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Our English teacher, Bruce, is from Britain。 He is forty years old or so。 He is a tall and thin man, wearing a pair of glasses。 Bruce is very strict with us。 He always makes full preparations for his classes and corrects our homework carefully。 His teaching style is quite different from that of other teachers。 He always encourages all of us to think by ourselves and learn on our own。 Now our ability to study independently has been greatly improved。 Bruce has been getting along very well with all of us。 He is so kind and friendly to us that we all love him and respect him deeply。

我们的英语老师Bmce是位英国人。40岁左右,又高又瘦,戴着一副眼镜。 Bmce总是严格要求我们。他总是认真备课,认真批改作业。他的教学方法与众不同,他总是鼓励我们独立思考、自学。现在我们的自学能力都得到很大的提高。 Bmce和我们相处得非常融洽。他对我们和蔼可亲,我们都很尊敬他,爱戴他。




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I walk around the Peak, around the flowers are numerous, full of branches, flowers and criss-crossing, as if the fence rows. Looking down from the peak, only an immense display. full of golden-yellow flowers, Down on the ground, not for the intoxicated with the beauty of nature, this beautiful paradise like the Garden of Paradise.

Suddenly, a cold wind blowing, I began to tremble , and winter jasmine, it seems a soldier, is to resist the wind, the yellow flowers with a sword, and the wind is it a duel! I was怔住this scene, the winter jasmine as appears to be weak, so delicate, and in the cold before they are without fear.

They really tenacious vitality ah!



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nobody can tell what would be the life like after one hundred years or, at least the ordinary people like us can not do that. however from level of development of todays technology and science, one thing that everyone can be sure about is that life of future will definitely be much more easy and convenient than the life of today(provided only if the environmental issues do not get worse). moreover, many new stuff will be created or rather i should use the word invented in order to satisfy the needs of people of our future generations. with these new creations ,inventions and technologies, things like travelling on the moon or some other planets for vacation with our families, which would only happen in our dreams at present age will possibly become true in one hundred years time. what is more, those new creations may also allow the scientist of that time to not only carry out their researches on land but in the deep blue occean as well, what i mean is that they could live under the sea and do their study just like how they did it on the land for as long as they want. people could almost do anything they like without leaving their houses, they could just simply make some click on the keyboard to satisify their every needs like shopping and body check-up. and parents of the time do not need to worry about the education problems of their children because internet could provide everything they need and want to learn about. by that time, maids or servants will no longer be needed as robot would have replaced them to be the mechanical housework expert of the new era.





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My dog is very cute. Body hair is light yellow, it has small ears, and eyes twinkle like black stones. Its very thin. Foreleg short, long hind feet and ran ran fast, wind.

Its living habits, is lying down to sleep, like to eat dog food, more like bone or meat, I tease it, holding the dog food for very high, it suddenly jumped up and just eat here. He eat very cute, it exhaled eat, eat with relish, it was lying bed lazy, looks very sleepy. In the evening, however, it becomes very spirit, eyes also will shine.

He like cat likes to play with thread, he when I write my homework on my side. Darling. And I watch TV together, it will look very ecstasy. When I was playing on the computer, it is very curious staring at the computer, while wang wang cried, as if to say: I want to play too!

It also likes to play football. It will roll the ball with its claws as he ran.

I sometimes lose a fly basin to make it to pick up and then back it with my mouth.

I like the dog, because it is very cute. Can also know from it the knowledge of the animals, so my dog, I like it very much.









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As we all know ,dogs are considered to be the best friends of human nature.

In ancient times,dogs help our ancestor to hunt and guard.While in modern times,dogs are our faithful companions.

Playing with dogs can make children feel happy then ease the loneliness.Recently,people have trained dogs to do certain work.

For example,dogs can be the guide for the blind when they are walking on the street.

However,there are also some problems with breeding dogs.Above all,dogs can spread diseases.

If people dont take measures to the puppies,they are easy to be caught by the virus and if people are hurt by the sick dogs ,they are hard to cure.

Thats why some people would not like to feed dogs.



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One day, I met a puppy on the road, and I thought the puppy was so cute that I took it.

At home, I treat my puppy as a friend, and it doesnt feel a little strange to me. We get along well. It is covered with black and white hair, watery eyes are very spiritual, the nose is black, as long as the smell a bit of flavor, it will follow the aroma to find, until they find out things far away. The puppy also had a very fond little mouth. As long as it saw my mom bought it from the farm, she just followed my mothers side. She was afraid that my mother would hide the meat that she had bought, but she didnt leave the meat for a moment. The tail of a puppy is very interesting. Long, like a whip with a pile, it will swing with its head swing and sometimes it will feel rhythmic. The dogs stomach is also very different, unlike the usual small oval puppy, but pure round, like a big watermelon like hanging.

The dog has been in my house for a long time, and we have established a deep feeling. We are like a friend like a friend.



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我家有两头,大家肯定认为它们是一对夫妻吧!那你们都猜错了,它们可是如假包换的母子关系。 我是看着它们长大的,它们有许多相似之处,比如毛色都是棕黄色的,个头差不多大。

但是如果你仔细分辨,就会发现它们有许多不同之处:大狗的毛粗,小狗的毛细;大狗的尾巴细,像老鼠的尾巴,小狗的尾巴粗,像松鼠的尾巴;小狗的耳朵大,像猪八戒的招风耳,大狗的耳朵小,像小老鼠的耳朵;大狗很瘦,瘦得“皮包骨头”,小狗又壮又胖我给大狗取了个名字叫阿黄,小狗则叫小壮。 它们吃食的时候可热闹了。每次我从餐厅里出来,它们就以迅雷不及掩耳之速冲到我面前,嘴里发出“呜呜”的声音,仿佛在求我给它们一些奖赏。它们要是实在饿得受不了了,就会使出绝招——后脚蹬着地,前脚腾空立起来,一边摇着尾巴,一边张大嘴,舌头伸得长长的,一副垂涎欲滴的样子。在小壮很小的时候,都是阿黄从食盆里把自己一直舍不得吃的骨头、小肉渣等有营养的食物咬碎,喂给它吃。

这是一幅多么感人的慈母爱子的画面!可是现在呢?小壮已经长大了,一副咄咄逼人的样子。吃食的时候,总是它第一个赶到,抢到最佳位置,甚至有时为了独自霸占食盆,还把阿黄赶走。要是阿黄不听,还会去咬它,害得阿黄只能吃残羹冷炙。我想这就是它们胖瘦的原因,也让我想起现实生活中许多独生子女经常变成小霸王的例子,真是慈母多败子啊! 刚开始的时候,我有些讨厌它们,因为它们经常在深更半夜的时候狂吠不止,影响我的休息。但是后来有一件事让我改变了对它们的态度。




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Dolphin is my favourite animal.

It is one of the most precious animals. Their bodies are very long, about one zhang(丈). Dolphins live in the sea. They live on fish, shrimps and so on.

Dolphins are very friendly and peaceful. They never attack people. Instead, they have saved many people in danger in the past years. How helpful the dolphins are!

Dolphins are very clever. People often train them so that they can give a dolphin show which brings people a lot of happiness and joy.

Unluckily, the number of dolphins is getting smaller and smaller. Because of water pollution, there is less and less space for dolphins. Many people make money by hunting dolphins. If we don’t protect them, maybe we’ll lose our good friends one day. As a student, I hope more and more people should take actions to protect dolphins.


My favourite animal is tortoise. Tortoise walk not fast. But I like the tortoise. Why? Because, tortoise is a cute animal. It have a short tail and a four short foot. It have a little head and a hard shell. They are forty-five little and cute tortoise in My home. They like to play in the water. When they afraid some thing. They wall run fast. They like to eat the fish. I often buy some small fish to them to eat. They can catch the fish fast. First, they fake(假) sleep. When the fish swim near they mouth. They catch the fish fast and bit the fish head. So, the fish die. They can eat the fish. In winter. They like to sleep in the sand. When they sleep, they don’t eat any food.Because they wall hibernation. But, when they are thirsty. They come out of the sand. So, we must give water to them to drink.

I love the tortoise. I hate the eagle. Because, the eagle often eat the tortoise with it sharp mouth.My favourite animal is tortoise.



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描述人物外形Describing a person

发型Hair Style

直发:straight hair 波浪式卷发:wavy hair 卷发、自然卷:curly hair

浓密的头发:tihck hair 短发:short hair 长发:long hair

齐肩发、披肩发:shoulder-length hair一个马尾辫:ponytail 辫子(小麻花辫子):braids

长发辫子(雷鬼辫、脏辫):dreadlocks 头髻:bun 两个马尾辫:bunches

中分:center parting 变秃:balding 秃头:bald

头发颜色 Hair color

金发:blond hair 棕发:brown hair黑发:black hair

红发:red hair 灰发(老年人的银发):grey hair

姜黄色发:ginger hair(受歧视的发色)

眉毛 Eyebrow

浓眉:thick eyebrows 秀眉:thin eyebrows

眼睛 Eyes

大眼睛:big eyes小眼睛:small eyes

鼻子 Nose

高鼻子:high nose 塌鼻子:falt nose/button nose

宽鼻子:wide nose 窄鼻子:narrow nose

嘴巴Mouth /Lip

大嘴:big mouth小嘴:small mouth 厚嘴唇:thick lips

薄嘴唇:thin lips/slim lips樱桃小口:cherry lips/rosebud lips

脸型 Face

鸭蛋脸/瓜子脸:oval face 圆脸:round face

方脸:square face长脸:long face

体型、身材 Stature

肥胖的:fat 瘦的:thin苗条的:slim

丰满的:plump 不胖不瘦的:medium-built 不高不低:medium-height


优雅的(女性):graceful/elegant 结实的、矮胖的:stout 苗条的、瘦长的:slender





1. 她有一头金色长卷发

2. Mark is 21 years old. He is about 5 feet ,9 inches tall . His face is long and narrow . His eyes are green. His hair is light brown. He doesnt look very Italian. He smiles a little and usually has a friendly look on his face . He isnt fat and he isnt thin. His build is average. 迈克21岁了,他身高大约5.9英尺,脸瘦瘦长长的,绿眼睛。浅棕色的头发,看起来不大像意大利人。他总是面带微笑,非常友好。他不胖也不瘦,中等身材。




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觅食、划行、艳丽、扑击、银灰、孔雀开屏、报晓、飞翔 、可爱、小巧、温顺、笨拙


























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Everybody watches the winter haze weather, the fog haze harm is bigger, there are several city already in it, so we should strengthen the environmental management efforts, no longer let haze weather.

Must have a lot of people know the cause of the haze, fog, fog and haze, of course, is made of, fog is the main cause of a large number of small water droplets or ice crystals suspended in the ground the air system, composed of aerosols is a product of condensed water in the air near the ground layer. Fog is mainly will reduce visibility, can cause traffic hidden trouble, but not harm to people.

Haze is made up of the dust in the air, harmful material such as sulfuric acid, nitric acid, it can make the atmospheric turbidity, blurry vision and leads to reduced visibility, and can cause great harm to human body. So fog and haze two brothers together, this irrelevant to unprecedented damage caused by the atmosphere, some citys air quality has come to the point where moderate pollution, some cities has reached high levels of pollution, more terrible.

The dangers of smog is quite large, it will for highway, railway, aviation, power supply system, affect crop growth. Also easy to cause the spread of infectious diseases and a variety of diseases. Harm to peoples health. And can lead to air pollutants is not easy to spread, enhanced the toxicity of harmful substances, serious, may also cause smog. And can cause great harm to people, especially a great influence on the respiratory system. It is reported that this winter respiratory disease increased than last winter % % 30-40. This is what a staggering, worthy of our thought. So the prevention and treatment of haze weather is urgently needed.

Our precautions should be in place, in haze weather, we should stop morning exercise and outdoor activities. This just isnt good enough, I think this is the main reason of the bad weather in automobile exhaust emissions and industrial emissions, so the country should policy instructions as soon as possible to manage and control the harmful gas emissions, more tree and grass planting, purify our environment. I think, if everyone is mobilized, haze weather should flew away.

In a word, I hope you can take action, a variety of grass flowers, how to protect the environment, for our future generations to build a green, natural environment.









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Last night a strong wind "woo, woo" to scrap a whole night, until the early morning to stop. Morning, on the way to school, I found the sky was shaved blue, like the spring as translucent. Sky side of a red day, according to people in the warm, no longer like the summer so roast, giving a kind of feeling. A few snow white clouds dotted in which people look relaxed and happy.

The wind of the autumn is like a magician, and it blushes the maple leaves in a red, like a stamp, and gives the news of the autumn. It is ginkgo leaves shaved golden yellow, like a small fan, fan fan ah, to the people fan to the fall of the information. It is the cell door of the two rows of persimmon tree persimmon shaved Huang Chengcheng, like a small bowls of light, heavy bending of the branches, to the people sent the sweet autumn. It is the grandfather kind of gourd scraped into a yellowish, shook the wind shake, as if to say: "my treasure gourd hidden in a lot of autumn secrets?" Every time I go through it always want to pick a look Look inside what hidden secret.

The wind of autumn is warm, and it shines away from the heat of summer. It makes people out of the air-conditioned room, put on bright clothes to embrace nature. It let the grandfather grandmother out of the house, sitting downstairs empty field, basking in the sun, chatting parents in the short thing.

Autumn wind is refreshing, it makes the grandmothers big flower dog, no longer like the summer spit tongue, breathing heavily, motionless lying on the ground. But jumping in the garden running around.

This is the wind of autumn, it is not as wild as spring, not as hot as the summer, not as cold as the winter. It is pleasant, it is warm, it is colorful, I like the wind of autumn



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Autumn girl sad to go, winter girl happy to come, we are particularly like the winter girl, but I feel the winter girl "start" a bit early.

Just this morning when the flag rose, the cold bitter, cool breeze blowing, like a sharp knife in the face like a few scraped, cold and hurt. I am busy wearing a mask, because the mask is still a little face or a lot of exposed, so I hand cover his face, his face is not cold, but the wind in the hands, hands are frozen red, and I put my hand Pocket, face cold, I have no way, who let me forget to wear gloves today! Had to warm his hand cold face. My classmates saw me blush to tell me, this time to know that the wind sister to make the bad.

I think the winter girl is not intentional, she may want to do good, but become a bad thing, we often appear this situation so we can not blame her, no one can do perfect!

When we raised the flag in the playground, the hat was wearing a hat, and the mask was covered with a mask. Standing on the stage to showcase the students braved the cold weather for our wonderful poetry recitation. As well as Hulusi performance "moonlight under the bamboo tail", melodious music. They are standing straight, like a tree tall and straight trees, I can see their faces below the stage and ears were frozen like a red apple-like, flushed, they neither wear a hat nor Wearing a jacket, must be very cold, I think they are very great people!

Winter morning, although cold, but we still like the winter, hey, this "cold happiness" to the sudden, and sometimes also can not accept!



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Wearing winter clothes, bathing winter rain, with a strange feeling can not tell. Although the falling rain bead mixed with the cold wind gives a feeling of cold, but it rushed to the earth a happy new year bath, to meet the New Years coming. But also reflects the atmosphere of the winter.

Walking on the road, and the raindrops hit the crack on the crack, so I remembered the summer wearing a raincoat umbrella scene. Suddenly look back, everything as old The swaying of the wind swiftly reminds me that it is winter! All the creatures of the earth are beginning to hibernate. The rain in the winter is like a pearl sprinkled on the earth, and the careful observation of the dense raindrops will make you dazzled and dizzying.

Look up and wait and see you will find the rain racing scrambling to fall from the top down, and some quietly lying in the grass, like a crystal clear and shiny shining light; some directly falling on the tree, like a Precious stones to help it dressed beautifully to meet the coming of the New Year; some fall into the thirsty river and lake, for their quench their thirst, like a mother to feed their own son, so timely. Suddenly, blowing waves of wind, feeling waves of cold but the heart is so sweet, because we immediately have to New Year friends.

The rain has been under, it seems to let people review the winter atmosphere. After the rain the earth is more like bathing New Years weather, the air is more clean fresh, clean up the dust, but also sober people impetuous heart.



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Winters in taipei are very cold during the evening and very windy during the daytime.

I usually look forward to the lunar new years day and the winter vacation when i can go to the village where the climate is warmer during these holidays.

Also, i look forward to seeing my grandmother, great-grandmother, and my friends in the village; i like my grandmothers food very much. Winter is the time everyone is in a festive mood.

In the city, i usually do a lot of reading at home in the winter because of the cold weather outside.



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In winter, all the leaves are withered, but still standing snow green pines and verdant cypresses, no matter how pressure, they wont fall down. Summer flowers, almost withered winter, plum blossoms are still blooming.

The children ran out into the open. Some were making snowmen, some were skiing, and others were skating...... There are many hibernating animals in winter, such as pythons, ants, hedgehogs, bears and frogs. They sleep on a winter and wake up in spring. Its really a long sleep!

There are many natural phenomena in winter, such as cold currents. What is cold current? It is the flow of water from high latitudes to low latitudes.

Although winter is cold, but full of fun, it is a wonderful season!



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The winter comes, the original green turned yellow, the original green to drop the plane trees turned yellow though so, but the winter scenery also has his beauty side.

Morning, the tree, the vegetable field will have a layer of white things, that is what is it? Is it snow? No, it is the nature of the painter painted white frost. In addition to frost, the morning can also see the fog, fog like a fairy fluttering with a white ribbon, and sometimes like the gods fall down the general flow of milk, floating, like a naughty doll, like people puzzled.

There is a poem written well: "Bao Jianfeng from sharpening, plum blossom from the bitter cold." In the winter, there is a proudly stand, perseverance flowers - plum blossom. Plum to ice muscle jade bone, Ling Han fragrance characteristics, noble, strong, modest character, so that people determined to work hard, learn his spirit. But also for the winter to add a simple beauty.




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I have a new classmate, whose name is Jane. She is one of my good friends now.

Jane is a pretty girl with a round face, twinkling eyes and rosy cheeks. Her long hair lies back in curls from her delicate ears. Jane wears glasses and is usually dressed in plain colors.

Jane is a book addict and never spends a day without reading. The books she reads range from classical poems to modern novels. She also loves singing and dancing. Her marvelous voice and appealing dance make her one of the most popular girls in our school.

Apart from her striking looks and wide range of hobbies, Jane has an outstanding performance at her studies. She is ambitious and aggressive. She aims really high. And we all believe that she is always a pride for her family, friends and teachers.
