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When to go to school every morning, see cars coming and going on the road, is a scene of the traffic. See the rear of the discharge of so many black mass of gas. I thought: all the traffic, what kind of harm to our life? I took my doubt asked dad. Dad told me: "is car emissions of carbon dioxide, it is harmful to the nature and human beings, but the side of the road there are many trees can absorb carbon dioxide, so were going to take care of the trees." Hear the word of the father, I breath a sigh of relief. Decide later to take good care of trees, because it is our friend.

At our side, we also often see some uncivilized phenomenon: spitting, throw confetti, waste water, and some pet owners, and let their baby or in public places. Our survival environment pollution.

So, in order to make our homes more beautiful, we all want to take care of the environment around, see the uncivilized phenomenon, be proactive to dissuade him. Also do it bit by bit from life. In daily life, we should save water electricity, less with air conditioning, use energy-saving lamps. When we travel, if the distance is near, we can walk, if the distance, we can take the bus or the subway. Dont litter, sundry.

If anyone can start from oneself, starts from the minor matter. Low carbon life, so, our home will become more beautiful and harmonious.








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Every year on April 22 is earth day, just as its name implies earth day is called on everyone to protect the earth. But you touched his conscience think how many people?

The earth mother is 4.5 billion years old, as early as 500000 years ago and gave birth to the human, mom has been with the sweet milk raising us, until now. The mothers body of castle peak, green trees, have ocean, have lawns and the forest. What a beautiful and great mother!

As everybody knows, the earth only plants can absorb carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen. Scientists have to experiment and calculated 3 tree 1 day to absorb carbon dioxide equivalent to 1 adult 1 day of exhaled carbon dioxide. According to this calculation, plant is too important to human beings. So, we must protect plants. If I were a small tree, I want to those who only know building a house, build factories, do the people of furniture and those deforestation advice: please dont disorderly cut down trees, we also dont mess on our grass brothers again. Otherwise, our family will be cut out, clear-cut, crushed to death. By then, the whole earth will be a world of carbon dioxide, a direct threat to the earth mother and her thousands of children and grandchildren live! Therefore, we must strive to stop the public nuisance and private to harm. Also, we have a large number of plant trees, clean air, green our earth mother!

We should not only protect the earth on earth day day, and should treat every day as the world earth day, every moment to protect our earth.







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Yesterday afternoon, when I was on my way home, it was snowing heavily. This morning, when I looked out of the windows, everything in the world turned white.

I know few people like winter, because it is so cold. But we all like snow, because it is so beautiful. After a heavy snow, the fields are covered with thick snow. We feel happy walking in the snow. And many people go out and take a lot of photos in the snow.

How wonderful the white world looks! I love snow!




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Today following with economy , Science and technology‘s devolop , we human are destorying the environment.

But we must know we have only a world ,if its broken we havent any places to live. So we cant leave it along,we should do something to stop it.

To make it ,we should do anything from ourselves ,such as not waste water or electic power etc.

Besides it we should persuade people joining us as more as posible.

If every one can do this our world will be more beatiful and tomorrow is another day.









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It is reported that the world’s population was 6 billion in the year 2,000, and it is growing faster and faster. The world’s population problem is the greatest one because it brings lots of problems, such as water resources problem, more and more people losing their jobs and so on. These problems are mainly in the developing countries because the population of the developing countries is over 4/ 5 of the world’s popuation. So China, the largest developing country, has kept the policy “one couple, one child.”





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1. 世界人口日来了,人口多,带来了许多问题:交通拥挤,住房紧张,资源匮乏,环境污染等严重影响生活质量——营造美好生活环境,你我有责,提倡绿色生活,节约资源,过上幸福生活!

2. 七一一世界人口日,不常为人所记起,但不能忽略其伟大意义,这是对全人类的激励,让你和我一起,为世界为自己,努力奋起!祝世界人口日开心如意。

3. 世界人口日,关怀老年人,回家看看父母,减少他的孤独,和父母聊聊天,减轻他的寂寞,人口在老化,敬老不能丢,和谐大家庭,离不开我们幸福小家庭。

4. 世界人口天天多,资源粮食月月少。灾害疾病年年增,环境经济日日差。改善环境靠大家,发展经济勇争先。世界人口日祝愿,人人幸福家家乐。

5. 上帝停停工,女娲收收手,世界人口太多了,就到这里吧。你也出把力,我也伸把手,改善生存大环境,人人做贡献。世界人口日,让我们共同努力。

6. 世界人口日,健康就是福,孩子健康父母乐,老人健康儿女乐,健健康康去工作,生活滋润全家乐,其乐融融福一家。祝你全家健康快乐。

7. 人口增多,计划生育,保证质量,优生优育,提高素质,基因是前提,营养是后盾,胎教更重要,7月11日世界人口日,愿天下年轻人科学坐胎,加强胎教,保证营养,好好生出健康宝宝!

8. 7月11世界人口日,让我们共同保护地球,控制人口增多,提倡晚婚晚育,响应计划生育,保护环境美丽,共享幸福人生,祝你身康体健,好运财运连连。

9. 星光灿烂每一颗都很闪亮,浪花朵朵每一朵都很美丽,心手相牵你我有缘相见,七一一世界人口日,祝福有缘人收到我平安的祝福。

10. 男孩是宝女孩是花,优生优育全靠大家。生男生女全凭天定,B超射线影响心情。计划生育那是国策,我们理解就是配合。世界人口日,就先说这么多,祝您生孩子快乐!呵呵。。。

11. "七一一世界人口日,播种春天的希望,关爱女孩的成长,蓝天之下你我他,关爱女孩靠大家,人口发展与和谐社会同步,婚育新风与小康生活同行消除性别歧视,从生育开始,倡导男女平等从娃娃抓起。"

12. 世界这样小,人多受不了。道路很拥挤,吃饭成问题,房价呼呼涨,资源已枯竭。想想怎么办?计划生育是关键。优生又优育,素质提高才知保护环境多重要。世界人口日,祝你少生优生,幸福一生!

13. 节约一粒粮食,增加一点温饱;减少一丝奢侈,减少一点饥荒;伸出一次援手,点燃一丝希望。愿世界因为有你,更美好。祝福世界人口日你快乐如意。

14. 这个世界人口多,疾病贫困围绕着,资源透支土地少,叫人忧心怎么活?控制人口是首要,计划生育不可少,优生优育提素质,保护环境最重要。世界人口日,从现在做起,给后代子孙留下一片空间!

15. "世界人口日来了,人口多,带来了许多问题:交通拥挤,住房紧张,资源匮乏,环境污染等严重影响生活质量——营造美好生活环境,你我有责,提倡绿色生活,节约资源,过上幸福生活!"

16. 世界人口日,晚婚向你报到,优育向你汇报,节约时刻微笑,美好纷纷扰扰,顺利不请自到,愉悦开心乱叫,和谐一个劲的闹。祝你关注人口变化,把幸福甜蜜拥抱。

17. 人口增多了,住处变窄了,吃穿收紧了,生活水平下降了,社会负担加重了,世界资源减少了,人们的担忧迫切了,世界人口日,关注人口,计划生育,优生优育,人人有责!

18. 地球是我们的家园,需要保护共同创建,控制人口数量增多,人人做起社会有责,7.11世界人口日,愿你身体永康健,幸福开心乐无边。

19. 世界人口日,快乐人人有责:愿你的爱情甜甜蜜蜜,愿你的事业节节高升,愿你的家庭和和睦睦,愿你的努力早添新丁。祝你幸福,精彩生活每一刻。

20. 今天是世界人口日,请将“控制人口数量,提高人口质量”这句话默念两遍,并在适当的时候予以施行。要知道“优生优育,人人有责”。祝你人口日快乐!

21. 老人是我们的从前,儿童是我们的明天,妇女是我们的半边,人人都是世界一员,和谐是世界的主旋,平等是世界的夙愿。世界人口日,祝和谐永远、平等团圆!

22. 明天是世界人口日,鉴于人口压力过大,现命令你把你克隆出来的:忧郁的你、世故的你、消极的你、不健康的你,统统消灭掉,只允许留一个健康快乐的你!

23. 人跟人是不一样的。有人生而富贵,有人生来弱智;有人有款但活得不开心,有人衣裳都没穿周正却傻乐不已。世界人口日,愿你有款且傻乐一生!

24. "人口多了,房子贵了,耕地占了,粮减产了,钱难赚了,肉吃多了,压力大了,身体差了。7.11人口日到了,要少生孩子少买房,祝你后代有房住!"

25. 当前增长的速率,及时控制是必须。资源紧张的压力,引起大家的注意。孩子笑脸是喜气,超生真令人可气,计划生育很洋气,优生优育才能一团和气。祝你人口日快乐,家庭和睦!

26. 一个大房子,名字叫地球,里面一群人,名字叫人民,人口在增加,能源在减少,环境变恶劣,灾难频频发,世界人口日,提示你我他,保护好地球,完全靠大家,短信传祝福,愿你快乐伴,生活更美好。

27. 孩子是父母的贴心宝,男孩女孩都一样,何必为生男孩到处跑。只要教育做得好,女孩也能成为宝。世界人口日,愿你少生优生,幸福一生!

28. 生男未必是好汉,生女未必不豪杰。古有花木兰替父从军,穆桂英大破天门,近有秋瑾、刘胡兰不怕牺牲,现有张海迪战胜病魔,邓亚萍笑傲球场。生男生女都一样,只要提高素质,都能为国为家显身手。世界人口日,让我们做到优生优育,和谐生活!

29. 五十亿双眼睛守望同一片蓝天,五十亿颗心跳呼吸同一种空气,没有你地球不是唯一,有了你唯一的节日是世界人口日,7月11日世界人口日,为陌生的你祝福。

30. 星光灿烂,不是每一颗都很闪亮,浪花朵朵,不是每一朵都很美丽,心手相牵,不是谁跟谁都很有缘相见,世界人口日,祝福有缘人收到我平安的祝福。

31. 中国人口十几亿,科学管控是正解;计划生育好政策,优生优育惠国民;提升素质很重要,强我中华国运昌。中国人口日,执行计划生育,利国利民!

32. 中国人口最庞大,资源有限难共享,计划生育国策棒,控制人口最科学,少生优生是根本,提高素质国民强,中国人口日,实行计划生育,从你我做起!

33. 人民富裕梦得圆,控制人口不能缓,社会发展协调走,关注人均的占有,环境条件盼改善,人口素质是关键,控制人口优化资源,未来生活比蜜甜。中国人口日,计划人口,大家努力。

34. 世界人口日到了,鉴于人口压力过大,现命令你把你克隆出来的:忧郁的你、世故的你、消极的你、不健康的你,统统杀掉,只允许留一个健康快乐的你。

35. 世界人口日就要来到了,为了减轻地球上的人口压力,也为了让你呼吸到更多的新鲜空气,特赦你可以带上你的家眷小狗虎子、鹦鹉贝贝等即日飞上月球。

36. 世界再多的创造和奇妙,都是人类的功劳;世界再多的困境和烦恼,都由人类来取消;亲爱的朋友,世界人口日,让我们为自己鼓掌,与人类共进!

37. 是不同壮大的国家,是太多团结的集体,是无数幸福的家庭,是各种创造的人才。亲爱的朋友,7月11日世界人口日来到,愿我们尊重人类,实现飞跃!



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"Ordinary world" is a good book, because hes characters and the plot is very real.Straight lets a person as if place oneself in that era, experiencing the ups and downs of The Times.Let a person very inspired after see, delicious.

This is a book worth reading of each and every one, as for some writers on the criticism of this book, I dont think the writer must be a genuine writer.Because he didnt realize that the book in the true sense of genius.This book is not only able to interpret from the literature.Why dont dream start, the true value of because he has not been found."Ordinary world" in the future a certain period of history would be like a dream of red mansions by many experts to study the book.The value of it is that it gives us a generation, is the very book that we need.

What we need is such a book!Not those who read the book without feeling after.Do you agree?



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The earth, one carrying about 6000000000 population of the planet, one kind of survival homes. Human beings depend on the resources of the earth to survive, development, relying on the unique environment of the earth to create a civilization, so that the earth is the mother of mankind. We are the children of the earth, should not be the protection of the earth mother? And now, because we are too selfish, so some things have become extinct.


Animal survival, is the nature of right, but we despise the rights of animals, a large hunting. The Tibetan antelope is living in Tibet, a similar shape with the goats to sheep, angular, head hair face sallow, with brown stripes, slender limbs, run fast, resistance to dry, is the national animal protection. Because of the human to the skin and flesh, and so far the world, only a few antelope. There are many animals have already died out, these are caused by a tragedy.


The plant world, in different poses and with different expressions. They live their own needs, but also the need of human, it is the need of earth. When you see the forest trees were a cut, you will be sad?


Disaster is increasing day by day, in order to the country, to the world, let us act, we use the sweat on his forehead, to change the future of the human being!



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At present, the humanitys common mother - the earth, she for us, even his ill have no complaint, and we also - should take care of mother?

As long as you to the earth mothers blood - stream, the stream will find there are often animals such as in shat people littering caused the river smells like vomit. Another small fish and other animals in survival rates. The earth mothers bones, mountain is also at stake; Hair - woods also disastrous. Those who give loess to dig down, and then sell it to others with a high price. And the earth mother is brimming with his pain and fear his cry will cause floods. The birds in the trees are also being shot to death of the human race. Number is being with that sharp axe or chainsaw destroy forest.

Nowadays, people to see the earth mother in such pain also has the environmental protection consciousness. People slowly made public service ads, but also made environmental signs, but also on March 12 as Arbor Day. The villages have special sanitation workers.

And our students what to do to protect the environment? Actually very simple, we only need to bent down to pick up a pick up trash, pour a garbage, stop the mom and dad do not environmental protection, use less a chopsticks, etc.

We have only one earth, we need to protect our earth!








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The SongHua river has been polluted last week. The government has stopped the tap water, so the people in Harbin get some trouble about drinking the water. It is a difficult problem, because nobody can live well without the water. So the government tries its best to find the way to solve the problem.

At the same time, many cities give help to Harbin, hundreds of trucks transport the water to Harbin. Everybody needs others’ help when they get trouble. Like people, like city. Our country likes a big family; the city is the member of the family. Like the family, helping each other is responsibility of every member.



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China has already begun to face an aging population. It is reported that by 2003 in China, the population over 65 years of age the proportion of the total population will reach 7%, which will allow China into the United Nations in 1956 set the population aging countries in the world. By 2020, this proportion will be increased to 10.85%, while in 2050, it will reach 20.43%.

At present, the time being will not become the worlds largest country in the elderly population. However, it is the process of aging faster than any other developing country. In fact, China will become the worlds population, one of the fastest aging process, this change brought to China unfavorable factors, it needs China to take a unique way to take care of the aging population.

Respect for the elderly project

In recent years, Chinas economy developed rapidly, with the strength becomes stronger, the state since 1990, security expenses for the elderly are more than 100 billion yuan every year, but also the state was increasing year after year, while also encouraging social and personal fund-raising, donations of non-juvenile welfare facilities set up to address a number of elderly people a sense of security, old age care issues. However, for a big country like China, but also there are other ways to those who need help to provide assistance for lonely elderly people. Care in the community, a warmth of respect for the elderly project in China, the rise of many young people took part in respecting the obligation to engineering work, they not only raised in all directions to bring the material assistance to the elderly, but also for their daily needs and get a wide range of help, thus bringing the warmth and love dedicated to the lonely and helpless old man.

This shows that the "senior citizen project," is Chinas aging population on the eve of a large number of old age to solve the problem of looking into a way to have multiple meanings, which not only brought the Gospel to the lonely elderly, but also carry forward the socialist spiritual civilization.









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It has been billed as a hi-tech bike-sharing boom that entrepreneurs hope will make them rich while simultaneously transforming Chinas traffic-clogged cities.

But, occasionally, dreams can turn sour.

In the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen, more than 500 bicycles for hire have been found dumped in huge piles on the streets, according to reports.

Pictures showed jumbled stacks of vehicles nearly three metres high, with handlebars, baskets and other parts scattered on the ground.

City streets around the country have seen an explosion of the colourful bikes that users can rent on demand with a smartphone app and then park wherever they choose.

The sharing economy is taking off in China, where ride-sharing and Airbnb are increasingly commonplace.

From Shanghai to Sichuan province, bike-sharing schemes are being rolled out in an effort to slash congestion and air pollution by putting a country once known as the "Kingdom of Bicycles" back on two wheels.

Companies such as Ofo and Mobike, with their rival fleets of bumblebee yellow and fluorescent orange bikes, have been locked in a cut-throat battle for customers.

But problems have arisen when clients have abandoned their cycles.

"Some people these days just have really bad character," a man named He, who lives near where the stacks appeared, told the Southern Metropolis Daily.

"When theyre done using (the bike) they just throw it away somewhere, because theyve already paid."

In the past few days he witnessed people demolishing the bikes before discarding them on the side of the road, he said.

Residents told the paper that bikes had been piling up over the past week, either parked haphazardly by careless users or stacked by local security guards trying to clear narrow residential alleys and footpaths.

Zhuang Chuangyu, a representative at Shenzhens municipal peoples congress, said the city needed to step up regulation of the bike-sharing industry in order to improve traffic conditions and safety standards, especially since schoolchildren often used the bikes.

In 1980, almost 63% of commuters cycled to work, the Beijing Morning Post reported in 2015, citing government data. But by 2000 that number had plummeted to 38% and today it stands at less than 12%.

Car use, meanwhile, has rocketed. In 2010 China overtook the US to become the worlds largest car market, with 13.5m vehicles sold in just 12 months.



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现场通过悬挂宣传横幅、设立咨询台、摆放宣传展板、发放宣传材料等形式,向过往群众广泛开展《孕产期保健》、《孕前危险因素自查》、《性病与艾滋病的预防》、《青春期保健》、《避孕期保健》《孕产妇保健》、打击“两非”、 优生优育、卫生计生政策及妇女权益保障法等方面宣传,面对面讲解生殖保健知识及各类奖励计生优惠政策,弘扬科学文明的婚育新风,切实关爱弱势群体健康幸福。并为群众进行健康义诊。期间,共发放各种政策、健康及阳光培育工程宣传手册300余份、宣传折页600余份、明白纸等资料2000余份,接受群众咨询80余人次,免费测量血压120余人次。



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"Ordinary world" is a good book, because hes characters and the plot is very real. Straight lets a person as if place oneself in that era, experiencing the ups and downs of The Times. Let a person very inspired after see, delicious. In simple language and true feelings to witness the faith and of the ordinary life of ordinary life. Blundering s, ignoranting society like a cup of clear water scaling back despite the clarification, but not calm. Lu yaos characters are so personality is distinct, little, little flat in the books, and others are a symbol of that era will be affected by the limitations of The Times, but also is therefore is real close, lifelike.

First of all, I am very fond of lu yaos starting point: ordinary world. His world is ordinary, this is just on the loess plateaus thousands of villages in a. , small author characterizes each ordinary ordinary people life journey, foil the era of rapid change, reflect peoples thought, give a person with close, give a person with enlightenment. But lu yao is his character in the ordinary extraordinary. Such as sun shaoping, I think that the character of sun shaoping is the backbone of the text as a whole, through his growth and mature experience, show in front of everyone is a generation that time a vision of life and helpless. He received a high school education, through self-study degree can be thought to explore with college students. Overcome difficulties, to get rid of the bondage, let people yearning for a better life, how to experience life in the middle of the family love, friendship, love, learn to life, know how to cherish, for our generation, is also a warning. In lu yaos world are ordinary people, it is in these ordinary people he describes the human nature of good and beauty, ugliness and evil. In his world, one of the biggest advantages is to realize oneself is ordinary. This is the most prominent from sun shaoping. He realized the ordinary, also chose the ordinary.

Ordinary life, from the ordinary to thrive, you can see, is suffering the confidence, cant take away the hope, love never fails, bitterness, in the ordinary and the pride of this life.






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On Jan 18, 20XX started doing business window of the Shenzhen world,was situated to the beautiful Shenzhen bay bank, the area 480,000square meters. The scenic area divides into the world square, theAsian area, the Oceanian area, the European area, the African area,the Americas area, the world sculpture garden and the internationalstreet eight wide ranges according to the world region structure andthe tour active content.

As take brings honor to the world cultureessence as the subject large-scale cultural traveling scenic area, shegathers together 130 worlds famous landscapes, the collection naturalscenery, the folk custom character and style, the folk dance, thelarge-scale performance as well as the high tech participation projectto a garden, has reappeared a wonderful world.






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The topic of environmental protection, make known to every family, can be said to be, All the world knows. But in real life, some people are still not paid much attention to, think not worth mentioning, in my opinion, the environmental protection should start from the little thing. I experienced such two things:


A: one day, I went to the supermarket to buy things, quickly to the supermarket door, saw a couple of distributing leaflets, to see, to see the car, but some people are not, just throw on the ground, I used to put the paper into the trash. See the two person to glue the flyers posted on the wall, from afar, like a piece of "psoriasis" while they do not pay attention, I took out my skills "paper work," ha ha, "psoriasis" I got rid of a large.


Second: one time, I play at the base of the building, found on a pasture smoke plume of white smoke, a closer look, the original is in our class, a group of children where the ignition burning grass, grass and black with a large, my big brothers identity quickly stopped, and the importance about the danger of fire and environmental protection the. They are ashamed, rushed from the near end of the water to put out the fire, burning grass action to end.


Environmental protection, not only from the start of the big things, but also start from the trivial thing, I hope all of you to take good care of our common homeland -- the earth, let nature and we also a blue sky!



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China has become a country with an increasing number of old people. By old people we usually mean persons over the age of sixty. We often call them senior citizens instead of old men to show our respect.

Most senior citizens retire or no longer work full-time. They usually live in their own houses not far from their childrens, while the children of a few senior citizens have gone abroad and work or study far beyond the oceans. For certain senior citizens, tile years after retirement are not very enjoyable. First, they feel that their lives lose meaning for being at home all day. In addition, they may feel lonely, especially those without children around. Moreover, they become more concerned with their health, as they grow older, and worry a lot about their safety. At the same time, many senior citizens enjoy their lives. They feel free to do things they were not able to do when they were working and raising their families. They spend their time travelling, doing exercises or watching TV. They get together with their fellow members who have the common interests and equal free time.

In fact, there are some still continuing their work, not just for money, but to show their value. However, no one really wants to be old, and perhaps all like to be young forever.



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If I ruled the world, I would do some changes that will make the world become better. I would publicize concept of peace, and try to reduce wars. I would also try my best to reduce taxation, help poor people with their producion and make business revive. I would change education too, because it is said that the fature of a country depends on children of the country. In a way, the future of the world depends on children of the world. So I think, the education is a very important factor to make the world become better. I would reduce class-time, reduce homeworks and build many appliances for play on the playground. I would make the schools become a kind of place that kids can be happy there, and like there. I would definitely be a good leader. If somebedy gave me honor to rule the whole world, I wouldn’t let him(her) down. I would do anything I can do to make the world become more beautiful, more peaceful and warmer.




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On December 11, 1998 in the second world assembly on asthma, global asthma prevention initiatives (GINA) commission and the European respiratory society on behalf of the world health organization (who) put forward the developing world asthma day activities, and will be on the same day as the first world asthma day. Since 2000, held related activities from year to year, but has since world asthma day each year on the first Tuesday of may.

World asthma day aims to make people realize that asthma is a global health problem, propaganda has made scientific and technological progress, and prompted the public and authorities involved in the implementation of effective management methods. GINA in 2006 for the treatment of asthma overall shift from the focus of asthma control, stress according to the control level of treatment in patients with asthma, and adjust it in a continuous cycle, including assessment of asthma control, to control for the purpose of treatment, monitor and maintain control.





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Every year on October 4th is the World Animal Day. It is proposed by the Italian monk St Francis in 12th century. He lives in the forests of Assisi Island for the long time, building a good relationship with the animals. So he asks people to express thanks to the animals on October 4th. He sets a good example for our human beings about how to deal with the relationship with animals. In order to memorize him and what he does, we make October, 4th to be World Animal Day. Nowadays, people from all over the world will hold various activities to celebrate on that day. The aim of this festival is to remind people to care for all animals and build a harmonious relationship with them.

