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Grandmother has a beautiful little cat, his white hair like a snow-like, the middle sandwiched a few pieces of ink fine hair, black and white, white is more white, and black more and more darker. Half of the face is white, half is black, hairy face inlaid with a pair of sapphire-like eyes, from time to time naughty to blink, sparkling. A white tail leisurely shaking, and from time to time came "meow, meow" call.

The cats character is really weird. Say it is honest, it is sometimes very good. It will find a warm place, sleep every day, carefree, nothing matter. But it decided to go out to play, it will go all day and night, despite how I call, it will never come back. Said he was fun to play it, but how it is due diligence, hear the mouse a little bit ringing, small cat on the breath of staring, a few hours is not a few hours, not to the mouse and so on! One to the dead of night, Eyes like an emerald in general, carefully observed around, if there are strangers or thieves into my house, then the cat will "meow, meow" to shout until I heard so far.

The cat is very naughty. Sometimes in your body to hear the right, right to scratch; sometimes jump on the table, jumping in the above jump; sometimes lying in the big shoes snoring. You will never blame him it is so vibrant, innocent and lovely! Every time I go to school when the cat has been around me to turn non-stop, as if to say: "little master, do not go, do not go And then accompany me to play for a while! "Home from school, went to the door, small cat as early as waiting, as if to say;" welcome the owner.

Little cat is still very greedy. Once, my mother bought a lot of fish on the balcony sun, small cat saw, happily jump up, the fish Diao down, devoured eat.

I like this little cat.



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Miss Li is my Chinese teacher . She is about thirty years old . She is very pretty and young . Her hair is brown and curly .

Miss Li always wears a blue coat . I think her favourite colour will be blue .

Miss Li is very friendly and kindly .Her classes are very interesting ,we all like to have Chinese class .

She always smiles when she speak to us .Sometimes she is very strict with us,when we make a mistake,she often makes us stand up .

Miss Li often sticks to have lessons when she is ill , She looked weak,but still beautiful .

Miss Li love us very much, she teaches us so carefully .I think she is a good teacher. We all love her,too .

I think teachers are like candles , giving off light for others by burning themselves 。











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你喜欢小白兔吗?告诉你,我可喜欢小白兔啦!你看,小白兔全身长着雪白的绒毛,没有一点杂色,描写动物的作文。它一蹲下来,就 像一个魄的绒球,多可爱!它有一对红眼睛,就像两颗嵌在雪球上的红宝石,特别美。小白兔的耳朵和别的动物不一样,长得比较长,只要听到一点轻微的声音,它就会把耳朵唰地竖起来向四面转动,警惕地注视着周围 的动静。 最有趣的要算是小白兔嘴巴了。别的动物只有上下,两瓣嘴唇,可它呢,上嘴唇豁成两半,加上下面一瓣嘴唇,就成"三瓣嘴"了,它长成了这"三瓣嘴"是为了好看吗?不!因为小白兔最爱吃大萝卜,小嘴张不大,怎么能吃大萝卜呢?现在有了这"三瓣嘴",它不就可以张大嘴巴大口大口地吃了吗?小白兔的前腿短,后腿长,走起路来总是一蹦一跳,它那屁股后面贴 着的短尾巴,也跟着一撅一撅的,怪有趣的。 我想,经我这么一介绍,你一定也喜欢上小白兔了吧!



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Autumn wind, like a fairy stealth down, secretly came to earth, enjoy the scenery of the world!

Autumn wind, this beautiful fairy sister, she has a magical magic stick, she swept the field, the field turned into an endless golden sea; she swept the corn, corn turned yellow; she swept Over the apple tree, the apple turns red; she passes through the pear, and the pear becomes sweet; she passes through the persimmon tree and the persimmon becomes soft!

The wind, she hurried through the brook, the creek danced to dance, as if to welcome her to the same world! This "sister" would like to visit our school, she saw our primary school students in serious school , We are proud of it! She let the tree to our warm applause!

The wind of the autumn brings joy to the children, ten minutes in class, she floats the leaves of a tree, like a golden snow, and the students are happy to sing in the playground!

The wind of the fall, she is sometimes very naughty, whenever bully her, she put the wind a little bigger, so that the person was cold and shivering; she sometimes temper very irritable, every night to whirring blowing, like Who made her lose my mind!

Autumn wind, you like her, she gently embrace you, bring you joy! You hate her, she ruthlessly beat you, bring you cold, and the cold winter to bring you!



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2、金丝猴:金丝猴外表美丽高贵,样子活泼有趣。我站在金丝猴馆的大玻璃窗外仔细观察它。只见它长着一张天蓝色的脸,眼睛很大, 眼皮薄薄的 眼珠来回转动着十分机灵。它没有鼻梁,只有两个朝天的大鼻孔。我想下雨的时候它一定会用手挡住鼻孔,免得雨水就流进鼻子里被水呛着。金丝猴的大嘴非常突出,嘴唇很薄,吃起东西来一抿一抿的十分有趣。它的身子小小巧巧的,并没有什么特别的地方,但是浑身的皮毛却非常引人注目。它的毛是金灿灿的,又光滑又柔软,好像是给它披上了一件金色的“风衣”显得金光四射,特别华丽。它的尾巴与身子相比很细很长,还向上伸着,弯成了一个大问号似的形状。有时它把尾巴当作第五只“手”用。

3、长颈鹿:长颈鹿的头上有两只棒棒糖似的小角,大大的嘴巴,全身披着“速度之王”--豹子的花纹。最值得一提的还是它那条长长的豹脖子,足足有一条大蟒蛇那么长。身子跟梅花鹿的身体差不多,四条腿有细又长像一个踩高跷的杂技演员。 长颈鹿的性格实在有些古怪。它有时很高傲,我拿着一根长满绿叶的树枝喂它,可它却不理不睬,偏要吃高过自己头顶的树叶,而且细嚼慢咽,嘴巴一张一合时;嘴皮掀起来会露出那大大的黄玉牙。它有时又很顽皮,观看它的游人络绎不绝,男女老少多得数不清。长颈鹿看到游人,有时会弯下它那长长的脖子舔一下某人的脸,或者对着人呼吸。瞧他主动与人亲近的样子,我又觉得它很平和。


5、小公鸡 :我很喜欢我家的那只喔喔叫的小公鸡。它的头上长着像火把一样的冠子。背上的羽毛像穿着深红闪亮的外衣。腹部的羽毛像套了件金黄色的衬衫。一双透亮灵活的眼睛和一张尖尖的嘴,再配上最引人注目的那五颜六色的大尾巴,显得既美丽又威武。 小公鸡早上起来就站在坪台上“喔喔”地使劲叫,催人们快快起床。

6、小狗:小狗有一张宽而大的嘴巴,嘴里有一排洁白而又锋利的牙齿,它一口就可以将一只大老鼠咬死! 小狗有着矫健的四肢,它跑得速度非常快,一分钟可以跑二、三里路呢! 小狗的眼睛不很好,大约只能看一里的距离。那么,它为什么能看准东西呢?它主要靠得是它的鼻子。 小狗的爪子很锋利,不用多长时间,它就可以挖一个很大的圆形的坑。 小狗刚生下来的时候,毛是棕色的,可是它长大以后就不再是棕色的了,而变成了深黄色。














20、小猫:刚出生的小猫,眼睛闭着,叫声细弱,浑身光秃秃的,好似一个会蠕动的肉团团。 满月以后,绒毛才全部长齐。有的颈圈是白色,四肢长满白毛,背部黑中杂有灰白,尾巴灰黑;有的从头到尾披一件油墨“大氅”,脚掌却是白色,人们说是良种,叫“乌云盖雪”;有的通体黄色,现虎斑纹,人们给它美名“金不换”;还有一身白毛配上一条黑毛尾巴的,被称为“雪里拖枪”。刚满月的猫离不开奶,走路也不稳。







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Four Seasons英语作文一:

there are four seasons in a year. they are spring, summer, fall and winter.spring is warm and sunny. the trees are green and flowers are beautiful. we can plant trees and run on the grass. summer is my favorite season. the weather is very hot, sometimes it rains. i like to swim in the swimming pool. and i can wear my beautiful dress. and i can eat ice creams.fall is a beautiful season. the weather is very cool. we can eat a lot of fruits. and the leaves are colorful.

winter is very cold. but in nanhai it does not snow. we can not play with snow.

i like the four seasons very much.

Four Seasons英语作文二:

There are four seasons in year : spring , summer, fall and winter In the spring, the weathe is warm.It susually rains.The trees and grass are green .And flower are red .They are very beautiful .Its hot in summer.Butso I like summer best.Beause I can swim .I like swimming .But Ilikeeat ice cream and Coke ,too,In fall,the weather is cooi.The sky is biue and leaves are yellow.Fall ismy favourite ,too!In the winter ,its vert cold.I like winter. Because we are snowing here.

Four Seasons英语作文三:

There are four seasons in one year and they are spring,summer,autumn and winter.In spring its usually not too cold or hot and you can see a lot of beautiful flowers.In summer its always very hot and people will go swimming.Well in autumb the leaves will fall off the trees and the grass turns yellow and in winter people will go out to play the snowman and have snow fight.



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my favorite animal is rabbit. its name is sweet. sweet has long ears. it’s very small. it’s white. it has a short tail. it has red eyes. it likes eating carrots. it likes jumping. it goes jumping three times a day. i like it very much. it’s lovely. it’s my best friend. i like the rabbit.




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My home town is a beautiful place.It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice.

But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town.Many people had no work.They lived a hard life.

In 1949 my hometown was liberated.Since then great changes have taken place there.The streets have been widened.Factories,schools,hospitals,cinemas and theatres have sprung up one after another.The life of the people is greatly improved.

I love my hometown.All the more I love its people.They are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful.



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Many animals are in danger of dying out. As is shown in the chart, we can see the number of animal species decreases faster and faster and this trend will continue. From 1980 to 2010, at least 1 million animal species have disappeared. Worse still, more and more wild animals are in great danger. It is not a piece of sensational news; it is a fact, a harsh reality. Unfortunately, we may not see these animals in the near future.

From the second picture, we can find some reasons. Why is the number of animal species declining year by year? Apparently animals have become victims of fashion industry. Animal skin has been used to make fashionable clothes and these clothes sell at a high price. So some greedy people begin to kill animals in a large quantity. This irresponsible behavior not only breaks the balance of nature but also endangers the living environment of human beings.

As far as I am concerned, something must be done to stop this illegal action. We believe "no buying, no killing". First, we must make concerning laws to protect these animals in danger. Second, we must take some measures to protect animals effectively. Animals are our friends and part of our environment. Third, we should raise peoples awareness to protect animals and our environment. In this way, we can build a harmonious society and ensure a sustainable development.



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Dear Lily:

I think you had better feed a hamster,the trediest kind of pet these days is the small hamster. People like them because they are quiet and clean. I have a hamster named Tom,it’s very cute and easy to take care of,and it’s cheaper than rabbits or cats,so I bought it. She’s my best company,because she reads books and litens to music with me every night.However,life with a hamster isn’t always perfect,she sometimes noisy at night ,she love sleep all day,too. So,sometimes she is very boring! How do you think?



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"White rabbit, white and white, two ears erect." Whenever I heard this song, I will think of the last raised the little white rabbit.

One day, my sister took back a small box, opened a look - is a lovely little white rabbit yeah it came to our house, welcome!

We gave it a lovely name: millet. Millet is a mini rabbit. It has a pair of long ears, a little pink in the middle, a pair of ruby-like watery eyes, a white and white hair and a petal mouth.

I made a beautiful little box, covered with a layer of warm cloth, put a glass plate and a small cup, it became millet "home". Its "home" live in my bedroom, so that it is convenient for me to take care of it.

Night, I usually put it free. I remember once, I was in the evening to appease it after I went to bed. Who knows, in the morning, I get up to feel the feet of what hairy things, a closer look, the original millet ran up with me to sleep. It jumps in my room, and crams my clothes for a moment, bite my shoes for a while ...

Millet to my life has brought infinite fun, but, near the final exam, my mother afraid of millet because of the impact of academic performance, so called sister gave the millet. I do not know how to eat it is good ... ... I kept worrying about millet!



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it is true thatSummeris hot, very hot. but the wicked summer sun is nothing to me, for i dont usually go out. what i like to do best during the long summer vacation is to stay in my own little room and read. i love to read, but during the school year i could hardly find a free moment for reading. endless assignments press down upon me like a mountain. i feel confined and imprisoned. once the summer vacation comes, however, i have all the time in the world to read and read and read. i read everything i want to read. i read to my hearts content. my room maybe small, and the sun maybe hot, but im free, im happy, im really living! oh, how i love summer!



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Last weekend,I saw some monkeys in the zoo.I like them very much.They are very interesting and very clever.There are an old monkey in the tree.Many other monkeys like to follow it.Sometimes they climbed up the tree ,and sometimes they play in the ground.But they look very happy.Oh,sometimes they talk to each other.Oh,look.they are play games there.They are like the children.I like the monkeys.theyre my good friends.



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Winter, we first think of the word is nothing more than "cold" "cold" "ruthless." And the winter morning?

In the eyes of everyone in the winter is a ruthless ice woman. Her words and deeds are always with a burst of bitter wind from the wind.

I opened the curtains this morning. Greet me is not biting the cold wind, but a ray of warm sunshine. The winter morning is the freshest. Suck into the cool silk, but today there are some sweet it. The sun shines on my face. I think this time the winter morning is more like a sunny boy.

Winter, I love you do not lightly expressed in the warmth of love; I love you more selfless dedication of the spirit of Lei Feng.

You are burdened with the world complaining about you, complaining about your cold; complaining about your ruthlessness. And you are quietly bear. How can they know your cold for the warmth of the spring of next year; for the coming year the fragrance of flowers; for the coming year the green grass; for the next years wheat harvest. Who can understand you?

The appearance of cold, heart hot you year after year, day after day, never complain.

When the spring is more warm; when the flowers are more fragrant; when the grass is more green; when the wheat harvest better. When people are busy praising the spring, you laughed and you said, "The four seasons are the rules of nature.

Looking at you back to the back, I cried ...



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winter is my favourite season. because my birthday is in it. it lasts from december to february. in winter it is cloudy, windy, cold and dry. in winter i take off my dress and put on my coat. i can make a snowman, go sking and go skating in it. i can drink chocolate. but i can’t drink cold water and eat ice-creams. winter is white. i like winter very much.



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Typhoons and Pacific Ocean storms that come to Taiwan in summertime or fall season. They Are great wind storms; when they strike land they may do great damage. However, the weatherman always knows when one is on the way. He will send out warnings about. People can board up their windows and do many other such things to protect themselves if they know about a Typhoon in time. In my house we check our supply of candles and dry-cell batteries in case of a power failure. Also, we save some water in pails because the pump will not work without electricity. Then we like to sit by the door watching the rain and wind blow loudly.


