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Nowadays,the problem of piracy has become more and more serious. Books,tapes,VCDs and others high-tech products have been pirated. For instance,when a new product comes onto market,most probably,its pirated counterpart will soon put on its appearance in the market,too. Piracy has caused a great loss to legitimate producers,inventors and writers in many ways. To start with,the pirated products often cost much less than the genuine ones so that they enjoy a better trading position in spite of their relatively poor quality. The genuine products,on the contrary,sell poorly. Whats worse,pirated books sometimes do great harm to the authorsreputation due to some misprints. In the long run,pirated products may have a negative impact on customers. Those legitimate producerscreativity and enthusiasm may be deeply hurt by the fact that some customers are more interested in the pirated products for the sake of small gains. In my opinion,its high time that everyone started the battle against piracy.First,customers should develop their consciousness to resist the pirated products. Second,the government should take effective measures to put an end to piracy. Finally,laws must be strictly enforced to completely ban piracy. Only in this way can we wipe the pirated products out of our life.





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实现有效的沟通,建立良好的人际关系,不仅仅要善于言表,更要学会倾听。请你根据下表中所带给的信息,写一篇题为 “Being a Good Listener” 的英文演讲稿。





Good afternoon, everyone。

The topic of my speech today is “Being a Good Listener”。

Good listening can always show respect, promote understanding, and improve interpersonal relationship。

Many people suggest that parents should listen more to their children, so they will understand them better, and find it easy to narrow the generation gap; teachers should listen more to their students, then they can meet their needs better, and place themselves in a good relationship with their students; students should listen more to their classmates, thus they will help and learn from each other, and a friendship is likely to be formed。

What I want to stress is that each of us should listen to others。 Show your respect and never stop others till they finish their talk; show you are interested by a supportive silence or a knowing smile; be open-minded to different opinions even though you don’t like them。 In a word, good listening can really enable us to get closer to each other。

Thank you for your listening!



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①With the rapid advances of ________ in recent years, ________has ________(引出现象). ②However, ________has ________, as ________(提出问题). ③As a result, ________(指出影响),which has aroused close social attention from all walks of life.


①With the rapid development of science and technology (electronic industry/higher education), more and more people come to realize that ________(引出现象). ②It is estimated, over the past decade, that ________(用具体数据说明现象).



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A teacher just likes a shining star to students. Miss Fu, one of my English teacher, is a shining star in my life.

I happened to be in Miss Fus class when I began my high school years. At that time, I dared not speak English aloud in public, for I was shy and my pronunciation and intonation were poor. Afraid of being laughed at, I never put up my hand to answer the questions Miss Fu raised in class, even if I had some good answers to them. For a time, I even lost interest in practising spoken English. When Miss Fu found out the reason, she encouraged me to speak. First she bought me some English tapes and told me to listen to them carefully, and try to recite them. In class, I was often asked questions and given a lot of chances to practise speaking.Little by little, I became brave enough to speak, and was not afraid to speak English before others. Miss Fu smiled sweetly when she heard the news that I had been chosen to take part in an important oral English contest.

Whenever I look at the stars in the sky, I recognize the brightest one ---- the symbol of Miss Fu in my heart. Miss Fu will always be a shining star in my life!






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Recently the rise in theproblem/phenomenon of ... has caused/aroused public/popular/wide/ worldwideconcern. 近来(...)的问题/现象已经引起了广泛的关注。


For years, ...had been viewedas .... But people are taking a fresh look now. With the growing ..., people....



When asked about..., thevast/overwhelming majority of people say that …. But I think/view a bitdifferently. 当被问及(...)大多数人们会说(...)但是我却不这么认为。


Now people ingrowing/significant numbers are beginning/coming to realize/accept / (be aware)that... 现在越来越多的人们开始认识到/接受(...)


"Knowledge ispower." This is the remark made by Bacon. This remark has been shared bymore and more people. “知识就是力量”这是培根的名言,这句名言开始被越来越多的人们分享。


I have a friend who ...Should he ...? Such a dilemma we are often confronted with in our daily life. 我有一个朋友(喜欢赌钱等),他应该(...)吗?在这种进退两难的境地下,我们要面对应付日常生活。



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Opinions are divided about/on the problem.


Eighty percent of the students like school uniforms.


They think the uniforms are well designed.


Therest are not interested in school uniforms.


One third of the students live near their school.


More than half of the students spend 50 minutes on the way to school.


Few of them go to school by car.


There will be 3 million cars in the city in 2020.


It takes them an hour and a half to do their homework every day.


They have learned English for more than a year.



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Nowadays, in an ever tighter job market, great importance has been attached to an interview by both the employer and the applicant. The interview, so to speak, has become indispensable for getting a satisfactory job. On the one hand, the interviewer can take advantage of the occasion to learn about the candidates, such as their work experiences, education and their personalities, so as to pick out the right person for the company. On the other hand, the interviewee can make use of the

opportunity to get to know the job he is going to take up, the salary, the working conditions and many other things about the job he is interested in. Therefore, the job interview is very important to a job-hunter. But how can one succeed in it? Firstly of all, the interviewee must pay attention to his or her appearance. The first impression is always where we start. Get dressed properly and neatly. Secondly, good manners are equally important. Dont be too proud, and neither too timid. Just be courteous. Thirdly, the interviewee must demonstrate his aptitude and skills for the job and his knowledge about eh job-related areas. Be confident.

Last but not the least, the interviewee ought to be honest about his or her personal as well as academic background, for honesty is the best policy. To sum up, the job interview is indeed important, but there is no need to be nervous. As long as the interviewee has the ability for the job, with careful preparation and a fairly confident and honest performance, his or her success can be ensured.


如工作经验,教育背景和他们的个性,以挑选出该公司的合适人选。另一方面,求职者可以利用这个机会去了解他所要从事的工作,如待遇,工作条件以及其他一些他感兴趣的情况。 因此,对于求职者来说面试是非常重要的。但如何才能成功呢?首先,求职者一定要注意其外表。第一印象往往首当其冲。穿着要适当和整齐。其次,良好的举止也同样重要。不要太骄傲





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Everyone has their own hobbies, I was no exception. My hobby numerous as the stars in the sky, but I most like to read books.

Since I was young, I love reading, where I can see, in bed, go to the toilet see, going to travel in the car, even to eat. Mom and dad always hope me the real little bookworm go out to play for a while, but I dont know a person in the neighbourhood, so the book has become my best friend. Remember once I went to a bookstore reading a book, with my mother agreed to go back until five o clock, but the sight of the wide variety of books, I swim in the sea of stories to boil. I picked up a book "laughing cat diary", read, and was attracted by Yang hongying style of writing. Time like off the string arrow, blink of an eye by six o clock, I remembered that time, is on his way back, met a mother, I look with my mom out in a rash.

A few days ago, I was in the toilet for more than half an hour, I was so angry mother nose crooked, is this why? Because I see in the toilet, "meaning Lin" youth version by that mom took her killer response - animal roars at fellow players.

However, a yard to yard, reading is a good thing. Now, one in the class, my composition since school reading quantity reach millions of words. The classmates, let us read more books!







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We all know that "sticks and stones may break our bones", but we should also be aware that words can hurt people, too.







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1. 一路驼铃响到西,万匹丝绸济美眉。

2. 大漠越沙迷,昆仑踏细,历险辟商机。

3. 朗朗神洲,祚传千载;漫漫丝路,泽遗百代。

4. 雕戎西北去,风劲谷粱香。嘱咐驼肠饱,将军此路长。

5. 壮志西行追古踪,孤烟大漠夕阳中。驼铃古道丝绸路,胡马犹闻唐汉风。

6. 敕勒张骞博望侯,中华古烁惠西欧。班超远大携珍宝,浩猎寒风舞缎绸。

7. 丝绸茶叶陶瓷萃,商贾僧人行旅偕。异域驼铃风雨路,汉唐气象大胸怀。

8. 羌笛一曲丝绸路,胡马千年五彩弦。古道西风今又现,葡萄美酒话缠绵。

9. 长安望断丝绸路。夕照里,残红吐。阳关丘岭驭驮疏,风雪祁连横簇。

10. 长安西郊据考为汉丝绸之路起点,有丝绸群雕以志纪念。夕阳下看之尤其苍凉。

11. 但使边关磐若石,丝绸古道漾箫笙。如今落雁尘埃远,不尽天山万古情。

12. 荒滩大漠鬼难行,鹏鸟欲飞终未能。但见巨龙呼啸过,丝霞万匹映天红。

13. 着这座群雕,就仿佛看到了当年丝绸之路上商旅不绝的景象,仿佛听到了飘忽在大漠中的悠悠驼铃声……

14. 丝绸之路,汉唐帝国的首都,是你的故乡,你穿过河西走廊,沿塔克拉玛干大沙漠南北的绿洲,越过帕米尔高原,中亚草原,到地中海东岸的罗马帝国,与黄金争列,丝绸之路,你是春风,从东方吹到西方,吹过雄关古城,吹过沙漠墓葬,你是秋雨,从天上落到地上,滋润了东方,滋润着西方。

15. 兰州是古丝绸之路的交通要道和商埠重镇,古称金城,也是现代著名的瓜果城。兰州是甘肃省的省会所在地,也是西北经济、政治、文化、交通的枢纽。兰州历史悠久,古迹胜多,是独具特色的旅游文化名城。兰州是我古丝绸路之行的第五站,也是我梦寐以求想,向往以久的文化古城。

16. 谁架起一道彩虹,跨亚非欧的苍穹。张骞彩虹里吆喝,正骑着骆驼赶程。彩虹里舞着凤凰,俯瞰着大地和鸣。她是用彩丝织就,活跃着经济繁荣。她是丝绸的化身,牵连着世界和平。

17. 为什么不叫金银之路,珠宝之路,瓷器之路,而叫丝绸之路?显然,表达的是崇拜丝绸的外国人的心境,是由外国人把丝绸之路叫到了全世界。丝绸之路不是中国的专有名词,而是世界的通用名词,只要提到丝绸之路,全世界都知道特指那条路。

18. 张掖是甘肃省西部的重要工业城市,也是历史古城和新兴的旅游城市。因其土肥水美,物产富饶,在西北故有“塞上江南”之美誉。张掖古为甘州,是古丝绸之路上的重镇,也是我国西长城,目前保存较为完好的一段。久远而辉煌的历史,给张掖留下了以古建筑、古城堡、古烽燧为主的众多名胜古迹,使这座塞上古城在今天的旅游事业中换发了青春。

19. 丝绸之路,你是画家,描绘出绮丽奇壮的边塞风光,你是文学家,讲述着先人梯山航海的精神和伟绩,你是导游,领着我们,瞻仰历史的丰碑,你是一把古老的琴,弹奏着东西方文明的旋律。

20. 宋代河西走廊的繁荣,完全得益于丝绸之路的开通。中国货币和外国货币共同作用于丝绸的贸易,贸易又拉动了餐饮业、旅店业、服务业,进而拉动农业、畜牧业、手工业等各行各业,就使河西走廊日趋发达。古代的张掖被类似现代的深圳,是开放的前沿,也是经济最活跃的地区。敦煌壁画上的繁荣景象也是河西走廊的真实写照。哪里的商业发达,哪里的经济就发达。丝绸之路是当时中国商业最发达的地区,也是经济最活跃的地区。

21. 古丝绸之路,东起古城西安,西至古罗马都城君士坦丁堡,它贯穿了河西走廊,连接了欧亚大陆,全长一万多公里。其辉煌历史起于汉代,胜于唐代,止于元代,长达十五个世纪,是我国古代外交、商贸、文化、科技交流的重要通道,因其商贸主要是以丝绸为主,也是当时最受国外欢迎的商品,因此后人便称之为古丝绸之路。

22. 登上边关之巅,遥望大漠深处,千年古迹沉淀展现,从敦煌莫高窟到戈壁沙漠,连纬万里直达长安,丝绸之路留下古道印迹;敦煌璧画东方艺术瑰宝,传承丝路花雨,飞天闻声起舞,大漠尘沙飞扬,暮色映红了天际,茫茫的戈壁沙漠,留下一串串驼铃声;边关烽火瞭望台,古城、战道、残壁、部落、客栈、烈酒仿佛再现原古,丝绸、锦缎、刺绣、瓷器、壁画、舞蹈传播西部风情,大漠洗礼着苍凉的释道,驼队一路西行,古人向西方人展示着东方文明。

23. 今天,丝绸之路变成了旅游观光之路。路没有变,山川河流没有变,历史遗迹虽显露出岁月的沧桑,但年轻时的容貌仍依稀可辨,也没有变。变了的是路上的交通工具和往来游人的心思。他们怀揣美元、欧元、日元,不是采购丝绸,而是采购古老的历史文化、风土人情和飘荡在空气中的汉唐遗风,明清气味。丝绸之路,将再次焕发青春,返老还童,带给河西走廊新的繁荣。

24. 追思千年文化历史古迹,重新踏上丝绸路,月牙泉沙漠中一池绿洲,一路又见胡杨林,仿佛就在不远处,你可听到那如泣如诉的羌笛声,看今朝,荒漠变家园。卧沙眠雪楼兰梦,曾挽长安客相逢。几经沧桑多变幻,寂寞沙洲冷苍穹。晓沐尘沙雨露浅,岁月残雕影瘦空。江南春来千里路,此出玉门不相同。

25. 岁月流失,沧桑更替,透过沿途遗落于戈壁关山之间的石窟古堡,险隘雄关,以及流传的众多典迹神话,魂宝奇珍,真实的再现了祖国的历史辉煌,文化厚重。古道漫游,情自景生,昔日的金戈铁马,烽火狼烟,似乎又历历在目;耳边又响起了那悦耳的阵阵胡笳,声声驼铃……

26. 丝绸之路的道路漫长而久远,而且无始无终。在古代,它是传播友谊的道路,也曾经是被战争铁蹄践踏过的道路。今天,人们已经忘却昔日曾经有过的苦难,而把丝绸之路看作是连结东西方文明的纽带。近年来,联合国教科文组织发起的“丝绸之路研究计划”,把丝绸之路称作“对话之路”,以促进东西方的对话与交流。对于中国人民来讲,今天的丝绸之路,是开放之路,是奋进之路,是通向二十一世纪的光明之路。

27. 自从张骞通西域以后,中国和中亚及欧洲的商业往来迅速增加。通过这条贯穿亚欧的大道,中国的丝、绸、绫、缎、绢等丝织品,源源不断地输向中来和欧洲,因此,希腊、罗马、人称中国为“赛里斯”国,称中国人为“赛里斯”人。所谓“赛里斯”即“丝绸”之意。19世纪末。德国地质学家李希霍芬将张骞开辟的这条东西大道誉为“丝绸之路”。

28. 西安是古丝绸之路的起点,从西安至甘肃的嘉峪关,古代称为“皇家驿道”,是我国北丝绸之路的主干道。丝绸之路在新疆境内又划分为南北两道,天山之南为南道,天山之北为北道。南道以塔里木河为界又分为“南道”和“北道”。天山之北的北道,又称为“北道”和“草原道”,其主要支路有“五船、伊吾、车师、赤谷、碎叶、弓日、热海”等道。

29. 丝绸之路的开辟是人类文明史上的一个伟大创举,也是古代东西方最长的国际交通路线,它是丝路沿线多民族的共同创造,所以又称之为友谊之路。在丝路上起居间和转运作用的大宛人、康居人、印度人、安息人、阿拉伯人、西突厥人等对中国丝绸的西运作出了重大贡献。

30. 今天,如果我们乘飞机西行,无论是去西亚、印度,还是欧洲,最多不过二十多个小时。然而,在遥远的古代,我们的先民们在西行时,不论是走陆路,还是走海路,都要花费不知多少倍的时间,也不知要克服多少艰难险阻。与外界交流的需要,促使我们的祖先早在距今两千多年前的西汉时期,就开通了连接东西方文明的陆上通道,这就是著名的“丝绸之路。

31. 丝绸之路,概括地讲,是自古以来,从东亚开始,经中亚,西亚进而联结欧洲及北非的这条东西方交通线路的总称。丝绸之路,在世界史上有重大的意义。这是亚欧大陆的交通动脉,是中国、印度、希腊三种主要文化的交汇的桥梁。吐鲁番,就是丝绸之路上的一颗璀璨的明珠。丝绸之路,在新疆按其路线分为南、中、北三道。丝绸之路(SilkRoad)古代贯通中西方的商路。

32. 丝绸之路的巨型石雕矗立在陕西省西安市玉祥门外,这里正是汉代古都长安,也是丝绸之路的起点,这座群雕是历史的浓缩,是昔日繁华的见证。

33. 两千多年后的今天,每当人们凝望‘丝绸之路’巨型石雕,无不引起对往日商贸、文化繁荣的遐想……

34. 中国使者拱手致谢,高兴地说:“没想到,一条道路将远隔千里的我们联系在了一起,这真是一条伟大的路呀!”

35. 丝绸之路,你是一把炜炬,用华夏精美绝伦的丝绸制作,燃烧着灿烂古老的东西方火焰,你是妙龄女郎,远在新石器时代,黄河儿女就用桑蚕装扮你,你是有志之士,早在殷商时期,就横贯亚洲腹地的陆路到西方去,丝绸之路,你是一位邮递员,把东方的四大发明送到西方,把西方的文化物产带到东方,推动世界文明的进程,丰富中原的物质精神。

36. “丁零零,丁零零……”一阵清脆的驼铃声响起来,使我想起了那满载辉煌的丝绸之路。让我们的思绪踏上张骞的步履,一起去探访那古老的丝绸之路:东起长安,西至欧洲,是一条贸易大道,以中国的丝绸最具代表性,丝绸之路因此而得名。它蜿蜒七千多里,连接亚、欧两个大洲,促进了东西方文明的互相渗透,具有十分珍贵的历史作用,是我国文化史上一颗璀璨的明珠。



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Dear Editor,

Im a senior high school student named Li Hua. Now many students have iPads and think its a fashion to use them.


Dear Editor,

Im a senior high school student named Li Hua. Now many students have iPads and think its a fashion to use them. U sing an iPad, we can listen to music, download a lot of learning materials and read them on the screen. Apparently, its helpful to our study, especially to our English listening.

Some students, however, bring their iPads to the classroom and listen to music without earphones, which makes the teacher and other students greatly annoyed. Some of them even waste precious time in class playing video games.

In my opinion, as students, we should make good use of iPads to help achieve academic success. The classroom is a place for students to study, and thereforeconcentration is awfully needed for us to learn our lessons. Furthermore, the school should make a rule to guide the students to use iPads in a proper way. Yours sincerely, Li Hua



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Dear David ,

I’m glad that you’ve noticed our efforts directed towards environmental


Thank you for your concern 。

As too much use of plastic bags has caused serious white pollution , our

government encourages us to use environmental –friendly shopping bags。


bags are made of a variety of materials that can be easily treated when they bee

rubbish。 Besides, they can be reused 。 More and more people have realized the

advantages of such bags and started using them 。

I believe that the wide use of these shopping bags can greatly improve our

environment 。This is one of the many steps we are to make our country an even

cleaner place。



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It is high time that we put an end to the (trend).该是我们停止这一趋势的时候了.

It is time to take the advice of … and to put special emphasis on the improvement of …


There is no doubt that enough concern must be paid to the problem of …


Obviously, … If we want to do something … , it is essential that …


Only in this way can we … 只有这样,我们才能……

It must be realized that …我们必须意识到……


Obviously, if we don’t control the problem, the chances are that … will lead us in danger.


No doubt, unless we take effective measures, it is very likely that …


It is urgent that immediate measures should be taken to stop the situation.



From my point of view, it is more reasonable to support the first opinion rather than the second. 在我看来,支持第一种观点比支持第二种观点更有道理.

I cannot entirely agree with the idea that …我无法完全同意这一观点……

Personally, I am standing on the side of …就个人而言,我站在……的一边.

I sincerely believe that …我真诚地相信……

In my opinion, it is more advisable to do … than to do ….


Finally, to speak frankly, there is also a more practical reason why …


This phenomenon exists for a number of reasons. First, … Second, … Third, …


Why did …? For one thing …,for another …. Perhaps the primary reason is…


I quite agree with the statement that … The reasons are chiefly as follows.



Here are some suggestions for handling … 这是如何处理某事的一些建议.

The best way to solve the troubles is … 解决这些麻烦的最好办法是……

People have figured out many ways to solve this problem. 人们已找出许多办法来解决这个问题.


As far as something is concerned, … 就某事而言,……

It was obvious that …很显然,….

It may be true that …, but it doesn’t mean that …


It is natural to believe that …, but we shouldn’t ignore that …


There is no evidence to suggest that … 没有证据表明……


强调 still, indeed, apparently, oddly enough, of course, after all, significantly, interestingly, also, above all, surely, certainly, undoubtedly, in any case, anyway, above all, in fact, especially, obviously, clearly.

比较 like, similarly, likewise, in the same way, in the same manner, equally.

对比 by contrast, on the contrary, while, whereas, on the other hand, unlike, instead, but, conversely, different from, however, nevertheless, otherwise, whereas, unlike, yet, in contrast.


Recently, the problem of … has aroused people’s concern. 最近,……问题已引起人们的关注.

The Internet has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. It has brought a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.


Nowadays, (overpopulation) has become a problem we have to face.


It is commonly believed that … / It is a common belief that … 人们一般认为……

Many people insist that … 很多人坚持认为……

With the development of science and technology, more and more people believe that…


A lot of people seem to think that … 很多人似乎认为……


People’s views on … vary from person to person. Some hold that …. However, others believe that….人们对……的观点因人而异.有些人认为……,然而其他人却认为……

People may have different opinions on …人们对……可能会有不同的见解.

Attitudes towards (drugs) vary from person to person.人们对待吸毒的态度因人而异.

There are different opinions among people as to …关于……,人们的观点大不相同.

Different people hold different attitudes toward (failure). 对(失败)人们的态度各不相同。


Taking all these factors into consideration, we naturally come to the conclusion that…


Taking into account all these factors, we may reasonably come to the conclusion that …


Hence/Therefore, we’d better come to the conclusion that …


There is no doubt that (job-hopping) has its drawbacks as well as merits.


All in all, we cannot live without … But at the same time we must try to find out new ways to cope with the problems that would arise.




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Not long ago. Sanlu milk powder incident once again draw the attention of food safety issues. Why food safety is always at risk? I think there are probably two reasons. For onr thing, the illegal business add a number of unsafe things into the food driven by the interests. For another thing, the countrys regulatory regime is inadequate, so that criminals can take advantage of the opportunity.

Food safety is very important. If you eat unsafe food, the consequences would be unthinkable. Therefore, we should take some measures to prevent unsafe food.

First of all, the government should strengthen supervision and improve the law to punish illegal food manufacturers. furthermore, when consumers buy food should depends on its production date and shelf-life. In short, to solve the food security issues need a long way to go, it needs the joint efforts of all sides.




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Dear David,

Im glad youll come to Beijing to learn Chinese. Chinese is very useful,

and many foreigners are learning it now. Its difficult for you because its

quite different from English. You have to remember as many Chinese words as

possible. Its also important to do some reading and writing. You can watch TV

and listen to the radio to practise your listening. Do your best to talk with

people in Chinese. You can learn Chinese not only from books but also from

people around you. If you have any questions, please ask me. Im sure youll

learn Chinese well.

Hope to see you soon in Beijing.


Wang Ming



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1.A number of factors are accountable for this situation.

A number of factors might contribute to (lead to )(account for ) the


2. The answer to this problem involves many factors.

3. The phenomenon mainly stems from the fact that...

4. The factors that contribute to this situation include...

5. The change in ...largely results from the fact that...

6. We may blame ...,but the real causes are...

7. Part of the explanations for it is that ...

One of the most common factors (causes ) is that ...

Another contributing factor (cause ) is ...

Perhaps the primary factor is that …

But the fundamental cause is that ...



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1.Our English Teacher

Our English teacher, Ms Huang, came to our school in 1970. She has been an English teacher for more than 30 years. She works hard and has been a model teacher for many years.

She is kind and friendly to us after class, but She is rather strict with us in class. She always encourages us to speak and read more English. She often says, "Practice makes perfect."

She is good at teaching and tries her best to make every lesson lively and interesting. She often gives us slide shows, teaches us English songs and helps us to put on short English plays.

She is not only our teacher but also our friend. We all respect and love her.

Tomorrow she is going to attend an important meeting, at which she will be given a medal for her advanced deeds.

2.My English Teacher

Our English teacher, Mr. Wang, is a strongly built thirty-year-old man, who is often simply dressed. He has been teaching us English ever since he graduated from the English Department, Beijing Normal University in 1993. He devotes all his time and energy to teaching, often working late into the night preparing his lessons. He is capable of making his lessons lively and interesting, and all of us like his lessons. He is very strict with us but he shows us great concern. He offers us help whenever we need it. We all consider him not only as our good teacher but also as our close friend. We all respect and love him.


3. Our school

Our school is located at the centre of Beijing, It is one of the largest schools in the city with over 2,000 students and about 200 teachers. Our school subjects include politics, Chinese, English, maths, history, geography, physics, chemistry and biology and so on. Most of us pay great attention to the study of English, Chinese and maths because they are very important subjects in the university entrance exam. We take special interest in English. We have spent much time on it, but we still find it difficult to learn the language well. In the afternoon when class is over, we enjoy staying at school for about one hour for some physical exercises before leaving for home.

4. My Home Village

My home village is a small one. Its in Yuxian county of Shanxi Province. Small as it is, its very beautiful.

There are many hills around my home village and they are more beautiful than some big mountains. In spring, we can fly kites which are made by ourselves on the top of the hills. The kites fly very high. In summer, the trees are green and the grass is green, too. It is green everywhere on the hills. There are so many wild apple trees on the hills. The wild applesare nice to eat. In autumn, the corns under and around the hills are ripe. So we eat them almost every day. In winter, when it snows, all the ground is covered with snow. We can play with snow and sometimes we eat the clean snow with sugar. In my hometown the sky is blue, the air is clean, the water is sweet and the people are very friendly. I love my hometown!

5.Changes in Our Life

Over the past twenty years or so, great changes have taken place in our life. Take my family for example. My parents contacted others mainly by sending them letters in the past. But now we call long distance at home. And once my parents listened to the radio for news and other information. But now we get the news by watching TV. Another big change is in my living conditions. When they got married about twenty years ago, my parents lived in a small room crowded with furniture. But now we have moved into a big new three-room apartment. In short, our life has become comfortable and convenient.


6.A Good Deed

Oct. 19th TuesdayFine

One afternoon, on my way home, I saw an accident: a car hit an old man!

I shouted to the pedestrians for help, but no one stopped. When the car driver saw this, he quickly closed the window Of the car and drove away. "What shall I do? The old man needs help." I thought.

At that time, a truck stopped and out came the driver. "Whats wrong with the old man, boy? What could I do?" the driver asked me. "Uncle, please help the old man. A car hit him and he is badly injured! "I said. "Well, dont worry. Let me take him to the hospital. the driver said.

A few minutes later, the driver took the old man to the hospital and I telephoned the police station. I told the whole story to the police and I also told them the number of the car. The police said to me, "Well done, boy! Leave it to us. He must be punished!" Then I went to the hospital to see the old man.

When I got home, it was 7:30. I think what I did was fight.


(1) 你堂兄建华在国外学习,你们经常用英文通信。他即将完成学业,不久前来信就是否回国工作征求你的意见。请根据下列提示回信。






Dear Jian Hua,

I m very glad to have received the letter you sent me two weeks ago.

To Jian Hua

Dear Jian Hua,

Im very glad to have received the letter you sent me two weeks ago. I ve been thinking about the question you asked me. In my opinion, you should come back after you finish your studies abroad.For one reason, what you are studying is badly needed nowadays in China. It will be quite easy for you to find a good job. In fact, I know a few big companies in our city are hoping to employ people like you. For another reason, I think it will be much more convenient for you to look afteryour parents as they are getting old. Therefore, I think its a good idea for you to return. So what are you waiting for?

Best wishes;

Ming Hua

(2) 2005年春季

Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.



Dear sir,

I hear that our school will welcome some Canadian students to stay with us for or two weeks. Students who want to invite them to stay can take part in it. I want to try.

First , my parents and I can speak English well. That benefits us to communicate with each other. Second, our house is big enough for he or she to stay. Furthermore , I live near the Huangpu River. It has a good view of Shanghai.

Last but not least , in my home, he or she will enjoy much China culture. My grandpa and grandma are good athandwriting. My grandma also has a good skill in Chinese painting.

I think our friendly will give him a both interesting and comfortable experience.

Thank you for your reading during your busy work.. I hope that you will agree with me .

Yours sincerely,

Li Hong

(3) 假如你是王华,18岁生日后,真的有种长大成人的感觉。于是你想就父母对你的关怀和你今后的打算,以书信形式同爸爸妈妈谈谈。信的开头如下:

Dear Mum and Dad,

How are you doing ?


Dear Mum and Dad,

How are you doing ?

I?m writing to you about my gratitude for your having brought me up and my future plan.

Dear Mum and Dad, I am already 18 years old, which shows that I have grown up. Whenever I am thinking of this, I can?t help feeling grateful to you . It is you who first give me encouragement when I meet with difficulties, especially when I am not getting along well with my studies. Indeed, your inspiration seems to be a lamp, which offers me light of hope,courage and confidence. And more importantly, you are always teaching me to be good to others, and try to contribute to our society.

Dear Mum and Dad, I an now a senior three student , who is facing the competitive national college entrance examinations, So first of all, I ought to try my best to pass the exams. I am sure that through my great efforts I can and will be able to realize my beautiful dream of being a key university student. Then, I will strive to be an independent youth. The social situation I will be facing must be more competitive, so I will develop and prepare myself to be a youth with a strong sense of cooperation and competition. Believe in me, Mum and Dad, I will make a difference.

Best regards to you .

Yours sincerely, Wang Hua


Dear Sir or Madam,

I have learned from an advertisement that your company is in need of a secretary. I would like you to consider me for the position.

My name is Li Min. I am twenty-three years old. I am studying business management in Xiamen University. I will graduate this summer. I am familiar with computer operation and office softwares, which can help me do the office work very well. And I have learned English for ten years.In the past two years, I have been an editor for the English Paper of my department. My grades come out top in my department. Whats more, I like office work very much and I also think that I can be competent for the job.If I could have the opportunity to get the job I will be quite appreciative.

Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully

Li Min


How People Spent Their Holidays

As can be seen from the table, great changes took place in the ways that people spent their holidays over the period from the year 1990 to 1999. The proportion of traveling abroad and camping was increasing steadily, from 12% to 24% and from 10% to 36% separately, while that of staying at home and going to the seaside was decreasing year by year, from 38% to 31% and from 40% to 9% separately. Why were there changes? I think people can nowadays afford traveling.Also, people prefer to pursue a high-quality and colorful life. So we can see that people's living standard has been rising greatly.


(1) 最近,你校同学正在参加某英文报组织的一场讨论。讨论的主题是:公园要不要收门票?请你根据下表所提供的信息,给报社写一封信,客观地介绍讨论情况。



2 公园是公众休闲的地方

3. 如收门票,需建大门、围墙,会影响城市形象

40%的同学认为: 1.应收门票,但票价不要太高

2.支付园林工人工资 3.购新花木


2.词数:100左右。 3.参考词汇:门票---entrance fee

Dear editor,

I?m writing to tell you about the discussion we have had about whether an entrance fee should be charged for parks. 60% of us schoolmates think that an entrance fee do not meet people?s expectations, for a park is considered to be a place where the public can have a good time when they are not busy either at home or at work. If an entrance fee must be paid by the visitors for a park, it will be necessary to build a gate and surrounding walls. In the end a city will take on a bad look. 40% of us schoolmates think that an entrance fee can be accepted, but it must not be too expensive. The money from ticket selling can be used for paying the gardeners in the park and buying some other kinds of flowers and trees.

With regard to myself, I think an entrance fee is useful, for it can be used to protect a park. Do we share the same opinion, dear editor?

Yours truly,

Li Hua

Dear editor,

I?m writing to tell you about the discussion we have had about whether an entrance fee should be charged for parks. Sixty percent of my schoolmates are for the idea that an entrance fee should not be forced on the public. They believe parks are the place where the public enjoy themselves at their leisure. They think that a gate and wails are to be built if an entrance fee is to be charged. The city will not look so beautiful as it should



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