2017年第68个世界卫生日演讲稿汇编三篇 作文英语【实用20篇】

《悲惨世界》是由法国大作家维克多·雨果在1862年所发表的一部长篇小说,涵盖了拿破仑战争和之后的十几年的时间,是十九世纪最著名的小说之一。下面就由小编为你们带来2017年第68个世界卫生日演讲稿汇编三篇 作文英语,欢迎阅读。






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March 5th is my birthday.Its also a special day to memorize a great person

-- Lei Feng. This year I celebrated my birthday in a different way. In the

morning, I got up early and cooked breakfast for my parents. At school, I helped

my desk-mates to repair their broken chairs.After school, I took my birthday

cake to the home for the aged. The old men were so happy to see me. All o~ them

hoped that I would be back again.What a joyful birthday it was!




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The world meteorological day is a day, the world meteorological organization on March 23, time of the year. Of "the world meteorological day" every year to determine a theme, requires each member celebrations on this day, and the extensive publicity of the important role of meteorological work.

Former World Meteorological Organization that unofficial international Meteorological agency cooperation, in its member countries on behalf of the World Meteorological Organization treaty signed a year, from the date of March 23, 1951, was reorganized as the World Meteorological Organization (World Meteorological Organization, WMO), become the international climate cooperation between government agencies, and establish the relations with the United Nations.

In 1960, the world meteorological organization executive committee decided to take a year on March 23, as world day, requires each member celebrations on this day each year, and the extensive publicity of the important role of meteorological work.

World meteorological day every year have a central content, each member in this day according to the center of the content, carry out various forms of propaganda and commemorative activities, organize the masses to visit our meteorological offices and stations, to hold a government leaders to attend the celebration of the masses, organize meteorological instrument and equipment, pictures, charts, and data display, held a press conference, by the newspapers, radio stations and television stations reported feature articles and speeches, meteorological science films, commemorative stamps and so on


国际气象组织原为非官方性国际气象合作机构,在其各成员国代表签订的世界气象组织公约生效一周年之日,即1951年3月23日,就改组为世界气象组织(World Meteorological Organization,WMO),成为政府间的国际气象合作机构,并与联合国建立关系。





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Every year after the first world war, the Red Cross of Czechoslovakia has set up a three-day during Easter "Red Cross truce", to carry forward the Red Cross humanitarian thought, at the same time, combined with national Red Cross business aspects such as health, welfare, child welfare propaganda activities. The initiative has been widely response. In 1921, the 10th international conference of the Red Cross in Geneva, Switzerland, the resolution to the national Red Cross recommends the practice of the Red Cross organization of the Red Cross truce of Czechoslovakia. Since then, the 11th and 14th, 15th and the 16th international conference of the Red Cross to sure the armistice day of the Red Cross for many times, makes the armistice day become common practice of the Red Cross.

After the second world war, the 19th the council was held in 1946, the international Red Cross in view of the chapter, the common organization the armistice day activities of the Red Cross, but the date of each are not identical, indicating association secretariat study to determine a fixed day for the international Red Cross. In 1948, the international federation of Red Cross executive committee recommendations to the international federation of Red Cross founder Henry dunants birthday on May 8, for the global unification of the Red Cross. That same year, 20 times the international federation of Red Cross council was held in Stockholm, Sweden, approved the proposal. Since then, on May 8, officially became the world Red Cross day.

In 1984, due to the red crescent of Muslim countries, world Red Cross day officially changed its name to "world Red Cross and red crescent day".






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1. 营造清洁卫生环境,共建健康美好生活

2. 清洁城乡,保护健康














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Reading is a very elegant thing, su dongpo friend yellow valley said: "three days without reading, language tasteless, detestable." The old saying also have cloud: "so are inferior, only reading high." Reading a book, the ancient has. Read volumes, such as writing. "Du gentleman encourage people read more books and well informed.

A love of reading people, there will always be a lot of close friends, because he always so pleasing manners, let people admiration and yearning.

People say; "The spirit of a person to read, the more the more robust." Without reading thoughts, he doesnt have a personalized life is special boring; Love of books, knowledge not aging, wit not dried up; Students love of books, can better learning and life. Reading, will let our life to add some elegant culture; Reading, will add some clever and intelligent for our study.

Reading reading, of course, also want to think, to choose, if everyone can take the advice of the teacher, master the methods of reading, and to the classic books, the gas of the elegant of the school will be most fragrance.







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Every year on March 21, is the worlds forests.

"Photosynthesis" green plants to beautify our environment, let our living environment better. Can resist the sand in the forests, protect human.

In recent years, due to the consumer consumption of wood and forest products in great quantities, cause the global forest area is significantly reduced, the world disappear every year nearly millions of hectares of forest, it is not just a certain countrys internal problems, it has become an international problem.

1971 the 7th world congress decided to forest on March 21 every year as the worlds forests, in order to attract countries to the attention of the human green protector, forest resources, through coordinating the relation human and forest, to realize the sustainable utilization of forest resources.







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1、 世界卫生日到了,让我们一起来关注自身健康。不要总是为了娱乐忘了正常睡眠,不要为了精神的愉悦而忘了身体的承受能力,不要为了快点结束病痛而一点小病就输液。祝你世界卫生日健康快乐!

2、 世界卫生日,挖掉垃圾的墙角,让肮脏无处可逃;端掉细菌的窝点,将病毒一网打尽;清除的污染团伙,还卫生生机勃勃,关注卫生,关注身心健康,祝你生活顺心,世界卫生日快乐。

3、 爱卫生,要做到:勤换衣服勤洗澡,开窗换气空气好,晒下被子灭细菌,整洁干净真正好。世界卫生日,舒适生活靠自己。

4、 洗洗手,细菌不入口,动动脚,体质有增加,晒晒被,安睡很舒适,讲卫生,保健康,世界卫生日,祝你健康一生!幸福一生!

5、 讲卫生是:“洗洗更健康”;讲卫生是:“大家好才是真的好”;讲卫生是:“我全身上下都是新的一样”;讲卫生是:“空气清新,天天新鲜”。世界卫生日,讲卫生,在行动!

6、 饮食注意保健康,细细漱漱好身体,加强锻炼体质强,勤晒被褥灭霉菌,世界卫生日,祝你健康又快乐!开心又幸福!

7、 告诉你一个消息,我刚才听见虱子和跳蚤聊天说要搬到你这里来,它们说你这里气候宜人、风景如画是它们最理想的家园,你赶快去洗洗吧,别说是我说的啊。……世界卫生日快乐!

8、 世界卫生日,送你一瓶清新剂,清除烦恼一直快乐;送你一个除尘器,吸走病菌永远健康;送你一条祝福短信,注意卫生健康永伴。

9、 地球是我家,卫生靠大家,不要不注意,遭殃是自己。世界卫生日,习惯要养成,自己顺如意,也会福泽民。祝你福寿康,祝你百事乐,世界卫生日,望你更安乐!

10、 "清早起来出房门,对着镜子看全身, 内外衣服理得体,头梳整齐脸洗净,刷牙天天要坚持,口气清新无牙病,平日里来要手勤,勤洗头发勤洗澡,勤剪指甲衣洗净,每月理发显精神。世界卫生日来到,祝愿大家讲究卫生好心情。"

11、 人人讲卫生,环境自然美,美在心中留,生活皆如意。愿你带好头,开始讲卫生,事在人作为,做好福一生。世界卫生日,特来说一声,愿你健康在,自在活一生。

12、 世界卫生日到,饮食作息要规律。不吸烟少饮酒,多跑步常锻炼。注意日常饮食卫生,勤换洗被褥,勤洗内衣裤,健康生活很重要,注意卫生天天美!

13、 世界卫生日,温馨小贴士,饭前来洗手,生活乐悠悠,睡前来洗脚,身体健康绕,衣服要勤换,病菌离你远,废物不乱扔,环保记心中,卫生永安康,幸福喜洋洋。

14、 讲卫生,爱干净。勤洗手,多洗澡。体健康,心欢喜。开心笑,没烦恼。身和心,都卫生。好形象,人人爱。世界卫生日,祝你干干净净,人见人爱。

15、 世界卫生日,给我们心灵深处一次大扫除,用‘感恩之心’做扫把,扫除灰尘和污垢,用‘宽容之心’做剪刀,减去矛盾和纠结,用‘快乐之心’溶解心中的怨恨,世界卫生日,健康生活到永远。

16、 世界卫生日,短信来问好,卫生与健康,人人都需要,春天万物发,病毒也发芽,手要经常洗,被要经常晒,饭后就漱口,早晚两刷牙,洗澡保清洁,病虫赶跑它。

17、 我跟你说啊,卫生是用来讲究的,不是用来将就的,赶快去洗洗吧。什么?你不去?来呀,大澡堂子伺候。世界卫生日,就是要你干净,哼哼!

18、 世界卫生日,人要讲卫生,手要勤洗牙要刷,衣服常换棉被暴晒,吃上卫生是“绿色”,垃圾食品要杜绝,痰不随便吐,垃圾没随便扔,这些都做到,卫生卫士就是你。








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I have close friends about his birthday. I went to his house guest. He began one week ago for his birthday. He bought himself new clothes and shoes, wear very handsome. His mother is for the hospitality me and his other relatives. We are noon to eat some simple surface. Is the longevity of those. In the evening soon. His father Kaichesong us to eat, eat very happy. After I gave him for his meticulous preparation for gifts, he was very happy. He said that next years birthday to join me too.




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The International Childrens Day (ICD) is celebrated in numerous countries, usually (but not always) on June 1 each year.

The ICD had its origin in the World Conference for the Wellbeing of Children in Geneva, Switzerland in 1925. It is not clear as to why June 1 was chosen as the ICD: one theory has it that the Chinese consul-general in San Francisco (USA) gathered a number of Chinese orphans to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival in 1925, which happened to be on June 1 that year, and also coincided with the conference in Geneva.

June 1 has since been observed as the ICD by numerous countries, especially by Communist countries; in the Western world the ICD is usually celebrated on other days of the year (if at all), and there is often little public awareness about these celebrations. (See the section on Germany below for further discussions.) Consequently there is sometimes a misperception that June 1 as the ICD was a Communist invention. Nonetheless, in recent years even some groups within the United States started observing the ICD on June 1.



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today is my birthdayIt is now my birthday. In the US, we have a tradition that when you blow out the candles on your birthday cake, you should make a wish. Every year, as far back as I can remember, I’ve wished that I would see another birthday. It’s not that I’m afraid of dying, I just liked living.Living is definitely harder now than it was then, but it’s also more rewarding. It’s been incredible to work with so many interesting people on so many great things. It’s also been difficult, stressful, and painful. But I press on, and continue looking for ways to improve. On the bright side, my food, clothing, and shelter are taken care of so I’m not a starving artist programmer nor do I want to drive fork-lifts because my family doesn’t appreciate my work.So thanks, to my family and friends. Wes, who has taught me more than I can remember, punched me (in a friendly way) and Lessig, who has given me far more than I could possibly deserve, reminded me that it’s my birthday where he is “but remember, not yet in california. forgive them for their slowness.” I do.Today is my Birthday! Happy bday to me!Today is my birthday and I cant be more excited and havent even left the house yet. I woke up and I was crying but it was a good cry I will tell you. I was crying because I KNOW and I can FEEL how much support I have out there, across the seas of the whole world! I can FEEL the wishes for my bday wish to come true...to have a good report from Dr U. I really mean that! Marie and her AVN group are so wonderful and supportive, I keep hoping that someday I will return the favor! And I WILL! Just give me more time and schooling and I WILL!I wanted to copy and paste some of the most awesome wishes in here to see how much this group is really a help and if you have anything to do with AVN, you need to post and join! From BM:My dear sweet Star,Happy Birthday! I hope this year you get all the wishes and pain free days that you ask for. I will be thinking about you as you go on your trip to get your GREAT news! I have total faith that it will be the wonderful news youve been hoping for. Happy Birthday Mrs. Wonder Woman...All my love!MareAnd most of all from the founder and director, Marie: I am praying like crazy for you that your graft took and all is healing 100% well. Good luck...Im with you in spirit,Hugs,Marie Now I have cut and pasted, excluding business of ours and know I NEVER post anything on here from someone from the group...that wouldnt be fare...so you will have to go in the group and see for yourself! ;)These two posts this morning made me cry even more because I KNOW these are sincere people, whom I have never even met! They are so dear to my heart and accept thier good wishes toward me. {{{{hugs}}}} today for all!Today will be a good day, just like all the other days that I can walk...except, these days I can feel your energy and I sincerely Thank you.




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Usually,the first time you did something is unforgettable,although it couldnt be always wonderful.

As for me,an unforgettable experience of mine is the first time I joined the Red Cross.We took boxes,and walked on the street.We found some people on the street,then asked them to raise some money for Red Cross.At first,we were so surprised that just a few people would raise some money for Red Cross,and some people even thought we were cheat!But we werent upset.We went on and worked for the whole day.

During that day,we all felt tired but happy,because we raised much money.We looked at the boxes and smiled.

Its really an unforgettable experience!



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It was October 12th yesterday. My friends held a birthday party for me. In

the morning, they came to my home early, and they brought many presents for me.

I liked them very much. I invited them to the KTV, we sang songs, danced and

played games. About 5:30 p.m., we went my home. My mother had cooked a delicious

dinner for us. After dinner, we watched TV and at about 8:30 p.m. we ate

birthday cake. There were fifteen candles on my birthday cake. I made a silent

wish, and then I blew the candles out in one breath. I had an interesting

birthday party. We had a good time in the party. I was so grateful to what they

did for me.



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It is generally believed that there is a good supply of fresh water. But to our disappointment, the fact is just the opposite.

As we can see, the world population is growing rapidly day by day. So enough fresh water is needed to feed such a big population. What’s more, with the development of industry, factories and vehicles produce poisonous gases or wastes, which consequently results in the pollution of water. Though fresh, a good amount of it can no longer be used. Only quite limited fresh water resource is available to human beings. So it’s high time for us human beings to take quick action to protect water resource. Stop pollution and save water, otherwise, we cannot survive on the earth.

With fresh water, the world will be prosperous.



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Happy happy birthday chum.Therell be many many more to come!

Good luck chum and mountains of happiness and good cheer on this auspicious day,Your Birthday!

May this your tweentieth birthday be another milestone in a long happy life!

May your life be even brighter as each birthday comes and goes,with new happiness unfloding like the petal of a rose .Have a wonderful birthday!

Its good to have one day a year which just belongs to you ,so take this chance to enjoy yourself in everything you do.

Happybirthday ,friend of mine .On this your apecial day ,may gladness fill your every hour with joy to light your may.

May good and kind and loving things be some of the joys your birthday brings.

Among the friends we make in life, there are only one or two who can be called " a special friend"and thats how think of you and why hope your birthday is the happiest of days!



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The poet said: spring flowers to the door pushed open a. I said: Thanksgiving to the door pushed open a harmony, harmony open the door to the living. If you carefully listen to the voices of flowers, are everywhere harmonious life movement.

Love, the soul like fire ignited the hope of love, the soul like绿茵propped up the sky. Love is a force, is a wealth. We should be in the hearts of young sow the seeds of love. Let us be thankful for, the Institute of Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving with a heart to face life, in the face of learning, in the face of setbacks, thereby Experience parents, teachers, classmates and friends of selfless relatives and friends, "know drips of TU, when Yongquan of" the real meaning.

Thanksgiving is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, build a socialist harmonious society needs. Guangdong lawyer Tian, in order to return the mothers kindness in telling your mother dying when she donated his kidney to restore the mothers life; Xu Yu return to the community of his kindness, decided to leave after graduating from university in the bustling city , broke into the thatched shed to seeking knowledge, a thirst for knowledge sent the children …

Appreciate your birth, because they allow you access to life; grateful for your dependents, because they allow you to continue to grow; grateful for the concern you, because they give you warmth; grateful to encourage you to the people, because they give you strength; grateful for your education, because they Kaihua your ignorance; grateful to harm your people because they temper your intellect; grateful for your trip, because it strengthens your legs; grateful for your contempt, because it awakening your self-esteem; grateful abandoned your people, because he taught you that independence; everything grateful, Institute of gratitude, gratitude to all the people you grow up!

Students, and a song called "thank you": I thank the moon lit up the night sky, thanks to the dawn Zhaoxia endorse for the spring snow melt for the land feeding the people, to thank his mother for giving me life … thank harvest for peace for all of this all all.

Thanksgiving-Fighting, Thanksgiving unlimited! Students, and Society Thanksgiving! Let us always to the life caring and full of love and love! Let us brought up their hands and work together, everyone aspired to build a socialist harmonious society!


爱,像火种点燃心灵的希望; 爱,像绿茵撑起心灵的天空。爱,是一种力量,是一种财富。我们应该从小在心中撒播爱的种子。让我们心存感激,学会感恩。用一颗感恩的心去面对生活,面对学习,面对挫折,从而体会父母,师长,同学,朋友间无私的亲情,友情,"懂得滴水之恩,当涌泉相报”的真正内涵。







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On May 8, 1948, the annual, the spirit of the world health organization (who) the day was concluded as "world smile day". Indeed, everyone need to be slowing down, watch around a good transaction, peaceful nature TianLai, effort let taut face soothing, open the knits forehead, let a smile on the face bloom, to dissolve frost and chill between each other.

Every year since 1948 this holiday to conclude, the May 8 will become warm rise. In the smile to others, you will see the world smile to himself.





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"Ordinary world" is a good book, because hes characters and the plot is very real. Straight lets a person as if place oneself in that era, experiencing the ups and downs of The Times. Let a person very inspired after see, delicious. In simple language and true feelings to witness the faith and of the ordinary life of ordinary life. Blundering s, ignoranting society like a cup of clear water scaling back despite the clarification, but not calm. Lu yaos characters are so personality is distinct, little, little flat in the books, and others are a symbol of that era will be affected by the limitations of The Times, but also is therefore is real close, lifelike.

First of all, I am very fond of lu yaos starting point: ordinary world. His world is ordinary, this is just on the loess plateaus thousands of villages in a. , small author characterizes each ordinary ordinary people life journey, foil the era of rapid change, reflect peoples thought, give a person with close, give a person with enlightenment. But lu yao is his character in the ordinary extraordinary. Such as sun shaoping, I think that the character of sun shaoping is the backbone of the text as a whole, through his growth and mature experience, show in front of everyone is a generation that time a vision of life and helpless. He received a high school education, through self-study degree can be thought to explore with college students. Overcome difficulties, to get rid of the bondage, let people yearning for a better life, how to experience life in the middle of the family love, friendship, love, learn to life, know how to cherish, for our generation, is also a warning. In lu yaos world are ordinary people, it is in these ordinary people he describes the human nature of good and beauty, ugliness and evil. In his world, one of the biggest advantages is to realize oneself is ordinary. This is the most prominent from sun shaoping. He realized the ordinary, also chose the ordinary.

Ordinary life, from the ordinary to thrive, you can see, is suffering the confidence, cant take away the hope, love never fails, bitterness, in the ordinary and the pride of this life.






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Yesterday,was my birthday.I went to the zoo with my family.we saw many kinds of animous,it was very interesting! as for dolphin,they were so cute and clever! And we saw monkey, they were so athietic.Do you know? I like monkey best!Because they were veay interesting!

