全文共 450 字
+ 加入清单根据以下要点提示写一篇60-80词的短文。
I study Chinese、English、maths and History and some other subject at school.I study hard. My favorite subject is English.I often find chance to practice English.China has joined WTO and Beijing will host the 2008 Olympics,English is more and more important .I will study hard and be dedicate to my homeland.
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+ 加入清单我的家乡有着悠久的民族文化,有广阔的森林和丰富的矿产资源,有美丽清澈的河流,阿里河......还有美丽的Ga洞穴,相思谷,达令湖...... 。
高雄湖,阴影在人群的阴影下连续流。雨天开始下降,山绿色的水宽,黑色 真菌,鲱鱼,蘑菇,越桔等山区产品山脉和平原
当秋风吹拂时,橡树山trees trees,像火海焚烧,而金桦叶常常风飘落,彩菊花香飘浮。水果香味秋天是好的,绿树成荫的树枝。
银的世界已经成为儿童游戏的天堂,虽然小手被冻结了红色 但快乐是充满了心。
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+ 加入清单I am _x and I am 12 years old. My favorite sports include basketball, swim
and football. One of my favorite stars is Liu Xiang because he is the fastest
runner in the world and a pride of our country.
I have love fruits like watermelon, grapes, banana, and so forth. When I
have time, I like watching TV, playing games on my computer, surfing the web,
and reading. I have a lot of friends and we often play football together.
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+ 加入清单我的家乡真武场,原来jius坐落在綦江河边一个不起眼的小乡场。最近几年却声名远播,成为重庆市第二批历史文化名街区,江津区第五个古镇。这jius怎么回事呢?
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+ 加入清单at present, more and more people think that men and women should enjoy
equal rights. many countries even have passed laws to guarantee such an equality
between different sexes. accordingly, there are now no longer certain jobs or
certain places that are closed to women. the number of business women, female
doctors, scientists and leaders is considerably increasing.
there are three main reasons for the improvement of womens social
position. first, women themselves have been persistently struggling for
equality. second, men also realize that women are not born inferior to them.
women can do a great many things as well as or even better than men. third,
social development has produced a great demand for womens participation in
every field.
in spite of these changes the liberation of women has not been completely
realized. prejudice against women is deeply rooted still in some peoples mind,
especially in distant rural areas. so, mankind should take further painstaking
efforts to really realize equality.
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+ 加入清单我叫大雨,大大的眼睛,厚厚的嘴唇,乌黑油亮的短发,与孪生妹妹长得十分的相像.我是一个普普通通的女孩,但却有着跟妹妹及同龄人不同的经历。想了解我吗?那就一起走进我那多姿多彩的内心世界吧!
我是一个不快乐的女孩。这点我必须得承认。我已走过了14个春夏秋冬。在这14年里,我生活在一个充满爱的世界里,我享受着同龄人应有的那份欢乐,也忍受过痛苦,但我一点也不自卑。因为我知道,上帝为你关闭了一扇门,就会为你打开另一扇窗。我和别人的不一样,是因为生理上给我带来的不便,所以到了上学年龄,我只能选择在家自学。但我不能抱怨谁,只能听天由命。于是,从一年级起,妈妈就给我买了特级教师辅导的碟,让我在家一边锻炼,一边学习。由于是在家学习,学的知识也不够全面,只是抱着听得多少算多少的态度,因为那时的主要任务还是锻炼。所以也没太在意学得多少。我还特别爱学英语,于是,妈妈就买了很多磁带让我学习。那时的我,心里只有一个念头:我要上学!我向往校园生活 向往和老师、同学在一起。因为我多么想亲眼看见五星红旗在学校的上空冉冉升起;多么想亲耳听到那雄伟的国歌在学校的上空久久回荡;多么想亲眼看见课间,同学们在操场上尽情玩耍,忘记了一切烦恼;多么想亲耳听到老师在课堂上那绘声绘色的讲课及同学们琅琅的读书声……但这一切的一切,对于那时的我来说,却是可望而不可及的。只是幻想罢了。尽管如此,我还是一直为我的上学愿望努力着.在那段日子里,我心里有的,少的是欢乐,多的是烦恼和忧愁。我等待着,等待着那份礼物的到来,等待着那个早晨的第一缕阳光。我兴奋地等着,仿佛那一份礼物已经来到我手中,谁也不能把它夺走似的。我等待着,期盼着,于是,鸟语花香的春天过去了;知更鸟的叫声也停止了,但都没有等到那份神秘的礼物。然而,就在那个晴朗的下午,那个欢乐的秋高气爽的下午,命运之神突然眷顾着我, 它好像听到了我的呼声,上帝带着他那份神秘又隆重的礼物来看我了,在这个果实累累的秋天,我收到了一份有生以来最好的礼物。这份礼物,也是我最想要的礼物——我能上小学了,能跟妹妹一起坐在一个教室里啦.这份礼物,我足足等了将近五年啊,如今突如其来,真是叫人无法自控.在那个秋天,好像全世界就我最快乐似的。终于,我看见了!看见了五星红旗冉冉升起;听到了国歌响起,看见了课间 ,同学们在操场上尽情游戏,忘记了一切烦恼;听到了那一堂堂生动的课;听到了琅琅的读书声……啊!这一切的一切,仿佛是在做梦。当理智告诉我: “这是真的。”时,我真不敢相信自己的耳朵。直到现在,那时的情景依然像放电影一样浮现在眼前,历历在目。
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+ 加入清单我的家乡长春,有着“北国春城”的美誉。在这里,有一个休闲、娱乐的好去处,那就是——文化广场。来到文化广场,首先看到的就是太阳鸟塑像。听爸爸说,太阳鸟是中国古代传说中的吉祥鸟,又名长春鸟。它从太阳初升的东方飞来,把光明和温暖带给人间。在它的旁边,有一个男人塑像和女人塑像。男人塑像是健壮与力量的化身,他张开手臂拥抱太阳,表现出阳刚之美。女人塑像是纯洁与美丽的化身,她半闲半卧,好象在想着什么,幽雅迷人,表现出阴柔之美。
全文共 425 字
+ 加入清单I am _x and I am 12 years old. My favorite sports include basketball, swim and football. One of my favorite stars is Liu Xiang because he is the fastest runner in the world and a pride of our country. I have love fruits like watermelon, grapes, banana, and so forth. When I have time, I like watching TV, playing games on my computer, surfing the web, and reading. I have a lot of friends and we often play football together.
全文共 786 字
+ 加入清单Today, people count on the high-tech products so much, we can see no matter
where we are, we could find people low down their hands, playing their
cellphones. About two years ago, it is very popular that people shopping online,
now as the function of cellphone has been highly developed, people can use their
cellphone to shop online. As shopping online is so convenient, more and more
people like to buy things online, especially the men, because they don’t like to
go out, now the Internet can help them shop in a quick way. The things online
are various, people can search what they want and compare with the price, they
can buy the products they want. Shopping online is the new way for people to
purchase, in the future, it will be more and more popular. The Internet provides
people’s life.
全文共 1905 字
+ 加入清单【内容提示】
My Mother
My mother is just over fifty, a little bit older than our republic nation, so she has experienced two periods just like our country, showing both the traditional goodness and modern ideas.
Like all mothers, she is responsible and devotes most of her efforts to our family. So sometimes I feel regretful for her to give up her work, but she thinks it is the proper social role for a woman to be a housewife. She is satisfied with the family members' achievements. She insists on keeping her children under her wings. You see how traditional she is.
However, since she is intelligent①and has received the high education, it is easy for her to accept something new. In recent years, she is interested in the stock②. Therefore, she cares about the political and economic③ situation of the country and the world, and actively collects information of the companies whose stocks she bought. What is more, she is a fan of the Argentine④football team. So she was very sad after the defeat of this team in the 14th World Cup Tournament ⑤.
I love my mother, just because she loves me. Since we share some interests such as playing chess, we get chances to communicate⑥with each other, which makes us close friends.
①intelligent[in'telidN nt] a.聪明的;明智的
②stock[st&k] n.股票
③economic[?i:k 'n&mik] a.经济(上)的
④Argentine ['a:dN ntain] a.阿根廷的
⑤tournament ['tu n m nt]n.锦标赛;比赛
⑥communicate[k 'mju:nikeit]v.交流(感情、信息等)
这是一篇介绍家庭成员的说明文。本文是典型的启、承、转、合结构的文章。“启”就是开始,即引言段,作者在该段写出篇题:“showing both traditional goodness and modern ideas”,指出“母亲”既保持了传统美德,又接受了现代意识。“承”即接续之意,也就是扩充引言段篇题方面的内容。本文第二段写“母亲”的传统美德,就是“承”的段落。“转”是用来表示与第二段相反或不同意见的内容,常用“however,but”等词语来表达。本文第三段即为“转”段,它说明篇题的第二层意思,也就是“母亲”的现代意识。所谓“合”就是结束,即指结尾段,该段往往综合前三段内容,对全文做一总结。本文作者总结说,由于母亲和自己的情趣相同,所以他们相亲相爱,如同亲密无间的朋友似的。
全文共 2116 字
+ 加入清单考辅P42
1. I gave Tom the book. //
2. He bought his mother some flowers. //
3. The bridge was built by workers last year.//
4. We have to finish the work today. //5. He will do his homework tomorrow. //
6. We clean the rooms every day. //7. The writer spent 3 years on the book. //
8. It is a book with a lot of beautiful pictures.//
9. The book sold very well during the first week. //first week.
10. Mary was the only one in the office. //
11. She finished her work at 10 o’clock. //She didn’12. She had to take a taxi home because it was too late.
13. Liza and Mike arrived at the Great Wall in two hours.
14. They were happy to get to the top.//
15. They enjoyed themselves on the Great Wall.//
16. The postman sent Susan and Tommy a paper box.
17. They opened it and found a present from their friend.
18. They both liked the present and felt very happy.
19. Alice didn’t feel well today, so she went to the hospital.
20. The doctor asked her some questions. //
21. The doctor didn’t give her any medicine in the end.
1. The capital Airport has been in use for 20 years. //
2. The capital Airport is the largest one in China. //
3. I have never taken a plane. My friend Li Ping , either. //
1. Father gave $20 for me to buy some books. //
2. I was excited when I saw so many good books in the bookstore.
3. But some books would cost more than I have. //
But I didn’//(全真3)
1. Many Chinese friends went to the party. 2. Tony was given a lot of presents by his friends. //Tony’
3. Seeing his Chinese teacher at the party made Tony very happy. //(全真4)
1. I want to eat something. //2. The refrigerator is empty.//3. Bob spent fifteen yuan on the hamburger. ///(全真5)
1. Mr.Wang doesn’t work in that factory any longer. //
2. Mr. Wang left home earlier in order to catch the bus. 3. Mr. Wang finds it not easy to get along with that young guy. //(专家1)
1. Many people went shopping yesterday.
2. Jane spent 4 hours to buy New year gifts. //
3. She was so tired that she couldn’t walk any longer. //
1. My friends said to me, “Are you free?”
2. She wanted me to go shopping with her.
3. She thinks it a pleasure to go shopping with a friend.
全文共 1158 字
+ 加入清单There is an old saying goes that failure is the mother of success. Everyone
confronts with failures even those famous and successful figures. Some people
say that failure lashes them to work harder. Some think that failures are so
depressing and we should not to make any failures. For me, I cherish failures
very much for we can realize our shortcomings from them.
First of all, we can learn from failure and get more experience. It is
indeed so disappointed when we confront with failure. However, we can always get
some experience from failures and makes us understand our weak point. If we can
learn from failure, then we will avoid such problem in the coming days.
Secondly, the more failures, the more successful we will be. As the old
saying goes that failure is the mother of success. The more failure we make, the
more successful we will be. If we make many mistakes, then we will learn a lot
from them and will do better when we meet the same kind of problems. This means
we will obtain great success if we meet more failures.
All in all, failure is a bad thing for people, but it is a good chance for
us to learn more from it and become successful in the future.
全文共 464 字
+ 加入清单武汉是一座美丽的城市,到处都是美丽的景点。有辉煌的万达广场,一到晚上万达广场有数不清的霓红灯,五彩缤纷,就像一颗颗耀眼的星星;有热闹的夷陵广场,每当夜幕降临,一些老人就来到夷陵广场跳舞,广场上还放着优美的音乐;还有美丽的滨江公园,它紧挨着长江,江面上有雄伟的长江大桥,连接着江南和江北,桥上的车辆川流不息。早晨,太阳刚从东边升起,晨练的人有的在打羽毛球,有的在舞剑,就像江边上一幅美丽的画廊。
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+ 加入清单This week I didnt do many wonderful things.
I went to learn developing film with my classmates on July 1st. It was easy and we all got good marks.
On July 4th, I went to school to learn, because I will be a junior three student soon. We would have to learn some lessons in advance. The weather was very hot. But I didnt feel that learning lessons was boring. Some teachers are new. They are good I think, although they are all looked strict. And the lessons were not too bad.
This week was the beginning of this summer holiday, but it was really typical .
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+ 加入清单The tomb-sweeping day as a holiday, are different from pure solar terms.
Solar term is a sign of phenology change, seasonal order in China, and it is
more a festival of custom activities and some memorable.
Tomb-sweeping day is Chinas traditional festival, is also the most
important memory of ancestors and the grave. This grave to commemorate the dead
mans a kind of activity. The han nationality and some minority are mostly in
the tombs. Grave, people to carry goods such as especially fruit, paper money to
the grave, will be food for offering in the family tomb, to use paper money on
fire new soil up to the grave, fold a few branches pale green branches ed in the
grave, and then kowtow worship salute, finally eat especially home. The tang
dynasty poet tu mus poem "qingming" : "rains fall heavily as qingming comes,
and passers-by with lowered spirits go. Restaurant where? Boy pointed apricot
blossom village." Write the ching Ming festival special atmosphere.
Ching Ming festival, also called TaQingJie, according to the solar calendar
for, it is in every year on April 4 to 6, between, it is beautiful spring
scenery spring-out of season, also is a good time to people spring outing, so
the ancients had qingming outing, and carry out a series of customs sports
Until today, tomb-sweeping day ancestor worship, mourning the late
relatives customs still prevail.
全文共 763 字
+ 加入清单Communication is common and important in our daily life. All of us live
with others in the society and no one can live cut off from it. Everyday, we
must talk to others to give and get information, but how can we communicate with
others? Some people claim that they don’t know what to say and how to speak to
others, strangers especially. I think first you should find a topic that both of
you are interested in. Then, pay attention to your manners, speed, pitch,
expressions and your body language. You should make others feel comfortable, so
that they are willing to talk to you. Last but not the least, being a good
listener. Listening to others shows your respect to them. Only when they heard,
they want to talk. So do you. Before you talk, listening to others first.
全文共 6953 字
+ 加入清单Through observation, I found that plastic bags on peoples harm and pollution is very large。 People often use plastic bags: mother to buy food and plastic bags; to shopping malls with plastic bags; in the restaurant to eat rice is also packaged with plastic bags to take home; even I buy stationery also with plastic bags。 People do not know what they do to the environment caused by pollution, their own body caused any harm。 Such as: people often put useless plastic bags thrown into the garbage, plastic bags in the rubbish will be smelly, so that the pollution of the air。 People also throw plastic bags anywhere, a wind, plastic bags flying in the sky, the branches also see the tree is a plastic bag, and even the river there are plastic bags。 This plastic bag in addition to pollution of the air, but also polluted our water resources。
We should raise peoples awareness, tell us the neighbors and friends and family together to beautify our environment。 On the road to see the plastic bag quickly picked up, immediately took it to the garbage disposal。 We want to start from my use less plastic bags, so that my mother every day to buy food or shopping when they first take their own bags, this is not very environmentally friendly? Or can use their own holding things as far as possible by hand, no plastic bags。
As the saying goes: "to protect the environment, everyone is responsible" We have to protect the home environment out of a force。
Green, is the true nature of life, is the intentional and unintentional destruction of the day by day to reduce the disappearance, and take it that is pollution, is rubbish。 Our mother — the earth! She was originally fenghuangmao, but she was old, sick, wounded: human beings, wake up! Let us protect our mother, let her return to the young bar!
How can we protect the environment? First of all, we must establish a sense of protection, to establish peoples civilized fashion, to eliminate the phenomenon of littering, which is followed by one, then the second is what? Is rubbish。 Speaking of garbage, then we pay attention to the more of the。 1, we set the attention of garbage health。 Garbage, we have to use a garbage bag to wrap up and keep the sanitation environment。 2, garbage to be classified。 In the classification process, we should put the waste paper。 plastic。 Waste bottles cans and other renewable resources can be recycled, can not be recycled into the garbage poke, but never allowed to throw the old battery, you must put the battery into the recycling station, so that the recycling staff to deal with the third With or without plastic bags, disposable lunch boxes of these white pollution, these aspects are introduced how to protect the environment, the following let me introduce how to save resources! 1, saving water, in the use of faucet in the process, we To keep the faucet away from any drop of water。 Some people will think, is not a drop of water? What can be worth a fuss? But you have not thought that Chinas fresh water this year, a sharp reduction, do not cherish, the last drop may be your tears! So please be sure to cherish this drop of water! 2, cherish every grain of rice。 I think we all hear who knows the plate of Chinese food, grain are hard this sentence it! A grain of rice, a drop of sweat, some children can also develop a snack, do not eat bad habits, so not only a waste of food, Also harmful to the body, is not it tasteless? So, you should correct this bad problem as soon as possible。
In addition, we have to carry out and participate in the city, the town of some environmental activities, consciously to the masses to promote some knowledge of the ring, but also the use of some waste to produce a variety of small production。 In addition, you can also in March 12 to carry out tree planting activities, continue to add green to their homes。
People only ah! Only let the green to restore the original beauty, can we let our mothers on behalf of the reproduction, enduring。 Let us work together to create a happy and happy world!
I came to my neighbor to find my friends Huan and dream, there are Tao, told them that we went to pick up garbage it。 They are very happy。 Huan said: "No tools how do we pick up trash?" I brought four plastic bags, give you one one one。 The following are the same as the "
The following are the same as the "
Environmental team opened, we unit action, I came to my backyard, found a bamboo paper in a bamboo, then bent down to pick up the group of paper into the plastic bag。 Continue to move forward and found a group of paper, which must be I usually do not pay attention to throw, was the wind blowing to the bamboo forest。 I regret, I am a class of labor in the class, in charge of my class in the dry area health inspection work, some students littering hated, did not think he actually 。。。 。。。 today I can personally pick up their own garbage heart finally A little comfort! I secretly remind myself: Juan, you have to remember, do not repeat this kind of ridiculous stupid! The following are the same as the "
The following are the same as the "
I keep patience to pick up the rubbish。 After more than 20 minutes, garbage pick up light, and we came to the collection of places, I saw, everyones hands are full of a plastic bag, really "rewarding" "Even if we clean up the garbage on the ground, but the garbage in the river can not stop, and get rid of there will be。" Huanfan said, Tao took the stubble, said: "If we make a billboard with wood, "Well get the attention of the people," he said。 "Well get the board and write it on the top。" Please do not forget to throw the rubbish! "" Protect everyone from the environment! " 。。。 we wrote a total of five pieces of wood, we were put them on the river the most prominent place, the task is completed, we are happy to go home。 The following are the same as the "
The following are the same as the "
Whenever I see the garbage on the ground I will be filled with emotion: to protect the environment, everyone is responsible! But the most critical thing is to arouse peoples awareness of environmental protection。 Now our government, most of the citizens have a certain sense of environmental protection, but also pay attention to protecting the environment, but the destruction of the environment behavior is still repeated in some people。 Hope that we can start from me, from small things to start to develop good health habits, do not throw litter, see the garbage can bend around pick up pick up, then, our environment will be more beautiful!
全文共 910 字
+ 加入清单我去过许多地方,但最吸引我的,最有特点的,还是我的家乡---厦门。我的家乡最吸引人的三个方面非美食、美景、风土人情莫属了!为什么把美食放在第一位呢? I have been to many places, but the most attractive and most characteristic is my hometown-Xiamen.The three most attractive hometown of my hometown is the food, beauty, and local customs! Why do you put food first?
全文共 704 字
+ 加入清单I have a wide range of interests and enjoy doing many things during my free
I am fond of reading. I often read after class. My classmates like watching
TV while I prefer to read. I read various kinds of books and newspapers that
they afford me stories and news. The book I like most isThe House on the Mango
Street. I am also a music lover. Pop music is my favorite. I often listen to the
music programs on radio and I also have an MP3 downloading all my favorite
songs. In addition, swimming and badminton are my favorites, too. They help me
build a healthy body.
In short, I enjoy my life in school very much. Reading books, listening to
music and doing sports are very helpful to my health and my studies.
全文共 984 字
+ 加入清单灯,固然不是普通的日光灯。而是形象可爱造型典雅的元宵花灯。
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+ 加入清单6月是毕业季,以下是小编整理的关于初中毕业典礼英语作文,欢迎阅读。
Good morning,my dear teachers and schoolmates,
It’s a great honor for me to make a speech on behalf of the graduating classes.
How time flies! Our junior high school lives will come to an end.
In the past three years, we’ve had a beautiful school and it provides us with a good study place. Teachers are our friends. They’ve given us interesting lessons and we all love them.
We’ve learned a lot from them, not only knowledge but also the way to solve problems in life. Thanks for our teachers’ training, parents’ support and the help from classmates. Without them, we couldn’t have so much wonderful time.
At last, we hope our school will become better, our teachers will be healthy for ever and all our dreams will come true.
Thank you .