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Recently there are start-up has been the topic on TV, said everyones home for a start-up and house rules. I is according to the news on the project, to write the composition. Now everyone is pay attention to the atmosphere in the home, the scope of the ethos have greatly small, textual research, also has a ban feng, todays talk about this family trait.

So-called ethos of Dans home, the family culture of good or not will affect the future generations, a family or family start-up is to, first is to pay attention to good home, good for manage a household. Dan also is divided into several kinds, at home to do, do the housework at home, etc., in the home do are good family trait. Dan also treats the wind, is a family or the familys traditional fashion.

Discipline is very strict, so the family of rules must be strictly abide by the provisions by a family of behavior standards, are generally passed down by a family education specification guidelines for our grandchildren. House rules is also called the French state-owned national law, the home has rules, is refers to a country has the law of a country, a family has a family rule, this rule is equivalent to the law of the country. Refers to the rules of the family, doing everything to know about the rules.

Finally, I think a good start-up and house rules everyone should strictly abide by, our pupils will abide by the good conduct, speak rules, to justice.








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Winter is a gentle girl, she wiped the sun to the red, to the earth covered with white gauze, you see, that blue sky in the sun like a drunk face rose up from the tree after the emergence of the red. Its glory illuminated the earth, to bring a trace of warmth. The country road is covered with frost, and the rustling at the foot of the people.

Wanzhuang Qingsong completely into the snowy snow. Near the houses, fences ... ... put on a soft, white and decent coat; trees branches, mix and match. Some long. Velvet, like a baby fat arm; some filled with large and small pompon, it seems that you shouted, they will "flutter rustled" roll down. The whole world is white, elegant, like a huge crystal, spectacular art treasures.

After a few snow falling, the earth is a silver world. Mountains, rivers, fields, houses rising sun shine, almost equal to your eyes. Standing in the wilderness, Meng suck a few mouthfuls of cool silk, sweet Jinjin air, and then slowly spit out, you will feel the internal organs are fresh.

Field covered with an expansive carpet, the tree, such as jade flowers bloom, the roof painted white paint, the road as moonlight spilled, the tree frost frost hanging, the sun came out, red wrapped, powder makeup jade puzzle, exceptionally enchanting.



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中秋过后又重阳,起源于汉初的重阳节有着悠久的历史。要说重阳节的来历,那可不是一个轻松的活儿! Today is the Chung Yeung Festival. What are you going to do? For most people, it may not be commemorative meaning for the Chung Yeung Festival.Is it true that the answer is not only commemorative but also meaningful.Next, let me talk about the origin of the Chung Yeung Festival:

After the Mid -Autumn Festival, Chongyang, originated from the Chung Yeung Festival in the early Han Dynasty, has a long history.To say the origin of the Chongyang Festival, it is not a relaxed job!









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I like to read the travel books so much. I can see all kinds of beautiful

scenery. Reading someone else’s story makes me feel so excited, I want to be

part of them, just take a bag and then go out for travel. So I must learn to be

independent, when I grow up, I can travel alone, appreciating the different




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April 23 is "World Book Day" announced by the UNESCO。 This is not a long history of the festival, from 1995 began. However, it has been widely welcomed and responded in the world: held in Copenhagen, Denmark reading marathon, Canadas Toronto Festival held in Canada…

When these popular cultures such as Pop music and Hollywood movies get quite prevailing today, people have not forgotten literature, the writers and reading.

Whether Reading is a funny thing, only love reading people know.

I study for many years, however, I know the sense of reading so little . Where fun of reading comes? There are four opinions put forward in this paper.

First, Reading is the treatment of depression governance magic.Immersed in books, what partiality, what desire fame and fortune, what lack a clear round, what fuel, what life 3,000 silk trouble, they all forget about.

Second, People in Libraries are often forget the time and forget to go home, that the study is not the intrinsic happiness? Some celebrities even held overnight in the library.

Third, We often see someone reading forget thirst. India, reading knowledge is the spirit of Canadian admirable. However, the morning watching a professor at the empty plates and ask ourselves: I eat the lunch? Oh. After eating, they continue schooling. Some people forget to study cooking and was good meal blame reprimanded.

Last, Reading the fastest time flies. Joy of reading, an unconsciously Influence past, the sun has not allowed Health attraction downhill whims.



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Before I went to school, I felt so excited, because I was so curious about the campus life. Now I have been in middle school, after seven years study, I feel the bitter and happiness. The bitter is that there are always exams, sometimes I cant do well. Every time when I get the low mark, I will be afraid of disappointing my parents. The happy thing is that I make many friends here. We play andstudy together. They are just like the brothers and sisters to me. This is the process of growing up, which mix pain and happiness. I am so lucky to have these friends in my life, they mean so much to me.



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The winter comes, the original green turned yellow, the original green to drop the plane trees turned yellow though so, but the winter scenery also has his beauty side.

Morning, the tree, the vegetable field will have a layer of white things, that is what is it? Is it snow? No, it is the nature of the painter painted white frost. In addition to frost, the morning can also see the fog, fog like a fairy fluttering with a white ribbon, and sometimes like the gods fall down the general flow of milk, floating, like a naughty doll, like people puzzled.

There is a poem written well: "Bao Jianfeng from sharpening, plum blossom from the bitter cold." In the winter, there is a proudly stand, perseverance flowers - plum blossom. Plum to ice muscle jade bone, Ling Han fragrance characteristics, noble, strong, modest character, so that people determined to work hard, learn his spirit. But also for the winter to add a simple beauty.




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Happy Class Break

The bell rang and the class was over. Many classmates jumped up from the seat. The classroom became noisy. Some students went out of the classroom while talking and laughing. Two girls were singing a song on their seats. Some boys were telling a joke loudly. They were laughing together. I was chatting with some classmates when Li Hong came to me. She joined us. Our class break was often full of fun and laughter. We often have a pleasant break




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I have a pet dog named Lucky.It has white and soft furs with two small ears and a long tail.It is given by my aunt as my birthday.It is so friendly and lovely that we all love it very much.It likes playing balls outside so I often take it our for a walk.It also likes to be clean so I wash it and make it clean twice every week.I often feed it with dog food and saussages.It likes one of my best friend.I often play with it after school.



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1. 暑假到来开心笑,轻松自在乐逍遥。生活惬意实在妙,品茶赏景心情好。朋友情谊不可少,聚会多多笑声高。愿你暑假远烦恼,快快乐乐每一秒!

2. 暑假到来人轻松,紧张生活脑后抛。吹响快乐集结号,唱起快乐的歌谣。清清小溪洗个澡,高温炎热都赶跑。亲切问候要送到,祝福声声不可少。愿你暑假乐逍遥!

3. 暑假快乐不可少,邀朋结友情谊好。运动场上试比高,游泳池中洗个澡。各地美景也跑到,山川河流多美妙。珍惜时光莫蹉跎,快快乐乐乐逍遥。祝暑假快乐!

4. 唱响快乐的歌谣,跳起开心的舞蹈。放下繁忙的学习,驰游美丽的山川。畅享自然美风光,东奔西忙去做客。愿你:暑假自由逍遥,开心自得。

5. 暑假终于在你手里了,洒出一片开心,把时尚紧跟;扔出一地潇洒,携梦想出发;翻一角青春,种一方智慧林。如果你愿意,假期就是五色斑斓的万花筒,摇一摇,开心无限好啊。

6. 暑假来到人欢笑,惬意潜入心房里,笑容挂在脸旁上,二三朋友去游玩,共享欢乐好时光,暑假到,邀上朋友向快乐出发,分享幸福暑期!

7. "暑假到,自己的时间支配好。开心笑,生活充实乐淘淘。别烦恼,作业成绩脑后抛。惬意绕,朋友问候时时到祝你暑假人逍遥!"

8. 暑假到来嘴角翘,不知不觉笑声髙。快乐钻进心坎里,轻轻松松压力少。心情惬意美景绕,开开心心每一秒。朋友问候总围绕,幸福生活不会跑。祝暑假快乐!

9. 暑假到,关怀到:睡得早,起得早,精神好,运气到;勤锻炼,健康显,少吃肉,真轻松;心情好,疾病少,要乐观,少悲观。祝假期里每天健康快乐!

10. 欢乐暑假又来到,求个上签幸福保,画道神符围你绕,头顶吉星高高照,美满好运跟你跑,平安祥信总来报,没有考试无烦恼,假期美妙祝你好!

11. 炎炎夏日想起你,长长假期没有你;发条短信逗逗你,告诉你我挂念你。暑假来临心欢喜,不用学习多惬意。愿你无忧心欢喜,快乐相聚更随意!

12. 暑假放假须知:要开心,不能被烦恼影响;要快乐,不能被忧伤打扰;要幸福,不能被霉运吓到;最重要的是要想我,不能把我忘掉。要记得哦!祝暑假快乐!

13. 暑假到欢歌笑,大海边尽情跳。攀崖顶捉小鸟,乘东风冲浪滔。捡海贝浪花眺,手拉手起舞蹈。沙滩上高情调,吃野餐歌声嘹。祝老同学:暑假游开心笑。

14. 暑假快乐要做到,辜负假期情难了。朋友相邀各地跑,领略祖国风景好。海边拾贝乐淘淘,山中鸟鸣耳畔叫,草原之上马儿跑,民族风情身边绕。愿你珍惜好时光,快快乐乐乐逍遥!

15. 吹响快乐的哨子,哼起开心的歌谣;投入轻松的怀抱,畅游惬意的泳池;乐享美妙的时光,投递温馨的问候。暑假了,愿你逍遥,自在乐翻天!

16. 暑假已来到,请认真设置:把状态调成睡眠模式,把日子调成游戏模式,把快乐调成日常模式,把朋友调成聚餐模式。愿你屏蔽烦恼,接收幸福信号!

17. 火红七月热得快,眨眼之间暑假来。想睡懒觉睡懒觉,想玩游戏玩游戏,不上学,不补课,把心放开,自由自在,作息时间,随你安排。愿你暑假快乐!

18. 暑假,有的是静态,有的是动态,还有的是变态。静态就是睡觉上网看电视,动态就是洗澡逛街做作业,至于变态,就是补课。愿你的暑假不变态,快乐精彩!背上幸福的背囊,挺进快乐的大别山,邂逅浪漫的吉普岛,畅游幸福的多瑙河,感受迷情的鼓浪屿,步入凉爽的大本营。愿你暑假时刻欣赏风景开怀旅行。

19. 一样的“日子”,两种的“心情”:散发了“祝福”,肆虐了“欢乐”,舞动了“自由”,熘炒了“烦恼”,启动了“笑声”,巴结了“神仙”:就让暑假停留得更久些吧!祝福假期愉快!

20. 暑假到了,紧绷的神经放松了,忙碌的姿态该扔了,自由重归现实中了,大睡的日子不是梦了,猛吃的想法要成功了,愚昧的猪脑变灵动了,傻笑着沉浸短信中了,哈哈,祝你暑假愉快,天天开心!各位童鞋们,暑假期间!请放下你的作业,收起你的压力,脱去你的疲惫,带上你的微笑,冲出你的花季,去开怀大笑吧,去相亲相爱吧,记住,青春无敌!

21. 好久不见,思念未曾减,火热祝福送上前。酷暑难耐,天气炎炎,防暑降温常惦念。出门在外,谨防中暑,照顾好自己让幸福相伴。祝你拥有清凉的每一天!

22. 乱乱的,是我的心跳;静静的,是我的等待;深深的,是我的思念;悄悄的,是我的期盼;默默的,是我的祝福。夏日来临,愿你多惊喜,微笑过夏季。

23. 本短信成份:快乐,平安,健康,好运。功效:心想事成,万事如意。服法:浏览1次/天,保质期:永远。价格:一毛。请在炎炎夏日服用“祝福丸”,请伴我的情谊服下,从此幸福一辈子!

24. 天气太热啦!都买不到生鸡蛋了!昨天买了个凉席,一睡变成电热毯了!汽车不用点火自己着了!刚在路上遇到个陌生人,相视一笑,熟了!桌子太烫了,麻将刚码好,居然糊了!提醒您再热也要好心情!

25. 浸泡情意的思念,让人温馨;饱含牵挂的短信,让人动情。分别再久,也要记住昔日友人;工作再忙,也别忘了发条短信。祝你周末快乐,天天开心!

26. 知道吗?小暑过后进入最热三伏天,应避开太阳而清晨或晚间户外运动;防暑可多喝水,谨记脾胃虚的喝太多冻饮容易胃痛,建议此类人群喝粥消暑养脾胃。酷暑即将来临,防暑人人有责!

27. 若我有权,送你超大房子;若我有钱,送你豪华车子。可惜我无权又无钱,只好送你真诚句子:摇着扇子,躺着席子,过着日子,快乐不止一“夏”子。

28. 听说你最近像出笼的鸟儿样,蹦蹦跳跳,像放开的狗儿样,欢欢叫叫,像出栏的马儿样,奔奔跑跑,像快乐的喜鹊样,喳喳闹闹。为啥?暑假了呗!祝暑假快乐!

29. 又是一度暑假来,对你思念更甚前;发条短信表关怀,愿你平安喜开颜;健康如意常相伴,悠闲自在满心田;想你快乐无极限,盼你幸福笑开怀!祝你暑假快乐!

30. 炎炎夏日迎来暑假,用快乐的心情送走考试的忙碌,让幸福好运铺满生活的角落,让欢喜雀跃溢满心怀,让你快乐舒畅逍遥自在!暑假来临,祝你玩得欢畅!

31. 夏日到,关怀到,健康安全最重要;花儿笑,蜂儿唱,时时惦念心中绕;短信传,祝福到,真心问候来送到:愿你夏日心情好,美丽生活乐淘淘。

32. 入夏随“暑”,我使出浑身解“暑”,让祝福移风易“暑”,不落“暑”套:祝你心情超凡脱“暑”,地位“暑”一“暑”二,幸福胸中有“暑”。小暑大暑心情愉快。

33. 繁星满天,银河浩瀚,流星从天际划过,我赶紧许下心愿。最小心愿:世界和平;中等心愿:宇宙大同;最大心愿:祝你平安,快乐一夏。

34. 年长年少,开心就好;钱多钱少,够用就好;位高位低,健康就好;家贫家富,和气就好;有烦有恼,理解就好;在家在外,平安就好;周末来了,快乐就好!

35. 愉快的暑假即将过去,崭新的学期就要来临,发条短信送给你三心二意。三心:自信心、上进心、恒心;二意:情意、得意;让我们共同扮靓新的学期!暑假来,学习的疲惫躲起来,轻松的日子好自在;暑假来,愉快的歌声唱起来,自由的心情多欢快;暑假来,开心的笑声扬起来,幽默诙谐好对白!愿你放下学习的压力,喜迎暑假的到来,欢声笑语乐开怀!

36. 暑假来了,“暑”你最快乐,无烦无恼无忧愁;“暑”你最幸福,无法无天无约束;“暑”你最甜蜜,无酸无苦无忙活!愿你暑假轻松快活,清凉度过!

37. 知道你特高兴:书包暂时不用背了,书本暂时放书柜了,早晨可以陪着太阳睡了,离开课堂这日子也感觉有滋有味了。暑假了嘛,你可以尽情的陶醉了。祝暑假愉快!

38. 暑假高温给力,莫要过度嬉戏,预防中暑伤身,一定注意休息。常食蔬菜水果,生活有序第一,早晚适当锻炼,保持快乐心气。祝你暑假快乐,每天笑笑嘻嘻。



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Good morning!everyone,I am XX,fromXXX,i am so happy to have a change to tell all of you my favorite animal—— panda.She comes from China,why did I love her?Because she is very cute,but she was very shy.Her body stout like bears,but the first round tail short,black and white fur and white head and body clear.She staple food of bamboo,but also addicted to love drinking water,most of the giant pandas homes are located near the water in streams,the nearest will be able to drink clear spring.




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Winter is a beautiful season. It’s often snow in many countrys. And the outside is white. We often play with the snow, and make the snowman.

In the winter, the days are shorter. And the nights are longer. It’s often dark very earl.

I like white, so I like winter. What a lovely winter!



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The beautiful autumn came, and the fruit trees were covered with red lanterns. The countrys children jumped and shouted, and the fields echoed their silver bell-like laughter.

The village people are busy, my sister with his brother to pick up the fruit on the mountain. To the orchard, the na! Fruit on the fruit trees are mature, my sister and brother joyfully picked the full three baskets.

The fruit of the orchard is as much as the sand of the sea. Fall in the fall of many sweet smell, pear fragrant, apple sweet, pineapple acid, there are many kinds of aroma floating in the air.

There are many small animals ready to winter it! There are small frogs, bears, magpies ... ...

Little frog said: "I want to seize the hole."

Magpie said: "I want to step up the nest."

Bear said: "I want to find a hole."

Snake said: "I want to sleep well."

Autumn it gave the yellow ginkgo tree, it gave the red maple leaf, it gave the golden brown field, it gives the orange red fruit tree, it is purple, yellow, white to the chrysanthemum fairy.

Autumn is really beautiful, I love autumn!



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Winter, accompanied by roar of the cold wind, quietly came.

On the road, pedestrians are few, we all wrapped themselves tightly, in the biting cold in the hurry through. Only the roadside that bare tree greet the north of the whistling, enjoy the swing.

Field, the vitality of the green grass of the grass, can not afford the destruction of the frost, are low head - withered. There was a khaki in the field, and there was only the cucumber and the scarecrow who scared off the sparrow there, standing alone.

Small river, has formed a thick layer of ice, is so transparent, so crystal, like a crystal. Nature The great sculptor engraves many enchanting ice on the crystal clear ice. These contests and bustling ice, so that people will be a favorite of love, and some like proud of frosting snow plum, and some like slim lotus, and some like a flower in the gentleman - orchids, and some are like a Flowers Chaofeng map, in the middle there is only the beautiful Phoenix. That ice is so hard, even if you use a big brick to smash, presumably it does not help.

Ah, look fast, snow it! White flawless snowflakes like catkins, have numerous for us to hang up the vast sky through the snow curtain. Through the jitter of the snow looked away, that distant trees house, vague, as if in the fog, like in the clouds, it is particularly good looking.



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Monkeys range in size from the Pygmy Marmoset,at 140 to 160 millimetres (5–6 in) long (plus tail) and 120 to 140 grams (4–5 oz) in weight,to the male Mandrill,almost 1 metre (3.3 ft) long and weighing 35 kilograms (77 lb).Some are arboreal (living in trees) while others live on the savanna; diets differ among the various species but may contain any of the following:fruit,leaves,seeds,nuts,flowers,eggs and small animals (including insects and spiders).

Some characteristics are shared am ong the groups; most New World monkeys have prehensile tails while Old World monkeys have non-prehensile tails or no visible tail at all.Some have trichromatic color vision like that of humans,others are dichromats or monochromats.Although both the New and Old World monkeys,like the apes,have forward-facing eyes,the faces of Old World and New World monkeys look very different,though again,each group shares some features such as the types of noses,cheeks and rumps.




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I was only nine years old when I learnt how to use a computer. My mother is  my first teacher. I know how to type, how to copy a file, and how to visit a web  site on the internet. One day, mom was not at home.

I turned on the computer and began to learn how to chat on net. The first  one I met there was a boy called tom. He greeted me politely. When he knew that  I was only a 9-year-old girl, and almost knew nothing about chatting on net, he  started showing me how to use the chatting tools, how to download, and how to  send e-mails. I learnt a lot from him.




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Winter morning is beautiful, do not believe, please see -

Every morning when the door opened, the biting cold wind whirring blowing, from time to time to me hit. And, occasionally there will be naughty little snowflakes have come down, like dancing. Hexagon snowflakes all kinds: some like silver needles, some like leaves, and some like shredded paper ...

Really good looking. Fell on the ground, as if to the earth covered with a thick blanket; fell on the tree, like wearing a silver; fell on the car, just like freshly baked fresh cream cake. This beautiful snow makes people immersed in fresh air. Everywhere wrapped in silver, beautiful.

However, the most people can be at home will be able to feel the first winter atmosphere is the windows of the ice, and some like the forest, full of mystery; some like a stream, as if quietly flowing; some like Santa Claus , As if to give people a gift ... winter girl is really ingenuity ah!

In the club, it is crowded, very lively. People are wearing thick cotton, like a cotton bag. He (she) accompanied by beautiful music, morning exercise.

Artificial lake knot a thick layer of ice, some naughty little classmates playing on the lake slapstick, from time to time came from the lake bursts of laughter.

Winter, very cold. To tell the truth, I do not want it to come, but when it comes, I have a strange feeling. Ah, I love winter, because the winter "wind weeping grass", I love its character.



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In the past, there was a little goldfish listening to good words living in a small fish tank in the bird market. His master is a bearded man, but he is very gentle, but also very much like a small goldfish.

Little goldfish looks very beautiful, red body, big like a bulb like eyes, very cute. When it swims up, the long transparent fins are as soft as silk, like a fairy.

One morning, a little girl with a croissant saw it, and begged her mother to buy it. Soon the little girl took it back to the new home. Because the little girls smile is innocent, little goldfish thought: this must be a very good owner. Sure enough, the little girl really good for it, give it the best fish food, but also often for clean water. Little goldfish can be happy.

One day, the little girl home came a little yellow cat. Small yellow cat to see the small goldfish at first glance, saliva to crash down. It would like to: how can I eat this fish? So it gently and gently face with a smile on the small goldfish, said: "Miss Goldfish, you really beautiful ah, you swim even more beautiful than the fairies." Little goldfish Love to hear someone boast their own good-looking, so it put down the little yellow cat wary, swim to the water in front of the kitten put the tail.

Kitten pretend to look like, said: "Oh, beautiful goldfish lady, you do not put the amplitude so much, carefully flash to the waist ah!" Little goldfish said: "Oh, my waist is particularly flexible, I can jump "Kitty said:" Really? You are so powerful! But what is it called jumping ah? You have no feet. "

Little gold fish listening to so many good words, more happy. It said: "I jump to you." Said it sneaked into the bottom of the fish tank, and then quickly jumped out of the water.

Little goldfish just jumped out of the water, small yellow cat side said: "nice, awesome." Side of the hand to catch the small goldfish, put it into the stomach.
