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Dear David,

Im glad youll come to Beijing to learn Chinese. Chinese is very useful, and many foreigners are learning it now. Its difficult for you because its quite different from English. You have to remember as many Chinese words as possible. Its also important to do some reading and writing. You can watch TV and listen to the radio to practise your listening. Do your best to talk with people in Chinese. You can learn Chinese not only from books but also from people around you. If you have any questions, please ask me. Im sure youll learn Chinese well.

Hope to see you soon in Beijing.


Wang Ming











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Hey, its raining hard. Blow grandpas raincoat




is a common natural scenery, Grandpa raincoat, he is for our wind and rain -

good Grandpa. He, serve people. Today, he serves for special people - that is,

my mother and I, special bar, hee hee, my mother and I started to block for a

while, later, the rain accelerated, and ushered in a big wind; whirring At the

beginning, it was drizzle, ticking, drizzle was still falling, as if to say;

hahaha, I came to the world again, hee hee. Oh, a gust of wind has blown them to

the top. This time, my mother and I are forced to take them out - grandpa

raincoat, to block the rain, oh, no, Grandpa raincoat cant block it, he is

blown around by the wind, as if to say; ouch, my old bone, my child, I cant

hold on. In this way, with the wind, back home, feet




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1、 很想给你打电话,总是匆匆暂作罢。牵挂其实比天大,所以送你两朵花:一是有钱花,二是随便花。周末愉快!

2、 鸿运滚滚来,四季都发财。牛年好事多,幸福喜颜开。步步再高升,事事顺着来。老友多联系,莫将我忘怀!

3、 家常美味养养胃,新鲜空气润润肺,暖暖阳光晒晒背,融融被窝睡一睡。周末有滋又有味,生活一定格外美!

4、 健忘健忘,不忘哪来的健?所以能忘的就忘,不能忘的也可以试着忘,保持一个健康的心态,只专心记住那些不该忘的就行。要记得适时健忘哦!

5、 江水并不知道,为什么流向海洋,我并不知道,为什么我的思念总是奔向你,祝你周末愉快!

6、 牛年你将运气走俏!老板器重你,亲友关照你,金钱青睐你,异性仰慕你,脾气由着你,美事儿想到你!

7、 常有压力=工作不差!常去购物=有钱可花!常叹忙碌=价值很大!常有约会=年龄不大!常被训话=潜力很大!常收信息=有人牵挂!祝你周末快乐!

8、 周末休息一两天,朋友一起聚聚餐;网上聊聊侃大山,快乐糊口总无穷;一日三时幸福餐,身体健康心里甜。祝周末快乐,开心到永远!

9、 又是美妙周末,让身体休息,让财神加班,让烦恼出差,让开心拜访,让疲惫下岗,让健康上任,让短信送来问候:祝您周末心情愉快!

10、 趁着阳光明媚,周末可以有个约会,喝个小醉,打个瞌睡,自由自在,让心情不疲惫,让快乐来作陪,让悠闲跟着飞,愿你痛痛快快乐一回,美丽日子永相随。

11、 又是美妙周末,让身体休息,让财神加班,让烦恼出差,让开心拜访,让疲惫下岗,让健康上任,让短信送来问候:祝您周末心情愉快!

12、 趁着阳光明媚,周末可以有个约会,喝个小醉,打个瞌睡,自由自在,让心情不疲惫,让快乐来作陪,让悠闲跟着飞,愿你痛痛快快乐一回,美丽日子永相随。

13、 梧桐树下,踏碎一地的金黄;田野丛中,溅起一路的欢笑,大自然的风景多么美妙,周末悄悄又来到,愿你拥有一个开心周末!

14、 周末到了,放松的日子里,请别再忙碌,收到短信,为你送上温暖贴心;我的绵绵情意,化作短信,为你送上轻松开心。周末愉快!

15、 冬送问候增温暖,夏送问候添清凉,时时有我的关心,每时每刻都开心,工作热情更饱满,娱乐休闲也不孤单,祝周末愉快!

16、 降龙十八掌,把烦恼震得粉碎飞扬;九阴白骨爪,把忧愁赶走不留残渣;乾坤大挪移,把快乐移入你的心底;让幸福永远陪客户你一起。周末愉快!

17、 周末了,都放假了,惟有我的这条短信在加班,它满载着我真切的问候,无限的祝福,翻越万水千山,穿过高楼大厦,来到你身边,祝你周末愉快,开心永远!

18、 亲爱滴,此刻的你在和朋友聚会,还是在熬夜看电影,你最最贴心的我提醒您:偶尔的放松是没问题地,但不要经常,作息规律,有益健康!周末愉快!

19、 周末来到,不问阴晴,只问冷暖;不送金银,只送思念。岁月平淡,时光无限,沧海桑田,真情不变。遥寄问候,消你烦忧,愿君安好,幸福永守!

20、 听着!因为我们是朋友,送问候不能等你先开口,此短信的目的很纯良,就是表表我的心,谈谈我的情,问候送到你心底,归根结底就一句:周末愉快!

21、 星期一,一路顺风,星期二,二目有神,星期三,利市三倍,星期四,四平八稳,星期五,五指抓钱,星期六,六腑清畅,星期天,洪福齐天。

22、 生活的艰辛,是给你的考验;生活的忙碌,是让你体会充实;生活的烦恼,是让你珍惜美好;生活的不顺,是让你知道周末的重要。祝你周末快乐逍遥!

23、 周末送祝福,快乐沸腾一百度,烦恼忧愁来让路,笑容高涨胜酷暑,热情洋溢挡不住,清凉为你来服务,如意守护你幸福。周末快乐!

24、 周末了,口水要留给美味,感动要留给眼泪,买醉要留给酒杯,幸福要留给家庭,快乐要留给心扉。一句话,周末享受生活吧!

25、 周初祝你健康快乐,周中送你开心心情,周末可得好好娱乐。奉上祝福,愿你这个周末乐逍遥。周末快乐!

26、 捧一册书卷看一段波澜,迎一股花香得一刻清闲,泡一杯清茶洗一时尘缘,送一句问候愿一世平安。祝你周末愉快!

27、 周末悄悄来到,与轻松手拉手,与快乐肩并肩,与烦恼说再见,将压力抛在一边。一切的烦恼不快会烟消云散,祝福你周末快乐每一天。祝你周末快乐。

28、 常有压力=工作不差!常去购物=有钱可花!常叹忙碌=价值很大!常有约会=年龄不大!常被训话=潜力很大!常收信息=有人牵挂!祝你周末快乐!

29、 周末休息一两天,朋友一起聚聚餐;网上聊聊侃大山,快乐糊口总无穷;一日三时幸福餐,身体健康心里甜。祝周末快乐,开心到永远!

30、 降龙十八掌,把烦恼震得粉碎飞扬;九阴白骨爪,把忧愁赶走不留残渣;乾坤大挪移,把快乐移入你的心底;让幸福永远陪客户你一起。周末愉快!

31、 周末了,都放假了,惟有我的这条短信在加班,它满载着我真切的问候,无限的祝福,翻越万水千山,穿过高楼大厦,来到你身边,祝你周末愉快,开心永远!

32、 亲爱滴,此刻的你在和朋友聚会,还是在熬夜看电影,你最最贴心的我提醒您:偶尔的放松是没问题地,但不要经常,作息规律,有益健康!周末愉快!

33、 周末来到,不问阴晴,只问冷暖;不送金银,只送思念。岁月平淡,时光无限,沧海桑田,真情不变。遥寄问候,消你烦忧,愿君安好,幸福永守!

34、 听着!因为我们是朋友,送问候不能等你先开口,此短信的目的很纯良,就是表表我的心,谈谈我的情,问候送到你心底,归根结底就一句:周末愉快!

35、 星期一,一路顺风,星期二,二目有神,星期三,利市三倍,星期四,四平八稳,星期五,五指抓钱,星期六,六腑清畅,星期天,洪福齐天。

36、 生活的艰辛,是给你的考验;生活的忙碌,是让你体会充实;生活的烦恼,是让你珍惜美好;生活的不顺,是让你知道周末的重要。祝你周末快乐逍遥!

37、 周末送祝福,快乐沸腾一百度,烦恼忧愁来让路,笑容高涨胜酷暑,热情洋溢挡不住,清凉为你来服务,如意守护你幸福。周末快乐!

38、 周末了,口水要留给美味,感动要留给眼泪,买醉要留给酒杯,幸福要留给家庭,快乐要留给心扉。一句话,周末享受生活吧!

39、 周初祝你健康快乐,周中送你开心心情,周末可得好好娱乐。奉上祝福,愿你这个周末乐逍遥。周末快乐!

40、 捧一册书卷看一段波澜,迎一股花香得一刻清闲,泡一杯清茶洗一时尘缘,送一句问候愿一世平安。祝你周末愉快!

41、 周末悄悄来到,与轻松手拉手,与快乐肩并肩,与烦恼说再见,将压力抛在一边。一切的烦恼不快会烟消云散,祝福你周末快乐每一天。祝你周末快乐。

42、 把您心情放轻松点儿,用一颗平常心去对待所有一切,不必太强求,开心最重要!工作是永远都做不完的,身体可是一下就累得垮的,健康是生命的最重要本钱。多多善待自己吧! 早上好,新的一天又已经开始了,愿你有个好心情,周末愉快!

43、 别因太多忙碌而冷淡了温柔,别因太多追求而湮没了享受,工作不是人生的全部,停停匆匆的脚步,请享受生活的赐福!周末愉快!

44、 别因太多的忙碌冷淡了温柔,别因太多的追求湮没了享受,工作不是人生的全部,停停匆匆的脚步,请享受生活的赐福!周末愉快!

45、 不经意的相遇,却成了我永久的牵挂;工作中的重逢,送给我难舍的朋友。发一条短信送给你一丝清凉,愿你开心度过这个夏天并工作顺利!

46、 成功人生有九商:心商、德商、志商、智商、情商、逆商、悟商、财商、健商。如果把人生比喻为大树,心商、德商、志商就是树根,智商、情商、逆商、悟商就是树干,财商就是树叶,健商就是果实。只有“九商”全面均匀,人生才能算是真正的成功。

47、 春风洋溢你、家人关心你、爱情滋润你、朋友忠于你、我在这儿祝福你、幸运之星永远照着你!

48、 存款小贴士:若有10000元要存储,可分四张存单,如4000元,3000元,2000元,1000元各一张,一旦有急用,利息损失才会减到最低。

49、 打开的是吉祥,看到的是鸿运,愿所有期望和祝福涌向您,祈望您心情舒畅万事顺意,愿这美好心愿化作真挚的祝福送给您:周末开心百分百,生活更精彩!

50、 多一点快乐,少一点烦恼,不论钞票有多少,只要每天开心就好,累了就睡觉,醒了就微笑,生活是什么滋味,自己放调料。收到我的短信就开心的一笑!

51、 福气满满;快乐连连;万事圆圆;微笑甜甜;一帆风顺、二龙腾飞、三羊开泰、四季平安、五福临门、六六大顺、七星高照、八方好运、九九同心、十全十美。.祝你过一个幸福的周末!

52、 感谢您一直以来对我们工作的支持,在这个周末里,希望忙碌了一个星期的您能够好好地休息,祝周末愉快,事业顺利!

53、 工作辛苦,要多休息。听听音乐,玩玩游戏。多吃蔬菜,少发脾气。要是无聊,跟我联系。周末到了,祝你事事顺利!

54、 共同劈波斩浪,面对惊险;一起高歌向前,收获喜悦。这一路走来既有艰辛也有欢乐,但更多是种下了许多希望的种子。愿明天合作更美好!

55、 观一场梦里花落,尝一次美味豆豉,听一段少年往事,感一下他人日记,报一次到,灌一点水,抒一下情,道一声好。发个短信问个好:周末快乐!



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Speaking of winter, winter is my favourite season, although it was very cold but full of emotional appeal feeling. Standing in a do you think the highest place overlooking hope, you will suddenly feel that the world is so beautiful so fine.

When I was a child, I will only in the winter with my friends to play with snow. For example a snowman ah, I like a snowball fight! This series of play snow method. Every winter grew when I wont go to play with snow filled with childishness, Ill use appreciation vision to enjoy the beautiful snow, occasionally the snow hold it in your hands careful observation of snow is how warm hand in my melting. Again fine point you will feel snow really good beautiful beautiful! Breathtaking dare not to trample. I sometimes find the white snow into the mouth taste it is what taste. Wow! Good cold ah. It melted quickly just on the mouth cape side becomes water, sometimes also want to snow will meet any setbacks, will we do meet with difficulties, then by their own belief the setback and difficult to solve.

Now Im junior middle school second grade students. Time eye passed. Some memories do before regret only alas! Sigh. The snow in winter is still so pure so charming. The snow in winter I like you I think you let all my things away, troubling all my wishes are realized. The snow in winter you really good beautiful beautiful!



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It was Mothers Day. Sun Zheng thought he should do something for his mother. He decided to help his mother do some housework. After school he went to a shop to buy some food on his

way home.When he got home, he did his best to cook some nice food, though he couldnt do the cooking well. Then he cleaned the room. He felt verGPS论坛[bbs.xc138.cn]y tired, but he was very happy.When his father and his mother came back and saw the clean rooms and dishes which werent so nice, they were very happy.They had their supper together. His mother said, Thank you, my child!今天是母亲节。孙峥觉得应当为妈妈做点事,他决定帮妈妈做些家务。放学回家的路上,他往商店买了食品。到家后,他尽全力做些好吃的,固然他实在不善于烹任。做完饭,他又打扫了房间。他感觉有些累,但依然很兴奋。当父母回来后,看见干净的房间和实在不太美味的饭菜,他们依然很兴奋。他们一起吃了晚饭。妈妈说:谢谢你,孩子。



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At the weekend, my mother took me and my sister to visit Rugao park.

Enter the gate of the park, not far from the ear and then came the "squelch" sound of water, but also from time to time, came the laughter of visitors. We got to go on. Which know, a bridge to cross in front of us, walk on wobbly, really a bit nervous, I hold on both sides of the rope, buried his head forward, behind the sister from time to time issued "ah, ah" scream, we managed to cross the bridge to the playground. The amusement park project can be really a lot of it: space vehicles, space shuttle, pirate ship, bumper car...... I was dazzled.

Lets play the space vehicle, the space vehicle run faster like an arrow, a "toot toot" sound to the steep, voice and my ear, only the "toot" sound. Over the space vehicle, my sister and I also played a bumper car, sister had not opened to a bumper car, while East to west, so we were happy and happy with a collision...... Finally, when we came to the brave envoy, this challenging project, my sister and I climbed the high altitude rope and reached the highest peak, enjoying the happiness of victory.

Back when we passed through the woods, the woods came from the "Twitter" "JOJO" "quack" sound of the birds, it seems to me the warm greetings. Its really fun today. I really hope to do this every week!



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Long-expected "life" winter vacation finally arrived, I was very excited, even sleep toss and turn, although winter vacation life bitter smile, but it is also a wonderful memory.

We first week back to the south, although grandpa is not in this world, are very happy, but I still remember grandpa still, and I get along with the dribs and drabs, and a day to go out with my grandpa to play, do everything together, will make me cry, miss unceasingly.

The second week, I took part in the dance winter camp, a different course every day, for example: ballet and modern dance, martial arts... And so on. A whole week, my dancing better. February 13th Sunday, our whole family to play in the garden in miaoli county, mainly want to find my grandmothers sister, but also have to visit other places, such as: joss, Mr Liao Fu temple... Etc., have to mention is that there is a meat round forty years old, super delicious! A tooth cheek stay sweet, delicious...

But the most profound impression is back to the south, to see the full one hundred - year - old azuz, although she was one hundred - year - old, but her body is very healthy, can run, walk, is not sick, visible daily body care how important it is!

My winter vacation this year to live very full, very happy, also get a lot of harvest, hope that next years winter vacation, summer vacation, can be like this, there is a wonderful memories.



第二个礼拜,我参加了舞蹈冬令营,每天都有不同的课程,例如:芭蕾舞、现代舞、武功…等。一整个礼拜下来,使我的舞技更好了。二月十三号星期日,我们全家 去苗栗的苑里玩,主要是要找我外婆的姐姐,不过也有去别的地方参观,例如:妈祖庙、廖府先生庙…等,不能不一提的是,那里有一家卖肉圆的四十年老店,超级 好吃!令人齿颊留香,回味无穷…





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Good morning,everyone! I`m very happy to have this chance to give my

presentation. Before I start my speech, please let me ask you a question. Do you

think you are confident in yourself? If you are, do please raise your hand.

My topic today is “ to Be a Confident Person.”

What is confidence? Confidence is to trust yourself. Confidence is to look

upon yourself. It is not to indulge in self-admiration. It is not to get

extremely arrogant. It is not to get dizzy with success or to be opinionated. It

is just to inspire yourself ahead of a quality of mind, in high spirit, full of

energy. It is to meet the challenges of life in a positive mood. It is to

overcome your inferiority, farewell, to get rid of the trouble of a a ready-made


Remember, I have just entered junior high school. In the face of the

challenge of new environment, in the face of so many new courses and learning

contents, I lost faith in my own and gradually developed a psychological sense

of inferiority. Achievement glided ceaselessly. It is a teacher and mother who

encouraged me and let me regain confidence. Gradually, my grades got higher and

higher and everything began to go on well. Gradually I adapted to the life in

middle school.

Friends, lets say goodbye to inferiority. Let’s be a confident person.

Because: only if you have self-confidence, can you control yourself; only if you

have confidence, can you achieve success and create your a brilliant life of

your own!








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Today, as the economy develops fast, people can buy what they need, the producers provide them all the new things, so the factory produce many products, in order to make the biggest profit, they don t deal with the pollution. Water gets polluted, it does harm to people s health, we drink water everyday, the government controls the producers to figure out some ways to deal with the water pollution.


[初三英语作文及翻译:Water Pollution



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The eyes are the window to the soul, is important way to obtain all kinds of knowledge. We cannot leave the eyes everywhere in life, if without eyes, the world will become a dark, if we have a problem with my eyes, study and life will encounter many difficulties. In spite of this, we have a lot of people still dont cherish the eyes. Around me, there have been more and more students take the "small glasses son", my eyesight also gradually decline, doctors diagnosed later pseudomyopia. Eye protection, therefore, it is taken seriously by more and more people.

In school, the teacher often give us some effective method to protect your eyes, for example when homework hand want to leave the tip of one inch, belly to a punch from the desktop, head to a foot away from books, to read in the right place, but also often do eye exercises. But these are the most easily ignored by the students.

What people wear glasses fast increase? The question in my mind kept wandering. Later, I looked at a very long time, also check the information from the Internet, finally reached the conclusion. The first big reason: no scientific methods to protect their eyes. Some classmates for a long period of time reading books, watching TV, Internet access, make the eye often is in a state of fatigue, and do not pay attention to eye health. Although our school asked the students are doing eye exercises on time, but part of the students or not to do a good job, some still hiding under the table. The second reason: genetic. Some parents are nearsighted, and pass on to their children. But this kind of situation seems to be not much, "small glasses," often because not sparing eyes.

Finally, counsels: we must cherish oneself only this pair of eyes, to make our every day is full of light!







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A wind and the calendar of the afternoon, me and my mother, cousin and the cousin yo dog to clean air, scenic Geleshan play. Small colorful flowers to welcome our arrival with a smile; Xiaocaohu their small head out and waved to us. We enjoy the beautiful scenery while hiking.

Along the way, yo dog to hop to hop from time to time naughty and jumped into the water hole, the others have a muddy splash. We came to a rock and saw the beautiful, fragrant honeysuckle fill the fields. Cousin cousin and I could not wait to pick up the pick pocket honeysuckle. Pick a pick, and I was honeysuckle mixed with a bit of rattan, the foot-slip, fall down on. If my hand tightly grasped the honeysuckle vines and perhaps on to pieces of it. End mining flowers, the mother asked us: "Do you know what the benefits of honeysuckle it?" Cousin said: "Honeysuckle is Shannon." Cousin said: "Honeysuckle Qingre, Reduce Pathogenic Fire." I said : "Honeysuckle can also be down summer heat." her mother said: "You are right, but the best place honeysuckle is native, does not appreciate other peoples live."

After the play, I not only enjoy the beautiful scenery, but also to understand the truth in life. Ah really gain a lot.



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今天,又是个星期天,清早起床后,我熟练地把自己的被子叠的整 整齐齐。早饭后,写完作业,就帮妈妈打扫房间。我先把地面擦干净 了,又帮妈妈擦玻璃。擦玻璃时,我先用一块湿布把玻璃里外擦了一 遍,然后,又用一块干净柔软的干布擦了一遍,直到把玻璃擦的能照 出影子来才停止。我帮妈妈分了忧,心里高兴得像喝了蜂蜜一样甜。

晚饭后,我打开电视一看,正是自己喜欢看的足球,就高兴地 坐在沙发上,津津有味地看起电视来。

正看着,劳累了一天的奶奶拖着疲倦的身子走了进来,她连围 裙都忘了解下来。我见奶奶进来了,心想:“奶奶为我们劳累了一 天,可她进来却连个座位都没有,我应该给奶奶让个座”。于是,我 就站了起来,说:“奶奶座在沙发上歇歇吧”于是我就拿了一个凳子 坐下了,奶奶做到了沙发上,高兴地说:“你真是长大了,懂事了”

我座到凳子上,虽然没有沙发舒服,可心里舒服极了。这时,中国队 进球了,“哈哈哈……”奶奶笑了,我也笑了,小屋里充满了欢笑 声。




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It was sunny and warm day. I got up early. After breakfast I went to ..Mountain with my friend Li Lei. It took us about an hour to get there by bus. There were thousands of people. We joined them to climb the mountain as soon as we got there. We felt tired but we kept climbing. It took us about an hour to get to the top of the mountain. The wind was so cool and the scenry was very beautiful. We had a picnic and then we walked down from the mountain. We were very happy that day. In the evening, I surfed the internet and then read an interesting book. I really had a meaningful and happy day.



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One Sunday my mother (Mother) had (made) me take my little young brother to the a trip to the country. She bade me take good care of him.

While we were walking along the road, the sun was shining brightly and the breeze was blowing gently. We saw the beautiful flowers smile (smiling) at us and heard the birds sing (singing) their sweet songs on the trees. The scenery was indeed very pretty (beautiful)。

When we felt tired, we returned home. We saw Mother (our mother) wait (waiting) for us at the door.






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The Mid-Autumn Festival is a very important Chinese festival.

It’s on the fifth of August. We can hang lanterns in the house. In the evening, we have a big dinner. Look, there is lots of food on the table. They are chicken, fish, crabs and so on. They’re very delicious. We can drink a glass of juice. We stand beside the table and we say, “Cheers, cheers, happy Mid-Autumn Festival!” We make a wish to each other. At night, the moon is usually round and bright. It looks like a ball. We can enjoy the moon. Moon cakes are the special food for this festival. We can eat moon cakes, too.

In the Mid-Autumn Festival, my parents and I are all very happy and excited.



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with the development of technology, people can do some operations to make

their faces look prefect, even to look much younger than their real ages. when

we see the commercial ads, we can find the stars look gorgeous, we are so envy

about their young faces. but to me, i think the secret of keeping young is not

by surgery operation, but to keep a healthy lifestyle. today, young people are

living an unhealthy life, they like to stay up and wake up at the noon. young

people form the habit of taking activity at night while sleeping in the day. how

terrible it is, they are damaging their bodies, their bodies will get older than

the normal speed. if people sleep early and wake up in the morning, do some

exercises and keep the balance diet, they will look young. so don’t expect the

surgery to help look young, it is harmful, only the healthy lifestyle does.




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Green, tree and grass planting. Growing these plants containing chlorophyll, is of great help to improve air quality.

First of all, the green plants can be in the sun for photosynthesis, absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. Studies show that plant growth and each 1 ton, can produce 5 tons of oxygen. Per hectare woods can absorb one ton of carbon dioxide every day, 0.735 tons of oxygen; The grass can absorb every day 0.9 tonnes of carbon dioxide per hectare, produce 0.6 tons of oxygen. Adequate and clean oxygen can keep human body and mind health.

Second, trees on earth every day can send out 170 million tons of terpenes substances into the atmosphere, the aromatic substance has incomparable sterilization ability and excitation.

Then, the green is good for the dust in the air, dust filtration and absorption, and dust into the air dispersion can stop work. According to the determination, the atmosphere through the forest, can reduce dust amount 32% - 32%, fly ash quantity reduced by 30%.

Do you know? The negative oxygen ion in forest can reach 10-1 million. Negative oxygen ion can adjust the excitement and inhibition of the nervous system, improve the function of the cerebral cortex. Medical experts to simulate forest magic effect, negative oxygen ion into ward. The results found that when the environment is negative oxygen ions and the proportion of oxygen ions control at 9:1, for asthma, burns, ulcers, the treatment of trauma patients can promote role

In addition, greening and absorb the noise, reduce water loss and soil erosion, etc. Your a power to go into our countrys green enterprise, the green idea slowly tell it to you will reap the benefits.









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Today is Friday. It is my thirteenth birthday. I got up very early in the

morning and put on my new clothes happily. My parents bought me the new clothes

as my birthday presents. I went to school earlier than before.I invited many of

my classmates to come to my birthday party in the evening.


Evening came at last. Many of my classmate came to my home. they bought me

lots of beautiful presents. they all said,"Happy birthday to you!" We sang

birthday songs happily.then my parents brought out a big birthday cake, saying,

"We love you for ever. Happy birthday!"


At the end of the party, we ate the birthday cake and some other delicious

food. How happy I was!




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Remember the famous Russian writer gorky said: "responsible, is one of the most basic quality. If we give up the responsibility also is equal to give up the whole world."

Is ah! As long as we pay attention to, in every corner of the life it is the responsibility of the embodiment. When you are in the classroom clean, you clean responsible for class; When you put cans into the bin, you are in the responsibility for the society; When you will own pocket money to the environmental defense fund, you are a responsible for the entire earth. What we do every thing, seem to be all the responsibility. Therefore, be an upright person should have the sense of responsibility.

A successful person in the world but also has a high sense of responsibility. Chinese ancient famous doctor li shizhen in order to understand the effects of the "red fruits", actually oneself ate three times, nearly die, he was holding the responsibility of medical research work. Chemist after David found seven kinds of chemical elements, in line with the sense of responsibility for academic research, and repeatedly studied for two years, will be published. Lu xun, a high sense of responsibility, holding the revolution under the white terror custody, transfer the manuscripts for communists... These are not all goes to show how important responsibility of a person is?

However, if a person has no sense of responsibility, will bring social and personal misfortune. Just because some irresponsible, make a beautiful rainbow bridge instantly turned into a heap of rubbish; Just because some irresponsible, make zhanjiang customs smuggling "paradise", resulting in the loss of hundreds of millions of dollars to the country. How terrible thing it is irresponsible!

Famous educationist Mr CAI yuanpei said: "a person, must first." The people of the 21st century, let us take their own responsibility! So tomorrow will be better!





