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Animals are our friends.But how to protect them? government is working to protect all animals in danger,and has made lots of plans to save animals. On the other hand, we shouldn’t eat wild animals.We should keep them away from our dinner. That way,there will not be wild animals on sale. I think the hunters and killers will become fewer and fewer.

Last, we should protect the environment.We should stop people from cutting trees down. Without trees, wild animals will lose their home. And we will lose our animal friends. All of us should try our best to protect animals.

We need to protect animals better.We should give them fresh water to drink.We should make the forests bigger for animals in danger to live in.We should advice people not to kill animals beacause they are our friends!




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The snake is a long and thin animal that lives in graor other dark places. A snake has no legs or feet, but it can move very fast on its stomach. Snakes usually have green, yellow or black skins, which make them difficult for their enemies to find them.Some kinds of snakes live in water. They can swim as freely as fish.

Snakes are cold-blooded animals. In winter they hibernatein holes which are narrow enough only to hold the snakes bodies. The snakes can sleep through a whole winter without eating and moving. They can not feel any pain. The hibernation period lasts about five months. When spring comes, the snakes come out and begin their normal life.

Snakes can take many things as food, such as mice, sparrows, frogs,birds eggs, pests and so on. People sometimes can see a snake eat a sparrow. First it moves close to the sparrow, then it puts out its tongue and brings the sparrow into its mouth and swallows it, which makes a lump in the snakes body. After some time the lump disappears.

As snakes are dreadful-looking, people are afraid of them. Many people drive them away whenever they see snakes. But in Chinese fairy tales, snakes are by no means bad. They seem to have human feelings. They can change into pretty girls. People like and respect them. The most well-known is the story about the White Snake and the Blue Snake.

In fact, snakes are not as dreadful as they look. They can help us to kill mice and pests. They can provide us with delicious meat. Their blood is a good drink. Poisonous snakes are especially useful. We can make valuable drugs with them.

Panda is one of the scarcest animals. People in the world like it very much. there used to be many pandas in China long ago. As the balance of nature was destroyed and the weather was getting warmer and warmer, pandas became less. But at present, the number of pandas is increasing year by year. there are now so many pandas that some are being sent to other countries so that people there can enjoy them.

Nowadays, the biggest nature park for panda in China is in Sichuan. there is a research centre for nature and wild life there. Scientists hope that one day they will have enough pandas to be set free and let them live in the wild again.

My favorite animals are swans.they are white.they can swim very well.I think they look like a beautiful girl in a white dress.they have a pair of wings and they can also fly well.I believe they are angles from the sky.they bring us love and make us happy.they are always friendly to us.We cant hurt them,because they are our friend.I love them!I like dogs,too.they are not beautiful,but they are the best friends.they keep the thieves away.Dogs have the best listening and eyes.they can hear in the nosiy,see in the dark.If we are in danger,they will help us at once.And they dont mind their lives.So,I love them.

Elephant is the largest animal on land today. It weights some ninety kilograms and is about one metre high when born. When it is 12 years old, it studs over three meters and does not grow any more. Elephant is usually grey in color, having a long trunk with large ivory tusks protruding from each side of its mouth. Usually moving in groups and caring for each other, Elephant is know to be a very and gentle creamre. For many years people have used the strength of these poweful animals to move trees and heavy logs. Elephant has been and is a vital tool for people to do many things that would normally be imposs-ible. Elephant is and will continue to be one of the greatest creatures man has ever come into contact with. Its size. beauty, and power willforever be useful to man.




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1. 每当我去上学,小狈总是会送我一段路程,直到我假装生气打它两三下,它才乖乖地跑回家去。它不但会送我去上学,还喜欢和我一起赛跑,跑得十分快,有时,把我落了一段路程。平时,它看起来很胆小,但看见陌生人时,却又不失威猛地睁着双眼紧盯着陌生人的一举一动,关键时还会大声叫。

2. 鸭子向来都是游泳健将了。可我家的“;游泳健将”在水中却笨拙得像一只鸡,“;手脚并用”胡乱扑腾,却不得章法,溅起一大堆水花,却浮不起来,依然像秤砣一样往下沉,它们就拼命挣扎,甚至仿效小鸟煽动翅膀,想“;死里逃生”,好几次都快被淹死了,我实在不忍心了,只好将它打捞起来。

3. 这只狗的步相,常常让我发笑,他那小腿,让人感到他走的速度很慢,其实非常敏捷,仔细看着好像在跳跃。他先迈开前腿,随着后腿往前伸,跑起来非常有劲。

4. 我眼看着飞盘从院子的墙上跃了过去。那墙上有个大洞,下面还有一块砖头,我爬过去都要费很大的力气,可是小狈旺旺跳得却很轻松,只见它先跳到砖头上,然后向上一跃,很轻松地就跳了过去,把我看得目瞪口呆,连它回来了我都不知道。

5. 每天,我写完作业有时间的时候,我就把它们放出来和我一起做游戏,我在前面跑,它们在后面追,我们绕着院子跑好多圈。有的时候,它们耍赖,从中间插过来,我赶紧加快速度向前跑去追它们。

6. 它们长着胖乎乎的,一身光滑的羽毛。在阳光的照射下闪闪发亮。火红的毛,好像秋天的枫叶,头上带着一顶皇冠。时不时的就叫一声。那声音是多么响亮啊。而且一叫就是千门万户开。

7. 小鸡把壳啄破了一个小孔,伸出一张嫩黄的小嘴,小嘴接着又把小孔慢慢啄大,然后一跌一撞地从壳里走出来。身子胖乎乎的,叽叽喳喳地叫个不停,头上长着个小鸡冠,嘴巴下面张着个小肉瘤,一身绒毛湿淋淋的。过了一会儿,绒毛干了,变得更加活泼可爱了。

8. 灰白鲢子,游得就像一支箭,也许只有坐喷气式飞机才能追得上。黑鱼呢,那是位大力士,比得过摔跤健将,你必须小心它鳃两边的硬刺,和像钢鞭一样的尾巴。鲫鱼,长得胖胖的、短短的,游起来一摆一摆,装出很庄严的样子,活像个大老板。

9. 鹤群长距离飞行时,常常排成“v”形或“y”等形。远远望去,飘飘然呈现出一副轻逸而潇洒的风姿。

10. 风卷残云我行我素旁若无人惹人疼爱惹人怜惜可怜兮兮洁白无瑕亲密无间形影不离

11. 小宝的习性很特别。给它喂狗粮的时候,它总是狼吞虎咽地,恨不得一口全都吃下去。它喝水的时候,用舌头水舔来舔去,弄得满地全是水。它喜欢玩球,经常是一边撒欢地跑,一边用爪子拨弄小球,满处转悠,把我都弄得晕头转向了。它睡觉的时候就卧在阳台上,侧着脑袋,好像在做美梦呢。

12. 它荒草般芜杂的鬃毛倏地竖直起来,耷拉在股间的尾巴刷地举平,马头嘣地弹高,浑浊的马眼骇然发亮,干皱的上下嘴唇洞开错位,显然,它发现了让它极度惊恐的危险,正要高声嘶鸣警呢……

13. 保护动物,维持生态平衡。

14. 说它漂亮它也真漂亮,它那樱桃红的小嘴,看样子甜甜的,看了就喜欢,而且还想亲它一下;说它是我最爱的宝贝它也是,因为它有优点,而且它可爱、漂亮呢!

15. 在姐姐家的时候,我总爱睡懒觉,可气的是它每天早上都把我的脚当做老鼠啃来啃去,不过啃得不疼,爪子抓的却疼,还有点痒,特别难受,让我睡不成觉。

16. 鸭子向来都是游泳健将了。可我家的“游泳健将”在水中却笨拙得像一只鸡,“手脚并用”胡乱扑腾,却不得章法,溅起一大堆水花,却浮不起来,依然像秤砣一样往下沉,它们就拼命挣扎,甚至仿效小鸟煽动翅膀,想“死里逃生”,好几次都快被淹死了,我实在不忍心了,只好将它打捞起来。

17. 我和小花猫来到了花园,花园里朵朵花散发出了淡淡的清香,只见小雪从我的怀里跳了出来,追着蝴蝶乱跑起来。我走到亭子上的椅子前坐了下来,小雪向我跑来,我抱着小雪来到了花朵前,小雪又从我的怀里跳了下去。它走到花朵前,用鼻子闻香味,样子十分顽皮可爱。

18. 我放学回家时,可算是小狗最开心的时候。只要小狗在家,我在放学回家的路上离家门口还有一段路总可看见小狗在门前等着我。它看见了我,就会摇着尾巴往我这里飞奔而来,然后在我人前人后蹦来蹦去。这么机灵的小狗能不讨人喜欢吗?

19. 小猫刚到我家时对谁都不熟,成天躲在床底下呼呼睡大觉,怎么都不出来,连晚上都原地不动。后来终于跟我熟悉了,有一次我拿溜溜球在玩,小猫看见这个一上一下的溜溜球,头也跟着球一上一下地摇着、摆动着……突然,它一跳把溜溜球一抓,溜溜球被它抓到了,自己玩得挺起兴,到把我吓了个六神无主、神魂颠倒,好一会儿才回过神来。

20. 小狗一向喜欢暖和、柔软的地方,一旦你把它抱到被上去,它就会一个劲儿地玩耍,从被的最上面滚到下面,再从下面滚到上面。如果你把它抱到软垫子上,它就会肚皮朝上,四只小爪子勾勾着,紧闭双眼睡大觉。倘若你把它给吵醒,它就会六亲不认,马上起来咬你一口,再继续睡大觉。

21. 小八吓个半死一动不动,双眼看着我,似乎在祈求我的原谅。它全身湿透了像个落汤鸡。我的脑海瞬间出现了一个想法,难道八哥会洗澡?

22. 我眼看着飞盘从院子的墙上跃了过去。那墙上有个大洞,下面还有一块砖头,我爬过去都要费很大的力气,可是小狗旺旺跳得却很轻松,只见它先跳到砖头上,然后向上一跃,很轻松地就跳了过去,把我看得目瞪口呆,连它回来了我都不知道。

23. 我们刚进二姨家豆豆就像箭一样的冲向了卡布,把卡布撞到在地,他们俩打了起来。打了一会儿他们相互舔了舔、闻了闻和好了。开饭了我扔了块骨头给卡布和豆豆,他们边打边抢,不一会儿他们吃完了那块骨头。我们又给他们扔了些别的吃的,卡布和豆豆吃饱了开始追着咬对方。我问爸爸卡布和豆豆在干什么?爸爸说“他们在玩”。

24. 旺旺对我很热情。记得有一次,我放学回家,旺旺老远就看到了我,它急忙跑过来接我,只见它一会儿趴我身上,一会儿围着我转,还时不时舔舔我的脚,然后陪我回家。到家后它还是围着我转来转去,直到我抚摸着它的头,它才肯乖乖地回到它的狗窝。有时我会喂它一根骨头,这时它就会高兴地舔舔我的手,然后就低下头吃了起来。

25. 晚上小八睡着了它把藏进了它的羽毛里,看上去就像头不见了一样。可它的脚却还是用力的抓住鸟笼里内置的秋千上,一有动静它又立马醒了过来。十分谨觉,像有人要攻击它一样。

26. 时间一天天过去,鸭子们的饭量变大了,每天要喂食好几次,饿了就用那难听的‘公鸭子’嗓音大声抗议,吃饱了就一堆一堆地拉很臭的便便,让我很没面子。特别让妈妈讨厌的是,它们在我们一家乘凉之时,大摇大摆地走过来,放肆地拉一泡屎,然后踱着官步,相当淡定地扬长而去,让我妈大为光火。

27. 每当我去上学,小狗总是会送我一段路程,直到我假装生气打它两三下,它才乖乖地跑回家去。它不但会送我去上学,还喜欢和我一起赛跑,跑得十分快,有时,把我落了一段路程。平时,它看起来很胆小,但看见陌生人时,却又不失威猛地睁着双眼紧盯着陌生人的一举一动,关键时还会大声叫。

28. 领头的鸡棚“小卫士”听到了狗的喘息声,立马警惕起来,一看,原来有一只狗跟了上来。它机智地绕到了流浪狗后面,只见这条流浪狗比它得大三倍,可它却一点畏惧感都没有,而是猛地扑上去,狠狠地啄着那条狗的头。流浪狗发怒了,一转身就咬了一口鸡尾巴。“小卫士”忍着痛,仍不停地使劲啄着流浪狗。可是毕竟狗还是比“小卫士”强大,流浪狗把它摁倒在地上。

29. 乐乐不仅可爱,而且还很淘气。记得有一次,我放学回家,正准备做作业,可是一回头,发现乐乐在我的书包上蹦蹦跳跳的。它那臭脚丫毫不留情地把漂亮的书包弄脏了,我非常生气,对他大叫“快滚下来,快滚下来!”乐乐好象被吓着了,急忙跳下来,发出低鸣声,好像在说:“对不起,小主人。”我不理它,于是它又跑到我面前,撒娇似的添了添我的脚,弄得我痒痒的,真逗!后来,我原谅了它。

30. 鸭小们的吃相很不雅,“哧溜哧溜”“刷刷”声不绝于耳,吃饱后也不管饭盆是否已经倒扣在地上,就摇摇摆摆地去喝水了,无忧无虑,一副悠闲自得的样子。

31. 小狗吃饭的时候更有意思。如果你盛的饭里有一些肉汤,它就低着头在那津津有味地吃着:偶尔,我会偷偷地在它的饭里藏上两块肉,它就会用感激的眼神望着我,噢,小狗也通人性啊!倘若它的饭菜不可口,他宁可饿着,也不吃。妈妈经常对我说:“这小狗的毛病,肯定是你给惯出来的,太馋了。”

32. 小白嘴巴很刁,白饭是绝对不吃的。有一次,我们家中午吃排骨,我盛了一碗白饭放在小白的碗里,打算我们自己吃好了再把骨头给它吃。没想到,小白看了一眼自己的碗,嗅也没有嗅一下就走开了。它在桌子底下穿来穿去,叫个不停,叫一声,然后眼巴巴地看着我,尾巴摇得像拨浪鼓一样,好像在说:“白饭不好吃,我也要吃排骨!”看它那可怜的样子,我就把一根吃光了肉的骨头扔给了它。它用两只前爪把骨头按住,使劲地啃,还不停地发出“恩——恩——”的声音,好像在说:“肉骨头真好吃!”我们吃完饭了之后,“小白”也吃饱了,然后就蹲在我的脚边睡觉。

33. 小白兔在吃东西的时候非常可爱。它把白菜从上到下细细的看了一遍,好像是在思考着这白菜有没有过期一样。看完后小白兔张开它那又小又可爱的小嘴,大口大口的吃着白菜,吃白菜的样子好看极了,它吃着东西的时候,腮帮子鼓鼓的,像两颗肉丸子一样要掉下来似的。整个小身子定定的蹲在吃菜的那个地方,小白兔的头东转一下,西转一下的,我想小白兔可能是在找有没有更新鲜的菜吧。

34. 我最喜欢看小白吃食了。一天,我拿了一块肉。小白看见了,围着我直转。我把肉向上一抛,小白纵身一跃,张开嘴巴一咬就准,然后它用前脚把肉按住,用牙一点一点地撕,吃得真是津津有味,一会儿就下了肚。吃完后,它还用舌头舔舔嘴巴,仿佛在回味刚才的美餐。

35. 我一把饲料放在小八哥的旁边,它就马上冲了过来用苍劲有力的脚抓住笼子并不停的叫,仿佛一个几天没吃饭的人看到有人拿着吃的冲上去苦苦哀求,希望的到一些吃的一样。我看它那么可怜的样子我就给了它一些吃的,看它吃的满嘴都是的样子我不禁哈哈大笑。可它听见我的叫声后不理不睬一然我行我素埋下头吃饲料。

36. 我给小狗爱吃的骨头,它会一块一块,一小段一小段地啃。它啃完骨头后,就会汪汪地叫几声,好像在说:“小主人,谢谢你。”

37. 外婆家的小猫不光喜欢吃鼠肉,还喜欢吃鱼肉、牛肉、猪肉等。外婆切肉时,小猫就围着外婆团团转,还会咪咪地不停的叫,趁外婆不注意,它就迅速用“手”抓一块肉撕着吃。

38. 群鱼争食的场面也很精彩。每当我撒下鱼食,它们就欢快地游过来,迅速在水面抬起头,身体基本垂直,嘴紧挨着水面,把食物嘬进嘴里,再潜回水底慢慢品尝。如果一不小心,鱼食沉入缸底,有的金鱼就会奋起直追,一颗也不肯浪费。看着它们那争抢的样子,我一边拍手,一边笑着说:“真是一群小谗猫!”

39. 那只大母鸡放弃了残余的玉米粒,转身就扎进了米盘里,别的小鸡被它翅膀煽动的气流给推出来了,胆怯怯的站到20CM以外,有的去吃所剩无几的玉米粒,有的不时的朝米盘伸缩着脖子,看着米粒一点点的减少,却无可奈何,只能互相抢吃大母鸡洒出来得米。唯有那只小秃毛勇敢地挤在大母鸡身边,埋头抢吃盘子里的食物,后来,小秃毛越吃越起劲儿,它索性从盘子外站到盘子的边缘,过一会儿,竟又从盘子边缘站到盘子里面,根本不视首领的存在,它的胆子可真大,奇怪的是,大母鸡也由着它和自己分享,似乎这样吃起来更有味道些。

40. 没过几天,旺仔又蹦蹦跳跳地和其他狗狗玩了,看到它的脚康复了,我也放心了,我夹起一块肉骨头,扔给旺仔,旺仔高兴的吃了起来,满嘴都是油,使我哈哈大笑起来,忽然,旺仔跳了起来,又叼了一块骨头,逃走了,唉,没办法,旺仔就是这个样子,跑起来比兔子还要快!

41. 鸽子总喜欢在天空上自由的飞翔,而且它们非常聪明,每当爷爷拿着粮食过去的时候,所有的鸽子无论是在飞翔还是散步或者休息的都会围绕在爷爷身边,咕咕的叫着,用一种很期待的眼神看着爷爷,仿佛在对爷爷说“主人你真好,又给我们送吃的来了。”

42. 乐乐不仅可爱,而且还很淘气。记得有一次,我放学回家,正准备做作业,可是一回头,发现乐乐在我的书包上蹦蹦跳跳的。它那臭脚丫毫不留情地把漂亮的书包弄脏了,我非常生气,对他大叫“;快滚下来,快滚下来!”乐乐好象被吓着了,急忙跳下来,发出低鸣声,好像在说:“;对不起,小主人。”我不理它,于是它又跑到我面前,撒娇似的添了添我的脚,弄得我痒痒的,真逗!后来,我原谅了它。

43. 小灰为白项圈站岗,保卫白项圈的安全,吃饭的时候也总是主动在白项圈吃饱之后才过来吃,散步的时候,小灰垂着头,撅着屁股,屁颠屁颠地追随着白项圈,一副俯首贴耳的样子。

44. 我放学回家时,可算是小狈最开心的时候。只要小狈在家,我在放学回家的路上离家门口还有一段路总可看见小狈在门前等着我。它看见了我,就会摇着尾巴往我这里飞奔而来,然后在我人前人后蹦来蹦去。这么机灵的小狈能不讨人喜欢吗?

45. 姥姥家有一只小狈,一身黄色的毛,额头有一小撮雪白的毛,看起来好像是被王母娘娘贬下凡尘的二郎神,错投了狗胎,变成了如今这副模样。因此,我们都叫他“;二郎神”。一对明亮的眼睛眨呀眨的,时常望着天空出神,好像在想念他的“;真君神殿”。一张伶俐的小嘴,里面却长满了锋利的牙齿,如果有生人来,它就会文静的走到你身边,蹭蹭你的大腿,等你转过身,趁你不留神,就会狠狠地咬你一口。

46. 咪咪高兴时,能比谁都温柔可亲。用身子蹭你的腿,把脖子伸出来让你给它抓痒。它要是不高兴,任凭谁说多少好话,它也一声不吭,甚至张牙舞爪。

47. 我们刚进二姨家豆豆就像箭一样的冲向了卡布,把卡布撞到在地,他们俩打了起来。打了一会儿他们相互舔了舔、闻了闻和好了。开饭了我扔了块骨头给卡布和豆豆,他们边打边抢,不一会儿他们吃完了那块骨头。我们又给他们扔了些别的吃的,卡布和豆豆吃饱了开始追着咬对方。我问爸爸卡布和豆豆在干什么?爸爸说“;他们在玩”。

48. 小狈一向喜欢暖和、柔软的地方,一旦你把它抱到被上去,它就会一个劲儿地玩耍,从被的最上面滚到下面,再从下面滚到上面。如果你把它抱到软垫子上,它就会肚皮朝上,四只小爪子勾勾着,紧闭双眼睡大觉。倘若你把它给吵醒,它就会六亲不认,马上起来咬你一口,再继续睡大觉。

49. 领头的鸡棚“;小卫士”听到了狗的喘息声,立马警惕起来,一看,原来有一只狗跟了上来。它机智地绕到了流浪狗后面,只见这条流浪狗比它得大三倍,可它却一点畏惧感都没有,而是猛地扑上去,狠狠地啄着那条狗的头。流浪狗发怒了,一转身就咬了一口鸡尾巴。“;小卫士”忍着痛,仍不停地使劲啄着流浪狗。可是毕竟狗还是比“;小卫士”强大,流浪狗把它摁倒在地上。

50. 刚开始,布谷鸟像被猫抓似的,扑扇着翅膀拼命想往外飞。我每天给它喂食,饮水喝。它不吃也不喝。过了几天,它好像熟悉了这个地方,开始吃食喝水。一天早上,它竟然唱起了歌,而且蹦蹦跳跳的。布谷鸟叫着“;布谷、布谷”的声音,好像在召唤自己的同伴。



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i like animals very much. i have a dog, it’s my favourite animal. it’s white, it looks like a snow ball. it has two big eyes and ears. but its nose and mouth are very small. it’s very naughty.it often stares at my food when i have a meal. when i’m home it follows me all the time.

when i do my homework, it often sits beside quietly, but sometimes runs around me and shouts: wom wom.

i like my dog very much.



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你喜欢小白兔吗?告诉你,我可喜欢小白兔啦!你看,小白兔全身长着雪白的绒毛,没有一点杂色,描写动物的作文。它一蹲下来,就 像一个魄的绒球,多可爱!它有一对红眼睛,就像两颗嵌在雪球上的红宝石,特别美。小白兔的耳朵和别的动物不一样,长得比较长,只要听到一点轻微的声音,它就会把耳朵唰地竖起来向四面转动,警惕地注视着周围 的动静。 最有趣的要算是小白兔嘴巴了。别的动物只有上下,两瓣嘴唇,可它呢,上嘴唇豁成两半,加上下面一瓣嘴唇,就成"三瓣嘴"了,它长成了这"三瓣嘴"是为了好看吗?不!因为小白兔最爱吃大萝卜,小嘴张不大,怎么能吃大萝卜呢?现在有了这"三瓣嘴",它不就可以张大嘴巴大口大口地吃了吗?小白兔的前腿短,后腿长,走起路来总是一蹦一跳,它那屁股后面贴 着的短尾巴,也跟着一撅一撅的,怪有趣的。 我想,经我这么一介绍,你一定也喜欢上小白兔了吧!



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The imperial palace, also known as the Forbidden City, is the imperial palace of the Ming and qing dynasties, which is the largest and most complete ancient architectural complex in China. I especially want to know the architecture of ancient palaces and the living environment of ancient emperors.

One weekend in the golden autumn, the sun is shining and the autumn wind is crisp. My mother and I went to visit the Palace Museum in the center of the city. I was very happy.

Enter the gate of the Forbidden City, "wow! Its so big here!" I couldnt help it. The mother said, "the most spectacular is still in the back!" We first visited the architectural model of the imperial palace and its construction. I know that the imperial palace covers an area of over 720,000 square meters, with more than 9,000 rooms, all wooden structures, and all the wooden structures have no nails. The palace is the blue and white stone base, the tall roof, the yellow glazed tile, the pattern of the dragon everywhere, and decorated with the brilliant color of the golden wall. I observed all the palaces, and found that the palaces were lined up along the north-south axis, and spread out to the sides, to the north and south, and to the right and left. I told mom, I found mother listen to nod a smile, said: "the central axis not only in the Forbidden City, and nanda YongDingMen, north to the drum tower, almost throughout the whole city. Its magnificent, well-planned and spectacular.

We have been visiting the taihe temple from the imperial garden. What a breathtaking view! In the Forbidden City, the most striking is the "three halls" : the hall of supreme harmony, the hall of harmony, the hall of protection and the temple. They are all built on the 8-meter-high base of the white jade, which looks like the qiong yuyu in the myth. The first hall of supreme harmony was the most magnificent building. People called it the "throne room". It was the place where the emperor held the grand ceremony. It is 28 meters high, 63 meters, 35 meters north and south, and a large pillar with a diameter of 1 meter. Among them, six large pillars, one meter in diameter around the throne, are flat dragon pillars of leached gold. The throne is located at the base of the two meters high in the temple, with the graceful crane and the top of the furnace, followed by a carefully carved screen. The whole hall is decorated with golden walls, which are both majestic and magnificent. The hall of neutralization was the place where the emperor went to the hall of supreme harmony to take a rest and exercise etiquette. Baohe and the temple are the place where the emperor gives banquet to the king of the foreign land every New Year. This is just the palace buildings, and house decoration is numerous, the rarities of the mother said: "these treasures is only part of it, when Chiang kai-shek fled to Taiwan carried away many treasure palace, there are some loss in a foreign country". I feel sorry for the loss of these treasures. When will these lost treasures return to the embrace of the motherland? I am looking forward to the reunion of Taiwan and mainland as soon as possible.

The visit of the Forbidden City made me linger. The Palace Museum is an unparalleled masterpiece. It is a miracle. Our five thousand years of Chinese culture are profound and profound, and we should be proud and proud to have built such a magnificent palace for the ancients. At the same time, we also have the responsibility to protect these cultural relics from destruction, so that the five thousand years of splendid civilization of the motherland will be handed down.



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It is particularly good with me. Whenever I get home, it will run around and jump and jump. Just see me, its tight to follow me. No matter where I go, it will follow where to go. Sometimes it fills me with me, suddenly jumps up to me, scares me; sometimes it hugs my legs tightly, eyes staring at me, and sniffs my legs with my nose until I take it Hold in the arms, touch it that a soft hair, it was quiet down. Sometimes it looked up and wanted to lick my face. When I put it on the ground, it always jumped around me, and then jumped to the chair on the two front legs tummy, staring at me; black tail to swing to go. I knew it wanted to eat good things. So I threw it a piece of meat bones, it immediately jumped up and eat up. It is eating something, dumping my tail around me, as if to say: "Thank you, little master." I am also very happy.



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Autumn to the days of high clouds, cool breeze, orchard fruitful, faction of the harvest scene.

Look in the orchard that only a huge apple covered with branches, bending the branches, like hide and seek children exposed smile. I eat one, sweet and fragrant, really delicious. I looked at the scene, eating this apple, can not help but "poem" a: "tree apple orchard and large, red color like a child face; gently smell the smell of spicy, eat mouth sweet Jinjin!

The north of the apple forest is the vineyard. "Crystal" grape crystal translucent, like a crystal carved out like. "Red Earth" grape red with purple, like a string of red pearls hanging in the tree. And that "beauty refers to" grapes, the skin is very thin, like a touch on the broken like.

There is a large pomegranate tree on the west side of the vineyard. This is just a pomegranate like a "smiling" small doll, as if to say: "My belly big and big, which filled with small baby; everyone together to taste, teeth sweet out light. I could not stand the temptation of it, picked a, cut open the skin, took out into the mouth of a bite, red juice has been sweet to the heart, refreshing.

After tasting the pomegranate, we came to the persimmon garden. Persimmon flat, orange, like a small lantern.

The fruitful dressing up the beautiful orchard, it is indulge in pleasures without stop. This charming school of autumn, even look at a glance, also called you enchanted.



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Lily, common name for the Liliaceae, a plant family numbering several thousand species of as many as 300 genera, widely distributed over the earth and particularly abundant in warm temperate and tropical regions. Most species are perennial herbs characterized by bulbs (or other forms of enlarged underground stem) from which grow erect clusters of narrow, grasslike leaves or leafy stems.

A few are woody and some are small trees. Evolutionally, the lily family is probably the basic monocotyledonous stock, its ancestors having given rise to the majority of contemporary monocots, e.g., the orchids, the palms, the iris and amaryllis families, and possibly also the grasses.

The relationships between plants of the modern lily family are not always clear, and some botanists subdivide the Liliaceae into several families or, if they take a broader view of the family, include some groups such as the Agave and Amaryllis families.



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“芒果”爬过的地方都非常粘。有一次我让它到小草坪里呼吸新鲜空气, 就把它放到草坪里爬。因为我知道蜗牛喜欢吃叶子和草,我就想拔几根草回去给它吃,但我一摸他爬过的草上,粘乎乎的好恶心!后来我才知道,蜗牛会分泌粘液。





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The sky and float the numerous rain, that autumn rain as despise, into the slightest strands of softman yarn, giving a wet hazy. I do not have an umbrella, carrying a bag alone on the way home. With a trace of cool wind gently comb my hair, gentle rain from the sky, falling in my skirt. I can not hear the cicadas, but also can not hear the chirp of the birds, the leaves are no longer green and fresh, everything seems lightly quiet, autumn is too close.

I close my eyes and feel the beauty of the rain, that every ray of rain, all contain memories. Think of Senevilles "whispers of autumn", that romantic melody, melodious piano, so I fell in love with the piano, embarked on the piano road, but also fell in love with the fall of the subtle.

Childhood, I love to see the autumn rain. Sitting at the window, looking at all the rain, in innocent and flawless childhood, thinking, such as the sky, boundless. That rainy days, mixed with the fragrance of the soil, in the eyes accompanied by the fairy tale of color, accompanied by the mood of good or bad, become the best thing in my heart.

I also like to rain, not so much rain, in fact, more is to enjoy the rain That autumn rain, eloquent, falling in the skirt, falling in the palm, giving a cool. Everything in the distance, as if a picture presented in front of the eyes, hazy. Childhood often and companions in the rain to play, wearing a pink rain boots, chase each other play, quickly turn the extra umbrella, the water sprinkled to the partners. Everything is so carefree, romantic and lovely, neither lament, no melancholy, enjoy the gift of autumn, that immature childlike so far is unforgettable.

Everyones life experience is different, autumn, different people have different feelings. Autumn is so peaceful and mature - it is neither as charming as spring rain, nor as violent as summer rain, but not as cold and biting as winter snow.

Autumn rain is so beautiful, although it is as rain as rain, but because the background is golden autumn, it is more deep and more mature.

Autumn rain, washed the dust, but washed away the memories of the heart.



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A sunny Sunday, usually every day and sleep until the sun father-drying bottoms climb to get up early and get up in red, wake up my mother. Drowsily mother slowly said: "Today what the section, from Why so early?" Little Red said excitedly: "Mom, do not install confused, you said that today took me to the park!"

Came to park, mother and son were two beautiful scenery attract: kids, some kite-flying, and some shooting while playing ball ...... red bumper cars, while also playing slippery slides, played with enjoying themselves, was sweating profusely.

Little Red hobbled down to holding mothers hand while walking while singing. Suddenly, a banana peel, a red block of the avenue, little red slip banana skin reminded once again to see if the banana peel to her protest, then do not fight a gas, the foot kicked the banana peel. Mom saw, as if aware of her mind like, and did not criticize her, she just pulled the banana skin side next to her while saying with great earnestness: "I know you have been slipping on banana peel, very angry, but you should From the perspective of others think that if you somehow accidentally stepped on a banana peel how to do? red listened to, very ashamed, the banana peel thrown into the bin.

Little Red looked at the move, my mother smiled.

Yes ah! Would it not everyone should be protected?



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Golden autumn away, white winter quietly coming, my eyes are very beautiful winter.

My eyes are covered with white snow on the winter, until the spring slowly melt. I and my friends in the snow snowball, snowman, rolling, happy to play. The tree is also filled with snow, gently shake, snow slowly fell down, as snow in general, beautiful!

The snowy road in my eyes is frozen in the lake. Thick, hard, we slipped on the ice to slide, feeling like to get up the same, accidentally, will throw a big somersault, attracted everyone laughed. We are enjoying the ice!

There are many colorful festivals in winter. There are Chinese New Year, Lantern Festival and so on. These festivals are our favorite festivals. And our favorite winter vacation. I like winter.

My eyes in the winter windows will appear on some beautiful magnificent window grilles. Some of these window grille like plum, some like lotus, some like towering trees, some like a delicate grass, there is a diamond around a circular composition of the pattern, looks both three-dimensional and beautiful!

The trees in my eyes are out of the wood, but the pine trees will not fall off. Because it is the leaves of the needle, will not consume the pine trees to maintain the heat of the winter, so can not afford leaves. Not only pine can not afford leaves, bamboo can not afford to fall off Plum is more strong, not only do not fall leaves, still blossom in the winter. They are three together known as the cold three friends.

Winter has winter fun, winter winter scenery, winter winter activities. The winter in my eyes is beautiful, lively and loving. I like winter!



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June 23rd Sunday Sunny

It was a fine day today and the sun was bright. I visited Beijing Zoo with my classmate, He Song. The animals were so interesting that all the people loved them. When a bear asked for some food by waving its ann, a visitor threw something to it. At once I went up to him and said without thinking,Dont do that. Its bad for it. If you really love them, take good care of them. His face turned red and answered he wouldnt do that again.



[初一英语作文 爱护动物



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描写好词:雪白、掠过、舒展、高翔、低飞、喧哗。伫立、踱步、硕大、光滑、娴静、高雅、成双成对、碧绿如玉、肥大丰满、一星半点、轻盈美丽、望尘莫及。 Describes good words: snow white, passing, stretching, Gao Xiang, low flying, noise.Standing, pacing, huge, smooth, clever, elegant, pair of pairs, green like jade, plump and plump, one star, light and beautiful, no matter how good.



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Orcas are not related to whales at all, other than being ocean-dwelling mammals. Rather, they are close kin to dolphins. While it was believed that they were a single species, recent research indicates that they may, in fact, be comprised of several different species of Orca. You can find them in every ocean in the world, though they tend to favor the colder waters around Antarctica and the North Atlantic or Pacific. The only predator they possess is humankind. While theres a deadly standoff between the two species, Orcas proliferate in the wild, and have an incredible life span. The males usually live as long as sixty or seventy years, while the females—who are excluded from the sometimes-violent competition for mates—may live a hundred years or more in the wild.


Theyve been observed reaching speeds of around 30 miles per hour, although some Orcas may utilize much greater bursts of speed, based upon their favored prey. Resident pods in the Pacific Northwest have shown a decided preference for salmonids—specifically, Chinook salmon. This presents a conflict with the goals of companies that rely on high yields of salmon for profit. Several communities of killer whale seem to favor beach and ice floe ambush approaches, snatching seals and walruses or even sea birds from their resting places. Others, located in the Southern Hemisphere, take up the challenge of hunting sharks in the open sea, as well as feeding on species of rays and other fish abundant in the cold southern waters.




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I have a pet dog, her name is Du Du. She is very cute but quite naughty. My father, my mother and me, we all like her very much, and seldom scold her though she sometimes makes a mess at home. However, my mother got really angry with Du Du a few days ago. My mother loves flowers and always brings some home. Last Sunday, she bought some lilies. They were very fragrant. Du Du must have thought that the flowers were delicious, too, so she ate them while my mother was in the kitchen. By the time my mother rushed out of the kitchen, the vase was broken, water was everywhere and the flowers were all gone. My mother was so angry that she didn’t talk to Du Du for the rest of the day and didn’t feed her in the evening.





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On Saturday, I played football with some boys on the playground.When I ran to control the ball, I bumped into another boy. We both fell to the ground. His feet hit my right ankle. There was something hard on his shoes and it made my ankle bleeding. So I put a Band-Aid here after returning home.



Afrer a whole days hard studing, I fell very tierd and want to go out to play football for fan. But my teachers always say that it takes too much time and can make us away from studing.So they usually dont let us play football.

While teachers reject it, we still want to have a play. I think the playing after school can be a redressal and make our bodies healthier. At the same time, temperate exercise wont tamper with our studies.

According to that, I think playing football after school have more advantages than disadvantages.


While teachers reject it, we still want to have a play. I think the playing after school can be a redressal and make our bodies healthier. At the same time, temperate exercise wont tamper with our studies. According to that, I think playing football after school have more advantages than disadvantages.
