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Born on 7th March, 1915 in Australia, Allan Stewart got his first degree in 1936 and several years later he became a Doctor of Medicine.

In his eighties he decided to study law and then he got his master’s degree in 2006 when he was the oldest one, setting a world record. In 2012 he received his fourth degree by means of e-learning. He was always good at arranging hid reasonable time of learning, and therefore his teachers appreciated him very much.

He firmly holds his views that he will challenge himself and never too late.







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My Entrance Examination

For going on with my further studies, I took the entrance examination in a Senior Middle School last week。 I still remember there were more than three hundred candidates taking part in this examination。 For the first day, in the morning, Chinese was easy。 We were required to write a composition of 250 words on "My Home Life", and give definitions and illustrations to twenty phrases。 In the afterno on, we took an English examination。 There were dictation, sentence formation, and analysis for oral English。 In the oral examination, I was questioned about my home life, my experience in the junior middle school and my future prospects。

On the second day, we were examined on history and geography in the morning and physics and chemistry in the afternoon。






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I have a good friend, when I was five years old, I met her, she is my neighbor, we became friends and play together all the time. Last week, my friend took part in the female basketball match, she is good at basketball, so I encouraged her to join our school team. The team played so well that they came to the final yesterday, the match was so excellent, at last, my friend’s team won the first place, I feel so happy, I plan to buy her a present and congratulate her. I feel so proud of her, she inspires me, too. We give each other encourage to move on. We will be good friends forever.





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假如你是英国学生PETER在北京学习,请按下文给你的朋友MARY写一封谈一下北京和伦敦的异同相同点:北京和伦敦都是首都和重要城市,都拥有众多人口,都是国家经济 政治 文化中心,都拥有许多历史,文化古迹不同点:伦敦;汽车靠左行小学作文 ,很多人坐汽车上班 阴天多 懂汉语人少 学生不充分利用时间

北京:汽车靠右行很多人骑自行车上班 晴天多 懂英语人多 学生学习勤奋

Dear Mary,

I have been living in Beijing for some time now and I find it very interesting here.

There are so many similarities between Beijing and London. They are both the capital of the country and are both very important cities. Both places have huge populations. They are both the economical, political and cultural center. They both have many historical and cultrual

I also found many differences in the two cities. In London we drive on the left side of the road, while in Beijing they drive on the right side. Most people in London go to work via public transportation, here in Beijing most people rides bycicles. In London the weather is always cloudy, here in Beijing most the the time it s sunny. And in London most student don t spend their time efficiently, but here in Beijing many people speak English cause they study hard.





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Do you know Avril Lavigne? If you never heard of her, you must be behind the times. Avril was born in Ontario Province at 1984. She made her debut in 2001. Avril’s music, fashion and personality definition are accepted by young people. Of course, I was attracted, too.

Avril joined the ice hockey team when she was 10 and she started to learn guitar at the age of 12. Then she completed the first solo performance when she was only 14 years old. Little by little, her talent was discovered by more and more people. And she has sung many songs. LikeComplicated, Goodbye, Skater BoyandWish You were Here. She also sangAlicefor the movieAlice in Wonderland. She is the Best- Selling Canadian Artist in the world.



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1. There be 结构

there be 结构和have has结构翻译成汉语都是“有”的意思,但含义不同。have (has)表示“某人拥有某物”,there be而结构表示“某人或某物存在于某地或某时”。

There are some apple trees in the garden.

We have some apple trees in the garden.

there be 结构中的动词 动词与后面的主语在数的方面保持一致。如果句中的主语是并列主语,即有两个或两个以上的人或物作主语,那么一般说来动词的数应与第一个主语的数保持一致。如:

There is a green apple and two oranges in the fruit bowl.

There are two oranges and a green apple in the fruit bowl.

2. I think he is very old.



I don’t think he is very old.

I didn’t think Wang Hai would enter for the high jump.



I don’t think he has finished the work, has he?

You think my brother told a lie yesterday, don’t you?

3. That’s right. That’s all right. All right.

“That’s right.”表示“对、正确”。一般在对话中用于肯定对方的回答或表示赞同对方的说法。 “That’s all right.” 是回答感谢话或道歉话的用语,意思是“没关系,不用谢”,相当于“You are welcome”、“That’s OK”或 “Not at all”“All right”一般用于同意别人的请求,是“好的、可以”的意思。如:

A: I think the correct answer is two. B: That’s right.

A: I am sorry I left your notebook at home. B: That’s all right.

4. He’s up there in the tree with Bill.

这句话的主语是“he”,“with Bill”不是主语,而是表示一种伴随状态,所以请注意谓语要和主语在数和人称称保持一致。一般在句子中我们经常用“with+名词”这种结构表示“有、带着或伴随着”的意思。如:

He went to the concert with me.=He and I went to the concert.

She answered me with a smile.

He went to sleep with the bedroom light on.

5. It’s time…


(1) It’s time to +动词原形

(2) It’s time for sb. +动词原形

(3) It’s time for +名词

如:It’s time to go to school.=It’s time for school.

It’s time for us to go to school.

6. What’s wrong with you?

这句话的意思是“你怎么了?”,既可表示问身体有什么不舒服,也可以表示问出了什么事,介词后还可以跟物品名称,表示问某样东西怎么了(是否出了什么毛病)。与其类似的句型还有:“What’s the matter with…? / What’s the trouble with…?”这三个句型在使用时要注意wrong是形容词,所以在它有前面不加冠词,而matter和trouble都是名词,在它们前面要加定冠词。如

What’s wrong with Bill?

What’s the matter (the trouble) with Bill?

7. They looked like saucers.

在本句中like是个介词,解释是“像。。。”,常和动词 be或 look连用。请注意不要错把它当成动词“喜欢”。

8. You had better come early next time.

此句中的had better是一种习惯用法, 意思是 “最好…”成, 一般用来表示向别人提建议或劝告.这一句经常可以与祈使句或带有情态动词should 的句子进行替换.在使用had better 时请注意以下几点: (1) 它没有人称、时态和数量的变化。(2)它的后面只能跟动词原型。(3)它的否定式为had better not,后面同样只能跟动词原型在疑问句中,通常是把had提到主语之前。如

We had better not go fishing on such a windy day.

9. be + adj. + (for somebody) to do (something)

在此句型中谓语动词一般不用被动语态。同时请注意动词不定式都有动宾关系, 因此如果不定式中的动词是不及物动词,那么它的后面一定加上适当的介词。

The problem is not very difficult for me to work out.

10. I hope… / I wish…

Hope 与wish 都可以解释为“希望”,但它们所表达的意思和用法都有所不同。 在意思上Hope所表达的愿望是比较实际的,是可能实现的,而 wish所表达的是不太可能实现的梦想, 所以wish引导的宾语从句大多用虚拟的语气。在用法上它们的唏不完全相同,区别在于wish可以用于wish sb. to do, 而hope没有这种用法。:,

They hope to win the game in the afternoon.

We all wish him to bring us the good news.

11. My dad will come back in two days.

“in + 一段时间”常用来表示将来的一段时间以后,对它提问用 “how soon” 。如果表示将来的某个时间点以后,一般用“after +某个点时间”,对它提问要用 “when / what time”。如:

How soon will you finish your homework?

I will finish my homework in an hour.

When / What time will you come back?

I will come back after dinner.

12. I’m afraid…

I’m afraid…常用于表达与别人意见不同后拒绝别人的请求,有时也可以用在表示不肯定或推测的话前面,是口语中十分常用的短语。它的后面可以接从句,也可以加或。如

A: Must I hand in the report today?

B: I’m afraid you must

“be afraid of +名词或动名词”的用法也很常用。表示“害怕”。如:

She is afraid of going out at night.

13. Sorry, I forgot to tell you that.



He forgot to return the money to me. 他忘记还钱给我。(表示钱还没有还。)

He forgot returning the money to me.他忘记已经把钱还给我了。(表示钱已经还了,但他忘记了这件事。)

(2) stop后面跟不定式表示停下来去做别一件事,如果加动名词就表示停止这个动作。如:

Please stop talking and listen tome. 请不要讲话,听我说。

Please stop to have a rest 请停下来休息一下。

14. This one is much better than that one.



初中阶段常用的原级比较句型为:as…as…, not as (so)…as…。使用时注意它们的含义,as…as… 表示“和。。。一样”,而它的否定结构表示“不如。。。”。如

Is the Huanghe River as long as the Nile?

He does not work so hard as his brother.

(2)最常用的比较级用法是“比较级别+ than ”。另外两个相同的比较级用连接起来可以表示“越。。。越。。。”。如果要表示“两个中较为。。。的一个” ,在比较级之前要加一个the,一般可以修饰比较级的有:much, far, a little, a bit, even, still.

It is even colder than it was last month.

More and more people are helping fight pollution.

His handwriting is better than any other student in his class.


Among all the sports I like soccer best.

I am the eldest girl in my family.

15. (not)…until (till)

在这一句型结构中until (till) 引导的是时间状语(从句),因此从句中不能用将来时,只能用一般现在时代替。如果主句的谓语动词或until (till)前面的动词是一个瞬间动词,那么该动词必须用否定形式。一般地来说until和till的意思与用法都基本相同,唯一的区别在于可以置于句首,而不能。如:

He watched TV until (till) his parents came back.

We couldn’t go back home until the rain stopped.

16. be pleased…

这个短语后面既可以另动词不定式,也可以加适当的介词。 加不定式be pleased to do表示“做......很高兴”, 而加介词 be pleased with / at / by......表示“对......感到很高兴,很满意。”如:

We are pleased to plant trees by the river every spring.

My parents are pleased with my hard work.

17. You should go out instead of staying at home.

Instead of 可解释为“代替,而不是”,介词 of后面可以跟名词或动名词。有时没有必要说出被代替的人或物,也可以只用instead

He stayed at home to read the book instead of going out to play basketball.

If you don’t want to go, I can go there instead.

18. I don’t like it any more.

No more, not any more, no longer, not any longer这几个短语都表示“不再......,再也不......”。在使用时请注意它们在句子中的位置。如:

She ins’t a teacher any more = She is no more a teacher.



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Dear teacher,

Words fail me when I want to express my thanks to you. You have taken good care of me since I came to this school. When I am in trouble,you always encourage me and cheer me up. You are kind but strict with us,you never allow us to pretend that we know what we dont know. You often tell us that its no use memorizing new words without understanding. With your help,my English has greatly improved. Thank you for caring about me,I will work harder in the future。

Best wishes。


Zhang hua



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Dear Liu Dong,

Im back at school now. I wish to express my thanks to you for the wonderful vacation I spent with you and your family. During the vacation you taught me how to swim, boat and fish. I really appreciate① your taking time off work to take② me around and show me so many places.

Your mother is such a terrific③ cook! I think I must have gained 10 pounds just in the week I spent with you. Surely Ive spent a happy vacation, which will be remembered for long.

I hope you will be able to visit our school sometime. Thank you again. Lets keep in touch.



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My Bedroom

I have a beautiful and sweet bedroom. My mother decorates it for me. She always says that a girl deserves a bedroom like a princess. The main colors of my room are pink and white. The wall, the bed and the chest are pink. And the desk is white. The curtains are beautiful with lovely followers on them. Every day when I open my eyes, I feel happy and beloved. I clean my room often and tidy my things up. I don’t want it become dirty or in a mess. I am thankful to my parents.





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I am always shy and afraid of standing in front of a lot of people, so I

dont have many friends. In my heart, I desire to make a lot of friends and hang

out with them. I know my problem. I am not confident and if I show my humor,

surely other students will notice me. So I decide to join activities. I take

part in a drama group. It can not only enhance my confidence, but also helps me

to make friends. Soon I become confident and more students know me. Whats more,

many students ask me to join their group. I conquer my fear and grow up.



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The summer holiday is coming. I’m going to have a good rest and learn to

relax myself. I will read more useful books because reading more books is not

only interesting but also helps me learn more knowledge. I will try to spend

more time in chatting with my parents and help them to do some housework. I am

going to take part in the social activities so that I can know more about the

society. If possible, I’d like to make a trip to Xiamen. I’m sure I’ll have an

interesting and meaningful summer holiday. I am looking forward to it..



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Our class have had a discussion about whether we can use mobile phones.

Some students think it is good to use mobile phones because they can take

photos with them in our daily life. They can also listen to music to relax

themselves in free time. Besides, using mobile phones makes it easy to keep in

touch with their parents and friends.

But some others dont think so. They think students shouldnt use mobile

phones. Using mobile phones too much is bad for their eyes and its a waste of

time to chat with friends. Sometimes some students use mobile phones to play

games. It will have a bad effect on study.

In my opinion, I think wed better not use mobile phones. We should spend

more time on our study instead of using mobile phones.



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Many people, sometimes myself included, tend to judge a person by his


I was afraid of my uncle who has a scared tattoo on his arm till my mother

told me a “story”. When I was a three-year-old naught boy, I always ran around

the neighborhood with my toy saber. Unfortunately, one day I hit a wild dog by

accident. The dog became crazy and tried to bite me. It was that time my uncle

appeared and protected me with his strong arm. However, this accident left a

scar on his arm. My uncle went to get a tattoo in order to cover up the scars.

From that moment, he is my hero in stead of a bad looking uncle.

So we need to go beyond peoples looks and focus on more internal spirits

in order to truly judge a person.



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How to protect the environment

Good environment can make people feel happy and fit . To improve the environment means to improve our life.

We should plant more trees and flowers around us . We shouldn’t cut them down . We should stop factories from pouring waste water into the river and waste gas into the air.

Whenever we see litter on the ground , we should pick it up and throw it into dusbins. Never spit in public. Don’t draw on public walls. It’s our duty to protect the environment.



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Many years ago, I saw a science fiction film, which described a future

world. The way people lived was very different. They could drive cars in the

sky. Everything in the future world was so convenient. Since then, I was always

curious about how the future world would become. The fling cars seemed so

ridiculous for now, but thinking about more than 100 years ago, people never

thought about flying in the sky, but now we could take planes and traveled

around the world. Everything was possible. Whats more, the development of

technology is so fast that the world changes so much every ten years. Nowadays,

people can pay the bill online. No matter where they go, a cell phone can solve

most problems. I believe that future transportation will be much efficient and

will surprise us all.



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"As" this sentence is confirmed by the wonderful nature, yesterday the

wisper under light rain, my heart is heavy like a rock, because want to master

and old milk grave, before, I dont understand the real meaning of the qing Ming

day, until today after sweeping the tomb, I understand the true meaning of

tomb-sweeping day!

At seven o clock in the morning, we prepare to master and old milk grave,

grave is a fresh thing for me, we take tools and set off.

Walking the winding mountain road, I cant wait, after about an hour, we

came to the master and old grandmas grave, a year didnt come, graves are

covered with wild grass, you well after the division of labor, began to busy,

everything is in place, we started to burn money, along with the smoke, I seem

to see their shadow, they told me: study hard and cherish life.

Yes, life is short, happy every day to live, to continuously surpass

ourselves, surpass ourselves, dream will come true; The superego, the dream into

power; Beyond the self, to create beautiful life! I think life is constantly

transcend self, beyond the dream!!!!! Panoramic view of the city house on the

mountain, the mountain was full of golden golden in the rape, deep breath, deep

and remote light fragrance, fresh air, the flowers with irresistible power

explanation of the meaning of life!



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Dear John,

I am writing to thank you for looking after me after that unfortunate accident the other day, when I was knocked off my bike by a taxi. If it had not been for your assistance in giving me first aid and taking me to a nearby hospital, I fear that the consequences might have been much more serious.

The doctor says that my broken leg is healing well. In addition, the taxi company has agreed to pay my hospital bills. Everyone agrees that it was your quick-witted response in that Emergency that has led to this satisfactory outcome.

Although nowadays many people talk about the need to be unselfish and to help others, we see very few people practicing what they preach. But you showed by your actions that you are an exception.

Yours sincerely,



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My Chinese name is Peng Wanjun and English name is Alice. Im a girl in my 12 years old. I like singing and acting. Besides, I like doing sports. Table tennis is my favorite sport. I have a brother and a sister. They are middle school students. I study in Xing Gong Primary School. Im in Class Two Grade Four. I have three best friends. They are Huang Yue, Xia Yu and Wang Tongtong. We have many things in common. Do you like me?



Hello,everyone. Now please allow me to do an introduction. My name is Li Lei. I’m 14 year old. My birthday is on October 11th. My favourite book is twilight. I really love to read the books about vampires. My hobby is singing. Some people say I’m a good singer.My favourite singer is Justin Biber.I think he is a great singer. I love to sing his songs. Besides singing, I love shopping very much. If I have time, I will go shopping with my friends.I’m really good at English, if you have any questions, you can ask me, I will do my best to help you. We can be the best friends forever. Thank you.




Good morning, everyone! It’s a great honor for me to introduce myself to all of you. My name is Serena and I’m fifteen years old. I come from Dalian city which is a beautiful and attracting place. Wish you can visit there and I believe that you will be impressed. English and movie are my favorites which can help me learn and relax. I like making friends, especially the ones who share common interests with me. And I think we can have much to share and talk. I hope to make progress with my friends. Thank you.




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My school is very beautiful. It is Nanhai Experimental School. There are

three tall buildings in our school. They all have five floors. In the teaching

building, the P.E.room is on the first floor. The library is on the second

floor. The science rooms are on the third floor. The computer rooms are on the

third floor and the fourth floor. The music rooms are on the third floor and the

fourth floor. My class room is on the fifth floor. I am in Class9, Grade 6.

There are five gardens in our school. In the gardens there are many beautiful

flowers, grass and trees. There is a big playground in my school.

I like my school, because my school is very beautiful.



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1、All things in their being are good for something.


2、Difficult circumstances serve as a textbook of life for people.


3、Failure is the mother of success.——Thomas Paine


4、For man is man and master of his fate.


5、The unexamined life is not worth living.——Socrates


6、None is of freedom or of life deserving unless he daily conquers it anew.——Erasmus


7、Our destiny offers not the cup of despair, but the chalice of opportunity. So let us seize it, not in fear, but in gladness.——R.M. Nixon

命运给予我们的不是失望之酒,而是机会之杯。因此,让我们毫无畏惧,满心愉 悦地把握命运。——尼克松

8、Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass.——John Ruskin

生活没有目标,犹如航海没有罗盘。-- 罗斯金

9、What makes life dreary is the want of motive.——George Eliot


10、Towering genius disdains a beaten path. It seeks regions hitherto unexplored.——Lincoln


11、There is no such thing as a great talent without great will - power.——Balzac


12、The good seaman is known in bad weather.


13、Fear not that the life shall come to an end, but rather fear that it shall never have a beginning.——J.H. Newman


14、Gods determine what youre going to be.——Julius Erving


15、An aim in life is the only fortune worth finding.——Robert Louis Stevenson

生活的目标,是唯一值得寻找的财富。-- 史蒂文森

16、While there is life there is hope.


17、Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value.——A. Einstein


18、You have to believe in yourself. Thats the secret of success.——Charles Chaplin


19、Pursue your object, be it what it will, steadily and indefatigably.


20、We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope.——Mattin Luther King


21、Energy and persistence conquer all things.——Benjamin Franklin


22、Nothing seek, nothing find.


23、Cease to struggle and you cease to live.——Thomas Carlyle


24、A thousand-li journey is started by taking the first step.


25、Strength alone knows conflict, weakness is below even defeat, and is born vanquished.——Swetchine


26、The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want, and if they cannot find them, make them.——Bernara Shaw

在这个世界上取得成就的人,都努力去寻找他们想要的机会,如果找不到机会, 他们便自己创造机会。——萧伯纳

27、A strong man will struggle with the storms of fate.——Thomas Addison


28、He who seize the right moment, is the right man.——Goethe


29、Victory wont come to me unless I go to it.——M.Moore


30、Man struggles upwards; water flows downwards.


31、Man errs as long as he strives.——Goethe


32、The failures and reverses which await men - and one after another sadden the brow of youth - add a dignity to the prospect of human life, which no Arcadian success would do.——Henry David Thoreau


33、A man can fail many times, but he isnt a failure until he begins to blame somebody else.——J. Burroughs


34、Getting out of bed in winter is one of life’s hardest mission.


35、The future is scary but you can’t just run to the past cause it’s familiar.


36、I love it when I catch you looking at me then you smile and look away.


37、Having a calm smile to face with being disdained indicates kind of confidence.


38、Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.


39、Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.

并不是你面对了,任何事情都能改变。(励志歌曲 www.lz13.cn)但是,如果你不肯面对,那什么也变不了。

40、A guy who whispers in your ears, saying ” It’s alright, I’m here.” Holds you when you’re sad, and treasures everything about you. That’s the guy I want to give my heart to.


41、Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what you want to be, because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do.


42、We all have moments of desperation. But if we can face them head on, that’s when we find out just how strong we really are.


43、If they throw stones at you, don’t throw back, use them to build your own foundation instead.


44、If your happiness depends on what somebody else does, I guess you do have a problem.


45、When there’s no expectation, losing won’t bring hurt, gaining makes you surprised.


46、Sometimes your plans don’t work out because God has better ones.


47、How much truth of heart in one’s life is told in a joke?


48、A relationship should be between two people, not the whole world.


49、You can’t have a better tomorrow if you don’t stop thinking about yesterday.


50、Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.




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在这里住您永远美丽,工作顺心,万事如意 。
