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Today, I went to the bookstore, took a bottle of mineral water to three layer directly, picked up a book to read with relish, suddenly, hand touched a book named "Sophies world", Im very interested in its name, then pick it up.

Story say is a 14-year-old girl Sophie discovered a letter when I come home in one day, the only brief three words: "who are you?" Envelope clearly written "three alfalfa road, Sophie", did not write the senders name above, also didnt stamp, this mysterious messenger Sophie fell into a meditation. In this way, in some mysterious mentor, under the guidance of Sophie began to think about, from ancient Greece to Kant, from kierkegaard to Freud, you master the fundamental problem thinking. At the same time, Sophie constantly hear from some of the unusual, the world like a mystery in her eyes. Sophie girl born savvy and nurture knowledge, attempt to unravel the mystery, however, the truth of the matter is far more weird than what she thought, more extraordinary.

"Sophies world, is not only the wisdom of the world, is also a dream world. It will awaken everyone heart to the praise of life and the ultimate meaning of life care and curiosity. World for us, it is the combination of many unknown mystery, is speculation, one end life all dont know what happened and the beginning, only free to live every day, is the life.







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"Its like a flower.". If you fall in love with a flower growing on a star, then at night you look at the sky and feel sweet and happy, and all the stars seem to be in bloom."

When I first read "Little Prince", I was attracted by his fresh writing style and pure world at high school. Now six years later, read the "Little Prince", can not help but again and again to tears, and palpitation for Princes mind be sad, moved by his pure and persistent love, for his innocence and mourning gradually to disappear. As the author of St. Erik Marcus Paley said in the preface, he put the fairy tale "to Leon? Wirth, when he was a boy"

This is an adult fairy tale, which belongs to the once innocence adults fairy tale, the children can not understand the little prince biting sadness and heavy. They should not be aware of this too early. They should enjoy a good time in a sunny world. It is not so much a fairy tale, but a tragedy. The hero in the fairy tale always looks like snow white or Cinderella, and lives happily. The little prince was sad to see that in the meaning of love after death in the desert.

The plot of the novel is very simple, mainly from the "I" point of view about the princes journey. For a beautiful and fragile rose, the little prince left has been a quiet life of the B-612 small swimming star, he has traveled six planet in the planet, he encountered some he felt very unreasonable than adults, proud as Lucifer king, mad about money merchants, pedantic lamplighter...... So he continued to sigh, "adults world is really strange."." Here the author of the little prince childs eyes, see these peoples empty, blind and foolish, as a adult lonely, no one can follow the situation.

At last he came to earth. Here he met a fox, the fox to he solved that one fragile little rose brought him to love the doubts, make him understand, love means responsibility, compassion means, with love (generalized love) in the life all have meaning. The fox told him: "for you to tame things, you always have the responsibility. Do your duty to your rose." "If you make me tame, my life will be full of sunshine, cheerful. Im going to hear a different kind of footsteps....... You have blond hair, so once you make me tame, it will become the golden wheat will be too wonderful for words! Reminds me of you. I will love the wind through the wheat......" Love makes man understand sorrow and sorrow, and at the same time makes man free from loneliness and make life full of spice and meaning. Just as the little prince said to me, "its like a flower.". If you fall in love with a flower growing on a star, then at night you look at the sky and feel sweet and happy, and all the stars seem to be in bloom." So the author knew that it was no big deal for a sheep to eat a flower in the world, but for the little prince, it was like all the stars were extinguished in an instant."

Finally, the little prince left his planet in 1st anniversary on the occasion, let the poisonous snake him, so he can get rid of the weight of the body, back to the B-612 small swimming star back to his pride and fragile rose side. The little prince was gone, like a little match girl, flying to the world where his grandmother was without cold and hunger, and he ran to his eternal love. The world was left with only the golden wheat fields and the insignificant roses of a garden. And we cry in vain. And we like to be tame fox, to miss the little prince in the golden hair. Because the little prince, I believe that the desert indeed hiding wells, because the little prince he heard voices in the wind in the desert, and drink that beautiful spring.



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这篇文章讽刺了那些以貌取人、见钱眼开的人。这些人见对方有钱,就甘愿为对方服务,而对于对方虚实,一概不问。他们这类人为金钱服务,信奉 “金钱万能”。这种人若变多,就会助长“金钱万能”这种社会风气的形成,金钱会异化成为人们的唯一动力。当前我们身边社会,也有这种习气的存在。从大处说,去年曾有某造纸工厂排污不达标一次用120万元买断全年的罚款,从小处说,找人办事送礼成风也是这种习气的体现。因此,我们不能信奉“金钱万能”,而且凡遇到事情,应该从本质着眼,看清事物的真相,而不应只看表面,不应盲从。



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After reading Jane Eyre, I think Jane Eyre is a great woman. Through a serious of troublesome situations between Jane Eyre and Mr. Rochester, the author set up a great female image before readers: insisting on maintaining an independent personality, pursuing individual freedom, advocating equality of life and being confident before hard conditions.

Her early life at Gateshead was terrible, everyone seems harsh on her. She survives her parents at an early age, and has to live with her ugly aunt and three cousins. She suffers large quantities of bad conditions that others may not experience. However, she does not give up in despair, she does not destroy herself mentally, instead, Jane Eyre is filled with unlimited confidence, and she is a strong spirit, a victory over the inner personality.

She is then forced to send to Lowood Institution, unfortunately, life there turns out to be terrible, too. She is still under physical and spiritual punishment. Mr Brocklehurst insults her to be a liar before all pupils and teachers. But there she meets one sincere friend Helen Burns and one sincere teacher Miss Temple. They always treat her well. She then behaves very well and get many people’s recognition. Six years later, she makes a teacher there.

After two years teaching life at Lowood Institution, she plans to leave there to pursuit her own life and happiness. She was in a position of governess through a letter from Thornfield. Her life was totally changed after that. There she met a lovely girl, Adele and her master, Mr. Rochester. She has a special feeling about them. With the development of the plots, Jane Eyre succeed a large sum of money from his uncle, and through all bitter things which was caused by Rochester’s wife in Thornfield, Jane Eyre and Mr.Rockester finally get married and lead an ideal life.

I think Jane Eyre is an autobiography of Charlotte Bronte. Although the story is made up, the heroine and peoples life and the environment in the story were taken from the details of real people around and experience. Charlotte Bronte described a young girl’s struggling life to express her inner thought: everyone is equal regardless of his or her gender. The uniqueness of Jane Eyre is not only lies in its truth and the strong artistic appeal, but also lies in the particular female image. The love story of Rochester and Jane Eyre vividly shows the fire of passion and sincere heart strongly reveals their notions of love. She looks down upon the upper class who only use their power to do what they intend to do and laughs at their stupid to show her independent character and beauty dream.

In the actual fact, she wasn’t pretty, even herself knows that, and of course, the ordinary appearance make others have bad opinion on her, even her own aunt dislike her. And some others even thought that she was easy to look down upon and tease, but she was totally much more than “the plain and ugly tutor”. And as a little governess she said to her master: “Do you think my poor, obscure, plain, and little has led me to be a soulless and heartless person? You have done a wrong thing!”Underneath these lines sees the equality of human in Jane Eyre’s mind. She has affection towards her master, Mr. Rochester, but when she finds that he has already had a wife, she leaves him and her love place without consideration. Although God did not grant her a beauty and wealth person, instead, God gave her a kind mind and a thoughtful brain. Her idea of equality and self-respect impressed us extremely much and make us feel the power inside her small body.

In my mind, a person’s beauty on the face can only make others feel that he or she is attractive or charming, if his or her mind isn’t the same noble as the appearance, beauty of this kind cannot last for a long time, because other people will one day find that the beauty which had charmed them was only a superficial one, it’s not sincere, they will not like the person any more. For a long time, only a person’s great virtue, a noble soul, a beautiful heart can be called as an everlasting beauty, just as Albert Einstein said: “A person must be held accountable for their biological survival or all of the meaning or purpose, from an objective point of view, I think it is ridiculous. Everyone can have a certain ideal, which determines the ideal and his efforts to determine the direction. In this sense, I never easy and the enjoyment of life as an end in itself, the ethical basis of this, I call it the ideal pigsty. I lit up the road, and continue to give me new courage to face up to the pleasure of the ideal life is good and the beautiful and true. If it were not for like-minded between the warm feelings, but focus on the objective world, the arts and sciences in the field of work will never reach the target, and then it seems to me that life would be empty. There are efforts to pursue the goal of the vulgar - property, vanity, luxury living, I think it is despicable.”

Now I get a better understanding of what real beauty is, as we are all human-beings, so we should distinguish whether a man is noble or vulgar.

Jane Eyre’s story makes me thinking about our future life and I learn much from her experiences, I know everyone will have a better tomorrow if one holds his beliefs, regardless of one’s status and the situation he is in.




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I first read "Jane Eyre" in eighth grade and have read it every few years since.

It is one of my favorite novels, and so much more than a gothic romance to me, although thats how I probably would have defined it at age 13.

I have always been struck, haunted in a way, by the characters - Jane and Mr.


They take on new depth every time I meet them...and theirs is a love story for the ages.

Charlotte Brontes first published novel, and her most noted work, is a semi-autobiographical coming-of-age story.

Jane is plain, poor, alone and unprotected, but due to her fierce independence and strong will she grows and is able to defy societys expectations of her.

This is definitely feminist literature, published in 1847, way before the beginning of any feminist movement.

Perhaps this is one of the reasons why the novel has had such a wide following since it first came on the market.

It is also one of the first gothic romances published and defines the genre.

Jane Eyre, who is our narrator, was born into a poor family.

Her parents died when she was a small child and the little girl was sent to live with her Uncle and Aunt Reed at Gateshead.

Janes Uncle truly cared for her and showed his affection openly, but Mrs.

Reed seemed to hate the orphan, and neglected her while she pampered and spoiled her own children.

This unfair treatment emphasized Janes status as an unwanted outsider.

She was often punished harshly.

On one occasion her nasty cousin Jack picked a fight with her.

Jane tried to defend herself and was locked in the terrifying "Red Room" as a result.

Janes Uncle Reed had died in this room a little while before, and Mrs.

Reed knew how frightened she was of the chamber.

Since Jane is the narrator, the reader is given a first-hand impression of the childs feelings, her heightened emotional state at being imprisoned.

Indeed, she seems almost like an hysterical child, filled with terror and rage.

She repeatedly calls her condition in life "unjust" and is filled with bitterness.

Looking into the mirror Jane sees a distorted image of herself.

She views her reflection and sees a "strange little figure," or "tiny phantom." Jane has not learned yet to subordinate her passions to her reason.

Her passions still erupt unchecked.

Her isolation in the Red Room is a presentiment of her later isolation from almost every society and community.

This powerful, beautifully written scene never fails to move me.


Reed decided to send Jane away to the Lowood School, a poor institution run by Mr.

Brocklehurst, who believed that suffering made grand people.

All the children there were neglected, except to receive harsh punishment when any mistake was made.

At Lowood, Jane met Helen Burns, a young woman a little older than Jane, who guided her with vision, light and love for the rest of her life.

Janes need for love was so great.

It really becomes obvious in this first friendship.

Helen later died from fever, in Janes arms.

Her illness and death could have been avoided if more attention had been paid to the youths.

Jane stayed at Lowood for ten years, eight as a student and two as a teacher.

Tired and depressed by her surroundings, Jane applied for the position of governess and found employment at Thornfield.

The mansion is owned by a gentleman named Edward Fairfax Rochester.

Her job there was to teach his ward, an adorable little French girl, Adele.

Over a long period the moody, inscrutable Rochester confides in Jane and she in him.

The two form an unlikely friendship and eventually fall in love.

Again, Janes need for love comes to the fore, as does her passionate nature.

She blooms.

A dark, gothic figure, Rochester also has a heart filled with the hope of true love and future happiness with Jane.

Ironically, he has brought all his misery, past and future, on himself.

All is not as it seems at Thornfield.

There is a strange, ominous woman servant, Grace Poole, who lives and works in an attic room.

She keeps to herself and is rarely seen.

From the first, however, Jane has sensed bizarre happenings at night, when everyone is asleep .There are wild cries along with violent attempts on Rochesters life by a seemingly unknown person.

Jane wonders why no one investigates Mrs.


Then a strange man visits Thornfield and mysteriously disappears with Mr.


Late that night Jane is asked to sit with the man while the lord of the house seeks a doctors help.

The man has been seriously wounded and is weak from loss of blood.

He leaves by coach, in a sorry state, first thing in the morning.

Janes questions are not answered directly.

This visit will have dire consequences on all involved.

An explosive secret revealed will destroy all the joyful plans that Jane and Rochester have made.

Jane, once more will face poverty and isolation.

Charlotte Brontes heroine Jane Eyre, may not have been graced with beauty or money, but she had a spirit of fire and was filled with integrity and a sense of independence - character traits that never waned in spite of all the oppression she encountered in life.


Bronte brings to the fore in "Jane Eyre" such issues as: the relations between men and women in the mid-19 century, womens equality, the treatment of children and of women, religious faith and hypocrisy (and the difference between the two), the realization of selfhood, and the nature of love and passion.

This is a powerhouse of a novel filled with romance, mystery and passions.

It is at once startlingly fresh and a portrait of the times.


Bronte will make your heart beat faster, your pulse race and your eyes fill with tears.



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Its simple plot relates the misfortunes of the loyal Christian slave, Tom, who, deprived of familial love and affection and destined for the harsh life of plantation slavery, doesn’t rebel or curse God, but philosophically accepts his cruel fate. He could leap overboard Cold River to save the drowning daughter of a wealthy white passenger who gratefully rewards the brave Negro by buying him.

Tom seems destined, now, to live out his life in a pleasant New Orleans mansion, spending his days reading Bible aloud and singing religious hymns with the angelic little Eva. But the child dies of tuberculosis, having first elicited a promise from her father to free the loyal Tom. The father is killed , however, in a brawl before he can fulfill his pledge and his widow is forced to sell Tom, who becomes the property of the heartless Simon Legree. He soon learns how really harsh the life of plantation can be, but he remains true to his religious training, elated by his pious acceptance of God’s will. Harassed by the evil Legree ,Tom displays his Christian charity by refusing to flog another slave .Simon Legree may not own Tom’s soul ,but he can do as he chooses with the body, and he orders two of his slaves, Sambo and Quimba, to whip the unresisting Tom, whose only responses to the merciless beating is a plea to stop in order that Legree might save his own soul.

On his deathbed, Tom charitably forgives the harsh Legree. Ironically, he lives long enough to witness the arrival of his former master’s son, come to redeem the family pledge by buying him back and granting his freedom.

The theme of Uncle Tom’s Cabin, for its all apparent simplicity, is representative of much of 19th century American fiction of the good man opposed by evil personified under the circumstance of slavery.

What strikes me is Tom’s loyalty to his religious belief. All of us has our own belief , it plays a most important part in our life, it supports us whenever we are caught in rough conditions ,it helps us get out of the dark to see the sunrise, it teach us how to adapt ourselves to different circumstances.

Life is full of ups and downs; we should hold our belief to fight against them to realize our goals!




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The view of Pride and Prejudice

Pride and Prejudice is my favorite novel, which impresses me for a long time. It describes a love story mainly between Elisabeth, who I like the best, and a rich and proud man, Darcy.

The story began with the arrival of a crowd of rich men who rent a house near the Bennet. In a ball, Elisabeth gave such a bad impression on Darcys first pride that she refused Darcys first proposal. Darcy was so surprised by Elisabeths refusal that he loved Elisabeth more deeply. And Elisabeths antipathy(厌恶,憎恨) made Darcy realize his shortcomings. He was not angry about Elisabeths censure, but also he changed his previous proud attitude. During Elisabeths travel in Darcys manor(庄园)。 Darcy was very nice to her uncle and aunt, different from previous proud attitude. When one of Elisabeths sisters ran away with Wickham, Darcy helped Elisabeth find her sister and prevent her sister from the loss of reputation, with nobody knowing that it was he who helped the Bennet. So many changes in Darcy eliminated(消除) Elisabeths prejudice. At last it end with their marriage.

Taking the daily life as its material, this story reflected the life and love in a conservative你(保守派) and blocking England town. It reflected the authors view about marriage that it is fault to marry for property, money and status and it is also foolish to take these elements into account. In fact Darcys pride manifested(证明) the gap (间隙,差距)between their statuses(地位)。 Since his pride existed, there is no ideal marriage between Elisabeth and Darcy. From the different attitudes from Darcys two proposals, it reflected the feminine(女性) pursuit of personality independence and right equality, which is a progressive(先进的) character from the image of Elisabeth.




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Im so happy because Im going to the movies again.My mother asked if I was watching the guinea pig and mulan.I say to use dot sheep sheep, dot sheep sheep, the result of a little sheep sheep is to see "hua mulan".The plot of "mulan" has its ups and downs.First of all, the army was attacked by a gentle army. When the state of wei collected military horses, hua mulan was reluctant to leave his hometown and his father joined the army.Then, in the great war, mulan bravely fought against the enemy.Shoot a target arrow first, shoot the enemy crying father is too wonderful!I see blood boiling, hate not to rush into the screen to kill the enemy.

Mulan didnt like war, but he had to fight.She accidentally became a general.In one war, wentai was injured.Mulan thought that wentai had died and was devastated.It was only when the tiger asked mulan whether you were living for the living or for the dead, mulan had been waking up and training people to work hard and not let more brothers die.She was really touched by her actions to protect her soldiers.

I think the spirit of the father of hua mulan is worthy of our study.We should be like mulan, filial piety parents, from the little bit of little things, let our families become more warm and happy.



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The author pays homage to Hans Christian Andersens compassionate tale with this faithful adaptation. Kids can relate to the ducklings dilemma; part of the growing-up process is pulling away from those around you and developing a strong sense of self. Children have also witnessed or experienced the teasing that is part and parcel of childhood.

This ageless story speaks across generations with its reaffirming message. In this age of instant gratification, Andersens tale reminds readers that some things are worth waiting for and that a pleasure deferred (whether by choice or necessity) is often the sweetest one of all.

Pinkneys descriptive passages resonate with the splendor of natures beauty. The glowing watercolors, filled with intricate details, make each blade of grass visible, and the delicately drawn, nearly transparent mosquitoes are as ethereal as they are in life. The subtle details incorporated into the scenes--a frog catching a passing fly at the pond and a tiny mouse perched by a crate in the old womans cottage--make children take another look.

One day he heard a sound of whirring wings, and up in the air he saw a flock of birds flying high. They were as bright as the snow that had fallen during the night, and their long necks were stretched southward. Oh, if only he could go with them! But what sort of companion could he be to those beautiful beings?

I am too ugly even for a dog to eat, the duckling thought. Jerry Pinkneys poignant text and rich artwork convey the timeless appeal of this tale of hardship and redemption. Anyone who has suffered the sting of ostracism can sympathize with the ugly ducklings plight and will relish the uplifting conclusion.



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I felt that I was deeply fascinated by it soon after I had read it.

I first read it in a summer. I did not finish it at a single sitting. However, the moment I finished it, near midnight in a sweltering August day, with my body poured with sweat, held my breath to turn the last page over, shut the book and heaved a sigh of relief, I just could not express how I felt. All were over: trouble was over; lives were over; hopes were over. I was shocked how such a small book could contain such a complicated story. Never were wars, diseases and starvation ever nakedly exposed to me like this. The turns in plots were surprising but natural.

It was a tragedy: Just as its name suggested, everything was gone with the wind, including families’ touch, friends’ support, sweethearts’ gaze and youth with vigour. The story reminds us of valuing all we were possessing. A life lasts for a short time and anything in it lasts shorter. We always lose something unconsciously and then feel regretful when we need them later.

Characters in the story were so vivid as if they had been going to jump out of the story, as if they had been existed in the real life at first.

“Land is the only thing in the world that amounts to anything, for ‘this the only thing in this world that lasts, and don’t you be forgetting it’ this the only thing worth working for, worth fighting for——worth dying for.” Said Gerald, an Irish man who loved his soil more than his own life, let us know that life can be born out of land.

“But Scarlett, did it ever occur to you that even the most deathless love could wear out? Mine wore out, against Ashley Wilkes and your insane obstinacy that makes you hold on like a bulldog to anything you think about.”

“Scarlett, I was never one to patient pick up broken fragment glue them together and tell myself that the mended whole was as good as new. What is broken is broken——and I’d rather remember it as it was at its best than mend it and see the broken places as long as I lived.” Said Rett Butler, a man who love Scalett as much as a man can love a woman. Loving her for years before he finally got her, he loved her crazily but did not let her know it for fear of being hurt. But at last he still could not escape from hurts. “My dear, I don’t give a damn.” Look, he did not care about it at all. He was a man who disguised himself so much.

“I mustn’t bawl; I mustn’t beg. I mustn’t do anything risk his contempt. He must respect me even——even if he doesn’t love me.”

“I’ll think of it all tomorrow, at Tara. I can stand it then. Tomorrow, I’ll think some way to get him back. After all, tomorrow is another day.”

Said Scalett O’hara, the most wonderful woman I’ve ever seen. She was hard and greedy and unscrupulous, a brave, frightened, bull-headed child. Though she only thought about how to attract man’s attention and did not do anything useful before the war, she did surprise me when I read about her doings after the war. At that time, her Tara was just reduced to ashes. Everyone sketched out their hands and asked her for food. She bravely faced the reality and rebuilt Tara with her own hands. What a tough woman, I thought. Though those she loved were all gone, she was still full of hope. When Rett didn’t love her anymore and wanted to leave her, she said “I mustn’t bawl… even if he doesn’t love me.” A woman’s dignity could be seen from what she have said and done. That’s why I appreciate her.

This novel gave me too much to think about and I can not fully express myself in English. It is true that reading an origin is more vivid than the translated ones. However, my English level limits me to understand the origin well without the translated. But I will work hard in order to understand better.

The novel is my treasure, forever, because I find myself in Scarlett and find the world I live in inside the story.

That’s really an excellent novel, with an ending from which you can see hope rising from despair.
















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Austins "pride and prejudice", as she puts it, is thin on two inches of ivory carving, it is the masterpiece of Austin. Reflect the marriage problems of novel is a, the author works in the most is her favorite works.

Works of vivid reflects the late 18th century to the early 19th century in a conservative and occlusion of the British town life and the world. Its social graffiti like novels not only attract the readers at that time, solid to today, still give the reader a unique artistic enjoyment. She was the first to realistically portray ordinary grace novelist in daily ordinary life, plays an essential role in English novel.

The whole works, not least no winding ups and downs of the plot, but it is this simple, delicate and attracted us deeply. Austin, short life is spent in the country, almost all around may be simple, halcyon atmosphere nurtured her cool temperament. Not because there is no abundant experience, for the analysis of things for her ability to doubt.

People read the book pride and prejudice "will be fine for her, keen emotion. When writing "pride and prejudice", she is just a teenage girl, isnt this a gift? She does very little contact with the outside world, but thought, imagination, the existence of all this is enough.








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Today, I finished reading >the book is short of a fairy tale.Simple and plain language, and hidden behind the truth and wisdom are so profound.The little prince, that never answer other peoples problems, ask questions without the answer would continue to be asked the little prince, the * * has a gold hair, with an innocent smile of the little prince, that come from another planet, with a melancholy and clear pure eyes of the little prince, help us to understand our world and ourselves.

What to look at the world, with the theory of temporal power, money, and dogma, or use of pure childlike innocence and goodness of human nature, the little prince tells us the answer.Our busy day and night, we pursue fame and wealth, as we are in a hurry, we care about gain and loss, but we have more and more lonely, more and more lonely, like the article to the wind blow them away, they have no root, live very hard."We become like children, easy happy, satisfied, we use the desire to bury his childhood imagination and pure heart.





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I am convinced that few books are as good as this one. To be honest, I hadn’t maintained that this book would appeal me before I read it. However, I was absorbed in the book from the first chapter to the last one. Why this book has appealed to me that much? I asked myself. This book is not my type of reading for only romantic books could draw my attention successfully. Then I came into a conclusion that it is the friendship and familyship fascinated me.

To the world you are one person, but to the person who loves you, you are the world. Amir was Hassan’s world. Amir’s name had been the first word Hassan spoke. Hassan threatened brutal Assef for the sake of Amir. Hassan never failed to run the kite to please Amir. Hassan sacrificed himself for Amir’s house. These are more than a friend would do. Only those who loves you so much could challenge himself to do what Hassan did to Amir.To Hassan, Amir was not only a mere friend but a brother. He loved Amir more than anything else. Even after Amir betrayed him, he still told his son proudly“Agan Amir is my best friend”.Maybe for Hassan “for you, a thousand times over” has another meaning, which is not just kite running for Amir but he will do anything for Amir.

If Hassan could be described as an angel, then Amir was just a person. I did hate Amir for he watched Hassan be raped and did nothing, for he made Hassan leave his born-place, for he aimed Hassan with fruit(even though he actually tried to make himself get punished). Amir didn’t deserve what Hassan did to him. I thought his meanness caused Hassan’s tragedy. But after I finished the book, I realized it is not Hassan’s tragedy, it is Amir’s. For what he had done to Hassan, he had led a live with regret and suffered endless sleepless nights. His going back to Afghanistan is not only a journey physically but a journey to atonement. Hassan’s son, his nephew saved, Amir’s sin was finally washed. Like the life of circle, Amir ran kite for his miserable nephew.As Hassan did to him, he said “for you , a thousand times over” to Sohrab.Though the book doesn’t give us an accurate ending whether Sohrab came into life again. I am sure love can cure everything. Only when Sohrab lives a happy life as Hassan hoped can Amir’s sin washed up.

The friendship between Hassan and Amir moved me. I believe All the people who read it is going to be touched just as I am. This book does make me think the good and the bad ,what’s wrong and what’s right, the cruelty of war . Few books can exert an influence on people nowadays, this book sure does.



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The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery contains a fairy tale which concludes plentiful things.The first thing we can learn from the book is the innocence of childhood and love.Although disappointed by what his roses said,the little prince still loved them.In the weiter’s opinion ,the roses stand for the pure love.

As the prince growed up,he made a decision to explore other planets and leave his hometown,a planet which just one person lived in.When travelling in the other planets,he discovered that his rose is not the only one of its kind.There are abandunt kinds of roses in the garden,but he still held the opinoion that his rose is special "because it is she that I have watered; because it is she that I have put under the glass globe; because it is she that I have sheltered behind the screen" .

When he came to the earth ,another significant character ,the fox , teached the little prince to take his own responsibility bravely . What’s more ,the fox is also the little prince’s best friend and help with his understanding of the meaning of friendship.

All the story is told by a piolet ,who is another hero in the tale and met the little prince in the Sahara .At the end of the story ,the little prince died on the Earth with the piolet.

The writer made the story from the child’s view.Actually,what the prince said is what the writer wanted to said.The theme of the story is to criticize the human beings’ drawbacks.As a alien, the little prince could see the human beings’ disadvantages clearly. In my opinion ,The Little Prince is more than a funny book written for the children.It is a kind of profound reflection of humans.Everyone finishing reading the book can form his thought in his mind. Therefore,I’m sure it is worthwhile to spend some time reading the book calmly.



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On summer vacation of this year, I studied in novel " old man and sea " of Hemingway , famous writer of U.S.A. ,. I admire the old fishermans will in the novel very much, he lets me understand that a person must have unremitting spirit, could succeed . What the novel is described is an old fisherman almost the sixty years old, when go to sea and fish alone once, have angled to a big fish, but can not draw. After tough fisherman and fish have socialized for a few days, just find this is a big Malins fish which exceeds several times of ones own fishing boat, though know perfectly well that it is very difficult to win , does not give up yet.



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Charlottes Web ", a song about life, friendship, love and loyalty! A book was born 59 years ago in the classic, read it, with missionary zeal and devotion! Because, it is one of the most pure moved us to tears.

The Zuckerman family barn, a group of happy animal life. Pig Wilbur and the spider Charlotte built sincere friendship. However, a bad news broke the barn calm: Wilbur was killed on the Christmas will make bacon, ham! As a pig, the grief-stricken Wilbur seems to only accept the mercy of fate. However, tiny, little spider Charlotte said: " I save you. " So, Charlotte in the pigsty weaved by human beings as the miracle of online text, the praise of Wilburs text has completely changed the fate of Wilbur, finally let Wilbur won the special prize in the market competition, and a might remain in the future. But at this time, the spider Charlottes life has come to an end ...

Sherlock, love is woven into the net, save the pig to now, I still remember before Sherlocks death, weaving " humble" two words, they were in my heart, sing the praises of Sherlock. Why the idiot doing? In order to return? No, of course not, friendship is not required. In order to friends, Sherlock was always busy, even before his death, also in for Wilbur shoes. This is not the most pure friendship? At the moment, my heart was huge waves.

I understand that friendship is a miracle! Is a given! Is a kind of happiness! Eternal love!

I think of the past and friends quarrel, but more than 10 years of friendship, said Sherlock is a moved us to tears, let us thinking!



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"The wizard of oz" is a book rich in knowledge and truth, which makes me learn a lot.Every chapter of the story deserves to be savored.

The story of the girl rosie, aunt em, and uncle Henry live on a ranch in Kansas.By a whirlwind to a strange place.Under the guidance of the good witch of oz, she set out on her way home and eventually overcame all the difficulties to get home.

On her way home she met many of her friends, even though she encountered many difficulties and dangers.A scarecrow with no brain.& other;A tin man with no heart.& other;A lion without courage.Help her get through this.Let me really understand the importance and value of friendship.Sometimes I wonder: if rosie gets to that strange place without the help of these friends, she will never come home to her aunt and uncle.It is possible to fall into the street and become a slave, which makes me feel the importance of friends again.And my classmates sometimes laugh at each other and start fighting when they have something small.I think we should help each other, build friendship, love each other, unite together, do not quarrel over a little thing, and destroy the friendship between friends.

, of course, not just because of the power of friendship to create the perfect ending, but also because of their good wishes for their own unremitting efforts, whether it is by how many setbacks, how many difficulties, but they still insist on.I admire their noble qualities.

On that thrilling journey, they could not go on because of a great ditch across the road.At this moment, it seems to us that their journey is about to stop.Then the scarecrow came forward.The cowardly lion also stood up and jumped out of the ditch, and when everyone reached the other side, the lion was tired and out of breath.

This book appeals to me not only the wonderful story but also the inspiration it brings to me.The most prominent point is: to do everything must have perseverance, persistence, only has success, only has the rainstorm after the rainbow.

Im far from the main characters.Once, my mother helped me with a brush shift, and at the beginning I studied with enthusiasm, but after a few days, I found it very boring.I started off in class;He didnt finish the homework assigned by the teacher.After reading this book, I finally understand that I need to persevere, to conquer myself, not to be afraid of difficulties, and finally to see the rainbow after the wind and rain.

My favorite is the story of the last chapter, although only a few words, but it can be the end of the story that rosie has been so hard to get home.It contained a spirit of perseverance and courage to overcome difficulties.




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The Scarlet Letter" is the American novelist Nathaniel Hawthornes most outstanding representative of the United States as a whole romantic story in the most prestigious works of one of the authority.s Novel The story takes place in the mid-seventeenth century Calvin who were under the rule of the Boston, the author At that time, the social status quo from the start, through a touching love story to expose the tragedy of the spirit of the people, spiritual and moral destruction.

Hester Prynne is a marriage was on the unfortunate women, young and beautiful, but married to a physical deformity of the sick patients  Shiluo Jie Ling Qi Worth, a lack of love between husband and wife, and later, Roger Also missing at sea, Yaowuyinxun, Prynne lived a lonely life. At this time there is a handsome and ambitious young minister, Arthur Dimmesdale  into her life, they are sincere love, time After a period of privacy but warm love life. In the near future, Blenheim pregnant as a result of the hidden exposure to the crime of adultery was arrested, in prison, gave birth to a daughter, Pearl small.

At that time, in accordance with the rules, the only explanation adulterer Prynnes name in order to be pardoned, they would be punished. However, the implementation of the mandate of the trial but it was his lover. Prynne alone would rather put up with any punishment for her generation and Dimmesdale Seoul between the deeply buried in the hearts of love, she has a strong hold on.

Hester Prynne was punished, she must be wearing a life-long embroidered red A word of the coat. A letter on behalf of adultery (Adultery) of the word. Prynne Pearl with a small retreat from living alone in remote huts on the outskirts of In those who have been lonely life. Sinister and former Fu Luojie Dimmesdale found the abnormal performance of the minister to use such mixed feelings and suffering, continue to torment him, Dimmesdale finally promoted to bishop in his forthcoming On the eve of, publicly announced their secret, Dimmesdale to expose people around the love of the first carol. When he himself say a few words of bras, of a scarlet A word in defense of his chest. In his own wife who passed away.

Hester Prynne, his strong, perseverance, love of the faithful. Although the ruled that the guilty, but she has a clean, pure. Her spirit rising to become truth, benevolence and beauty in disguise. She moves on to teach and the right of the feudal regime of oppression under the love, human rights and freedoms fully affirmed.

Prynne and Dimmesdale initially had a red-hot love, although he had to retreat, to cover for their own comfort, but the heart of the suffering has not been affected by his calm and security, on the contrary, more and more strongly. He Prynne and the date, he flails on the stage of self-punishment of repentance, and their escape plans, as well as the final public speeches have become Dimmesdales love toward the altar of the approaching step by step by step. Finally, he say a few words T-shirt, people see a large cake in his chest A red characters. A word that is actually baked in his mind, this is the distillation of love.

Rose spent by the author with good symbol of the United States, with prison a symbol of death, with a light, a bird ... ... Prynne and Dimmesdale a symbol of love between the crystallization - Pearl so that the work is full of a Charming drive.

In the last works in combination Prynne and Dimmesdales words inscribed on the tombstone: a cemetery, inscribed A word of the blood red. This indeed is

the phrase meaningful!

