2017年第68个世界卫生日演讲稿汇编三篇 作文英语(汇编19篇)

《悲惨世界》是由法国大作家维克多·雨果在1862年所发表的一部长篇小说,涵盖了拿破仑战争和之后的十几年的时间,是十九世纪最著名的小说之一。下面就由小编为你们带来2017年第68个世界卫生日演讲稿汇编三篇 作文英语,欢迎阅读。






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1、 世界卫生日来到,动手齐把卫生搞,室内擦拭并清扫,随地吐痰可不好,垃圾烟灰不乱丢,维护环境很重要,公共卫生保护好,身康体健无烦恼!

2、 卫生要搞好,健康少不了,衣服勤洗换,病菌不侵犯,经常来洗澡,紧张劳累跑,早晚去锻炼,身体康又健,世界卫生日,愿你健康永远。

3、 洗刷刷,洗刷刷,天天健康乐开花;勤剪指甲,勤洗澡,细菌污垢跑不了;勤通风,勤洒水,室内卫生要谨慎;世界卫生日到了,愿你身体强壮,幸福开心。

4、 挥起快乐扫把子,清理烦心大屋子;拿起健康小刷子,洗净悲伤大盘子;不做脏兮小孩子,争过卫生小日子;内外干净好身子,祝你健康一辈子,世界卫生日,关注卫生,关注健康,世界卫生日快乐。

5、 世界卫生日到,劝你,常打扫,细菌除,常洗脚,疾病减,常晒被,睡眠安,祝福你,笑容甜,容颜美,精神爽,体健康,平安行,乐一生。

6、 世界卫生日,我祝福你一马当先奔前程,二话不说就是发,三羊开泰一生健康,四个神仙来保驾出入平安。不管是谁看了这条短信都要转发,因为转发者会幸福吉祥,天天交好运,明天当上财神爷,你赶快转发吧。

7、 勤剪指甲勤理发,有害细菌杀光光。勤洗澡来勤换衣,保持健康洗刷刷。排除忧愁远烦恼,心灵洁净乐悠悠。世界卫生日来到,祝你快乐笑哈哈。

8、 让太阳晒晒,促进吸收钙,身体更健康。让小雨淋淋,补充负离子,心情更放松。世界卫生日,祝你身心健康,开心快乐。

9、 卫生日,来洗手,健康快乐都拥有;卫生日,来洗脚,睡眠充足事业高;卫生日,来洗头,金钱钞票家里流;世界卫生日,人人讲卫生,安康万里行。

10、 扫去忧愁的垃圾,清除烦恼的污垢,洗去满身的疲惫,保持健康的身体,留住开心和喜悦,享受幸福的生活。世界卫生日,祝你健康!

11、 有痰不要乱吐,垃圾不要随手丢弃,不要随地大小便,请做到以上这些内容,因为公共卫生关系到我们每一个人的健康。每个人的一个善举,便可以成就一个奇迹。祝福朋友们世界卫生日快乐。

12、 听说你三年没有洗发,头发上面已经可以长草;五年没有洗澡,身上的泥可以当土壤;世界卫生日到,还不快洗澡!呵呵,洗洗才健康哟!

13、 世界卫生日到了,提醒你:作息要规律,床铺要整洁,饭前要洗手,睡前要洗脚,不是乱啰嗦,愿你身体好,注意讲卫生,疾病找不了,愿你真幸福,一生都美好!

14、 世界卫生日到,讲卫生,身安康,勤打扫,心情爽,勤洗手,病菌走,勤消毒,疾病无,勤洗澡,身体好,勤锻炼,体康健,勤宣传,美家园。

15、 白鹅在湖里游泳,洗去烦恼更快乐;小鱼在水里歌唱,洗洗更加健康;你也不要在执迷不悟,光顾着滚粪球了!世界卫生日到,注意卫生哟!

16、 世界卫生日,蟑螂向你发出了抗议,老鼠开始居家迁徙,蚊蝇对你退避三舍,百步之内我不敢见你。哥,在世界卫生日你就好好洗洗吧。祝你世界卫生日快乐。

17、 猪,起床了吗?今天可是一个特殊的日子——世界卫生日,即便你是猪也要过节啊。起床洗脸刷牙更清醒,勤洗手除细菌,出来晒晒太阳身体好。猪,世界卫生日,一年就一回,你还等什么呢,还不赶快起床?

18、 世界卫生日到,我的短信来到,不乱倒垃圾,保护环境,不随地吐痰,养成习惯,勤晒太阳,杀掉细菌,扫去灰尘,轻松愉快。祝你开心快乐每一天。

19、 世界卫生日,短信嘱咐你,饭前便后要洗手,疾病与你绕着走,早晨夜晚要刷牙,刷走细菌清爽留下,勤换内衣和外套,身体健康没烦恼!

20、 四月七,卫生日,我的祝福陪着你,愿你干干净净穿新衣,讲究卫生数第一,收拾房间扫垃圾,清扫屋院心欢喜,手脚衣物多清洗,无病无灾好身体!

21、 争一种快活叫“干干净净”,盼一种享受叫“健康卫生”,祈一种美丽叫“心灵纯净”,得一种情谊叫“祝福由衷”,世界卫生日,愿你健康幸福一辈子,世界卫生日快乐。

22、 常洗手常洗脚,卫生习惯很重要,多通风多锻炼,身体健康永相伴,讲卫生今日抓,环保搞好利国家,世界卫生日,愿你好运相伴,安康永远。

23、 卫生日,想健康,卫生保,想平安,垃圾扫,想快乐,勤洗澡,想舒心,被褥晾,想幸福,来环保,卫生日,祝福语,财运随,幸福绕,平安行,健康抱,笑容爽。

24、 一池清水藏着致命的细菌,一双净手躲着无数病毒,一阵浓雾带来众多颗粒。侵害人身体的毒物都是人的眼睛看不到的,只有良好的卫生习惯才能让我们的生活更健康。世界卫生日,愿你的生活无污染,永远健康。

25、 世界卫生日,送你一把扫帚:扫扫房根屋角,扫来快乐扫走烦恼;扫扫房前屋后,扫来幸福扫走忧愁;扫扫路口桥头,扫来真情扫走阴谋;愿你越扫越快乐,越扫越健康,越扫越幸福!

26、 世界卫生日,愿你:搞好卫生,勤晒太阳,室内通风,空气流畅,扫去灰尘,干干净净,多吃蔬菜,轻松愉快,讲究卫生,健康永伴。

27、 幼儿园的时候老师告诉我们饭前便后要认真洗手,小学的时候老师告诉我们不要乱扔垃圾,中学的时候老师告诉我们不要随手涂鸦,大学的时候老师告诉我们要多锻炼重健康。世界卫生日,你还记得这些卫生生活的叮嘱吗?卫生生活,健康一生!



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Do you know the world book and copyright day is which day? How is the world reading day origin? Xx 20 years, the United Nations to the call of "to the reading society" around the world, make reading become an indispensable part of Peoples Daily life, up to 20 xx years, UNESCO, announced every year on April 23, positioning the world book and copyright day.

UNESCO in 20 xx to the call of "to the reading society" around the world, everyone asked social members of reading, the book is necessities of life, reading be everyone an integral part of everyday life.

20 xx years, UNESCO announced on April 23, for "world reading day". This day is the Spanish writer Cervantes and famous British writer Shakespeares death anniversary. According to the data show that since the "world reading day" announced more than 100 countries and regions to participate in this activity.

In every year on April 23, the reading promotion into a home the joy of the festival.







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1、 快乐心情,健康行为

2、 关注儿童青少年精神健康,快乐心情,健康行为。

3、 沟通理解关爱,心理和谐健康

4、 开展精神卫生宣传活动,普及精神疾病防治知识

5、 营造宽松生存环境,构建美好和谐社会

6、 提倡心理咨询,促进精神健康

7、 真正的健康是身体和心理的双重健康

8、 心身健康,幸福一生

9、 健身健心,你我同行

10、 理解关爱呵护,人人享有健康

11、 家庭是幸福的港湾,是社会基本的单元



1, 哪些蔬菜有毒?

答:鲜黄花菜 发芽豆芽 龙芽豆 新鲜木耳 青番茄 未腌透的咸菜秋扁豆 久存南瓜 水发后呈蓝紫色的紫菜等

2, 服药只宜开水?


3, 白酒热喝危害少?


12、 宽容理解博爱,追求理想

13、 微笑是一种境界,微笑是一种态度,更是人生最好的名片

14、 争创精神文明,建立美好家园



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On December 11, 1998 in the second world assembly on asthma, global asthma prevention initiatives (GINA) commission and the European respiratory society on behalf of the world health organization (who) put forward the developing world asthma day activities, and will be on the same day as the first world asthma day. Since 2000, held related activities from year to year, but has since world asthma day each year on the first Tuesday of may.

World asthma day aims to make people realize that asthma is a global health problem, propaganda has made scientific and technological progress, and prompted the public and authorities involved in the implementation of effective management methods. GINA in 2006 for the treatment of asthma overall shift from the focus of asthma control, stress according to the control level of treatment in patients with asthma, and adjust it in a continuous cycle, including assessment of asthma control, to control for the purpose of treatment, monitor and maintain control.





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Yesterday was my birthday. I am twelve years old now and a primary school

student in Grade six. Yesterday, I invited my friends come to my home. I did not

invite them come to my home before. I was so happy because my mother cooked

delicious foods for us. My friends brought gifts to my. They are very beautiful.

It was a good day yesterday.



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My birthday is in this week. Yesterday is my birthday. It’s sunny. I can’t play wish my friends. I happy birthday with my parents at home. They sent presents to me. Mother prepared a tea party for me. The tea party beg an at half past six. There were cold drinks and refreshments. We ate, talked and laughed. We felt that we were the happiest men in the world.




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My birthday is in July. I am very happy on my birthday, because I can eat my favorite food and get many gifts from my parents and friends. Last year, I had my birthday party as usual. I was very excited in the morning. My father went to buy me a big birthday cake. My mother cleaned all the rooms and cooked delicious food. I invited all my friends to my party. We played funny games, and they sang a birthday song and lighted the candles. I made a wish and blew all the candles. Then we ate the birthday cake together. I opened the gifts from my parents and friends. I had a really wonderful birthday party.



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It’s July23. Today I am16 years old. I am going to have a party at home and I am waiting for all my friends to come. They are going to bring? Lots of beautiful presents with them.

My parents are preparing a lot of nice things to eat and drink. At the party we are going to play games, sing songs, dance and listen to music. I think we will have a good time.






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Is a national territory that aureate autumn scan widely 9,600,000 square kilometers again up, all over the place golden, prosperous brocade, the high building stands erect, coal ocean current gold, ocean Yang wave, the Great Wall dances.

In autumn, always bring people pleased celebrate, bring poetry, bring fancy, bring to imagine, bring a hope more, but this years autumn, not- same sort, more and not and usually.In this fine season, arrive to°from Chiang-Nan water country a northland backland, from the Gan river strand to pull Sa Lin Ka, hot soils of republic each square kilometer soak through exultant and happiness, flow to drip sweet with sing.1,300,000,000 China childrens with heroic the singing arousing more put to fly aureate ideal and imagining of rose and put to fly hard go such as the conviction of huge rock and the poem lauding to the great motherland.

Ha, the motherland, my mother, celebrates the quarter of your birthday 60 anniversaries in the joys, I have a boiling passion, thoughts and feelings surge.We want to speak to you how much considerate words son, have how much laudatory song son sing to you.60 years, at Be just fillip in the mankinds history long river a flick, however, great of the motherland occurrence turns over the variety that sky replies ground.Everywhere is change with each passing day of creation.Everywhere is canvass business to lead a property and promote the big current of economic development.I imitate the red ship that the Buddha sees south lake to bathe the gold Hui of the sun, to drive today.The red flag of well Kang-shan, the cuckoo smiles dimple and reflects the mountain is red of strong the United States is like of the red glow at sunset style style float.The hot breeze of pagoda mountain postpones arousing of river water wave, the story of green yarn debt rides on the Qiong syrup of yellow river and conceived the children of ten million heros.

Ha, the ancient Great Wall starts to stand unyielding chest, Yangtze River dashing about turns over a radiant wave flower, a long distance steppe resounds the Matouqin voice of deep feeling and pull Sa Lin Ka is spreading to herd a people to rush toward the happy song joke of middle-class family.Hence, I see up broad earth in the motherland, China children in in the whole world lead to utter high song.The joys celebrates a mother 60-year-old birthday in motherland, sends best regards to the motherland in the name of republic children and blesses for mother.

Ha, motherland, you are like one Fan of leaf hope and drove from the republic founded a nation the Long Long gun salute voice of big Dian;Drove from Mt. Heaven the foot hot tile just with the three-stringed piano moving musical sound;Drove from the yellow river aroused a more rising big wave voice and ten thousand precinct chief, river, the ship work number son voice of the male Hun;The absolute being state No.5 cosmos airship that embarked from Yang Li Wei of aerospace hero roamed about at pleasure to drive in the good news of space;Blue print and country that developed from reform in the city wealthy civilization fantasy drove in the song.Hence, I see the spring breeze blow into a hundred million happy doors and windows, heardthe story in spring resounding through China the earth.The broad sea Jiang flies fast heroic war boat, western backland again Teng rise hurtle the rocket in sky.It was glorious in the boundless process of half several centuries, there is frustrate.The Chinese of diligence braveness leader in 3 and under the party central leadership, unity of will is a formidable force, overcome all difficulties, with tremendous passionate devotion economic development ofdevelop China, strengthen my national prestige.History tells us and tells future, Deng Xiaopings construction contains the socialism theories of Chinese special feature and is like the rich brocade future prospects that the lighthouse illuminates a motherland, the party is central the Jian being leading people of the whole country effort go three representativess, with accompany into, constuct middle-class family completely society, head for fine future.

In the great military advance constucting socialism modernization big country, the China children created numerous miracles, in the race of world of Lin Rang people of this world in different light.You see, Shenzhen, bead sea, etc. a batch of special areas in Xiamen starts to dig Kingsoft, the river bank east new area sticks out the chest, the pride also expresses to write the refreshing headline of developing the China.Nine Tengs in the steel Ultrasaurus big city fly south north, display the magnificent posture of China.Hong Kong regression, regression in Macau, Peking states Ao success, the China children all receives due acclaim and attention, the Hao feeling is ten thousand Zhangs.

The capital city in Peking, an overseas Chinese of over sixty years of age visited city appearance in Peking with the regiment, after watching review troops the troops dominant performance, the hot tears maneuvered.His regrets ground says:lately Chinese be really getting stronger now, there is motherland doing strong backing, oversea overseas Chinese the waist pole is harder, our body is in the overseas and hope a motherland strong, prosperous and prosperous.Listen the old mans heartfelt words, I imitate a Buddha to touch him that very hot patriotic heart.At the moment, my ear again response my I patriotic of heart, the great wall never pour this male Hun, arouse more of singing.This singing calls China children to make great effort to make country strong and create more a house fine tomorrow.

The friends faces the sun, the autumnal winds sends great, let us stand ancient Great Wall up with deep feeling, with a kind of heroic, with a kind of rites of majesty, start to carry a gold cup, drink to hearts content a joys to celebrate of beautiful wine, lightly soft hand each inch of foot of land, bless our dear people Anne from country Tai in motherland together, have a bright future.

国庆节演讲稿 中文




啊,一分钟,多么令人心颤的一分钟!看到这儿,我的心被震撼了,泪水也止不住掉了下来。我想,别说他们在那里要为我国在世界高技术领域占有一席之地,为实现中华民族千百年来的“飞天”梦想而拼搏,就是呆在那儿,也是奉献。 是的,作为军人,我知道,在雪山,在海岛,在荒原,在戈壁,有无数与小赵小张一样的士兵,为了祖国的强盛和人民的安宁,在默默忍受着艰辛与寂寞。作为军人,我更懂得,是军人这特殊的职业赋予了军人特殊的使命,特殊的使命赋予了军人特殊的追求。军人,也许就意味着奉献与牺牲。 难道不是吗?翻开中国革命的历史画卷,不难发现,其中最引人注目的便是那些为了祖国和人民的利益而驰骋疆场、马革裹尸的军人。从万里长征、八年抗战、南征北战到自卫还击、抗震救灾、抗洪抢险,多少年来,这支人民的军队,在党的绝对领导之下,经受着无数次血与火的洗礼,一次又一次向党和人民交出合格的答卷!就说那300公里航天大动脉,当年修建时就有120名忠骨埋在了沙丘。

小时候,我曾羡慕穿身军装,现在我终于实现了这个梦想,如今,我又跨进全军的高等学府――国防科技大学的校门。在这里,我又读到许许多多的银河人,他们将银河精神在新时代高高奏响,为响应江总书记“科技强军”的号召,在夜以继日的、默默的耕耘与劳作。 周光铭院士在接受记者采访时说过这样一句话:“我一生也就做了六台机器。”朋友,你想想,这六台是什么样的机器啊!难道还不够吗?这,就是我们老一代银河人的骄傲!

在研制银河Ⅲ期间,卢锡城同志带领年轻人向新的技术制高点冲击,有11名同志是在攻关战斗中度过新婚蜜月的,不少人连续三次春节都在机房里度过。就是凭着这种精神,他们创造了新的辉煌。这,就是新一代银河人的自豪! 如今,再看看我这身军装,我应该掂得出她的份量。在新的历史时期,我们军队仍然肩负着重大的历史使命。放心吧,祖国,放心吧,人民,时间流逝,斗转星移,永远抹不去的就是战士对党和人民的一颗赤胆忠心!青山和大地会证明我们的忠诚,蓝天和白云会昭示我们的誓言,“奉献”,我们认了,“牺牲”,我们说值!那是因为,共和国军人的心中只有一个期盼,那就是:为了共和国明天的辉煌!



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Every year for 365 days, there are childrens birthdays, one day belongs to their own birthday.July 23rd is my sisters birthday.

In the morning, my sister, who loves to sleep in bed, has already got up. She is so excited. She seems as happy as a world champion.Early in the morning, she asked us to wish her a happy birthday, and grandma did not say she was very unhappy.Later, she and her mother went happily to buy balloons and small gifts.The time has gone by one minute, its 11.

More than 11, sister came back, she invited a few good friends also arrived, they seem to have not seen the same ten years, they are happy to play together.Birthday PARTY begins.I didnt sit idle for a second, pumping air into the balloon.Red. Orange. Yellow......I put the balloon in every part of the living room.Let them find their favorite colors to play with.

We had lunch at noon, and everything was on the table.On the birthday first birthday, and then on a very beautiful princess Bobbi cake, this is what my sister reads every day.Everyone sang the birthday song and shared delicious and nice cakes together.Another pizza everyone loves to eat.

Then, we played pillow fight.We are 2 to 2.First sister and her classmates a group, I and her other classmates a group.We threw pillows at each other frantically, while we were hiding and throwing.Sister also fight back to us, living room, sofa, tea machine, the ground has left traces of our fighting.Suddenly, the living room became an amusement park.

Sisters birthday ended in laughter.



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Success Is What?What is successThis is an old topic. However,However, everyone’s  understanding of success is quite different. Some people think that having money, house, car, a woman is successful. Some people think that success is doing something that you want to do. Some even deny the existence of success, he thinks this world is not successful, only the endless pursuit.So I want to make a new definition of success: Success is something that people are very eager to do good things gained a sense of satisfaction and excitement. Therefore, we do things, no matter big and small, as long as you want to do, and through your efforts made, and you happy, then you succeeded. Do not look too far successful, they should not be too easy to see success, success requires your effort. Those who believe that successful people do not exist, in fact, continue to define new goals, they will from what they have done to get happy, they succeeded.(

In order to become successful, you should first of all be both perseverance and hardworking. As you know, whatever you do, there are always two possible results: success and failure. When you fail, you should never lose heart. On the contrary, you must build up your confidence and work even harder. You should always keep in mind that perseverance is the mother of success and industry is the key to it. In addition, you should pay great attention to your work method. It is necessary for you to sum up your experience constantly and improve the efficiency of your work. Finally, it is important for you to get along well with your co-workers, care for each other and help each other. If you follow these principles, you will certainly achieve remarkable success in thefuture.

In my opinion, success means achieving brilliant results in ones work, that is, making outstanding contributions to the development of the country and bringing happiness to the people. So my conclusion is that even if one has made great progress in what he does, I don’t think there’s any reasons for him tobeconceited.



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I was born on March 15, 2001. So March 15 is my birthday. I began to give a birthday party in . Later on I have my birthday party every year.

Last Saturday I had my birthday party at home. A few of my friends came to my party. Everyone bought me a birthday present, and they all said, "Happy birthday to you." Then I said "Thank you very much for giving me the birthday presents."

On my birthday, my mother made my birthday cake and cooked some delicious food. My friends helped me to put the candles on the big cake. Then we began the party.

I had a good time that day. We sang and played games, and ate delicious food. How happy I was!




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If I ruled the world, I would do some changes that will make the world become better. I would publicize concept of peace, and try to reduce wars. I would also try my best to reduce taxation, help poor people with their producion and make business revive. I would change education too, because it is said that the fature of a country depends on children of the country. In a way, the future of the world depends on children of the world. So I think, the education is a very important factor to make the world become better. I would reduce class-time, reduce homeworks and build many appliances for play on the playground. I would make the schools become a kind of place that kids can be happy there, and like there. I would definitely be a good leader. If somebedy gave me honor to rule the whole world, I wouldn’t let him(her) down. I would do anything I can do to make the world become more beautiful, more peaceful and warmer.




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The hair style of high school students has been a controversial issue for many years. The prescribed plain short hair may look tidy, but the insistence on the hair length below the ear lobe in the case of girl students, which is fixed at one centimeter or at most two, is quite unnecessary. Until recently, the Mayor of Tainan had tried to persuade the Ministry of Education to give the high schoolers the carte blanche to determine their own hair styles. It is difficult for us to say if the idea is right or wrong. So far as I am concerned, problems of the young are not confined to such a small matter as hair style; what matters is the reinforcement of the students' moral consciousness, the way they should behave, and the like. The length of their hair or whether they have the right to give it a permanent wave is relatively unimportant. Cleanness and neatness is what really matters. There is hardly anything that stays unchanged all the time. Why doesn't the concerned authority reconsider this hair business? Maybe the bickerings that sour the relations between the military instructors and their students will therefore be gone. By the way, to improve one's appearance is nothing wrong, is it? We all expect to see a new look of the young. Maybe a change in the concerned authority's policy toward the high schoolers' hair style will bring this about.




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1. 营造清洁卫生环境,共建健康美好生活

2. 清洁城乡,保护健康














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In life there are a lot of people are suffering from AIDS. Many people think that AIDS will infect, hugging, shaking hands this action will infect.

That I want to tell you, you are wrong, you wrong too wide of the mark. Do this and HIV/AIDS patients, it is not contagious, even though you know wont infect, also dont want to and they do this, you reject them in my mind, rejected them in life.

Some people even close to them, do not want to go near. AIDS patients know this disease is not contagious, but, around them know they have AIDS, try not to let themselves be others to touch your body each place. They do this is why? So that I dont want to let others to infection, although they know wont infect, but I still do that.

HIV/AIDS patients have been protected us, dont let us to be infected. But we even words all dont, they say, even a kind word doesnt say them. HIV/AIDS patients is that we need more care and support, they also want to like normal person, doing what you can do a normal person.







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As you slowly open your eyes, look around , notice where the light comes into your room; listen carefully, see if there are new sounds you can recognize; feel with your body and spirit, and see if you can sense the freshness in the air. Yes, yes, yes, it’s a new day, it’s a different day, and it’s a bright day! And most importantly, it is a new beginning for your life, a beginning where you are going to make new desicisions, take new actions, make new friends, and take your life to a totally unprecedented level! You know all this is real as long as you are confident,passionate and committed! And you are confident, you are passionate, you are committed!

You will no longer fear making new sounds, showing new facial expressions, using your body in new ways,approaching new people, and asking new questions. You will live every single day of your life with absolute passion, and you will show your passion through the words you speak and the actions you take. You will focus all your time and effort on the most important goals of your life. You will never succumb to challenges of hardships. You will never waver in your pursuit of excellence. After all,you are the best, and you deserve the best!

As your coach and friend, I can assure you the door to all the best things in the world will open to you, but the key to that door is in your hand. You must do your part, you must faithfully follow the plans you make and take the actions you plan, you must never quit, you must never fear. I know you must do it, you can do it, you will do it, and you will succeed!

Now stand firm and tall, make a fist, get excited, and yell it out: I must do it! I can do it! I will do it! I will succeed! I must do it! I can do it! I will do it! I will succeed! I must do it! I can do it! I will do it! I will succeed!



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1、 世界卫生日到,饮食作息要规律。不吸烟少饮酒,多跑步常锻炼。注意日常饮食卫生,勤换洗被褥,勤洗内衣裤,健康生活很重要,注意卫生天天美!

2、 世界卫生日,温馨小贴士,饭前来洗手,生活乐悠悠,睡前来洗脚,身体健康绕,衣服要勤换,病菌离你远,废物不乱扔,环保记心中,卫生永安康,幸福喜洋洋。

3、 讲卫生,爱干净。勤洗手,多洗澡。体健康,心欢喜。开心笑,没烦恼。身和心,都卫生。好形象,人人爱。世界卫生日,祝你干干净净,人见人爱。

4、 2017年世界卫生日,给我们心灵深处一次大扫除,用‘感恩之心’做扫把,扫除灰尘和污垢,用‘宽容之心’做剪刀,减去矛盾和纠结,用‘快乐之心’溶解心中的怨恨,世界卫生日,健康生活到永远。


6、 我跟你说啊,卫生是用来讲究的,不是用来将就的,赶快去洗洗吧。什么?你不去?来呀,大澡堂子伺候。世界卫生日,就是要你干净,哼哼!

7、 2017年世界卫生日,人要讲卫生,手要勤洗牙要刷,衣服常换棉被暴晒,吃上卫生是“绿色”,垃圾食品要杜绝,痰不随便吐,垃圾没随便扔,这些都做到,卫生卫士就是你。

8、 2017年世界卫生日今来到,写条短信问声好,被褥常晒无病菌,保持卫生勤洗澡,开窗通风换空气,消毒洗涮病菌少,卫生常抓不松懈,身体健康少不了。

9、 在公共场合吸烟,危害的是一群人;在公共场合吐痰,恶心的是所有路人;在公共场合乱丢垃圾,也给自己脸上丢了垃圾;世界卫生日,愿朋友你跟我一起呼吁社会保护环境,注意卫生。

10、 扫扫屋内灰尘,干干净净透出来;理理个人杂物,整整齐齐显出来;查查日常饮食,健健康康吃出来;整整思想心态,开开心心映出来。世界卫生日,记得照顾好自己哦。

11、 世界卫生日来到,动手齐把卫生搞,室内擦拭并清扫,随地吐痰可不好,垃圾烟灰不乱丢,维护环境很重要,公共卫生保护好,身康体健无烦恼!

12、 卫生要搞好,健康少不了,衣服勤洗换,病菌不侵犯,经常来洗澡,紧张劳累跑,早晚去锻炼,身体康又健,世界卫生日,愿你健康永远。

13、 洗刷刷,洗刷刷,天天健康乐开花;勤剪指甲,勤洗澡,细菌污垢跑不了;勤通风,勤洒水,室内卫生要谨慎;世界卫生日到了,愿你身体强壮,幸福开心。

14、 挥起快乐扫把子,清理烦心大屋子;拿起健康小刷子,洗净悲伤大盘子;不做脏兮小孩子,争过卫生小日子;内外干净好身子,祝你健康一辈子,世界卫生日,关注卫生,关注健康,世界卫生日快乐。

15、 世界卫生日到,劝你,常打扫,细菌除,常洗脚,疾病减,常晒被,睡眠安,祝福你,笑容甜,容颜美,精神爽,体健康,平安行,乐一生。

16、 世界卫生日,我祝福你一马当先奔前程,二话不说就是发,三羊开泰一生健康,四个神仙来保驾出入平安。不管是谁看了这条短信都要转发,因为转发者会幸福吉祥,天天交好运,明天当上财神爷,你赶快转发吧。

17、 勤剪指甲勤理发,有害细菌杀光光。勤洗澡来勤换衣,保持健康洗刷刷。排除忧愁远烦恼,心灵洁净乐悠悠。世界卫生日来到,祝你快乐笑哈哈。

18、 让太阳晒晒,促进吸收钙,身体更健康。让小雨淋淋,补充负离子,心情更放松。世界卫生日,祝你身心健康,开心快乐。

19、 卫生日,来洗手,健康快乐都拥有;卫生日,来洗脚,睡眠充足事业高;卫生日,来洗头,金钱钞票家里流;世界卫生日,人人讲卫生,安康万里行。

20、 扫去忧愁的垃圾,清除烦恼的污垢,洗去满身的疲惫,保持健康的身体,留住开心和喜悦,享受幸福的生活。世界卫生日,祝你健康!

21、 有痰不要乱吐,垃圾不要随手丢弃,不要随地大小便,请做到以上这些内容,因为公共卫生关系到我们每一个人的健康。每个人的一个善举,便可以成就一个奇迹。祝福朋友们世界卫生日快乐。

22、 听说你三年没有洗发,头发上面已经可以长草;五年没有洗澡,身上的泥可以当土壤;世界卫生日到,还不快洗澡!呵呵,洗洗才健康哟!

23、 世界卫生日到了,提醒你:作息要规律,床铺要整洁,饭前要洗手,睡前要洗脚,不是乱啰嗦,愿你身体好,注意讲卫生,疾病找不了,愿你真幸福,一生都美好!

24、 世界卫生日到,讲卫生,身安康,勤打扫,心情爽,勤洗手,病菌走,勤消毒,疾病无,勤洗澡,身体好,勤锻炼,体康健,勤宣传,美家园。

25、 白鹅在湖里游泳,洗去烦恼更快乐;小鱼在水里歌唱,洗洗更加健康;你也不要在执迷不悟,光顾着滚粪球了!世界卫生日到,注意卫生哟!

26、 世界卫生日,蟑螂向你发出了抗议,老鼠开始居家迁徙,蚊蝇对你退避三舍,百步之内我不敢见你。哥,在世界卫生日你就好好洗洗吧。祝你世界卫生日快乐。

27、 猪,起床了吗?今天可是一个特殊的日子——世界卫生日,即便你是猪也要过节啊。起床洗脸刷牙更清醒,勤洗手除细菌,出来晒晒太阳身体好。猪,世界卫生日,一年就一回,你还等什么呢,还不赶快起床?

28、 世界卫生日到,我的短信来到,不乱倒垃圾,保护环境,不随地吐痰,养成习惯,勤晒太阳,杀掉细菌,扫去灰尘,轻松愉快。祝你开心快乐每一天。

29、 世界卫生日,短信嘱咐你,饭前便后要洗手,疾病与你绕着走,早晨夜晚要刷牙,刷走细菌清爽留下,勤换内衣和外套,身体健康没烦恼!

30、 四月七,卫生日,我的祝福陪着你,愿你干干净净穿新衣,讲究卫生数第一,收拾房间扫垃圾,清扫屋院心欢喜,手脚衣物多清洗,无病无灾好身体!

31、 争一种快活叫“干干净净”,盼一种享受叫“健康卫生”,祈一种美丽叫“心灵纯净”,得一种情谊叫“祝福由衷”,世界卫生日,愿你健康幸福一辈子,世界卫生日快乐。

32、 常洗手常洗脚,卫生习惯很重要,多通风多锻炼,身体健康永相伴,讲卫生今日抓,环保搞好利国家,世界卫生日,愿你好运相伴,安康永远。

33、 卫生日,想健康,卫生保,想平安,垃圾扫,想快乐,勤洗澡,想舒心,被褥晾,想幸福,来环保,卫生日,祝福语,财运随,幸福绕,平安行,健康抱,笑容爽。

34、 一池清水藏着致命的细菌,一双净手躲着无数病毒,一阵浓雾带来众多颗粒。侵害人身体的毒物都是人的眼睛看不到的,只有良好的卫生习惯才能让我们的生活更健康。世界卫生日,愿你的生活无污染,永远健康。



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The poet said: spring flowers to the door pushed open a. I said: Thanksgiving to the door pushed open a harmony, harmony open the door to the living. If you carefully listen to the voices of flowers, are everywhere harmonious life movement.

Love, the soul like fire ignited the hope of love, the soul like绿茵propped up the sky. Love is a force, is a wealth. We should be in the hearts of young sow the seeds of love. Let us be thankful for, the Institute of Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving with a heart to face life, in the face of learning, in the face of setbacks, thereby Experience parents, teachers, classmates and friends of selfless relatives and friends, "know drips of TU, when Yongquan of" the real meaning.

Thanksgiving is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, build a socialist harmonious society needs. Guangdong lawyer Tian, in order to return the mothers kindness in telling your mother dying when she donated his kidney to restore the mothers life; Xu Yu return to the community of his kindness, decided to leave after graduating from university in the bustling city , broke into the thatched shed to seeking knowledge, a thirst for knowledge sent the children …

Appreciate your birth, because they allow you access to life; grateful for your dependents, because they allow you to continue to grow; grateful for the concern you, because they give you warmth; grateful to encourage you to the people, because they give you strength; grateful for your education, because they Kaihua your ignorance; grateful to harm your people because they temper your intellect; grateful for your trip, because it strengthens your legs; grateful for your contempt, because it awakening your self-esteem; grateful abandoned your people, because he taught you that independence; everything grateful, Institute of gratitude, gratitude to all the people you grow up!

Students, and a song called "thank you": I thank the moon lit up the night sky, thanks to the dawn Zhaoxia endorse for the spring snow melt for the land feeding the people, to thank his mother for giving me life … thank harvest for peace for all of this all all.

Thanksgiving-Fighting, Thanksgiving unlimited! Students, and Society Thanksgiving! Let us always to the life caring and full of love and love! Let us brought up their hands and work together, everyone aspired to build a socialist harmonious society!


爱,像火种点燃心灵的希望; 爱,像绿茵撑起心灵的天空。爱,是一种力量,是一种财富。我们应该从小在心中撒播爱的种子。让我们心存感激,学会感恩。用一颗感恩的心去面对生活,面对学习,面对挫折,从而体会父母,师长,同学,朋友间无私的亲情,友情,"懂得滴水之恩,当涌泉相报”的真正内涵。




