关于给圣诞老人的一封信推荐三篇 作文英语推荐20篇







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There are many clocks in the Browns house. They are in different rooms.A

big clock stands in a corner of the sitting room. It is a very, very old clock,

but it still keeps good time. Mr. Brown winds it once a week.




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hi! good friends. my name is susie. i’m ten years old. this is my pet. it’s

a turtle. he is also ten years old. his name is sandwich. he eats ten small

fishes every day .

look at him! he has a beautiful shell and two small eyes. he also has a

long tail.

now my turtle wants to have a little sister. they can play, sleep and walk

together. now, mr sandwich, please reach out your hand and say “bye-bye.” my

friends,please call me. my telephone number is one two three four five.



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dear david:

i am afraid that you will think me unpardonably negligent in nothaving answered your letter dated 7, december sooner, but when i have told you the reason, i trust you will be convinced that the neglect was excusable. when your letter arrived, i was just in hong kong. as my family could not forward it to me during my absence, it has been, therefore, lying on my desk until the moment when i took it up. now the first thing i have to hasten to do is to write to you these few lines to express my deep regret.i enjoyed many pleasant sights during my trip. i shall be pleased to give you an account to of them when i see you next.

sincerely yours,




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I have a dream. When I grow up, I want to be an actor. Being an actor can

play many roles and experience different lifestyles. It is so cool. What’s more,

I can make a lot of money and then travel around the world. I have passion in

performance and have joined many dramas. I hope someday I can realize my




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Dear Mr. President,

I am writing this letter to you to express my concern about the sports

facilities on campus. I have noticed that our university has very limited

resources in terms of opportunities to participate in sports, especially given

that the number of students on campus is increasing every year.

As we both know, sports are very important for the sound growth of young

people. If they have access to quality sports facilities, young people are able

to choose a healthier lifestyle, to boost self-esteem and confidence, and to

build a positive outlook and sense of achievement.

My proposal is to build a new sports area. It should be designed with

soccer players, basketball players, and ping-pong players in mind. It should

have a different section for each activity and be available to students all year

round. I believe such facilities will meet our sporting needs.

Thank you for your reading this letter.

Yours faithfully,

Li Ming



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There are four seasons in the year. spring, summer, fall, and winter,but i

like winter best.in winter we can play skiing, play skatting, and bit snow.i and

my friend mary, make snowman.i am very happy.winter is very beautiful. so i like

winter best. i hope people like winter best.



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During the years of suffering, a super hero called Maze was facing the war

of the Americans. One day he was planning a vacation, that was going to be

amazing; when a big giant octopus attacked the whole city…

He had no choice but to stop his vacation, and to stop the octopus. He was

transforming into a big octopus, and ready to battle Maze. Maze was ready; he

got his sword and shield ready for battle. When he came, everybody cheered for

him; the octopus was not very happy…

He used his legs and arms and kicked Maze right up into the air. Maze said

to the people; “I have a plan, but I’ll need you guys to help me with it;”

everybody agreed to help Maze, and so they all gathered around to listen to

Maze’s plan. He said to the people, “I need a person, to help and pull a string;

that way, when the giant octopus reached me, you guys just pull the string, and

it will trip; then I will need a guy that is good at tying knots, that is when

the giant octopus trips, that guy will tie his up and give it to me; then rest

of the problems I will deal with it…”

Everybody agreed to his magnificent plan, and so they got to work. First

Maze went to get a very long string, and gave it to two people that were very

good at strength to pull it, instead of pulling it let us make it that Maze’s

plan was not at length that good, for the octopus knew all about his plan; and

so could very easily pass the test…

When they failed, Maze thought about this problem; they all knew that the

octopus it always listening to their plans. Now what? Well since Maze could tell

the other people his plan, he had decided to show them his plan. He drew it on a

piece of white paper, and showed it to the people, he made some moves of how it

was done; they all understood, but the giant octopus didn’t. His plan was the

same, but the giant octopus didn’t know it.

He decided to be careful, but he couldn’t, because the string was

invisible; instead of the string part, Maze changed it into plastic paper; that

way the giant octopus couldn’t see what they were up to; this plan was good, but

let us see how it ends.

Then two men were pulling the plastic, the plastic paper broke; and so

maybe Maze didn’t think it all the way through. He changed a magnificent plan:

First of all, some people distract the giant octopus; and then Maze tied his

legs and arms; and threw him into the ocean, where he was gone and 100 percent

drowned with his legs and arms tied behind his back.

And so Maze saved the day once again, and when his mom and dad returned

home; they were very proud of him. But maze was still sad, his mom and dad

asked; “What is the matter Maze?” “Well, I did save the day Hooray! But I still

didn’t get a chance of relaxing like little children, they were like holidays!”

then his mother and father decided to hold him a holiday celebration, and lived

happily ever after.

The octopus did return, and it was all to his mom the scientist. Maze did

defeat him again and again; until the octopus was tired, he knew that he was not

the guy to beat Maze, so he changed his mind and left the city and gave lived to

Maze’s fans in peace.

The end…



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Dear sir / madam:


We are very pleased to invite you to participate in the twenty-eighth

session of the Asia Pacific Regional Conference on food and Agriculture

Organization of the Asia Pacific region, which will be held in Beijing on

twenty-first Century 15-16, held by the United Nations Food and agriculture

organization". The theme of this meeting is: from the agenda to the action -

following the "non governmental organization for food sovereignty forum".

The consultation meeting was organized by the Asian Association of the

United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the international

food sovereignty Commission (IPC-Asia), and the cooperation of the China

International Civil organization. By then, more than 80 private organizations

from the Asia Pacific region more than 100 representatives will attend the

meeting. The conference declaration will be held in the 27 session of the United

Nations Food and Agriculture Organization Asia Pacific Conference on May


The main topics of this meeting include:

1 the regional and national levels of the non governmental organizations in

the food and agriculture sector in the Asia Pacific region to implement the

global action agenda / civil society strategy".

2 non governmental organizations in the areas of food and agriculture in

the Asia Pacific region to determine the future of the participants in the

current situation.

3 participating agencies to draft the proposal submitted to the

twenty-seventh United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization Asia Pacific

Conference, continue to call for the maintenance of the interests of


Sincerely look forward to your active support and participation!



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dear teacher:


today is the day we were with you, you said a lot of us touched by the words of the students cried, although you installed in front of us very strong, but you are actually very fragile, and we clearly see your heart tears, at the same time, you also give us too much asked, to be honest, i really there is highly touched, because you are too self-interested for my face, and for "those who do not learn from it, with the junior high school students were mixed together" to large to encompass all of their mind to see these, each and every student class, or even usually strong and then boys could not help but to cry, but fortunate because we have the opportunity to repay you, as long as we strive to learning, a good test results, and this is the greatest consolation to you!

teacher, i will always remember you, you are on our education (junior high, high school, not because some trivial way to go landslides, leading to decreased academic performance) i will always be unforgettable! teachers, we love you!

meanwhile, i would like to ask the teacher you are assured that i will not be shaken because of the harassment of others, please believe me, please?

student: vvv



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Dear Parents of students:


New Years Day is approaching, the school staff to your way: "Happy New Year!" According to the provisions of the superior documents, our school New Years Day holiday date: January 1-3, 20__ (Sunday - Tuesday). In order to ensure the health and safety of students on New Years Day holiday, and in order to make students spend a meaningful short holiday, here, we hope you can cooperate with us to do the following work:

1. Students have entered the comprehensive final review stage this term. Please urge your children to do their homework and prepare for the final exam.

2. Please strengthen your childrens safety education. First of all, pay attention to fire safety. Now the temperature drops, the wind high dry winter, is the high incidence of fire, carbon monoxide poisoning accidents season, please strengthen the childrens fire safety education, do not play with fire, do not start fires, in case of fire and other incidents to learn to save themselves, to ensure their own safety, and timely dial 119 fire alarm; Secondly, pay attention to traffic safety. To consciously abide by the traffic laws and regulations, do not ride motorcycles, under 12 years old students are not allowed to ride bicycles, do not take no license, no license, illegal transport of vehicles, etc. In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the safety and reasonable diet of household gas and electricity, so as to prevent the occurrence of overeating, food poisoning and other harmful events.

3. Please ask the children to strictly enforce prohibition of drugs, alcohol and smoking, prohibit to play games in the game hall, prohibit reading and watching pornography, violence and other books, films and TV programs, prohibit to go to pornographic websites and do not play games for teenagers, prohibit to go to bars, karaoke bars and other game places. Parents, please strengthen supervision, nip in the bud.

4. Educate children to learn self-control, improve the ability of self-management and self-protection. Guide children to learn various safety skills, deal with illegal infringement, in order to timely carry out self-protection.

5. During the holidays, please encourage and support children to participate in community public welfare activities and improve their social practice ability. Should arrange the child attends recreational and sports activity appropriately and other quality education activity, instruct the child to deal with the relation of good recreation and study.

6. During the festival, our school leaders are on duty. Parents can contact us at any time if they need. In case of any special circumstances, please contact the school immediately.

The safety education of students holidays cannot be separated from the support and cooperation of families. Lets work together to ensure that children have a healthy, civilized, safe and fulfilling New Years Day holiday.

May your children make progress in their studies! May the whole family be happy and healthy!



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There was once a little girl named Jerry that lived with her mother in a

small cottage in the forest. They were very poor, and could only afford to eat

bread. “Oh no!” cried Jerry’s mother one afternoon, “We ran out of bread, and it

is almost time for supper!” “Do we have any eggs left?” asked Jerry, “No, none;”

said her mother very worried.

“Don’t worry mother,” said Jerry suddenly, “I shall go and get some in the

market.” Then she ran off through the forest to the market with her basket.

Along the way, she was quite tired, so she rested upon some big rocks. It

gradually became late and Jerry decided to go and buy the bread, but suddenly a

wolf cried out behind her; “Please, please help me!” cried the wolf, “I have a

problem that nobody wants to help!” then he held out his paw to Jerry, there was

a thorn stuck to his paw. “Is this a trick?” asked Jerry, “Because wolves like

to eat people.”

“Oh no,” answered the wolf, “We do not eat people now, we only want to eat

some bread with mustard on top;” then he cried again. Jerry quickly knelt down

and removed the thorn from the wolf’s paw; “Oh thank you! Thank you!” shouted

the wolf joyfully, “I shall never forget your kindness!” then the wolf returned

to his home. Jerry walked to the market to buy healthy fresh bread, and then she

ran back home with a full basket of it.

On the way, she was still tired; so she stayed at the same place. As she

was about to go, some greedy wolves blocked her way. They had water in their

mouths and said, “Give us the bread!” said a wolf, “Where are the mustard?”

asked a second wolf, “Just give it to us!” shouted the third wolf. Jerry had no

choice, as she was about to give the fresh bread away to the wolf, the wolf that

she had saved before rushed out and said, “Leave her alone!” he growled, “That

girl saved me before, and so leave her alone!” he shouted again.

The other wolves had no choice but to obey, they walked away. Jerry thanked

her new friend the wolf, and the wolf said that he was supposed to do that in

return. In order to show Jerry’s respect for him, she gave him half the bread,

and returned home immediately to tell her mother about it.

They had some bread that evening, and Jerry’s mother including Jerry

herself both became good friends with the wolf. The wolf also had plenty of

bread, and moved his home close to Jerry.

The moral of this story was: if you help others and they will help you in

return, you help them again then friends you’ll become. It will be a peaceful

life if friendship is all around us.



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There was once a Piers family, and the father of the group divided his

son’s equally between them for homes.

The greedy son named Cassim, married a rich wife and of course got rich

himself. The other one, named Ali Baba, was not half of greedy as he was, and

married a poor wife and remained as poor as usual.

One day Ali Baba went to town where he knew was a wood in the end; he

brought with him three mules and an axe to load wood. Ali Baba only finished

loading half his mules with wood, when he heard a thumping sound coming from not

far away; he thought it was in the fields.

As they came nearer and nearer, Ali Baba began to feel more like they were

robbers. So he decided to leave his mules and save himself, and he climbed up a

tree nearby, and waited until the robbers went away.

Ali Baba was patient, and waited for the robbers to go away; after the

robbers tied their horses to the fence in town, they came under the tree which

Ali Baba had left his mules; he found the robbers approaching a big rock, and

found the captain of the leaders standing in the front of the big rock. And then

pronounced the words, “Open sesame!” the mouth of the cave immediately opened

wide, and the robbers went inside; the captain went in last. After a few minutes

Ali Baba found the robbers coming out with bags in their hands, since the

captain of the robbers went in last he came out first that is for sure! And then

the captain of the robbers stood at the mouth of the cave again, and pronounced

the words, “Close sesame!” and the door immediately closed shut very tightly.

And then robbers hopped on their horses, and galloped away through the


Ali Baba stared at them for a long time until he couldn’t see them.

And so Ali Baba got down from the tree, and went to the big rock. And as he

knew the words, he pronounced, “Open sesame!” the door immediately opened. Then

he went inside. To Ali Baba’s surprise, he found a golden chamber, and in it was

gold and diamonds of all kinds! Ali Baba couldn’t even believe his luck!



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With development of science and technology, new knowledge comes every day.

If you stop learning even for a day,you will be lost. Reading is a good way to

help you keep in touch with the outside world. Read widely and youll be rich in

knowledge. Reading is also a good way to relax yourself. You can get a lot of

fun in the books. A good book is a good friend to comfort you when you are

unhappy. So long as you have a good book at hand, youll never feel lonely.

Every valuable book will open a new world before you.



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Dear Friend,

How are you?

The time flies so fast.The winter vocation for us comes again.But I feel so cold in this winter.I dont want to go outside.Everyday I watch TV at my home except sometime I surf internet in my study room.My daddy and mummy are working everyday even in weekend.Because the price of everything now is arising.They have to make more money for familys life.So most time I am so freely to do what I like to do.

Haha~,how is everything about you?Are you jealous to me?

The Chines New Year is coming soon.All of my best wishes to you!

Your Sincerely,



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I have a bedroom .It is not big , but it is nice .There is a bed in my

bedroom . A yellow dog is on the bed .Every night,I sleep with it . Next to the

bed, there is a desk. A bear lamp is on the desk .I like the bear lamp. It?s

cute. I like to do homework under the lamp every evening. I have a new computer

in my bedroom .It is my best friend . Because I study at it, play at it . There

are also several beautiful pictures on the wall. I like my bedroom. Do you like

my bedroom?



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dear amy,

long time no see. how is everything going?i am writing to tell you a good new about me.i received my high school admission this morning.it is no.1 high school in my hometown.you know that it is my dream school.i am so excited to share this good news with you.you will be happy for me, right?

now, it is your turn.how about you? have you receive you admission yet? have you come back from your guangzhou trip?i am eager to know your life recently. look forward to your replying.

best wishes,

li hui



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Dear Wei Fang,

I hear that you have won first prize in the English Speech Contest of Middle School Students, so I’m writing to give my sincere congratulations.

You don’t know how excited I was when I heard the good news. As your best friend, I am proud of you! Your pronunciation and fluent English left me with deep impression. It came as no surprise to me that you won the contest. Could you share with me how you improve your spoken English? Your experience will be of great help to me in learning.

I will be grateful if you can write me back and give me your advice. I am looking forward to your early reply.


Li Hua



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Dear teachers

hello everyone!

Novel coronavirus our wills unite like a fortress. The Spring Festival

holiday in 2020 has been a long time for us. Facing the sudden outbreak of the

new coronavirus, the people of the whole country are united in their efforts to

fight the epidemic. In this battlefield without gunpowder smoke, as a member of

the real primary school kindergarten, we should always put "the life safety and

health of teachers and students first", respond to the epidemic situation with a

positive attitude, and do our best with a high sense of social responsibility!

To this end, the following initiatives are issued to all teachers:

1、 Be the forerunner of scientific epidemic prevention

Teachers should follow the novel coronavirus pneumonia prevention

guidelines and other epidemic prevention regulations, do not gather, do not

gather, do not gather at the gathering place, eliminate contact with the

relevant personnel in key areas of epidemic prevention and control, wear masks

outside, wash hands frequently, return to good hygiene habits, do well in their

own and family health management, and actively cooperate with the community

(Village) group control. Work, strengthen physical exercise, improve physical

quality, fully show the good image of peoples teachers.

2、 To be a caretaker of students

At this special moment, every teacher should pay more attention to and care

for children. Through wechat group, QQ group and other ways, we should further

strengthen the scientific prevention guidance for children and parents, do a

good job in the touch and arrangement of each child, understand the daily

movement and health situation of children, and summarize them according to the

times of the school. Guide parents to take good care and supervision, remind

parents to pay close attention to childrens physical and mental health,

appropriate exercise, reasonable diet, to ensure childrens physical and mental


3、 Be the practitioner of online service

As the saying goes, "spring is at the end of a year". According to the

guiding opinions on primary and secondary schools and kindergartens during the

delayed start of epidemic prevention and control in Chongqing city "issued by

the Municipal Academy of education and science, Shixiao kindergarten has decided

to guide children to" suspend classes and never stop school, Da Ai Yong online

"during the period of school extension

1. According to the needs of epidemic prevention and control, the school

will be postponed. Teachers scientifically arrange their own work and life at

home, and take grade group as the unit, formulate online learning activities

(including one week activity plan, work and rest schedule, activity content,

childrens learning feedback and other requirements).

2. Through the class wechat group (or QQ group) upload activity

arrangement, effectively carry out the class self-help learning guidance work

(childrens learning feedback).

3. Adhere to professional reading, read "learning with children" carefully,

and think about the kindergarten based curriculum of "etiquette education"

combined with class examples.

In this special holiday, lets always pay attention to the growth of

children and use professional strength to convey warmth and love! Home hand in

hand, accompany children to spend special holidays!

Dadukou Experimental Primary School Kindergarten







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1. Genghis Khan‘s Mausoleum 成吉思汗陵

2. Caspian Sea 里海

3. West Xia Kingdom 西夏王国


Genghis Khan, "Khan of Khans", was the great leader of Mongolians. At the

end of 12th century, he united Mongolian tribes and challenged other powers to

expand his huge Mongolian empire, which extended from South China to the Caspian


In 1277, Khan attacked the West Xia Kingdom (presently Ningxia) and

encountered strong resistance. He died of disease and age. The great emperor was

later buried secretly according to Mongolian custom. It says that after the

burial 2,000 men were slaughtered by some 800 soldiers who were in turn executed

so that the location of the real tomb remains a secret.

There are four sacrifice ceremonies held annually to commemorate the great

hero and leader of the Mongolian people. The ceremony, held on March 21st on

lunar calendar, is the grandest. After the ceremony, horse racing, archery and

wrestling are held as entertainment.



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I lived with my grandparents before I was six years old. I remembered all

the things when I lived with my grandpa. He is very lovely, though he is more

than 70 years old, he is never old in his heart. My grandpa is interested in all

the fashionable things, including the cellphone and the TV. He is as young as

me. I love my grandpa.
