whether its to experience different cultures, see natural wonders of the world, or learn about heritage. All these ideas are exciting options, because in every situation, you will be exposed to something unfamiliar and life-changing.


I recently had a discussion with someone about my study abroad experience. They listened as I recounted my explorations around Italy and my additional travels. "I would love to do something like that," they said, "but I feel like everyone goes to Europe now. Its not really that unique anymore".


I was pretty shocked by such a statement. Since when was traveling anywhere not cool enough? Naturally, the older you get, youre going to know more people who have traveled to various parts of the world, but does standing underneath the Eiffel Tower have less value to me because so many travelers have done the exact same thing? Or climbing and taking a picture up at the top of the Florence Duomo?


My answer: absolutely not. Reading travel blogs and staring at photographs is helpful and enjoyable, but nothing close to actually experiencing that place. The truth is, every new destination is unique, and its nearly impossible to make a "wrong" decision.


It is important to focus on your own personal journey, not the experience of others. Every city, state, and country, has thousands of different things to offer. The places you will visit all have fascinating people, delicious different kinds of food youve never tried before, and unbelievable history that will blow your mind. Traveling will nevertheless change you and leave an imprint on the way you see the world - no matter where you go.


Whether the destinations we desire are seemingly simple or seemingly obscure in the eyes of others, every experience has its own unique value. Keep your adventures authentic while also utilizing the opinions and advice of others. In every new destination, you will find a new part of yourself. Truly, no destination is the wrong place to go.




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Dear Santa Claus,

See the letter please!

Santa, I dont know what you really look like, but Ive seen a lot of

pictures of you. Every year on December 25, you bring us Christmas presents.

Legend has it that you will ride in a reindeer wagon full of presents and

pull a sleigh to deliver presents to each child. I also know that you will wear

Christmas clothes, wearing a red Santa hat, quietly put gifts into the

childrens Christmas socks.

So every child likes Christmas very much. It is a festival full of fairy


Every Year at Christmas, we can make one wish come true. This Christmas, I

have a wish. Santa, can you help me make it happen? I have a bad habit, that is

to do things and do homework very slowly. Santa, can you help me break this bad

habit? If I could get rid of it, mom wouldnt have to watch me do my homework!

Then mother will be very happy.

You are a great Santa Claus, you will help every child to achieve the

wishes. So, can you give me my wish, too?

Zhu: happy every day! Health and longevity!











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today is chinese new years eve, my family had a big family party at home. it was a chinese tradition that on new years eve we make dumplings together and have them around midnight. firstly, we prepared the pork mince and some vegetables for the dumplings.we also needed plenty of skins to make the dumplings. some of us were making the dumpling skins, others were mixing the mince and vegetables together. all of us were enjoying the process of making dumplings and chatting with each other. before midnight, when we heard the sound of new years bell, the dumplings were ready for us to eat. it was such a wonderful night!




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Water has no colourno shapesno taste and no smell.Water is every where.Its in the oceanin the seain the river and in the late.Water is useful.We use water to cook rice.We use water to take showers.We use water to put out fires.

Water brings us happinesstoo.We can swim in the late and sea in the summer .People in china have the Drago Boat race in the river.

Water is so important.Nothing can live without it.We should keep our water clean and protect our earth.






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Facing the sun, the flowers are beautiful, with the revolution of the ideal of love is sweet. -- Mo Guiying


Want to realize the dream, it is the first to wake up from a dream.


The best friend is on temperament like each other, mind communicate with each other, each other in the world, career goals of people. -- Zhou Hanhui


Dream is one of the important treasures that people are born with, it is waiting for your value and practice. -- Zou Jinhong


Life can not be without ideal. Should have a healthy ideal, from the heart of the ideal, from the ideal of the people of the country.


Flowers are a sign of fruit, a girl is dreaming of love.


The first is self-confidence, can make people become the strong man to overcome the life.


Education represents the past, financial representative now, learning ability to represent the future.


Ideals are like the stars -- we never reach them, but we can sail in the same place as the sea, by the stars. -- the history of Leeds


Is an ideal source of strength, wisdom, the cradle of charge standard, Zhanji sword.


I believe that as long as the initial dream will not change - Zheng Shuang


Dreams are always the opposite of reality. -- Wei Geli


Youth is the happiest time of life, but it is always full of hope, and not just because of what has been or what to escape. -- anonymous


I have experienced the pain of being abandoned and betrayed in my own life. But there is one thing that has saved my life: my life is always a purpose and meaning, it is a struggle for socialism. -- aositeluo


Go ahead, makes the boat of life, without attachment and berth, sailing boat will always open a new flower.


People want to know to find themselves, and in the lonely meditation, it is relatively easy to find their own understanding.


The world wont care about your self-esteem. People will see only what you do. Never too much emphasis on self-esteem before you have accomplished nothing.


Often seek favorable others, not for their own benefit. -- Xie Juezai


Laojifuli, One aims for the far-off future. martyrs Munian, in high aspirations.


The poor is not a penniless man, but the man without a dream.


The road of life is rough, who also cannot predict the change way, only by constantly seeking people.


Having a dream is only a kind of intelligence, it is a kind of ability to realize the dream.


As long as we can dream, we will be able to achieve.


Observe the success, dont always pay attention to the failure.


A lover will make the feelings of increased but seasoned condiments.


Dream no matter how vague, always lurking in our hearts, so that our heart will never be quiet, until these dreams become true. -- Lin Yutang


Many things in life, not we can not do, but we do not believe that can do.


Every dream is the opposite of reality -- Wei Geli


To lead your life with your dreams, with gratitude, sincerity, help people realize their dreams of mind lead your life, with perseverance, confidence and optimistic attitude to lead your life.


Young people, more important is to see tomorrow, seize the day, forge ahead in peace, maybe before tomorrow the sun coming out, you have created a miracle!


To climb the peak Buweijianxian, realize the ideal to dare to struggle. -- proverb


The ideal is needed, is our direction, the reality has the ideal guidance only have the future; in turn, must also be from the reality of the efforts in order to achieve the ideal. -- Zhou Enlai


Ideal is a lamp in darkness, it can illuminate every corner of the journey.


There are many talented loser, vagrant - there have been a lot of high education in the world is because the wrong choice.


Sometimes your dream is to be a kind of happiness, sometimes the dream is also a kind of happiness.


To apply the ideal to the real thing, there is a civilization.


Dreams are the opposite of reality. -- weigeli


A young man, when the mood is cold, the mind will become perfect. -- Balzac


The most important thing in life is to be sure of a great goal, and the determination to attain it.


Best wishes to the beloved birthday, to the cause of intimate daughter, is willing to be particularly happy in this day, she always laugh happy.


When you have nothing to lose, its time for you to begin to get.


Everyone should be the master of society, all of which should be responsible for the progress of the society.


Lost all, silence in memory of the past to inextricably bogged down in a new choice.


People who have dreams are worthy of respect, but also make people envy. When most people rather mediocre, reality. Dont be afraid to stick to it, you should have the out of the ordinary, how is the life, you go to write personally. Come on. Let us join together to defend the original dream. -- Liu Yan


As long as the aim of the general direction, and perseverance to do it, to sweep the obstacles in front of the dream, to achieve a better life blueprint.


An empty sack, not engrossed in their wealth. -- Tao Yuanming


The ideal is not a fine magnetic bowl, broken no curium complement; ideal is the flower falls, can open again.


Dream, is a gift from Zeus. Homer, Homer


Even if it is the most hopeless thing, as long as there is a brave to do, to the end will have the hope that.


The pace of life is not to go fast, but to go steady.


Learn to change life, learn to taste the vicissitudes of life, be no regrets, no regrets the passage of time.


To have the same result as a successful person, you have to take the same action.


Peoples life can not be wasted, doing what they can do is an interesting and useful life.


In reality, it is never so wonderful fantasy, is the place where people can. -- proverb


You are not brave, no one for you to be strong.


Learn to forgive, to have a tolerance of love!


A persons dream, only in another person to join, there is the weight of happiness. -- Zhang Xiaoxian


Do not sow the spring, the summer does not grow, the fall will not be harvested, winter can not taste. -- Henie


The value of a man is not in how high he is now, but whether he can move forward in life without a pause. -- Jin Fan


The best way to prepare for tomorrow is to concentrate all your wisdom, all your zeal, and do your best today.


The first thing in life is to find yourself. For this purpose, you often need to be lonely and thoughtful. Nathan:


Remember your value, it is not because of your appearance of the depreciation of the value of gold is always shining a day.


Iron shoulders moral hand in. -- Li Dazhao


A man without a goal will always try to be a man with a goal.


Do not look down on anyone, the more humble people, often do things that people can not think of.



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Different people have different views on success.Some hold that making a great deal of money means success.Others argue that holding an important post in the government means success.Still others believe that having a high academic title at a famous university or a research institute means success. In my opinion,success means brilliant achievement in our work.In other words,no matter what we do,making outstanding contributions to the development of our country and bringing help and happiness to others is success. To achieve success,we should,first of all,have a clear long-term goal in our life.Besides,we should have short term goals in different periods of life.As we know,it is these short term goals that make our long-term goal possible.Second,we should be both perseverant and hardworking.Whatever we do,there are always two possibilities:success and failure.We should never lose heart when we come across difficulties or when we are confronted with failure.Instead,we should learn from our experience,build up our confidence and work even harder and smarter towards our purpose.Third,we should follow the examples of those who are successful and learn from them.Finally,we should try to get along well with our classmates and colleagues.We should care for each other and help each other in our study,our work and our life,because team work is of great importance in the realization of our dream. If we can follow these principles,we will certainly achieve remarkable success in our life. 关于成功的英语作文2:

Every body wants to succeed. But when it comes to the question that which factor leads to success, opportunity or hard-work, different people will offer different answers. Some people think that opportunity is the first factor leading to success. They hold the idea, as a proverb saying, “Man proposes, god disposes”. Because almost all successful people have good luck and have caught their valuable opportunities, they believe that opportunity is a leading conndition of the success. If seizes and makes the best use of opportunity available, one can succeed surely. In summary, to them, chances and lucks play the most important role on the road to success. However, others maintain that “no pains, no gains” .Without exerting oneself, one could never expect to achieve success in no matter what one is doing. As is known to all, there is no royal road to the summit of success. One is likely to succeed only when one has worked with whole-hearted devotion and perseverance. Those who are lazy, sloppy and indifferent to their work, those who never concentrate on work will definitely end in failure. On the whole, as far as they are concerned, hard-working is the decisive factor to success. In my view, both hard work and opportunity eventually matters. They are inseparable from each other, and put together, they make a great success. Hard work is to luck what fish is to water, and can be seen as an interior precondition of success. It lays the corner-stone for building a house while luck serves to cement it, to make the building bricks adherent to one another. They are the twins that contribute to success together. They are the factors from within and without respectively. We must work hard, make efforts and get prepared. When opportunities come, meet and make full use of them. Only in this way can we succeed one day.



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Tea is a kind of fragrance and with a variety of flavor drink. Smell, pure and fresh and tangy, drink it, first a little bitter but is another kind of sweet savor. My fathers day is like the a cup of strong tea...

My fathers day is a cup of fragrant tea has experienced various process made the tea. Tea, need to go through a variety of processes: picking, stirring, drying..... Are made after a careful step by step process to finally make the tea. And my father is the man who experienced many hardships, he has a wealth of experience, he is like a cup of strong tea, he experienced many twists and turns to eventually become a successful person. The first cup of tea need to carefully taste slowly, to taste the sweet tea, I need to get to know the fathers day to know his bitter bitterness.

My fathers day is a cup of tea looks seemingly calm, but there is a little bitter taste tea, too. My fathers day in other peoples eyes may be a man of humor, he often in front of other people very happy, but in my eyes he is very sad, he always to work hard for the mother and I went to, he wanted us to be happy. He never put his own distress in front of outsiders and difficulty, looks very stable, but he always bury sadness in the heart, a person to bear. Seemingly calm is like a cup of forks mild, but may be cold.



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Hi Yanglang!

I’m really miss you , we can’t see about three months . Are you OK? I hope you happy everyday.

We have eight classes everyday , and only two classes are not English , another classes is listening , reading , speaking and writing English . Some people think it is boring in the classes , but I think this is very enjoyable .

I love my life now . because I always feel fulfilled all day . I am so busy that I can’t play ping-pong . I think it is my desire to enjoy life.

I want to travel to Mountain Hua . Three years ago I went there , but don’t go to the top , so I must go there when I have free time. Take care yourself

Love Young!



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Dear Mr. Clark:

We are wondering if you and Mrs. Clark want to have supper with us on Friday, January 21st at seven oclock?

James and I are looking forward with great pleasure to seeing you and Mrs.Clark. We do hope you can come.

Sincerely yours,

Lucy Wheeler



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There is a park near my home.There are a lot of beautiful trees,flowers and birds in the park.So many people go to the park to enjoy their weekends.They like walking or having a picnic in the park.But I like flying a kite with my sisiter there.




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Look, this is my bedroom. It s not very big. But it s beautiful and clean. In the middle of my bedroom, there is a bed. There is a teddy bear and some hair clips on it. Beside the bed, there is a desk. Its colour is brown. There are many things on the desk, some pens, a Walkman, a light and many stickers. Oh, there is a chair beside the desk, too. On the right of the desk, there is a bookcase. It s big and tall. There are lots of books in the bookcase. They are comic books, exercise books, story books and copy books.

Can you see two pictures on the wall?



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It is said that there was a farmer served a poor boy on a cold windy Chrismas Eve and gave him a big chrisemas meal. The boy cut a Fir trees branch and ed it into the earth.He said, "every year this time. there will be many presents in this branch. I wish I can pay back to your favor by this beautiful Fir tree. " After the boy left, the farmer discovered that the branch had grow up as a big tree. Then he realized that the boy was an envoy of the god. This is the origin of the chrismas day. In western countries, Whatever you are, everyone will prepare a chrismas tree to increase the happiness of the chrismas day.

Chrismas trees are made of evergreen tree like Fir trees and they represent the long lives.People put candles,flowers,toys,stars on the tree and they put chrismas present on the tree. On Chrismas Eve,people sing and dance happily and they enjoy themselves around the tree.

原文来自 必克英语/story-detail/story/42153258.html



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五、请假条请假条要说明请假的原因和请假的期限。Sick leave 病假



Dear Sir or Madam:

Dear Mr Li/Miss Li/Mrs Li,

I beg to apply for two days’ leave/a week’s leave/7 days’ leave of absence (请假) from the 7th to 8th of this week. Because I was ill, I want to return/go home to see the doctor.

To support my application, I herewith/enclose the sick leave certificate.

? I should be very much obliged if you will grant me my application. As regards the lesson to be missed during my absence, I will do my best to make them up as soon as I get back from leave.

Yours respectfully,

Li Min


Dear Ms Wang,

I beg to apply for seven days’ leave /one week’s leave of absence from the 4th to 10th of this month. Because my father is seriously ill now, so I want to return home to see him.

To support my application, I enclose the fax my sister sent. Yours respectfully, Li Fei
