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Once upon a time in a kingdom far away, there was an India princess called

Lily; she lived with her father in a desert, where the camel was always good and

healthy… One day Lily went off through the woods to find some food to eat up.

One or two times she would stop to admire the beautiful views, and try to aim at

those who bother her; when she returned, she dragged a big deer for supper… it

was also Dum for her to hit a very poor deer… Sometimes her father would say,

“Well done!”

After supper, Lily begged her father to let her go and have an adventure in

the woods. Her father agreed, and Lily got her bow and arrow, ready to have an

adventure. Along the way, she met a very lovely prince, and fell in love with

him at once, but how could she express her love to him?

She thought and thought about it along the way home. Until she figured out

that she had lost her way. She had decided to move along and try to find her way

back home, at last she found a big and tall tree that had branches that form a

room; just like a platform… She cut off some branches that made a small floor;

then she made the furniture, of sticks and wood and mud. In the evening, she

rested on the platform, and waited until the sun rise… At sun rise, Lily woke

up, she got her bow and arrow, ready to find home. But just as she was about to

get down from her platform, a crocodile blocked her way, she sat there looking


At last some back men rode horses came to this place, they quietly without

any word, kicked the crocodile down; and then killed him. Lily finally got down

from the tree or platform, and went with the black men.

At last they arrived at the black men hiding place, and they fed her with

some delicious meals; during the great time that Lily was having some men with

white horses galloped toward Lily; she was still having delicious meals when

bomb! Lily was captured in a cage.

Lily was very worried, she yelled out for help! Finally the black men came,

and found the cage where Lily was in.

They hurried up, and used their stick and opened the cage. The white men

came, and were ready to battle; the black men made a signal to let Lily get out

of here. Lily got out and scrambled. When the black men returned, they found

Lily clasped on the ground… They carried Lily on their horses to their hiding

spots, and fed her some water and some meals.

At last Lily woke up, and saw the black men; she went to hug them and say

thanks for saving her. The next day the black men took Lily to find her parents.

Lily asked for a bowl of porridge as a meal, and set off on their black horse.

Along the way, they found a camp place; it was where Lily’s father lived! Lily

jumped off the black horse, and ran to her father and hugged him; they were all

very, very happy.

When the king saw the black men, he was very angry. But Lily said to him;

“Father, these are the men that saved me from the white men that had captured

me, they are amazing!” the king thought about this for a moment, and so decided

to let the black men go in peace.

At last Lily was at home, his father was so very glad to see her. During

their happiness together, the black men came back and prepared a special feast

for everyone to enjoy. The music began to blow, and they started to dance up and

down and twirling about in the air…

They ate their meals, and drank some porridge, and lived pretty happy. One

day when the black men were about to leave, the king asked; “Is there something

that you would like me to give to you?” “Dear king,” replied one of the black

men, “I would love you to grant me a very happy wish your honor, and that is to

let all the poor people survive from the dangerous stuff…” the black men wish

was at once granted, and all that was left was the action and the build.

Before the only time the king knew, that the black men was killed, he

killed himself, with always a smile on his face…

Lily on the other hand, was very sad about the wish; but she too, had

always a smile…




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Dear X:

We have not seen each other for a long time. I miss (think of) you very

much. I wish (that) I had wings and could fly to your home. However, this is


Father (My father) has gone abroad of late. If I had had time then, I would

have accompanied him. Only Mother (my mother) and I are at home now (at

present). We are leading (living) a quiet and happy life. We look as if we were

fairies. I hope (that) I can hear from you very often.

Sincerely yours.



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Everybody loves reading right, well here is a story that tells you how a

little boy didn’t like reading; at last became so nervous in his show that he

had to read a book that soon became a famous writer.

There was once a little boy that loved to play, but the only thing he

didn’t like was to read a book. When he was bored of playing, he did not go to

read a book, but to play video games. One day his parents became sick of this

habit and so thought of a plan to make him like reading.

And so one day when school was over, the boy’s parents went to his school,

and found his teacher and said, “Dear teacher, I am wondering if by any chance

you could help us with a little small problem.”

The teacher agreed, and so they told them their problem. The teacher

remembered all that she needed to do, and waited until Friday arrived. When it

was the last class of the day, she told the whole class that each one of them is

going to put on a show for the whole school. The little boy thought that that

was a great idea. After he had finished school, he immediately ran home to get

materials which were toys and prepared the other things too. When he was ready,

he began to make up a routine. But he couldn’t think of anything except playing;

when it was the day before it was time to put on the show, the little boy still

didn’t come up with any routine; and so he thought and thought. When his parents

said that it was time to go to school to put on the show, the little boy was as

nervous as a chicken in a forest with a wolf beside it.

His parents said that if he couldn’t think of any routine then he will just

have to read a book. The boy had no choice, when he finished he came up with a

routine he went to school just in time for the show.

He loved making a routine by then, from that time on he loved reading, and

when he was bored of playing he began to read.

After and few years he became famous and was very proud of that day’s




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Dear ___,

Christmas is coming,I think it is the largest festival in your

country,which just is as grand as chinas spring festival.At this nice

moment,let me say happy to you,and also say hello to all your family.hope you

and your family have the best festival.


sincerely ___



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My Darling McGeorge

You said that things seemed clearer when they were written down. Well, here

with a very boring letter in which I will try to put everything down so that you

may read and re-read it at a horror at your folly in getting involved with


Deep breath. To begin with ,I love you. With a depth and passion and I have

felt for no one else in this life. And if it is astonishes you, it astonished me

as well. Not, I hasten to say, because you are not worth loving. Far from it.

Its just that, first of all,I swore I would not get involved with another

woman. Secondly, I have never had such a feeling before and it is almost

frightening. Thirdly, I would never have thought it possible that another human

being could occupy my waking and sleeping thoughts to the exclusion of almost

everything else. Fourthly, I never thought that even if one was in love one

could get so completely besotted with another person so that a minute away from

them felt like a thousand years. Fifthly, I never hoped,aspired, dreamed that

one can find everything one wanted in one person.

I was not such an idiot as to believe this was possible. Yet in you I have

found everything I want: youre beautiful, gay, giving, gentle, idiotically and

deliciously feminine, sexy, wonderfully intelligent and wonderfully silly as

well. I want nothing else in this life than to be with you, to listen and watch

you, your beautiful voice, your beauty, to argue with you, to laugh with you, to

show you things, to share things with you, to explore your magnificent mind, to

explore your wonderful body, to help you, protect you, serve you ,and...bash you

on the head when I think you are wrong...

Not to put too fine a point on it, I consider that I am the only man

outside mythology to have found crock of gold at the rainbows end. But, having

said all that, let us consider things in details. Dont let this become public,

but, well...I have one or two faults. Minor ones,I hasten to say. For example I

am inclined to be overbearing. I do it for the best possible motives, all

tyrants say that, but I do tend, without thinking, to treat people underfoot.

You must tell me when Im doing it to you, my sweet, because it can be a very

bad thing in a marriage.

Right, the second blemish. This actually is not so much a blemish of

character as a blemish of circumstance. Darling, I want you to be you on your

own right, and I will do everything I can to help you in this. But you must take

into consideration that I am also me in my own right. And that I have a head

start on you. What Im trying to say is that you must not feel offended if you

are sometimes treated simply as my wife. Always remember that what you lose on

the swings you gain on the roundabouts. But i am an established ‘creature’ in

the world, and so on occasions you will have to live in my shadow. Nothing gives

me less pressure than this. But it is a fact of life that has to be faced.

Third, a very important and nasty, blemish. Jealousy. I dont think you

know what jealousy is, thank god, in the real sense of the word. I know that you

have felt jealousy over Lincolns wife and child, but this is what I call normal

jealousy, and this to my regret, is not what Ive got. What I have got is a

black monster and any goodness that I have in my make-up. It is really a Jekyll

and Hyde situation... my Hyde is stronger than my good sense and defeats me,

hard though I try. As I told you, I have always known that this lurks within me,

but I could control it, and my monster slumbered and nothing happened to awake

it. Then I met you and I felt my monster stir and become half-awake when you

told me of Lincoln and others you have known, would you like to end with your

letter my monster came out of its lair, black, irrational, bigoted, stupid,

evil, malevolent. You never know how terribly corrosive jealousy is; It is a

physical pain as though you have swallowed acid or red hot coals. It is the most

terrible of feelings. But you cant help it at least I cant and god knows Ive

tried. I dont want any ex-boyfriends sitting in church when I marry you. On our

wedding day I want nothing but happiness both for you and me, but I know I wont

be happy if there is a church full of your ex-conquests. When I marry you I will

have no past, only a future. I dont want to drag my past into our future and I

dont want you to do it, either. Remember I am jealous of you because I love

you. You are never jealous of something you dont care about.

Okay enough about jealousy. Now let me tell you something. I have seen a

thousand sunsets and sunrises, in a thousand sunsets and sunrises on land where

it floods forest mountains with honey-coloured light, at sea where it rises and

sets like a blood orange in a multi-coloured nest of cloud, slipping in and out

of the vast ocean. I have seen thousand moons. Harvest moon is like gold coins,

winter moons as white as ice chips, new moons like baby swans feathers. I have

seen seas as smooth as if painted, coloured like shot silk or blues as a

kingfisher or transparent as glass or black and crumpled with foam, moving

ponderously and murderously. I have felt winds straight from the south pole,

bleak and wailing like a lost child; Winds as tender and warm as a lovers

breath; Winds that carried the astringent smell of salt and the death of

seaweeds; Winds during the moist rich smell of a forest floor, the smell of a

million flowers. Fierce winds that churned and moved the sea like yeast, or

winds that made the waters lap at the shore like a kitten. Ive known silence:

the cold, earthy silence at the bottom of a newly dug well; The implacable stony

silence of a deep cave; The hot, drugged midday silence when everything is

everything is hypnotized and still moved into silence by the eye of the sun. The

silence when great music ends. Ive heard that summer cicadas cry so that the

sound seems stitched into your bones. Ive heard a tree frogs in an

orchestration as complicated as Bach singing in a forest lit by a million

emerald fireflies. Ive heard the Keas calling over the grey glaciers that

groaned to themselves like old people as they inched. Their way to the sea. Ive

heard the hoarse street vendor cries of the mating Fur seals as they sang to

their sleek golden wives, the crisp staccato admonishment of the rattlesnake,

make the cobweb squeak of the Bat and the belling roar of the red deer knee-deep

in purple heather. Ive heard wolves baying at a winters moon, read howlers

making the forest vibrate with their roaring cries. Ive heard the squeak, purr

and grunt of a hundred multi-coloured reef fishes. I’ve seen hamming birds

flashing like opals round a tree of scarlets blooms, humming like a top. I have

seen flying fish skittering like quicksilver across the blue waves, drawing

silver lines on the surface with their tails. Ive seen Spoonbills flying home

to roost like a scarlet banner crossed the sky. Ive seen Whales, black as tar,

cushioned on a cornflower blue sea,creating a Versailles of fountain with their

breath. I have watched butterflies emerge and sit, trembling, while the sun

irons their wings smooth. I watch tigers, like flames, mating in the long grass.

I have been dive -bombed by an angry Raven, black and glossy as the Devils

hoof. Ive lain in water warm as milk, soft as silk, while around me played a

host of Dolphins. I have met a thousand animals and see a thousand wonderful


All this I did without you. This was my loss. All this I want to do with

you. This will be my gain. All this I would gladly have forgone for the sake of

one minute of your company, for your love, your voice, your eyes, hair, lips,

body, and above all for your sweet, ever surprising mind which is an enchanting

quarry, in which it is my privilege to delve.

Gerald Durrell



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Look at this photograph of my family. There are five people in it. The

tallest one is my father. He is forty-eight years old. My mother is standing

beside him. She is not as my father. She is three years younger than my father.

Sitting in front of them are my grandparents. My grandfather is that fat one

with a pair of glasses. My grandmother is as fat as he. This little one is me.

I’m sitting between them. All of us love one anther. I have a happy family.



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敬爱的荀老师: 您好!














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Today, early in the morning, I go out of my house with my grandma. She

walks to the square and then dances with her friends. The sky is so clean and

beautiful. The sun is shining with red color. The scenery catches my attention.

I have never noticed it before. The city in the morning is quiet and




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Hello! My name is Feifei. My mother is very beautiful. My father is very

handsome. So I’m very lovely. Look! My coat is white. My eyes are blue. I have a

long tail. Fish is my favorite food. I like mice too. Guess! Who am I?



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autiful, spring, the mood even more beautiful. Rickets an entire winter

backs straight, and cheerful smile full of hope. Parks and lively up,

photography of young people, old people fishing, catching insects, children, one

by one intoxicated in the arms of nature, linger.



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As a child, when people give me the things to play or eat, I will be very

happy and then accept them. But recently, as there are so much news about the

children being cheated, my mother starts to worry about me, she tells me that I

should not accept the strangers’ things, or I will be hurt. I listen to her

words and I take care of myself carefully.



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There are four seasons in the year .my favorite season is summer .because i

can go to the beach to swimming.i can have sunbath on the beach. i can wear

beautiful dress , i can go to the store to buy some ice creams. i can calling my

friends go to outside!summer is a fun season !I like summer very much!




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Our art teather is not too young and not too old .He has black hair two big

and black eyes ,a small nose and a big mouth .Look, he is wearing a white jacket

,a blue hat ,brown pants and a pair of old shoes.He is very funny.He is a good

art teather .We all like him .



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When I go to school, I find my classmates are talking about something, so I

ask my friend when they are talking. He tells me that there is a rumor about our

headmaster. Everybody is gossiping about it. I am very curious and talk to a lot

of friends. In the end, the rumor is turned to be wrong. I feel so sorry to

spread the news. I learn the lesson that I should respect others.



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Last Saturday evening, all my family had dinner in a resturant.

We enjoyed ourselves while we were at table. However, some teenagers

sitting beside our table began to talk and laugh loudly. What’s worse, they

began to smoke in the restaurant, which made us angry. After a while, I stood up

and advised them to stop smoking and behave themselves. To my surprise, they

didn’t follow my suggestions. Instead, they laughed at me, saying that I was too

young and too naive.

In my opinion, it’s wrong to do that in public. The future of our courtry

lies in teenagers, who should not only obey the rules in public but also make

contributions to the society.



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Dear ms grasso:

thank you for interviewing me at credit technologies。 i was impressed with

the pany and the type of banking services the corporation provides。

your ments gave me a good understanding of the business and your

expectations for the attorney you are seeking。 i am confident that my background

and experience in banking law and my ability to analyze statutes and regulations

in detail could be useful to credit technologies。

if you were to offer me this position, i believe that i could provide

services that would meet the high standards of your corporation。

i look forward to talking again with you soon。

very truly yours,

richard t。 hamilton



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I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for _________ (感谢的原因). If it

had not been for your assistance in ___________ (对方给你的具体帮助), I fear that I would

have been_________(没有对方帮助时的后果).

Every one agrees that it was you who______________(给出细节).Again, I would

like to express my warm thanks to you! Please accept my gratitude. Yours




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Dear staff,

I am writing to show my sincere gratitude for all of you. Now that I am

home and on my own again I feel extremely happy. During the time I lived at the

Rehabilitation center and was under your tender care, I promised myself I would

write a letter of thanks as soon as I was able.

Abundant thanks to each one of you for your patience, expertise and genuine

concern. It was you who helped me believe in myself and gave me assurance that I

could walk again. I would never forget each word you said to me and the things

you have done to me. Forgive me for the times I lashed out at you in frustration

and thank you for understanding and remaining firm with me.

Never stop your beautiful way of working with people. Your help really

means a lot to me and anyone who in trouble as well.


Wang Fang



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Dear Professor Smith,

I am Li Hua, chair of the Students’ Union of Xinhua Middle School. Our

school will have the Second Culture Festival next weekend and I am writing to

invite you to give us a lecture about the cultural differences

betweenAmericaandChina, which will begin at 9 o’clock and end at 11 o’clock on

Nov. 28th in Classroom 201 of the third teaching building.

As an expert in international culture, you must have a good knowledge of

the cultural differences betweenAmericaandChina, so we hope you could help us

increase our knowledge and clear some cultural confusion.

Could you please contact us in advance at Englishtec@163.com if you could

come to our culture festival? We are looking forward to your reply.


