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Better City ,Better life


Environmental problem has become an important and crucial issue. The abysmal lack of fresh water, the desertification, the green house effect and the extinction of creatures are the main issues in environment.


With each second that passes, a water crisis takes another step closer to reality. Consumption of fresh water has tripled since 1950; and fresh water is becoming a very scarce resource. Agricultural practices, mainly irrigation, account for 67% of world water consumption. Over one billion people worldwide dont have access to clean drinking water. So it is incumbent upon all to respect every drop of water and avoid the generation of waste.


The soil under our feet is also getting away from us. Removal of the natural vegetation leaves extensive tracts of land devoid of a plant cover and susceptible to wind and water erosion. Finally, desertification is accomplished. Four specific activities have been identified as major contributors to the desertification processes: over-cultivation, overgrazing, firewood gathering, and over-irrigation. The extreme seriousness of desertification results from the great difficulty in reversing or even slowing the process. Once the soil has been removed by erosion, only the passage of centuries or millennia will enable new soil to form. The tree planting is a dominant contributor to the development of the disaster. Another effective measure is to restrain the utilization of the land and to exploit the new technology to improve the productiveness of the arable land.


Our globe is warming up. GHG gases are the main contributor. Carbon dioxide emissions to air are almost exclusively associated with the conversion of energy carriers like natural gas, crude oil, and so forth. Optimization of energy efficiency and, thus, reduction of CO2-emissions and reduction of other GHG emissions contributed from production processes may be the first to be

discussed. And the mitigation of carbon emissions through the development of alternative projects such as solar or wind energy or reforestation, represents one way of managing a carbon footprint.


The greed of human beings is using up the plants and animals. Tigers once roamed over most of Asia and we can only see them in the zoo. Whales are once the dominant species in the ocean and now they have got out of our sight because of over-harvesting. We must stop harvesting natural resources to excess and bring them back from the brink of extinction. If we take from the wild we must do it in ways that allow natural populations to recover and last long into the future.


The earth is not the human’s planet, it is our planet. It’s time to take measures to improve the environment for both humans and other creatures. A safe, clean and sustainable environment depends on more than lip service. Both the government and individuals have the responsibility to minimize direct impacts against the environment. All of us can start planting plants in our home, limiting the use of private cars and using public transportations. And the government should impose necessary standards upon the whole society. The beautiful and vigorous earth will come back soon.




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With the improvement of our living standard, more and more people can afford a car. As a result, our roads are more often than not crammed with cars. However, with more and more waste gas being discharged by the cars, the problem of air pollution becomes even more serious. So nowadays we advocate to lead a low-carbon life.

My suggestion is we should ride bikes more often instead of driving cars.By riding a bike, we can not only exercise our body but also protect our environment. Why not have a try, my dear friends?




Now, our side of the car constant more up, the environment also increasingly worse! That the air around us there are many harmful substances. Therefore, we want to Sue around things start to do. For example, we can go to school by bike or walk, it can exercise. If you have time can use less elevator, many climb stairs. We can not only physical exercise, but also to protect our environment.




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1. 世界人口日来了,人口多,带来了许多问题:交通拥挤,住房紧张,资源匮乏,环境污染等严重影响生活质量——营造美好生活环境,你我有责,提倡绿色生活,节约资源,过上幸福生活!

2. 七一一世界人口日,不常为人所记起,但不能忽略其伟大意义,这是对全人类的激励,让你和我一起,为世界为自己,努力奋起!祝世界人口日开心如意。

3. 世界人口日,关怀老年人,回家看看父母,减少他的孤独,和父母聊聊天,减轻他的寂寞,人口在老化,敬老不能丢,和谐大家庭,离不开我们幸福小家庭。

4. 世界人口天天多,资源粮食月月少。灾害疾病年年增,环境经济日日差。改善环境靠大家,发展经济勇争先。世界人口日祝愿,人人幸福家家乐。

5. 上帝停停工,女娲收收手,世界人口太多了,就到这里吧。你也出把力,我也伸把手,改善生存大环境,人人做贡献。世界人口日,让我们共同努力。

6. 世界人口日,健康就是福,孩子健康父母乐,老人健康儿女乐,健健康康去工作,生活滋润全家乐,其乐融融福一家。祝你全家健康快乐。

7. 人口增多,计划生育,保证质量,优生优育,提高素质,基因是前提,营养是后盾,胎教更重要,7月11日世界人口日,愿天下年轻人科学坐胎,加强胎教,保证营养,好好生出健康宝宝!

8. 7月11世界人口日,让我们共同保护地球,控制人口增多,提倡晚婚晚育,响应计划生育,保护环境美丽,共享幸福人生,祝你身康体健,好运财运连连。

9. 星光灿烂每一颗都很闪亮,浪花朵朵每一朵都很美丽,心手相牵你我有缘相见,七一一世界人口日,祝福有缘人收到我平安的祝福。

10. 男孩是宝女孩是花,优生优育全靠大家。生男生女全凭天定,B超射线影响心情。计划生育那是国策,我们理解就是配合。世界人口日,就先说这么多,祝您生孩子快乐!呵呵。。。

11. "七一一世界人口日,播种春天的希望,关爱女孩的成长,蓝天之下你我他,关爱女孩靠大家,人口发展与和谐社会同步,婚育新风与小康生活同行消除性别歧视,从生育开始,倡导男女平等从娃娃抓起。"

12. 世界这样小,人多受不了。道路很拥挤,吃饭成问题,房价呼呼涨,资源已枯竭。想想怎么办?计划生育是关键。优生又优育,素质提高才知保护环境多重要。世界人口日,祝你少生优生,幸福一生!

13. 节约一粒粮食,增加一点温饱;减少一丝奢侈,减少一点饥荒;伸出一次援手,点燃一丝希望。愿世界因为有你,更美好。祝福世界人口日你快乐如意。

14. 这个世界人口多,疾病贫困围绕着,资源透支土地少,叫人忧心怎么活?控制人口是首要,计划生育不可少,优生优育提素质,保护环境最重要。世界人口日,从现在做起,给后代子孙留下一片空间!

15. "世界人口日来了,人口多,带来了许多问题:交通拥挤,住房紧张,资源匮乏,环境污染等严重影响生活质量——营造美好生活环境,你我有责,提倡绿色生活,节约资源,过上幸福生活!"

16. 世界人口日,晚婚向你报到,优育向你汇报,节约时刻微笑,美好纷纷扰扰,顺利不请自到,愉悦开心乱叫,和谐一个劲的闹。祝你关注人口变化,把幸福甜蜜拥抱。

17. 人口增多了,住处变窄了,吃穿收紧了,生活水平下降了,社会负担加重了,世界资源减少了,人们的担忧迫切了,世界人口日,关注人口,计划生育,优生优育,人人有责!

18. 地球是我们的家园,需要保护共同创建,控制人口数量增多,人人做起社会有责,7.11世界人口日,愿你身体永康健,幸福开心乐无边。

19. 世界人口日,快乐人人有责:愿你的爱情甜甜蜜蜜,愿你的事业节节高升,愿你的家庭和和睦睦,愿你的努力早添新丁。祝你幸福,精彩生活每一刻。

20. 今天是世界人口日,请将“控制人口数量,提高人口质量”这句话默念两遍,并在适当的时候予以施行。要知道“优生优育,人人有责”。祝你人口日快乐!

21. 老人是我们的从前,儿童是我们的明天,妇女是我们的半边,人人都是世界一员,和谐是世界的主旋,平等是世界的夙愿。世界人口日,祝和谐永远、平等团圆!

22. 明天是世界人口日,鉴于人口压力过大,现命令你把你克隆出来的:忧郁的你、世故的你、消极的你、不健康的你,统统消灭掉,只允许留一个健康快乐的你!

23. 人跟人是不一样的。有人生而富贵,有人生来弱智;有人有款但活得不开心,有人衣裳都没穿周正却傻乐不已。世界人口日,愿你有款且傻乐一生!

24. "人口多了,房子贵了,耕地占了,粮减产了,钱难赚了,肉吃多了,压力大了,身体差了。7.11人口日到了,要少生孩子少买房,祝你后代有房住!"

25. 当前增长的速率,及时控制是必须。资源紧张的压力,引起大家的注意。孩子笑脸是喜气,超生真令人可气,计划生育很洋气,优生优育才能一团和气。祝你人口日快乐,家庭和睦!

26. 一个大房子,名字叫地球,里面一群人,名字叫人民,人口在增加,能源在减少,环境变恶劣,灾难频频发,世界人口日,提示你我他,保护好地球,完全靠大家,短信传祝福,愿你快乐伴,生活更美好。

27. 孩子是父母的贴心宝,男孩女孩都一样,何必为生男孩到处跑。只要教育做得好,女孩也能成为宝。世界人口日,愿你少生优生,幸福一生!

28. 生男未必是好汉,生女未必不豪杰。古有花木兰替父从军,穆桂英大破天门,近有秋瑾、刘胡兰不怕牺牲,现有张海迪战胜病魔,邓亚萍笑傲球场。生男生女都一样,只要提高素质,都能为国为家显身手。世界人口日,让我们做到优生优育,和谐生活!

29. 五十亿双眼睛守望同一片蓝天,五十亿颗心跳呼吸同一种空气,没有你地球不是唯一,有了你唯一的节日是世界人口日,7月11日世界人口日,为陌生的你祝福。

30. 星光灿烂,不是每一颗都很闪亮,浪花朵朵,不是每一朵都很美丽,心手相牵,不是谁跟谁都很有缘相见,世界人口日,祝福有缘人收到我平安的祝福。

31. 中国人口十几亿,科学管控是正解;计划生育好政策,优生优育惠国民;提升素质很重要,强我中华国运昌。中国人口日,执行计划生育,利国利民!

32. 中国人口最庞大,资源有限难共享,计划生育国策棒,控制人口最科学,少生优生是根本,提高素质国民强,中国人口日,实行计划生育,从你我做起!

33. 人民富裕梦得圆,控制人口不能缓,社会发展协调走,关注人均的占有,环境条件盼改善,人口素质是关键,控制人口优化资源,未来生活比蜜甜。中国人口日,计划人口,大家努力。

34. 世界人口日到了,鉴于人口压力过大,现命令你把你克隆出来的:忧郁的你、世故的你、消极的你、不健康的你,统统杀掉,只允许留一个健康快乐的你。

35. 世界人口日就要来到了,为了减轻地球上的人口压力,也为了让你呼吸到更多的新鲜空气,特赦你可以带上你的家眷小狗虎子、鹦鹉贝贝等即日飞上月球。

36. 世界再多的创造和奇妙,都是人类的功劳;世界再多的困境和烦恼,都由人类来取消;亲爱的朋友,世界人口日,让我们为自己鼓掌,与人类共进!

37. 是不同壮大的国家,是太多团结的集体,是无数幸福的家庭,是各种创造的人才。亲爱的朋友,7月11日世界人口日来到,愿我们尊重人类,实现飞跃!



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Tobacco is a wild plant growth in central and South America, the first Indian to chewing tobacco or cigarette burning to suck. Tobacco in the global popular for over 200 years, until the 20th century, mankind began to realize that the dangers of tobacco to human. In 1977, the American cancer society first puts forward the control smoking is a form of publicity and education, no tobacco day.

This day, in the United States for nationwide smoking harm health propaganda, dissuade smokers do not smoke in the day, shop a day halt to the sale of tobacco products. The United States put every November 3 weeks on Thursday as the countrys no tobacco day. Later, the United Kingdom, Malaysia, China and other countries and regions also successively formulated the no tobacco day. In November 1987, the UNs world health organization recommends will every year on April 7, as the "world no tobacco day", and in 1988 began to perform. But was established by the world health organization on April 7, anniversary, this day each year, the world health organization (who) has to request a health topics. In order not to interfere with the theme of health, the world health organization decided to will each year since 1989 on May 31 as world no tobacco day, China will as Chinas day that day.


这天,在美国全国范围内进行“吸烟危害健康”的宣传,劝阻吸烟者在当天不吸烟,商店停售烟草制品一天。美国把每年11月第3周的星期四定为本国的无烟日。以后,英国、马来西亚、中国等国家和地区也相继制定了无烟日。 1987年11月,联合国世界卫生组织建议将每年的4月7日定为“世界无烟日”,并于1988年开始执行。但因4月7日是世界卫生组织成立的纪念日,每年的这一天,世界卫生组织都要提出一项保健要求的主题。为了不干扰其卫生主题的提出,世界卫生组织决定从1989年起将每年的5月31日定为世界无烟日,中国也将该日作为中国的无烟日。



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On April 22, is a festival, the world earth day may not be known. 2013 is the world earth day theme of 44: cherish the earths resources transformation of the mode of development, promoting ecological civilization and beautiful China.

The world earth day originated in the United States. In 1969, the democratic senator gaylord? Nielsen, held in the national universities campus environmental question papers. Dennis was 25 years old so at harvard law school student? Hayes will soon nelsons proposal into a across the country develop the specific large-scale community activities, and get a lot of young students widespread support. On April 22, 1970, the United States for the first time held a huge "earth day" activity. This is the first time in human history of large-scale mass environmental movement. As the beginning of modern environmental movement, earth day activities to promote the establishment of a number of national environmental laws and regulations.





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Today following with economy , Science and technology‘s devolop , we human are destorying the environment.

But we must know we have only a world ,if its broken we havent any places to live. So we cant leave it along,we should do something to stop it.

To make it ,we should do anything from ourselves ,such as not waste water or electic power etc.

Besides it we should persuade people joining us as more as posible.

If every one can do this our world will be more beatiful and tomorrow is another day.









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Dear editor,

Im writing to tell you something about the problem of food safety.

“The food is what matters to the people, the food by An Weixian”, the humanity grows, the economy soars, the social progress, the time cannot leave food, cannot leave the security, hygienic, nutrition food.“How can like this? How should we manage?”The general populations were asking unceasingly “we must eat safe food” the general populations to request unceasingly, populaces call, stimulates to movement us to ponder, moves.

Food enterprise, the conscience enterprise”, food production management enterprise is qualified, the high quality food producer, is the person who has rendered meritorious service, also is the inferior harmful food manufacturer, and possibly becomes the criminal, therefore said, food produces the operator is the food security first owner, decides food quality the key aspect both is the technology, also is not the management and the equipment, the key lies in food production in the human key to manage the owner and jobholders professional personal integrity and the moral standard.

The dead pork production meat product, the use industry paraffin wax manufacture hot pot bed charge, the use sodium hydroxide soaks floods sends the product, dont they know these things harmfully? Also non-, how lets us listen to the production protein content only is 2% powdered milk production business owner when hears the long-term oral administration powdered milk causes the big end of baby death is says, “, this kind of powdered milk cannot eat continuously, we always do not eat in any case, we all arrive the supermarket to buy several dozens Yuan tin of import powdered milk to eat”。

This accident made me realize the seriousness of the food safety problem. I sincerely hope that the whole society pay much more attention to food safety.




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Analysis on the Accounting Information System under the

Network Environment of Internal Control

Abstract: In recent years, the information technology revolution led to the integration of the business enterprise of the financial aspects of the related transformation. But the internal and external environment of accounting changes, makes the traditional manual accounting internal control system has been difficult to meet the requirement of information technology; to the existing accounting information system has brought an unprecedented risks and challenges. Therefore, this paper adopts literature research and comparison analysis and other methods, combining the accounting information system and the internal control of some of the basic theory, trying to take some effective measures to reduce the network of environmental accounting internal control risks.

Key words: Network environment; Accounting information system; Internal control; Risks; Method




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On Jan 18, 20XX started doing business window of the Shenzhen world,was situated to the beautiful Shenzhen bay bank, the area 480,000square meters. The scenic area divides into the world square, theAsian area, the Oceanian area, the European area, the African area,the Americas area, the world sculpture garden and the internationalstreet eight wide ranges according to the world region structure andthe tour active content.

As take brings honor to the world cultureessence as the subject large-scale cultural traveling scenic area, shegathers together 130 worlds famous landscapes, the collection naturalscenery, the folk custom character and style, the folk dance, thelarge-scale performance as well as the high tech participation projectto a garden, has reappeared a wonderful world.






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World Health Day each year on April 7, is World Health Day, aimed at aroused the concern of the World to Health, Health work and to improve the quality of the peoples Health and knowledge, emphasize the importance of Health for the labor to create and happy life. In 1948, the first world health assembly quest to establish a "world health day" to commemorate the birth of the world health organization. Since 1950, world health day has been celebrated annually on April 7. Selected a theme for world health day each year, who focus on key areas.

In 1948, the first world health assembly quest to establish a "world health day" to commemorate the birth of the world health organization. Since 1950, world health day has been celebrated annually on April 7. Selected a theme for world health day each year, who focus on key areas.

World health day is a global opportunity, focus on the impact of the international community major public health problem. World health day start longer-term propaganda and planning, until April 7.

The world health organization (who) to the theme of world health day 2007 identified as "investment in health, to build security in the future", which calls for attention to the new and traditional diseases and major sudden public health crisis brings to the human disaster, increased investment in health care to ensure that future generations can live in security, development and prosperity of a harmonious society. The world health organization on April 2, was held in Singapore, entitled "the necessity to improve international health security" high-level debate. Countries in politics, business and media controller together, send a strong message: only immediately increased investment in health, to build a secure future for mankind.

每年的4月7日是世界生日World Health Day ,旨在引起世界对卫生、健康工作的关注,提高人们对卫生领域的素质和认识,强调健康对于劳动创造和幸福生活的重要性。1948年,第一届世界卫生大会要求建立“世界卫生日”以纪念世界卫生组织的诞生。自1950年以来,每年于4月7日庆祝世界卫生日。每年为世界卫生日选定一个主题,突出世卫组织关注的重点领域。






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Every year since 1948, May 8, the spirit of the world health organization (who) the conclude that day as "world smile day". Indeed, everyone need to be slowing down, watch the beautiful things around, listened carefully listen to the music of nature, let the tension face soothing, open the knits forehead, let a smile on the face bloom, to dissolve frost and chill between each other.

Since 1948 this holiday to conclude, every year on May 8, became warm. In smile to others, you will see the world smile to himself.

A smile is the language of the world, this festival was created in 1948, with its unique warmth and charm, added a lot of warm for the world we live in. Smile with life are as important as sunshine, air, water. Of a "harmonious society", according to a survey of more than eighty percent of people think that "smile" is the most can show the harmonious degree of a place. Smile is the best of the human mind, smile is the most beautiful expression of humanity, smile is the most beautiful language in the human. Lets put a smile on my face, bring sincere and warm to others, poured out of harmony with a smile of the flowers.






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Nowadays,with the rapid increase of population,the problems of overloading in cities is becoming more and more serious around the world.

For instance,the resources such as education,jobs,health care that a city can supply is limited.So more populations mean that everyone living in the city have less welfare.In addition,the phenomenon of pollution can also be aggravating.And the traffic jams will disturb drives frequently.

In order to deal with the problems caused by overloading,in my opinion,Lowering the birth rate is the essential methods.On the other hand,another way which is executable to reduce the pressure of population in cities is to move people from cities to suburban areas.Of course,this need the help of governments.

In a nutshell,it is time for us to make efforts to control the population timely.



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2、河南省世界人口日活动主题:坚持计划生育基本国策,统筹解决人口问题,做促进人口、经济、社会、资源、环境协调可持续发展的贡献者。1、每个人都很重要 每个人都有贡献。























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Dining safty has long been a major concern of human race,so,how can we assure that we are dinning safely?

As the basic element of dining safty,source of the food is perhaps the most essential issue that we should focus upon,if the raw metrial itself can cause negative effects to the human body,nothing can be done to put it right.

Kitchen hygiene will pehaps be another element that should be taken into consideration,including water source,type of cooking oil,quality of spicery used and blending of cooking material.

To sum up,we have a lot to do to ensure dining safty







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控制人口数量 提高全民素质






控制人口数量 提高全民素质

控制人口数量 提高全民素质 加强道德意识














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为了引导全社会支持人口和计划生育工作,关注计划生育家庭,帮助妇女创业,促进妇女发展,根据县人口计生委的活动通知要求,我社区以“7.11”世界人口日 契机,结合我社区实际组织开展形式多样的宣传活动:


二、 7月10日,东城社区围绕国家人口计生委“关注计划生育家庭,促进妇女创业发展”的宣传主题,结合我社区计生工作实际,开展以“关注计生家庭,共创美好生活”为主题的宣传活动,充分利用集市、繁华地段演出、新闻媒体及设立咨询点等,大力宣传新中国成立61年以来在人口与计划生育领域取得的主要成就,宣传党和政府支持计划生育家庭发展的优先优惠政策,倡导以人为本,统筹解决人口问题的科学发展观,弘扬婚育新风、促进婚育文明、倡导性别平等,营造有利于人口计生工作发展的社会环境,鼓励和帮助更多的计划生育贫困家庭早日实现脱贫致富的梦想。





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For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitle Population Burden . You should write at least 150 words according to the outline given below in Chinese.







Population Burden

Many countries will experience aging populations in the next century because of declining birth and mortality rates. China will soon join their ranks.

As for the issue of aging, its situation has been growing increasingly severe in spite of the fact most people are still ignorant of the problems it brings about. Firstly, with families becoming smaller and living pace escalating, it is even graver for families to care for aged members adequately. Secondly, aging causes a relative decline in working force in that fewer people have to support the increasing aged people. Consequently, the productivity of the whole society is affected to some extent. Thirdly and most importantly, the aging of population in China resulted from the successful implementation of family planning has not been synchronized with national economic progress.

The rapidity of the populations aging has made it more urgent for the adoption of countermeasures. No doubt they key is to build a solid economic foundation. Meanwhile, importance shall be attached to overall social progress by changing the backward situation in social security, welfare and service. Whats more, family care and community services shall also be encouraged.


aging population 老年人口

birth rate 出生率

mortality rate 死亡率

ignorant of 不知道 不懂

graver 更严重的

adequately 充分地

productivity 生产力

implementation 执行

family planning 计划生育

rapidity 速度 在这用rapidity比speed 好~

countermeasure 对策

solid economic foundation 稳固的经济基础

Population old age人口老龄化

Population burden人口负担

Old age social security老年社会保障

Sustainable development可持续发展




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