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在古老de爱尔兰传说里,这根小烛炬是在一根挖空de萝卜里放着,称作JACKLANTER NS,而古老de萝卜灯演变到今天,则是南瓜做deJACK-O- LANTERN了。据说爱尔兰人到了美国不久,即发现南瓜不论从来源和雕刻来说都比萝卜胜一筹,于是南瓜就成了万圣节de宠物。南瓜来说都比萝卜胜一筹,于是南瓜就成了万圣节de宠物。南瓜雕刻及其形象也进进了千家万户,成为最普遍存在de美国万圣节风情之一。今天美国人de万圣节已今非昔比。生活在美国de多族裔人民,不但都接受了这一具独特风格de节日,而且把它加以发挥,形成美国自己独占de万圣节。





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维多利亚时代之后,情人节风俗渐渐淡化,20世纪三四十年代,随着贺卡的盛行,情人节又复热火重燃。在有的国家内,情人节已有演变为女性向男人表达情谊的趋势,于是,3月14日又成为“还情节”,即男子向女子馈赠礼物以示 “还情”。








情人节在英语里的叫法是St. Valentines Day (原意为:“圣瓦伦丁节”)。从字面上来看,很难看出中西方叫法之间有什么联系。这里面隐藏着一个动人的故事。公元三世纪时,古罗马有一位暴君叫克劳多斯(Claudius)。当时,古罗马内外战争频仍,为了补足兵员,暴君下令:凡是一定年龄的男子,都必须进入军队为国家效劳。自此,丈夫离开妻子,少年离开恋人,整个罗马笼罩在绵长的相思中。然而,暴政禁止不了爱情。离暴君的宫殿不远,有一座非常漂亮的神庙。修士瓦沦丁(Valentine)就住在这里。罗马人非常崇敬他,男女老幼,不论贫富贵贱,总会群集在他的周围,在祭坛的熊熊圣火前,聆听瓦沦丁的祈祷。





传说中瓦伦丁是最早的基督徒之一,那个时代做一名基督徒意味着危险和死亡。为掩护其他殉教者,瓦沦丁被抓住,投入了监牢。在那里他治愈了典狱长女儿失明的双眼。当暴君听到着一奇迹时,他感到非常害怕,于是将瓦沦丁斩首示众。据传说,在行刑的那一天早晨,瓦沦丁给典狱长的女儿写了一封情意绵绵的告别信,落款是:From your Valentine (寄自你的瓦伦丁)。当天,盲女在他墓前种了一棵开红花的杏树,以寄托自己的情思,这一天就是2月14日。



历史学家们更愿意刨根揪底,他们关于情人节的演绎似乎令人信服。其实远远早于公元270年,当罗马城刚刚奠基时,周围还是一片荒野,成群的狼四处游荡。在罗马人崇拜的众神中,畜牧神卢波库斯(Lupercus)掌管着对牧羊人和羊群的保护。每年二月中,罗马人会举行盛大的典礼来庆祝牧神节。那时的日历与现在相比,要稍微晚一些,所以牧神节实际上是对即将来临的春天的庆祝。也有人说这个节日是庆祝法乌努斯神(Faunus),它类似于古希腊人身羊足,头上有角的潘神( Pan ),主管畜牧和农业。


例如史料记载,安东尼(Mark Antony)就是在公元前44年的牧神节上将王冠授与凯撒(Julius Caesar)的。

每年的二月十五日,修士们会聚集在罗马城中巴沦丁Palantine)山上的一个洞穴旁,据说在这里,古罗马城的奠基者(Romilus andRemus)被一只母狼扶育长大。在节日的各项庆典中,有一项是年轻的贵族们,手持羊皮鞭,在街道上奔跑。年轻妇女们会聚集在街道两旁,祈望羊皮鞭抽打到她们头上。人们相信这样会使她们更容易生儿育女。在拉丁语中,羊皮鞭被叫做 februa,鞭打叫做 fabruatio, 实际上都含有纯洁的意思。二月的名字(February)就是由此而来。


基督教的兴起使人们纪念众神的习俗逐渐淡漠。教士们不希望人们放弃节日的欢乐,于是将牧神节(Lupercalia)改成瓦沦丁节( Valentines Day),并移至二月十四日。这样,关于瓦沦丁修士的传说和古老的节日就被自然地结合在一起。这一节日在中世纪的英国最为流行。未婚男女的名字被抽出后,他们会互相交换礼物,女子在这一年内成为男子的Valentine。




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Halloween is a western festival. It’s on Oct.31st. It’s a happy time for children because at night they put on the masks to attend the party. After the party, they knock at someone’s door and say: “trick or tread”. It means if you don’t give me the candies, I will play trick on you! At last kids can get enough candies for one year.



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The Dragon Boat Festival, also called the Duanwu Festival, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month according to the Chinese calendar. This festival is to commemorate the death of QU Yuan, an upright and honest poet and statesman who is said to have committed suicide by drowning himself in a river.

The most important activity of this festival is the Dragon Boat races. It symbolizes people‘s attempts to rescue Qu Yuan. In the current period, these races also demonstrate the virtues of cooperation and teamwork.

Besides, the festival has also been marked by eating zong zi (glutinous rice)。 Zong zi is made of glutinous rice stuffed with different fillings and wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves. People who mourned the death of Qu threw Zong zi into the river to feed his ghost every year.

With the changes of the times, the memorial turns to be a time for protection from evil and disease for the rest of year. People will hang healthy herbs on the front door to clear the bad luck of the house. Although the significance of the festival might be different with the past, it still gives the observer an opportunity to glimpse a part of the rich Chinese cultural heritage.








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例如,"不给糖就捣蛋"(trick or treat)这个习俗,来源于异教徒相信鬼魂会在每年降临人间的时候给活着的人制造麻烦。为了保护自己不被恶灵伤害,人们穿上看起来像鬼的衣服,并且准备面包、鸡蛋、苹果等食物当供品以求好运。人们戴着面具,穿着迷惑鬼魂的鬼服,挨家挨户收供品。慷慨的人点起灯火,受到良好祝愿,但吝啬的人却受到威胁。这个习俗延续至今,成千上万的儿童穿戴起来,逐户敲门要求款待。然而大多数现代人并不怕鬼,在万圣节,当小气的人看见有人拿着"家伙"经过,并朝小气的人的家里丢鸡蛋的时候,不免会有些提心吊胆。



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Today is Halloween, we put on all kinds of masks, dressed in colorful clothes, go to school to participate in the activities.

There, the foreign language teacher came in like a ghost, dressed in white and flawless clothes, with white powder on his face. The foreign language teacher flounced like a beast, and frightened us around. The foreign language teacher saw us so scared that we could not help laughing. The foreign language teacher also showed us the dishes. When I was talking about it, the foreign language teacher ran behind me and screamed "ah..." I am scared pale.

In the afternoon, the foreign teacher introduced two people to us, one is Millie, she dressed up like a little witch. There is a white ratio, he dressed as a doctor. They took out a large bag of sugar, spilled it, and fell down like a raindrop, and we rushed through the lightning speed to grab the sugar.

Time flies, in the twinkling of an eye on the school, looking at the filled pocket, I thought: This Halloween can be really happy ah!



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May in Chinese lunar calendar, known as the "Dragon Boat Festival", the end is the beginning "," early. ". Fifth day of the called side five. Chinese to Chinese era, the construction of the bases in February, to May May afternoon, so called the number "Five" and "good", "Five" is a positive number, the Dragon Boat Festival is also known as the end of five, five, the Dragon Boat Festival, transit, afternoon, afternoon, in addition to some place Dragon Boat Festival will be called in May Festival, AI Festival, the summer festival. From the historical point of view, the "Dragon Boat Festival" two word first appeared in the Jin Zhou Chu "endemic in mind": "a dragon boat festival dumplings, cooked duck". The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival of the Han people in china. This day indispensable activity gradually evolved into: eating dumplings, dragon boat race, hanging calamus, Artemsia argyi, smoked herb, dahurian angelica root, drink realgar Yellow Wine. It is said that, eating rice dumplings and dragon boat race, is in memory of Qu Yuan, so after the liberation of Dragon Boat Festival had to be called "poet Festival", in honor of Qu Yuan. As for hanging calamus, Artemsia argyi, smoked herb, dahurian angelica root, drink realgar Yellow Wine, it is said to be evil in order to pressure.


Today, the Dragon Boat Festival is still Chinese people a very popular in the grand festival. The Dragon Boat Festival from 2008 onwards for national holidays, the holiday is a day. The state attaches great importance to the protection of intangible cultural heritage, May 20, 2006, the customs with the approval of the State Council included in the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage list.



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The Spring Festival, the most important festival to Chinese. Is China the biggest, the most lively, one of the most important ancient traditional festivals, is also unique to Chinese festival.

Festival, is the beginning of the lunar calendar, another name is called New Years day, Spring Festival is the biggest, the most lively, China one of the most important ancient traditional festivals, is also unique to Chinese festival. Is the most concentrated expression of Chinese civilization. Since the western han dynasty, the custom of Spring Festival continues today. The Spring Festival, generally refers to New Years eve and the first day. But in private, in the traditional sense of the Spring Festival is from the Greek festival of the day or month, 23 or 24 people, until the fifteenth, among them with New Years eve and the first day of the first lunar month. How to celebrate this holiday, in one thousand years of history development, formed some relatively fixed customs and habits, there are a lot of handed down also. During the traditional festival, the Spring Festival of the han nationality in our country and most of ethnic minorities have to hold various celebration activities, these activities are to worship deities, worshiping ancestors, blow away the cobwebs, meet jubilee blessing, pray for good harvest as the main content. Form rich and colorful, activities with strong ethnic characteristics. On May 20, 2006, "Spring Festival" folk have been approved by the state council listed in the first batch of state-level non-material cultural heritage list.

The origin of the Spring Festival has a legend, the Chinese ancient times have a kind of call "year" monster, head long feelers, fierce abnormalities. "Year" the elder deep in the bottom of the sea, every New Years eve just climbed out, swallowed cattle damage lives. Therefore, every New Years eve that day, the people of CunCunZhaiZhai could flee to the mountains, to escape the "year" animal damage. One NianChuXi, from the village outside a begging the old man. Folks a hurried panic scene, only the east village, an old woman gave the old man some food, and urged him quickly up the hill avoid "year" beast, the old man stroked his beard say with smile: "mother-in-law if let me stay overnight in the home, I must have" years "beast." Old woman continue to persuasion, begging the old man smiling without a word. At midnight, "nian" beast into the village. It found the village atmosphere unlike previous years, village east wifes husbands family, the door stick red paper, candle lit the room. "Year" beast was a shake, long a sound. Nearly the door, hospital suddenly spread "banging spluttered" Fried sound, "nian" shuddered, again dare not go up. Originally, "year" the most afraid of red, fire and exploding. At this time, her mother-in-laws door open and saw hospital a red-robed man laughed. "Year" frightened to disgrace, mess up. The next day is the first day, the people of refuge back very surprised to see the village safe. At this point, the old woman was suddenly enlighted, quickly spoke to the fellow villagers begging the old mans promise. This matter quickly spread around the village, people know driven "years" beast approach. (the legend of hakka) from then on, every year New Years eve, families paste red couplets, firecrackers; Household candle lit, keeping stay by age. Beginning in the early morning, still walk close bunch of congratulate friends say hello. This custom spread more widely, Chinese the most solemn of the folk traditional festival.



春节的来历有一种传说,中国古时候有一种叫“年”的怪兽,头长触角,凶猛异常。“年”长年深居海底,每到除夕才爬上岸,吞食牲畜伤害人命。因此,每到除夕这天,村村寨寨的人们扶老携幼逃往深山,以躲避“年”兽的伤害。有一年除夕,从村外来了个乞讨的老人。乡亲们一片匆忙恐慌景象,只有村东头一位老婆婆给了老人些食物,并劝他快上山躲避“年”兽,那老人捋髯笑道:“婆婆若让我在家呆一夜,我一定把‘年’兽撵走。”老婆婆仍然继续劝说,乞讨老人笑而不语。 半夜时分,“年”兽闯进村。它发现村里气氛与往年不同:村东头老婆婆家,门贴大红纸,屋内烛火通明。“年”兽浑身一抖,怪叫了一声。将近门口时,院内突然传来“砰砰啪啪”的炸响声,“年”浑身战栗,再不敢往前凑了。原来,“年”最怕红色、火光和炸响。这时,婆婆的家门大开,只见院内一位身披红袍的老人在哈哈大笑。“年”大惊失色,狼狈逃蹿了。第二天是正月初一,避难回来的人们见村里安然无恙十分惊奇。这时,老婆婆才恍然大悟,赶忙向乡亲们述说了乞讨老人的许诺。这件事很快在周围村里传开了,人们都知道了驱赶“年”兽的办法。(客家人的传说)从此每年除夕,家家贴红对联、燃放爆竹;户户烛火通明、守更待岁。初一一大早,还要走亲串友道喜问好。这风俗越传越广,成了中国民间最隆重的传统节日。



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halloween is an autumn holiday that americans celebrate every year. it means "holy evening," and it comes every october 31, the evening before all saints‘ day. however, it is not really a church holiday, it is a holiday for children mainly.

every autumn, when the vegetables are ready to eat, children pick large orange pumpkins. then they cut faces in the pumpkins and put a burning candle inside. it looks as if there were a person looking out of the pumpkin! these lights are called jack-o‘-lanterns, which means "jack of the lantern".

the children also put on strange masks and frightening costumes every halloween. some children paint their faces to look like monsters. then they carry boxes or bags from house to house. every time they come to a new house, they say,"trick or treat! money or eat!" the grown-ups put treat-money or candy in their bags.

not only children, but most grown-ups also love halloween and halloween parties because on this day,they can disguise themselves as personages or ghost as their imaginations will lead them. this bring them the satisfaction of being young.



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西方很多民族都在万圣节前夜有庆典聚会,这又被叫做“All Hallow Een”、“The Eve of All Hallows”、“Hallow een”,或者“The eve of All SaintsDay”。最终约定俗成演变成了“Halloween”,中文意译成了万圣节之夜。在西方国家,每年的10月31日,有个“Halloween”,辞典解释为“The eve of All SaintsDay”,中文译作:“万圣节之夜”。万圣节是西方国家的传统节日。这一夜是一年中最“闹鬼”的一夜,所以也叫“鬼节”。华语地区常将万圣夜误称为万圣节。“Hallow”来源于中古英语halwen,与holy词源很接近,在苏格兰和加拿大的某些区域,万圣节仍然被称为“All Hallow Mas”,意思是在纪念所有的圣人(Hallow)那一天,要举行的弥撒仪式(Mass)。





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两千多年前,欧洲的基督教会把11月1日定为“天下圣徒之日” (ALL HALLOWSDAY)。“HALLOW” 即圣徒之意。传说自公元前五百年,居住在爱尔兰、苏格兰等地的凯尔特人 (CELTS) 把这节日往前移了一天,即10月31日。他们认为该日是夏天正式结束的日子,也就是新年伊始,严酷的冬季开始的一天。那时人们相信,故人的亡魂会在这一天回到故居地在活人身上找寻生灵,借此再生,而且这是人在死后能获得再生的唯一希望。而活着的人则惧怕死人的魂灵来夺生,于是人们就在这一天熄掉炉火、烛光,让死人的魂灵无法找到活人,又把自己打扮成妖魔鬼怪把死人的魂灵吓走。之后,他们又会把火种、烛光重新燃起,开始新的一年的生活。





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万圣节前夜(Halloween或Halloween,“All Hallows Evening”的缩写),也叫万圣夜、诸圣节前夕,在每年的10月31日,是指万圣节(All Hallows Day)的前夜,类似于圣诞夜被称为“Christmas Eve”,是天主教会的传统节日,主要流行于英语使用区,如北美和不列颠群岛、其次是澳大利亚和新西兰。当晚小孩会穿上化妆服,戴上面具,挨家挨户收集糖果。 次日则举行重大的弥撒,追思圣徒。


西方很多民族都在万圣节前夜有庆典聚会,这又被叫做“All Hallow Een”、“The Eve of All Hallows”、“Hallow een”,或者“The eve of All SaintsDay”。最终约定俗成演变成了“Halloween”,中文意译成了万圣节之夜。在西方国家,每年的10月31日,有个“Halloween”,辞典解释为“The eve of All SaintsDay”,中文译作:“万圣节之夜”。万圣节是西方国家的传统节日。这一夜是一年中最“闹鬼”的一夜,所以也叫“鬼节”。华语地区常将万圣夜误称为万圣节。“Hallow”来源于中古英语halwen,与holy词源很接近,在苏格兰和加拿大的某些区域,万圣节仍然被称为“All Hallow Mas”,意思是在纪念所有的圣人(Hallow)那一天,要举行的弥撒仪式(Mass)。





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Tree planting day is a day to plant tress on 12th March. It was a tradition in ancient China. This custom has been modified many times and was finally fixed in 1981.

This special day can aware us of the importance of gazuoweng and simulate people to plant .

Since the environment is going from bad to worse, it is our duty to care more about mother nature.



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Halloween originated as a celebration connected with evil spirits. Witches flying on broomsticks with ghosts, goblins and skeletons have all evolved as symbols of Halloween. Bats, owls and other nocturnal animals are also popular symbols of Halloween. They were originally feared because people believed that these creatures could communicate with the spirits of the dead.


Black cats are also symbols of Halloween and have religious origins as well. Black cats were considered to be reincarnated beings with the ability to divine the future. During the Middle Ages it was believed that witches could turn themselves into black cats. Thus when such a cat was seen, it was considered to be a witch in disguise. All these are popular trick-or-treat costumes and decorations for greeting cards and windows.


Black is one of the traditional Halloween colors, probably because Halloween festivals and traditions took place at night.


Pumpkins are also a symbol of Halloween. The pumpkin is an orange-colored squash, and orange has become the other traditional Halloween color. Carving pumpkins into jack- o-lanterns is a Halloween custom also dating back to Ireland. A legend grew up about a man named Jack who was so stingy that he was not allowed into heaven when he died, because he was a miser. He couldnt enter hell either because he had played jokes on the devil. As a result, Jack had to walk on the earth with his lantern until Judgement Day. So Jack and his lantern became the symbol of a lost or damned soul. To scare these souls away on Halloween, the Irish people carved scary faces out of turnips, beets or potatoes representing "Jack of the Lantern," or Jack-o-lantern. When the Irish brought their customs to the United States, they carved faces on pumpkins because in the autumn they were more plentiful than turnips. Today jack-o-lanterns in the windows of a house on Halloween night let costumed children know that there are goodies waiting if they knock and say "Trick or Treat!"

南瓜也是万圣节的标志性象征。南瓜是橘黄色的,和橘黄色也成了传统的万圣节的颜色。南瓜刻成杰克- O的灯是万圣节的风俗可以追溯到爱尔兰。传说有一个名叫杰克的人非常吝啬,不允许他进入天堂,当他死了,因为他是个吝啬鬼。他不能进入地狱,因为他捉弄魔鬼。作为一个结果,杰克不得不提着灯笼四处游荡,直到审判日。杰克和他的灯笼成为丢失或被诅咒的灵魂的象征。为了在万圣节前夜吓走这些游魂,爱尔兰人雕刻成可怕的面孔的萝卜,甜菜或马铃薯为代表的“杰克的灯笼,”或南瓜灯。当爱尔兰人迁到美国后,他们对南瓜雕刻的面孔,因为在秋天,他们比芜菁更丰富。在窗户上今天的南瓜灯在万圣节的晚上,让儿童知道有好吃的东西,如果他们敲门说“不给糖就捣蛋的等待!”



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Halloween day, the little lion to sit by the window, see the sun in the sky outside. He would like to know Halloween tomorrow the sun will come. Little lion to high stone on the stage, carried the head toward the sun said: "the sun, how are you?" The sun did not answer. Little lion think: "I am too far from the sun, he cant hear you."

The little lion came to the mountains and climb to the top of the highest, for the sun to shout: "hello!" The distance a voice: "hello!" A lion to the sun grandfather heard this, he replied in me? Little lion and called out: "tomorrow is Halloween, you coming or not?" The sun replied, "tomorrow is Halloween, you coming or not......" The little lion said: "I will." The sun also said: "let me..." The little lion asked the sun: "what gift do you want?" The sun also asked: "what do you want gift..." The little lion replied: "I want a pumpkin lantern." The sun also said: "I want a pumpkin lanterns..."

After the little lion went down the mountain, went to the store to buy a the most beautiful plastic pumpkin lanterns, put it on high stone on the stage, to the sun. The night wind blowing, pumpkin head lanterns are "almost... on..." To blow the rolled down, "loud gurgling" rolled into the door of the little lion home.

The next morning, the little lion door found himself door has a beautiful pumpkin lanterns. "Oh, it must be a Halloween gift I received from the sun!" Little lion climbed to the top of the mountain again, toward the sun shout: "thank you for your gift, happy Halloween!" The sun also said: "thank you for your gift, happy Halloween..."







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HALLOWEEN (HALLOWEEN) for every year on November 1, originated in ancient Celtic national (Celtic) New Year festival, this is also a sacrifice revenant moment, in avoiding the evil spirit interference at the same time, also with food worship of ancestors and good spirit to pray for peace through the cold winter, is the western traditional festivals. The children will put on makeup suits the night, wear a mask, door-to-door to collect candy. Major epidemic in English world, such as the British Isles and North America, followed by Australia and New Zealand. Now, the younger generation, some Asian countries also began to tend to "western festival", to Halloween, some large foreign supermarket will put a shop selling Halloween toys, sellers will sell some to Halloween related dolls or model, attracted the eyes of young people.




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Dear Tom,At 6:30 on 20th July, there will be a party in my home to celebrate my birthday. I would very much like you to come to the party, and it will be great if you also bring Tao Wang to, so that we can communicate on the culture differences between China and the West. Hope I can meet you and Tao Wang that day.

Your Sincerely,

Lin Li



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On October 31st, dozens of children dressed in costumes(节日服装)knock on their neighbors’ doors and yell "Trick or Treat" when the door opens. Pirates and princesses, ghosts and popular heroes of the day all hold bags open to catch the candy or other goodies that the neighbors drop in. As they give each child a treat the neighbors exclaim over the costumes and try to guess who is under the masks.

Since the 800’s November 1st is a religious holiday known as All Saints’ Day(万圣节). The Mass that was said on this day was called Allhallowmas. The evening before became known as All Hakkiw e’en, or Halloween. Like some other American celebrations, its origins lie in both pre-Christian and Christian customs.

October 31 st was the eve of the Celtic(凯尔特人的)new year. The Celts were the ancestors of the present-day Irish, Welsh and Scottish people. On this day ghosts walked and mingled with the living, or so the Celts thought. The townspeople baked food all that day and when night fell they dressed up and tried to resemble the souls of the dead. Hoping that the ghosts would leave peacefully before midnight of the new year.

Much later, when Christianity spread throughout Ireland and October 31 was no longer the last day of the year, Halloween became a celebration mostly for children. "Ghosts" went from door to door asking for treats, or else a trick would be played on the owners of the house. When millions of Irish people immigrated to the United States in the 1840s the tradition came with them.

Today’ school dances and neighborhood parties called "block parties" are popular among young and old alike. More and more adults celebrate Halloween. They dress up like historical or political figures and go to mmasquerade parties(化妆舞会). In larger cities, costumed children and their parents gather at shopping malls early in the evening. Stores and businesses give parties with games and treats for the children.

Teenagers enjoy costume dances at their schools and the more outrageous the costume the better!

Certain pranks(恶作剧)such as soaping car windows and tipping over garbage cans are expected. But partying and pranks are not the only things that Halloweeners enjoy doing. Some collect money to buy food and medicine for needy children around the world.

Symbols of Halloween

Halloween originated as a celebration connected with evil spirits. Witches flying on broomsticks with black cats, ghosts, goblins(小精灵)and skeletons have all evolved as symbols of Halloween. They are popular trick-or-treat costumes and decorations for greeting cards and windows. Black is one of the traditional Halloween colors, probably because Halloween festivals and traditions took place at night. In the weeks before October 31, Americans decorate windows of houses and schools with silhouettes(轮廓)of witches and black cats.

Pumpkins are also a symbol of Halloween. The pumpkin is an orange-colored squash, and orange has become the other traditional Halloween color. Carving pumpkins into jack- o’lanterns is a Halloween custom also dating back to Ireland. A legend grew up about a man named Jack who was so stingy(吝啬的)that he was not allowed into heaven when he died, because he was a miser(吝啬鬼). He couldn’t enter hell either because he had played jokes on the devil. As a result, Jack had to walk the earth with his lantern until Judgement Day(审判日). The Irish people carved scary faces out of turnips(芜菁根), beets(甜菜根)or potatoes representing "Jack of the Lantern," or Jack-o’lantern. When the Irish brought their customs to the United States, they carved faces on pumpkins because in the autumn they were more plentiful than turnips. Today jack-o’-lanterns in the windows of a house on Halloween night let costumed children know that there are goodies(糖果)waiting if they knock and say "Trick or Treat!"




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Halloween is for the "All Hallows Evening". However, due to various reasons, Halloween has become the years most popular and oneof the most popular festivals, and many players with great enthusiasm to celebrate this holiday.

Halloween in the October 31, in fact, praise and autumn festivals like Beltane is the festival of spring like the praise. Of ancient Gaul, Britain and Ireland priest - druid to have a grand festival praise of autumn, from October 31 beginning at midnight the following day, November 1 continued all day. In their view, that night they are a great Death - Salman to that year were all summoned the ghost of dead people, these evil spirits are subject to care for the Livestock Health and punishment. Of course, as long asthe thought of such a gathering of ghosts, it was enough to make fools of those simple-minded understanding of the heart bile war.So they lit the sky of the bonfire, and close surveillance of these evil spirits.

Halloween witches and ghosts everywhere to say is just the beginning. So far in Europe, there are some isolated areas where peoplebelieve it is true. Ancient Rome in November 1 there is also a holiday, which is used to pay tribute to their goddess of Bo Mona. They bear ribs roasted nuts and apples before the bonfire. Our own Halloween seems to be a holiday by the Romans and the druids holiday blend made of. Halloween activities in the original is very simple, and mostly in the church carried out. However, in the whole of Europe, it is regarded as a Halloween enjoy slapstick, Jiangguigushi and a good opportunity to scare each other. So peoplewill no longer be used to praise this Autumn Festival, but it becomes supernatural, witches and ghosts festival.



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摘要:April Fools Day, sometimes called All Fools Day, is one of the most light-hearted days of the year. Some see it as a celebration related to the turn of the seasons, while others believe it stems from the adoption of a new calendar.愚人节英语是April Fools’ Day,也叫做All Fools’ Day。有些人相信愚人节是为了庆祝季节变更,有些人则相信这是因为年历的变更才形成的节日。

April Fools Day is traditionally a day to play practical jokes on others, send people on fools errands, and fool the unsuspecting. No one knows how this holiday began but it was thought to have originated in France.


The closest point in time that can be identified as the beginning of this tradition was in 1582, in France. New Years was celebrated on March 25 and celebrations lasted until April 1st. When New Years Day as changed from March 25 to January 1st in the mid-1560s by King Charles IX, there were some people who still celebrated it on April 1st and those people were called April Fools.


Pranks performed on April Fools Day range from the simple, (such as saying, "Your shoes untied!), to the elaborate. Setting a roommates alarm clock back an hour is a common gag. The news media even gets involved. For instance, a British short film once shown on April Fools Day was a fairly detailed documentary about "spaghetti farmers" and how they harvest their crop from the spaghetti trees. Whatever the prank, the trickster usually ends it by yelling to his victim, "April Fool!"


April Fools Day is a "for-fun-only" observance. Nobody is expected to buy gifts or to take their "significant other" out to eat in a fancy restaurant. Nobody gets off work or school. Its simply a fun little holiday, but a holiday on which one must remain forever vigilant, for he may be the next April Fool!


Each country celebrates April Fools differently. In France, the April Fools is called "April Fish" (Poisson dAvril)。 The French fool their friends by taping a paper fish to their friends backs and when some discovers this trick, they yell "Poisson dAvril!".

每个国家用不同的方式过愚人节。在法国,愚人节被称作“April Fish”。法国人和他们的朋友是这样开玩笑的:把一张裁成鱼形的纸用胶带粘到朋友的后背上,当有人发现的时候,他们就会喊:“Poisson dAvril!”。

In England, tricks can be played only in the morning. If a trick is played on you, you are a "noodle". In Scotland, April Fools Day is 48 hours long and you are called an "April Gowk", which is another name for a cuckoo bird. The second day in Scotlands April Fools is called Taily Day and is dedicated to pranks involving the buttocks. Taily Days gift to posterior posterity is the still-hilarious "Kick Me" sign.

在英国,只能在早上搞恶作剧。如果你被耍了,那你就是“面条”。在苏格兰,愚人节要持续2天,被耍的人被称为“四月布谷”。苏格兰第二天的愚人节叫做Taily Day,恶作剧主要在别人的屁股上做文章。
