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I am the most intelligent Marine. Good magic. Very fun and very friendly to you humans Marine mammals, is a small and streamlined shape toothed cetaceans. My body like a fish, and general body length 4 ~ 5 meters, back 靑 black, with a white belly. On small fish. Shrimp. Squid, etc.

I am a swimmer and can swim 15 meters per second, can the fishing boat far behind, swimming, the entire surface of the skin can do Ann water waves, become and the shape of the wave is consistent; Reducing the friction of 90% of the water.

I can show, such as: playing table tennis. Jump fire, people often training my brain, to train it to complete the underwater operation. A trained dolphins can trace of the investigation to the fish. Can undertake port alert, rescue the victims and wrecked plane for sea and underwater in service.

Want to know me!










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1. 雏鸡好可爱啊!一身嫩黄的绒毛,一双金黄的小爪子,一对亮晶晶的眼睛,一张黄黄的小嘴,一张一合地唱着小曲。我把它轻轻的放在手心,软绵绵的,在手心不断的蠕动着,弄得我痒痒的,看它楚楚可怜的样子,真令人疼惜,更是爱不释手。

2. 另一只鸭子叫“小灰”,人如其名,相貌平平,灰头土脸,又瘦又小,像一只麻雀,长着土黄色的瘦嶙嶙的嘴和脚,处处“低鸭一等”。于是,它理所当然地充当了“侍卫”的角色。

3. 八哥:我喜爱的小动物,就是奶奶家养得一只八哥,它三岁了,它全身羽毛黑亮黑亮的,就像穿了一件黑皮袄,所以大家都叫它小黑。小黑的眼睛圆圆的就像两颗发光的宝石,一眨一眨的,可机灵了。

4. 当我刚(从爷爷手中)接过大毛和小毛的时候,它们的腿脚还不稳,可是已会走路,不过是走几步就摔倒。我赶紧把小鸡们抱起来,放进一个大木箱里。后来,我每天都给它们吃的和喝的,我们渐渐成了好朋友。

5. 咪咪有一身白白的毛,但不是全白,头上还有一抹淡淡的黑。一双尖尖的耳朵,一对彤彤有神的眼睛,一张兔子似的的三瓣嘴,还有一翘一翘的胡须。咪咪的性格实在有些古怪,说它老实吧,的确有时候很乖。它会找个暖和的地方,成天睡大觉。可是它决定要出去玩玩,就会出走一天一夜,任凭谁怎么呼唤,它也不肯回来。

6. 我的小白兔毛白白的,似乎披上了白色的绒毛大衣,显得特别漂亮。头圆圆的,像一个大人的拳头。它的耳朵又长又尖,这让我想起了一首儿歌“小白兔,白又白,两只耳朵竖起来……”小白兔的眼睛红得像宝石,为什么小白兔的眼睛都是红色的呢?我想:难到是得了红眼病?于是我查了资料,原来兔子的眼睛是透明的,我们看到的是他的血。它的鼻子小小的,不易看到它的三瓣嘴,吃起东西来发出“啧,啧“的声音。小兔子的前肢短,后肢长。它住在漂亮的窝里。

7. 松鼠:松鼠是一种美丽的小动物,很讨人喜欢。它四肢灵活,行动敏捷。玲珑的小面孔上,嵌着一对闪闪发光的小眼睛。身上灰褐色的毛,光滑得好象搽过油。一条毛茸茸的大尾巴总是向上翘着,显得格外漂亮。

8. 金州花园生活着一只京巴狗,他长着金黄色的绒毛,矮矮的腿,幼小的身躯,非常有意思。

9. 袋鼠:袋鼠妈妈长着一张长长的脸,雪亮的眼睛眶里镶着黑珍珠般的眼珠。尖尖的鼻子上有个黑黑的鼻子头儿,像一块香甜的巧克力。袋鼠的尾巴像棍棒一样撑在地上,同两只后脚配合起来,成了一副挺好的三脚架。袋鼠走路时像个跛子,后腿一蹬地,前腿就向前走一步,后腿也跟着慢慢地向前跳一步。这时,它那条尾巴便随着后腿向前移动,保持身体的平衡。

10. 我家里养了四只小白兔,都长得非常可爱。它长着一双红宝石一样的眼睛,一个小小的粉红色的鼻子,和一个可爱的三瓣嘴。身上还披着洁白的新装。

11. 金丝猴:金丝猴外表美丽高贵,样子活泼有趣。我站在金丝猴馆的大玻璃窗外仔细观察它。只见它长着一张天蓝色的脸,眼睛很大, 眼皮薄薄的 眼珠来回转动着十分机灵。它没有鼻梁,只有两个朝天的大鼻孔。我想下雨的时候它一定会用手挡住鼻孔,免得雨水就流进鼻子里被水呛着。金丝猴的大嘴非常突出,嘴唇很薄,吃起东西来一抿一抿的十分有趣。它的身子小小巧巧的,并没有什么特别的地方,但是浑身的皮毛却非常引人注目。它的毛是金灿灿的,又光滑又柔软,好像是给它披上了一件金色的“风衣”显得金光四射,特别华丽。它的尾巴与身子相比很细很长,还向上伸着,弯成了一个大问号似的形状。有时它把尾巴当作第五只“手”用。

12. 上星期六晚上,哥哥给我买了一只可爱的小八哥,我可喜欢它了。它有一身乌黑的羽毛,小小的脑袋,一双炯炯有神的双眼,雪白的喙和喙上那酷似鸡冠的羽毛,翅膀一半是乌黑一半是雪白,两只脚苍劲有力;我给它取名——小八。

13. 孔雀:说来可真巧,同学们用花手帕在空中摆来摆去,孔雀真的开屏了。只见一只花孔雀把尾巴抖得哗哗响,那漂亮的尾巴就像仙女手中的彩扇,慢慢散开,又像透亮的珍珠撒在它身上,非常美丽。尾巴一开屏,鲜艳夺目,五光十色,使人眼花缭乱。那些像桃形的花纹,外面一圈是灰色的,第二圈是浅蓝色的,最后一圈是宝石蓝的,还带点暗红色的,真漂亮。它可神气了,昂着头,挺着胸脯,来回转着,炫耀自己的美丽。

14. 虫:我原以为,金蝉一出壳就是很漂亮的。事实并非如此。刚出壳的金蝉除了背上那一层保护甲外,全身都是灰白色,折叠的翅膀看上去非常小。但是,很快就发生了奇迹般的变化。又小又嫩的翅膀逐渐地变大,很快盖住了身子,像两把长长的扇子拖在身后。它肚子弹簧似的在不停地颤动着,每颤动一次,身上的颜色就由浅而深地变化一次,渐渐地变成深绿色,变成棕黑色,翅膀上出现了排列整齐、图案精巧的斑纹,蝉触角也显现出一道道灰白色的光环。

15. 我喜欢的小动物是一只小狗,它全身长满白色的毛,像一团棉花糖;眼睛是圆溜溜的,像两颗大宝石镶嵌在一对弯弯的眉毛下;耳朵是半圆形,鼻子是黑色,尾巴短短的,很可爱。

16. 外婆家有一只特别可爱的小猫,我很喜欢它。它的颜色黄白相间,它大略厘米长,厘米高,两斤多重。

17. 兔子:兔子浑身长满了毛茸茸的白毛,远远看去像一团棉花。它的一双红眼睛被白毛包住了,嵌在眼窝里,像镶着两颗红宝石。白兔两只长长的耳朵,足有二寸半,里面一层是粉红色的皮,外面毛茸茸的,我想它的听觉一定很灵敏。小白兔的鼻子扁扁的,嘴唇分成三瓣,总是不停地耸动着,不知是因为害怕,还是随时在根据气味寻觅食物。兔子的身子圆滚滚的,看上去挺肥。前腿又短又小,后腿又长又有力,在动物王国里它还算是个长跑健将呢。兔子尾部有一条又短又小的尾巴,正如俗话所说的:兔子尾巴长不了。

18. 小乌龟长着尖尖的头,头上有很多斑纹,皱皱的像七八十岁老人的脸。头上有一张小小的嘴巴,嘴巴上面有一双小小的黑眼睛。小乌龟背着一个厚厚的壳,壳上有十三块六边形,它有四只短短的脚,脚上长着尖尖的爪子,它的尾巴又尖又短。

19. 火狐:一只火狐紧紧地追赶着野兔,它那红色的身体在青山坡上像团跳跃的火球。

20. 小公鸡 :我很喜欢我家的那只喔喔叫的小公鸡。它的头上长着像火把一样的冠子。背上的羽毛像穿着深红闪亮的外衣。腹部的羽毛像套了件金黄色的衬衫。一双透亮灵活的眼睛和一张尖尖的嘴,再配上最引人注目的那五颜六色的大尾巴,显得既美丽又威武。 小公鸡早上起来就站在坪台上“喔喔”地使劲叫,催人们快快起床。

21. 每天,我写完作业有时间的时候,我就把它们放出来和我一起做游戏,我在前面跑,它们在后面追,我们绕着院子跑好多圈。有的时候,它们耍赖,从中间插过来,我赶紧加快速度向前跑去追它们。

22. 我回到家,把小猫放在了地板上,便仔细打量着小猫,它有一身雪白的毛,有一双浅蓝色大眼睛,走起路来尾巴一摇一摆,胸还挺着,非常优雅。我给小猫起了一个名字,叫小雪。

23. 猫:它一身的白毛像雪似的,中间夹着数块墨色的细毛,黑白相间,白的显得越白,而黑的越发显得黑了。脸一半儿白,一半儿黑,两颗小电灯泡似的眼睛在脸中间闪呀闪,见我低下头看它,它也一个劲地盯着我。一条全黑的尾巴躺在地上,悠然自得地摇摆着。嘴张得很大,露出几颗嫩白的小齿,咪咪地叫着,那几根细鱼骨头似的白胡须,傲傲地动着。

24. 水牛:这头水牛膘肥体壮,威风凛凛,足有千斤重。它全身灰黑色,长满灰黑色的细毛。水牛的头呈三角形,顶上长着一对又尖又灵活的耳朵,它的耳朵不但可以转动,听各个方向的声音,而且还可以扇打蚊子。它的耳朵下面,两个角又粗又硬,又尖又弯,就像汽车的方向盘。水牛的嘴又大又长,鼻孔大大的。它的腰身很粗,背宽宽的,四条腿强健有力,长长的尾巴一甩一甩,能灵巧的赶走蚊子。

25. 螃蟹:螃蟹有我半个巴掌大,外壳除了腹部以外都呈青绿色,好像披着一件翠绿的罩衣。它那硬梆梆的身子,活像穿了一身盔甲。看,那一对粗壮的蟹钳,似乎摆起“拳击”的架势。呀,那八条步足,每条都由七个小节组成,像八条细长的“七节棍”。尖端的一节呈爪状,其余各节的形状如扁棒或短柱形。步足上还长着一些细毛,给这副威风的模样,添上了几分气势。

26. 长颈鹿:长颈鹿的头上有两只棒棒糖似的小角,大大的嘴巴,全身披着“速度之王”——豹子的花纹。最值得一提的还是它那条长长的豹脖子,足足有一条大蟒蛇那么长。身子跟梅花鹿的身体差不多,四条腿有细又长像一个踩高跷的杂技演员。长颈鹿的性格实在有些古怪。它有时很高傲,我拿着一根长满绿叶的树枝喂它,可它却不理不睬,偏要吃高过自己头顶的树叶,而且细嚼慢咽,嘴巴一张一合时;嘴皮掀起来会露出那大大的黄玉牙。它有时又很顽皮,观看它的游人络绎不绝,男女老少多得数不清。长颈鹿看到游人,有时会弯下它那长长的脖子舔一下某人的脸,或者对着人呼吸。瞧他主动与人亲近的样子,我又觉得它很平和。

27. 松鼠:松鼠是一种漂亮的小动物,乖巧,驯良,很讨人喜欢。它们虽然有时也捕捉鸟雀,却不是肉食动物,常吃的是杏仁、榛子、榉实和橡栗。它们面容清秀,眼睛闪闪发光,身体矫健,四肢轻快,非常敏捷,非常机警。玲珑的小面孔,衬上一条帽缨形的美丽尾巴,显得格外漂亮。尾巴老是翘起来,一直翘到头上,自己就躲在尾巴底下歇凉。

28. 小鹦鹉:我家养了一只小鹦鹉,它叫“小彩”。它的羽毛五彩缤纷,有黄色、绿色、红色、蓝色、黑色,像披了一件彩色的大衣。它圆圆的小脑袋镶嵌了一双黑黑亮亮的小眼睛,像两颗黑宝石。它那钩状形的小嘴巴像个秤钩。它的脚下还穿了一双红色小皮鞋呢。你可别惹它,它会对陌生人使出全身力气啄你的手。

29. 小猫:刚出生的小猫,眼睛闭着,叫声细弱,浑身光秃秃的,好似一个会蠕动的肉团团。 满月以后,绒毛才全部长齐。有的颈圈是白色,四肢长满白毛,背部黑中杂有灰白,尾巴灰黑;有的从头到尾披一件油墨“大氅”,脚掌却是白色,人们说是良种,叫“乌云盖雪”;有的通体黄色,现虎斑纹,人们给它美名“金不换”;还有一身白毛配上一条黑毛尾巴的,被称为“雪里拖枪”。刚满月的猫离不开奶,走路也不稳。

30. 小甲鱼:我把小甲鱼放到装满水的鱼缸里,它的小眼睛像黑珠子似的,爪子上还没有长出趾甲,它的尾巴小得几乎不能被人发现,背上背着一个保护它的壳子,壳子上面还有一些黑色的小点,它肚子是黄色的。我想:它肯定是出生没几天的小甲鱼吧。

31. 这些小金鱼的眼睛鼓鼓的,像大珍珠似的,水汪汪的,可好看了;它们的小嘴巴不停地张开合上,好像永远吃不够似的;它们的腮红红的,就像两片贝壳;它们身体两侧的鳍就像人的手,还可以当船桨用哦;它们的鱼鳞闪闪发光,就像钻石一样,漂亮极了!尾巴像片枫树叶子,在水里“飘”来“飘”去。

32. 叔叔家有一只活泼可爱的小猫。它身穿雪白的衣服,尖尖的耳朵,眼睛亮晶晶的像两颗绿宝石,尾巴长长的,神气极了。

33. 我曾经在二年级的时候养过两只小鸡,它们一只叫“小毛”,一只叫“大毛”。它们身上的毛是黄色的,头上是嫩黄的毛,尾巴上有一点点白色的毛。

34. 我给一只鸭子取名叫“白项圈”,因为它的脖子上有一圈一寸宽的白毛,像戴了个项圈一样。它的背是孔雀蓝色的,像披了一件华贵的披风,身子是与众不同的棕色,再加上金黄色的扁嘴和大脚,显得器宇轩昂,大有“王者之风”。

35. 鲸:鲸是一种巨形的哺乳动物,鲸并不是鱼类,你可别不信。鲸从外表看是和鱼很像的,可是鲸是胎生的,生活在海洋里的动物全是卵生的,可是鲸是胎生的这说明鲸不是鱼类!鲸是一种大自然中很神奇的动物它会唱歌、遨游大海不会迷航……很多很奇妙的事。

36. 小黑狗有一双黑色的眼睛,水汪汪的;它还有像三角形的耳朵,听力可不差,就算一颗沙子掉下去,它也会听见,可以算是“顺风耳”了;他还有锋利的牙齿,看着它的牙齿,你就要打寒颤了;还有,还有,它的舌头细长,看着挺舒服的,看着看着还真有点想摸摸舌头。

37. 狮子:狮子的眼睛圆溜溜的,牙齿锋利无比,可以像锯子一样把肉撕成一片一片的。它浑身长着金黄色的毛发,看起来威风极了!四只大粗腿特别有力,奔跑起来速度很快,狮子尾巴很长,尾端上还有一个小毛球看起来很可爱。狮子是肉食性动物,性情非常凶猛,很多动物都很害怕它。

38. 鸟:翠鸟喜欢停在水边的苇秆上,一双红色的小爪子紧紧地抓住苇秆。它的颜色非常鲜艳。头上的羽毛像橄榄色的头巾,绣满了翠绿色的花纹。背上的羽毛像浅绿色的外衣。腹部的羽毛像赤褐色的衬衫。它小巧玲珑,一双透亮灵活的眼睛下面,长着一张又尖又长的嘴。

39. 小狗:小狗有一张宽而大的嘴巴,嘴里有一排洁白而又锋利的牙齿,它一口就可以将一只大老鼠咬死! 小狗有着矫健的四肢,它跑得速度非常快,一分钟可以跑二、三里路呢! 小狗的眼睛不很好,大约只能看一里的距离。那么,它为什么能看准东西呢?它主要靠得是它的鼻子。 小狗的爪子很锋利,不用多长时间,它就可以挖一个很大的圆形的坑。 小狗刚生下来的时候,毛是棕色的,可是它长大以后就不再是棕色的了,而变成了深黄色。

40. 青蛙:青蛙的身体胖胖的,有的身体足有七八厘米长。它们披着黄绿色或深绿色的衣裳,露着雪白的肚皮。它们的头又宽又扁,像一个三角形。它的头上鼓着一双圆溜溜的大眼睛,长着大嘴巴、小鼻子。

41. 小白猪:我家养了两头小白猪。它们全身雪白,一对大耳朵像两把有力的扇子,忽上忽下不停地扇动;鼻子长长的,一对圆圆的鼻孔,像两个小山洞;鼻子下面藏着个大嘴巴,不仔细看,真不会发现鼻子下面还有张嘴;鼻子上面有一双让人捉摸不透的小眼睛,满脸的皱纹,实在不怎么好看。

42. 我家有一群可爱的鸽子,它们的羽毛有白色的,有灰色的。尖尖的嘴巴,还有乌黑乌黑的眼睛和红红的爪子。

43. 我家的小狗多多长得十分可爱,圆乎乎的脑袋上有一对长长的、毛茸茸的大耳朵,它能听到远处极细小的声音;一双水灵灵的大眼睛象一对黑宝石一样闪闪发亮,金黄色的毛柔软细迷,它的尾巴像一把扫帚经常扫来扫去,十分活泼可爱。



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In the four seasons of the year, my favorite is autumn.

The golden wheat in the autumn field is heavy and loving. Every moment are well arranged, like a golden carpet. Next to the wheat is shy sorghum, that face can not be red red. Corn seems to forget a summer trouble, high raised her red Ying.

Autumn garden, the other flowers are withered, but only only chrysanthemum in this season bloom! Chrysanthemum is not the noble peony, rose bright, but exudes its unique fragrance. In the distant viewing chrysanthemum, can only see some red, white, purple, yellow little bit. They are small but shining in the breeze!

Autumn orchard, persimmon drunk, face red. Miss grapes are the gas of the way? Pomegranate this pistachio, how to belly are laughing? Orange brother covered with branches, Jijiqiu in what to say it ... ...

How lovely is the fall!




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金丝猴外表美丽高贵,样子活泼有趣。我站在金丝猴馆的大玻璃窗外仔细观察它。只见它长着一张天蓝色的脸,眼睛很大, 眼皮薄薄的 眼珠来回转动着十分机灵。它没有鼻梁,只有两个朝天的大鼻孔。我想下雨的时候它一定会用手挡住鼻孔,免得雨水流进鼻子里被水呛着。金丝猴的大嘴非常突出,嘴唇很薄,吃起东西来一抿一抿的十分有趣。它的身子小小巧巧的,并没有什么特别的地方,但是浑身的皮毛却非常引人注目。它的毛是金灿灿的,又光滑又柔软,好像是给它披上了一件金色的风衣显得金光四射,特别华丽。它的尾巴与身子相比很细很长,还向上伸着,弯成了一个大问号似的形状。有时它把尾巴当作第五只手用。



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Winter is a clean little girl, she was a silver suitcase came to the earths mothers arms.

Winter carrying a "little flower basket" which is filled with beautiful snow, gently covered the snow covered the earth. A piece of white snowflakes like a elf dancing beautiful dance, like feathers, and like butterflies, fluttering sprinkled in the earths mothers arms. Look, has long been to the trees put on a white clothes, to the earth covered with a thick quilt ... ... afar to a fairy tale like a white world.

The children can not wait to reach out of the small hand to catch the crystal translucent snow, who knows a small snow like a naughty doll in the twinkling of an eye disappeared without a trace, turned into a stain on the clothes wet marks.

Winter also brought us endless fun. Campus get out of class we have a small footprints in the cotton-like snow, and would like to draw a beautiful picture, everyone in this flying snowflakes together to play with snow. And some in the snowball fights, that little snowball flying in the air like a bullet as quickly flew to each other, hit a lot of students clothes. And some in the snowman, they first piled up two big snowballs to do the snowmans body, give the snowman fitted with eyes, mouth ... ... snowman to do a good blow! A gust of wind blowing, the snowman seems to be waving with us smile. Campus suddenly full of laughter, to the cold winter brought a warm color.

This is the beautiful picture drawn in winter, the gift given to us in winter, ah! I love this beautiful winter, more like the winter wizard-like snow.



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Standing in the shore of the beach to the far distance, we have only seen one white. Water and sky merged into one or both days of hard water. Is the so-called: mountain hill lock lock fog fog, even the water the end of days water incessantly. distant sea, the sun shining in the beautiful, the fish shop in the movie like water, like a naughty child constantly jumping shore



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Once upon a time there were two lovely kitten, one day, the kitten hungry want to go to catch fish to eat. Them to the pool and saw a few small fish swimming in the water. Chan cats mouth water. So they want to catch a fish. However, he accidentally fell into the water, on the shore. They try very hard to of is called "help", "help!".

At this moment, a big white geese swim, quickly hauled to the cats. From then on, they became good friends.





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我最喜欢的动物My Favorite Animal

Do you know what kind of animal I like most? It’s monkey. Monkey is a kind of lovely animal. Many people like monkeys very much. Generally, monkey has small body covered with fur. Some kinds of monkeys have two big eyes and ears and a long tail. I can see them on TV or the zoo. Every time I go to the zoo, I will go to see them. Monkeys often stay in trees and jump between them. They are so lively and favorable. When they are happy, they will act for visitors. It’s very funny.




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Dogs belong to the canine。

When a dog follows its nose, its actually being led by thee key senses。 Sight:a glimpse of the enemy saves them barking up the wrong tree。 Sound: a bark can be a fierce threat, but its also how canines make their long distance calls。 Smell: this tells a dog more than all the other senses put together。

Inside its nose are around two hundred million smell sensitive cells, forty times more than in humans。 Through them the dogs brain can pick up signals from one molecule of scent in a million。 It gives the dog: a completely different picture of the world, based on what it smells, rather than what it sees。

Flowers are irrelevant to a dog。 So their scent is meaningless。 But food is a serious matter。 What to us is an empty plate, is covered with the smell of chicken to a hungry dog。



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Spring Festival is a traditional festival in china.Chinese Spring Festival celebrating the end of winter and the warmthof spring. The whole family got together happily for the spring festival. Decorations are hanging up everywhere in the city on the springfestival. we have the Spring Festivals celebrations with feasts and fireworks. Welcome to have the Chinese New Year with my family!



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In the courtyard of the grandmothers house, there is a garden. I like it the way it falls!

Autumn garden and usually different, very cute! Every seam to the fall, the garden is full of people like the grass. Spring, small grass just germination, the number of small, the color is not too green Summer, although the grass more, but it is too green! Winter, the temperature is low, all the grass and all withered. And only to the late autumn, the grass from the spring has long been to the autumn, it is the largest number! And the color of the grass becomes golden, played the golden wheat waves. Grass a cluster next to a cluster, a cluster of crowded a cluster, like a golden carpet, very nice.

The garden of autumn is surrounded by chrysanthemums. This is usually not see the scene. The chrysanthemum of the autumn garden is multipolar. As long as you walk into the garden, it will be surrounded by many chrysanthemums. The door of the rockery is chrysanthemum, trails on both sides of the chrysanthemum, small stone bench next to the chrysanthemum, rockery under the feet, or chrysanthemum! Chrysanthemum color colorful. There are white, yellow, purple, red, pink, especially people feel beautiful, is the flower of chrysanthemum, there are green! Chrysanthemum than other flowers are strong, weak flowers to the fall Long withered, but not only did not fade chrysanthemum, but also head over his head, Tingzhuo, open very good!

There are a few maple trees in the garden. Usually you can not see what they are special, but one late into the autumn, their leaves will become as red as fire, who read will be amazed. Maple leaf coloring process is very interesting. Maple leaves were originally green, to the fall, it first slowly into yellow, waiting for a few days after it turned red. And wait until late autumn, Maple Leaf this becomes dark red, like blood red!

There are ten trees next to the maple trees. In peacetime, the yellow cedar tree is not as characteristic as the maple, and in the late autumn it is the same as the maple, and the leaves are turned from green to crimson. But the leaves of yellow cedar trees than maple leaves, and there is no five horns, is round. This yellow cedar also let me make a joke it. One day fall, my father and I read in the garden, I saw the yellow cedar leaves red, pointing to their father said: "Dad, this a few maple leaves are red!" Dad a laugh Rhettled and told me: "This is not a maple, is a yellow cedar tree! You see its leaves, is round, maple leaves but the pentagonal!" I look carefully, this found himself wrong.

I love the garden of autumn. Every late autumn, I often stay in the garden, the game. I am afraid of the winter, the beauty of the front will disappear, back to the garden to take pictures, can take pictures, I always feel that the photo is not as ideal as I imagined, so I often give the garden to draw, after each painting , I always feel that some in the ointment, so I also love in the painting to draw some of the garden is not the fruit, because I love the garden too far!



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My family has a small rabbit, looks very cute. It is white, snow in the winter when it is like a pile of white snow, it is also a long head on the long ears. The best look, or it is the fiery red eyes, like two red ruby ruby.

Every day after school, I went to the fields to pull it to eat or to the market to buy carrots to eat it, whenever I put the tender green grass in front of it, it first smell with the nose, and then look at me, and finally, It is assured to chew up, it is like eating, really lovable!

Later, I put the white rabbit into the "its room". After a while, I came to the white rabbit did not sleep, did not expect, white rabbit lying in the nest motionless, I thought it was dead, to be afraid to call my mother, my mother came over and looked and said: "Really fuss, little white rabbit is sleeping." Suddenly, my face becomes red and thought, I thought: I must learn the basic knowledge of rabbits.

The personality of the white rabbit is gentle. Start, I and it is also a little strange, but not a few days, then I became a good friend. Usually, I often train it to understand what I said, now the white rabbit to me can understand a lot of words.

Little rabbit gave my life a lot of joy, I really like it!



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1、Fine feathers make fine birds.


2、Don’t be a dog lying in the manger.


3、Scornful dogs will eat dirty puddings.


4、Who will bwll the cat?


5、Too much pudding will choke a dog.


6、Dog does not eat dog.


7、When the weasel and the cat make a marriage, it is a very ill presage.


8、Dead dogs bite not.


9、There are more ways of killing a cat than by choking it with butter.


10、A crow is never the whiter for washing herself often.


11、A gloved cat catches no mice.


12、The cat shuts its eyes when stealing cream.


13、Birds in their little nests agree.


14、Every dog is a lion at home.


15、It’s an ill bird that fouls own nest.


16、A cat has nine lives.


17、All cats are grey in the dark.


18、Each bird loves to hear himself sing.


19、He who would hang his dog gives out first that it is mad.


20、Kill two birds with one stone.


21、A bird is known by its note, and a man by his talk.


22、The frog in the well knows nothing of the great ocean.


23、Care kill a cat.


24、You cannot catch old birds with chaff.


25、Let sleeping dogs lie.


26、Every dog has his day.


27、All are not thieves that dogs bark at.


28、Birds of a feather flock together.


29、A staff is quickly found to beat a dog with.


30、Love me, love my dog.


31、A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.


32、Barking dogs don’t seldom bite.


33、Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched.


34、Cats hide their claws.




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我家的“小红帽”会说话,有时侯还和我顶嘴。有一次,它把我惹生气 了,我不给它吃。我们吃饭的时候,它的双眼直勾勾地盯着饭桌上地美味佳肴,样子特别可怜。我忍不住又同情 它来,给它倒了一杯炒绿豆米。它高兴极了,直对我说:“小主人,谢谢!谢谢!”有时,它自己饿了,还会打开鸟笼钻出来,去柜子里找炒绿豆米呢!找到了就津津有味地吃起来。

我写作业地时候,“小红帽”会一动不动地站在我的书桌上,看着左右跳动的笔尖,听着笔尖在纸上写字时发出的沙沙声。有时它也会和我捣蛋,在我的作业本上踩上几个“小树杈”,踩完了还站在一旁一边欣赏 它的“得意之作”,一边观察我又什么反应。如果心情好,我就会笑着摸它的头;如果心情不好,我就会把它教训得眼冒金星。它总是一边大叫“小主人,对不起”以便到处乱撞;或者说“够了,够了,”就飞回自己得鸟笼里了。






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They say women love to shop, but at home, on the contrary, dad is a real shopper.

In the past, dad just bought something on Taobao occasionally, but for the most recently, Dads shopping on Taobao has reached a plateau. Every day I Pidianpidian ran to the cell door to bring him online shopping, sometimes one day will run several times!

Then, how can dad get hooked on online shopping? It is one of his colleagues at Taobao outlets "free trial", can choose 15 day free trial of the goods, if you are lucky, the goods will give you a free trial, but also need to submit a preliminary report. The key is that Dads colleague has tasted the benefits of a free trial. After some "sweet talk", he was hooked. Every day a bed together, out of mobile phones, places of interest, free trial goods, and sometimes work too busy, before going to bed, will not forget to take 15 free goods one by one. Day by day, I am full of confidence and hope that luck will befall me.

Its heaven, man, not a few days, lucky god to visit dad, Dad became lucky. Even in a free trial of commodity - Beijing Red Star Erguotou liquor bottles, small bottles, worth 10 yuan, and the number of copies of the free trial is 1000. "Yes, yes, Dad. Good luck."!" My loud shouts of applause. Dad was laughing and laughing all the time. Mom complained: "this is good luck! 1000 copies of the probability, in a 10 yuan of wine, look, the two of you happy!" If you are happy, you should write a trial report, otherwise you can not continue to order free trial goods. Dad had to ask mom to help write a trial report. Dad doesnt drink, have no alternative but to do with the bottle drink mom took a picture, action, then write test reports online, while the number of words is not enough, and do not pass up the photo for a while, in short, toss for a long time, after the trial finished my report. Mom said angrily: "the sky does not drop pie."."

This free trial in the post, continue to carry forward the fine tradition of his father, did not forget to take a 15 day free trial of goods, and more and more high, Dads eyes, often those high value goods, such as sweeping robot, air purifier. Dad enjoyed it, but in the process of ordering free trial, dad was hooked by the dazzling array of products.

"Xuan Xuan, you to look at this car, the original price 2000 yuan, now only sell 600 yuan, too! But Giant brand! I put it in the shopping cart." Dad looked at the picture excitedly.

"Xuan mama, this set of bedding, 1800 yuan, I 380 yuan took."! Youll see which color we choose. Lets buy more. I bought this down jacket for you. Do you think its nice?!" Dad to mother introduced in high spirit. As a result, the father side of the free commodity trial point, while the Taobao online "favorite" things to buy home. Some things are needed at home, but some things he will have to have some fresh stuff, can be used on the estimation of God knows how long. Dad left home, let the family more and more colorful.

This free trial makes dad obsessed with online shopping. Its a joy and a worry. Look at the shining white silver gurgle into the business pockets, although the mother distressed, but did not reveal to the father does not support online shopping. Because we all know: Dad online shopping for the family, in order to provide more convenience to our nianglia!



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My house through a window, a row of trees have leaf like soldiers struggling proud of the past winter, again on the leaves, like a perfect uniform, to survive these long winter soldiers send warmth.


The birds nest is close enough, the fresh air, the slightest breeze brings them very cool, birds sing beautiful songs, songs of their proud. Every corner is changing, becoming a garden that is more different than the winter, than the autumn.


In the spring of two All flowers bloom together., pear tree homes, cute. A flower in full bloom, and decorated with white plow tree flowers, like a rolling of the white snow capped mountains, very beautiful.


A pear tree cut fuel, although there is no next to it "tall mountain" as charming, but it leaves thick, four to stretch longer high, finally formed a parasol and covered with earth, produce many pears,


How lovely the spring scenery of our home is! It was gorgeous and angry. Time is passing, home will become a refreshing home.




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Today, my mother took me to a friend to see him keep a puppy. Its a small face on a long pair of slippery black eyes, wearing a black and bright black "sweater", the body is only a small rabbit-like size, jumping, very cute!

After dinner, I am happy to play with the puppy. We have to play awkward, it suddenly after the legs stumbled up, scared me a big jump. Thought: "Even I will not stand upright, it is easy to upside down, really not simple!" Just when I was surprised, just listen to "brush" to it a bit of joy. "Wow thiophene it will be inverted pee, or the first time I see it!" I exclaimed! Suddenly feel the body is not right, touched his pants, how is the wet? It is the urine it is scattered in my pants On the. I can be angry, and shouted: "This time you see you small, do not understand the matter on the spare you, if the next time, do not blame me regardless of polite!" I saw the dog put his legs, Gone, really arrogant!

For a while to go, I really could not bear it!



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喜欢动物My Favorite Animal

Ilike dogs, because they are man’s good friends. They can do many helpful thingsto us, such as guarding our houses, greeting guests, helping the police, and soon. Some trained dogs can even lead the blind people and save people’s lives.So they‘re treated as our family members. I hope someday dogs will be in greatharmony with human-beings.




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Two little kittens went fishing at sea. First, they sat in their raft and rowed themselves away from shore. Then Tom Cat put the bait on the fish hook and threw it out into the ocean. And they waited for a long time until finally, they sensed a fish caught on the hook.It was a huge salmon! And the kittens happily returned home with their catch.
