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from the sixteenth of january to the seventh of february is our winter holiday。 i think everybody did a lot of things in the winter holiday。 but i didn’t。 let you to listen to my story of winter holiday。

i spend a lot of time on the homework。。 every day in my winter holiday, i always got up late。 then i listened to the tape, it was nine o’clock。 then i ate breakfast and then i did my homework during the daytime! i’m not very slow but the homework was too heavy!

i’m unlucky on the playing too。 i played firecracker but i hurt my finger with the fire。 i ‘m careless to kindle the firecracker, so i’m very unlucky。

i still unlucky on my friend’s party。 in the morning, i wanted to get up early but i woke up at 10:50。 after ten minutes, the party would start! so i only eat a piece of bread then i go to my friend’s home! and i stay at his home for a long time when i came home。 my mother and father were very angry and they scolded me!

i’m worried and feel unlucky on my weigh。 last term, i was 48 kilogram but now i am 51 kilogram! i must to do banting!

but most important, i have gone to shanghai ocean aquarium, i want to go there very much because i want to see the horse, the monkey……in the sea。 now i’ve done it 。 it is a bright dot in my winter holiday。




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We will never forget our freshman year at college.In general it is a time filled with anticipation,some anxiety,and wonderful discoveries.

College is much different than high school.You may decide to commute from your home to a local campus.Without doubt,the most dramatic freshman year is for those living away from home.What can we expect as we head off into the wonderful world of higher education?

The first thing I notice is the workload.It is heavier and more intense than I ever experienced before.The major challenges of college work are large volume of reading,short deadlines,and “endless” writing.A related effect that can be brought on by the workload is doubt,frustration,and loneliness if possible.

On some of those long,seemingly endless nights of studying and writing,it will be very natural for me to long for fine old days.Hang in there.These down periods will pass.

I have made a lot of new friends.I am sure college friendships will be among the most satisfying and long-term in my life.Its always exciting to discover how wonderfully diverse college relationships can be.

I am enjoying my newfound freedom.Stay up until dawn talking about my ideals and ambitions with my dorms regular bull session buddies.Sleep in until the afternoon on a light class day.Explore the local town or suburbs with one or two of my new friends.

I even start to think about my future.Going to college is as much about finding out who am I as it is about getting the degree.



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I live with my father and mother in a very big house in dongguan. My parents are both very busy. They leave for work very early in the morning and don’t return home until late in the evening.

When i am home on weekends from school, we spend a lot of time together. we talk about my studies, my health and my school life. i love my parents very much.

My grandparents are still living, but they don’t live with us. Their health is good and they both do sports very early in the morning. My grandmother does gymnastics with elderly women her age in the park. Both of my grandfathers play basketball in the morning and sometimes they go swimming.

Chinese people eat rice for every meal, but i don’t like rice because i think it is tasteless! we eat meat, fish and vegetables. My family eats noodles and congee. my favorite is noodles.

I often play computer games because i like it so much. I often watch Japanese cartoon movies with my parents on the weekends. On long holidays we take trips, too.

That is my description of typical family life in china.




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1995 I went into taizhou junior middle school.Totally we had 7 classes,I was in class 4.The head-teacher of the class was a middle age woman.she was so strict with us.for example, i was catched when i ate a big rabbit sugar during class time,she asked me to buy that bland sugar one peice for everyone.in my opinion ,she hated everyting except study,everyweekend ,she asked us to study in school,sunday afternoon was just the free time for us.when she saw we played football,she must get the ball back to her office.someone who was to be in love was found by her,he would be punished just like a shit.luckyly,i was not found by her.i liked the girl who was my Elementary school schoolmate during my junior middle school.i didnt know she konwed or not.it ended when we graduated.but i liked to talk with others during class time,everytime i was found by her,she asked me to write 3000 words to explain why and how to do in future. nowadyas every time i remeber what happened in my junior middle school,i deeply appreciat her kindness.she is real a good teacher.

My junior middle school time has pasted ,but it will influece till the end of my life.



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大家知道滑稽明星斯格特吗?今天,我有幸读了关于他的一篇文章,觉得受益匪浅。 Do you know the funny star Sigrt? Today, I am fortunate to read an article about him and feel that it has benefited a lot.










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1、 积极思考造成积极人生,消极思考造成消极人生。

2、 明天是世上增值最快的一块土地,因它充满了希望。

3、 若不给自己设限,则人生中就没有限制你发挥的藩篱。

4、 每个不满意的现在,都有个不努力的曾经。

5、 草,对春的态度是拱土而出;花,对夏的态度是翘首怒放;叶,对秋的态度是归根寻母;木,对冬的态度是休养蛰伏。这一个个态度决定了四季的美景。

6、 有事者,事竟成;破釜沉舟,百二秦关终归楚;苦心人,天不负;卧薪尝胆,三千越甲可吞吴。

7、 成功呈概率分布,关键是你能不能坚持到成功开始呈现的那一刻。

8、 ?智慧的代价是矛盾,这是人生对人生观开的玩笑。

9、 变坏的绝不是新生的一代,只有在年长的人已经腐化之后,他们才会败坏下去。

10、 小时候以为幸福是美丽,长大后以为幸福就是爱情。成熟后我发现,其实幸福的关键就是自己!当自己培养出幸福力,不论外界怎么变化,就都能让自己幸福开心!

11、 在做任何事情时,态度最重要。认真的态度,能成事,不认真的态度,会败事。

12、 最为值得珍惜的是今天,因为最容易流逝的就是今天,把握今天就是把握希望,分分秒秒只是瞬间,而所乘载的分分秒秒就叫做一天,时间的流逝往往是在不经意之间,人生几回,青春更珍贵,对于我们这个年龄的青少年来说,青春已不足二十载,在学习的生活中我们必须靠自己的力量,驾驭着自己的小船驶向希望的彼岸。

13、 当浮华给予我们过多欺骗,现实中的虚假几乎让我们忘却了真的存在,是真情唤回了迷离的心,是真情带给了我们最纯、最真的感觉,它流露的是美的誓言,渗透的是永恒执著的真爱。

14、 不要太高估自己在集体中的力量,因为当你选择离开时,就会发现即使没有你,太阳照常升起!

15、 蠢人做蠢事,也可理解为傻人有傻福。

16、 不攀比,不嫉妒。只要我们尽了力,发了光,问心无愧,虽然所处的境况还大有改进的余地,也有信心加以改进,但也怡然自得。要学会幽默和自嘲。

17、 有理直总是好的,至少说明做错事的不是自己。但气壮却大可不必了,因为气这个东西,总是与咄咄逼人得理不饶人相联系在一起,其后果总是硝烟味浓,违背了和谐社会的基本准则。更重要的一点是,理直气壮的不一定每次都是自己。己之不欲,勿施于人。

18、 有些冷,有些凉,心中有些无奈,我一个人走在黑夜中,有些颤抖,身体瑟缩着,新也在抖动着,我看不清前方的路,何去何从,感觉迷茫,胸口有些闷,我环视了一下周围,无人的街头显得冷清,感到整个世界都要将我放弃。脚步彷徨之间,泪早已滴下。

19、 对待任何事情,态度最重要。做的不好那是能力问题,可以培养,如果态度不认真,那永远都做不好任何事。

20、 在生与死之间还有一段美妙的征程,叫做生活。这是一段神奇的旅途,它应该充满了梦幻想象知识现实和领悟。

21、 悲观的人虽生犹死,乐观的人永葆青春。

22、 天又快黑了,这座忙碌的城市又将入睡,让这劳累的“身躯”暂别白日的辛勤,让它入睡,陪伴着城市中的人们进入梦乡。当空的弯月正深情地注视着这座城市与城市中的人们,看着家家户户的灯渐渐熄灭,它在床头悄悄奏响“明月曲”。

23、 漫漫人生旅途,或有上帝垂青,或有灾难降临。态度在这时决定了今后的人生走向,决定了一切。塞翁对失马的淡然处之,毛主席的名言“胜不骄,败不馁”,一个换取了更多的马匹,一个缔造了新中国。仲永对才华的骄傲自满,凡高对生活的消极黯然,一个由天才沦为庸才,一个用手枪结束了自己年轻的生命。

24、 生活是一杯清水,你放一点糖它就甜;放一点盐它就咸!

25、 犹豫的时候,换个思路去选择;郁闷的时候,换个环境找快乐;烦恼的时候,换个思维去排解;自卑的时候,换个想法去对待。生活中,学会换位思考,你的世界才会简单,人心简单就幸福!

26、 聪明人看得懂,精明人看得准,高明人看得远。智者的声音是愚者的方向,无法放弃过去的无知,就无法走进智慧的殿堂,对待健康,偏见比无知更可怕!

27、 朱光潜先生说过:“以出世的态度做人,以入世的态度做事。”我很信服这话,以为朱先生是用极简单的语言,说出了人生极复杂的道理。

28、 永远以积极乐观的心态去拓展自己和身外的世界。

29、 “态度决定一切!”心态是取得成功的一个非常关键的环节,拥有好的心态,就会拥有好的成绩!

30、 保持乐观的心境。对生活中的酸甜苦辣,悲欢离合不必太注意,太苛求,更不可怨天尤人。因为世界上让所有人都注意的事情太少了。

31、 如果一个人不愿做小事,那么大事也很难做成,老子告诫人们“天下难事,必成于易,天下大事,必做于细”,如想成功,比别人更优秀,就要多在小事上下功夫,成功靠的是点滴的积累。

32、 在每个人心中,都曾停留过那些值得怀念的人,也许还在,也许早已消逝,在茫茫人海中丢失,于是,那份怀念便得凄凉,因为模糊的记忆中只剩下一个“空壳”,没有什么,甚至连自己的心都装不下,时间把一切抹平,也把当日的泪水封锁,因为已经没有,怀念只是悲凉!

33、 山不辞土,故能成其高;海不辞水,故能成其深!

34、 俗话说“态度决定高度”。只要每个人都从自己的点点滴滴开始做起,随时检讨和反思自己的行为,那么他就离成功的终点不远了。

35、 青年人先可以将中国变成一个有声的中国:大胆地说话,勇敢地进行,忘掉一切利害,推开古人将自己的真心话发表出来。

36、 绝大多数人,绝大多数时候,人都只能靠自己。没什么背景,没遇到什么贵人,也没读什么好学校,这些都不碍事。关键是,你决心要走哪条路,想成为什么样的人,准备怎样对自己的懒惰下黑手。

37、 “忍”能养福;“忠”能养禄;“乐”能养寿;“动”能养身;“学”能养识;“静”能养心;“勤”能养财;“爱”能养家;“诚”能养友;“善”能养德。

38、 十几年的奋斗,给了我崭新的生活;十几年的奋斗,给了我冲向顶峰的动力。正如富强的中国一样,我,与许多不计辛劳的人,一起跨入梦想的殿堂。

39、 “态度决定一切,细节影响成功”。这是两年前挂在初一年段室墙上的一句警句。这是老师用来提醒同学们的金玉良言。我觉得这话说得太有道理了。

40、 态度决定了你的所为,态度决定了过程的优劣,态度决定了事的成败,态度决定了结果的好坏,态度决定了一切。

41、 赚钱之道很多,但是找不到赚钱的种子,便成不了事业家。

42、 销售世界上第一号的产品--不是汽车,而是自己。在你成功地把自己推销给别人之前,你必须百分之百的把自己推销给自己。

43、 出生一张纸,开始一辈子;毕业一张纸,奋斗一辈子;做官一张纸,斗争一辈子;金钱一张纸,辛苦一辈子;淡化这些纸,明白一辈子;忘了这些纸,快乐一辈子!

44、 我要坚持下去,磨练技艺,就像水手冲破狂风暴雨,以此磨练自己的技能一样。

45、 曾经拥有的,不要忘记;已经得到的,更要珍惜;属于自己的,不要放弃;已经失去的,留着回忆;想要得到的,必须努力;但最重要的,是好好爱惜自己。珍惜今天,期待明天。

46、 真想干总会有办法,不想干总会有理由;面对困难,智者想尽千方百计,愚者说尽千言万语;老实人不一定可靠,但可靠的必定是老实人;时间,抓起来是黄金,抓不起来是流水。

47、 成功的道路也许就是这样,需要经历太多的挫折与磨难,而其中的磨难与艰辛,恐怕永远只有经历过的人自己才知道。

48、 当心灵趋于平静时,精神便得永恒!把欲望降到最低点,把理性升华到最高点,你会体会到:平安是幸,健康是福,清心是禄,寡欲是寿!

49、 敌人变成战友多半是为了生存,战友变成敌人多半是为了金钱。

50、 态度是指一个人做事的细节精神,它能以周密塌实地方式成就别人不能成就的事情。没有一个优秀的态度,就不可成就一个完美的人生。人生不是没有态度的应付,而是优秀态度的执行。

51、 今天阳光很好,坐在窗前,看窗外如此晴朗的天感觉特别舒心,雨过天晴后的世界总给人一种明媚,仿佛阳光照耀在“心田”上空,让前些天被风雨践踏的花朵重新得到爱的关怀,重现生命的活力!

52、 对于生活不要有太多的奢求,不要有太多的期望,世事往往与你的期盼相反,生活总是会有很多不如意,不要把不开心、伤心的事天天挂在嘴边,不要太天真的认为每个人都会对你好,每个人都有自己的情感,有自己的生活,有自己的家,要学会照顾自己,关心自己,爱惜自己!

53、 面对成功与失败,我们应该坦诚相待,不管是否成功,只要坦然,就会虽败尤荣,信心十足去再度搦战,奔向新的目标。只要坚持不懈不折不挠势必成功,从此你会勇于向挫折发起搦战,不久的将来你将比战必胜。

54、 一旦开悟,任何事都变得简单,我们自然想的快,做得快,适当时机会做正确反应,这就是成功要诀。

55、 在现实生活中,我们常自认为怎么样才是最好的,但事与愿违,使我们意不能平。我们必须相信:目前我们所拥有的,不论顺境、逆境,都是对我们最好的安排。若能如此,我们就能在顺境中感恩,在逆境中依旧心存喜乐。

56、 有人在历经挫折之后,成绩却像一匹黑马般,突飞猛进,因为他们懂得如何战胜挫折;而有些人却停留在原地甚至“更下一层”’,那是因为他们只知道怨天尤人,不知从自己身上找失败的原因。同样的事情,不同的结果,一切的成功或失败都是态度上的问题。

57、 生活中受伤难免,失败跌倒并不可怕,可怕的是因此而一蹶不振,失去了对人生的追求与远大的理想。没有一个人的前进道路是平平稳稳的,就算是河中穿梭航行的船只也难免颠簸,生活中所遇上的坎坷磨难不是偶尔给予的为难,而是必然所经受的磨练。



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During weekdays, I am busy, because I must go to school. I usually get up

at 6:30 a.m.. And then I do some washing. After that, I will have my breakfast

at 6:50. I usually go to school at 7:15. Now, I can go to school and come home

by myself. I have four classes in the morning and three in the afternoon. I have

my lunch at home. I study Chinese, math, English and some other subjects at

school. At night, I can watch TV or play computer. But I have to finish my

homework first. I usually go to bed at 10:00 p.m..



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My school life in primary school is wonderful! I have a lot of friends. They are friendly to me.We study together play together and talk together.My teachers are very patient .They teach me a lot and help me with many problems. The school life is unforgettable



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I spent this summer vacation in quite a different way. I used to run about every day in previous summer vacations, but this summer vacation I simply could not afford to do so. I would soon be in the last year of my high-school education and would after graduation be up against the college entrance examinations.

Though those examinations were still a year away, I had to start early to make myself well prepared by reviewing all those things I had learned at school and this summer vacation was the ideal time for me to do this.

At first I was rather dismayed at the thought of this, but later I thought it was better this way because by working hard this summer I could count on endless happy summers to come. With this in mind I then set to work like anything and only occasionally went out for a change or did some physical. I was not at all bored by this kind of life, for I was sustained by a hope.



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Today, I got up at8:00 at usual. And I have a busy day. In the morning, I studied for two hours. Andthen my father told me to visit my uncle with him. We took something to him andhad lunch at his home. We went home at 14:00. When we got home, my mother was cleaning our home, so my father and I helped her. I cleaned my room. It was alittle dirty. After that, we went to the supermarket. I bought some snacks. I wastired today.




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(1) How Do People in My Hometown Observe Spring Festival

(2) My College Life ---- A Summary of the First Term in Zhejiang

Gongshang University

Spring Festival in my Hometown

The Spring Festival, the most jubilant and important festival in China, is observed by most Chinese people at home and abroad. Our hometown is not an exception.

Similar with other places in china, we prepare for the festival about half a month before. With the lunar New Year approaching, the red lanterns are hung up along the main streets, making the ancient town filled with the festival atmosphere. While people clean up their houses, decorate it with traditional decorations such as Chinese knots and paper cutting. Each family pastes up Spring Festival couplets to convey their best wishes for the coming year.

On the New Year’s Eve, the whole family sits around, having a

sumptuous feast of reunion. It is worth mentioning that the food we have called maiyouzhi is unique. There is a flat piece of wheat sheet covering various vegetable and meat then rolling them up. What a delicious it is! After dinner, the family always watches the Spring Festival Gala Evening, and sets up fireworks to watch in the New Year.

On the first day of the New Year, people pay visits to the relatives and friends to send New Year’s greetings to each other and wish everything smoothly in the new year. The kids can get a lot of lucky money from the elders.

During the whole holiday, there are varied activities in the town such as lion and dragon dance, and all the citizens enjoy them very much.

People celebrate the festival until the Lantern festival. However, the wonderful memory and the joy of the Spring Festival will last long.

It’s really my honor to be part of Zhejiang Gongshang University.

My College Life

How time flies! I have been in Zhejiang Gongshang University for a semester. In retrospect, my college life is busy but colorful. Different from my senior high school’s life, the whole new life I led is much freer. I arranged my time,

becoming the master of myself.

First of all, study is still the core of my life. I major in Japanese which is both interesting and challenging. We are required to be accomplished in listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating. As a result I had to spend most of time in improving my abilities. Besides of the regular courses, I often attended the lecture and went to the library to eich my knowledge, and I do benefit from what I learnt.

As to the after school life, what I consider most meaningful is joining the YVP to serve society. I think it is the responsibility for every university student to make contribution to the community. Little as my effort is, I tried my best to help the people around us. Once the YVP organized us to sell secondhand books and raise the money to help the people indeed.

In addition, I quite enjoy the travels and the bees. Travels let me experience the sunshine, fresh air as well as the special taste of the local customs and practices. While the bees keep the friendship shining, and friends are as if family members. Both of them lit up my life.

All in all, the college life is a journey, and I have long way to go; all the memory is the most precious treasure, and I will value every moment.



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How I Spent My Summer Vacation The summer vacation had come round again. I was happy that I could forget about school at least for a while. Lest I fool around all through this summer vacation, I made a plan as to how to spend it. First, I thought I should go over all those things my teachers taught in the previous term so that I could have a better understanding of them. Then I thought I should take up some forms of exercise, such as walking, running rowing, to keep me physically strong. It stood to reason that with such a good plan I should make the best of my vacation time. I did, because I lived up to what I had planned.

暑假有来了。我很高兴我能忘掉学校至少一段时间。免得我我浪费了这个暑假,我做了一个计划如何度过我的暑假。首先,我认为我应该复习所有我的老师一学期教的那些东西,这样我就可以有更好的理解。然后我想我应该参加一些不同形式的运动,如散步、跑步划船、让我身体强壮。它的原看在这样的一个很好的计划,我应该好好利用我的休假。事实上我也这么 做了,因此我没有辜负了我的计划。



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These two cartoons show two contrasting scenes. While the male student spends all his time and money playing Internet games, the female student studies diligently. One could easily argue that a bright future awaits the students who study hard, while those who waste tuition playing games have little to look forward to. The above images encourage students to value their time in school and take advantage of educational opportunities.

While students dream of being accepted into college for years, they often become lost once admitted. Without their parents‘ constant support and advice, or because of limited communication with teachers, many students are unable to focus on their future goals.

Such confusion leads some to forget their studies and resort to playing on the Internet, among other forms of recreation. Students should not only keep their ambitions in mind, but also seriously strive towards them. Without a clear purpose, one might easily waste crucial years neglecting one‘s studies.

Constantly playing on the Internet leads to failure, while continuously studying guarantees success. Students need to appreciate their time in school, and work hard in order to ensure a good future.




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Low carbon life, a new term appearing frequently in the Internet and magazines, has become a new way of life for the new generation. Low carbon, as the name suggests, is the emission of CO2, methane and other greenhouse gases as low as possible, and this can be done in our daily life. Turn off the computer, go out to eat with chopsticks in the park, and not in the gym exercise, try to hand washing instead of washing machine, eat more vegetables and less meat, using electrical time to switch off, dont forget to unplug the plug......

The emergence of a low carbon life is a new and civilized way of life. It represents a healthier, more natural, safer place, as well as a low-cost, low-cost lifestyle. Our hands up, you can affect the survival of thousands of living creatures on earth, why not?. To this day, the punishment of nature has been enough for mankind. What we should do is to start from ourselves and start to protect our only home. Start a low carbon life, lazy people learn to run out of the electrical plug, the meat lover also started the habit of eating more fruits and vegetables, there is no need to use out of the movement or some natural activities to replace the Internet all day...

UNEP published a report that suggested a "low carbon lifestyle" for individuals:

1, instead of the electronic clock with the traditional clockwork alarm clock, this can reduce the CO2 emissions by about 48g per day.

2, the use of traditional toothbrushes instead of electric toothbrushes can reduce the amount of 48gCO2 emissions.

3, the electric treadmill on 45 minutes of exercise instead of jogging in the vicinity of the park, can be reduced by almost 1 kilograms of CO2 emissions.

4, instead of washing machines to dry clothes, but let it dry naturally, you can enter less than 2.3 kilograms of CO2 emissions.

5, in the lunch break and after work in time to shut down the computer host and monitor, you can these appliances CO2 emissions decreased by 1/3.

6, switch to water-saving shower head, not only can save water, but also three minutes of hot water shower caused by CO2 emissions reduced by half.

Some people, in order to make the sky bluer, the water clearer, peoples lives better, and always struggle in the forefront of environmental protection. We may not be ready to participate, but its not too much to start with small things. Lets begin our low carbon life from now on! One small act of yours can change the future......

Other carbon reduction actions we can do:

1, lights, computers, air conditioning...... Any electrical appliances should be turned off as soon as they are not used.

2, once the mobile phone is charged, unplug the charger immediately.

3. Drive out shopping. Please plan your shopping and buy as much as you can.

4. Walk or ride a bike. Take a light rail or subway.

5, more use of e-mail, MSN and other instant messaging tools, less printers and fax machines.




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Life is an endless voyage, as theres no destination in our life. Life is also very fickle, since anything may happen in our life. We may be successful or defeated at any time.

Sometimes, I have the feeling that I was successful, but that happiest time has already passed away. Sometimes, I feel as if I went to the end of my life, but after a long tour, I find I have a long way to go. I always miss myself in this endless road and I feel very lonely. But in this loneliness, theres nothing to fear. So I have learned to grow up. I have learned to hold back my tears. I have learned to smile to others.

Im not defeated. However hard the situation is, I will never give up! However hard the situation is, I will never say I cant! However hard the situation is, I will never stop running! Never!



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The earth is our biggest home, we have only one earth, if not protect the earth. The earth will be destroy. All of us to do environmental small guards together!

This weekend, we invite good classmates to pick up garbage on the hill. Picking up litter is a kind of learning lei fengs spirit, is also a kind of protection of the environment. When we picking up litter, picked up a lot of rubbish, plastic bags, toilet paper, waste battery and so on. Also see someone spit sputum. First take plastic bags to say! The wind blows, the blowing plastic bags into the sky and fell into the sea, in a variety of Marine life accidentally eat plastic bags into the belly, will face the death. So we should reduce use of plastic bags when shopping, use cloth bag. Also, when we were going out to reduce your driving, can reduce vehicle exhaust emissions, we can use to walk or ride a bicycle, or take a bus to go out. And we must not use one-off chopsticks, otherwise, our trees will soon be cut down by people. And we must protect the water and soil, so we can kind of many trees and flowers. Plants and trees is to protect the earth, we should protect the plants and trees.

Our heads with a piece of blue sky, feet with a piece of land. Common destiny brought us together tightly, protect the earth. Let us join hands to actively carry out publicity activities, and take action to try to make our earth mother to restore youthful energy, make our earth mother appearance glows forever!

Protect the environment, everyone duty.







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Prospective students can get a taste of campus life during the summer months by spending a day or evening at Penn State New Kensington.

During the Spend a Summer Day and Spend a Summer Evening events in June, July, and August, participants can meet staff and current students, and find out all they need to know about admissions, financial aid and student life. Opportunities to tour the campus are available and a free lunch and entertainment are provided. The first Spend a Summer Day program is a weekend event slated from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Saturday, June 20. Adult learners who cant make it during the day due to work commitments may spend a summer evening on campus from 6:30-9:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 30.

The final Spend a Summer Day is a weekday event, set from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 6.




