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As calendar flipping, unknowingly passed the winter, spring is quiet here.

Walked at a brisk pace, wore a beautiful white veil, a magic wand in his hand, and on his head a golden angel, wearing embroidered shoes, dancing on the earth. Hear the wind, hurriedly come over to accompany; The rain heard, rushing over to dance. Under the earth in a voice call, pregnant with green life, broke the dead silence in the winter of, green grass, the delicate petals... The messenger of spring, has brought the singing away, leaving the footprint of the voice.

Rain baby came also, with bright snow trap, competing to pounce on the bosom of the earth. Dancing in the air. In addition to the snow falling rustling sound, mixed with the little rain ticking sound. The rain is the snow melt, is snow elves. Is the appeal of such rain, there are snowflakes dancing poetry. Winter, spring like a divine bird peck broke the seal, and raised the voice of the veil. Connect the footsteps lightly in the snow.

The wind is blowing, mix with earthy smells. Look up, the front is a young forest. This tender small bud, glittering and translucent jade-like stone, CuiShengSheng, the spark of youth, the spring!

The ancients said: in spring, a day hour in the morning is worth two in the evening. Spring morning air is fresh, precious time. People up early, had to go to the playground exercise, study along the tree-lined trail. In spring, people on a field trip, on the outskirts of the sketch. Connect the footprints left in the morning again!

Sunrise, spring, like a thriving vigor!

Spring, like the rising sun, full of hope!











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There was a strange stillness. The birds, for examplewhere had they gone? The feeding stations in the backyards were deserted. The few birds seen anywhere were moribund; they trembled violently and could not fly. It was spring without voices. On the farms the hens brooded, but no chicks hatched. The roadsides, once so attractive, were now lined with browned and withered vegetation as though swept by fire. These, too, were silent, deserted by all living things. Even the streams were now lifeless.

This is a strange scene described by Rachel Carson, who is regarded as the mother of modern environmental protection movement。 Silent Spring is her representative work which lighted the fire of environmental protection in America and the whole world. Before 1960s, no books or magazines talked about things like environment and ecosystem. Such a phenomenon means that environmental protection had not come to people’s mind and the social consciousness. Indeed, the main opinion in human society from the very past about nature is to set war against or conquer it. In fact, many of human’s progresses are made on the base of such opinion. Rachel Carson was the first person who doubted the correctness of the belief and brought the topic under focus.

In Silent Spring, Carson described a miserable village which was dying under the using of DDT. The village used to be prosperous and beautiful. In spring, white clouds of bloom drifted above the green fields. In autumn, oak and maple and birch set up a blaze of color that flamed and flickered across a backdrop of pines. Then foxed barked in the hills and deer silently crossed the fields, half hidden in the mists of the fall mornings. She thought that with the using of variety kinds of pesticide, especially DDTs, the village suffered enormous and irreversible damage and gradually withered and died. Soon it became just like the one described in the beginning. From her fine and smooth describing, I can even feel the groan of the town. Moreover Carson also sharply pointed out that the deep-seated cause for the environmental problem is the human’s arrogance and ignorance. So she asked people to correct the attitude toward the nature and reconsidered the developing path of human being.

Carson thought that because of the antibody and differentiation, pesticides would never be completely useful. On the contrary, those more and more poisonous medicines, because of the enrichment effect, would accumulate in humans’ body. It’s quite sarcastic that we hurt ourselves much badly while hurting the others. Then she analyzed many poisonous components in pesticides. Those are all unfamiliar names except DDT, such as chlordane, chloronaphthalene, compound 497, etc.

Those things really make me feel scared. We are on the top of the food chain, and it is such a perfect and fragile system. We human beings are just part of it and we depend on all of the creatures who stay on the lower positions. It is so hard and ridiculous to try to match the nature. Only in the state does man have a rational existence. Every species have their value to be on this world. Then no one knows what would happened if we force them to disappear. For example, let’s imagine the food chain as a meticulously made castle built by billions of little blocks and we human beings are the top one. There might be several tiny blocks on the bottom which you think is useless and dispensable. But what would happen if we take them away? Perhaps nothing happened, and perhaps the whole castle ruined.

Destruction is always much easier than recovery, not counting those incurable ones. Humans always think that we are much cleverer than the other animals, so we become more and more conceited and firmly believe that we are the king. We didn’t see that the nature is so magical and knows how to revenge. The pay back is much more violent and cruel. We need balance and order. The nature has its own rule. Our aim is to use it and live in harmony with it. The ecosystem is so delicate that even a tiny disturbance could lead an unexpected consequence, just like the butterfly effect.

At the last chapter, some scientists came up with other ways to solve the pest problem----biotic control. There is now a bly running tide of interest in chemical sterility. Those sterile insects are released and mate the normal ones so that they won’t have any larva and get extinct gradually. This solution seems to be reasonable and helpful, but thinking about it carefully, you’ll find that it is just another way to ruin the food chain castle. Not only spring, but also summer and autumn would be still and silent in the future.

It is lucky that Rachel still kept her mind clear. She didn’t agree with the way of conquering the nature. At the very end of the book, she wrote, The ‘control of nature’ is a phrase conceived in arrogance, born of the Neanderthal age of biology and philosophy, when it was supposed that nature exists for the convenience of man. This sentence can be regarded as the book’s theme topic which is widely quoted in all kinds of articles about environmental protection.

Carson is a great woman and fighter. When writing the book, she was suffering from huge pain of the operation for mammary cancer. After the book was published, the widely affect brought her not honor and fortune, but fierce attack from the chemical estate. She died only one year after the book’s publishing. On the spring of 1964, the great woman passed away, but Silent Spring made her voice never silent.

The 20st century was a time that technology and economy developed rapidly, especially the 40 years after Silent Spring was published. But every spring, when flowers bloom, trees sprout, and water begins to flow, we used to recall a woman and her enduring works. We opened the window, and wonder if the spring is silent today, if it will be silent tomorrow.



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Spring festival Spring festival is coming春节到了. we are very happy我们都很高兴,because we can play a few fireworks因为我们可以放很多鞭炮. the parente will buy new clothes for us父母亲给我们买新衣服, and prapare many goods for Spring festival和准备了好多的年货. we visit grandparents and friends我们去拜访爷爷奶奶姥爷姥姥和朋友们 .we get some money,and we call it yasuiqian我们得到一些钱,我们叫它压岁钱. when we get the yasuiqian, we are vey happy当我们得到压岁钱的时候,我们很高兴.we like Spring festival very much我们很喜欢春节.



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Drive away the cold spring, hurry came to earth. Suddenly, the earth has changed a pair of beautiful new look.

"Ding dong, ding dong" sound like the coo of the incoming side side. The hearing, it is a stream. Streams are influenced, no longer heartless. It off the cold coat, remove the thick scarf, put on new clothes. Ice and snow melt, at the end of the stream, spurts of water inflow, summed up the walls curve, brilliant.

"Twitter, twitter" sweet voice as a oasis, moist heart. Although no noise, no flute tactfully, but it comes from the nature, is so simple. By the way, this is the joy of a few birds sing to welcome spring. Their whole body pale yellow, feather is not covered, looks like newborn. The bird is small to winter jasmine, enough to see that they love for spring. Look at their new home: the frame on the thick branches, is surrounded by newborn leaves, fresh and tender, and slightly some bud ornament. This constitutes a warm, happy home.

On the lawn, the grass has been awakened, timidly drilled a small head, curiously looked at the new world, new friends, new everything. Finally, it grew up, start with the surrounding the flowers dance. The flowers to outshine each other, have extended their beautiful posture, with the grass happily say "hello". Spring is their stage, they fully show for everyone, for the earth. Spring breeze blowing, flowers have become a child, is both cute and naughty, they are dancing together, culture piece together a picture.

Spring is coming, all things recovery, those beautiful scenery. Happy life is also so, often in!








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Spring is a key to gently open the door to the growth of all things and quietly give life to all things.


Spring is a colorful season. The withered grass quietly protrudes the green "head"; the dried willow branches are covered with a green new clothes; the frozen river water is azuoweng again; the big fish and ducks play in the water; the peach blossom on both sides blooms a beautiful smile, which reminds me of Su Shis "three or two peach flowers outside the bamboo, the duck prophet warm in the Spring River" The swallow in the black dress flew back from the South and landed on the branch. Looking from afar, it seemed that the notes on the staff were chirping and composing wonderful music for us.


This is my favorite season - spring! The plan of a year lies in spring, which is the season for all things to recover and the beginning of all life. I want to cherish the spring light and grow up fast!



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青春 youth

怀春 to think of love

恒春 hengchun

春雨 spring rains


春秋 spring and autumn

春联 lucky inscriptions

春酒 feasts during the chinese new year

春假 spring vacation

春耕 cultivation in the spring

春风 happy smile

初春 early spring

青春痘 zit;acne

春分 vernal equinox

春季 primrose season

常春藤 bindwood

小阳春 Indian summer

青春期 adolescency

熙春茶 hyson

常春藤 ivy

adj.春风得意的 beamish

返老还童;回春 rejuvenation

青春期之短暂迷恋 puppy love

进入青春期的姑娘 nymphet

[植物]常春藤属 Hedera

a. 常春藤遮盖着的 ivied

adj.未到思春期的 impubic

春化作用;春化处理 jarovization

司青春的女神;女侍 Hebe

丽春花色,鲜红色 ponceau

到达思春期,软毛 pubescence

adj.春天的;青春的 vernal

返老还童,回春,更新 rejuvenescence

日光兰,常春花,水仙 asphodel

前一个春天;预期的春天 antespring

昼夜平分点,春分或秋分 equinox

长春花属的植物,玉黍螺 periwinkle

思春期,春情发动期,妙龄 puberty

a. 妙龄的,思春期的,有软毛的 pubescent

a. 青春期的,青年的; 青少年 adolescent

v. 施以春化处理,以人工方法促进发育 vernalize

a. 返老还童的,使返老还童的,回春的 rejuvenescent

间情期(雌性动物发春期的间隔期间) dioestrum

春分或秋分时的暴风雨;a. 春分或秋分的 equinoctial



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Beautiful spring spring with light footsteps coming toward us, in this season for revival, everything around become full of vitality, lets find together followed in the footsteps of spring, the beauty of spring!

Spring thunder rumbled with continuous rain, rain moisten the whole of the earth. Feline winter in the land of grass after the baptism of the spring rains are scrambling to drill out of the earth. Although small, although very thin, although very soft but the grass is very strong, they will still stand tall, spring back to prevent the growth of the grass. The earth covered with a layer of green.

Spring is a colourful flowers blooming season, look at the shops opened, yellow primrose, blow the trumpet, as if to say: "spring is coming!" Yellow peach blossom zhankai smiling faces, this beautiful peach blossom for park added a lot of vitality, peach blossom has a lot of color, have a plenty of mei red, or pink, and white. The peach blossom is so delicate, mei red and pink peach blossom is so shy like a sensitive plant, not all of the peach blossom is temperamental. Look at that white peach blossom is that race to the open atmosphere, to meet the baptism of the rain. More let a person like rape, far look like the boundless yellow carpet on the shop. Spring is so beautiful!

Look at that, in the field a view of jubilation, farmers are permeated with smile on her face, trying to sow together. The distance of children put the kite, they release their dreams. It was a happy moment.

It was a beautiful spring, the spring of hope, joy of spring. In the spring, we also want to sow, planted the seeds of hope with hard sweat in it to make it a little bit of growing up, fly our dreams!








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Spring is the first season of a year.There are there months in spring :March ,April and May ,The weather is becoming warmer and warmer in spring.Sometimes It rains a lot.Everything has started to change in spring.Look,the trees are turning green.The birds are singing happily in the trees.The flowers are showing their smiles to us.Spring is also my favourite season.Because I can wear my beautiful shirts .I can plant trees and go camping.I can enjoy myself in the beautiful spring.Of course ,I like the Spring Festival ,too.In a word,Spring is a very beautiful season.I like spring very much.春天是一年中的第一个季节, 一共有三个月:三月,四月和 五月.春天,天气变得越来越暖 和了.有时候,也会下很多雨.春 天,所有的事物都开始变化了. 看,树变绿了,鸟儿在树上快乐 地歌唱,花对我们张开了笑脸. 春天也是我最喜欢的季节,因 为我可以穿上漂亮的衬衫,我 可以植树,去野营,我可以在春 天里过得很开心.当然了,我也 是喜欢春节.总之,春天是个十 分美丽的季节,我十分喜欢春天. 祝开心!



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Winter was gone,spring comes.I love spring best,because its very beautiful.In spring,the weather is aways sunny and rainy,its not cold and not hot,its warmer and warmer.The flowers begin to open and the trees begin to turn green.The birds are singing in the sky,they are happy.The animals will go out to play.Many people like to go out and enjoy the sunshine.I like wearing my sweater and jeans, I like to fly kites,plant trees and see the beautiful flowers. Spring is colorful,I think its a wonderful season. Whats your favourite season?Please tell me.(约90字)





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Spring sister came up with a brisk walk. The spring breeze blew into my face, warm and comfortable. My sister came to the spring grass, grass quietly out of the ground quickly drill out, tender, green.

Spring sister came to the garden. The pink peach blossom out of a small head, and Camellia riotous with colour in the limelight. The earth looks like a beautiful big flower bed. Its wonderful. Bees and butterflies gathered round the market and added much vitality to the spring scenery.



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Spring - It is quite late now, though it was not late to me before at this clock. I should not stay so late I know. When one is getting old,he knows more about life. I think I do. I never felt time passing from me so fast like now. I always belived that the days would be splendid in the future . But I have came to know - it is not certain. I have came to understand what life is. Life is to be limited. I can say I dont fear death for I know it is part of nature. Once I talked with my friend, I said I could accept death, death of everybody, including myself. I know everyone who is existing in this world now will disappear one day. It is our destiny. How should we face it? Cry or smile? Looking at the blossom on the trees outside the window,I still remember the flowers falling down last year. Did they cry? I didnt ask them so I didnt have answer to this question. I saw the yellow leaves dancing in the air last autumn, I didnt ask if they were sad either. I just saw them flashing in the sunlight, like the good dancers with good rhythm...

Spring, I never had strong feeling to spring before last year. Some people said spring should be a happy season. But I never sensed that. I always liked the autumn because I thought autumn was a romantic season. I liked summer when I was very young for I loved my skirt with lace.Now, I still like autumn and summer,while I like spring and winter. Before I disliked the various colors of the flowers,and I thought they are flighty and superficial. I thought only only the blue ocean is deep, the golden autumn is elegant. However, now I have a different idea that I find spring wonderful. I like the blossom in the field and in the moutain. From them I am spirited with life.

Spring has come, in every corner of the earth were full of spring.

Campus, full of the glad Lu like. Willow willow out of the thin, top decorated clean the yellowish leaves; grass aroma with a drilling mud out in bunches, A host, nice green flowers are also stretched, played a yawn, unearthed a small head; children all took off their heavy winter clothes, put on another bright light both spring; the birds flew out from the house, singing sweet songs, tell us: Spring is coming !

Spring is really here, in the pond, the fields, in the sky, glow with vitality everywhere. Natures beauty has become rich together. A clear day, warm in the sun on the body, soft spring breeze brush his face, both warm and comfortable: the rainy day, bursts of spring thunder exploding from time to time, both thrilling and exciting.

Spring scenery is so beautiful, spring, the mood even more beautiful. Rickets an entire winter backs straight, and cheerful smile full of hope. Parks and lively up, photography of young people, old people fishing, catching insects, children, one by one intoxicated in the arms of nature, linger.

Spring, people are more busy. As the saying goes: at the spring. You see, in the citys streets, was busy shuttling back and forth to figure, rural land, the farmers are sown the seeds of hope. The walls of the classroom close to the new semester curriculum, books and new books, there are a lot of knowledge of many waiting for us to pick fruit.

I love spring, I like to smell the fragrance of flowers, to see the new green trees and hear the singing of small Ukrainian. I love spring because it is full of vigor, full of new hope!



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When the stream to play the piano, when the primrose, sing the spring, when the warm spring breeze, I will know that business is full of spring had come.

Connect force to pull out the grass is sleeping underground, wake the flowers hidden in the underground. The jujube tree in the yard is like just connect to wake up from a dream, it woke up, the body bare, still hang a few dead leaves! Can a few days later, body and filled with green, tender leaves. It wag of branches, please the bird to be a guest, a shake the branches, with voice "hello."

Willow trees by the river began to take new branches, long out of the green leaves, like handfuls of a sword, and like a few equals. It reminds me of a colourful depiction of the poetry of willow: jasper makeup into a tree height, ten thousand lop green silk sash. Know who thin leaf cut out, breeze like scissors. Colorful flowers make a colorful painting, bright red, white jiao, the beauty of yellow, pink tender, around the spring in the air. The geese flew back from the south, while arranged in the "people" glyph, for a while in the "big family" shape, for a while in the "one" glyph.

I like the white winter, I like fruitful autumn, I like hot summer, but I prefer the colorful spring!







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pring is coming! Spring is coming! That beautiful, flowers are blooming in the spring has finally arrived!

To meet this girl, but the spring was drizzle patches, comfortable spring breeze that leaves 10 million out of a bloom of willows. Too delicate grass, fresh leaves, bright colored flowers, like a country fair like all wanted to come to form a dazzling spring of tears. Swallow is no exception, out of breath flew from the north, for the glory of spring to add a lot of vitality.

Pairs of swallows through the mountains, across the lake, to the south, already exhausted, but felt so beautiful in the spring, as if eating a lot of chocolate this thing, get active, have the spirit. In the spring of play, flying the green fields, circling in the water and some play tired of the swallows were standing a few poles that mark utility poles. Ah! How like a lovely note, read music at that memorials became still hear the music.

The campus is rich and colorful spring. Beautiful winter jasmine are welcome too! Avenue, both sides of the trees, the trail on both sides of flower Fan Ye Mao. Spent everywhere on campus, a distance looking like a campus covered with thick snow, the last to see people feel the sky is beautiful snowflakes drifting. Lawn Lvyin Yin, the central set up with a century-old trees, next to the beautiful flowers there are a few bundles decorated the lawn more attractive, more beautiful. Really like a beautiful picture.

Spring innocent beautiful!



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Springs are not always the same. In some years, April bursts upon Virginia hills in one prodigious leap ? and all the stage is filled at once, whole choruses of tulips, arabesques of forsythia, cadenzas of floweringplum. The trees grow leaves overnight.

In other years, spring tiptoes in. It pauses, overcome by shyness, like my grandchild at the door, peeping in, ducking out of sight, giggling in the hallway. “I know you’re out there,” I cry. “Come in!” And April slips into our arms.

The dogwood bud, pale green, is inlaid with russet markings. Within the perfect cup a score of clustered seeds are nestled. One examines the bud in awe: Where were those seeds a month ago? The apples display their milliner’s scraps of ivory silk, rose-tinged. All the sleeping things wake up ? primrose, baby iris, blue phlox. The earth warms ? you can smell it, feel it, crumble April in your hands.

Look to the rue anemone, if you will, or the pea patch, or to the stubborn weed that thrusts its shoulders through a city street. This is how it was, is now, and ever shall be, the world without end. In the serene certainty of spring recurring, who can fear the distant fall?



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Spring is coming. What a nice season!

The weather is getting warmer and warmer. The flowers are coming out. How beautiful the world is! Look around, the sky is blue and the leaves on the trees are turning green. The sun is shining brightly and the air is so fresh, now everyone takes off his warm coat and is more active than before. We all have good feelings. I must say, be careful not to catch cold again.

A good beginning is half done and it’s the first season in the year. We must make the best use of our time and catch every second to work and study. Do you think so?



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During the Spring Festival, the weather was so cold, I had to stay indoors most of the time. The world looked so grey and I needed the sunshine. Now the sun has come out, I feel the warmness again, it feel like that I come back to life again. I realize the spring is coming and I am so happy about that, for I like spring.




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"Spring, an hour in the morning is worth two in the evening". Spring is the most beautiful season in a year. The twinkling of an eye, charactizing a fine spring has come.

I myself have a heart in the spring. After spring, with tender green grass, grass, crammed with all sorts of flowers, the grass decorated like to embroider the flower green carpet. I walk on the grass, feel the foot soft, very comfortable. There are many butterflies on the grass. They were wearing colorful make-up, or flying up and down, or through the grass. To go far, a large area of a large fields, fields, fruit trees into shadow, red fruit hanging branches, like on the trees full of numerous large stones. Over the orchard, and many birds fly light dances; They are covered with colorful feathers, singing songs. Through the forest a brook, extends to the green grass, from my feet flowed. Sends out the ringing sound when water bottom, stream, want to heart making the music of this song is moving, and the song of birds should be matched.

On both sides of trails, covered with many beautiful flowers, yellow, white, red, purple... Its colorful, very beautiful flowers. Especially flowers everywhere filled with large poppy flower. It is so bright, red dazzling, bright yellow, under the sun, peoples eyes were drove hard to open...

This is the spring, this is the spring in my heart. I couldnt help shout out: I love you, in the heart of the spring!







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"Where is the spring ah, where is the spring, the spring in the green forest, there are flowers, there is grass, there is little Orioles are singing." So we went to the grass to look for spring. The beautiful flowers in the grass with a bud, was very shy, he sent the intoxicating fragrance, refreshing.

Butterflies dancing beside them are colorful, as if deliberately decorated with beautiful flowers, so that the flowers full of vitality and set, like green leaves against red flowers, red flowers with butterflies. What a beautiful picture! It was easy for us to arrive early in the hidden spring.



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It’s spring. It’s sunny and cloudy today. There are many big trees in the park. Mr. Black’s family have a picnic in a park. They bring many food there. They bring fruit, drink and bread. Mr. Black and Mrs. Black talk with each other. They talk very happily. Ann reads a magazine. Tom likes flying a kite. The kite flies very well. They are hungry now. They want to eat their food. They are very happy.




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Connect with lightsome pace shanshan came to earth. Look! Flowers are red, grass green, and the land is full of colorful, colorful wildflowers, these beautiful scenery make a vibrant spring landscape painting.

Spring brother heard that connect down to earth, he hurriedly ran to meet. Look! Spring brother blow the grass green and the flowers red, blowing the willow uncle to laugh.

Voice go, where to use green to meet her. Look! Willows swinging braids out of pale green branches and leaves, dancing in the breeze.

Peach sister not to be outdone, scrambling to grow beautiful flowers. Look! The peach blossom are three group, five groups are americans, hey! They are being flushed.

Connect to stream; the stream suddenly boiling up, stream of small fish, shrimp, jumping up and down, as if to say: "welcome voice! Welcome voice!"

Ah! In the spring! The scorching sun, you although there is no summer nor autumn fruit hung branches, but you have the vitality of spring! The colour of spring!









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The spring, the village road, the road on both sides of the trees, flowers flourish to open, the flowers like snow white, the flowers as red as fire, the sun red cross Ying, very beautiful. The stream rushing forward, with a stream of grass and wildflowers dotted, make the stream more clear, more beautiful!

