2017年第68个世界卫生日演讲稿汇编三篇 作文英语(汇总20篇)

《悲惨世界》是由法国大作家维克多·雨果在1862年所发表的一部长篇小说,涵盖了拿破仑战争和之后的十几年的时间,是十九世纪最著名的小说之一。下面就由小编为你们带来2017年第68个世界卫生日演讲稿汇编三篇 作文英语,欢迎阅读。






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i spent this summer vacation in quite a different way. i used to run about every day in previous summer vacations, but this summer vacation i simply could not afford to do so. i would soon be in the last year of my high-school education and would after graduation be up against the college entrance examinations. though those examinations were still a year away, i had to start early to make myself well prepared by reviewing all those things i had learned at school and this summer vacation was the ideal time for me to do this. at first i was rather dismayed at the thought of this, but later i thought it was better this way because by working hard this summer i could count on endless happy summers to come. with this in mind i then set to work like anything and only occasionally went out for a change or did some physical. i was not at all bored by this kind of life, for i was sustained by a hope.




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4月7日是世界生日。每年的这一天, 世界各地的人们都要举行各种纪念活动,来强调健康对于劳动创造和幸福生活的重要性。

April 7th is World Health day. Every year on this day, people all over the world to hold various commemorative activities, to emphasize the importance of health and a happy life for labor.


In 1948, the first World Health Assembly called for the establishment of "World Health Day" to commemorate the birth of WHO. Since 1950, every year in April 7th to celebrate the world health day. Each year as World Health Day a theme selected key fields observed by the world health organization.


World Health Day is a global opportunity, focus on the impact of a major public health problem in the international community. World Health Day start a long-term advocacy planning, until after April 7th.



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Now,more and more students cant have enough sleep.We all konw that it will do great harm to our life if we dont have enough sleep.The following is the harms.

Firstly,it will affect our study.We may feel sleepy and cant listen to the teacher carefully during the classes.Secondly,it will have bad effects on our health.We may have a bad headache and dont want to eat anything.But how can we improve our sleep.Here are my advice.

Above all,you can do some sports during the daytime such as:running,jogging, payling basketball and so on.It will improve your sleeping quailty.Whats more,youd better have a noon nap.With sleeping at noon,you mind will be clearer.Last but not the least,when you are ready to sleep,put all the troubles away your mind.It will help you have a good sleep.

March 21st is the World Sleeping Day.It means the sleeping problems have caused worldwide attention.So,just have a good sleep for your future.Hope my words can help you.







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Flowers in full bloom in this, green grass of early summer, we have ushered in a grand festival of Children - June 1 International Childrens Day, I am very honored to share with the children together in this beautiful holiday. On that occasion, I would like to let me to all children, young pioneers holiday to extend my sincere regards to the hard work, dedicated gardener to cultivate the flowers of the motherland who pay tribute! Soon to be here today in recognition of the advanced collectives and advanced individuals express warm congratulations!

Pioneers, the children, we are now in a hopeful new era of challenges, you are lucky enough to live in a state of concern about the survival of students, teachers and students in the pursuit of maximum growth to meet the needs of schools; so one "give students the best childhood, most give a solid start in life "as the core concept of school, portrait of creating" education "brand School; an" education and scientific research as the guide to the experimental school in English at the core characteristics Yucai School to serve the community for the meaning of new schools "; so ones own ideas and practice, practice, together with the parents," Our children, our schools, our joint efforts, "the slogan of the school co-operation of schools, the school environment of your grace, your skilled teachers , School of your high-quality education and teaching has been very successful, you just give your School School Award is fully endorsed.

Pioneers, the children, you are lucky generation, the generation is shouldering the burden. There is an old statement: journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Youth are the beginning of a better life, clarity of vision, bred here, noble sentiments here at initiation, the habits of good form here, life here at the foundation of the glory and prosperity at the bright future of our calls. We must strive to improve their own quality of life in the new starting point, the momentum to become the new century, the need for construction of the homeland of the wood-Dong Liang. At the same time, teachers also hope that our his utmost to achieve a greater honor.


少先队员、小朋友们,我们正处于一个充满希望的挑战的新时代,你们幸运地生活在一所关注师生生存状态,追求最大限度满足师生成长需要的学校;一所以" 给学生最美好的童年,给人生最坚实的起步"为核心办学理念,倾情打造"附小教育"品牌的学校;一所"以教育科研为先导的实验学校,以英语特色为核心的育才学校,以服务社会为内涵的新型学校";一所以自己的理念和实践,同家长一起践行"咱们的孩子、咱们的学校、咱们共同努力"这一家校合作口号的学校,你们的学校环境优雅,你们的老师技艺高超,你们学校的教育教学质量高,成绩斐然,刚才给你们学校授牌就是对你们学校的充分肯定。




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Do you know the world book and copyright day is which day? How is the world reading day origin? Xx 20 years, the United Nations to the call of "to the reading society" around the world, make reading become an indispensable part of Peoples Daily life, up to 20 xx years, UNESCO, announced every year on April 23, positioning the world book and copyright day.

UNESCO in 20 xx to the call of "to the reading society" around the world, everyone asked social members of reading, the book is necessities of life, reading be everyone an integral part of everyday life.

20 xx years, UNESCO announced on April 23, for "world reading day". This day is the Spanish writer Cervantes and famous British writer Shakespeares death anniversary. According to the data show that since the "world reading day" announced more than 100 countries and regions to participate in this activity.

In every year on April 23, the reading promotion into a home the joy of the festival.







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Peace and development are two main themes of the world today,but we still have rigional conflicts or even local wars in the middle east or places alike.

Comparing with prosperity and peace, war and death would be last choices for human beings,but why people choose to behave so radical and cruel, I think there are many factors acount for this:

power politics and hegemony pactising by major countries like the U.S.

religious and belief difference of people.

the ever growing gap between the western countries and their counterparts.

maintain peace of the world is by no means an easy task at all, it entails combined efforts from all walks of life,narrow the gap between developed nations and the poor ones politically and economically,bring international roles of organizations like the UN and WTO into full play thus stop war at the first sight.

Globalization is progressing with each passing day and we have already in the bracement of the new centry, we are and we should be confident that we can stop the evil spirit of war by jointed efforts.











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1. 勤剪指甲勤理发,有害细菌杀光光。勤洗澡来勤换衣,保持健康洗刷刷。排除忧愁远烦恼,心灵洁净乐悠悠。世界卫生日来到,祝你快乐笑哈哈。

2. "世界卫生日,关注人健康,太阳眯眯笑,我们起得早。手脸洗干净,刷牙不忘掉。饭前洗洗手,饭后不乱跑。清洁又卫生,身体非常好。祝愿您讲究卫生身体棒。"

3. 讲卫生,爱干净。勤洗手,多洗澡。体健康,心欢喜。开心笑,没烦恼。身和心,都卫生。好形象,人人爱。世界卫生日,祝你干干净净,人见人爱。

4. 世界卫生日,给我们心灵深处一次大扫除,用‘感恩之心’做扫把,扫除灰尘和污垢,用‘宽容之心’做剪刀,减去矛盾和纠结,用‘快乐之心’溶解心中的怨恨,世界卫生日,健康生活到永远。

5. 爱卫生,要做到:勤换衣服勤洗澡,开窗换气空气好,晒下被子灭细菌,整洁干净真正好。世界卫生日,舒适生活靠自己。

6. 世界卫生日,送你一瓶清新剂,清除烦恼一直快乐;送你一个除尘器,吸走病菌永远健康;送你一条祝福短信,注意卫生健康永伴。

7. 洗洗手,细菌不入口,动动脚,体质有增加,晒晒被,安睡很舒适,讲卫生,保健康,世界卫生日,祝你健康一生!幸福一生!

8. 讲卫生是:“洗洗更健康”;讲卫生是:“大家好才是真的好”;讲卫生是:“我全身上下都是新的一样”;讲卫生是:“空气清新,天天新鲜”。世界卫生日,讲卫生,在行动!

9. 饮食注意保健康,细细漱漱好身体,加强锻炼体质强,勤晒被褥灭霉菌,世界卫生日,祝你健康又快乐!开心又幸福!

10. 老师说,不洗手吃饭的孩子不是好孩子,不按时刷牙的学生不是好学生,晚上不洗脚的小孩要被打屁股~~~亲,这些在幼儿园老师说的你都还记得不?我只想告诉你,世界卫生日到了,祝福你注意卫生,收获幸福人生。

11. 世界卫生日,送你一盆祝福水,愿你勤洗头,永远无忧愁;勤洗脸,福与乐相连;勤洗手,财运随你走;洗洗脚,疾病全都抛;祝世界卫生日干干净净,平安一生。

12. 世界卫生日到了,让我们一起来关注自身健康。不要总是为了娱乐忘了正常睡眠,不要为了精神的愉悦而忘了身体的承受能力,不要为了快点结束病痛而一点小病就输液。祝你世界卫生日健康快乐!

13. 世界卫生日,挖掉垃圾的墙角,让肮脏无处可逃;端掉细菌的窝点,将病毒一网打尽;清除的污染团伙,还卫生生机勃勃,关注卫生,关注身心健康,祝你生活顺心,世界卫生日快乐。

14. 地球是我家,卫生靠大家,不要不注意,遭殃是自己。世界卫生日,习惯要养成,自己顺如意,也会福泽民。祝你福寿康,祝你百事乐,世界卫生日,望你更安乐!

15. "清早起来出房门,对着镜子看全身, 内外衣服理得体,头梳整齐脸洗净,刷牙天天要坚持,口气清新无牙病,平日里来要手勤,勤洗头发勤洗澡,勤剪指甲衣洗净,每月理发显精神。世界卫生日来到,祝愿大家讲究卫生好心情。"

16. 人人讲卫生,环境自然美,美在心中留,生活皆如意。愿你带好头,开始讲卫生,事在人作为,做好福一生。世界卫生日,特来说一声,愿你健康在,自在活一生。

17. 告诉你一个消息,我刚才听见虱子和跳蚤聊天说要搬到你这里来,它们说你这里气候宜人、风景如画是它们最理想的家园,你赶快去洗洗吧,别说是我说的啊。……世界卫生日快乐!

18. 世界卫生日,人要讲卫生,手要勤洗牙要刷,衣服常换棉被暴晒,吃上卫生是“绿色”,垃圾食品要杜绝,痰不随便吐,垃圾没随便扔,这些都做到,卫生卫士就是你。

19. 世界卫生日今来到,写条短信问声好,被褥常晒无病菌,保持卫生勤洗澡,开窗通风换空气,消毒洗涮病菌少,卫生常抓不松懈,身体健康少不了。

20. 世界卫生日到,讲卫生,身安康,勤打扫,心情爽,勤洗手,病菌走,勤消毒,疾病无,勤洗澡,身体好,勤锻炼,体康健,勤宣传,美家园。

21. "世界卫生日,关注人健康,太阳眯眯笑,我们起得早。手脸洗干净,刷牙不忘掉。饭前洗洗手,饭后不乱跑。清洁又卫生,身体非常好。祝愿您讲究卫生身体棒。"

22. 一朵花因为纯洁的空气,明媚的阳光,干净的水源,才被培养的越发娇艳和美丽;一个人也是如此,希望你在以后的日子里,注意环境卫生,活的越来越滋润,世界卫生日到了,祝福你越来越幸福。

23. "亲朋好友要干净,讲究卫生少疾病。手脸勤洗衣常换,随地吐痰坏习惯。衣着整洁勤洗澡,饮食卫生要把好。按时体检注疫苗,病从口入要记牢。不洁食品不入口,饭前便后要洗手。废弃物品自动捡,丢入箱中无污染。家中卫生要搞好,多洒水来勤打扫。按时作息多锻炼,预防疾病身心健。世界卫生日来到,祝您健康又快乐。"

24. 世界卫生日,健康伴你行,送你两讲究:“饮食卫生要讲究”——多吃蔬菜少吃肉,千万别吃注水肉,坚决杜绝地沟油;“个人卫生要讲究”——勤换衣服勤洗澡,千万别把汗当宝,出门别忘戴口罩。

25. 老师说,不洗手吃饭的孩子不是好孩子,不按时刷牙的学生不是好学生,晚上不洗脚的小孩要被打屁股~~~亲,这些在幼儿园老师说的你都还记得不?我只想告诉你,世界卫生日到了,祝福你注意卫生,收获幸福人生。

26. 世界卫生日到,大家一起行动。垃圾投置分类,水源污染切断。公共场所戒烟,传染疾病控制。健康公共卫生,改善生活条件。祝福地球人类,永远幸福快乐。

27. 让太阳晒晒,促进吸收钙,身体更健康。让小雨淋淋,补充负离子,心情更放松。世界卫生日,祝你身心健康,开心快乐。

28. 世界卫生日到了,提醒你:作息要规律,床铺要整洁,饭前要洗手,睡前要洗脚,不是乱啰嗦,愿你身体好,注意讲卫生,疾病找不了,愿你真幸福,一生都美好!

29. 世界卫生日,短信来问好,卫生与健康,人人都需要,春天万物发,病毒也发芽,手要经常洗,被要经常晒,饭后就漱口,早晚两刷牙,洗澡保清洁,病虫赶跑它。

30. 我跟你说啊,卫生是用来讲究的,不是用来将就的,赶快去洗洗吧。什么?你不去?来呀,大澡堂子伺候。世界卫生日,就是要你干净,哼哼!

31. 洗洗脸,魅力升。洗洗牙,胃口好。洗洗手,病菌走。洗洗脚,健康找。洗洗澡,身体爽。洗洗脑,精神好。世界卫生日,洗洗更健康。

32. 我跟你说啊,卫生是用来讲究的,不是用来将就的,赶快去洗洗吧。什么?你不去?来呀,大澡堂子伺候。世界卫生日,就是要你干净,哼哼!

33. 世界卫生日,人要讲卫生,手要勤洗牙要刷,衣服常换棉被暴晒,吃上卫生是“绿色”,垃圾食品要杜绝,痰不随便吐,垃圾没随便扔,这些都做到,卫生卫士就是你。

34. 世界卫生日今来到,写条短信问声好,被褥常晒无病菌,保持卫生勤洗澡,开窗通风换空气,消毒洗涮病菌少,卫生常抓不松懈,身体健康少不了。

35. 在公共场合吸烟,危害的是一群人;在公共场合吐痰,恶心的是所有路人;在公共场合乱丢垃圾,也给自己脸上丢了垃圾;世界卫生日,愿朋友你跟我一起呼吁社会保护环境,注意卫生。

36. 扫扫屋内灰尘,干干净净透出来;理理个人杂物,整整齐齐显出来;查查日常饮食,健健康康吃出来;整整思想心态,开开心心映出来。世界卫生日,记得照顾好自己哦。

37. 世界卫生日来到,动手齐把卫生搞,室内擦拭并清扫,随地吐痰可不好,垃圾烟灰不乱丢,维护环境很重要,公共卫生保护好,身康体健无烦恼!

38. 卫生要搞好,健康少不了,衣服勤洗换,病菌不侵犯,经常来洗澡,紧张劳累跑,早晚去锻炼,身体康又健,世界卫生日,愿你健康永远。

39. 洗刷刷,洗刷刷,天天健康乐开花;勤剪指甲,勤洗澡,细菌污垢跑不了;勤通风,勤洒水,室内卫生要谨慎;世界卫生日到了,愿你身体强壮,幸福开心。

40. 挥起快乐扫把子,清理烦心大屋子;拿起健康小刷子,洗净悲伤大盘子;不做脏兮小孩子,争过卫生小日子;内外干净好身子,祝你健康一辈子,世界卫生日,关注卫生,关注健康,世界卫生日快乐。

41. 世界卫生日到,劝你,常打扫,细菌除,常洗脚,疾病减,常晒被,睡眠安,祝福你,笑容甜,容颜美,精神爽,体健康,平安行,乐一生。

42. 世界卫生日,送你一盆祝福水,愿你勤洗头,永远无忧愁;勤洗脸,福与乐相连;勤洗手,财运随你走;洗洗脚,疾病全都抛;祝世界卫生日干干净净,平安一生。

43. 世界卫生日到了,让我们一起来关注自身健康。不要总是为了娱乐忘了正常睡眠,不要为了精神的愉悦而忘了身体的承受能力,不要为了快点结束病痛而一点小病就输液。祝你世界卫生日健康快乐!

44. 世界卫生日,挖掉垃圾的墙角,让肮脏无处可逃;端掉细菌的窝点,将病毒一网打尽;清除的污染团伙,还卫生生机勃勃,关注卫生,关注身心健康,祝你生活顺心,世界卫生日快乐。

45. 爱卫生,要做到:勤换衣服勤洗澡,开窗换气空气好,晒下被子灭细菌,整洁干净真正好。世界卫生日,舒适生活靠自己。

46. 洗洗手,细菌不入口,动动脚,体质有增加,晒晒被,安睡很舒适,讲卫生,保健康,世界卫生日,祝你健康一生!幸福一生!

47. 讲卫生是:“洗洗更健康”;讲卫生是:“大家好才是真的好”;讲卫生是:“我全身上下都是新的一样”;讲卫生是:“空气清新,天天新鲜”。世界卫生日,讲卫生,在行动!

48. 饮食注意保健康,细细漱漱好身体,加强锻炼体质强,勤晒被褥灭霉菌,世界卫生日,祝你健康又快乐!开心又幸福!

49. 告诉你一个消息,我刚才听见虱子和跳蚤聊天说要搬到你这里来,它们说你这里气候宜人、风景如画是它们最理想的家园,你赶快去洗洗吧,别说是我说的啊。……世界卫生日快乐!

50. 世界卫生日,送你一瓶清新剂,清除烦恼一直快乐;送你一个除尘器,吸走病菌永远健康;送你一条祝福短信,注意卫生健康永伴。

51. 地球是我家,卫生靠大家,不要不注意,遭殃是自己。世界卫生日,习惯要养成,自己顺如意,也会福泽民。祝你福寿康,祝你百事乐,世界卫生日,望你更安乐!

52. "清早起来出房门,对着镜子看全身, 内外衣服理得体,头梳整齐脸洗净,刷牙天天要坚持,口气清新无牙病,平日里来要手勤,勤洗头发勤洗澡,勤剪指甲衣洗净,每月理发显精神。世界卫生日来到,祝愿大家讲究卫生好心情。"

53. 人人讲卫生,环境自然美,美在心中留,生活皆如意。愿你带好头,开始讲卫生,事在人作为,做好福一生。世界卫生日,特来说一声,愿你健康在,自在活一生。

54. 世界卫生日到,饮食作息要规律。不吸烟少饮酒,多跑步常锻炼。注意日常饮食卫生,勤换洗被褥,勤洗内衣裤,健康生活很重要,注意卫生天天美!

55. 世界卫生日,温馨小贴士,饭前来洗手,生活乐悠悠,睡前来洗脚,身体健康绕,衣服要勤换,病菌离你远,废物不乱扔,环保记心中,卫生永安康,幸福喜洋洋。

56. 讲卫生,爱干净。勤洗手,多洗澡。体健康,心欢喜。开心笑,没烦恼。身和心,都卫生。好形象,人人爱。世界卫生日,祝你干干净净,人见人爱。

57. 世界卫生日,给我们心灵深处一次大扫除,用‘感恩之心’做扫把,扫除灰尘和污垢,用‘宽容之心’做剪刀,减去矛盾和纠结,用‘快乐之心’溶解心中的怨恨,世界卫生日,健康生活到永远。

58. 世界卫生日,短信来问好,卫生与健康,人人都需要,春天万物发,病毒也发芽,手要经常洗,被要经常晒,饭后就漱口,早晚两刷牙,洗澡保清洁,病虫赶跑它。



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"Eight glorious disgrace socialisms honour or disgrace observes eight" brought forward by Secretary General Hu Jin Tao: Take pride in having ardent love for the motherland , take endangering a motherland as disgrace, take pride in serving the people , take deviating from the people as disgrace, take pride in science-upholding, use benighted be disgrace , take pride in labouring assiduously , take disliking work and loving ease as disgrace, take pride in unity and mutual aid , take benefiting oneself at other peoples cost as disgrace, take pride in honesty and trustworthiness , take forgotting friendship for profit as disgrace, take pride in observing the relevant code of conduct and the law , take being guilty of dereliction or serious violation of discipline as disgrace , take pride in waging an arduous struggle , take loose and idle living as disgrace. This 16 words, have made me accept very big education.

Our great motherland is one of the largest countries in the world. It has a population of over twelve hundred million. Beijing is its capital.

We Chinese people are brave and hardworking. We have a glorious revolutionary tradition. We drove out all the enemies. In 1949 the Peoples Republic of China was founded. Since then great changes have taken place in our motherland. Now our country is getting stronger and stronger. We Chinese people are working hard to make our motherland into a powerful country.

Children are regarded as “flower of our motherland”. In our country children are taken very good care of. Special laws have been issuedto protect them. Thousands of schools have been set up to make education available to all children. The Party and the government pay special attention to the growth of children because they represent our bright future.

Motherlands destiny is just that everyone Chineses destiny , development of motherland and need to depend on our every Chinese sons and daughterss contribution prosperous and powerful and struggle. But we ought to be missing me at any time for the motherland makes some what, is not what, has ardent love for the motherland from asking for some motherland mother there being able to depend on a meaningless term only by no means. As one middle school student , one League member of the Communist Youth League, I want to study well, contribution being that development of motherland makes self out. "Eight glorious disgrace socialisms honour or disgrace observes eight" brought forward by Secretary General Hu Jin Tao: Take pride in having ardent love for the motherland , take endangering a motherland as disgrace, take pride in serving the people , take deviating from the people as disgrace, take pride in science-upholding, use benighted be disgrace , take pride in labouring assiduously , take disliking work and loving ease as disgrace, take pride in unity and mutual aid , take benefiting oneself at other peoples cost as disgrace, take pride in honesty and trustworthiness , take forgotting friendship for profit as disgrace, take pride in observing the relevant code of conduct and the law , take being guilty of dereliction or serious violation of discipline as disgrace , take pride in waging an arduous struggle , take loose and idle living as disgrace. This 16 words, have made me accept very big education. "To have ardent love for the motherland for glory among them , takes betraying selfs country as disgrace ". Be every Chineses minimum morality base line , associate with person, look at how the parents , relative ought to look at him treating self, show filial obedience to or not , whom he can love if one people even not are apt self parents , relative? China has age-old history , splendid culture. ",



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On Non—smoking Day, a school did a survey about how many students smoke.Here are the results:3%of the students often smoke.7%of the students smoke sometimes.These students say they smoke just for fun and they look cool while smoking

.Nearly everyone knows smoking does no good to people’s health,especially for teenagers.As students,we should not smoke.Those who smoke should give up smoking.

And if our family members smoke,we should try to stop them.Students who have never smoked should never try it






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1953年: 健康就是金子

1954年: 护士 ——卫生的先锋



1957年: 食物和健康

1958年: 卫生进步的十年




1962年: 防盲




1966年: 人和他的城市

1967年: 健康的卫士



1970年: 为抢救生命及时发现癌症




1974年: 清洁的食物更好的身体

1975年: 天花——只能前进不能后退


1977年: 预防注射保护你的孩子

1978年: 当心你的血压

1979年: 健康的儿童世界的未来

1980年: 要吸烟还是要健康任君选择

1981年: 2000年人人享有卫生保健

1982年: 活得更长一些

1983年: 2000年人人享有健康倒计时已经开始

1984年: 儿童的健康明天的财富

1985年: 健康的青年我们最好的资源

1986年: 健康地生活人均可为胜者



1989年: 大家谈健康

1990年: 环境与健康

1991年: 居安思危 有备无患 - 防备意外




1995年: 2000年目标——无脊髓灰质炎世界

1996年: 创建卫生城市为了美好生活

1997年: 全球警惕 采取行动—— 防范新出现的传染病

1998年: 母亲安全


2000年: 安全血液 从我开始(Safe blood Starts with Me)

2001年: 精神卫生——消除偏见勇于关爱

2002年: 运动有益健康

2003年: 创建未来生活让儿童拥有一个健康的环境

2004年: 道路安全防患未然


2006年: 通力合作增进健康

2007年: 投资卫生构建安全未来








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Last May 4th was my birthday.I had a party at my home.

My relatives and friends came to my home in the evening.And I got a lot of presents from them.My mother prepared a big birthday cake for me.

There are even candles on it.After singing the song “Happy birthday”,I shared the cake with my friend and relatives.Then we watched TV and listened to music.Same of the girls danced with the music.We had a good time that day.

Now I want to say “Thank you my friends.Thank you my parents!I ’m so happy!”



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Dear Li Hua,

I'm so sorry I can't come to Tom's birthday party. These days my mother has been falling ill, so I have to attend to her.

Thank you for asking me, Li Hua. I certainly hate to miss any of your parties. They're always such fun!


Liang Yan



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International Day of PeaceSeptember 21st In 1981 the United Nations General Assembly passed resolution 36/67 declaring an International Day of Peace. In 2001, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a new resolution 55/282 declaring 21 September of each year as the International Day of Peace.

The Assembly declared that the Day be observed as a day of global ceasefire and non-violence, an invitation to all nations and people to honour a cessation of hostilities during the Day. It invited all Member States, organizations of the United Nations system, regional and non-governmental organizations and individuals to commemorate the Day in an appropriate manner, including through education and public awareness, and to cooperate with the United Nations in establishing a global ceasefire.

Peace Day for Young People at the United Nations

Since 1997, the World Peace Prayer Society has assisted the United Nations Department of Public Information in producing a program for New York school children at UN Headquarters, including a World Peace Flag Ceremony. On Sept. 23, 2002, this program included greetings by Mrs. Nane Annan, Under Secretary-General Shashi Tharoor, and a videoconference with children in five countries that had recently experienced war.

International Day of Peace Vigil

The goal of the International Day of Peace Vigil is: To encourage the observation of a worldwide, grassroots 24-hour vigil for peace and nonviolence on the International Day of Peace, Sunday, 21 September, in every house of worship and place of spiritual practice, by all religious and spiritually based groups and individuals, and by all men, women and children who seek peace in the world.




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First I want to ask you some questions:

1、 Do you know what is youth?

2、 How do you master your youth?


Youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind ; it is not rosy cheeks , red lips and supple knees, it is a matter of the emotions : it is the freshness ; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life .

Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite , for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20 . Nobody grows old merely by a number of years . We grow old by deserting our ideals.

Years wrinkle the skin , but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul . Worry , fear , self –distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust .

Whether 60 of 16 , there is in every human being ‘s heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing childlike appetite of what’s next and the joy of the game of living . In the center of your heart and my heart there’s a wireless station : so long as it receives messages of beauty , hope ,cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, so long as you are young .

When the aerials are down , and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old ,even at 20 , but as long as your aerials are up ,to catch waves of optimism , there is hope you may die young at 80.

Thank you!



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This year’s observance of World No Tobacco Day focuses on “Gender and tobacco, with an emphasis on marketing to women”.

Although fewer than 1 out of 10 women are smokers, that still adds up to an estimated 200 million women around the world. Moreover, that number could grow, since the tobacco industry is spending heavily on advertisements that target women and associate tobacco use with beauty and liberation.

According to a recent study by the World Health Organization (WHO), the number of girls and boys who smoked was about equal in half the 151 countries surveyed. This finding is even more worrisome since young people who smoke are likely to continue in adulthood.

Evidence indicates that the prevalence rate of tobacco use among women is on the rise in some countries. Governments everywhere must take action to protect women from tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship, as stipulated in the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.

The Convention also calls on Governments to protect women from second-hand tobacco smoke — especially in countries where women feel powerless to protect themselves and their children. As WHO data show, of the 430,000 adults who die each year from second-hand smoke, nearly two thirds are women.

Around the world, more than 1.5 million women die each year from tobacco use. Most of these deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries. Without concerted action, that number could rise to 2.5 million women by the year 2030.

We must turn back the global tobacco epidemic. On World No Tobacco Day, I urge all Governments to address this public health threat. Tobacco use is not stylish or empowering. It is ugly and deadly.










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1、 世界卫生日到,讲卫生,身安康,勤打扫,心情爽,勤洗手,病菌走,勤消毒,疾病无,勤洗澡,身体好,勤锻炼,体康健,勤宣传,美家园。

2、 "世界卫生日,关注人健康,太阳眯眯笑,我们起得早。手脸洗干净,刷牙不忘掉。饭前洗洗手,饭后不乱跑。清洁又卫生,身体非常好。祝愿您讲究卫生身体棒。"

3、 一朵花因为纯洁的空气,明媚的阳光,干净的水源,才被培养的越发娇艳和美丽;一个人也是如此,希望你在以后的日子里,注意环境卫生,活的越来越滋润,世界卫生日到了,祝福你越来越幸福。

4、 "亲朋好友要干净,讲究卫生少疾病。手脸勤洗衣常换,随地吐痰坏习惯。衣着整洁勤洗澡,饮食卫生要把好。按时体检注疫苗,病从口入要记牢。不洁食品不入口,饭前便后要洗手。废弃物品自动捡,丢入箱中无污染。家中卫生要搞好,多洒水来勤打扫。按时作息多锻炼,预防疾病身心健。世界卫生日来到,祝您健康又快乐。"

5、 世界卫生日,健康伴你行,送你两讲究:“饮食卫生要讲究”——多吃蔬菜少吃肉,千万别吃注水肉,坚决杜绝地沟油;“个人卫生要讲究”——勤换衣服勤洗澡,千万别把汗当宝,出门别忘戴口罩。

6、 讲卫生是:“洗洗更健康”;讲卫生是:“大家好才是真的好”;讲卫生是:“我全身上下都是新的一样”;讲卫生是:“空气清新,天天新鲜”。世界卫生日,讲卫生,在行动!

7、 饮食注意保健康,细细漱漱好身体,加强锻炼体质强,勤晒被褥灭霉菌,世界卫生日,祝你健康又快乐!开心又幸福!

8、 告诉你一个消息,我刚才听见虱子和跳蚤聊天说要搬到你这里来,它们说你这里气候宜人、风景如画是它们最理想的家园,你赶快去洗洗吧,别说是我说的啊。……世界卫生日快乐!

9、 世界卫生日,人要讲卫生,手要勤洗牙要刷,衣服常换棉被暴晒,吃上卫生是“绿色”,垃圾食品要杜绝,痰不随便吐,垃圾没随便扔,这些都做到,卫生卫士就是你。

10、 世界卫生日今来到,写条短信问声好,被褥常晒无病菌,保持卫生勤洗澡,开窗通风换空气,消毒洗涮病菌少,卫生常抓不松懈,身体健康少不了。

11、 老师说,不洗手吃饭的孩子不是好孩子,不按时刷牙的学生不是好学生,晚上不洗脚的小孩要被打屁股~~~亲,这些在幼儿园老师说的你都还记得不?我只想告诉你,世界卫生日到了,祝福你注意卫生,收获幸福人生。

12、 世界卫生日到,大家一起行动。垃圾投置分类,水源污染切断。公共场所戒烟,传染疾病控制。健康公共卫生,改善生活条件。祝福地球人类,永远幸福快乐。

13、 让太阳晒晒,促进吸收钙,身体更健康。让小雨淋淋,补充负离子,心情更放松。世界卫生日,祝你身心健康,开心快乐。

14、 世界卫生日到了,提醒你:作息要规律,床铺要整洁,饭前要洗手,睡前要洗脚,不是乱啰嗦,愿你身体好,注意讲卫生,疾病找不了,愿你真幸福,一生都美好!

15、 世界卫生日,短信来问好,卫生与健康,人人都需要,春天万物发,病毒也发芽,手要经常洗,被要经常晒,饭后就漱口,早晚两刷牙,洗澡保清洁,病虫赶跑它。








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If I ruled the world, I would do some changes that will make the world become better. I would publicize concept of peace, and try to reduce wars. I would also try my best to reduce taxation, help poor people with their producion and make business revive. I would change education too, because it is said that the fature of a country depends on children of the country. In a way, the future of the world depends on children of the world. So I think, the education is a very important factor to make the world become better. I would reduce class-time, reduce homeworks and build many appliances for play on the playground. I would make the schools become a kind of place that kids can be happy there, and like there. I would definitely be a good leader. If somebedy gave me honor to rule the whole world, I wouldn’t let him(her) down. I would do anything I can do to make the world become more beautiful, more peaceful and warmer.




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The earth is the common home of human, but human activity has caused serious damage to the earth. Such as forests, lakes, wetlands of biological survival are disappearing at an alarming rate; Coal, oil, natural gas and other non-renewable energy because of excessive exploitation of dried up; Energy combustion emissions of greenhouse gas lead to global warming, the resulting problems such as the polar ice caps melt, rising sea levels threaten to human survival and development.

Protect the earth resources and environment, to seek the sustainable development pattern has been urgent. At this years "world earth day", "earth day network launched a" green generation "plan, advocate the human society to the sustainable economic development pattern transformation. The plan called for the public to maintain three core principles: eliminate human reliance on fossil fuels, is committed to the development and utilization of renewable energy, creating a "c" in the future; Commitment to personal consumption habit consistent with sustainable development requirements; To establish "green economy", by creating "green jobs" for the poor out of poverty, and transform the global education system for environmental protection.

Since the 1990 s, China has held in every year on April 22, is "the world earth day" campaign, and according to the case, determine the activity of the subject.



